I want him to play some games. Any games. Preferably good games.
Why does he barely even play video games anymore?
we don't talk about racist nazis on this sub
>Why does he barely even play video games anymore?
he grow up
It would be lovely if he could cut out the /pol/ shit and just go back to comfy gaming.
not vidya
He's Yea Forums personified
Based retard
t. lefty twitter frequent
He has grown up, video games are for children.
but Yea Forums isn't
top zozzle
>literally spends all day looking at memes
>grown up
because he's lazy. playing videogames doesn't take much effort but doing shitty reaction videos takes even less.
>comfy gaming
I miss when everyone hated this faggot, all it took was him saying nigger to get the absolute brainlets here to blindly follow him
>calling other people reddit
Very ironic
you lose interest in games in your 20s.
I unironically started saying nigger when i get angry after seeing him do it.
after you are 12, unless you have low test.
nobody cares about Muh Woke Shrieking Faggot here
He literally tweeted "Videogames are for cowards." Now that he's woke/red pilled he wants to be a neo nazi leader to save his country and sees games as a waste of time and energy.