Why does he barely even play video games anymore?

I want him to play some games. Any games. Preferably good games.

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we don't talk about racist nazis on this sub

>Why does he barely even play video games anymore?

he grow up

It would be lovely if he could cut out the /pol/ shit and just go back to comfy gaming.

not vidya

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He's Yea Forums personified
Based retard

t. lefty twitter frequent

He has grown up, video games are for children.

but Yea Forums isn't


top zozzle

>literally spends all day looking at memes
>grown up

because he's lazy. playing videogames doesn't take much effort but doing shitty reaction videos takes even less.

>comfy gaming

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I miss when everyone hated this faggot, all it took was him saying nigger to get the absolute brainlets here to blindly follow him

>calling other people reddit
Very ironic

you lose interest in games in your 20s.

I unironically started saying nigger when i get angry after seeing him do it.

after you are 12, unless you have low test.

nobody cares about Muh Woke Shrieking Faggot here

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He literally tweeted "Videogames are for cowards." Now that he's woke/red pilled he wants to be a neo nazi leader to save his country and sees games as a waste of time and energy.