Character grows up

>Character grows up
Games where this happens?

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I thought her middle name was "the"?

>boots has no boots
Fucking trash
I'm kind of excited for this tho. I miss good exotic locale adventures and this is a crazy enough concept to work.

I wanna fuck Dora

But is she still cute and funny?

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>Dora theatrical movie
>over a decade after Dora was relevant


Zelda Oot

>Uncharted: Dora Edtion

Also isn't her middle name "The"?

This movie feels like a giant honeypot

We're entering the realm of early 00's nostalgia. The audience that was 5 years old in 2000 when the show premiered are now 23 and starting to have children of their own.

>Dora Movie
Diegobros..... we lost.

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Diego was always trash


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>No thicc Dora


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don't lie
you will only watch it because you want to fug moner

Dragon Quest V


>Danny Trejo supposed to voice boots
What the fuck

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>its real

>Character grows up
>Games where this happens?
The fucking witchfucker 1-2-3, you scrub

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What the fuck is this?
A Dora the Explora gritty Reboot?

A sense of fear and dread just washed over me.

but is it going to go the nuLara route?

Not everyone has played downgraded Gothic, user.

bioshock infinite burial at sea part 2

>2000 was 23 years ago

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This is your Dora, say something nice about her

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>10 years ago was 15 years ago

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shes perfect bros

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is that who's playing her? she's cute

Let it wash over you

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Breath of Fire 3

this at least has the benefit of having a attractive female lead

College girls now were born in 2001.


this is a moner thread
post your rare moners

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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
>tfw DXC didn'thave Saturn Maria

I feel the void creeping up my ankle

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I mean, who cares as long as it's legal

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Embrace it my friend

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So litle lupe got rid of the fake tits and cleaned herself up?

>doyers fan

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The Atelier games.

what exactly happened in that lovie?

Timmy tries to stay a kid and then matures because he wants to fuck environmentalist Tootie. Movie ends with Jorgen making a loophole where timmy gets to keep his fairies as long as they are used for doing good deeds for the world like a permanent community service job.

>second half of game time skips
>the children of the protagonists in the first half are now the primary protagonists
Besides GotHW, what other games does this?

Some Hollywood jew saw those pictures and fucked the shit out of her and then decided to make a movie.

>the kids stats are based on who you made the parents
that would actually be a cool way of doing kids in the next FE, but I doubt IS would ever do that...

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Based Muslim invaders

>she only got her role in transformers becuase she sucks some jews dick
i wish i could back in time to save her and then create little mongrel babies with her

How many of you fuckheads are gonna post this video?

Can't complain though, I like the beat.

>society tells you its not okay to want to fuck pic related

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>Not white

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What a vapid and worthless thot jesus christ.

Resident Evil

What fucking shithole society are you living in?

Where I live she is both legal age and a race we are encouraged to COLONIZE

>little doll

she's perfect partly because she's not white

We all do.

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In the ending to tbe last movie Timmy dies in a volcano and the film ends with Timmy becoming a fairy himself.

The US? She is 17, which is illegal in mant states.. Pretty sure 16 in this picture though, which i dont think is legal in any state.

One of the Fire Emblems
Phantasy Star 3 (or something like that)
Rune Factory 2

Rune Factory 2.

Phantasy Star 3

This is a shamelessly ignorant post.

I honestly there's more dignity in resigning yourself to "2d" than watching vapid instagram whores make faces into a camera

This movie is over 10 years old

How do you fucking figure autist? Its about the same shit, but at least in one instance you are getting off to an actual real life human bean

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>starting to have children

No, not unless you're a teen mom

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Its the "watching 6 second loops of a girl making faces" that gets my cringe going more that just looking at poorly drawn porn

But why are you comparing 2d porn to real life not porn? You should compare similar circumstances. For example "watching 6 second loops of real girls making faces" should be compared to "watching 6 second loops of a anime girl making faces" and in that example how is 2d better?


It isn't but the 3d version came first with people constantly posting sub 10 second loops of girls just staring into a camera and flapping their lips. But yeah to be fair anime equivalents do exists with shit like the chika dance where I've seen people unironically complain about "bad loops" because "after an hour of watching this the bad cuts have gotten really noticeable"

>i dont think
Right. I don't even live in the US and I know 16 is legal in most states.

>20 years ago is in 80 years

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holy fuck this thing is gonna have so much porn

I want to explore her if you catch my drift

>tomb raider made bank
>we can too

And they are right.

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>Gritty and realistic environment
>Dora still has her brighly colorful clothes
What in the name of fuck is this even trying to be?