Thoughts on the VTMB:2 plot?
Sounds fun imo
Thoughts on the VTMB:2 plot?
Sounds fun imo
Other urls found in this thread:
>releasing on consoles
>made by sjws
>reddit is going crazy over it
This game is going to bomb so fucking hard
I have never seen a game dropping so hard from
>best gamer ever
>gender pronoun
in under 1 hour
It seems VTMB will be the only good game in the series.
>t. seething polcel
sounds nice and all but until the game is out this is just meaningless platitudes. I find it extremely hard to believe americans in game dev in 2019 can do that
She's not wrong?
i can imagine that character being written today without a shred of irony
you're an idiot
you should see what they called the Bush administration.
>without a shred of irony
Resetera seems to love it.
>The conflict between tradition and progress, conflict between money and artistic endeavours
>art vs commerce and technological advances vs tradition
I dig it
>no arguement
Based retard
You should see what they said about the Bush administration.
I think it's funny that resetera thinks they're sexually adventurous when most of them have probalby have never had sex and made up of puritanical sex negative individuals themselves.
are you brown?
The old game had a black in it! can you believe this sjw shit? He even references having sex!
Not him, but you should stop acting retarded.
You would be fucking screaming in anger if the very same game was released today.
You'd declare without the shadow of a doubt that there never was any irony.
>political stance
>art vs commerce
>technology vs tradition
Aaaand it's ruined.
The strange thing is that sjw hated V5 because it wasn't progressive enough, grognards despised it for being retarded and /pol/acks hated it for the pandering.
The vampire threads on /tg/ for each V5 book release were glorious
why are you defending a racist caricature?
>This game is going to bomb so fucking hard
>Says increasingly nervous Yea Forumsirgin for the 5th time this year
What's wrong with either of these, exactly?
Not him either but you should hear what they said about the Bush administration
/pol/ thinks it will have race baiting and such things, that's why they're trying to shit on the game so hard.
>you would be x if z was y
it wasn't though so i'm not lol
Because it isn't racist and he was a good character.
take this and mix it with vampires and you'll have an interesting political drama
>Reddit boogeyman!
>Reddit is so different from 2019 Yea Forums
Yikes you guys are retarded, there has been literally no difference between the average Yea Forums poster and the average reddit poster for years.
he was a literal stereotype you racist faggot
>without a shred of irony
That was also without a shred of irony, this was a game made by southern californians about southern californians.
It will be vampire politics, vampire art vs vampire commerce, and the fact that the Technocracy can BTFO any faggot bloodsucker at a moments notice. Mages>>>mage shit>>>vampires
Nobody gives a fuck about George Bush.
>That was also without a shred of irony
no it wasn't
Chechen DLC when
>the radio advertisements about the Republican candidate
That shit never stops being fucking hilarious.
You can literally call her out on it.
My dude literally every character in the game is at least somewhat morally compromised.
>stereotype good when game old
You can have stereotypes and not be a racist. it's like having a redneck white talking about how he wants to fuck his cousin. It's stereotypical but not inherently racist especially if he's a good guy
pass, not very interested in lectures
>Concerned about 1 sjw compared to the nobodies who worked on movie cash ins that didn't leave for better prospects and also Paradox in general
>Redditera invading Vtmb threads
I want to go back to simpler times.
Sr. or Jr.?
Stereotypes can be good no matter what, it depends on if they're written well is all.
>when most of them have probalby have never had sex and made up of puritanical sex negative individuals themselves
Do you even know where you are right now?
Mitsoda is a massive SJW faggot, it absolutely was.
stereotypes are never good, fuck off
>implying they will even show a fraction of the homeless problem in seattle.
How is Reddit invading the threads exactly? All I see is anons complaining about politics and how we can't like the game anymore because some sjws like it.
>stereotypes aren’t racist if they’re positive
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip-A-Dee-Ay
My oh my what a wonderful day
So did our Vampire from the first game OPEN IT
Stereotypes can be good, it literally just depends on if they are written well. see Blacker Baron and Cole Train
>t_d immigrants invading Vtmb threads
I want to go back to simpler times.
>stereotypes can be good if they make me laugh
fuck off.
It's 15 years later, he's probably ash either way.
You can have negative stereotypes as well. I don't think incest is positive nor do I think gangbanging is but you can have good characters that like those things
I know exactly where I am. And I'm gonna say this loud and proud but /pol/ is just as bad. In fact. Resetera level leftists and /pol/ are both just as bad as each other and also just as sex negative.
Because BF5, Anthem, Apex, Far Cry New Dawn and other woke games have made so much money this year, right?
They don't have to make me laugh, they just need to be good characters and make you care about them.
Ya'll don't find the satire of then different than today? snl and fucking crowder are considered quality now and that doesn't raise an eyebrow?
the image you posted does not summarize or actually even mention the plot, so how exactly are people supposed to form an opinion that is not pointless on it?
I imagine my Nosferatu is still eating rats and jerking off to the posters on his wall in the sewer.
Vampires realize they whole world is fucked if they let Google become too powerful.
a stereotype is inherently one dimensional and not a good character, you just like it because it doesn't upset your sensibilities.
Apex did and so did COD WW2
You will buy the game so you can choose your favorite pronoun for your mental illness and you will pay 50% tip for cut content and you will get hyped about our progressive values that we hamfisted to every line of dialogue.
I really hope we get a "Chaos" option like the Chinese vampires, a definitive bad pick where the game doesn't even try to pretend your choice was justifiable.
Yeah, because of mentally ill self-hating redditors like you. Blow your fucking brains out already.
>Giving Paradox money
He sadly is right on this one, this is going to be a mess.
>Hardsuit Lab's only other game is a free to play shooter
Why does anybody think this will be good?
The place where we call ourself Yea Forumsirgins? the post wasn't just mocking the fact they don't have sex, but making fun of them thinking they are sexually adventurous while being pathetic losers
Stereotypes aren't one dimensional unless they're bad. Blacker Baron is a pimp stereotype yet he cares about his friends and would fight for them even to the death. He was trying to tell Jack to get the fuck out while he can and trying to help him out even if he's an egotistical jackass. Dhaslim is also a very heavy stereotype yet you can see he is a good man that loves his village and is also very stoic and smart he's also shown to be a pacifist and only fight when he needs too.
fake as fuck
>Stereotypes aren't one dimensional unless they're bad
you're an idiot, as i said you like it because it doesn't hurt your sensibilities.
the difference is that poster is allowed to post on Yea Forums and was banned from wrongthink on reddit
It's literally in the game so is
So...a group of soulless monsters indulges and encourages degenerate acts and has bizarre extremist political beliefs? Where's the problem here?
It's on GOG, easiest pirate in the world.
Play the game, Reddit.
Wasn't the world meant to be destroyed a few years after the original game or something?
Apparently that was just Camarilla lies.
yeah is but damsel never once mentions communism. you should be able to link the convo since you seem to be so sure.
>playing unpatched
I think you're ignoring what i'm saying user, Stereotypes can be good when written well. Look at Punch-Out Wii for instance. The game is filled with Stereotypes like the dancing black guy, the weak Frenchman and even a Canadian that chugs maple syrup. That handled Stereotypes, even ones that can be seen as negative in a good way. having Stereotypes doesn't immediately mean bad character or one dimensional. you have characters that aren't really stereotypical that are bad as well.
Shut the fuck up and link the clip.
With several ending depending on your choices surely some have to be bad endings.
Why is Yea Forums full of lefty faggots and trannies?
all the people banned from gaf/retardera for minor wrongthink need somewhere to go
Yea Forums always had qt traps
>you are a lefty if you don't hate video games for no reason
I haven't played the game since it was released and even I fucking remember that scene.
Go to 3:50.
you are going to some length to justify liking offensive stereotypes, but it's still boiling down to "i like it because it doesnt offend me"
White Wolf wanted to milk more sales so they changed a bunch of lore and clans to make New world of darkness. As expected, it was shti and old fans (ie people who supported the company) fucked off because it was trash, while white wolf sank further trying to pander to degenerates and other leftist.
>you are a lefty is you are a depressive passive aggressive loser millennial
Yeah pretty much
I honestly don't care as long as the game allows me to play as the far-right traditionalist vampire that I want.
>I haven't played the game since it was released
Bullshit, you probably play it at least once a year so you have every fucking line memorized.
Uh, no? The game left a good impression, and I replayed it a few times to experience the different endings and clans. Of course you start to remember dialogue then.
Because leftardism can only survive in extremely controlled, monitored forums and public places.
As soon as you stop policing what opinion is good or bad, the majority revert back to the truth, ie that trannies are degenerates, muslims are violent shitskin, etc.
You are used to your tighly regimented and thought-policed enclave. It will take time for you to shake off the indoctrination.
Remember when taking a stance against evil meant being anti-war and feeding the hungry instead of chopping dicks off and fucking men in the ass? *sips* those were the good old days...
>After all the player characters are something unique and special - something fascists cannot abide
I am fine with people putting their politics into a game they made, so long as the game is good.
I hope the game is good, and I hope I still have to hide in the sewers and eat rats as a nosferatu.
Please, it's important.
kill yourself back to twitter
Is /pol/ really triggered over their own misinformation?
I can’t wait until people like you are jailed or killed
The Stereotypes aren't really offensive but can be if they aren't written well. I found the two gangster transformers racist for one but their are good stereotype like I said. A good Stereotype isn't just a black guy saying nigga or a Russian screaming about Vodka. They had added qualities that make them human and someone you'd care for. Like I said before Dhaslim is a good example he was based on an Indian restaurant and was gonna look like a Hindu God but he is still very stereotypical and that shows. While he is a stereotype people would be sad if he died or didn't show up in SF6
Are you literally a mongoloid?
That was rethorical.
Are you pro-war and pro-hunger?
>I found the two gangster transformers racist for one but their are good stereotype like I said.
ah yes, there it is
>it's racist but it doesn't offend me
Devs are the people who were abandoned to keep a ftp FPS going
>any discussion of VTMB2 will be plagued by /pol/niggers
Well it was fun while it lasted.
I’m anti-dogwhistling fart-righter
You didn't answer the question. What's more important, fighting against war or fighting for the right to fuck men in their ass?
It's not racist, though can you honestly tell me how Dhaslim or any of the characters I mentioned is racist
The only problem left to solve is you fucking snowflakes
You can literally call her out on being retarded user. If it wasn't ironic in any way, then there were others on the team to counter balance the complete fags. That's not the case here.
hmm reckon people like you are more likely to be killed
and it'll all be your fault
she's right
>vampire politics don't affect human politics
Literally what is /pol/ seething about? It's a different world entirely.
>no u's
Same writer
Why don't you fight against war user? Why don't you stop your progressive rulers when they sign orders that kill hundreds of thousands? How did they indoctrinate you to think that fucking men in the ass is more important than saving lives?
Reminder that 99% of the “/pol/shit” you see on Yea Forums is falseflagging moral crusaders. The other 1% being when jews are mentioned.
Ah yes, because there was only one writer for VtMB.
>guys I’m totally against war look I’m such a good person
>faggots deserve death by the way kill all liberals
Again. I’m anti-subhumans like you.
>thinks it was a no u
>thinks I thought that post was referring to me or that I was referring to the person I was replying to
lmao nigger you're fucking retarded
>Most companies following diversity guidelines
>Most companies following our narrative in general
>Pronouns being added into games
Yea Forums here, and once again we fucking win again against the retards. Not that it's hard to win against idiots
that's awfully islamophobic of you
>he says, while posting a failure
The irony is palpable, fag.
>mfw yfw
>leftist politics
>Yea Forums here
the fuck are you on about
>would you support a murderous child pornographer?
>(candidate) recently took someone to court over being called a murderous child pornographer, but he said he was against frivolous lawsuits
>wanting a new WOD game after this travesty
I'm guessing street bums will be your main source of sustenance but their aids blood will also cause debuffs so you have to be careful.
Rik is coming back. Prepare for OST KINO
>Brian Mitsoda
I highly doubt he is still he man he was 15 years ago. The interview with the composer of the soundtrack says everything you need to know.
>Q: If you could... Would you make new music to Vampire: the Masquerade Bloodlines? Like adding new musical scores to diverse [sic] the current amazing music already in the game? / Did you use any music samples when making the soundtrack?
>Rik Schaffer: I couldn't. That music wasn't even a game score. It was an album. I'm not that guy, or in that place anymore. I was broke, living on a couch, out of rehab and jail and living in Hollywood. Basically a character of the game.
I want to believe, but mostly fake and gay
Fat Larry was an absolute bro. Hooked me up with proper shit at that part of the game.
I just want Bloodlines 2 to have hot vampire slots, big tittied goth girlfriends, vampire assholes and borderline caricatures for humans. I hope they realized there's a reason why this game is so beloved.
>No open world
>No true RPG elements
So libtardism and modern day shit game design, what a combination.
fuck people who cant tell the difference
>I only produce good work when I'm a fucking loser
Guy seems to think he's good enough for a sequel. Let the work speak for itself.
I dont really care about the political shit as long as the gameplay is good so I still give this game the benefit of the doubt
Prepare for sheer absolute disappointment laddy
>No open world is a bad thing
Get the fuck out.
She writes side quests but doesn't decide what the story is, retards.
VTMB was/is one of my favorite games of all time, and I don't think I'll ever be able to bring myself to play this shit.
>first game was made by a bunch of desperate people who were under the axe
>composed by an excon who was just released from prison and literally homeless
>dark, hopeless atmosphere of grimy la at night captured perfectly
>built on interesting WoD lore (pre slav shit at least)
>new game made by a bunch of onion boys who are attempting to make political stances with their video games
>tfw lived long enough to see your favorite game get a horrific sequel
>I like my games being empty corridors
>She writes side quests
and they are going to be shit some of the best parts of VMTB were the side quest
>They hired the same bitch who got HM2 banned in emuland
Kill yourself Obsidian.
Why? She only writes them she isn't directing the story.
I really can't feel anything but disdain for someone who can play through HM thinking "this is fine" and then they lose their shit over the two second skippable rape scene in HM2.
She's a senior writer so that means she gets to sit in every fucking meeting with leads of their respective departments. Do you really that when she rolls her eyes and mumbles "well that's not sexist AT ALL..." to herself the others are going to tell her to lighten up?
>VTMB was/is one of my favorite games of all time, and I don't think I'll ever be able to bring myself to play this shit.
it's my top favorite too so i'll at least give it a chance, but not happy about the $90 price tag for the deluxe edition and them already saying malks in the original were bad, their views have "matured" since the first game, a writer praising anita sarkeesian, etc.
Why are we forgetting Horizon: Zero Dawn and and Assassin's creed Odyssey?
Why do idiots make these sort of posts?
We're all fully aware that we're unhealthy losers, that doesn't stop us from calling out what we're familiar with.
You're not clever, and you're especially not funny.
Everyone here will live long enough to see their favorite games rebooted and fucking shit on.
Everything we know about the current team behind this is shooting up MASSIVE red flags.
No there's literally no difference at all.
>senior writer in the video game industry
Literally means nothing.
Yes you would
>still believing this
A trap is just a tranny you would stick your dick in. Same mental illness. Your lack of standards paved the way for the discord trannies, hope you enjoy it.
>A trap is just a tranny you would stick your dick in. Same mental illness.
absolute bullshit and you know it
Those are pretty forgettable games, to be fair.
but it wasn't so i'm not lol
Stop spreading bullshit.
Yeah but they're "woke" games and were still successful.
So how many of these progressive genders will we get to choose from?
This just keeps sounding worse and worse the more I hear about it
fuck those faggots
Bush and the GOP are Zionist scum and democrats are anti white
>She/her (has a dick)
If that line was written seriously it wouldn't have ended with
>It's just common sense, you know!
>where it fails for humans
Lol. Imagine if she said something like
>Yeah, I totally support transgender rights for kindred. Trannie humans though are just people fucked in the head"
This is pretty much my opinion here. I want the game to do well, but I'm really not hyped for it.
Isn't being unique, special and superior at the core of fascist ideology tho? Your nation is special, your leader is special, your race is special and so you are special. The idea that no other race/nation/ideology can match yours is a core tenant of fascism
>We are sexually adventureous
>Why is that Japanese cartoon showing someones panties!? Put a burka on that fighting game character! Is that cleavage I see on that witch!?
/pol/ ruins every fucking board on the site and the mods have the audacity to suggest keeping it around is good for Yea Forums's discussion.
If they kept their shit to their own board, no one would fucking care, but they are literally incapable of doing this.
Stereotypical people exist. Thats where the stereotypes come from.
doesnt it sound exactly like the first game?
It'd be cooler if you were already an established vampire and got to choose from some backstories
You know, you can just go to reddit if you don't like /pol/. It's kinda what Yea Forums unique from the rest of the internet
Every fucking thread about this game is just /pol/ getting baited by /pol/ over and over
Maybe they learned how much free marketing they can get from triggering incels from Far Cry 5 and then the game isn't even that political when it's out.
Win-win for them as a company.
He is retarded...You already should have know by his stance on communism
>d-don't say bad things about rich people and big companies
The real problem here is not the trans and stuff.
VtM without freaky alien genotypes is like gears of war without muscles or bethesda games without bugs.
The problem is that they will get those freaky people and dehumanize em, turn em into literal walking propaganda posters with no purpose other than "fuck drumpft" because identity politics do just that to people.
>releasing on consoles
This right here kinda kills it for me, but we'll have to wait and see gameplay first. I'm expecting it to be extremely dumbed down to the point where we'll fucking have quest markers.
Somehow I knew from the moment I heard there's a sequel coming that its going to be made by some absolute retards. I wonder what made it so obvious from the start.
Any kindred trying to push for equalization of power are hilariously misguided. There are literally generations of people vastly more powerful than you could ever become, and while you could theoretically literally “eat the rich” only YOU would grow powerful.
I was concerned until I learned that the writer, Cara Ellison, is actually pretty experienced with writing stories for video games, as well as articles about Skyrim cock mods for Kotaku.
She even made a text game all by herself! Here are some screenshots of her magnum opus.
Will they make it a bad cover shooter instead of a fun game like Deus Ex did?
>fuck for babies
Alt right extreme right wing nazi pepe confirmed
>It's just common sense, you know!
VtMB2 confirmed for being so bad it's not even worth pirating.
It’s number 2 on steam.
>Can only kill male npcs. Cannot bite them.
>Can only bite females
You know what works about this joke? It's funny no matter what your politics are. Do these people want money? Why isolate so much fucking MONEY? YOU COULD MAKE MORE MONEY RETARDS! AHHHHHHH
Is gonna be SJW shit. I bet they make the vampires into antifa and you have to kill Trump and republicans or some shit
Yes, commies exist.
But on a modern game made by SJWs, the whole world would be distorted to prove her right.
Refusing a mission from her would literally make god kill you.
Brujah have always been antifa and neo-nazis
*male republicans
I swear to god its almost like being a white male republican is like being a nigger in the 40s. I'm worried everytime I weay my MAGA hat in public now but I won't let communists win.
Of course, you're not old enough to have voted for him, but if you had been the boomer conservatard then that you are today, that line would have sent you into fits of frothing rage.
You might not be able to bring yourself to writing anything critical about anyone on your side, but maybe SJWs are just more capable of self-reflection and irony than you are.
The problem is that game development is such a shitty job that there isn't a good way to keep people like this out. Certain studios are immune because they were founded by a like-minded group of passionate guys and the leadership stays consistent over the years which maintains the culture.
So then no SJW has ever actually made a game?
I don’t think they are, actually. They have the spook of righteousness heavily ingrained in them.
They do contain their power levels while developing quite a bit, which is also why you don't see games about gassing jews.
But they do let it loose on comics, and the results are abhorring.
Okay, keep repeating your own biases back to yourself in spite of evidence to the contrary, that's a great attitude to have.
> in-depth character creation, where you can choose your body type and gender pronouns
> Depiction of sex-workers in the first game was problematic
> Humorous depiction of mental issues was offensive
> We want to make a political statement
>They do contain their power levels while developing quite a bit
So then what's the problem?
most communists are either useful idiots to those groups or actually part of them
They're also unable to write good stories because they use their horrid shallow, /pol/ tier vision to write em.
Sorry but not everyone is american.
>political statement is literally fuck google and fuck capitalism
The issue is that in the current political climate you are can't be sure how much is them actually being SJWs and how much is them sucking-off the gaming press.
While sales are nice, the publishers really look at the scores. Obsidian made a stellar game with New Vegas but didn't get the bonus because of low reviews. I fucking guarantee you 100% that if they released the exact same fucking game, but with gender pronoun selection (which costs basically nothing to develop) and a body slider it wouldn't be the case.
"Having the understand both sides of the argument" is definatey an anti-SJW sentiment.
Are you for a second implying they will let the genderfluid Tzimisce be anything but revolutionary, because if they portrayed them any nutty a significant proportion of the trans community would yell at them?
Yes. And time will prove me right.
>Its going to be a political game
And dropped
If I was a vampire I would not want to live there or at least get my blood from there. Get mega aids and 20 other stds and die in your coffin
How you even implement the pronouns? your character just whine when someone use the wrong one? everyone including the non-vampires are able to read your mind and automatically use the correct term?
I see you only know what leftists claim fascism to be
lol, it's true all over the west, communists are either tarquin cretins or useful idiots who have been mindfucked by american media.
I hope it does, but I doubt it. Scandals like that have the backing of the entirety of games media.
Its so when the characters are discussing you while you're not around they use the right words.
There won't be a scandal.
What do you claim fascism to be?
There is very much the capacity for a scandal if a character that could possibly be identified as trans is portrayed as unstable.
Define "unstable"
We’re talking about Tzimisce here, they are a couple of steps away from Malks with how bizarre their mental state has become.
Of course it's a redditor.
Right, but does it necessarily imply that people who change their sex are inherently delusional for that reason?
Yes, because it is a character who is trans or at leaat identifiably similar that is also a nutcake, which to the most vocal part of the trans community is indicitive of all trans individuals.
No dude, it doesn't work like that. "Crazy and happens to be trans" isn't the same as "trans because they are crazy"
It does work like that, because in the first scenario
>Oh it just so HAPPENED to coincide, I see what you are doing developer
The high incedence of comorbidity within transgenderism with all manner of mental illness leaves some of the more insecure members of the community highly sensitive to it.
I want /pol/ to leave. I miss comfy VtMB threads and it's sad that nu/v/ will never ever get those comfy threads again.
That being said I'm afraid making it a direct sequel to Bloodlines is a mistake because let's face it, it raises the expectations a lot. I also don't know if I should pre-order this. It's only $17 on Steam for me and I got screwed over RE2&DMC5 because Capcom decided to double their price on Steam overnight and I fear they'll do something similar to that again.
Not that guy but that works only if you are a reasonable person. If you are a part of twitter hate mob "crazy tans antagonist" quickly becomes "transphobic garbage". And most devs don't want twitter mobs to go after them.
/pol/ took over the unique culture we used to have here. Now it's just triggered snowflakes of the far right everywhere.
I miss the days we just did things for the lulz and only acted like retards instead of being actual retards.
>t. crossdressing faggot
Ok. Here's why politics in video games is bad:
#1 it exists only to appease a group that I hate
#2 the opinions formed are opposite to my worldview and thus idiotic propaganda
Look, if the game is literally going to be filled with as much SJW garbage as /pol/ thinks, then I'm sure it's going to be able to represent trans characters in such a way as not to offend trans people. Now, not offending Yea Forums, that's another matter.
How is tech versus culture any of that?
>I'm sure it's going to be able to represent trans characters in such a way as not to offend trans people
Literally impossible. Remember when Bioware included a reasonable, nice, helpful trans in Andromeda and then had to apologize because she revealed her name before the transition too casually which is a huge taboo or some shit?
If that way of representation is stable totally normal people that are not allowed to do wrong, then that isn’t exactly going against core “SJW” values is it? We started this discussion in the assertion that there’s no reason to believe the developers will actually go against their own views like they sometimes did in the first game, and now we’ve arrived at you confirming that they probably won’t, at least in this instance.
I remember that mostly as Yea Forums bitching that Bioware "didn't even do it right"
>If that way of representation is stable totally normal people that are not allowed to do wrong
Well, it's not going to be that.
Christ, SJWs are people too, you know, they're not these cartoon villains you people have constructed in your head over the past eight years.
You missed the scandal then, Yea Forums just picked up on the scandal and ran with it to bury bioware harder.
This. I highly doubt that anyone on Yea Forums before that ever knew "deadnaming" was a thing. That was the first time I've heard about it.
They are people who are powered by percieved righteousness. How’s th eold adage go about it better to live under a robber baron than a relentlessly righteous person?
Meant to quote this:
Can anyone with extensive knowledge about the information we've been given so far be so kind as to paraphrase all of it for future posting? I'm talking meaningful shit like mechanics, story, and possible gameplay elements. I'm aware of playing as a thinblood and the possibility of gaining part from stronger vampires.
We only know vagueries about the story and character creation at this time. No gameplay has been shown.
Inaccurate map, 2/10
>picking quotes out of context to prove a made up argument
Let me guess, you also think that pic related it is another example of the commie propaganda embedded in the writing, right?
God, if you fucktards at least weren't so damn obvious that you haven o fucking clue what you're even on about.
fixed it for you
You're missing the point entirely.
Liberals think people who voted Trump liked Bush? Maybe RINOs. Bush admin ushered the neoconservative platform into the GOP, which resulted in the beginnings of things like the Tea Party
ARE you saying JEWS are fascist? Antisemite.