Hey lets just spawn infinite amount of shit at you

>Hey lets just spawn infinite amount of shit at you
>btw have these overpowered classes that render others obsolete and solves few missions alone.
>btw have these free dlc weapons thought breakthroughs
>btw gunslinger lmao
XCOM 2 DLC was a mistake. XCOM 2 itself was a mistake, EU was much more challenging and otherwise fun to play

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great expansion but yeah zombie missions suck also the game shouldn't be 100 gbs

XCOM 2 was great and you are a faggot. The only thing that was really gripe worthy about XCOM 2 was Alien rulers being stupid and cheesing them with grenades being mandatory and Skirmishers being shit compared to Reapers and Templars.

>xcom 2 was great
Sure bud but its no EU

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I still haven't bought the war of the chosen DLC, is it worth it? I played through 2 a couple years back and enjoyed it, but I hated the DLCs they added in because they ruined the pace of the game.
I hear that the war of the chosen stuff fixes a lot of problems with the original game and makes for a better experience. Any insight?

I like eu art direction a lot more too should I reinstall?

It adds some good stuff and some horrible shit.

EW was better than EU and XCOM 2 WOTC is better than EW. Suck my cock Animeshitposter.

This how the fuck is a TBS game that big? Even retarded russian pirates know about file compression on download

Thanks, but that's not very informative. What's horrible? Is it on balance better than vanilla XCOM 2? Is it worth $20?

>actually liking gimmick shit like meld and EXALT
Neck yourself my man

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War of the Chosen is absolute worth it. The one that's actual cancer is the uh, Alien Leaders or something like that? I forgot its title.

War of the chose for the most part is super fun and adds some cool things like the new classes and rebalancing things.

>Gimmick shit
You are a faggot.

>Haven defense mission
>NPC soldiers murder 80% of the ayys before I even make it to the base

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>Miss one enemy and shit spawns forever
>Degenerate chosens that are fucking annoying to deal with although not hard.
>Sniper might as well not exist
>Blademaymay might as well not exist
>Psi might as well not exist etc

>game gets too easy
>download mods that makes the game harder

>>Sniper might as well not exist
The sharpshooter is wonderful what are you talking about

there are 3 alien assassins that may randomly appear in missions
are you familiar with that lord of the rings game where you play as a half human half ghost dude and you brand orcs and shit?
If so, know how orc captains have traits making them immune to certain attacks?
that's also the case with those alien assassins and it's random

bad rng is possible
>immune to overwatch
>immune to explosives
>enemy is able to go invisible

to be fair they also gain a weakness, such as weak to reaper/the other class
when defeated in battle they fuck off and aren't actually dead
you have to do a stronghold mission to kill them dead, and when dead they have 2 weapons each that you can research so that your own dudes can use 'em and they're pretty fuckin strong making it worth the effort
but said stronghold missions to kill one of these fuckers is HARD and it's fucking bullshit

Timers dont even make the game harder, they just fucking annoying to deal with.
>muh overwatch
>meanwhile he abuses stealth, the most broken mechanic ever
fuck off

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How anyone can bitch about the chosen but not rulers is beyond me. Rulers were pure cancer and still are.

Touched a nerve there did I.
>Timers don't make the game harder
Apparently they do because you instantly got defensive because you are just an overwatch crawling faggot. Its okay though we know you are a bitch you don't have to pretend.

Okay stealhbaddie

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Alright sounds like WOTC is worth it. I'm gonna get it next time its ~$20 and I feel like spending 60 hours on another XCOM campaign. Thanks guys.
I also agree, rulers add nothing to the game except stupid-looking, out of place costumes. Who thought it was a good idea to give the aliens a free turn every time you hit them? Getting punished for hits is stupid...

You are a shit poster and someone will inevitably beat you to death for being insufferable.

At least you stopped pretending like you were right faggot. A step towards the right direction

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Oh I know I'm right. Just as sure as I am that you will be brutally murdered by someone. Hopefully soon.

Gunslinger was already powerful even before they made Lost missions hilarious

the DLC weapons they give you are specifically to deal with Rulers. The Bowgun stuns them (preventing them from moving), the Axe gives you a Free Action attack (they don't react to free actions), and the pistol lets you hide again (another free hit)

Its funny how you get that shit before railguns/magnetics too

Great, but that doesn't help much when the rulers have huge health pools. Unless you can crit with a sniper or have heavy ordinance you're fucked.

they retreat after a certain period and the damage remains, you're not necessarily meant to kill them in a single encounter

elaborate please
i found them to be the weaker alternative in most cases

Snipers are god tier vs lost if youve got that order that makes any hit on lost a 1hit kill. Unlimited ammo pistol makes them the only thing worth bringing. Or just kill 30 lost at once with fanfare

>a bajillion shots
>ammo affects your pistol
A Gunslinger could literally one-round a Sectopod with Bluescreen rounds before WOTC, and spread status effects to an entire pod with one action.


This plus timed missions are everywhere and pistol is cheap to upgrade

>Flank unknowing enemy
>Enemy gets free turn to reposition
Sick fucking mechanic in a turn based game, clueless pricks.

Why the fuck is this allowed? Bothered me so much I uninstalled after around the second mission and went back to Xenonauts.

>be bad

I remember the mechs being pretty weak originally, does the dlc buff them at all?

I think it did but they were still outclassed by all humans. Mechs got a slight buff humans got a superbuff with the alien weapons.

Yeah that makes sense. What mods would you recommend to make them better without making them broken?

>free action to throw the axe
that thing is fucking amazing and I never don't take it

Got van helsing breakthrough, i dont even have proving grounds yet


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