What the fuck happened to PC gaming? Where did our glory days go? Nowadays theres hardly any worthwhile exclusives. And we get stiffed pretty hard on multiplats.
Serious discussion only, keep your console war shit out of here.
What the fuck happened to PC gaming? Where did our glory days go? Nowadays theres hardly any worthwhile exclusives. And we get stiffed pretty hard on multiplats.
Serious discussion only, keep your console war shit out of here.
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Portbegging console games has karma. This is the karma for begging for Persona 5 on PC and many more portbegging like Valkyria Chronicles. Whining about it non-stop like babies. This Epic Store drama is the karma PC community deserves.
>Decline and stagnancy in strategy games and other genres that are by nature PC-exclusive
>MOBAs sucking up the remaining money and interest
>general users moving towards smartphone exclusivity for their personal computing needs
Shit I can't even get the epic launcher to work with how buggy it is. Only a black screen when I have it launch at start up. But without Startup, it refuses to open.
>the port of 4 year old remakes of games that are 1 decade old
yay vido gam
Daily reminder that anyone with half a functioning brain can pirate a game instead of using Epic OR Steam. No need to beholden yourself to corporations, especially when devs are raking it in hand over fist because of normies and exclusivity deals.
>Everyone should just pirate games!
>Why won't you make games for my platform?!
Shut up and go play Kenshi!
...I should go play Kenshi
What games do you guys even play on PC? What do you play that justify hyperthreading CPUs and GPUs with 8GB of VRAM.
Forget good games i literally cant even play game at a playable framrate on high ish end specs
1070 + ryzen 1700 and everything stutters
Win 10 is a fucking joke dont fall for the meme
I don't really place game, I just do programming
Gaming at 240hz with max settings
If devs gave a fuck about PC, they'd provide playable demos of their games. I honestly believe it's that simple.
You can pay for a game and download it, or you can just download it for free. If they provide a demo, and let people get a taste of the game, they'd see many, many more sales across the board. Unless of course the game is shite.
Not providing a demo then charging $30-60 for a game is insultingly anti-consumer.
I bought 8gb gpu to be competitive for the next decade or so, not because i want to play ARMA 3 on ultra. The one time cost was cheaper than a PS5 or xbox scarlett would be
What resolution are you playing with?
Demos get data mined to hell and half the game gets leaked
>1070 + ryzen 1700 and everything stutters
i7 7700 and 1060 6gb plays everything at 1080 fine
I might be just paranoid but, i think devs actively try to limit how much of their games shittyness you can see before "it's too late".
Passion just doesn't exist anywhere except indie games.
Devs don't give a fuck about pc, because in the eyes of normalfags the only options for playing vidya are playstation, xbox and nintendo
I think things are looking up for pc right now though with microsoft bringing their games to this platform, they just need to either make the windows store not suck or bring games to steam like they're doing with halo
Yes but it's exclusive to windows 10 and I'm not installing that POS on my system
Normies just don't have a use for a powerful pc, all they need is a retarded tablet or overpriced laptop.
Doesn't make is easier now that streaming is on the way, making a powerful pc unnecessary, just need a good internet connection.
Can see it's smart that we focus on the hardware for data centers and screens/controls for the users.
Demon's Souls
>making a powerful pc unnecessary
Unlikely, a perfect streaming setup requires a lot of processing power and RAM, not to mention that soon everybody will want/demand 4k or 8k resolutions
>Yea Forums: theres no reason to own an xbox because all the games are on pc
>also Yea Forums: yeah but I'm never going to install windows 10 to actually play those games
Make up your minds ya dinguses
Besides, I'm pretty sure halo is getting windows 7 support anyway. And memes aside if you're going to use windows at all you might as well just use 10
They could you know, not restrict it to windows 10 in a money making scheme to get us to switch over?
>if you're going to use windows at all you might as well just use 10
Holy shit you are thick headed.
>If devs gave a fuck about PC, they'd provide playable demos of their games.
they used to, but then the "pc master race" rolled over and accepted it when they stopped providing them. it's the same thing with physical copies. meanwhile, consoles still have playable demos and physical games.
this is a big reason why i can't take the elitism of the pc crowd seriously. you'll all turn a blind eye to anything as long as you still have muh grafix, muh 60fps, muh steam.
consoles have a good enough experience the pain of pc (cost, researching requirements) really isn't worth it for most people
>they used to, but then
the console market took off and casuals are casual
Its the best time to have a pc though
bet you skimped on RAM. Its cheap right now go upgrade
>go upgrade
I'll wait for DDR5 RAM
All of the games of course.
I have a PS4 for the few exclusives.
Also 11
the exclusives are the same as ever though.
mobastuff, dota customgames, some warhammer, this and that rts, some fps and indie stuff,
theres no real change, if anything pc has more games then ever
>we get stiffed pretty hard on multiplats.
Not at all. There are more multiplatforms than ever because the systems are so similar.
you will be waiting years for that unless you have a server in the house
Have fun buying a new motherboard.
>Windows sucks balls
>no alternatives
>Steam hasn't innovated in years
>Hardware has gotten more expensive
>Rarely any exclusive
>Consoles have gotten cheaper and their graphics have started becoming tolerable
Idk mang, I still love my PC but I've had more fun on PS4 and Switch last couple of months
porn games
based retard. playable demos on pc used to be the industry standard until very recently, long after the console market had already taken off. also, they still exist on consoles.
exhibit b of why i can't take pc fags seriously: after you guys bend over for anti-consumer practices, you immediately blame "consolefags" for all your problems even when it doesn't make any sense to do so.
We sure do get stiffed on multiplats. It's become more common place for developers to delay the release of games on PC for anywhere from a couple of months to years.
>not getting the pc ports of console games for the nude and sex mods
You're literally retarded
based poorfag. stay mad when all the "exclusives" are ported to PC
You don't remember multiplatforms from the 2000's then. They were straight up console ports without anything different about them. You could increase the screen resolution and that's it.
So you're gonna suffer through stutter until you build a totally new PC at the end of 2020 when it will probably be on the shelf with mobos that can use it?
The fuck you do?
I play at 1080p with a 1070 and i5 7700K and it runs fine. Recently """upgraded""", from windows 7 to 10, debloated 10, turned off as much telemtry as I am able to, and after all of that it ran fine. Only issue I had was when playing games I get massive ping spikes out of nowhere. After dealing with it for a couple weeks and nothing working, I figured out it was a driver issue for my network card, the latest ones on the manufacturer's website didn't play nice with windows 10.
That SSD is utter shit, get a MX500 as a cheap option.
Otherwise it's fine.
Are Zen+ already on discount? If not you might be able to wait just one month and they drop in price.
build is fine I would go 1160ti or vega 56 personally but its good
enjoy waiting months or years to maybe get ports of games long after idorts have already played them.
Acer ED242QR Abidpx
Oh one more thing - I think the X models don't come with a heatsink, so get one.
I like new PC games
NZXT and Seasonic are good brands for the parts you're buying, everything else I can't testify for.
truly, it has been dead for over a decade.
console ports and emulation of console games is really the meat of it now.
So is a 2070 worth it just for performance even I don't care about ray tracing
>justify hyperthreading CPUs
how do you justify being uneducated?
Oh, my poor little console fags, they just don't fuckin' get it
We don't care about NEW NEW NEW NEW
New does not imply Good
But most console players wouldn't understand that, because they are perpetually force-fed NEW NEW NEW
Always having to buy the NEW console
Always having to buy the NEW controllers
Always having to buy the NEW exclusives
Always having to reNEW online subscriptions
Always wanting the NEW skins
PC gaming is about the perfection of the craft, and we don't jump on something NEW, unless it is BETTER than the current standing champion of a given application
I didn't jump off of Windows XP, just because Windows 8 came out. Windows 8 was a smoldering piece of shit made for shitty tablets
Windows 10 wasn't necessarily better than XP (in many ways it still isn't), but it was sufficient enough to warrant moving over to the new OS
It's a matter of quality-potential, just like gravitational potential. If the quality of something is better than the current quality I have, then I will intrinsically migrate to the greater potential of quality
Why jump to PTC Creo when SolidWorks does the job better
Why jump to Eagle when KiCAD does the job better
Same for video games on PC
Nobody gives a shit about StarCraft 2, because it is not sufficiently better than StarCraft Broodwars
Nobody gives a shit about Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 or Tiberium Wars, because the older C&C games are of greater quality. These "old" games are being rebuilt by the communities that play them, because they are of such good quality
Nobody gives a shit about Fortnite, because PUBG is still sufficiently good enough to play
Nobody gives a shit about EPIC or Discord games stores, because they're just trying to copy-cat the framework of Valve's Steam, without having any merit or history of community and mod building that Valve has
It's the same reason the world continues to play Chess, and not 3D-Chess.
It's just a bunch of unnecessary fluff mucking up what is already a good game.
you can release a demo the same day you release the game
is that a guy?
Why complain? All your games are forever backwards compatible. So keep playing.
i will, there are literally thousands of games worth playing on PC that i havnt yet
ITT: literal children arguing which box for playing with digital toys is better
She'd unironically beat me up horribly.
Keep your console war shit out of here.
how? she's tiny
That PSU costs more than a PS4 for starters.
Consoles are too big a market to ignore but also a major blockage to technical improvement.
>We don't care about NEW NEW NEW NEW
...until nvidia and intel have new overpriced pc parts to shill. then it's all about NEW NEW NEW NEW.
>PC gaming is about the perfection of the craft
and yet without consoles, pc gaming would be a vast wasteland of nothing but indie shovelware, e-sports shovelware and twitch bait shovelware. "perfection of the craft," my ass. japanese devs are the ones actually perfecting the craft and they've nearly always focused on consoles instead of pc.
I use it to bruteforce your mums hard drive for her sweet nudes lad.
What the fuck are you doing if you're buying a fucking PSU for 300 dollars?
Your beyond overkill levels for your PSU once you reach that price.
Microsoft is going to start supporting DX12 on windows 7. im not sure if that means the windows 10 -exclusive games will be available on windows 7, or if youll still only be able to get them through the windows store thats only on windows 10
>theres hardly any worthwhile exclusives
Spotted the Sony fagit trolling pc gamers.
Why do people fall so hard for marketing terms? "Exclusives"? Why on earth would any gamer want an "exclusive" or prioritize "exclusives"? An "exclusive" is nothing more than a a term that Sony etc came up with to distract you from the fact that the company is desperate for market share and hopes that they can lure you to buy their consoles because of "exclusives". Unless you are among the most immature manbaby fanboi, you should absolutely despise "exclusives" and instead you should demand that companies encourage the opposite -- Omniplatform gaming with crossplatform multiplayer.
Fuck off, OP. Gaming on the pc is astounding right now. The lack of your fagit exclusivity is an indication of the maturity of pc gaming development.
>turned off as much telemtry as I am able to
gte this if you havnt already
It's become too hard to find good games on PC. Steam is a shitshow when it comes to quality control, EGS and MS store are all-around memes.
You fuck off faggot, devs treat us like shit these days.
because sony and microsoft pay their publishers to do it
>...until nvidia and intel have new overpriced pc parts to shill. then it's all about NEW NEW NEW NEW.
nope, then its about sweet deals on prior gens
>9-series CPUs come out
>get 8600k
>20 series GPUs about to drop
>get 1080ti
Pick ASUS parts whenever possible. I build pcs for 20 years now and the only hardware that never broke on me were asus parts.
>japanese devs are the ones actually perfecting the craft
i missed this gem. Jap devs make the jankiest shit, theyre barely able to program
battle royales and mobas are dominating the market right now, so we are essentially fucked
pretty gud, ssd is kenna crappy though
>Daily reminder that anyone with half a functioning brain can steal TV sets instead of using cash OR credit cards.
Pirateniggers, this is your mindset.
cool story, but the real moneyhatting is coming from tencent on pc.
the actual reason why pc gets last dibs on the scraps is because it's a platform full of poorfags and tightwads. you all either pirate games or wait until they're on sale for $2. of course platforms where people actually support games are going to be prioritized, that's just common sense.
>because it's a platform full of poorfags and tightwads. you all either pirate games or wait until they're on sale for $2.
do you really believe most games are worth $60?
funny stuff, considering that pc mustards buy all of bethesda's shovelware and pretend that the bugs and jank are "part of the charm."
I have an FX-8350 and a GTX 970, what the fuck should I upgrade first if I want to be able to play 2019 games?
this is true. dont think I've ever payed more than 30 for a game on PC
wrong. but some of the games do become playable with the ability to mod, and become considerably less buggy. the vast majority of japanese games have ps2 levels of graphics, animation, physics, and performance
is it overclocked? do that
fuck no, but that's not the point. the publishers believe they're worth $60, and so they are going to prioritize the platforms where more people are willing to pay $60. again, that's just common sense. being lower on the totem pole is the tradeoff for avoiding paying full price like the plague.
if you have an m.2 slot on the motherboard, definitely worth the extra 10 cents
do you want small little onboard SSD or regular laptop style SSD?
CPU, definitely. If you're still doing 1080p60 the 970 should do fine even with >3.5, FX are just godawful.
If you're aiming for ultra settings, or higher resolution/framerate, you might want to upgrade the GPU as well. But that CPU really sucks.
>and yet without consoles, pc gaming would be a vast wasteland of nothing but indie shovelware
No actually, PC gaming was a vast and thriving scene of gaming until consoles arrived, afterwhich everything had to be molded into a market-approved cookie-cutter format.
The industry of gaming was thriving, creative, overflowing with a vast selection of wildly differing formats of games, until the console industry tainted it all.
Before consoles corrupted video games, PC had developers and titles such as:
Maxis, with Sim City, Sim Earth, Sim Ant, an abundance of great SIM Games.
Bullfrog Productions, with Dungeon Keeper, Populus, Syndicate, Theme Hospital, Quake III Arena
Westwood Studios, with the C&C and DUNE franchises, NOX, and Battletech
Interplay Studios, with Fallout, Descent, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, and Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Sierra Entertainment, with Ultima, King's Quest, The Incredible Machine, Earthsiege, Starsiege: TRIBES, Homeworld, Empire Earth, Aliens versus Predator, F.E.A.R.
Not only are you objectively wrong, but you are so wrong you obviously don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about.
You should just stick to your brainless memes and shitposting kiddo.
I would get a 1070 or 1660 ti for 144hz, just to max out the settings a bit more.
You forgot Offset
>No actually, PC gaming was a vast and thriving scene of gaming until consoles arrived
consoles arrived in the 1970s, so unless playing spacewar on a mainframe is what you consider "vast and thriving," you're way off.
It doesn't matter really, pick whichever is cheaper. Every new board has an M.2 slot.
Consoles didn't really gain relevance until the X360/PS3 generation
I'd say one generation earlier, at OG Xbox, PS2, Gamecube.
but both of those sold worse than the ps1 and the ps2.
There's hardly any worthwhile exclusives across the medium.
Whales willing to shell out money for all kinds of gimmicks only to play f2pshit later, pirates, gamedevs realizing they can get away with just releasing unoptimized console ports, turd worlders, etc
Who this and why is my penis reacting so vigorously.
lol sony literally said the next generation will have less games
lol!!1! fuckin PWNED wit le epic dab memes senpai! XDDD
>What the fuck happened to PC gaming? Where did our glory days go?
Nothing, it's still fucking fantastic.
There is more good games I want to play than time I have left to live.
500gb ssds are sub $50
>he posts. the day after VtmB2 was announced
>halo coming as well
>60fps games a reality unlike consoles
>cheaper games (free, if you're a little pirate thief)
kill yourself doomer
>tfw you hate "PC gaming culture", and conceptually think consoles are better, but then 99% of your gaming time is on PC, and your favourite game is PC exclusive.
I don't want to be associated with a bunch of pirates, cheaters, and anime-avatars, but at the end of the day PC has the best games.
To answer the OP question, I think PC gaming is at a great spot. I'm not going to mention what games I play, because Yea Forums would just make fun of me and tell me they aren't "real" games.
But we're getting more multiplats than ever, and the pc version is superior 99% of the time.
theres nothing worthwhile playing regardless of platform, the last 6 months has been dry for everyone bar a couple of single player games that dont really have staying power over a long period
I want to know what your favourite games are, user. My all-time favourite is HL2 and I recently enjoyed Astroneer.
is a ryzen 5 with integrated vidya card enough for a poorfag like me? will it run games like dark souls 3? thanks
>not posting her Instagram
It became console gaming with higher refresh rate but also missing out on the best console games. So in short you pay out the ass to play second hand mediocre multiplats.
She has to have cosplayed Brigette. Right?
probably not well enough. search youtube for benchmarks. next gen of ryzen apu series will be better if you can wait
>It became console gaming
But where are the paid online, sub 15FPS games, 900p, censorship and mandatory downgrade patches ?
I just searched on youtube and apparently it can run the game on low, thanks for the heads up btw bud
>Nowadays theres hardly any worthwhile exclusives.
There are shitton of good pc exclusives, but there is no point in making your AAA cinematic garbage PC exclusive. I'll take my factorio, billions and other autism simulators, thanks.
Porn, modding, emulation, keyboard and mouse, exceeding graphics capability of consoles, and if you’re a nigger, pirating.
I thought hyperthreading was only useful for workstation stuff since those things require a lot of cores?
>Nowadays theres hardly any worthwhile exclusives.
Imagine having such shit taste that you think AAA movie games constitute worthwhile exclusives while big and small indie developers are putting out top quality games left and right.
2060 is stronger than both
Did I fuck myself with my initial build's mobo? Only upgrade path pcpartpicker says I can take thanks to it for my CPU is a i7-4790K. My i5-4670 would bottleneck the 2060, wouldn't it?
>But where are the paid online, sub 15FPS games, 900p, censorship and mandatory downgrade patches
Bunch of meme bullshit technicalities you're using to cope with the fact the platform has FUCKALL of what it used to. PC used to have amazingly complex games, specially RPGs, and now it's just literal mobile tier trash and console multiplats. And the only high profile project the platform has had in over a decade is a literal scam. And at least console has RDR2, downgraded or not. And what has PC gotten in the last year that can top it again? Some LoL patch? lmao
The Xbox 360 happened. Nearly all major PC devs jumped ship. It hasn't been the same since. Many of them even died.
I don't care about RTS, westacuck RPGs and other shovelware. I only play Japanese games and PC has never had more Japanese games than ever before.
>claims he cares about complex games
>brings up RDR2 as something worthwhile
lmao off yourself
>he fell for 4 cores is enough meme
Enjoy ur stutters and 30 fps minimums
>I only play Japanese games
Then you're an idiot and you don't know jackshit about PC gaming, because its strength has always been the outstanding 90s~mid 2000s western games. If you love japanese games and you own a PC and not a PS4, you're just an extremely dumb person.
>claims he cares about complex games
>brings up RDR2 as something worthwhile
Yeah, you even have the reading comprehension to attest to that. How's life with that single digit IQ, btw?
>specially RPGs,
We got 2 pretty good RPGs last year - pathfinder and atom, the fuck do you want?