What was the last time you couldn't play a game beause your computer couldn't run it or ran it badly?
>tfw haven't been able to play a game comfortably since dark souls 2
>Wish I could play Nioh, Ashen, Astroneer, Yakuzero, and BOTW
What was the last time you couldn't play a game beause your computer couldn't run it or ran it badly?
>tfw haven't been able to play a game comfortably since dark souls 2
>Wish I could play Nioh, Ashen, Astroneer, Yakuzero, and BOTW
Tried playing FFXV.
It's not unplayable but very sttutery.
I downloaded Sekiro, but it ran on average 20 FPS on low settings. Not that I had much interest in the game in the first place.
Has not happened yet
#1080ti gang
Back before I built my own PC about 7 years ago now.
Literally all i've done since is upgrade the graphics card, get a couple more hard drives/SSDs, and expand the RAM to 16 GB (previously 8). Plays new releases on high settings.
What's your graphics card? I'm stuck with my GTX760
I got a rx 570 for 150 bucks last year and im playing all the games now, dont fall for the nvidia jews.
Every game on win 10
Literally every game
I halfway made this thread so I can figure out what y'all use or recommend, since I'm upgrading soon, but I'm still genuinely interested
>tfw 1060 3GB
If I'm lucky enough to find someone who even want this thing I'll trade it for a RX580
It's ridiculous how this thing and a RX580 are about the same price though.
Mined RX580 8GB they should be dirt cheap now
Friend gave me a download link for Sonic Heroes and it lagged so badly on my old laptop, managed to get through one story but I switched laptops and haven't set things up to start it over
Hitman 2 during release. My 2500k and 8Gb of ram simply couldnt handle it.
Ever since i got a nice Ryzen 2700X
I think I put off playing The Witcher 2 for about 6 years because I didn't want to play it without maxing it out. After I could max it out I found out I didn't really want to play it anyway. Classic masterrace.
>bought a gtx 1080
>can't even play mhw at 144 fps @1080p
This ;_;
Planetside 2 has been running like shit of late for me. Funny thing about that is I went to play shadow of war instead while rendering pic related.
Vindictus runs like shiiiieeet
Asus Strix GTX 970
Not that I buy particularly graphically intensive games, but it does the job handily. I would never go for ultra settings or the like, though. But it can output a few games in 4k too, which i'm impressed by
I haven't really experienced that, but that's because I generally only play older games. I have an i5-3570k and a 1050 Ti, and from what I understand, that's not enough for more recent games. I generally put off upgrading as long as possible, because I don't know anything about computers and that makes upgrading a pain in the ass. I like PC gaming, but I'm not a tech guy at all.
Now try FFXV
Sonic heroes was the first game I ever got that ran badly, so I can relate.
post more 2b
no thanks i only play videogames
Many years ago when I was using a prebuilt.
The PC I'm using now I built back in 2015 but I don't think there is a game out right now that would be unplayable on it. I might have to turn down graphics settings but should still be able to achieve 60fps or very close to it.
I could be wrong though.
Are y'all defining not being able to play a game as not being able to play it at Ultra res? I feel like I would be content just playing at 60 fps or even 30 on medium
Literally just buy a card and plug it in
What are the specs?
I'm and I noticed even turning down the settings does not help the fps. At all. It's really weird. And even when locked at 30fps it's still all sttutery
NFS Pro Street on my dad's old pc, don't know the specs. The gameplay itself was "playable" but the "cutscenes" would move by 1 frame every 10 seconds. This was of course when the game first came out and I never bothered to pick it up again.
Dwarf Fortress, past some amount of migrants. I think it was like a hundred.
Actually wait, it's Forza Horizon 3, playing online was impossible. I legitimately forgot that I own that game
I had to tone down Mad Max from its initial visual settings, and then couldn't play it because it was boring formulaic garbage.
Around two years ago. Rainbow Six Siege. I could hit 80fps, but it stuttered like crazy. Turns out it's a CPU problem that's specific a single i5 processor.
Actually, I've been told that my CPU is the bigger problem now.
I have a i5 4570 and it runs most games fine
>this thread
PC gaming, everyone.
Witcher 3 and Dark Soul 3. Like ran ass with shit at minimum.
>tfw the same toaster can run dmc5 good enough to play it
To be honest, I don't see any games that make me want to upgrade right now anyway. I still have a huge backlog of older stuff.
Forza horizon 3
you are literally me except 6 years
my 3570k is starting to show its age though
>muh 3gb
Shit's just werks. Been thinking to replace it with 1070 now the price is lower, but not sure what to play.
I was enjoying metro exodus until I got to the forest level. My frames went under 30 and it keeps crashing at the same spot
>dark souls 2
how? it has the best optimization in the series by far
ds2 runs at 60fps and ds1 at 30fps though
no matter how unoptimized, ds1 still runs better at max native fps
Quake Champions physics doesn't like Geforce cards. Thats the only one I can remember.
not at all, on my old toaster I got fps drops in some zones in ds1 but I ran the game at 60fps at all times in ds2
I had a GTX 670 when Monster Hunter: World came out. It was the first time I had to run everything on the lowest settings and I was still getting drops of 3-5 frames per second when I was in areas with lots of foliage.
Upgraded to a GTX 1070!
No I mean I actually played DS2 and it worked and it was good
When I had an ATI X1300 and wanted to play F.E.A.R. Shit runned in Lowest settings at 640x480 below 60fps. Great times.