This is just gonna be a /pol/ thread, but what's new
Yea Forums BTFO
But what if I actually don't use any of those except for proxied-up incognito mode Google?
This is from /g/ right?
Who is this retard who keep making these dumb ugly comics
i miss our unicorn waifu
Nice try, Xi.
Free Tibet
Nation of Taiwan
East Turkestan
Why do you people pretend like if /pol/ left everything would be fucking perfect? You do realize lefty/pol/ would immediately take their place right you stupid fucking piece of shit
It's a bubble
Every board that isn't /pol/ is just /pol/ virtue signaling that it isn't /pol/. None of you are innocent so, knock it off.
calm down /pol/
So I'm assuming these aren't the actual comics that get posted here, right? It's another Ben Garrison type situation where they all get edited and people start to think its from the real guy?
Because shitting the place up with politics is perfectly fine as long as it's MY side doing it.
No, Stonetoss legitimately makes these comics and think they're clever.
It's a bubble
have sex
It's a bubble
That implies it's okay because other people do it. Which it's not.
No Stonetoss. Not now, not ever.
Someone post the incel rage one.
>years ago
china bad
nah, chinese spying ain't.
You're posting on Yea Forums right now my friend.
Stop shilling your garbage.
are people shilling epic unironically now
i can't even tell
You still use Yea Forums.
Hiro is 100% selling whatever data he can get on all of us.
>posts on ad-friendly hiroshimoot Yea Forums
>thinks his data is safe.
>what do you mean you don't want our bad software? I bet you already use bad software x, y and z, so use ours now too, gweilo
Fuck off, chankoro
Reminder that your unicorn waifu was created by the same person who made this masterpiece
Besides the subjective art style, there is literally nothing to get mad about unless you're offended by the message. Are you offended? Please say yes.
Stonetoss is right for once,
I can't believe I said it.
Fuck /pol/, fuck pepe, and fuck wojack.
what does that have to do with anything? Do you people not post through VPN's?
I disagree with this stonetoss. People who care about spyware would be well aware that Google et al spy on you too.
You usr steam though.
I mean, in OP's case, it's very clearly an edited one though.
>caring about your personal information
Fuckin lelllll
Not a female. Not now, not ever.
Happy dilatation!
>no https on Yea Forums
What are you talking about? They even explicitly state that they sell the data in their ToS.
Do you even care about videogames?
>not hiding behind 7 proxies
there's nothing wrong with pepe and wojak though
They're just severely misused
>Why do you people pretend like if /pol/ left everything would be fucking perfect?
Because Yea Forums is NOT the place for forcing your own politic visions, and it NEVER was. /pol/ is practically a bastion of ultimate newfags.
Obsessed af. Not even him
>user, why are you on the mailing list for bad dragon?
whats the original?
Are you honestly implying your ISP or the VPN doesn't know who you are? You think it's a magical cloak of protection?
When people say they want /pol/ gone that means all /pol/ including lefty/pol/, you stupid fucking piece of shit.
>There is literally nothing to get mad about regarding a shitty tryhard "redpilled" comic artist who's shilled constantly on this board without being remotely on topic
There's funnier, more topical, and more on-topic artists out there. I don't know why this legit pedo's used as the best of the best when he's just doing it for attention.
friendly remainder
This confirms that Epic pay people to shill their store on Yea Forums, which makes me hate them even more.
I don't use any of those though
Nobody actually believes in a /pol/ boogieman. It's just a buzzword for newfags a-la calling people reddit
They were literally the beginning of the end. I was alright with the feels good man frog, but pepe is just annoying.
Why my peepee hard?
>Mfw this statistic is out of date
>Mfw nobody ever posts the statistics about how supportive parents reduce suicide rates by an insane amount
Congratulations! Your Social Credit Score has increased by one (1) point. Keep it up! In thirty-three (33) more points you will qualify for a tourism permit!
Advertising doesn't work in high IQ people, Yea Forums has the most useless data on the internet.
>meme jealousy
Lefties LMAO
Le Epic Yea Forums army LOL. The narwhal bacons at midnight guys
but what about when they are gone?
>If we are not shitting up the place, someone will!
Holy shit the fact you actually think that is hilarious.
Sauce? Is that Raine dog?
Race baiters never know how to read statistics. They just look at the numbers and go "big number good, small number bad" or "small number good, big number bad"
Tranny pls
Whew, this thread stinks!
>Advertising doesn't work in high IQ people
so clearly Yea Forums is a prime target for advertisers
Incel pls
>/pol/tard newfag falling for bait specifically calling them out
Every time.
I don't use anything in that image but nice try Yang.
so you post them then
>If someone disagrees with me, they're a tranny
Good one. But I'm a male and I was born male with male parts and I still don't sperg out over what other people do with their lives.
>tranny freaks have no supportive parents
Really makes you think
That's why there are so many obvious shill threads here. So many retards bought shitty games because they were spammed on Yea Forums.
What the fuck am I looking at? Is that all the processes running when epic store opens?
Such wow, much hacker
I am a transexual, no lie, and I have never been happier since beginning to transition 4 years ago. Take from that what you will.
>Advertising doesn't work in high IQ people
The exploitable people are those that believe that they will never for advertising.
Oh no
You're doing god's work, user.
Well yeah lately we have been receiving a lot of retards, but if you look at the rest of the internet, Jesus Christ, almost any place is better for advertising than Yea Forums. Praise a game on Reddit and at least 10 people will buy it.
>nigel farage
Absolutely cringepilled
Leaving the thread now.
I don't know man, I don't watch TV and I have adblock, haven't seen an ad in a log time, except for the Gillette thing that made me stop buying their products
It's about to get pretty steamy in here.
CHINK Spyware
>t...those are fake statistics
>I'm not going to post anything proving them wrong, but just know they are wrong
Lefty/pol/ IS /pol/. Why do you think so many "leftists" target this site? It's because /pol/ keeps giving journalists stuff to cry about. They write their "You wouldn't believe what Yea Forums is saying!" articles. And then more newfags pour in, to see what's happening.
Not only would deleting /pol/ significantly reduce all the racist retards, it would also significantly reduce all their enemies, as well as reduce newfag traffic.
>dont sperg out
>has to prove he has a superior opinion on an anonymous basket weaving forum
t. seething discord tranny
/pol/ includes all politics you stupid fucking nigger, when people say they want /pol/ off Yea Forums they mean THEY WANT POLITICAL DISCUSSION OFF OF Yea Forums
Cheating faggot
I still haven't received my order from that waiter.
I'm just bothered that PC gaming is becoming a mirror of gaming's 2nd gen, where everybody and their mother makes a platform that only has like 2 significant exclusives
Nobody believes you faggot.
I truly do not understand the cuck meme. It was just some dumb fetish for the longest time and then, like 4 years ago or something, it's become this God damn plague. I've watch BLACKED videos because many of the bitches are hot in those videos and I like seeing them get pounded by a big dick, but I dont give a fuck about the color of the dick. If given the choice, I'll watch a white dude so I can self insert, but I want to see a hot girl pounded by a big dick regardless.
Everyone is so worried about men being basedboys now and Tyrone stealing the wife they'll never have, but you retards literally believe this is commonplace. Sure, there are some rednecks with some weird racially repressed issues that wants his wife banged by some black guy, but actual men, not the manchildren on Yea Forums, dont concern themselves with this shit. If I found out my gf was fucking some nig, I'd break up with her just as I would if she were fucking a white dude.
WHY IS THIS BOARD SO OBSESSED WITH THIS SHIT NOW?! You /pol/ faggots are the ones really pushing this shit. Before /pol/ invading every board, I was clueless to this. Hell even old /pol/ would just make nig jokes....not harp on this cucking shit.
epic games reading his entire steam library
I didn't save the picture because, unlike you, I don't keep statistics of people you actively dislike.
You mean like everyone who reposts the same memes and act like retards to "belong"?
The original is better
>bringing Minoru Suzuki into this
Trannies are irredeemable
You realize /pol/ started as satirical until underage fags like yourself started forming a cringe political movement on it
>I'm not a sperg but I'll act like everyone else
Please stop posting my sides can only take so much
But I want both /pol/ to leave you goddamn retard
I don't get why people assume /pol/ = alt-rightoids. That's like saying all of Yea Forums is "I GOTTA FART SUPERBAD" posters and all of Yea Forums is goldface "never ever" posters
Thanks for the pasta, going to spam it in every thread except with cuck replaced with tranny.
i thought this artist was right wing?
This is pretty leftist
>"Don't touch muh precious fake Tough Guy"
thats fucking shit
It must be neat making your living off of making strawmans on the internet
jesus christ
How in the world is my post hilarious and bait?
This is true. Yea Forums was never built around politics and serious business. Calling others niggers, faggots or niggas was never meant to offend others and spread hate. Some of the pictures of Yea Forums dated back from 2003, 2004 prove this.
go back
>2 references to lovecraft
He couldn't think of more exemple ?
Based Stonetoss taking a stance against populism
>Lovecraft on a book
>Just in-case the Cthulhu statue wasn't enough
It wouldn't be perfect, but we have actual stats to reflect what might happen if /pol/'s closed due to AIDS
dae gamergate?
Is he calling himself a bigot?
>Comparing yourself to Mel Gibson, Lovecraft, or Disney
Dude just needs to browse /pol/ and reddit for hot new memes to half-assedly make into comics. It's even easier than what Ben "Coal-Burning" Garrison has to do to get ideas for his comics.
Hell, he's made several comics exclusively complaining about how reddit isn't crazy enough for his needs.
Why do all these right-wing comics draw like Schmorky? Do they seriously lack that much in originality?
for once, he's hit the nail on the head with this one
based ludo poster
>worst post is from a canadian
It's not pasta you newfag twitch watching faggot. Trannys have always been a thing on Yea Forums. Jesus christ
>bigotry is ok if you are popular and well kmown
exept he didn't even make it, its an edit
Someone else hit the nail for him. The OP's an edit of a comic complaining about how people think he's a bigot.
Because after he got exposed, he wanted to stir shit up and garner as much attention as possible so he went for Right-winged extremism instead of left.
To think poltards actually shilled that coward
Stonetoss is a comic of peace you bigot.
>all these trannies from resetera itt
>Yea Forums is actually is siding with them
This site is ded.
Stonetoss is dead serious, though. Blame reality, not him.
what do they expect?
identity politics absolutely fucking destroyed democrats senses of humor
can't make jokes about anyone anymore, gotta "punch up" (and by "punch up" i mean making fun of anyone republican, you're not allowed to make fun of democrats)
imagine trying to make jokes when you've got a laundry list of 'is this racist, is this homophobic' etc before you can laugh at it or not
Reminder that moot is a literal cuck who sold this site out and went on to work at jewgle
well shit, i feel stupid now. does he do anything thats not political?
People bitch about a boogeyman enough, they get annoying.
>This site is ded
Yeah. It's been dead since 2014 and buried since 2016.
I'll spoil because it's off topic, but you get the jist of it.
any 1 post that says /pol/ in it is newfag
He made a comic shitting on foot fetishists once
i despise trannies but this one on this webm was pretty based
I do too brother.
Ah, okay. Opinion discarded, normalfag
Ded thread
Ded game
So all these comic artists just want attention?
>all these obvious kike puppets and political retards /pol/ gargle their cocks.
Thats when i stopped caring.
Some PR scheme that you glanced past frames your mind to buy stuff later on.
The Gillette was meant to generate outrage for larger reach and imprinting in the consumers.
yfw the mosque had been shitting out jihadis for years now
>Jones was killed alongside Australian Christopher Havard, whose parents said he was introduced to radical Islam at the Al-Noor mosque in Christchurch.
Jones was killed alongside Australian Christopher Havard, whose parents said he was introduced to radical Islam at the Al-Noor mosque in Christchurch.
>Jones was killed alongside Australian Christopher Havard, whose parents said he was introduced to radical Islam at the Al-Noor mosque in Christchurch.
Jones was killed alongside Australian Christopher Havard, whose parents said he was introduced to radical Islam at the Al-Noor mosque in Christchurch.
>my VPN would never give my info freely to any three letter agency!
Good one retard
Anyone want some shota?
Unironically yes. Not just Pedotoss, but every single comic artist, political or not, left or right.
>Pepe giving okay sign
Has any picture ever aged so badly and so quickly? This was only like two years ago
>mfw you fucking suck at making shit up
Well, yeah. If an artist can't make funny jokes or attractive art, all they've got left is cutesy shit and political memes. Hehesilly does both.
/pol/ tried to become the jew, it backfired and only made the jew stronger
This comic is great, because his face is literally just "I don't understand things." He looks like a literal retard, attempting to grasp nuance and complexity that is beyond his ability.
>that time /pol/ outed m00t as a cuck and he got so butthurt he shut down the board for a week
did he drop a buttplug at the end?
hehesilly is great though you cockgobbling faggot, just because it hurt your reddit feelings doesn't make the artist untalented
Say what you will about Gibson, Disney or Lovecraft, at least they made their art as a mouthpiece of their politics like this fucking dumbass does
show me the numbers
You sound angry. Sorry that I insulted your favorite "b-but it's not REALLY tumblr" meme comic.
>that time all the tranny cucks on Yea Forums felt solidarity with moot and joined in with his sentiments in hating /pol/
is he really a pedo? back your claims, im interested in this
And then he acted in the final podcast like he didn't know what a cuck is.
>butthurt at comic
>Uses a reddit-tier figure of speech
Fuck off journo
>gets the shit beat out of him for being a tranny
Nice falseflagging, discord tranny.
You should be apologising for your shit taste and general limp-wristed faggotry instead
>he's just doing it for attention.
This just in: artist wants an audience. More news at 11.
Just look up Shmorky and look at his art. It's obviously the same guy.
Remember when /pol/s go to comic guy was Ben Garrison?
Stay mad, cuck. Hehesilly will never thank you for defending xer honor on the internet.
>they made their art as a mouthpiece
they don't made their art as a moutpiece
I don't care what the artist thinks, I just love the fact that they never fail to rustle wastes of oxygen like yourself with their presence.
>he thinks people on /pol/ still gargle Sargon and Farage's nuts
>he thinks they ever gargled Milo's
Why do you pretend you've ever been to /pol/ faggot?
>more wrestling faggotry from the trannies
>source: dude trust me
do everyone use vpns or something????
those were edits though
and then he became one of them even after getting so butthurt he wrote a book about the evil Yea Forums nazis
>Anybody who doesn't agree with me is a tranny
This again? Doesn't that get old?
Reminder that Tencent also own a share in Discord
The HWNDU stream threads are proof enough
>I'm not mad, you're mad!
Not him but it's obvious that hehesilly lives in your head rent-free, you brought that comic up without anybody even mentioning it. You obsess over that shit, likely because it stuck a chord with your pathetic life.
Pretty sure Shmorky is trans, or some kind of queer. I can't imagine him making comics like this. Not to mention the difference in art style.
>This thread
>living off of making strawmans
That's pretty much any political cartoonist.
It is when you can sucker an entire board into look at every new one just to shitpost here about it. I really want to know when Yea Forums's going to realize sharing this shit is making it worse.
>punch up
I said it before in a different thread unrelated to this but it infuriates me when people say this. What does it even mean? You're only allowed to make fun of people who you think are better or more successful than you are? How can you even measure something that?
Not even close.
you are retarded
that whole rumor started because of the Redpanels guy who quit making comics and said "btw I'm shmorky" to troll people as his last words
and people just associate stone toss with redpanels because they have white characters
>This kills the Chan
It would have been better if he said it wasn't funny
>Besides the subjective art style, there is literally nothing to get mad about
Unfunny comics make me mad, same as Tim Buckley
>What does it even mean? You're only allowed to make fun of people who you think are better or more successful than you are?
That's exactly what it means. Leftists are failures full of spite, so they try to drag down everybody more successful than them because they know they don't have it in themselves to elevate themselves to that level of success instead.
That doesn’t look anything like Shmorky. Both he and Stonetoss can only draw one face and they look completely different.
>Card Destruction
>After he already played all the cards from his hand
>Been told the government and corporations have been spying on me through my programs for over a decade
>It has not affected my or anyone's life in any way to this day
Ah yes I'm sure Winnie the Pooh and Google will have the upper hand in the new world order when they find out about my diaper furry shota fetish
That might be true but ellectionfags are a cancer beyond just political views, they're just reddit trying to fit in
I dont get it. Is their meme ideology now accelerationism?
>lefty Yea Forums literally can't comprehend the joke
always funny
microsoft isn't owned by the chinese, so idc
/pol/ was always satire before the last election cycle, newfag
this literally was the end of Yea Forums
>if we elect ANYBODY other than Trump we'll save the site
Discord trannies are adorable
No, it's always leftist globalism in disguise as edgy accelerationism. Since sblurf is not banning resetera and there's no wall, it's safe to say he failed. So, democrats are pushing the notion that "gromph won't stop women and minorities from ruining videogames, might as well vote for a white ethnocide activist that will at least give you 1000$ for the trouble". It's obvious that it's shitposting because nobody is going to be getting anything.
>Leftists are failures full of spite
Holy fuck, what a massive projection
Do you even look at yourself and ask where did it all go so wrong?