Post e3 predictions

Post e3 predictions

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Dead Space 4 makes no sense as a sequel

The brethren moons obviously destroyed everything, and making them into a "big bad" that must be destroyed cheapens their status as villains (it contradicts their whole point) and will make the otherwise relatable character of Issac into some kind of superhero-esque figure.

Unless, of course, the game is about the ultimately very futile struggle to escape or survive on Earth post-moon.

>CP2077 with gameplay at night
>My friend Pedro
>Zone of the Enders 3

E3 is fucking dead

Dead Space is fucking gone, I hope they never go back to it. Anything they put out now would only further tarnish the series as a whole, which already fell off with the third game. Dead Space 1 will always be in my all time top 5, but it's time to move on.

Which would continue the bullshit action shooty tooty Michael Bay boomy transition that killed the franchise to begin with
IF a Dead Space 4 had to happen, I would prefer a reboot to the series with new characters just to keep things fresh I guess
Isaac Clarke and John Wayne Gacy's story is over

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Their idea for Dead Space 4 when it was still on the table was for Ellie to travel from one broken ship to another, looking for Isaac, within the solar system while finding other survivors and constantly getting updates on what's going on back on Earth as Its being consumed by the Brethren moons.

Or they could explore the fact that one of the Markers was actively trying to contain the outbreak which as far as I know hasn't been explored.

The marker in the original game actively tried to stop the necromorphs and told Isaac exactly how to do it.


>Dead Space 4
>With a female protag

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I don't trust another dev to make a proper-ass Dead Space given EA killed off the studio that made the series.

>Rocksteady will announce that they've been working on Batman and Superman: World's Finest
>Metroid 5/Dread will be announced

How about a DS prequel where you play as an telecommunications engineer on the Ishimura whose task is to get to one end of the ship to the other to fix the sat relay and send the distress beacon which calls the USG Kellion to it in the first game?

It's a shit idea, and very safe, so I don't know.

skate 4 dead space

skate and dead space 4 where you shred on the ishimura. Hall of meat w/dismemberment

Too boring. That is essentially what Ignition was I think or one of the comics covered that topic. Really there is nowhere relevant to go but forward. Earth was destroyed but there are plenty of other outposts.

>the brethren moons obviously destroyed everything
no, the game could still be about saving the last remnants of humanity on the outer colonies

There are no major announcements anymore. Nintendo is doing the direct thing, Sony isnt gonna be there either. Companies tend to just announce their games and product on twitter now or something. No one is waiting for E3. What was the last major game that was announced there? Maybe the RE2 remake

Welp, is it straight up cancelled this year or are the big guys just not showing up?

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>The brethren moons obviously destroyed everything, and making them into a "big bad"
Turns out none of that happened and the Awakened DLC was all in Isaacs head

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Sony and EA aren’t showing up, so that’s like, a 1/3 of the potential memes down the drain

Following are basically confirmed already
>Halo Infinite will be there
>Cyberpunk 2077 will be there
>Ninja Theorys game they've been working on for like 6 years is no doubt going to show up

and the gorefags rejoice.

>no deed spaaps co-op that takes place in the sprawl and also plays like l4d2 but with payday2 ways to join the game.

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How do you even beat planet eater as a fucking engineer

EA is skipping e3 this year laddie.
Also I don't want a DS from EA after they shit all over 3.