Crystar is coming to the West for PS4 and PC
looks shit.
looks like gay anime shit, I'm going to buy it
>PS4 and Steam
Yah, enjoy the censorship bud.
Its looking like they cut the opening during Rei's transformation sequence part.
Compare the OP-posted trailer (which is just the opening sequence of the game) to here:
Hoping this is just a promotional trailer thing and not a reflection of the opening being changed in-game in the West.
Post "C" in this thread to cry ;_;
It's going to be shit.
looks trannycore
Is this what incels play nowadays
Nice, I'll give it a try. I was interested in playing it when the jp version first launched but I watched a review saying you have to repeat the last level 3 times to finish the game or something, which put me off. I'll keep my expectations low.
Oh hey I saw the trailer for it a long time ago and it looked neat.
lol seething switchlet detected
More like fat balding japanese man core
Furyu puts out some good stuff though; Caligula Overdose was genuinely great.
no u
Who cares about this weebshit
Too bad it's going to get censored to hell and back. It is Japanese after all.
Confirmed censored already. Fuck Sony and fuck Spike Chuncucks.
i like the animation but whats the game like?
Already confirmed censored. See We're going into Nintend-tier censorship.
I'm confused, Yea Forums.
Is this game for incels or for trannies?
>Power up your attacks and armor by shedding tears.
finally, the perfect game for whiny edgelord incels!
Looks interesting
looks like some shit that a tranny incel would play on a snoy console, lmao
>spike chunsoft
Oh thank fucking god the game escaped the clutches of NISA
This isn't a TLOU or Bloodline thread.
This is a from soft game thread
Who names their company Chuuni? Damn nips.
>not porn
who cares
Its an action RPG
Did you get lost on your way to reddit or something?
You're as bad as the reddit tranny sois from reddit
imagine getting hyped by this shit lmao
Pick only one. Who do you think forced Sony to become SNOY?
Doesn't really look good.
Geez, it just looks so gamey
Yeh, the art is beyond crap. Should had gone with a better artist.
I don't see the problem
Stylistically speaking it looks cool
Gameplay looks a bit basic but its a budget JRPG so I'm not expecting that's top tier or anything.
sorry bout your safe space tranny
Gonna play this mostly due to the art though
>h-how dare you insult a japanese game!
cringe and reddit
OH the irony
Looks cute and funny
The artist is crap though. He should quit drawing.
You insane poltard. You think a lefty tranny would play anything anime, you're such a cute mutilated fag.
Reddit is a safe space.
>Stylistically speaking it looks cool
it looks like any generic low budget vita game, you think that lame art looks cool? yikes
>caring about style over gameplay
double yikes, this is the power of weebs
What? The art is the best part.
Old hags are not cute and especially NOT funny. Stop misusing this term.
Seething resettranny
>The art is the best part.
you can find better art in low budget mobage
Looks great to me desu.
Looks damn bad yeh. Whoever drew this should commit sudoku.
funny you say that because this is a game made for trannies
Not exactly related but reminder this is coming to steam in 5 days.
Stop hating yourself.
I like the strange colors and environments. The strong purples and disjointed, electronic otherworldly looking world.
And I'm not saying the gameplay looks bad, just a bit basic. It looks serviceable, and that's all I ask. Fast movement, fights where I need to dodge choreographed enemy attacks...its enough.
>i-if i call them resetera trannies they won't figure out i'm a tranny
I can't stand slow hack and slash game
How does such delusion happens? Who hurt you?
>I like the strange colors and environments. The strong purples and disjointed, electronic otherworldly looking world.
so you've literally never played any other vita game then
Trannies hate anime games. It doesn't matter how much you try to delude yourself into thinking the games you prefers aren't loved by trannies, tranny.
t. discord trannies
Trannies play Sekiro right now.
Thank god. Fuck Sony.
Deluded tranny
Epic raid you discord resettranny.
>Trannies hate anime games
thats why all the tranny ERPing faggots on ERP threads use anime avatars right
At some point I hope that jap devs get off their asses and actually put some SOUL into their anime games.
The art is pretty then you see the in-game stuff and it's just You would hope that the devs would have better ideas than "I don't know maybe rip-off some Tales gameplay but no effort?"
>Trannies hate anime games.
The anime avatar crowd disagrees vehemently.
she looks like Lathna
I have no idea. You seems much more expert on this topic.
Shitty jump manga aren't anime.
t. discord trannies with anime avatars that are absolutely SEETHING now that they've been exposed
>The anime avatar crowd disagrees vehemently.
They're only into the garbage they allow and believe is inclusive.
>releases on my birthday
Guess I'm gonna buy it just because
I've played Caligula Overdose which I like for similar reasons
it will be Epic by the time of release
i see you're a redditor who has never left Yea Forums
I'm pretty damn fucking sure resetnigger trannies aren't into anything anime shit past the usual normalfag shonenshit. They're literally banning it.
Stop trying
How does this look like Tales?
Tales of locks you into arena battles
t.reddit deluded tranny.
try conception 2 if you don't care about gameplay as well
t.reddit trannyera imagine being this deluded
>They're only into the garbage they allow and believe is inclusive.
This. They really like stuff like Danganronpa and Persona for some reason.
Censored on PC too because Spike are SJW trannies as well.
you done yet? Trannies are lefties and lefties are trying to ban anime literally especially when it looks like this, this is the truth, now sure what you're trying to accomplish with your little deluded raid here.
>JRPG where you power up through tears and feels
Now we only need a 'Underage Pantsu Quest' to make the memes real
And Academia.
if you've really never seen a faggot ERP thread with anime avatars before you are clearly from reddit and you literally cannot convince anyone with your halfhearted attempts to deny it
sorry kid, game over for you
Thanks I'll get on PS4.
Please tell me you are joking
PC has the potential benefit of unmodding. But if it was already censored on PS4 and this is the port then we're fucked either way?
Zanki Zero happened. Also see
have sex
Yea Forums is a lost cause bro, the gamer neets and otakus have long since been displaced by smartphone noobs. You can either choose to stay here and try to drum up discussions with what little of us is left or you can choose to move on to /vg/ (if you don't mind ERPers) or /vr/.
You pretty much have to buy an art book to tell if something was censored, but then the company just got you to buy an art book in addition to the game.
>people will pay $60 for this garbage
Not him, I'd post more on /vg/ if my favorite games there didn't have circle jerks over gay retards in some irc/discord circlejerk.
Imagine... if the artbook is censored in the west as well.
looks better than sekiro
Yeah no walls I guess.
and I know people give modern Tales shit for corridors and arenas but I don't remember them being this fucking heavy with the corridors and arenas.
So mods finally banned you from making threads huh.
Actually the majority of smartphone games played and discussed here are Japanese. If anything the Japanese game fans have just been replaced by regular game fans since western AAA gaming is so big these days.
So this... is the power of shitposting, huh. Not bad.
What's it about?
Don't mean smartphone gamers, I meant people who regularly post here via their smartphones
Apparently some girl losing her sister and making a deal with the devil to rescue her from limbo by clearing it out.
>game about cute girls with very troubled pasts who get isekai'd to some sort of wacky dimension
>they can only access their magical girl powers through crying / suffering
this is right up my alley, the only thing it's lacking
is __yuri__
Sounds interesting. I'll keep an eye on it.
literally a tranny's wet dream
Dont tell me the switctards are shitposting because is not comming to the switch again.
I'll buy this game. It really seems to make someone buttdevasted.
That's too far away!
I don't think they've caught wind of it yet.
It's just some falseflagging resetera anti anime fag.
>no gameplay
>just weeb anime OP
Is that shit even necessary? I always skip OPs.
why is Yea Forums obsessed with trannies
>buying censored games
>games are often announced with gameplay these days I don't get it!
>it's impossible to go look up for gameplay for a game released a year ago!
>there was no gameplay posted in this very thread
Based frogretard
Gay people are a lost cause so now the right wing/conservative groups have moved on to transgender people.
It's on Steam.
trannies and weebs are one and the same
only for seeeeth minds
>weeb shit
Just get a gf.
Did you read the thread?
some time ago people started memeing that a group of trannies regularly got together somewhere on discord to coordinate shitposting raids on Yea Forums
as expected, other people started to unironically believe such things
Make me.
No, it's an awful thread taken over by some buttdevasted deluded redditor thinking leftytrannies are into anime game now and a few post was enough.
Even if a gf was offered for free I'd rather pay for this game instead.
>Spike Censorsoft
That's going to be a yikes from me, family.
SpikeChunsoft is a SJW company now. They censor on all platforms.
The game came out in October in Japan. It's past the Omega Labyrinth Z incident. The Zenki Zero or whatever was a week afterwards so the game was already finished and in stores.
They still censored the trailer. Proof it's getting butchered in the west.
Not entirely true.
Marketing for Moero H in Japan:
(click on the penis otter in the top corner also)
Same again for western release:
Spot the difference.
The game is entirely uncensored either way, but they massively censored the promotional material overseas.
That said I'm sure SC is going to censor because they have a record of it, just pointing out that you shouldn't consider market material to be indicative of anything.
Is this game popular or something?
I feel like I keep track of new JRPGs fairly well, especially the edgier ones but I honestly hadn't heard about this one until this thread.