What would a respectable developer do in this situation?

What would a respectable developer do in this situation?

Attached: SHUT IT DOWN.jpg (827x418, 110K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Reply with April 15 1989, Tiananmen Square

if you live china obviously don't piss of your government, if you don't live in china make your game, if it's only going to be banned in china do you really care?

Take a screenshot, send it to steam so they ban him for blackmailing you.

average Yea Forumspol/ user

>A few million people won't buy your game

Yes, you'll care.

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They literally can't keep doing this forever. The more China opens up to the information age and the more established the middle class becomes, the easier and more commonly known this information is going to become.

But if you start speaking openly about these topics your social points will be reduced and you'll be denied access to businesses, accommodation, public transport, bank access and certain professions.


>cartoon doge

>t. China
You wouldn't want us to ban steam, would you?

oppression can only last so long
The question is what will be the last straw

What game


Falseflagging used to mean something. Now every epic kiddie do it. What happened?

What are they gonna do hit tanks with bamboo sticks

>some random people giving your bullshit information



Say the T-word

what game is this so i can buy it

From what I have read and the expats I have talked to, most Chinese zoomers are on VPNs and it is a silent majority of people who are sick of the governments shit. On top of this, their economy has been stalling for a few consecutive years and they ironically enough arefacing the same aging population/fertility problems as Japan. Also increasing automation is going to destroy China's monopoly on cheap labour and localize most industry.

CPC is on life support.

>a single man causes steam to be banned again in china

god speed

How little you know. The free information age is over, NSA and PRC have their hooks inserted all the way into the internet. People know less about the world now, not more.

I'd post this.

Attached: 1546969209036.jpg (1024x429, 80K)

China is not in a black hole. The average chinese person is well acquainted with these "forbidden topics." Books like 1984 are not even censored. The middle class is well established. They are quite familiar with western freedoms.

And yet, nothing has happened. The question is, why? I think western liberals (in the classical sense) naturally expect that free access to information would lead to a quasi-enlightenment among the chinese. But I think that is wishful thinking, projecting your own history onto others.
I think rather it is becoming clear that the Chinese have, for whatever reason, come to the conclusion that their situation is acceptable. Chinese censorship is really designed to quell spontaneous action, and create a general sense of the permanence of the CCP.

It came to a head previously and the army put it down. The same thing would likely happen again. I think any Chinese citizen who wants to live in a more open society would just leave China if they could.

Goddamn that UI is disgusting. Being an indie game selling for under $5 can excuse UI that janky and unfinished.

what game lol


pick one

>china has enough people to topple the government and seize control before the military or secret police can act
>they rather download a vpn and do nothing while their fellow men are butchered by the government
Zoomers are consumers. They will never change or do anything.

Their situation has become acceptable because their general standard of living has improved a lot in a few short decades, but future generations might want the freedom to be more critical of their leaders. Now that Pooh is president for life though, unless he messes up something major it's unlikely to happen for a long time.

>PC gamers

Pick one

Mate where the fuck do you live that there isn't a silent majority pissed at a stalling government doing shit?
That's pretty much the global standard, at least for developed / developing.

>haha yeah its only a matter of time before China stops censoring their internet!
>meanwhile western governments are actively forcing tech companies to censor everything that hurts people's feelings
>meanwhile in America you can have your domain/ISP/bank account shut down for committing wrongthink, like what happened to Gab.com

The future is shifting TOWARDS China-esque suppression of the people, not the other way.

thanks. well idk if this was a contrived shilling attempt or not but I'm sold either way

Westerners are bombarded with anti China propaganda. A Chinese person deciding to overthrow the government is because of Tiananmen Square is like Americans deciding to rebel now because of Waco. Truth is, they just see it as natural flaws of a government they otherwise support. Chinese people wonder why Americans don't fight back against the surveillance state run by debt slavery that mutilates them at birth.

Yeah it all well and good whilst everyone is getting better jobs and seeing their kids at college; but what happens when they get their own opoid epidemic mk 2 or recession?

Attached: quake2RTXremake2.jpg (1905x539, 106K)

Mean while, New Zealand blocks access to this very website. It always starts off small.


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It would be a real shame if somebody were to post a copypasta involving a certain 1989 protest as a new thread..

Dab on Chang

I honestly bet they’re going to do that anyway if epic gets big enough

Drug addiction in a general sense is unlikely, China takes a hard line on drugs and would likely smash some skulls if the general population started getting strung out on painkillers. Recession is more likely but unless, or even if they got to famine levels of suffering, they might not overthrow the government.

Germany blocked access to this website and Stormfront as well for some time until it was deemed unconstitutional. Now things are just omitted from all search engines ie you can't find a direct link to Shadman's website on google for example.

so much this

that's true user
except for the last sentence, They don't wonder that and they're under a far more expansive surveillance state

do this shit, i'm a work

PRC cannot dream of competing with the NSA

What are Germany's laws on the depiction of obscene content?


>Brits leave the EU
>they start to bleed money
>decide to export goods into China
>restart the black market for opium
>Chinks panic, start burning Brit ships
>Americans join in
>Chinks get dabbed on because most of their ships float like an obsolete rock with a gun
>CPC collapses on itself
>lose HK, Taiwan becomes the new government, all the infrastructure built in the last 20 years are burnt to the ground
>the commies make the same walk as ROFL Mao
Like pottery

Wrong date but still fpbp


what game?

>Germany blocked access to this website

Attached: benefit.jpg (300x392, 33K)


Someone post this
Deep in the hundred acre wood
Where Christopher Robin plays
You will find the enchanted neighbourhood
Of Christopher's childhood days
A donkey named Eeyore is his friend
And Kanga and little Roo
There's Rabbit and Piglet
And there's Owl
But most of all Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh
Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff
He's Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh
Willy nilly silly old bear
Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh
Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff
He's Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh
Willy nilly silly old bear

If it's a game designed to piss Xinney the Pooh, I'm all for it. Fuck that doughboy and his concentration camps.

But this guy is from the US steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198099894854/

Link to thread.


Based user.

Should reply to the actual blackmail thread though too.

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You activated my trap card

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yeah and I'm totally from the christmas islands
you can set the region on your profile manually

Attached: ohno.jpg (1092x888, 176K)

You sure you aren't mixing up Yea Forums with Krautchan?
Google definitely doesn't censor links to chans here.


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>russian dev
he won't give a solitary fuck

Absolute mad lad

>meanwhile in America you can have your domain/ISP/bank account shut down for committing wrongthink, like what happened to Gab.com

It's because Chinese and even the west are growing to not believe in freedom of speech or expression.It's part of a growing movement that speech and actions are only as good as they benefit me or my beliefs. In the Chinese case they find their life tolerable enough and some of the recent economic gains whether propped up and lies or not as evidence that their less "degenerate society" is worth it at the cost of winnie the pooh being banned. While the West it's geared around people may have controversial opinions or I have the controversial opinion but I am right so the false opinion needs to be castrated. At the end of the day all sides will meet in the middle and the world will grow more restricted as we enter the cyber punk angel wars and False X glasses the planet.

>Die Websperren seien ein erster wichtiger Schritt, um Kinder und Jugendliche gegen sexuelle Ausbeutung in den Neuen Medien zu schützen. Die Inhalte auf ausländischen Servern zu löschen, sei zudem nicht möglich.[48] Vertreten werden die Kinderschutzorganisationen durch ihre Dachorganisation European NGO Alliance for Child Safety Online.
>Anfang April 2011 wurde bekannt, dass eines der zentralen Gründungsziele des Arbeitskreis gegen Internetsperren und Zensur umgesetzt wird: Die Bundesregierung beschloss, das Zugangserschwerungsgesetz abzuschaffen

Yea Forums was blocked by ever german ISP for a couple of months in 2010 until 2011, due to the fact that it was considered to be a website that provided child pornography (which it did on a daily basis) or supported child exploitation. You're not old enough to be on here if you didn't know this, zoomers.



What's this nigga about?


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I wonder if we actually v& some bugmen?

If they are in the forums for that game, they had it coming

I miss those days. Gmask threads were funny.

Make a sticky thread with just that title should work.

While that is likely true it honestly would have happened either way with the homogenization of the internet and google's algorithm. Honestly consumers did more damage to their brains on their own than any world government could possibly do. Pic related and not memeing.

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way to show how hypocritical 4chins is, that guy is actually worried about Steam being banned because he'll probably lose access to many of his games.
How would Amerigoim feel if some Chink made a Nigger Farm Simulator and that would cause Steam to be blocked in America, even if only temporary, that would probably ruin a lot of peoples days.

you are a literal retard if you think any chinks access the Chans without VPN, this site is banned in China.

remove chinks

You're implying they care.
Every country has retarded sycophants who will defend what their government does.

Why is Winnie the Pooh a keyword?

>steam getting blocked for some edgelord game
Because that worked so well with that shitty rape game that was made purely to discredit Steam.

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But communism is great! A twitch person said so!

some Chinese mad lad said their grolious reader looks like Winnie the Pooh, he got unpersoned and now all mention of Winnie is completely banned in China.

Something about people started memeing about the chinese president looked like Winnie the Pooh when he walked, so the president got assblasted and banned Winnie the Pooh altogether.

Hell, they even blurred out Pooh in Kingdom Hearts 3.

Attached: kingdom-hearts-3-china-winnie-the-pooh-screenshot-740x389-1145569.jpg (740x389, 45K)

You assume that the Chinese government would hesitate to do shit like bomb their own people. They won't.

Of course now even France is gearing up to massacre peaceful protestors.

Chinese don't play single player games, and they especially don't buy them.

All Western devs with a spine tell them to fuck off.

The reality? Like all other corporations who need the biggest markets, they will censor themselves for profit.

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Bitch needs to learn how to type, is this dude chinese or something, because I was having difficulty reading that mess?

because Steam pulled it, and Steam will pull this game too if it causes Steam to be banned in China.
How hard is that to understand?

Wait this faggot is from the united states

Why the fuck does he care, or is this one of those fifth column fags.

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he posts from his cozy free country of 24/7 surveillance and thought police

then who buys all the games on steam?
and how come gaben was reported as a billionaire a decade before steam came to china, if china is such a crucial market?

probably a Student at a US university


Who do you think made this thread, you idiot?

Im gonna need some info on this bank account shutting down thing, shurly that can't be legal?

how long will it take for meme magic to become powerful enough to nuke china off the planet?

Everything is legal if it means shutting up someone disrespecting our Zionist overlords.

Steam community is already blocked in mainland China and word filtering doesn't work in https.
So yeah, it does nothing.

Could we get some good ole Pooh bear as well.


Attached: 1553223921009.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)

I swear to god they fuel their vehicles with pure nitroglycerin. Every fucking crash video you see at least one of the vehicles explode.

>that one chink on the bicycle who thinks he's getting away then the sign just fucking obliterates him

Attached: 1461754688631.gif (300x196, 986K)

The CCP has adequately propped up some very rich middle-class Chinese people who are well aware of the ruling party's flimflams. The question is do they care? These people are fabulously wealthy. As long as they stay that way who cares if some rural Chinese working in feudal serf conditions get gulaged.

>The guy on the bike
This has to be fake right? No one can be that unlucky

no, it's just because they have no safety standards for vehicle manufacturing so all their cars are as safe as a US car from 1935.
i.e. fender bender = fireball

Come on man for real, I want some proof of this happening.

I used to cringe and couldn't watch these videos. Now after watching them a bit I can't help but laugh at how fucking retarded the situations the bugmen get themselves into. It's astonishing.

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that's a good joke, user

I love asian racism

Respond by nuking China into a smoking crater.

based smtbro dropping the truth bombs

>*record scratch*
>Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got in this situation...


Imagine being born a chink
At least they aren't slavshits


brb, making a VN about the Tiananmen Square Massacre

> posting about Tiananmen Square on Yea Forums
> not knowing that Tencent is e v e r y w h e r e

Attached: Screenshot_20190320-214547.jpg (1075x648, 238K)

So kind of like if you say "the holocaust never happened" anywhere in the western world.

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Does anyone have the webm of the chink on the motorbike, who merely taps a car by mistake, just to have his bike burst in flames?

Let's be real here. You can't say ANYthing critical of Israel.

I wonder how much he gets paid.


donate this game to him


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Even worse, they do it for free.

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They have enough propaganda to mask it all up and pretend it's going well.

They aren't a comfy western country where all you have to worry about is "white genocide", "downfall of civilization" and google looking up your dick pics.
They're controlled heavily and punished for showing any signs of wrongthink.
China is similar to russia: they have so much propaganda that people actually root for their tyrant.

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only in Burgerstan where you have to pledge your loyalty to Israel, the US and you State (in that Order). European Politics are filled with Leftists who hate Israel because it is an "apartheid" State, Muzzie interest groups who hate Israel because of the obvious and new to the table extreme right wing groups who are against Israel because they are Jews

>China Bans Steam
>More publishers move to Epic because of lost Steam userbase

good plan

oh yeaH ban steam so i dont have to read this crap

>China is similar to russia: they have so much propaganda that people actually root for their tyrant.
worse, in Russia you can still dream of fleeing to the US and drink coke in New York, in China you'll get -3 Social Creditpoints for even doubting your country in your head

ebic is ban in china i think

>European Politics are filled with Leftists who hate Israel because it is an "apartheid" State, Muzzie interest groups who hate Israel because of the obvious and new to the table extreme right wing groups who are against Israel because they are Jews
Ahh, a cause all 3 groups agree on.

good god i hate the chinese

Post yfw seeing this while driving.

Attached: 1487174031590.gif (668x333, 3.77M)

And yet European countries keep passing laws that literally make speaking out against Israel illegal.

I smell a rat.

I got banned here for saying "fuck china"
reason was "replying to offtopic garbage"

yup, it's actually pretty mental if you see what is happening in Europe, more and more Jews flee France and Britain because of the rise of antisemitism and attacks on Jews, and the most ironic part about this is that it isn't Neonazis or right wingers but fucking Muslims who are supported by the major parties and the left because of "current year" victim narrative

In America it's already illegal to speak against Israel.

It wouldn't get Steam banned, it would get the game banned, retard.
Chinese are subhumans who should be purged from the earth, then the rest of the Asians can go with them.

>literally make speaking out against Israel illegal
In b4 denying holohoax - countries like pooland have been holohoaxed themselves.

Not jail time illegal. They just ruin your life.

rich jews are the real problem, they don't get to live with mudshits, after all. i doubt the guy who sells bagels has anything to do with it.

I am becoming increasingly suspicious that Yea Forums's Jannies work for the Chinese Government.

Dude in the yellow cab must have died of panic before impact. I would have

Well at least one good thing has come of the Brownening of Europe.

Fuck the ATR 72.
Unreliable piece of trash.
Doesn't help that the retarded gook pilot turned off the WRONG ENGINE after a problem developed.

15 people actually survived that crash though. Pretty impressive considering the footage.

also the ban didn't show the post I was banned for, so I couldn't take an epic screencap to prove this site is chinese

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Why do you think Epic and Stadia shills get to stay despite conversation having virtually nothing to with games in 90% of those threads


Attached: 1526292557969.jpg (180x317, 30K)

What the fuck the tianmen square massacre copypaste just got deleted immediately. Is this really Chinese mods at work?

Attached: e9093a57671acea89946ef930feb32e826be01c333bbdaaaef63d41edbd67840.jpg (300x300, 21K)

>China bans steam
No more chink bugmen in multiplayer games

I hope this dev devs even more

Unbased crybaby janny at work

Attached: 1536757741389.jpg (1080x1080, 95K)


they are definitely in cahoots

Attached: wumaosarehere.png (1899x692, 165K)

>Of course now even France is gearing up to massacre peaceful protestors.
No they don't, retards. Don't believe whatever shit you heard in your local news.
t. french


what the communism why did that guys post get taken down????

>using wikipedia
Lol okay kiddo, found the zoomer!

he posted the "get rid of chinese" copy pasta

If you have controversial opinions, services like banks, ISPs, PayPal, etc, will shut you down and remove you from their services.

Because "Hiro" doesn't exist and is just a corporate mouthpiece for the chinese government.

Attached: 1544698253531.jpg (750x719, 96K)


Lol sure zoomer

Wait if we make anti China games they'll ban Steam in China? Why aren't we already flooding the store with this shit?

I don't get it.

That's very obviously fake

Waco and Tiananmen aren't anywhere near on the same scale, and the conditions that gave rise to them are completely different. You can explain why the Chinese don't feel any pressure to resist their government without making retarded false equivalencies


user no!

holy FUCK

Attached: 1552226500722.jpg (400x562, 28K)

You probably got baited into revealing how much you hate chinese people

This is because
>They had FAR worse in their history so they think they are okay compared to their ancestors
>Their education is literally a brainwash to love the government

We have something like that in argentina, where public school literally brainwashes people into thinking "public=good" and most end up thinking that gibsmedats are good for the country and government surveillance is a good thing as "the state has to do something". Funny thing is that we have lots of chinese inmigrants and some wacky things like "argentinian-chinese labor unions".

Attached: 1553113276546.jpg (750x649, 157K)

Tell that gook to go fuck himself with a rake, one of those big chink rakes like them monks use.

The Chinese auto-ban people from internet access if certain words or phrases come up that might not be good for government reputation.

The Tiananmen Square massacre is an example that all governments are never to be trusted. Any mention of it auto-bans you if you are in China.

The Chinese are moving to take over video games. Don't let them.

Just another average day anywhere in the world.

Hating the chinese government is not the same as the chinese people.

But Tiananmen Square was because of the populace wanting to remove niggers, user!
They're based deep down!


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>A game's platform blocked for selling games
nah nigga the very worst that can happen is a game getting shut down, and it will be because steam devs are pussies, not because of the government.

Post TAIWAN NUMBA WAN youtube.com/watch?v=xN0vUlljX0I

>crash comes
>go straight instead of to the sides
He deserved it

Attached: m.jpg (1200x800, 677K)

lets face it, even when China becomes a democracy they still gonna keep their social point system, breed like lemmings and have cameras everywhere

Godaddy, Paypal and Stripe all banned Gab because they facilitate wrongthink.

Nothing happened, don't worry about it

See Operation Choke Point

Based and better-dead-than-red-pilled

>Steam getting banned in America

Steam is an American company and this is an American site, that is why we don't care, because we have immunity. When will you learn

It's a large, ungainly copypasta wall of text that contributes little aside from being an incredibly obnoxious way of saying "fuck chinks xD" and it doesn't even work in this context since merely using HTTPS is enough to get the bug censors off your ass. It also gets posted multiple times in a row whenever China is mentioned, so no shit it gets you banned in short order.

Except that it's not

Worst case scenario, some tumblrites witchhunt you