You know the drill. Starts in 45 minutes
You know the drill. Starts in 45 minutes
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I hope we get another 3D era character confirmed like Sareena
Reveal Noob, Havik, Shujinko or Ash
Reveal Hsu Hao or Li Mei
show me noob and dvorah gameplay, boon
He is the blandest MK character ever, even Jarek, Kai, Meat and fucking Mokap are more interesting than him.
Do you think this leak posted earlier will come true?
Still holding out hope
What happened to him? Is he dead? Last thing I remember was that he was there when Kintaro roasted Kabal.
someone ask them why all the women are wearing head to toe baggy clothes and the men are all shirtless and ripped
Doesn't matter if he's dead. 11 is fucking around with the timeline again. Baraka, Kabal, and Jade are back and they were dead as fuck.
noob and frost
dont have any
Have sex
No noob or frost
fujin will never be in a game again
It's starting
im pretty sure we're getting john wick as a dlc char.
Theyre revealing 1 dlc today, John Wick 3 is right around the corner.
Pretty good fit imo.
fuck you for not putting the link
fuckin hilarious we get to see absolutely nothing, Ed boon troll/10
What the fuck is this stream?
This is either an extremely aggravating troll decision or the worst stream in recent gaming history
lmao they're fucking up
Real stream:
Thanks user. Fuck OP.
Also I want Kenshi back
>"just when you thought Jacqui couldn't get any cooler!"
>"one of the fan favorites"
here's the real stream
boring ass pr talk
they're really trying to push the worst of the newcomers?
Takeda is ok though kinda bland, blade whips were cool.
Cassie is Johnny Cage lite.
Kung Jin is annoying.
Jacqui is bland and uninteresting and holy shit she was annoying gameplay-wise in MKX.
Should I get this for PC or PS4?
if you have a good pc that but if you want the most players ps4
Noob and smoke
I think she's nice in this game, her Fatal Blow made me want to main her but I'm conflicted because Kotal looked so damn cool
NRS has the worst production value ever holy shit
no titties no buy
Good job.
God this stream is so embarrassing.
That fuckup showing Noob tho rofl.
her Fatal Blow was really cool at first, but then the bullets come back through the enemy's body, going directly at her, what a retarded design choice, they should stop at the enemy's body when returning
her fatality is really cool though
What the fuck is going on in this stream
That was definitely on purpose
Ed looks so fucking angry holy shit
>noob's voice
It's the fucking sergeant at arms from fucking harvester hahahhaahhaha
Why does Boon look so sad?
is it just noob? no smoke?
He wants to cuddle with his Scorpion pillow.
This stream is terrible, but Noob looks great.
I am excited to play him.
Noob looks pretty sweet
Holy shit you are right.
Will he pull out that shitty Harvester weapon from the end of the game?
>dash will cover more distance in the final build
where are the retards that were saying the stress test was the final build? WHERE ARE YOU FUCKERS
Shang Tsung
TAGAWA !!!?!?!"?!??!
All I wanted was Ermac back those fuckers
Ed looks like he doesn't wanna be there at all
Dlc ...
1. That bitch is getting fired
2. Noob looks great
3. Fucking Tagawa as Shang Tsung
4. Fix your fucking audio
I love it, it’s the movie actor
>Finally made Shang Tsung based off the movie version
About god damn time.
He's not purple and dark enough
The only thing that makes me slightly optimistic about this DLC, is that we won't be getting as many guest characters maybe.
Still though, out of all the characters to include as DLC...
>Mr favorite is Scorpion
Noob looks like MKX Quan Chi and Smoke put together
Its like an hyperviolent SJW game so contradictory, Im actually excited
Why are all these guys besides boon cross their legs like women? Do they have no nuts?
All these fuckers asking retarded questions
wtf, I was told Yea Forums were white supremacists
>Who is your favorite character
Who was the dude who walked into the Krypt?
>no lootboxes
but they didn't say anything about microtransaction
>he does the pose with his shadow
>I love it, it’s the movie actor
You're reaching there user.
What is this beaner fuck saying
Ryu from Tekken
They already did with Noob
The only person based enough to call out shitty animations.
They actually confirmed it to being the movie actor.
almost like its been years since the movie came out
Look at the faces, it’s obviously based on Cary. It’s basically what Cary as Shang Tsung would’ve looked like had they based his design on MK1
You mean voiced by Cary. They could have gone one step further and actually represented the movie design.
hopefully they also give him a young version that looks just like
these are the most sterotypical nerdy voices
He's literally wearing the outfit from the movie, plus they said that it's Cary Tagawa. Are you actually retarded?
Go to hell
Is there any information on the PC version? Or are they going to royally fuck it up like MKX?
>nerd ask for mortal kombat 1 of all of the original three on switch
>spoiling Noob Saibot
What is Ed going to do to her when the livestream is over?
That's just what he looks like now user. He got a bit older.
Hopefully we get a young version like your pic but it's definitely him.
Maybe as a second skin.
These were the shittiest questions ever
Shit looks bad
That was Rain, wasn't it?
>Erron went from mad max gunslinger looking guy to masked spaghetti western man
...I'm ok with this
Why does he look fat
Coke Bloat
>those two people who no one could even understand
Noob's fatality is fucking sick
Slices you in the torso with a sickle and then puts his shadow clone inside you where he rips you from the inside
That's just fucking brutal man
can you show a clip of how she spoiled it? i didnt get to see.
I'm not a big fan of his new sickle. I'd prefer more kung-fu or shadow clone moves.
He looks good overall but MK9 Noob was much cooler.
I agree with you, but I do have to commend them for trying something different with Noob Saibot instead of just Shadow Clone moves
I think he'll be just fine though
It's great however it's not original, Shang Tsung did the same thing in MK2.
Noob sounds like Dr. Claw.
I want xrays, the stamina bar, and variations removed. It's not Call of Duty. It's supposed to be a fighting game. There's already enough teleports and projectiles. Also, fatalities should be removed from player matches where you're supposed to be playing sets with people.
>Everyone ignoring the cyborg stage.
Shut the fuck up.
True, the sickle gives him a fresh look. Makes me wonder how his variations are going to look like.
Not an argument.
Noob's voice is fucking terrible
I just told you to shut the fuck up.
I ignored it in that it confirmed by robot boys won't be in the base roster.
Which made me sad.
They ruined his voice but everything else looks nice
What if Shinnok is the next cyborg
>Cyber Reptile
What if Jacqui is a cyborg?
I mean it's not original but it's nice to see a fatality really remade many years later
>Literally just woke up
>First video game related thing I see is Noobs trailer
Scrubs always used Noob. That's why his name is Noob.
Her moveset actually looks cool in this game in my opinion
They should've just left it at that
Lmao at the voice of the Switch fag. Every single time with Nintendo fags.
Noob existed before the term 'noob' did.
It's a cool stage. But like Goro's lair it has dead versions of the characters confirming their absence.
Kind of neat that Cyrax is disassembled in the corner and can be used as a weapon.
A literal faggot.
>remove fatalities
Big ass kek
>Hydro is finally in MK
>he's just a background character
We made it bros
This mk9 outfit or something similar better be available
Probably Smoke will be a unlockable shadow for Noob.
He no longer looks like he’s been around a hundred plus years. The long hair looked better, and he better still have a baraka arm
It's Cyber Sub-Zero dummy.
>not preferring the new reaper look instead generic ass nigger ninja 32.
Its mortal kombat, if you dont like ninjas youre a faggot. Play Jacqui
>LITERALLY Shang Tsung from the movie, right down to the fucking clothes
You're getting old, user.
God I hope Sareena gets in. She seems pretty interesting but we keep getting total shit like Jacqui. Reptile might not be in either which worries me.
Fuck if hydro actually makes it in that'd be pretty BASED
Fuck you, NetherRealm. Holy fucking shit.
he looks like bo rai cho's brother
That was less on her and almost entirely on whoever the hell was in charge of the presentation. She's in the animation department and her shit probably shouldn't even been on the same slideshow as the reveal. Not to mention all the other fuck-ups. The audio was all over the place. The lack of video on stream during the beginning of the presentation.
I could see Ed personally performing a fatality on the audio engineer and whoever made the slideshow.
I think the big question is who was the guy in the Shang Tsung crypt?
>Erron Black?
>New Character?
>Player Created Character?
Like it but i hope they'll not use the slice corpse asset on each fatality..
I'll be playing Shao Khan and Kano. Fuck your nigger ninjas
We knew there would be 6 dlc characters you dumb fuck.
>Not liking the edgelord looks
You are no fun
Another faggot Scrub Zero player throwing up Ice Clones when he can't handle pressure. Not an argument by the way.
From player type matches when you and your opponent are trying to get better at the game. You saw the fatality hundreds of times. Stop slowing down the process and start the next match. Bad players who get cheap always use fatalities, waste your time, then quit.
I used to auto quit every time I saw a fatality online. I can be half way done my next match while you're still jerking yourself off during a one and done.
Imagine playing Mortal Kombat and getting annoyed by fatalities
>Salty boi can't handle the L gets butt blasted over fatalities
I love fatalities, they let me spit on scrubs like you. Love the disrespect.
Maybe you just suck and should go back go games like scrub fighter v and nintendo fan service party games.
Bet you own a switch. Kek.
>officially announce dvorah
>no gameplay or even in-game screenshot of her since
D'Vorah is the only female that I think looks worse this game.
Stop playing mk if fatalities hurt your ego.
>I used to auto quit every time I saw a fatality online
Bitch boi is satly for getting bodied
Shouldnt you be complaining somewhere on r/mortalkombat
hopefully they're reworking her face too.
Pretty sure she and sub-zero and shao khan have spoiler dialogue and that is why they don't have trailers yet. Same with Raiden, Liu Kang, Kitana, and Kung Lao.
>mad cuz bad
>mad that people style on you with fatalities
Her new art on the official roster page isn't too bad.
> final chapter: jacqui briggs
>Final Chapter: Baraka
Chances of Young Shang?
>implying that it wont be Jax
>Jacqui joins bold bitch
>Jax gets out of retirement one more time just to put his boot up her ass.
Fairly high
Why are you people pretending this will be any different than MK10 or MK9 or MK8? This game is worse than the yearly call of duty rehash.
The new timeline has been doing him dirty
Outside of the removal of Team Ladder MKX was fantastic. The kombat was better and the story/character designs were 1000% times better
>why do people think these games that playing nothing like each other will be different
>Final Chapter: Shao Khan or Raiden
Like Injustice it will have 2 endings.
I believe the canon ending will be Shao Khan though as a twist to leave an opening for 12.
I hope the story mode got rid of chapters. Those things fucked with the narrative and made every villain look like an absolute bitch. The literal only thing I can praise about SFV's story mode is that when a villain was going to win a fight you played as them so they would win the fight
Maybe it's because I don't buy them religiously, but my friend bought MKX on her xbox and it played just like the one I used to play in high school, which was 8 years ago. In fact, down back B was still the same move on scorpion. The one where he disappears and appears behind them. You cant tell me they say different, the move set is even the same.
Except MK is constantly changing you fucking moron.
Meters work different, crushing blows are new, and MK actually has a story kode worth playing unlike other fighters. There are lore fanatics for MK.
>down back B
i hope this is bait
>MK9 was decently-paced with a good mix of zoning and pressure power, though its balance was absolute shit as a whole.
>MKX was turbo speed block string pressure, long combos, 50/50s, and armor-happy safe moves. Zoning was a no-go 90% of the time due to run.
>MK11 is calm and collected footsies with small movelists that have short, powerful combos. Mindgames and space control are key because a lot of moves are quite punishable and the safer strings have punishable gaps with the new flawless block mechanic.
Literally all 3 games are as different as can be, user. Bait harder.
If it's for the lore, fine. But don't tell me they play different. The move sets are exactly the same. Unless you change their "fighting style" or whatever on character pick. The x ray meter thing works the same in the last few games I've played. Wait until it's full then mash the triggers and hope they don't block it.
This shit roster has ensured I'll be saving my money by not buying this trash
Fucking Jacqui but not Reptile
Because of everyone's low IQ, you all read:
I'm not against fatalities. I'm not against doing fatalities during ANY other game mode. In fact, fatalities are hilarious in KOTH when you're trying to piss someone off. I clearly said I was against doing fatalities when you're trying to play a full set with someone. It's technically a more sweaty form of practice anyway. Why slow the process? I never did fatalities in player matches. I quickly end the match, select rematch, then go again. Learn how to read before getting emotional like women, Scrub Zero and Fag-Jin players.
There's no way in hell MKX played like any previous MK game, you're full of shit.
Also for fun, the moves that do return HAVE changed buttons, I know because I attempted them again when I just bought it and had to relearn alot of them
>wtf why don't they just change the inputs for no reason, rehashed garbage game
i really hope for your sake that this is bait
Down back X? I can't remember I clearly don't own the game. I just remember I've been spamming the same shit on scorpion for almost a decade now because it's funny and I win like 70% of the matches, even if they know what I'm going to do. I just spam it until their character doesn't turn around fast enough and I can cheese them.
Also, if I beat you 4 times in a row, and you get a lucky win, then refuse to rematch, that makes you the scrub.
If you win one match, then leave, that makes you the scrub.
Well what's the point out side of the lore? It plays the same as the last one. Why buy the new one if I'm playing the same exact game down to the buttons I press?
So you're admitting you're casual trash, yet you speak like you have any understanding of how the games actually differ in style? Come on, user. Try to think a little before speaking.
>I just spam it until their character doesn't turn around fast enough and I can cheese them.
holy shit you literally dont understand the fundamental design of fighting games
>ragequitting against fatalities
>i-it's just to get back to the next match
Your defense and offense meters are separated now. Crushing blows are a completely new mechanic. There are new characters. And characters that play completely different than previous versions just look ay Kotal and Jacqui.
Shang/Krypt Trailer
Nah, you're the low IQ faggot here.
Fatalities were original designed as to rubbing it in the opponents face after winning and the fact that you rage quit whenever someone does it to you shows that its working, ya salty bitch boi.
Well yeah, I never claimed to be Low tier God or some shit. I just came in here to ask why you people buy the same game every single year. Outside of the lore there is no reason for it.
If the fundamental core of it is to rehash the same game every year like call of duty, then I understand it just fine. I don't like it, but that doesnt mean I don't understand it. It still works for me. But to be fair I play against the same level of casual players. That's why it works I suppose. It probably wouldn't work against someone who knows what they're doing. That doesn't mean it's never worked period. I've made people at parties throw the controller because they can't handle the cheese spam.
>I'm a retard with no understanding of what makes the games different
>Therefore they're not different
I don't care about the hyperviolence
Again, you didn't comprehend what I said. I too make people rage quit via tbagging, spamming, and fatalities. For the third time, I'm talking about player matches where you can quickly rematch.
Sure, she took skill use, but overall she's a retarded, ugly character for ugly people. Just use Scorpion or something. She doesn't even make sense.
You couldn't even comprehend what I said. You still probably can't. That makes you a retard. Must be the fluoride in the water.
Merely pretending, right?
you're a absolute retard. what you described as cheesing isnt even possible in a game like mortal kombat because of the simple fact that if sides change the instantly change the way they are faciing.
>low tier god
he isnt even all that good at fighting games
i wont reply to you anymore for being this fucking dumb
you're an autist, user.
No no, you definitely don't understand it. Don't play yourself up as someone who knows what's actually going on, user, because you clearly don't. The games are vastly different in style, speed, and focus.
Also, "buy the same game every single year" is a funny comment considering it's been FIVE years since MKX; and if you wanna argue about Injustice 2's presence, you'll be that much more incorrect seeing as Injustice 1/2 are vastly different from the MK series.
Keep trying, user, but best sums up your intense levels of ignorance.
you can't fuck with people's muscle memory like that in a fighting game, that's why there is not a single fighting game franchise that drastically changes the inputs between sequels. It's like if in a shooter they moved the shoot button from the trigger to something like the x button, it'd be stupid and pointless and everyone would hate it.
hopes ....
MKX is a lot different than MK9.
It is possible with certain characters, because certain characters are more powerful than others with more plus frames in MKX. Goro, for example, can poke out of any string immediately. The only way to counter it is to block, backdash, then hope you don't get hit by his jump off the screen bullshit.
Your pride won't allow you to admit you read my posts wrong. It's fine, you guys already admitting to using easy characters.
Is it over?
But that doesn't change the fact that your a salty bitch boi that rages.
>It is possible with certain characters, because certain characters are more powerful than others with more plus frames in MKX. Goro, for example, can poke out of any string immediately. The only way to counter it is to block, backdash, then hope you don't get hit by his jump off the screen bullshit.
what does plus on block have to do with anything on switching sides? Even raiden in MKX has EX teleport plus strings that jail into more pressure from behind dont even have to character not turn around
I don't know user Superman was in a stage background as well yet was also playable It might be one of those situations were the cyborg in the background disappears once you play as him.
Remember when people say that "Everyone's opinion is meant to be heard?" Yeah. Yours isnt meant to be heard.
she looks like this now senpai
Her Cloak is shorter? BASED BUG BOOTY INCOMGING.
I'm hot dogshit at fighting games but I think MK is neat. Why is MK (really both NRS fighting game series) looked down upon by the fighting game community? What, mechanically, does MK/IJ do that makes it worse than other games?
Also I need a resource for getting good at fighting games I am button-mashing levels of bad but I want MK11 to be the first where I can go online without getting shitstomped
interesting .
play DOA, SoulCalibur or Guilty Gear, then
Most FGC people hate on MK because of two key reasons: a dedicated block button and lack of focus on footsies. These two items make them laugh off MK as the scrubby Western fighter.
The first will never change as it's an intentional design idea. The second is definitely changing with MK11.
You admitted I was right. Thanks. Also, I never really raged once i got good, because I knew that even when I lost, my characters were harder to use and required more brain power.
Goro and Kotal Kahn can low poke out of anything. Your only defense is to anticipate a special attack and punish them for it.
MK is definitely more causal than any other fighting game which is why it's so popular. Games like Tekken take at least 6 months to get used to, and some knowledge of the last games. People who play Tekken have been playing for years. MK is the only fighting game I play.
And your pride won’t let you admit you’re a
>Even when I lost I knew my characters were harder to use and required more brain power.
Ignore the other two who responded to you, because they've got it all wrong. People hate on MK because a)It's a western released titled. That's really it.
I didn't say you're right at all. I'm just saying that no matter how you try and spin it, you will always be a salty bitch boi.
>even when I lost, my characters were harder to use and required more brain power.
>Goro and Kotal Kahn can low poke out of anything. Your only defense is to anticipate a special attack and punish them for it.
but that literally has nothing to do with the original conversation of characters not turning around when switching sides. also goro and kotal dont even have the fastest poke in the game
you're an autist, user.
Only trash lords cry about mk for 1 reason.
There is a block button instead of just holding back to block. This makes playing defensively more skill based. Which weeds out scrubs.
Also nearly everyone's first fighting game is a mortal kombat title. It's literally just hipsters who hate on it. Mortal Kombat is the number 1 sellling fighting series of all time for a reason. Everyone but literal spergs love it.
don't forget about tekken , keep sucking your swj overlords dicks im going to laugh so hard when they try to remove part of the violence next time .
>I knew that even when I lost, my characters were harder to use and required more brain power.
You'd think you'd be smarter with a brain active with such insane mental gymnastics.
>when they try to remove part of the violence next time .
I made this for you
A list Cage, Commando Kano.
Why are you talking about switching sides? I was referring to the spammer who talked about cheesing his way to victory.
I don't have a faggy teleport, unblockable moves, some gay stun attack, or 50/50s. I actually have to fight to win. It's a FIGHTING game after all.
>Why are you talking about switching sides? I was referring to the spammer who talked about cheesing his way to victory.
you were the retard who responded to me when i was talking about something else not my fault you have a low IQ
fucking kill yourself
Those aren't brain power plays they're pretty easy to use, call me when you can use Summoner Quan Chi or Noxious Reptile
saved, brudda
>I don't have a faggy teleport, unblockable moves, some gay stun attack, or 50/50s. I actually have to fight to win. It's a FIGHTING game after all.
So, what you're saying, is that you're more intelligent than every player in a scene, because even though you lose every match you play, the character you use requires "more skill" because they're handicapped by lacking answers to some of the most basic tools in a fighting game?
>commando kano
easy mode character
>a list
you probably dont even do consistant run cancels or use cancels at all
>implying le near unblockable 50/50 man is hard to play
So I was rewatching the kombat kast, when they were talking about jacqui being able to counterthrow somebody after teching a throw and they were talking about how it turns into a mixup siutation between if her counterthrow is an armbreak or a legbreak.
How does that work? Are there two different types of throw now and you have to guess the right throw it's gonna be to tech it? Is this a universal system? What buttons do you push to tech the right type of throw then?
Quan Chi is weak as shit compared to everyone else and Reptile sucks asssssss
Hopes: cyborgs, human smoke
Fears: jax, reiko and frost (especially because jax and frost are more likely to be in the game)
>Ever getting back in
As much as I'd love a re-invention of Reiko, Kotal has taken the place of 'aspiring Khan'.
Forward and Back throws.
Forward and back throws have different buttons to tech out of them. Jacqui's throw reversal special works the same way, only its "arm" and "leg" instead of "forward" and "back."
meter burn rune and his vortex already make him more powerful than half the fucking cast
Did you watch the stream?
We won't be getting cyborgs. There is a stage with them disassembled in the background.
You were talking to the Scorpion player who was saying he used to spam in most of his matches.
I heard this response 4 times. NPC auto generated responses.
Reptile is annoying, but he definitely takes skill. Some of my best/close matches were against Reptile. Quan Chi players are usually cowards who use his stun attack either from his low string or overhead sword attack. Then they spam projectiles when they can't stand in front of me. He has a lot of tools when some characters have none.
Not necessarily. I played against Scorpion players before who actually mixed it up and didn't teleport all match like a fag. I only take offense when they send hatemail after I almost win with a difficult character. If I used Kung Jin, I'd win 90% of my matches too.
You're supposed to use cancels with A-list. Why else would anybody use Alist moron? They nerfed Cage into the ground so I stopped using him.And commando is the hardest of the three, and he's harder than most.
To be honest, he'd be alright if they gave him some special power, dunno what it might be, prolly something related to any of these chaos/order/dream realms. I'm just irritated by people who want him without any reason whatsoever.
But I'll never understand people who would want Frost as a separate character, not as a premier skin for Sub Zero
B-but Triborg might've escaped...
Anyways, I'd be okay with seeing them as DLC characters
>You were talking to the Scorpion player who was saying he used to spam in most of his matches.
yes but that had nothing to do with the point of the conversation i was having. learn to read
Triborg re-founds the Tekunin in this timeline
What a boring opinion you have.
>I want everything new removed from the game
Nice strawman
MK9 was perfectly fine without stamina or stupid variations. Xrays were a get out of jail free card. The roster was better too.
>I played against Scorpion players before who actually mixed it up and didn't teleport all match like a fag
So, now what you're saying, is that you're not as skilled as you thought you were, because if a Scorpion player is just teleporting all match, and you somehow have no answer for it, it's just spam, despite the fact that he's abusing an actual weakness on your part? You're also saying that said player gets away with this because not only does he not respect you, he knows you aren't skilled enough to punish.
>We won't be getting cyborgs.
But they also said Noob is making his own Lin Quei so we still could have them also Superman was in the background of his stage and so was Martian Manhunter
Oh no it doesn't that's Goros dragon punch combo or whatever it was called
>MK9 was perfectly fine without stamina or stupid variations.
It was but Variations made MKX a way better game
Another strawman. Complaining about cheap characters doesn't mean I couldn't handle them. It took a while, but I eventually got better like everyone else. It doesn't dispute the fact that they're cheap characters.
Punch walk I think. For some retarded reason they buffed that move. I stopped playing a while ago.
tarkatan arm
not baraka arm
A moveset similar to Ares from injustice (summoning weapons) would fit the "warmonger general" type of character he is.
I respect your opinion. I'd rather learn a different character than transition between variations. Some characters' variations play completely different too.
Fucking amazing. He looks the most fun to play
I respect your opinion as well user. I get what you're saying but I think the Variations make the characters more unique and also makes them cover alot more situations than normally.
The original leak said he was unlockable along with Mileena and Shinnok. I guess WB told NRS to make those fuckers dlc to make more money, since we already know they are already on the disc.
how absolutely dense. no character is inherently cheap. you're just a low-tier shiter who can't adept nor has the mental capacity to not be exploited. so when you get ran by a teleporting scorpion, it's spam. how abhorrent of an individual.
Also the voice of the precursor idols in the jak and daxter games
Incorrect. There was story footage of Sub-Zero and Scorpion fighting cyborgs together
Fag jin is cheap. Fact
Rain was in the story of mk9 and wasn't playable
They said they won't be doing that anymore. Everyone in game will be playable sooner or later
>Rain wasn't playable
DLC, Skarlet was also in the story mode
How many character left to reveal?
Footage of Sub/Scorp attacking the cybernetic Lin Kuei base
Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Why are these threads always full of redditfags
who do you think plays MK lmao
>why is Yea Forums, the most heavily-trafficked, shitposted, and screencapped board on Yea Forums, full of redditfags
gee user I don't know
exactly. Yea Forums is full of scrubs who stick to spectacle fighters and jrpgs. they complained about how fuckin Cuphead was too cheap. No way in hell Yea Forumsermin could handle a fighting game, where opponents won't stand still and let you hit them.
I watched the reveal and Jesus Christ does MK have the worst interns of any game?
Ed's marketing team fucking sucks given the reveal schedule. Christ game is out next month, and we don't know shit about some of the new fighters like Kollector
You can tell Ed doesnt like the new kids that much. They botch reveals, they leaked the roster (which he hates) and they're probably just generally annoying.
Most of the fgc give it shit but its mostly invalid reasons. For example, they bitch about block buttons, yet games that are taken more serious by them like soul calibur also have a block button and they more or less let that series slide. It's mostly that mk is a western game that it gets scoffed at but thats not really a good reason.
Now a good reason though, is that most mk games are pretty bare bones with mechanics. Not necessarily bad but also much less exciting than something like sf4 that has quite a few layers to it. Also many mk games are unbalanced in one way or another. In mk9 kabal was busted as hell and nearly untouchable, and in mkx alien and erron could dot someone to death in the corner in just a few seconds with almost no counter. The series has also had a long history of lacking true neutral game which mk11 is trying to remedy, which in turn can make those previous busted things much less common and more difficult to reach instead of just dashing in and going for the 50/50 all the time.
Based Shang Tsun is back boys
What have they done to my boy? So glad there's customization
You can always play jade
Pretty much. Notice how short he stuck around during the first Kombat Kast?
hope it's a skin, because this looks shit
Is Jacqui based on some developer's niece or something? The wanking is hilarious and they know she is so shit they even called the other trailer Kotal Reveal Trailer because they know people wouldn't watch Jacqui kek
Because Ed's team is invaded by trannies that are there just to remove boobs and hide as much as women skin as they can, and he can't tell them shit because he would be accussed of being transphobic, you can tell he dislikes 16genders.
Just look at Jacqui with that Mass Effect Andromeda design, jesus
Its like hes Ermac but made out of actual garbage
You want to know something hilarious? A lot of fans called them out on this on twitter, and even Ed was confused. You can tell that's getting fed up with his team. He responded by saying "Yeah what's up with that? Must have been a communication error" or something. Holy fuck, NRS. That trailer was such a punch in the nuts for Kotal fans because we barely saw any of his moves. Kotal Kahn is perhaps the most well received newcomer of MKX too.
And speaking of Jacqui, who the fuck outside that Reddit circlejerk even likes her? She was the most bland newcomer besides maybe Kung Jin, and their pushing her really hard. Why? Because lets face it, they wanted a black chick on the roster, and knew she wouldn't sell via DLC
Probably. The more They shill her, the more irritating I find the character
I mean they made her insanely good just so people would be enticed to play more of her this time. Its too bad her default looks like shit and she still has no personality. I would rather her muay thai+tech move set be given to cassie so she can have something going for her play style instead of just being "like mommy and daddy but worse at everything they do".
The best jacqui outfit was her second. Her default looks like a mass effect reject and her third looks like a scrapped jade design. The second looks unqiue and also give jax vibes with vest really bringing the character out.
Yep. The kombat kasts are just the new talentless fuckers showing off what Boon and the main team made, of course he doesnt want to be there. It's just a fat jew in an irish cap and a limp wristed fag forcing laughter at half assed jokes.
From the sound of how character development works it's no wonder why we got some of the designs we got. Instead of Boon and his group from midway conceptualizing the characters they have a group of both vets and rookies pick a character and work on the design and moves then get the okay to start modeling/animating. That just sounds like an unfocused mess.
She was more popular than Kenshi and Predator
1.Scorpion-- 526.62--11.48684167
2.Sub-Zero-- 417.04--9.096639801
3.Johnny Cage--244.81--5.339891592
4.Liu Kang-- 234.36--5.1119521
5.Raiden-- 223.55--4.876160147
6.Takeda-- 223.05--4.865253951
7.Cassie Cage--193.8--4.227241496
8.Jason-- 192.53--4.199539759
9.Jax Briggs--183.37--3.999738251
10.Kotal Khan--182.95--3.990577047
11.Kitana-- 177.54--3.872572008
12.Kung Jin-- 171.19--3.734063321
13.Mileena-- 167.58--3.655320588
14.Ermac-- 152.64--3.329443457
15.Sonya Blade--151.13--3.296506745
16.Kung Lao-- 148.7--3.243502634
17.D'vorah-- 133.32--2.908028051
18.Jacqui Briggs--110.36--2.407215539
19.Predator-- 109.75--2.39390998
20.Kenshi-- 84.37--1.840311481
21.Goro-- 83.12--1.813045991
22.Shinnok-- 80.13--1.74782694
23.Kano-- 75.62--1.649453054
24.Ferra Torr--72.4-- 1.579217153
25.Quan Chi-- 56.82--1.239380092
26.Tremor-- 52.41--1.143187445
27.Tanya-- 51.6-- 1.125519408
28.Erron Black--43-- 0.9379328396
29.Reptile-- 40.79--0.8897274542
You guys just got traumatized with the Goro controversy now didn't you?
This shit is getting tiresome.
Kung Jin at least had his bo(w)-staff. Jacqui has underwhelming wrist rockets and now, er, powerlegs? I guess?
You still haven't posted a source for this, fagoli. There's no way Erron and Reptile are that low.
He looks cool fuck you
Yeah because of a cheap fucking exploit that allowed those scrubs easy wins until it was patched way late in the game's life cycle. Moreover, those numbers are fucked because it's just competitive play, not character popularity itself. Furthermore, Erron Black was fucking 28 and somehow got on this roster.
I'm inclined to call you a fucking shill with how fast you keep posting these unsourced numbers
See that's where Kung Jin kinda skirts by, his gimmick being the "bow guy". Though weak, it's still better than fucking Jacqui, who is perhaps one of the most redundant and forced characters since the 3D era. I would rather play Stryker than Jacqui. She's a Special Forces third wheel clogging up the roster
The dude looks like a goblin from TES. Looks like he goes dumpster diving and sometimes adds a piece of trash to his outfit. Hed look much better if they designed him to look like a shadow revenant instead of a dude covered in black paint
They made all the character designs fucking boring and/or ugly in their pursuit to make everyone look realistic
Some are good, like Baraka
Even without the exploit she was still higher than others aslo I get it from here
More screenshots of noob
Yeah because the exploit was there until nearly the end. Fuck Jacqui. Her character is lame
Discriminating Asians
I dont think you know how long the exploot was there. Once it was gone X's playerbase already dropped low like fighting games and even after she was still a noob friendly character
>everyone look realistic
when has MK not looked realistic, they were actors in the original games