Will we get to fuck her Yea Forums?

will we get to fuck her Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


God I hope so. Mommy af

Only if you're a tranny Bruja

You don't get to fuck anyone incel

yeah, if you play as a non white or a fucking woman.

Have you people not seen the shit that’s come out about the developers? This game is going to fucking bomb.

It’s bad enough this shit is releasing on consoles. It’s like some bad joke desu

Is that actually Hendricks? It looks like her.

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Only Ventrue and Toreador chads will











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go back to /pol/

They are more than a handful....

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>Be reasonable and try to understand both perspectives
>Maintain moderation in your ideology and beliefs
>Art versus commerce, technological progress versus traditionalism

I fail to see the issue.

>surprised a company that makes games about vampires are left leaning

Yes, every hole like crazy with anal creampie and rimming.

I can't wait for this to be the topic of the next year and a half's worth of quarter pounder videos.

Imagine being plebbitor or retardera tranny and reading this

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>put Christina Hendricks in the game
>don't allow us to fuck her
That's prolly what they call "Bad Game Design", right?
They wouldn't do that shit

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kindred don't have sex, except for jeanette I guess

I'll let you know when I pirate it.

God I hope so
pastebin com/1n3ZJYE0

Attached: mommy hendricks.jpg (2560x3888, 2.65M)

No Tzimisce no buy


How long until Paradox announces that she has a dick?

Christina_Hendricks Christina_Hendricks Christina_Hendricks Christina_Hendricks Christina_Hendricks Christina_Hendricks Christina_Hendricks Christina_Hendricks Christina_Hendricks Christina_Hendricks Christina_Hendricks Christina_Hendricks Christina_Hendricks Christina_Hendricks Christina_Hendricks Christina_Hendricks

I'll preorder it twice if they do

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>They made Hendricks a vampire
That's not a good sign desu. The reason why the look of first game still holds up today somewhat today is because they hand animated facial expressions. This combined with the leftist politics being amplified because muh Trump and this looks like it's going to be shit.

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>This post again.

If the trannies look this good in the game then I'm fine with it.

I will shit myself if its fair and even handed regardless of the direction. Its going to hammer home one side as being right.

Christina Hendricks needs a breast reduction.

>There is a lot of conflict in
>That is a microcosm of conflict going on all over the place
Seattle is a city of bourgie white kids, homeless natives, and is in general a massive leftist hugbox. Its not a microcosm for anything except the egocentricity of modern leftism

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say that to my face and not online c wut comes aboot ya bastard I'll hook u straight in the gabber


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why do you falseflag? Are you dumb enough to think anyone will far for it?

In a decent roleplaying game you generally try to shy away from heavy handed narration as it can block a player's sense of freedom.

>You think technological progress is better than artistic pursuits?
>Congrats you get the ending where everyone you know dies



proven to not know anything about VTM, so why complain about the direction it's going?

>You think Vampires are inherently superior to humans?
>You get a bad ending!
>Think that Vampires are cursed and sacrifice yourself for some mortals
>You get a good ending!

If we don't get to fuck her, I'm not buying the game.

That simple.

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I want to suck them so hard bros...

big milky lawsuit when

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Question: Is Hendricks past her prime or hotter than ever?

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God damnit Yea Forums bros

Attached: christina-hendricks-breasts~2.png (630x757, 503K)

You could kill every Yea Forums poster and measurably improve this board

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tfw i live in vancouver so its pretty much the same thing over here[spoiler[

3dpd hags are disgusting.

I'd berry my face in her tits still i don't care

t. modern man

those are too big


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No, she's old and has cunt nails.

She is the kind of woman that will easily be fuckable into her 60's. Big fat tits like that get the job done.

You have sexual intentions toward your mother and should fix that.

Hotter than ever

Attached: christina-hendricks-at-build-studio-in-nyc-01-25-2019-9.jpg (1280x911, 153K)

My mom isn't a busty thick redheaded milf so I dunno what you're talking about

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Nigga please. That shit was in the lore 30 years ago. Technomancy? The Void?

Why do burger like old, fat hags? Is it because of their +18 legal and burgers?

Its the opposite of europe, where we have +13/+14 legal and delicious salads
While she has nice big tits, she looks fat and old.

>progress vs tradition
>technology vs society
>money vs art
Good points, nothing against that

How? No blood, no boner.

How much of you all are willing to bet that this will be like Jeanette from VTMB all over again.That is, if that mommy character shows up at some point in the game, it will be for a small portion of it and she won't be an extensive character. Aka, we won't see and need her again.

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>>Art versus commerce, technological progress versus traditionalism
commerce enables art, and traditionalism is absolutely useless while tech progress brings lifechanging improvements

>europoors still mad about US

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Is she modeled after Christina Hendricks?

Made for love, marriage and childbearing.

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I'm glad we're in agreement

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>conflict can only be physical
you absolute brainlet

looks like she's about to btfo jannies


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I wouldn't get too excited. This is just a mere CGI piece outsourced to some external company. Female sexiness is a taboo in the current western gaming industry so don't expect obvious cleavage like that.

>taking that from his post
No, (You) absolute brainlet, user

fukken hell lad

but you wish she was, though, right?

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How the fuck can you live on a mindset like this, where everything you partake in HAS to be supporting of your politics, even if by its nature the activity is apolitical?

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commerce can also hinder art

Absolutely disgusting. Removed it off my Steam wishlist. Another one bites the dust!

Wow she's so fucking sexy, if I weren't on a train I'd go jack off right now.

>trying my day 1 of nofap
>mommy and milk posting

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No such thing.
Truly apolitical content is stuff aimed for literal toddlers. Every single videogame has politics in some way, shape, or form.

>gigantic... pearl necklaces
What did they mean by this?

>browsing Yea Forums in public

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>Talk of trying to understand both sides of an issue

Already better than most devs that handle politics if they're being serious. They're going to get shit from SJWs depending how serous they are though. So either way they gotta prepare for bullshit

She's taking Susan Sarandon's spot as redheaded big titty MILF as Susan is slowly aging out of it.

They never have been.

Literally the hottest she's ever been, quintessential mommy forever.

>refreshing approach of weaving politics into the game

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Shut up you annoying fuck. There's always one of you that says this shit and doesn't get the point of that the political message of games SHOULDN'T be the MAIN point of every game even if there is one underlying


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Reminder: this guy is her husband. I wish I was him so fucking badly.

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they keep growing each year

What I read sounded like they didn't want the game to be as linear as the first one was

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>tfw he probably titfucks her every night

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Pretty sure this guy just watches her get fucked by better men.

Nice unga bunga comeback fag

we need to save some of her DNA so we can keep cloning her forever, that way every man will have a mommy gf just like her

You could ask yourself the same thing, faggot. Videogames and WoD were never apolitical.

>That "Have fun in school!" kiss
She's totally a certified mommy

We better or I'm not buying.

Hopefully she'll grow big enough for us to get a giantess tittymonster stomping around.

You should be president.

>tech progress brings lifechanging improvements

Yeah, especially if you're a vampire who survives by feeding on human blood

is that VV?

Thank god vampires are never traditional.

the devs are the type of people who think everyone who doesn't agree with them is an evil fascist so you should expect a cartoonish representation at best

Game about vampires but they have to insert tranny shit into it.

what's wrong with this?

you need a head amputation

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Vampires are part of society, user.

It's pretty unlikely you'll get to bang her. Keep in mind, vampires don't really have sex very often considering not everything works right and frankly feeling is numbed due to literally being dead. The only reason Jeanette did it was because she was batshit crazy and pretty much half Malkavian at the point you find her. (No, not literally, I'm being facetious you fucks.) Sex does happen of course, but not nearly as common as you'd think it would.

>kissing family members on the lips ever
user, I...

t vampire

>the type of people who think everyone who doesn't agree with them is an evil fascist

In the first bloodlines there's literally a character like that and she's one of your major allies.


I agree with you but Jeanette was a full Malkavian.

The real question is will we be able to make her tits bigger with a console command, like the last game.

Where the hell would you even start? You know once you begin on the tits you'll never be able to retract from them again.

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>SJW dev team
>fan service
lol pick one

Even better.

>She sucks on his snozzberrirs every night
It's not fair bros

I'd cum within fraction of seconds.

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Meanwhile, I'm using a fucking demon motorcycle that splits into dual-wield tire swords in DMC5. If anyone needs me, I'll be be grinding monsters into protein shakes. Whoever plays that western tranny shit can have fun

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I get why you'd think that, but I'm really not. Look, can I just come in and talk about it?

Let's just pretend it's her.

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Devs confirmed for Brujah?

he's a jew of course its fair


Kill yourself faggot.

SFM IR gangbangs by studiofow when?

This thread proves once again that mommybros are the most based gentlemen on this site

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tits too big

Some cultures do that

Does vampires tits gets full of blood?

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Every time someone makes a post like this they grow a little more.

go away pedo


You just KNOW

In a room where a twink is sucking of 10 strong burly men, you'd still be gayer than him by uttering this shitty statement.

It's proven that they lactate blood, so yes.

I really like how the political bullshit has gotten so unbelievably overblown now that a game everyone wanted being made by the same fucking people as the first one is now somehow a problem because the devs are from Seattle. Literally. Same. People. But no, they're from "X leftcoast place, they're now automatically something something tranny cuck something" before the game is even fucking out. Goddamn I hate nu-Yea Forums fucktards. You faggots aren't even thinking about video games anymore.

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Not sure if they changed it, but in the original source books sex was something most Vampires didn't do, and the few that could do it, often did not because it required blood magic. I believe Warewolves did fuck though, but vamps for some reason didn't.

Does that mean that big tiddy vampires get a huge bonus to their blood pool?



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I doubt it , i definitely wouldnt want my image tarnished like that,at best you will get to kiss her toes

What are the politics behind Metroid Prime




>art vs commerce
>technoligical advances vs tradition
this is literally standard fare and nothing to get worked up about


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The only faggots who do this are unironic SJWs.

I think you'll find this is what the modern man desires in 2019

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Looks like "the modern man" has shit taste

Werewolves did all the time because they're just people with wolf powers. Nothing weird about that. Vampires don't because their organs don't work. Like, at all. That includes their genitals. You can't get it up when you're a vampire without channeling blood directly into your dick. No, I'm not kidding. That reason you lose some blood after fucking Jeanette is because vampires can innately make blood come out of any part of their body and you LITERALLY CUM BLOOD.

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>we're totally going to show both sides guys
>but we're also taking a stance, the world has to move forward rite?
this is some truly dishonest shit

In original VtM canon vampires direct their blood around to make anything bodily work/appear human

People getting hyper over a CGI trailer for a game that will come in a year...Jesus Christ.


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This. Learning the game takes place in Seattle like there's anything there but boring coffee merchants and has been druggies made me laugh out loud.

You can tell the people making this game are just typical leftwing flat brains because they are working under the assumption anyone gives a fuck about that place. It'd be like some Christfag setting his game in some nowhere midwestern town nobody gives a fuck about and trying to actually sell the idea supernatural beings consider it real estate worth fighting over.

her tits are fake
her hair is dyed
sorry bros, have an actual big titty ginger

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True. Seattle is white hipsterville compared to LA.


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Can we just post 10/10 females in this thread please?

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You know, I aint even mad. As long as some sentient being gets to have their way with those breasts then I can be satisfied with the state of the universe. Gods speed some dude, gods speed.

hips are too wide
way too wide

Corpsefucking hedonists have ignored any passage saying vampires enjoy drinking blood far more than sex or drugs ever since Vampire the Masquerade was first published.

>her tits are fake
your brain is fake u dumb nigger

Which pornstar looks closest to her?

>fat bitch
fat enablers get the rope too

>the world has to move forward rite?

If you didn't get the meaning of that phrase and the usage of comma to emphasize the point you should literally just stick with bing bing wahoo games, he's saying there how everyone thinks "progress" is good, but is it really? It complements the talk of technological progress vs tradition they have shortly after

That's a four out of ten. You can put paint on a pig, but, it's still just a pig.

>nothing to get worked up about
If you've spent the last 10-15 years sleeping under a rock maybe. You know damn well the devs are going to lean hard on whatever they support and make it super obvious which way you're supposed to go. Actual nuance and freedom of choice doesn't exist with modern progressives, just the illusion of such so they can pat themselves on the back without confronting what they truly are at this point.

i'm an expert on big titty redheads
look up her 199x Playboy photoshoot

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So no niggers or spics in this game?

based swedes

>/pol/ babby upset that vampire urban fantasy game delves into politics

I bet you never played the first game either.

>her tits are fake

Attached: Hendricks.gif (498x280, 1.17M)

>he's saying there how everyone thinks "progress" is good, but is it really?
Oh please, this level of self-awareness doesn't exist in the modern leftwing braintrust. There's a reason "progress," has become a secular form of "godliness," to this crowd.

Veronica Avluv when she dyed redhead

Guarantee 70%+ of the people in this thread never played the first one and only know of it from memes and hearsay.

ok, then explain the
>the writers are actively taking a political stance

>i'm an expert on big titty redheads
you're an expert in being a retard

look up the photos you goddamn white knight
i will not have this cow stealing the limelight from actual big titty redheads

Let's put it this way: the original VTM mocked the Bush administration and the Iraq war.

The Republican party has become a parody of itself since then headed by a corrupt reality television star. So what do you think?

Sorry bros, you're low test, you can still get gains but you can't be with the best of them

There's no reason to fight over LA either. It's a shit hole whose only relevance is 1) its size and 2) the fact it's called the city of angels. Its multicultural nature means its no stranger to conflict either, so it's easier to sell it as a worthwhile battleground for supernatural crap, if only barely so.

Cunt I have an entire folder dedicated to her
Her tits are real quit being a stupid nigger


Suit yourself.

Lauren Phillips
her tits are real though, even if her hair isn't

Should I grab the GOG version of Bloodlines?

I have it on steam, but last time I tried playing it, it crashed constantly.

>high test meme shit
Kys fat enabler

>Finally play the original
>okay it's rough but I can see why people like it
>Get to club in Santa Monica
>Slutty looking Harley Quinn looking bitch comes up to me
>"Oooh, what do we have here? Another scrumptious young plaything straight out of life and into my club? Mmm... you smell new, little boy, like fabric softener dew on freshly mowed Astroturf. Oh, I'm not frightening you, am I, duckling?"
>Ask what her name is
>"I'm the finger down your spine when all the lights are out. I'm the name on all the men's room walls. When I pout, the whole world tries to make me smile. And everyone always wants to know, who... is... that girl?"
Jesus fucking christ, how am I not suppose to want to fap after hearing that shit?

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>breast reduction.

Attached: Blam.Heresy.webm (1920x1080, 443K)

look up the pics and then talk you dumb nigger
i want to help you

see: >the original game traded in careless depictions of sex work and some tired writing about mental illness [...] there was even some racial sterotyping for good measure
>it was very of its time (in relation to the first game) it approached certain topics differently - how we look at stuff has matured since then - we have to be sensitive about how we handle things

yeah bro, I'm sure it will be the exact same kind of ""political"" as the previous title! Lmao

sauce plz

Attached: Dad.jpg (303x293, 29K)

No they aren't you absolute gay pozzed fagget, her leaks shows its all natty

>yeah, if you play as a non white or a fucking woman.
Sure user, now provide your source.

bull fucking shit

You do know she had nudes leaked, right? They're very real or the surgeon who did them is some kind of miracle-worker.


Why should I care what some literal who on cuckera thinks?


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it's not what some cuck on resetgender thinks, they're direct quotes from dev interviews with sources provided for your convenience

Never played the game and this sounds like a mermaid, help.

It's about the "mental illness" bit and how they're going to treat it different than the previous bloodline game how everyone thought you were a massive freakazoid if you played malk.

Which is legitimately a bad thing and something you should be complaining about, not "muh philosophy debates/pronouns"

nostalgia is a mental illness: the game

more like FAG

and you need life expectancy reduction

Nah, this opinion you have isn't your own and it exists solely to justify and downplay the tendency of your political associates to turn everything they have a creative hand in into blatant propaganda full of hamfisted horse shit that's boring even for the masses who've already converted to your religion.

Modern leftists in the creative sphere style themselves the legacy bearers of shit like iconoclastic punk rock when in reality they're our era's equivalent of twangy christian rock "stars" singing about fucking Jesus six thousand different ways to the amusement of no one. And then when someone points this out it's nothing but defensive retreat to this very concept that everything must be political to a fault, as if nuance, subtlety, or intellectual freedom and honesty do not exist.

surgeons do miracles from time to time
especially if the original is more than just a pair of mosquito bites
look up Ellie Idol or titcow JAV actresses. most of the natural looking JAV actresses have thigh fat injected in their tits
i'll have to check those purported nudes but i'll bet Hendricks has silicone bags

The weak should fear the strong

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Reminder this game and 5th edition were developed alongside each other

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nothing the devs said indicates it's limited to the """"""respectful"""""" depiction of mental illness
to me it sounds like it's going to be full of far lefty talking points and you better have some pretty explicit quotes if you want to convince me - or anyone - otherwise

> sounds like it's going to be full of far lefty talking points

That also applies to you as well, because we have zero gameplay information and dialogue to see how this game plays out and if it has pozzed dialogue or not. Troika also was full of basedboys and they could contain their faggotry in the dialogue, time will tell if paracocks will be able to.

And? Ron Perlman was a cool guy in 2007. Jim Carrey was funny in 1995. Tim Sweeney wanted PC to be an open platform just a few years ago.

I get your frustration, but nobody around here has any reason to believe their assumptions won't be correct, since they've already watched the same estimates come true over and over and over again. Humans are good at noticing trends and left-leaning people going nuts with the preaching is a pretty noticeable trend.


>if a character is right wing then the player characters MUST be allowed to defeat him
nice roleplaying you flaming faggots

More like distraction in a spy movie.

>You faggots aren't even thinking about video games anymore.
Neither are the devs, publishers, or hobbyist press.

>mocking starting a war based on doctored proofs
>mocking white people
Totally the same.

What the fuck is wrong with Ron Perlman?

the parts where they say the writers are taking a stance on political issues have no limiters on them
you can only assume they apply to the game as a whole

Right is perfection

Fuck you.

Already done it. Fapped 5 times to her.

I'm staying on the fence until there's some gameplay shown, and even then I likely will wait a week or so and see myself if the game is as sjw as people think it will be, I don't trust any of the faggots here, they'll either shill the fuck out of it or overblow everything.

they guy spends 20 hours a day raging over Trump's tweets
you want a sad and tragic case of mental illness that shouldn't be sensationalized? look up ron perlman's twitter

She was best when liking her would have sent you to the special kind of hell.

He's the typical leftwing twat in Hollywood who regularly loses his shit on Twitter. He tried to get a boycott of the state of Georgia going because the wrong person won an election there for some reason.

People change. Money controls them. Uncharted 4 is a giant left wing shuttle ship. Everything from Nadine to removal of doughnut drake for making fun of fat people. They always use the word "mature" when describing the content despite it being a fantasy world.

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>use the pool cue after her
>next morning have herpes sores on your hands
I'll pass, thanks.

And if a dude like that can get an Ultra MILF like Christina then clearly there's hope for all of us.

okay i checked
if these are the tit pics you're referring to, these are fake as fuck
like helium balloon fake

Why does everyone say that she's a vampire, her skin isn't the slightest bit pale

I don't give a fuck about that, there are rightwing fags that do the same shit. I just like his movies.

Gollop looks like such a swell guy
i don't know if i should feel bad for him or hate him even more for doing something so scummy despite being an overall nice guy

Makeup exists, user.

their idea of the "other side" is whatever wildly distorted crap they see on John Oliver

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>sauce plz
Vivian Blush.

Attached: 1.webm (1920x1080, 1.07M)

>stay away from certain factions and stick to locations with a minimal presence of icky factions
>only include those elements if you intend to frame them as being fought against
These people are legit scary. Even experiencing these worlds or telling these stories is unthinkable. Heaven forbid people explore concepts and ideas via imagination and role playing. At the most generous I can only think of this as boilerplate legalese to hide behind. "Our products had nothing to do with the latest flavor of the week loony, just look at this warning we put in at the start"

>>the original game traded in careless depictions of sex work and some tired writing about mental illness [...] there was even some racial sterotyping for good measure
in all fairness this statement is from the kotaku writer not the developers

no but while we’re here
fuck jannies and niggers too

anchor post so I can save all these pictures of Hendricks later

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Does Vivian Blush have a fiery bush?

>Most of Obsidian is made up of losers Kotick recently fired
Well this game is fucked.

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>ywn be mercilessly dommed by Christina Hendricks and nearly black out from the pressure of her thighs around your head

why even FUCKING live

DFC CHAD vs Oedipal Cow

>7 MB, 498x280)
Vivian blush mate, have a good jacking session








I love them so much.



If she just lost a dozen pounds or so she'd be a smokeshow.

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you are so stupid you don't even know what happens to tits when their being pushed together

Imagine being liking that disgusting flat chested cunt

this doubly applies to Mitsoda
you can have a taste of his recent "balanced portrayal of both sides" in Dead State

best character stat-wise is a gay Army Ranger
goes on and on about how a GAY DUDE whoops everyone's ass

the "conservative" character is a televangelist preacher with no useful skills at all
he loses his shit when the talented Mexican Jewish engineer woman doesn't want to attend his sermons

main villains are Texan gun nut rednecks who torture and enslave people and are just basically punching bags for the player
they think the CDC engineered the zombie plague
despite that they keep a CDC doctor in a cage and expect her to cure the zombie plague for them
said doctor is a dark-skinned Muslim woman

fat dyke purple haired tatto artist tumblr couple

Imagine learning the English language.

>It’s bad enough this shit is releasing on consoles. It’s like some bad joke desu
PC BTFO yet again.

What's your clan?

Attached: Malkavians.jpg (1000x988, 226K)

you're stupid
Christina Hendricks is fake tits on a zombie ugly

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what argument you insulted the poor lady

Any proof?

Do vampires have sex? I thought they didnt have sexual needs

not that user but you should really look up Dead State
i would also tell you to look up Cara Ellison's articles on RPS but don't give them clicks

I hope Kuei-Jin will be in this game. I really want to shank up some invading chink demons.

how about those board games though

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Remove the being and it fixes the sentence god damn have you people never started a sentence and then decided to change it but forgot to delete a word.

>muh grammar
Okay there dumbass keep believing your own bullshit.

Fucking this, I miss the comfy vtmb threads

wow, when someone is a stick-figure, their tits are small :o more info at 5!

Translation: our budget/team isn't big enough for open-world so we have to make linear corridors.

Care to show us "good taste".

I'd rather have hubs than empty open worlds

Already jerked it to her. Didn't even play the first (second?) game but I will buy it because of big Boob mommy. Don't ever let anyone tell you a sex doesn't sell

Attached: ZAR4782eb_vica_3[1].jpg (1181x1576, 184K)

Been a long time since I played a good board game.
I like monopoly. I used to like cluedo but the SJW crowd unironically got to the UK version and replaced based maid Mrs. White with some chinese scientist.
Hold me.

>devs are blatant leftist wackos
>bad writers confirmed

>still no nudes posted

Is it amateur hour?

Big vampire boobies can solve a lot of problems, user. Don't knock them knockers.

A character with big tits in a western game? What happened?

>Say they'll talk about both sides
>Anything right is nazi and white supremicist
Can you think of any games in recent years that at all put conservative ideas or traditional foundations in a positive light?

You're going to have to be specific, user. There aren't major entertainers trying to wreck an entire states economy because a democrat had the temerity to get elected, unlike the converse, and if they do they're definitely not working.

Had to be based on a real person just to remind people big tits exist

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>i can forgive a shitty game if it has boobs in it
Unironically and literally have sex.

Nothing. She will be a lesbo who only fucks black, quadriplegic transwomen.

You offering?

motorboating tits is fun, motorboating ass gets you pink eye and herpes.

You know why they aren't coming back. You know deep down the people making fun of the devs for this sequel are right.

Sure. Spread your asshole.

Fuck /pol/ and fuck Yea Forums, there... I said it.

Ask and recieve

Attached: hendricks leak.jpg (1024x818, 738K)

sure, let's have sex user, don't bring your mother this time though, she was a hag

P-perfect. They're perfect.

Disgusting scat fetishist.

How much does Paradox pay you for shilling here?

Das da stuff. Cheers.

>no more comfy VTMB threads

Attached: 1481436350359.jpg (600x1020, 197K)

Blame yourself for creaming your pants when they proudly announced that the game will be liberal and political

That image needs updated. The top panel needs to say "Yea Forums discussing politics". Needs a blank panel with "Yea Forums discussing video games"

Or we can blame you for lambasting yet another game before it comes out on the basis that the devs even imply a differing political opinion than your own, ya turd.

Can you just go back to your safe space? We're trying to talk about video games here snowflake.

All the red flags are there. Just because your eyes are blinded by Paradox's sperm doesn't mean they do not exist.
Have fun with your trainwreck. I certainly will.

Oh for fuck's sake. Anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together can make guesses based on recurring trends, and the recurring trend of leftwing shitters turning everything they touch into shit-brained propaganda that not even other leftwing shitters enjoy is a tried and tested one that we've been watching happening all over the place for years now.

The fuck makes you think your grandstanding here and now is going to change that?

Attached: how do you know it's shit.jpg (802x437, 84K)

keep yourself safe

The fringes are more radicalized than ever. That's the point people who point this out are making. It's not difficult. Bashing the loony right for believing the earth is 6000 years old and not taking climate change seriously is a-ok but as soon as you start talking about chromosomes/IQ you're hitler apparently.

Damn I love Mal.

Post the one were he shits gold


>bad signs about game I don't give a shit about
>bad signs about game I give a shit about

If you honestly can't see the writing on the wall, then I think you need to take your blinders off.

Politicization isn't from just one side: it's from all sides -- and it rarely turns out well because it tends to put ideology over quality.

I still remember Yea Forums shitting on Human Revolution only to do full 180 after the demo leaked.

Mal who? Gonna need a full name. Come on be a pal

Yeah that's why the shat on it again after the game released lol


You unironically might be able to because V5 rules support having sexual encounters

Buy nobody did, user. When sequel was announced everybody got hype too.


I keep watching the trailer because of her, and i haven't even played the original.

Yeah, but thank goodness for that. Otherwise you guys would have absolutely no talking points, and you'd have to go back to just being a regular-ass neck beard. You guys are absolutely insufferable, but worst yet, you're so. Fucking. Boring. You are just as guilty of regurgitating opinions without due diligence, just as guilty of the tribalist bullshit as your left counterparts, and just as reliant on the sarcastic, ironic humor that you knock liberals for. I don't give two dicks about politics in videogames. I don't research devs looking for political leaning. If it's hamfisted, I roll my eyes. If it's really bad, I just stop playing. Give it a try, you pathetic, unkempt turbo nerds.

Mal malloy

I felt sick reading that and even I'm a communist.

is that the guy from the beginning of super troopers?

Oof. Not very convincing shilling. Can I talk to your manager?

The snozzberries guy.

>You guys are absolutely insufferable, but worst yet, you're so. Fucking. Boring.
This reads like a 14 year old typed this.

wtf have you guys done to my thread I just want to fuck the big titty vampire

goddamn i though they weren't allowed to make women like this anymore

Attached: 1445714438197.png (256x256, 40K)

Your dick holds no power here.

Of course they don't think about video games, most of them likely didn't even play the original

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the game won't have the same type of sex scene



Love is funny like that.

>big tits vampire appears in game
>she gets visually downgraded, flatter and uglier because we need to tone down the sexism and the male gaze
lol can't wait

Doesn't matter if this game turns out to be a 10/10 because somewhere in the game a straight white guy will be portrayed as anything less than being descended from gods who is destined to walk in majesty among the subhumans. When that happens fags on Yea Forums spam this board crying about how this game is oppression and contributing to white genocide.

>muh /pol/

Ah, there it is. Like a faggy pinko who can't comprehend that the "freedom fighter" on xir shirt was a giant homophobe, you bow out with your tail between your legs. Hey, man, way to get in that last quip. Took it to the rim with that one. Certainly didn't prove my point about regurgitating groupthink auto-responses. Maybe you were just pretending to be retarded.

As long as they stick to their decision to view "both sides" of whatever political clash is going on instead of railroading the player into supporting one side while comply vilifying the other I don't see the problem.

>Yea Forums discussing VTMB
>crowd: Yea Forums
>jumping vamps: disgusting trannyposters

Are you the manager? I think your wageslaves need a bit work on their persuasion. They completely falter when encountering different opinions and they can't argue to save their lives.
Do you honestly think you'll make money this way?

I'm so horny with that delicious titty monster that I'll go full artistic and design her in Sims 4 and every sex game I have.

Please Paradox, don't be a cuck for once. Give us a chance to meet and side with this semen demon. By Caine, I hope she is Ventrue.

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>left counterparts
Most of us just want out.

yah, perfect trash

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>In case you're wondering, the Malkavians will indeed be in this game. I wasn't able to get a lot of details on how Vampire: The Masquerade's representation of mental illness will be realized in Bloodlines 2, but the team is keen about being faithful to the original game while also being respectful to the disabled community

lol this game will be shit

Chuckled at that too

Keep doubling down, fatso. Different flavor of righteous indignation, same dense skull. You tear into conversation, piss your politically-charged rhetoric on the walls, and then feign the victim. Yes, it's the difference of opinion that has us at odds, not your pants-on-head retarded presentation. I guess you weren't pretending, after all.

You know you don't win over more customers by being belligerent, yes?

It reads like a movie script. I bet it sounded a lot cooler in his head.

Mentally ill mommy fags and paranoid anti sjws ruin every vtbm thread

DAMN the devs are ourguys afterall, lovin those big tits.

please share once you make her

As if you are a costumer and not some edgy teen.

it's going to be middling at best



I actually played the original vtmb when it was released back then instead of having Yea Forums telling me about it with memes.
I played the better game, you can have the pozzed sequel.

Shut the fuck up loser

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>Hey we are making our game political -Devs
>I don't like that -Yea Forums

Damn, son. Another zinger. Keep this up, and we can all pretend you were just trolling. You get to keep rusin' and we get to ignore another bland idiot with canned responses.

More like
>Hey we are making our game political -Devs

shouldn't you be lurking around a playground somewhere pedofag?

0.01 Sociopolitically Correct Communist Currency was added to your account

>enlightened centrist horse shit
No thanks. You guys do do shit by whine about everyone else not choosing to be a naive doormat. You choosing not to notice painfully obvious trends is your prerogative, but you don't get to sperg out at anyone using their brain here with laughably idealistic nonsense.

If some devs can buck the trend and prove they're an exception then kudos to them, but there's too much dog shit for anyone to be liberally giving the benefit of the doubt these days. Plus, that was eight years ago, long before it became readily obvious how political left shitters were intent on taking everything.

For me, big tits unironically compensate for this. VTM always catered to the "weird" crowd. Playing tabletop, you had the DND crowd, the Warhammer crowd, then in that one corner, the Vampire crowd. This time it's trannies and ethnic minorities. Give me big fat fucking milkers and I won't care. They get their sjw shit and I get mine.

>mental illnesses will be represented realistically instead of throwing retarded chaotic random malkavians
>this is bad, somehow

Change this to a remark about misogyny/bigotry. Same exact tactic. Same faulty thinking. The only thing you can do is accuse me of wrong-think and insist I'm playing for the other team. Sorry, John, but you are the demons.

>edgy leftwing counter culture from more than a decade ago is synonymous with leftwing moralistic preaching now
Like you progressive twats love to say, things change. Don't be afraid of that concept, nor should you be afraid of recognizing you're the face and soul of shallow corporate moralistic authoritarianism now.

Lmao. This is true.

>we have to make real mentally ill people feel safe when they play a mentally ill vampire in a vampire electronic game

This reads like someone who's never read a single thing written by someone they disagree with that wasn't stuffed with straw.

I know it's painful for you, but you really played and enjoyed a game that was political and left-aligned.

>Like a faggy pinko
You're not fooling anyone by virtue signaling here. Nobody who recognizes how shitty SJWs are gives any fucks about white knighting for people who look, act, talk, and behave like said SJWs.

How is it making the mentally ill clan realistic and more diversed than "lol the malkie acts unpredictable!" bad?

Is it paranoia if they're right?

By having good writers instead of walking around eggshells?

Where do I sign up to be an armchair activist, instead? I'm looking for a change, and was hoping that I could get into exercising my outrage to the extent that all I really do is ruin discussions about video games.

Man, I'm hyped and I havent even played the first game (I know, I know, I'll fix that)

But has Hardsuit Labs ever did a game before, and this is no small thing, a big open world RPG is no joke. Can we trust these guys?

Why in the fuck are you hyped? It looks awful. Why would you even care if you hadn't played VtM:B? A-are you a legit corporate shill? Do you work for paradox?

They did Blacklight Retribution, a cyberpunk online shooter with Titans before Titanfall was a thing. It was pretty great.


Yes, I am!
You fucking inconsiderate neckbeards better buy our games!

Why would you be hyped if you've never played the first game? Past fans are hyped because we didn't expect the game to ever get a sequel. Nothing in the trailer was particularly astonishing on its own.

I enjoyed lots of left-leaning things and still do. You're ignoring the part where that was long before progressives decided to take an open socialist realism stance to anything they have a creative hand with these days. Where once you might have had some nuance, or subtlety, or an even handed approach that allowed you freedom to do things in ways that allowed intellectual and ideological freedom, now it's a hand-holding act of moralistic preaching and proselytizing.

It's the difference between enjoying one of Carlin's anti-religious bits and having no patience for Hannah Gadsby's soapboxing.

I'm hyped because I want a good RPG and neither Bethesda, Bioware or CDPR are going to deliver in that front

Well you're not getting it here either.

What the actual fuck are you talking about? Is this how guys talk now? Aaaaaaaaaaa

Just don't buy the shit other people are already ruining with their politics. That simple. No idea why you're whining about people here ruining the discussion when the devs are making it clear there's no room for discussion in the first place when it comes to asking for them to stay their heavy handed biases.

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>my gender dysphoria is triggering my depression bad this century, would you fetch me a consensual blood bitch who is on anti depressants?
>thank you player, and you completed the bonus objective too of finding me a SRS surgeon who is Vampire-Positive, here's some Reddit Gold

wow, I can't wait for "realistic respectful" depictions of insanity in vampires who murder people

how long until they announce the game won't have guns because they are taking a stand against glorifying gun violence

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>her tits are fake

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Gotta put more points into your comprehension stat next time.

they seem passionate enough to deliver a great game. mechanically that is.
we dont know if it's open world. it probalby wont be.

How do I know it's ruined with politics? It hasn't even come out yet. All we have is a bloody trailer with the boobie lady.

>A game about vampires, hyper violence, literal magic powers, and conspiracy theories can't take liberties in favor of exciting narratives and instead needs realistic portrayals of mental illness.
Real mental illness is boring. Case in point; you're clearly some kind of retarded, but no one wants to play a video game featuring you. Crazy hallucinations, berserker rage, and similar dramatic but statistically insignificant portions of mental illness make for better gameplay and more exciting narratives.

Good writers research the topic they're writing

That would make for a god-tier threesome. The contrast is extremely arousing considering how attractive both are.

Good thing they do their homework on vampire insanity

By looking at the people making it and knowing those kinds of people not only do not believe in staying their biases, they fully believe it is virtuous to blow your political load all over something until it's little more than a chick tract. We've seen the same thing happen many many times, and not just in games.

Remember all the "wait and see," apologism the coming Netflix adaptation of the Witcher was getting before it came out nearly all the female characters were race swapped?

I never knew I liked big women. THIS is what a wife material woman is.

I think people forget that the appeal of the games that the Black Isles Alumni games was the fact that while they most certainly had political leanings they didn't portray either side as totally and absolutely morally correct. One of the best options in Bloodlines is to side with Strauss. The hardline conservative who only seeks to preserve the status quo. It's not the fact that they want to have politics in a VtM game that bothers me. The setting is inherently political. It's the fact that they're likely not going to give credence to the other side. With RPGs you're supposed to craft the world and give each side sound an empathetic arguments not jam your views down the players throat. They can have pinko commie AOC fuck drumpf vampires. That's fine. But that's only going half way. You have to make as compelling an argument against them as you do for them and then allow the player to choose.

>encounter an Elder or Antedilliuvian in-game
>"Yeeess....I have killed hundreds of souls over the thousands of years of my unlife....but even I..have not harmed this world as the one you call Trump has...."

not that user, but thank you fellas

I bet you also say that games shouldn't have gays because it's unrealistic.

You're just mad that right wing policies like discrimination are represented as evil, which they are.

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You really think that you can just write about fantasy insanity without knowing how actual insanity works? I mean, you can, but it'll sound hamfisted and retarded.

No I'm mad because I don't have the choice to decide if it's evil or not for myself. A good RPG treats you like an adult capable of considering arguments and making informed choices, not a child that needs moralizing.

>March 2020

No, I don't remember that. I don't consume my entertainment with such ravenous intrigue. I heard they were making a Witcher series, and thought "mite b kool" before carrying on with my life. I just thought to wait and see it rather than shit my pants over a production I'm not professionally involved in.

The fact that you think that treating people as less than humans because of their race, class, gender or sexuality can be seen as not evil means that you really aren't fit to make adult decisions.

The problem is modern progressivism is morally authoritarian and cannot understand the reasons behind its opposition. The old adage goes, "Conservatives think Progressives are misguided, while Progressives think Conservatives are evil." I didn't use to buy it, but seeing how many people simply do not understand or empathize with how someone can come to right-leaning ideas without being a cartoon villain has made me change my mind.

When your political braintrust is built on that and is increasingly closing itself off to a narrower and narrower Overton window then the very idea of entertaining the freedom of choosing something else becomes anathema. Moralistic totalitarians cannot offer or even entertain the notion that they are wrong, even in fiction, otherwise the cognitive dissonance of being a moralistic totalitarian snaps and the world view unravels. This is exactly why colleges that even let conservatives speak are attacked all the same as the conservatives themselves.

Purge /pol/, It's the only option of saving this site.

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You niggers will really talk like videogame villains and that's why nobody loves you in real life

As if to prove the point, see

>Comfy VTMB threads for years
>Sequel gets announced and now everyone on Yea Forums shits on it for muh SJWs
>Comfy New Vegas threads for years
>Outer Worlds gets announced and now everyone on Yea Forums shits on it for muh SJWs muh Spyware
>Comfy DMC threads for years
>DMC 5 comes out and now everyone on Yea Forums shits on it for lul 2million copies is that much
Boy howdy does this place suck. I'll know this place is dead if Bannerlord comes out and you fags turn on it

Attached: wolf whistle.gif (320x240, 1.75M)

Conservatives who think that the white, the heterosexual or the male are automatically superior ARE evil. It's just sad that your internet hugbox has convinced you otherwise.

Your hands off approach is how people who care get to define what you watch, see, learn, listen to, and think.

The fact that you think every argument can be boiled down so simply shows that you aren't really an adult.

The proof that tits are a sacred gift of nature is the fact that it's kinda keeping at bay the shitposting of pronouns and gender bullshit about this game.

Nah bro, you're just mad that more and more people aren't going to stay quiet every time you spout conservative shit and attack them.

You would be wrong. Character sexuality shouldn't be brought up period unless it adds something to the narrative. Realism is not important unless the developer makes realism a big deal in the marketing of the game. Most of the games that use realism as a big deal in their marketing are shit anyway though.

Homosexuality shoehorned in is often brought up unnaturally killing the flow of dialogue or messing with the pacing of character development. Gays do on average make games worse but that's because only untalented developers make homosexuality explicit aspects of characters to score brownie points.

DMC threads are still comfy, no one cares about the shitposters.
I hope VTMB threads work out though


I just don't think you're prepared to understand deeper concepts, user.

They're literally the same trannies that say "swedish never had an ethnicity, the first vikang was a somalian, so open the borders".

Attached: discord tranny liberal psyop.png (1672x171, 14K)

>The fact that you think that treating people as less than humans because of their race, class, gender or sexuality can be seen as not evil means that you really aren't fit to make adult decisions.

Coming from the people who came up with the concepts of privilege based on immutable qualities like sex and skin colour, or who are actively fighting to re-enact racial segregation, or who are actively subverting the idea of evidence based justice systems, who coined terms like microaggressions, are in no place to lecture anyone about racism, sexism, or what's fit for adult decision making.

nah, too old and i prefer a-b cups


I feel like Yea Forums is beyond saving. This place really does accelerate at getting worse. I've stopped visiting here for few months and unironically felt much better about my life.

The fact you go straight for "conservative = nazi stereotype" says more about you and the hugbox you inhabit than anyone else.


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Humans being realistic in other settings is what make fantasy settings appealing.

>treating the symptom and not the cause
You know why people think this way, user. Don't kid yourself into thinking it'll go away if you just pretend everything's fine.

I'm happy to deal with deeper concepts. It's ridiculous strawmen by intellectually stunted people like yourself that I don't have truck with.

You don't learn about insanity from tumblr and you certainly can't write realistic insanity and expect your audience of tumblr people to not get triggered by it.

No. This game is going to be a dumpster fire judging by the comments from the devs.

Then why are corporations and massive tech firms trying to censor people who disagree with you? Why do you guys equate speech with physical violence to give yourselves an excuse to attack people because your ideas are not convincing otherwise?

But he's fine with that shit in vidya, that's the problem.

The fact that you don't think that your race, sex or money affect your social standing shows you really need to get outside and get more actual life experiences than your internet pol hugbox

that is one of the gayest things I have seen an user post, are you sure you arent a faggot?

No, it's 100 % /pol/ and edgy zoomers. For fuck sake I remember screaching about that one new far cry game because it had a black character. It's all because of fucking /pol/

It's because nazis were conservative, you illiterate retard

>Men can be women
>See? Everyone agrees

>progressive says you're evil if you think in ways that elevate your race, sex, creed, etc
>progressive says you're evil if you think in ways that don't take race, sex, creed, etc, into account for everything

This is why people call you hypocrites.

that’s actually a great example, because it’s about someone being treated with dignity vs. your desire to not do that

Past, but anyone married to her would still be a lucky man to have his wife aging so well.

Nobody is censoring you. Your right to free speech means that people can tell you to fuck off when you spout stuff that attack other people just for existing.

>Why do you guys equate speech with physical violence to give yourselves an excuse to attack people because your ideas are not convincing otherwise?
Ah, so that's why white people get beaten daily.

Fucking bullshit, it's about silencing reality.

no, you just don’t have the capacity for nuance

>enabling mental illness is dignified

I'd say I'm surprised, but you are probably fat positive too

Nuance = it's heads or tails as long as it benefits me

sounds like someone isn’t very tolerant of other viewpoints either

Fuck off to rtrump.

She won't be in the final game btw. It's a promotional render.

Asking you to take into consideration that you might have an advantage because any of those characteristics compared to someone else because you might have not noticed isn't an attack. It simply requires you to critically study your social standing and exert some empathy to other people.

>Injecting real world politics in fantasy settings
How utterly pedestrian.