31 yo boomer here
What the fuck is a "Season pass"
31 yo boomer here
your brain cells already rot at 31 or what?
early access for expansions
incentive to buy horse armor
Unironically yes
When spring turns to summer, then to fall, and so on.
I actually don't get how season work in these games
In League a season was every year based on LCS tourney right? And new patches and characters came in after every major tourney
How the fuck is Apex already out for a month and on another season
this genuine has me confused
28 year old """boomer""" here, just been trying to S Rank DMC5 lately
Anyone past 25 is just in varying degrees of decay
OP here
In battle royale games you get rewards like skins for your character and that's it?
It's fucking dumb
>In League a season was every year based on LCS tourney right?
No retard, it doesn't have anything to do with esports
You want people to buy power instead?
I don't see how skins are so attractive to people
Kys zoomer
pay once, get all the game's expansion packs as they come out
nowadays they often will release expansion packs early for season pass holders as an incentive
games that get multiple expansions over multiple years may have a different season pass available for each year
people generally don't like them because of the suggestion that a player should be willing to spend money on what can often be an unannounced product
What do you get for games like Apex and why people wanted it so bad?
Well that's on you
Good old days
Essentially, it’s buying dlc, meaning you get what’s out and whatever comes out in a certain timeframe. The rub being that some games still do large expansions you pay for and other games have more than one “season”, meaning you’d need to buy another pass
What's why?
Just keep on not saying anything offensive and checking your privileges and stay pc and neutered af (like most zoomers).
When I'm at the sauna in the gym I sometimes forced to listen to conversation between zoomer faggots and god damn it's painful, they're talking about some guy in their friend circle they hate and call him a retard then say shit like "ohhh nohh I don't mean to speak i'll of retarded people hurrr durrr i need to stop saying the r word" or they'll be talking about some bitch and how retarded and emotional they act and they can't see the connection between women being inbetween mentally a child and an adult man. Hence feminism doesn't work.
What the fuck are you talking about, are you a schizo or something?
I'm talking about how zoomers are pozzed and afraid to say thinks that might come as politically incorrect.
Sorry for typing such a scatter brained post, just came from a 3 hour gym session.
Ok but I'm 28 so you need to chill with thinking everyone is a zoomer tranny if they disagree with something you say
Not saying zoomer posters here are trannies, but I'd say majority of them supports that kind of pozzed lifestyle and thing that kind of faggotry is all dandy and fine.
I'm a 30 year old boomer and I dont care to know. Any game with that shit is not a game for me