Sellout world isn't getting bought by me. Steam or nothing, its THAT simple.
Daily reminder to fuck obsidian
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally Take2 decision, Obsidian knew nothing, at least devs.
>steam logo on trailers instead of 'pc'
yeah, we promise guise, this is not a monopoly ;^)
It's over Avellonebros, he won.
>Retards blaming (even ironically) Obsidian for something decided by Private Division, the publisher of the game
SteamDB for this game was getting achievements added days before the exclusivity announcement. These exclusivity deals take months to finalize
I'm getting it on PS4. Never touched a PC for gaming so this doesn't affect me.
>being this much of a drone
Theres nothing wrong with not getting a game because you don't like it but refusing to buy stuff just because its on a different (also free) platform makes you no different than the sjws that stuck politics into vidya
>durr you're just as bad as the SJWs for not wanting to use a client that data mines every inch of your PC
get a fucking job.
Can't wait to play it on xbox.
it’s been hilarious watching you mustard race dumbfuck lose your minds this past week. Just remember, every day that goes by brings us closer to your utter and complete irrelevancy!
>Steam or nothing, its THAT simple.
I'm a huge steamfag but I'd gladly take GOG or uPlay. Maybe even Origin. BattleNet might be pushing it.
But fuck Epic, I'll never install their shit.
Why aren't you doing your part, Yea Forums?
Reminder that the owner of Steam Spy is an Epic employee, and has refused to make software for the EGS client.
as if the ten idiots who think like you are worth something for the overall sales of the game
june 4th
may 35th
64 student movement
square of 8
wang weilin
tank man
campus upheaval
victoria park
massacre of beijing
hot blood on the square
never forget
impose martial law
capital autonomous federation of university students
free tibet
the anti-rightist struggle
the great leap forward
the great proletarian cultural revolution
human rights
multi-party system
taiwan formosa
free tibet
dalai lama
nobel peace prize
winnie the pooh
>you are almost as bad as SJWs because you don't want to give your money and personal information to China
If Steam is such an "evil monopoly" and Outer Worlds not being on Steam is good, why can't I buy it on GOG or uPlay or Origin or BattleNet or Discord Store or the Humble Store or Amazon Digital, why do I have to use the Epic Monopoly Store?
You do realize that consoles are already infested with the exclusivity shit that PC gamers already detest, right? Or is your little peabrain unable to comprehend that? An xbox player still has to spend anywhere from 200 to 400 dollars to play spiderman on the playstation. Because it's an exclusive. Even with EGS's bullshit, PC players don't need to buy new hardware to play different games.
who honestly gives a fuck?
there are literally tens of thousans upon tens of thousands of other video games to play. I bet on your mom's gangbang video that your backlog is so fucking long it would last you 100 lifetimes, yet you are here shitting about some Redditcore game.
If you crave for Redditcore so much just reinstall Borderlands 2 or Fallout 3.
Technically in this case, you can buy it on Microsoft store. They're being literally paid to keep it off of steam. Not for exclusivity.
Anyone can take a single look at Epic's recent actions, irrelevant if its their choice or Tencent's, and clearly see they are taking repeated aggressive actions against Steam, and only Steam, to weaken its position in the video game market as much as possible.
>Partnered with Ubi to put Division 2 on their launcher and not Steam unlike every other Ubisoft game
>Literally just throwing money at developers with soon-to-release games to make it Epic exclusive for a single year to deprive Steam of first-year sales revenues
>To compensate for improved Developer sales cut, Third-World countries have to pay additional tax on their purchases
>For anything that isn't Fortnite, it's statistically probable that they're operating at a net loss, but because Fortnite is so fucking titanic, it keeps them afloat as they attempt to run Steam into the dirt step by step
>Recently partnered with Humble Bundle (Read: IGN) to offer Epic Store keys, which will probably grossly influence their Humble Bundles/monthlies in coming weeks/months
>They'll throw nothing but good light on anything they sell irrelevant of how it actually did because it's impossible for anyone to confirm otherwise
People who play on linux may disagree
daily reminder that you fucks are no better than leftist mobs on twitter
Who the fuck else would they target?
steam is the only real digital store on the market. why would they 'target' anyone else?
Honestly that puts me in a really awkward situation. The Microsoft store has never really done anything really bad for a long while, but IT BARELY WORKS. I'd gladly use it more often if they would fix it up.
No data on a computer is safe, irrelevant
Look I would prefer it on steam and on other stores as well but I don't see why that's a good reason to immediately dismiss the game. The chinks already know all about us that there is to know.
Everyone. Origin. Blizzard Launcher/Battle Net, UPlay, a billion smaller ones, key resellers (although they did force a Key reseller to halt sale of one of their keys a while back), Humble, which is a mass distributor of Steam keys.
They're not trying to monopolize, they're trying to kill the only major competition in the video game PC oligopoly.
Why should I hate Epic for giving money to good if underrated devs?
>Epic brags they have the biggest storefront of all with millions of Fortnite users
>Yet for some reason needs to poach games coming to Steam to release only on Epic's store for a year
have sex
So in other words, "give Epic free money and encourage their monopoly, don't forget to boycott all stores that aren't Epic".
>imagine being this retarded
Almost all other launcher/stores are exclusively 1st party.
You can't target that.
Yeah try to poach games from clients almost entirely used by games owned by the same company that owns the client, that's gonna work out great.
Winnie the Pooh
I hate the Epic store and I'm never installing that.
I'm out of the loop, what did Obsidian do?
You can by developing original content and having games that are permanently exclusive to your store as opposed to throwing money at whatever trends on the steam store for a year of exclusivity.
Steam and Epic are polar opposites at this point.
Could've quashed the video game PC industry a long time ago and instead took repeated steps towards becoming a PC games "market" and platform for everyone to enjoy, even to the detriment of their own games development, going so far as to allow developers to sell game keys on 3rd-party sites at no additional expense, nor limiting what platform you can distribute your game on.
After becoming a games store and not just a launcher for their like 4 or 5 games, they began aggressively poaching new titles and using incentive bait of free old games to lure people in while offering next to no store or platform features beyond being able to buy stuff and being able to play your games and talk with friends. They don't want to develop a storefront or a platform or a market or anything, they simply want to strongarm their way into the competition as hard as possible.
still better than "give Steam free money and encourage gabe to take a bigger percentage and do even less since he make big bucks anyways"
Outer Worlds is now an Epic Store and Windows Store exclusive.
Epic is the only way to get it on Windows 7 and other platforms, both on Windows 10.
>what did Obsidian do
Their publisher however took a deal with Epic to make The Outer World's exclusive to the Epic Game Store for a year from places like GOG and Steam
>give Steam free money and encourage gabe to take a bigger percentage
Why do people just keep buying the '30% is greedy' narrative? Where the fuck are all the people demanding Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony drop their 30% cut?
>No data on a computer is safe, irrelevant
It is when I don't install Chink software.
why? I'll play it for free on PC
That requires years of dev time, risk, hiring 700 people to make multiple games and lacks the effect of having exclusive after exclusive come out in a small timeframe.
In other words it's stupid.
thats like 2-4% of a game's lifetime sales
Valve is going to have to shut down Steam Spy. It's literally made by an Epic employee and it's how they're finding out which games to poach.
>It's literally made by an Epic employee
Sauce me up pendejo.
Stop throating Gabe's cock, fag
>Steam or nothing
steamniggers are the worst.
Standalone is unironically better than anything.
Steam is acceptable because it is unobtrusive and easy to manage.
>The Epic employee that previously operated digital data site SteamSpy is applying his learnings to the new Epic Games Store.
>As many in the games industry know, Sergey Gaylonkin -- the Fortnite firm's director of publisher -- had operated SteamSpy as a hobby for years, sharing sales and data on how titles were performing through Valve's marketplace.
He still runs it, earning 14K through Patreon a month.
>I made Steam Spy – the most popular analytical tool for PC game developers used by over 50 thousand people daily.
>I work at Epic Games as Director of Publishing Strategy.
He was also working for Epic (it was his 'mystery employeer') while working on Steamspy, and he infact still takes money off of Patreon for Steamspy
Well shit, I'll be damned.
I don't understand Yea Forums with this game. It was nonstop spam about how the writers were SJWs with pictures of their twitters. Now it is "Epic wins again."
Steam and gog are literally the only launchers on pc that sell third party games.
Yeah but GoG are scum too so nobody should use them.
So the fact they put out unfinished buggy games is OK?
That's okay, I'll buy it for you!
>imagine being this retarded
just the average steam community-user
I thought Yea Forums hated Steam?
I hope every new game becomes an exclusive on epic store
I want steamshils to commit mass suicide
explain to me what a monopoly is
More of a mixed bag but now that Epic is here and is objectively way worse than Steam
Steam doesn't seem all too bad
They're retards that don't know 30% is the standard industry cut for retailers and store fronts.
I wonder how many devs come here to defend Epic anonymously because of the 12% cut.
We know of one
Based Avellone.
Pretty sure that's his point user.
Why are people on Yea Forums shills for steam?
Lesser of 2 evils.
It's funny nothing is ever Obsidian's fault
>New Vegas was shit because of lack of time
>Pillars of Eternity was shit because of lack of time and money
>Deadfire was bad because of lack of time and money and trannies
Avellone is such an obsessive bitch, he should fuck Feargus and get this over with.
Doesn't matter who's technically fault it is, anyone who would profit from this game should not get money, hence the result is the same - pirate, don't buy it
Valve drones are absolutely seething and have left their holes to whine. Don't worry opinion on them is already turning, no fanbase can remain this obnoxious for long without the rest turning on them.
Just compare threads a week ago, which were all against Epic, to now where it's more like 60% against. Everyone else is getting tired of their delusion.
>Steam or nothing, its THAT simple.
This is literally a bait thread. Don't respond and if you do remember to sage in the options.
Chris said it’s the management. Makes sense, I doubt the writers and devs decide how long they get to work on the game.
>60% against
Epic shills actually wanna believe this.
one of two things will happen
>game is good but everyone will hate it because its not new vegas 2.0
>game sucks but everyone will love it because it was made by same people who made new vegas
we will only have the opinion of the 8 people that buy it though.
>Recently partnered with Humble Bundle (Read: IGN) to offer Epic Store keys, which will probably grossly influence their Humble Bundles/monthlies in coming weeks/months
I'm kind of expecting that they're gonna have their hidden games be epic store exclusive so that you're forced to accept it .
This. I think one of the big issues is management keeps stepping in and demanding things. A few confirmed things that got forced to Deadfire are
>Playersexual romance
>Full VA
>Console ports
>Standalone from the prequel
He is just butthurt about not getting Epic chink money and selling out to Larianiggers.
What do you mean consoles win? PC is getting the game for free. Epic paid for all of our copies.
>don't care when they sellout to Microsoft
>but care when they go to Epic
this is almost as delusional as believing that the Tiananmen Square Massacre didn't happen.
You do realize 90% of Epic threads are done by a minority and every single time it gets shit on
>No weird ass anime porn games
That's a bad thing though
What gives
New Vegas was a mediocre Fallout game
I understand being upset but this is pretty embarrassing.
is the next call of duty going to be on the epic kike store?
>Sellout world isn't getting bought by me. Steam or nothing, its THAT simple.
If the Modern Warfare 2 boycott is anything to go buy, no, we will grab it at some point.
These are the review bombs that need to stop and I'm glad they're the ones that Valve is attempting to stop. You don't give a product X review to product Y. Why the fuck do people think off-topic reviews are okay?
Why do people hate Epic again?
I'm actually confused.
I heard people call it spyware but how even?
Outer worlds looked like trash, Mods were the thing that helped make New Vegas great and not having them is stupid
go back to ching chong land poopoo platter
why not both
Its inferior to Steam in every way and it favors publishers more than developers and cusomers
use Google if you can, you retarded Chinese bug
Do you need any more proof that this faggot is the most anti-consumer shithead in the industry right now?
Steam is in its current position because of consumer support. Epic can't compete, so instead they're bribing developers and performing every underhanded tactic imaginable to barge their way into the market.
The only way they advertise themselves is how much money they save publishers and developers and that they don't care at all about consumer features and support. There's more to it but that's already enough reason for me to never support them. They are literally only advertisisng themselves to publishers and devs. Why would I give a fuck about a product not meant for consumera?
They are also waiting for games to be hyped up and then buying them up
at one point they bought a game that was crowd funded which was especially bad
I agree.
Alright, sure.
But i can use both, can't i?
Why would i care about one in the dozen games being exclusive to the epic store?
I'll just buy that there and others on steam.
Besides, if the epic store becomes a threat to steam, steam might start allowing even more, better, Eroge.
>Straight up lying to journos by saying the devs don't mind
Obsidian is fucking fuming at TakeTwo.
whats wrong with being anti consumer(serious question)
fallout 4 wouldve been a much better game if it didn't listen to stupid suggestions from gramers
I thought competition is a good thing? Is this not how the free market works?
Its anti consumer which is why people hate it
you wanted an answer and you got it you idiot
Good to know, but i've already been pushed into using discord, so more spying won't hurt.
>fallout 4 wouldve been a much better game if it didn't listen to stupid suggestions from gramers
The fuck are you talking about? Nobody wanted Emil writing such a garbage rehash story of Fallout 3. Nobody wanted settlement building. Nobody wanted PA being shat out within 15 minutes of gameplay. There are countless mods that try to rectify this garbage. Fallout 4 is considered the worst Fallout (excluding 76) for a reason.
Epic doesn't see any point in improving their consumer experience at all. As long as they have exclusives nothing else matters. They only recently added a store search feature and their client often times has a fucking queue system to log in and play their games. They are putting in the absolute most minimal effort into their client. They have basically said time and time again that their customers do not matter, only what exclusives they can obtain.
>competition is good
>competition shows up
>"okay cool it with the competition now"
this is every one who thinks steam is on their side
Those damn ingrates. They should know that PC gaming owes all of its successes to Steam. Without Steam, PC gaming would be an irrelevant shadow that hardly got any new non-indie shit releases. They should really pay respects to the literal saviors and basically creators of modern PC gaming
Relax, man.
Just thinking that boycotting games or developers is a bit much.
Nice strawman fellas
GoG has existed for a while and no one bitched about it
want to know why? Because it didn't hate consumers
It's hardly competition when they themselves blatantly state many times they do not care about customers in any way.
See Epic is completely bypassing the fucking definition of competition. Competition would be allowing games to be on every storefront and letting CONSUMERS DECIDE WHERE THEY BUY IT. Pushing this exclusive faggotry where you bribe publishers into making their 3rd party games only available on their store is completely anti-consumer and anti-choice, which makes it a monopoly. You've taken away my ability to choose, you are harming the PC market with this shit.
>refunds games no questions asked
>provides one free game every few weeks plus what ever other free games they already have on their store
>launcher is free to download
>provides access to one of the best game dev tools there is for free
>provides access to popular pc games a whole year before steam will
thats it im fed up with these anti consumer tactics
They are using every advantage they can. That's how it works in the real world. You think any company cares about consumers you've been hoodwinked. GoG as your example, only has drm free as a marketing point. That's it. It wasn't some ideology that drove them to this. Same with the chinks and epic. They want money, pay a little now, get a big return. That's investment baby.
>Buying from the Chinese instead of letting them pirate it for you.
That's silly.
your just butthurt that little kids found a game they enjoy and you'll doing any thing to go against the company who made that game
Who would you blame - a producer offering a role for a sex, or an actress who gladly accepts it?
>They are using every advantage they can.
They are using the exact same scummy "advantages" that allows for companies like Time Warner and Verizon to go uncontested in being the exclusive provider of broadband services within hundreds of miles of your area.
You are encouraging the creation of a monopoly because Steam just happened to be popular for being good to its consumers.
>Limits your refunds to 2 a year
>He thinks the free games are going to continue once the bribe money dries up and they can't keep buying off devs
>Sells you information to the Chinese and tracks everything on your PC
Fuck off Chink.
>Steam just happened to be there first
>Y-you're just butthurt!
Yeah, that Epic is pushing the same shit that created stream service wars. I can't have one unified hub for my movies and TV shows anymore, because Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Youtube Red etc. are busy being engaged in "exclusive content" pissing fights. You know what I and millions of others did in response? Started pirating TV shows and movies again, because I'm not using 5+ different services to watch TV.
>>launcher is free to download
it better fucking be, like every other platform, why applaud this? because you expected Ebin to make you pay for it?
>>provides access to popular pc games a whole year before steam will
A situation they have manufactured for no other reason than to become what they claim Steam is (but is not); a monopoly. Not for eternity no, but as far as sales go a year might as well be.
Look, kids. This was going to be a buggy unplayable mess anyway. I'm shocked people are actually looking forward to it.
Every other obsidian game has been the same way. KOTOR 2, New Vegas, you name it.
Steam locked people into their web in the first place by making it mandatory to play their games on it. And it was an incredibly shitty service forced upon you at the time.
Thats not why there's whine, they dropped Steam and went for Epic + Microsoft store
>im too lazy
Why are you so "loyal" to Steam and Valve?
Hard-mode, don't say it's because you already have a lot of games there.
Valve is a shitty scum company who lured people into their online store with good games and low prices and then stopped making games and stopped selling games cheap.
better than being spied on by the creators of Fortnite desu
Do you know why Steam has maintained the position of been the dominant force in gaming for years? Because it has sales all the time. Because it has support forums and a bunch of functional social features. If another store popped up and provided this alongside superior features for consumers, Steam would have vanished. No store has come close to what Valve offered, and that is why it succeeded and continues to be top dog. The GOG store is barren, and the Windows Store barely works.
>Valve released a launcher because it made automated updates easier
>Other devs start releasing their games on it
>Valve implements a fuckton of good community features and systematically gets rid of shit heaps like SecuROM and Starforce
>Gee why did Steam become popular?
Valve never had to once bribe a developer into making their games exclusive to the platform. It was simply the best option for everybody, this is natural progression.
>Valve lured you into their service with great features and that's bad! They should bribe publishers like Epic!
I dont even buy games from steam anymore. Fuck that fat pos gabe
Been on steam since release, its convenience above all else, i want as much of my shit in one place, i have too many accounts to manage its a burden
Thank god I'm not a corporate bootlicker.
Epic won't do better
>Great features
Nobody fucking cares about your furry ERP social groups or badge level you autist. They've fallen flat on their face for what they started out as and got most popular with.
Because while all launchers are unecessary to some degree, at least valve only gives my credit card number to the Chinese on accident
>chrome may be better than explorer but all the youngsters are using it
>and besides explorer was here first
this is how steamfags sound
Its better than Epic which favors its publishers over its developers and consumers
Its better than Epic which has little to no features at all
Its better than Epic which won't have sales at all once it gets popular because at least sometimes Steam has games going for 80% off
>Using chrome
So I've a question, since this seems to be the thread to ask: What makes Steam any different from Epic or Origin when it comes to PC games exclusive to the platform? I'm a big supporter of Steam, but when people call Epic a monopoly, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? Aren't there dozens of games on Steam not available anywhere else? I genuinely, honestly want to know so I feel less confused. Is it because you can buy the game keys from an other retailers like CDKeys, GOG, or anywhere else outside of Steam even if you ultimately have to register the key to and play on exclusively Steam? Again, just getting my sheep lined up in a row.
I personally don't give a shit about your retarded strawman. Steam made it easy to make friends and keep in touch. I personally wasn't a fan of having to constantly re-add friends every time we played a new game back before Steam.
Steam is shit and I shant be buying from them again
Everything now is based off chrome's chromium so yeah
You don't have any friends faggot
I don't remember Google bribing app developers to make their content exclusive to Chrome.
Steam became popular through features. Valve never bribed a developer in order to make their games exclusive. Many many Steam games can be found on both GOG and the Windows Store.
Epic isn't trying to make the experience better for you. They're strongarming the market by bribing publishers and taking away your ability to choose alternatives to Epic. This is the definition of a monopoly.
>At GDC today, Epic Games announced that it's partnering with Humble Bundle to let developers sell their Epic Games Store titles—including exclusives—on the Humble Store.
Oh wow thanks quick reply.
Always great to see you slants try your hardest when you're off script.
>Aren't there dozens of games on Steam not available anywhere else?
The developers made that choice, not Valve. Valve never said "you can't release that shit on GOG, or Windows Store, or whoever else." Epic just yanked several games from Steam.
Its because they made the games themselves meanwhile Epic buys their exclusives
also pic related
There is more features than just that user
many are useful too
How the fuck are they scum? They are the most pro-consumer out there.
Suck a dick steam tranny
>Workshop with one-click mod downloads that automatically update for you
>Wishlist to track favorite store games and notifies you when they're on sale
>Browsing and watchlist to sort specifically for the sorts of games I'm looking for and to receive updates to things I'm curious in
>Organizes the store based off your library and specified tailored interest to push most interesting games (aside from obvious shilled AAA games) to the front
>Myriad layers of security
>Tracks when players are cheating such
Just a very small handful of things I use on a very regular basis that make it my preferred platform of choice. There's a lot more featured that are also good that I hardly even make use of.
I'm not that person. I'm just genuinely asking a question.
I mean yes, all of that is 100% correct and true about Steam but that's not the answer to the question I asked and that doesn't definite a monopoly, that defines anti-consumer practice.
I mean ultimately, the developers on Epic did make the choice to surrender themselves to Tencent's red conglomerate. They didn't take the developers by gunpoint. It was a poor decision on their part but still their decision.
Did Epic not make Fortnite? Also aren't there tons of Steam exclusives that Valve didn't make? Like the upcoming MechWarriors 5? I ask because this definition of monopoly is really hazy if it's trying to tie in creators and sellers. That's why I'm confused.
>steam trannies
Kill yourself chink shill.
Doesn't this basically align with the same exact thing Steam does then?
lmao using nu-cuck in march
If steam wants to compete, maybe they should be buying exclusives as well.
>b-but that would be unfair and anti-consumer
Free market baby. If you don't support it, you're welcome to not use it, commie.
>Shills have resorted to falseflagging now
A monopoly stifles consumer choice. Valve never stopped publishers and developers from going anywhere else. Epic is in fact doing that by taking away games from another store.
It doesn't matter how big a store is, it's what they do that defines a monopoly. Time Warner doesn't control a monopoly because it's big, it's a monopoly because it will sue anybody into the ground who tries to sell broadband "on their turf." They sued Google into the fucking ground and halted their ultra fast broadband services permanently.
Its because Valve didn't have to bribe them to get them exclusive
>but muh Halo
it wasn't supposed to be on PC anyway so that's what makes it different
Epic buys games that are supposed to be on PC and swipes them up from under people
I don't recall Valve ever buying a game that was crowdfunded
PC dick slurp All stars truly are the saddest fucks
Consumers complaining about shit service and shit market tactics isn't communism you tard wrangler, that's part of the free market process.
Whining isn't part of the american way. If you don't like it, keep it to yourself and use something else.
>Lowering price of product because better cut
Low, fuck that Dev. He probably would sell for full price still and pocket the extra.
>haha now you get to taste the shit I've been eating all these years
Room temperature IQ shill
Consumer feedback is part of capitalism you crayon muncher
Being retarded is the American way, and you're a proud American
That's entirely understandable and agreed, and I don't think Epic is any less absolute shit for doing it, but the scenario of a monopoly is that one person owns everything and anyone trying to sell something else simply can't, right? I know that sounds redundant to what you said, but I still am confused.
>Owning all sales and distribution of ITEM makes you a monopoly of that item
>Epic has a monopoly on ITEMS A-Z
>Steam has a monopoly on ITEMS 1-26
>Steam also has ITEMS 27-52 sold but not exclusively
>Developers, whether by intelligent decision or not, capitalist or anti-consumwe, willingly sold out towards one platform or another
>Were not held at gunpoint, were not faced with the threat of competition financially bankrupting them, and willingly made those decisions
Is there such a thing as an impartial monopoly? Is the creation of a monopoly not at the behest of the patrons that sell their share to the monopoly? At what point does a mega entity cross the threshold into becoming a monopoly, is what I mean to ask. Another post mentioned Humble Bundle will be selling some games available on Epic, and doesn't that basically make Epic the same as Steam in the regard of monopoly? Again, this is entirely ignoring the fact that Epic is practicing underhanded, manipulative and destructive practices that harm the developers. All I question is why we're more angry about Epic being a monopoly than the developers being sellouts and contributing to the problem. We've many other things to hate Epic for, like being Tencent, selling information, a lack of features and security, but I'm questioning whether or not it's a genuine monopoly.
It's not, if you don't like the tactics of a dev then you don't support him, it's your only option as a consumer.
epic shills are virgin nerds
>but muh Halo
>it wasn't supposed to be on PC anyway so that's what makes it different
>but muh Outer Worlds
>it wasn't supposed to be on PC anyway so that's what makes it different
I dont quite think that's a stable ground to make your point on, but I do get what you're saying. However, there are also games on Epic also that were originally intended for consoles, too. For your case of Halo MCC, it will probably also be available on the Windows 10 Apps Store (much to my dismay), as other games are available on Humble Bundle for Steam and now supposedly also for Epic.
yea well chances are you browse some chink owned site or browse a site that sells your info to chinks so you're just as dirty
You fags DO realize that in order to go on this site in China you need a vpn which means this wouldn't do anything... right?
Outer Worlds was supposed to be on Steam user what the hell are you talking about?
After reading these threads for several days, I've formulated a post everyone can agree on:
>Developers should have the right to choose where they sell their product
>This can lead to a pro-consumer or anti-consumer scenario, depending purely on the medium it's sold and its exclusivity
>Monopolies are formed by either the ignorance of the developers or the absolute competition of the stringer corporation and are, ultimately, unhealthy for consumers
>Morally speaking, a customer should feel inclined towards a medium of sales because of its convenience, not its exclusivity
>Morally speaking, within a capitalistic society, there is nothing inherently wrong with offering more money than a competitor, granted the proposed-to company can otherwise remain self-sufficient if it declines the offer
>Epic drones worship Epic for creating more a diversity of medium of sales, providing competition to Steam, even if it ultimately restricts the diversity of retail sales
>Steam drones worship Steam for creating a stable, convenient medium for the consumer, even if it ultimately restricts the revenue of sales for developers by a margin more than its competitors
I think the biggest question to walk away from this situation is this: Are you pro-consumer or pro-developer, and where is the happy medium?
Shit sorry, meant to be facetious and replace PC with Steam in that instance. My apologies for mucking that up.
But you see just because Steam got Halo doesn't mean Halo is being removed from Xbox
its just expanding where it can be while Epic is limiting it
I honestly couldn't give a shit about the devs, it's not my job to provide them charity. Produce good games that I can get conveniently and I'll buy your stuff otherwise fuck off
Who is this person supposed to be? They are verified and have a decent amount of followers. The tweet was deleted.
They don’t even control how their game actually gets distributed, your whining accomplishes nothing
>yfw i'm going to pirate this day one because epic's base payout covers the first year of sales
Just seems to be some twitter commie with a bandcamp
Jesus Christ it's a lion
I don't understand why we're going through this. The music industry finally fucking learned this with Spotify years ago. People pay for Spotify because of how convenient it is, nobody gives a shit that the artists make peanuts from it because at the end of the day it's the best consumer option when it comes to having every piece of music imaginable at your finger tips.
Epic was so gracious to pay for my copy. I'll go ahead and grab it on my pt, probably a day early too.
They're literally just stupid. They don't understand how the industry works, nor do they understand that Steam is the PC gaming standard not because people fear alternatives, but because it's the best available option for DRM-based video game distribution software.
Every single person who shills for EGS just strawmans their faces into the fucking dirt saying people fear change or Valve are greedy/lazy.
It's not even like epics money will be going to the devs any way unless they're indie. Most devs just get paid a standards wage and see none of the profits. The only people who benefit from the 12% thing are the publishers and honestly who cares about them any way.
>mfw PS4 so I have better things to worry about than every game I play being on a different launcher and online service
Retarded console baby thinks it's people and has a part in this conversation. Cute.
>Valve is a shitty scum company who lured people into their online store with good games and low prices and then stopped making games and stopped selling games cheap.
Wow it's almost like you intentionally described the exact fucking thing Epic is trying to do.
>Epic is a shitty scum company who lured people into their online store with good games and low prices and then stopped making games and stopped selling games cheap.
>launcher is free to download
How fucking generous of them
That's a much better reference to be included.
Shit, i forgot what garbage was a thing.
I will never thanks steam enough tfro killing that shit
Now it's the denuvo time, go Gabe!
Basically Steam say to developer "do whatever you whant with your game, ehre is all the key you whant for free and go sell it on other paltform without giving us a cent"
At the same time Epic say "fuck all the other paltfor, you MUST release your game only on us and you will do whatever we say to you for the rest of the year"
>Netflix was killing piracy
>greedy company that wanted a piece of that cake too bringed it back in full force
Basically this, and it's coming to PC too, steam highly reduced PC gaming piracy, but then Denuvo waked up the piracy scene, and now Epic is giving gamers a real reason to pirate games.
Good for gamers wo will pirate, bad for the others and even worse for delevopers, exept Epic paid developers, because Epic is paying the games that gamers are pirating, so developers lose nothing, incentiving even more the piracy of them
It's like that fatty Gabe once said
>Piracy is a service problem
And having an excessive amount of launchers and "subscription services" is just that service problem rising up once again. You're drowning the consumer in shit that just inconveniences them. Like you said, Netflix when it was by itself was the sole reason that movie/TV show piracy dropped. Then as soon as other fat cats started barging in, piracy shot back up.
>all the devs are happy
>Obsidian devs are mad as fuck about this
god, they really cant stop lying, cant they?
>refunds games no questions asked
Yo ucan ask for refund in any case, but it's all in the hand of the game publisher if they will refund it or not, and there is no safenet like steam 14 days or 2 hours of gameplay, they can say no even if the game is in a broken state and will not work on your pc, and you can't do anything to change that decision
>provides access to popular pc games a whole year before steam will
>i will buy all the fod in the world, then i will sell it to the people that need it to survive, and people that dont want to buy it from me, can wait an year for it to grow back, and i should be praised for this magnanimous act
How do you know obsidian are mad?
its owned by MS. The game isnt on the windows store just for fun
>Why are you so "loyal" to Steam and Valve?
Because it has some of the best prices around with sales, it has useful features like the forums and user reviewthat can save your ass against scummy developers and broken games, and you can exploit the card system to get free money to buy more games for free
Guys, you care about store more than you care about games. This is ridicolous and retarded.
I do consider fact of OW being on Epic Store as a minus but it does not disqualify it from my buylist. It may cause me to grab it on sale or if game is ok at best, never grab it.
But I can't comprehend people who will refuse to buy this game if it's a fucking masterpiece because it's not on steam.
But the moment steam get the games but no other platform then is okay.
That is the auto refund. You can talk to a human and get refund even if you had the game for a month.
>lured people into their online store with good games and low prices and then stopped making games
user, are you talking about Valve or Epic? Because it's epic Epic that stop developing games to camp on the store money(they killed UT4), while Valve released a game last year(even if its pure garbage) lather than the last Epic game.
activision store no way they are going to keep paying the store tax right now they probably have deal to not pay the 30%
>Publisher/developer CHOOSES to only release the game on Steam
>Epic BRIBES publisher/developer to only release on the EGS
If you can't see the difference, you're beyond help.
>Sellout world
>"Steam or nothing"
I think you're the sellout here dude
>Using a PC in 2019
PC-fags are hilarious
>Steam restricts the revenue of sales for developers by a margin more than its competitors
Steam cut is the standard cut for videogame stores, Sony M$ and Nintendo take the same 30% cut for their online store, and even GOG take 30% if i remember correctly
Also, steam lower the cut if the game sell well enough, with less cut the more the game sell, up to a 15% cut for the best selling games.
>No data on a computer is safe, illerevant
ftfy, Lao.
>Using chink software
Call of duty games sell like shit on pc. Cod:ww 2 sold 900k copies and was beaten by "indie" military shooters such as rising storm 2 vietnam and insurgency.
Cant wait to get it on the window store so in can play it on my xbox as well. Cross save and buy is really convenient.
>developers gain more while spitting on the consumers
>this is the best option and nothing else matter
This remind me of the Battlefield 5 "if you dont like girls soldiers in WW2 then dont buy our game" then the game flopped and the same exat person who said that went full "you didnt bought our game, misogin assholes, fuck you and go buy our game or youre hating wymen and voting trump"
they deserve the shit they make themself eat, fucking losers
you can buy it on miscrosoft store you braindead sjw fuck
>Piracy is a service problem
Based Gaben, a man understand this problem while dozens of comany cant came up with something better that putting that denuvo garbage ine very game fucking the paying customers and increacing piracy themself.
Why they are spending money to increase piracy? Do they really dont unterstand the common end user behavior?
They didnt even know about the exclusivity untill few hours before the reveal and all teir tweet indicate that they didnt whant it with hidden hints.
Why would you own a console that s inferior to your PC?
>That is the auto refund. You can talk to a human and get refund even if you had the game for a month.
On steam, yes, but there is no auto refund on Epic, so if you get the refund denied, that call was made by an human and you cant revert that decision.
my bad. I thought you were talking about steam
Epic is paying for our pirating guys!
Really kind of them to do that
>Do they really dont unterstand the common end user behavior?
Valve is the only company to solve the Eastern Euro mass piracy problem by dropping prices down to absurd levels in those regions. The end result was a massive spike in profits even despite those Bloc druggies paying 50% less compared to the rest of the world.
Well that means that i will pirate it if i decided to get it.
No it's not. This is before the MS buyout. It's on the Windows Store because of Play Anywhere.
theyll just do what get them the most money. back then it was guitar hero, yesterday it was cod now they are probably figuring something out with destiny
Fuck valve shills and discord trannies
If you are a 4channer you pirate any game that is on a Chinese platform
>Steam or nothing
Fuck you, GOG all the way.
Yea i know, and paying only 50% of the game is still more than pirating it
if pirates will not buy your game at full price, they will never do, even if you put the strongest anti piracy DRM on it, they just wait for the crack, but if you lower the game price like steam to with sales, they will buy it even if they have already priated it.
And yet, Denuvo is stil la thing and it fuck people with low spec PC really ahrd while nobody cares at all.