>it'll be a janky as fuck but the atmosphere and characters will be absolute kino
and it'll be just like the original
It'll be a janky as fuck but the atmosphere and characters will be absolute kino
im not gay sorry
Aren't you excited to not only be able to pick your pronouns during first character creation, but also during SECOND character creation? Like, think of the pronoun possibilities! Do you think we'll be able to enter our own custom pronouns in?
>it'll be a janky as fuck but the atmosphere and characters will be absolute kino
If they can't nail the atmosphere in a cgi trailer what hope does the rest of the game have?
>that awful narration
>bland music
>cringy the shining reference
>game will be first person only
>guns will work as temporary powerups
>that preorder shit
"politics" aside it just looks so fucking bad
it's gonna be full of trannie politics and preaching.
/pol/ FUCK OFF
>it'll be a janky as fuck
>but the atmosphere and characters will be absolute kino
i doubt it, but we will see
fuck off back to resetera tranny
It looked like the guy had neon ski's on from the thumbnail.
>mfw im hoping everyone hates it so i dont have to have my precious become mainstream
Calm down, you can have all the pronouns you want. No alt-right baddies are here to take your ba-ba.
didnt know i wanted a tron snowboarding in neon game till right now
The trailer really lacked soul, I mean, how hard can it be to actually create a trailer for fucking Bloodlines 2? You just get another track from Chiasm, combine it with some really gloomy scenery, do some fighting / dialogue gameplay footage, and voilá. Absolute hype, but instead we go this "Vampyr"-tier shit.
>all these troll salty its not an mmo
This, If someone said it was vampyr 2 I would have believed them.
>how hard can it be to actually create a trailer for fucking Bloodlines 2?
Exactly right. Use a remix of the Santa Monica theme, add a radio hostess who does some narration, show the various clans, maybe have a little rain and voila the hype is off the charts!
original composer just confirmed.
>but the atmosphere and characters will be absolute kino
does it have a voiced protag or what
dunno how to feel about this. didn't he say it would be impossible for him to recapture what made the original Bloodlines soundtrack so special since his life was so fucked up back then
>mandatory token black
>mandatory token asian
It's sickening at this point...
did you just assume my board identity? Wow, you absolute fucking bigotfag
>characters will be kino
Lol no. Its will be full of trannies, fags, and "activists" because that's what World of Darkness is now
100% there will be dozens of cringy pandering missions like raiding a Klan meeting or killing some guy harassing a Muslim girl in an alleyway.
probably nothing as overt as that
Why do you leftypol subhumans want an anti white safespace?
Because cognitive dissonance hurts
Yea Forums is a /pol/ colony - you fuck off.
You wish
>guns will work as temporary powerups
Lol I like how you snuck that in
based. we're going home, kindred
The point is, while fans will love that, they have to make this shit appeal to normies. The business sense is obviously fans need no persuasion in the case of this game, they are already on board, hyped and have been wanting a sequel for ever. So the trailer is there to get people who didn't play VTMB interested in the series.
Well I hope anyways. I am missing the comfy warm LA atmosphere. Seattle looks really cold and wet.
So it will be kino then?