>new game comes out literally few hours ago
>people already playing 8+ hours and finishing it
Jesus, don't you have jobs or something? or is this board full of high schoolers and NEETs?
big yikes
New game comes out literally few hours ago
wagie wagie get in your cagie
My weekends are Thursday and Friday. Only people who don't work think you'll be enjoying Saturday and Sunday off.
>playing for 8 hours
Okay op let’s assume I have a job, it’s friday and I don’t have work tomorrow so I can play realistically all night if I wanted to without worrying about waking up
Or let’s say I’m in college (which I am) I take early classes that let out around noon and most days I spend an extra 2-3 hrs at school studying, if i get home around 3pm I can play a game for 8 hours and still sleep at a normal time assuming I have nothing else to do that day
It’s not unrealistic to say somebody can find time in their schedules to play a game for 8 hours, I think what it boils down to is that you lack the skill to play for that long and you probably give up after about 3 hours of getting wrecked in any game
>I think what it boils down to is that you lack the skill to play for that long and you probably give up after about 3 hours of getting wrecked in any game
or maybe I just have a life, lmao :)
only if you work in foodservice or retail. otherwise you get weekends off almost anywhere
>you can only ever work 9-5 Monday-Friday forever and ever
Maybe get a better job with flexible hours, OP.
>or maybe I just have a life
Pretty big kek op, like I said it’s not unrealistic to assume somebody could play for that long and still maintain a normal life, I’m in school, have a part time job, a girlfriend, and most of my focus being on school, I consider my life pretty normal compared to most people and I still find time to play games for long periods of time while still finding time for my other hobbies (cooking, reading), I’m not much of a “nightlife” person but I have a friend who goes out drinking regularly and is complete womanizer dating a new girl almost every month while also being in college and he finds time to binge watch hours of anime and marathon play extremely long video games.
Face it op, it’s not that you have a life and everybody else doesn’t, it’s just that you’re shit at games, and if you’re life was indeed so busy you wouldn’t have time to shitpost here
>posts on Yea Forums in the middle of the day
>chides others for having too much time on their hands
omg.. you go to SCHOOL... you have a PART time job.. and a gf! you must be SOOO busy ugh amiright, but you're so alpha because you have time to play games for hours... wow
You sound like a poor person. Stop being a poor person and step up to our level.
i have finals soon and i dont think im gonna be playing it this month -_-
maybe try reddit, it might be more your speed
there's a difference between shitposting in the office bathroom and playing for 8 hours like a virgin
I didn’t say it you did
how do you know? you been to reddit? why you even go there... why you know so much about that place :)
I have all the time in the world but I don't play games for more than 1 or 2 hours a session because most of them are shitty and boring.
The only game I can easily lose 6+ hours to is Terraria.
but you implied it, otherwise you wouldn't reveal so much about yourself
>there's a difference
Not really.
sorry I was wrong, maybe try killing yourself you ESL, it might be more your speed
>there are wagies browsing Yea Forums RIGHT NOW
normalfags were a mistake
every gaming board is filled with NEETs, it's always been this way and it's annoying. i remember when i used to post on gamefaqs, and i would get a new game, play it for a few hours and then go online to discuss the beginning. spoilers everywhere, people discussing the ending, people discussing what the next game is going to be like, people complaining, etc. i honestly feel bad about supporting this industry just so those losers have an excuse to sit around all day.
You’re fucking retarded, I did an internship at Goldman and even the busiest securities traders I knew who were married with kids still had time for leisure on the weekends (golf, skiing etc.)like I said you’re probably just not physically able to play for that long
I'm at work getting paid 60/h by the government to read Yea Forums
Some people don't need much sleep. Me I like about 10 hours minimum.
> I implied I was alpha
Yeah except you missed the part where I stated I was fairly normal compared to most people, having a gf, a job, none of those things make you alpha I never once implied that and actually said the opposite, the fact that you think that’s alpha might reveal something about you though fag
>already planned med school homework ahead of time so I can play games on release
Comfy feels man
sure, even busy people can squeeze out 1-2 hours a day playing if they really wanted to I don't deny that. Also "traders" always have tons of free time anyway
Hell even if you did have 8 hours of free time why would you spend it gaming? Don't you have something to read?
>new game comes out literally few hours ago
How the fuck do normal people play video games? I'm a fucking NEET and I don't have time for all these games and that's all I do.
wrong, everyone needs at least 7 hours of sleep, just because you don't go to sleep doesn't mean it doesn't fuck you up
I do most my reading during spring-early fall so I can be outside. Cold weather its all gaming and movie/tv backlogs.
This may actually be the most retarded thing I've ever seen come of this shithole of a basket-weaving forum
Yeah I'm a NEET and loving it. What are you gonna do about it
>he doesn't have a dad that uses him like a labrat for CIA sleep replacement experiments
what you consider a "normal" life is what college kids think a normal life is which it's not, you're literally still a kid with tons of free time and barely any responsibilities
How do you not have time, what are you doing all day instead
where do you think you are? yes Yea Forums is mostly high schoolers
Playing video games, my fucking backlog is endless
>what are you doing all day instead
Look where you're at.
fuck U Niger
I work in the water industry and my days off are Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
Shame you like we've been doing so far
It's almost like this place is full of students, unemployed people, people with no social lives who take time off work to play a video game, and millionaire entrepreneurs who make their own hours.
words can't hurt me!
>reading books
> our level
> stealing games
Kys, poorfag
I’m working on camera at live news (TV) and currently typing in sekiro and vtmb threads. U mad, cuck?
>not skipping all classes and just playing videogames non stop
cringe and bluepilled
Why is employment even considered a normalfag thing? How did this meme start? Even the most spastic shut in nerds who spent all their time playing tabletop/PnP games in the 70s and 80s managed to have jobs.
Best friend is an airline technician and he gets the middle of the week off.
As I said earlier I worked an internship-type program at Goldman Sachs last year in which I had to do several hours of work a day outside of school, I was also taking 5 classes at my buisiness school (all of which I got A’s in), not to mention that I had a side job as a tutor and was a part of sever school clubs (pre law, honors society’s etc.), and I maintained my current relationship and I still had the time to beat dark souls 2 in one long weekend
Eff pee bee pee
hahahahah you know how I know you're a loser? because I've been through this shit
boring af, you finish your tasks way ahead of time and just shit around until the end of your term
>5 classes
easily manageable if you don't leave work to the last minute
>side job
that's like a few hours a week MAX
>school clubs
yeah because you're SOOOOOO BUSY doing school clubs
LMAO. the only consuming part of a relationship is doing "things" together like dates, which are a few hours a week MAX.
>tfw playing through 1 or 2 levels of dmc5 a day on son of sparta while other people have already s ranked the game on DMD and moved on