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Yea Forums

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real politics vs gender politics

I still can't believe this board got triggered by Wolfenstein, a series where you've killed Nazis since day one, dunking on Nazis

You’re saying SJWs made those games or that they weren’t effected by SJWs? Because either way most of those were made before “SJW” movement was even a thing

In the context of the greater cultural backlash against white males going on, I will continue to discriminate against women and minorities online thank you.

imaginary politics do not upset anyone, real-world politics do
>but muh deus ex and methul gear solid
at the time of release, they were predictions, not reality.


>You guys are nazis here's a game about killing you
>wtf I object
>I can't believe killing nazis is somehow controversial!

>Pre MW1 Call of Duty

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It was pretty obvious they weren't exactly talking about mutated super soldiers in a dieselpunk 1960s alternate universe, but trying to use woke marketing on morons by weighing in on current events. I think that's what annoyed people.

>gender politics
>Mass Effect

>Games discussing politics and political themes are the same as pushing a weird agenda for brownie points

I love politics in vidya, Dude sex is probably my favorite game
If you think that's the same as placing crippled girls in Normandy in june 1944 you're a weird one

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>Mass effect
>not SJW

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Political "debates" in the internet are retarded because they're not about actual politics
Switch terms like "SJW" and "/pol/ack" to sports teams fans and it's not so different
This is why "politics" are mixed with unrelated topics because nobody actually likes politics
Also, surprised OP didn't mention MGS
Politics are "policy", not "Us vs them and our characteristics"

When we say we don't want politics in videogames what we mean is we don't want identity politics and strawman caricature.

>yfw you remember kojima was going to dab on the deep state by releasing a game about crashing an aircraft into new York in the fall of 2001 but he got the timing wrong by weeks

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He is saying those games are political despite not being made by sjws.
But he is retarded because none of them have identity politics.

OP btfo forever. How will xe ever recover?

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I... What?

It takes a really dumb person to make a game about political idealogies. You're never going to get away from the fact that you used a Company's massive time and effort to tell someone that they're wrong. At best you're just going to get approving nods from people who already agree with you. Society isn't helped by this, you're not brave for using power and influence to talk down to consumers who never had an opportunity of this magnitude. Smart games have philosophical angles, they ask novel questions and offer uncomfortable answers. You don't get people to change their mind by very obviously telling them they're wrong to hold their stance. That's how you get people to double down. This isn't armchair psychology this is a very real effect that anyone who actually cares a out changing minds would care about looking into. You have challenge people with scenarios and real characters not just show them a strawman being torn down.

Seriously who falls for this kind of thing? Did anyone stop being racist because Bioshock Infinite showed white racists getting murdered? Did anyone stop being a sexist because Aloy killed a bunch of evil men in Horizon Zero Dawn? No, they're just a way for people who already agree with the points to boast about how right they are. This is the worst way possible to change people's minds because it does the exact opposite.


>ruining Spongebob Yea Forums threads with retarded gay shit

Kill yourself.

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>Dude sex is probably my favorite game

Fucking faggots these days can't go 10 minutes without bringing this up

How will the tranny OP ever recover???

Wasn't Papers Please the whole reason GamerGate started or am I thinking of another game?

>show the perspective of both sides, show how people's circumstances drive them to do things, etc.

>gender politics
>This character is a woman, black, gay, etc. because fuck you

>games should only have politics that I approve
>yeah, we can totally have american army propaganda games, but blacks or gays in my game? Fucking stop bringing politics into my entertainment!
you realize how fucking retarded you are?

>Mass Effect
>Call of Duty
What is this reddit normalfag shit
Papers, Please gets a pass but jesus christ on a stick
If you're going to make this dumb argument at least use games like Deus Ex and Killer 7.

i dunno man

who did hillary clinton not trying for the white vote go again

Sjws have twisted another definition so that they can subvert it. Nothing really new.

>anything left of Rape Day is SJW

>Papers Please
This one was about morals and ethics, not really politics.
That was just a framing device for the setting

The only thing political about fallout is the setting being the result of MAD
You can say the factions you join in-game are political yes, but they're political in the sense that they refer to the politics of the fictional world they exist in.
They're not preaching to you about trans rights

This is about as political as eating cereal


Difference between putting politics into a game and making a game around politics.

Too busy saving the world from muties with optional bbn politics
Too busy fighting Gods, optional politics...for now
Too busy fighting robo cthulus. Later became a political surrogate for race politics and gender politics.
>Papers please
More of a funny insight on commie block life, can be argued political, but you'll find no former Warsaw Pact citizen saying its out of touch with how it was in the USSR
>CoD and BF
Both of those literally altered history for identity politics and presented it as semi fiction. Trying to pass off as a believable 1:1 world as the one that took place in our history. That happens to have fictional gameplay, when its actually all fiction. Before they had about as much politics as a light gun game.


>Last of Us
Game built around a lesbian growing up in a difficult environment that occasionally has zombies

>AC odyssey
Grossly altered history and present it as semi fiction. The setting being real but story fictional. When the setting is as ludicrous as fictional novel.

>Bioshock infinite
Entire plot is centered around the politics of a city that happens to be flying.

Characters selling points are their political,racial or sexual preferences.

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Was over Zoe Quinns game getting top tier reviews by all the people she slept with
Depression Quest? I think
The entire gaming "journalist" sect when shut it down mode

Hey tranny fuck off my videogame board thanks. Don't even (You) me degenerate

Based and last but not least redpilled

>fill your game with constant reminders that "being a faggot is freaking epic!"

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Nobody's upset over killing Nazis in Wolfenstein, people were upset with stuff like equating pre-Civil Rights America to Nazis, making BJ's dad a racist whitey who hates niggers and his wife for being a strong independent Jewish woman, and praising communism.
TNO and TOB didn't do that kind of shit and lo and behold, nobody got angry over them.

haha I saw thus at the front page of r/gaming too! wish I could gift you gold sir

Holy fucking shit, trannies btfo.

This, fuck trannies and mentally ill libcucks

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nice wojak mind if i save it

>muh rebels fighting a corrupt government
The funny part is that there is enough ambiguity and nuance that neither side is in the right or wrong. You even have the chance to pick sides. That doesn't happen in today's politics. It's always a rehash of "Kill the Thinly Veiled Analogy of Politician I Don't Like" or "Making Loud Political Messages to Hide the Shitty Gameplay".

Neither Cod nor Battlefield tries hard enough in the seriousness or intellectual department to actually be considered political.

>yeah, we can totally have american army propaganda games

What year did you post this comment from


game talking about politics =/= game endorsing one side of real life politics

>Still pretending the marketing and writing didn't exist

We've been over this user. Your game bombed, get over it

Damn it Kojimbo. You got the ending censored and the controversy killed.

>amerifats can't even properly hit anyone

>moving goal posts to fit my narrative


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Are we getting raided by trannys again?

Yeah I mean wasn't this the game she beat for the Indie GOTY award or something like that?

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that's george zimmerman silly

Its so FUCKING sad and pathetic that we live in a world where everyone gets triggered by every little thing that they dont agree with
the right wants to act high and mighty, and blame this all on the left. Saying they are the snowflakes, they are the ones that are triggered, but literally half the threads on Yea Forums are alt right incels screaming about twitter posts they dont like

both sides are so pathetic, and samey, it blows my mind.

Bullshit, nobody can flim flam the zim zam.

Fallouts not really about politics but more so ideologies on how to run a civilization. You could argue that because of the themes in the series such as the hyper-patriotism of Fallout 3 or the critical take on how the NCR operates as a government, it might *pass* as a political series but the main overarching theme has always been "Watch these tyrants try to destroy what little civilization is left because of their own twisted view of what civilization should be.". Shootin' muties in the face because their leader thinks you should also be a mutie isn't really politics. Also that list of games is very normie, did you get this from a facebook post or something.

I dont play most of these games, but overwatch characters selling points being their political racial and sexual preferences is absolutely rediculous, untrue, and a huge logical jump you are using to justify your own twisted view of the world

yeah man there's just as many public right safespaces as left

RTCW will always be the best Wolfenstein game. The blend of retro WW2 science fiction and dark fantasy was tits. The last boss wasn't shit compared to the uber soldat though.

remember that time they revealed that that one soldier was gay because they were getting bad PR?

Finally, someone who gets it

whats the politics of those games?

>Characters selling points are their political,racial or sexual preferences.
Can't Overwatch just be a shitty game without having to lie about it? A character being revealed to be gay in a side comic and it playing 0 part of the game itself is fine. The comic didn't come out with an update that added a lisp and general flamboyance to 76, or add some shit about him hazing nazi's or some shit. Imagine being so mentally fragile that the mere appearance of a gay character destroys your mental capacity this badly.

>I'm not a hetero man anymore
>I've got men in my sight
>We're all faggots now

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Get out of the way overwatch, apex legends is the premier faggot pandering game now.

As someone indifferent to the whole thing
I doubt people would have cared if they didn't make the MAGA-Nazi comparison in their advertising.
From what I understand, that's what started it all

The fuck does Skyrim have to do with real life politics?

Literally this

identity politics is for ugly lonely people

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It's always something magical to witness the very first post BTFO of OPs argument.

It's the only other game dumb normalfags know

Which is exactly why you engage in it so much.

There's politics where you disagree with an idea about how the country should be run based on basic conceptions of how the world is and how people function, and "politics" where you dislike someone because they have white skin or were born with a penis.

>WW2 wasn't political

You're a real moron.

I dont play overwatch, so I dont keep up on the happenings, but I remember seeing some shit about it on Yea Forums.

I dont really want to start up old arguments again, but If i remember correctly this wasnt even a public fact. It was revealed on twitter by a no name dev after being preyed open by a fan.
Secondely, I dont think just because a character has a sexual preferences other than straight makes that a selling point. Why cant a character have a alternative sexual orientation without being labbelled as pandering to a certain crowd? if anything I think its mainly just making itself unappealing to a certain crowd, the alt right, because the 99% of everyone else doesnt care at all if a fictional character is gay

>pretend to be dumb racists
>moot makes a containment for these ironice larpers
>attract actual dumb racists/underage r/thedonlad frogposters

Who would have thought?

Yeah COD NEVER had that shit!

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How was that goalpost moving?


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>Why cant a character have a alternative sexual orientation without being labbelled as pandering to a certain crowd?
In the case of 76 being it absolutely was because of pandering. There's more 76xmale than there is any other combination regarding fanart, it's fucking nuts.

Voicing displeasure isn't the same as actively participating. Come on now.

Why do you post image of the recent CoD and not the others?

I'll properly hit your fist with my mouth faggot.

Yeah cause people totally dont pay money for mariachi reaper, French Widow, Hindu Robot, Or Maoi/polynesian road hog.

Nah mang and tracer TOTALLY didnt become the poster child for lesbos.

Ulfric Stormcloak is canonically an Aldmeri plant designed to sow seeds of discontent and rebellion among Skyrim, the first human nation to actively go to war and defeat elves, to cause a massive human population loss and give the Dominion, which has notoriously slow birth rates, the opportunity to recoup its forces so that a second War won't end in stalemate because humanity won't have the numbers advantage and will allow the high elves the opportunity to breach inner-Tamriel, get to the last Tower to destroy it, and cause the end of the world.

If you support the Stormcloaks, you support the elves and the end of the world. This is not an arguable point.


Papers Please is unironically the only game where politics aren't shoehorned and they're integral to the plot

You eat up the strawmen of [other side] and generalize it to people you never interacted with.
You're both feet in balls deep in this shit already.

you literally have a fat british sjwtard complaining that a video game is apolitical and calls it "customer exploitation"

Then Call of Duty did the exact same thing like 2 days later.


Ive been on Yea Forums since highschool, and its been going down steadily ever since.
Pewdiepie and other big youtubers making Yea Forums vids brought in an influx of normies, and this site has become an alternative storm front after /pol/ started gaining traction.
Not to mention the incel wave more fully developing over the years, and honestly becoming sicker and more bigoted in the head than the past wizards were.

Im heavily considering leaving, I cant deal with right propaganda seeping itself every board and topic anymore. Reddits really faggy tho, so Ill probably stay

Because it's in response to how it's not gender politics. but here's another sjw trick

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Also how they replaced the Zombies team with two minorities

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You proved his point though
People bitched about them at the time, making the whole "SJWs made video games too political" style complaint.


>Ive been on Yea Forums since highschool
Opinion discarded, newfag detected

>Game has like 25 charachters in the story
>2 are revealed to be homosexual
>somehow this is "Characters selling points are their political,racial or sexual preferences."

Don't forget a straight white male is the villain and controls the zombies now.
>You proved his point though
People bitched about it having blacks and nothing else.

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try reading the post retard

>It's another "shitposter on Yea Forums can't tell the difference between genuine storytelling and propaganda" episode.

Let me clear the air for you.

Propaganda is content formed around a central belief or dogma. The sole purpose of every element in the content is to reinforce and justify that belief.
Genuine storytelling begins with a question. All elements in the story are used as a way to explore that central question in order to come to the conclusion of the text.

Anyone who every created anything puts some degree of their own understanding into their work. However intent makes a fucking world of difference. Asking a question is a hell of a lot different than making an assertion.

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Though to be honest, this whole "character x is gay now" was a pure marketing thing, it wasn't a natural part of the character, just slapped on top like an extra accessory.

Yea, the entire "female soldier in WW2" was never bitched about
Okay buddy

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By "political" we mean faggy leftist-oriented politics that openly shit on or alienate the target demographics of those games to please an extreme minority of blue-haired faggots.

I dont know shit about 76, so I cant really comment. But honestly gayness is pretty normalized nowadays, I really dont think most people bat an eyes about anyone or any character being gay. Just like being black, or a girl, or missing all of your limbs, its just something you can be.
I have seen leftist pandering by companies, but most of the time the right is just easily offended desu.

I dont play overwatch m8. But im not sure what your getting at. You want the game to be filled entirely with chrisitian american straight males?

Also Ive seen leftist people on twitter get mad about the hindu robot, saying it was offensive or something. Thats just as rediculous as what your saying, but Im bringing it up because even if it was pandering to the left they obv didnt like it that much

>/pol/ still foams at the mouth when one out of a thousand protagonists are girls like it actually matters

>it's political because it doesn't pander to angry virgins


Stop abusing the term "subversion"

Not him and I agree with you but what does Yea Forums want then it comes to gay characters? If they aren't flamboyant and talk about cock 24/7 like Arcade its sjw and just shoved in last second but if they do talk about their sexuality then it becomes sjw and they should have written a character that doesn't revolve around his gay life like Arcade.

Let us not forget how hated Lara, Samus, Bayonetta, etc. are

Only if they were black yes

>it's political because it doesn't pander to angry racial minorities

Just because the right isn't identical to the left it doesn't mean it's just as gay

I don't know who you're trying to fool here.
Most people here aren't THAT new

Lara is hated now though for being female and sjw
Wow it's almost like both sides have angry faggots that ruin everything for everyone

the other poster is either a literal retard or a gaslighting tranny

>what does Yea Forums want then it comes to gay characters?
Yea Forums as in actual Yea Forums, not newshit immigrants, wants characters like Arcade.
Nu-Yea Forums aka electiontards will shriek whenever a gay character is anything except a villain or a joke.

He's baiting you tard

Not an argument. Imaginary Politics within an imaginary world are not the same as pushing a one sided ideology from the real world in video games.

I beg to differ Mi amor you have anons that don't know about the SU tumblr raid

Lara is hated because nuLara is dogshit

>Lara is hated now though for being female and sjw
I too miss male Lara

>this gay/minority character in this video game feels like pandering
Okay, I'm sorry. I can see why you wou-
>I wasn't going to play this video game anyway, but I feel the need to shit all over anyone who does
>also all minorities should die

I think they want every character to be straight

Anything that isnt white, a dude, apolitical or slightly right oriented, straight, and a-religious or chrisitian, is automatically pandering to leftist ideologies didnt you know?

That's gay. By doing that you're unwittingly becoming the very thing the left accused you of being and are now validating their opinions

The game is rigged and only way to win is to not play. Pull a Gandhi and show the normies that you're the victims by acting as normal and apolitical as possible. Openly being racist is just playing into the narrative

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The difference is those are games with a single protagonist throughout the series. Something like fucking Battle of Duty modern shooter is the protagonist changes every game and nobody actually cares about the story. But you nerds still get pissed when Mcnobody protag is a woman instead

discord tranny absolutely utterly btfo

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Oh I know, its dumb and actually undermines minorities by making them an object of marketing, I should have added an "2 are revealed to be homosexual years later after their introductions", but taking this information and saying "everything about the charachters only exist to make a racial, sexual and gender affirmation" is exxagerated as fuck and outright lying.

>Lara as autistic anti-SJW trap
I'd play it, even if the gameplay was as bad as in other nu-TR

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I heard they're changing the monopoly guy to a woman

In 2019, yes. That is absolutely 100% true. If this was 1990, your abysmal post might be accurate. But it isn't 1990. We live in a post GG world. Blame yourselves. You overplayed your hand and awoke the sleeping giant.

Ironically, one of the few non faggot gay inclusions that was actually halfway decent was done by the biggest bunch of onions-swilling communists in the entire industry.

honestly if samus, miss pac man, ect. were realeased today I KNOW we would have threads on Yea Forums saying its pandering

what fuckin game has gender politics in it you delusional mongoloid

A big part of the game is definitely sexual appeal too. Almost every female character (like half the roster) has a nice ass

Anti-female communism when?

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>The difference is those are games with a single protagonist throughout the series
Oh silly me, I forgot Jill and Claire, thanks for reminding me
And all those Yea Forumsirgins that constantly make female characters in mmos

No, Papers Please doesn't have any real controversy around it to speak of. The creator won a GDC award for his Obrah Dinn game or whatever it's called, and basically told the audience that they're retarded (I'm heavily paraphrasing) and it flew right above their heads. He sounds like an alright guy.

ITT: butthurt manchildren who are mad video games try to have better representation.

I want feminine penis Lara
I saw more people complain about breast size

>good guys vs bad guys
Wow such political! It was a war in the past so it must be a political product!

The printing press was a mistake.

Cultural marxism want use videogames to indoctrinate young men in justice social, instead of American Army use it for reclute and training.

And Neonazis want use it for indoctrine mass shooters agains minories

itp someone who probably won't make it past 35 because of his manjaw and carpenter hands

This. Fuck niggers and faggots

did you really just tell me that if a character isnt a white dude the game is pandering to the left?

That just seems to unrealistic. Irl there are women, gays, hindus, blacks all exist. Why cant they be represented in games?
These people being normal people that can do pretty much anything they want to is normalized

Id call it pandering if our character was a black non-binary lesbian dwarf women, and every piece of dialogue she had was about how she was a black lesbian non-binary dwarf, but thats never been made obv

Isn’t th at sexist because it’s putting a woman in a negative light?

Women don’t play games and the others aren’t people

Even Deus Ex did it better back then, it didn't have any aug lives matter shit

Not you but I don't get what got so political about BFV. Wasn't the whole "disabled woman" thing more about character customization? I will admit it was a major faux pas for Dice to claim it was based in history but I feel like people misunderstood what was going on

I was gonna browse this thread to see someone say this, but you've saved me a lot of time by making it the first post. Thanks bro

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>but thats never been made obv
yes, because that's not how subversion works. it needs to he subtle so that most people don't even know it's happening. How EVERY legendary NPC is now a female. All leaders are now female. Look at something like Anthem for a prime example of this. Sure, barely any wypipo is probably realistic for a scifi setting, but that's not why they did it. Doing it subtlely has two benefits: it flies under the radar AND you get to tar the few who DO recognize it as insane schizophrenics.


It's still surprises me that faggots wanting to cut off their dicks is politics now.

Idealists fucking destroyed.

Go play Morrowind, Ohpee.

>Too busy fighting Gods, optional politics...for now
Everything including Gods is political, just in universe political

All politics is a power struggle.
The difference between those games and SJW games is that those games are about IN-GAME power struggles, whereas SJW games are tools to promote one side of a REAL-LIFE power struggle.

but whats bad about having more women generals and npcs? If its not obvious, then its not pandering right?

and you do sound kinda schizo. Not for noticing the changes we are going through as a society, thats intelligent and observant of you. but for thinking its some scheme. I dont even know what scheme your talking about, or what could be the motives, but I rest assured that there isnt one.

I think its purely society not caring if people are women anymore, and not caring if people are black, muslim, ect. We are just generally more accepting as a civilization,


How will tranny OP ever recover?!

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It always has been.

History is a battle between totalitarian Plato and libertarian Aristotle. The former asserted physical-mental dualism and exalted the ephemeral over the physical and promoted collectivism. The latter asserted physical realism and individualism. Plato's cave directly traces to people wanting to change their objective biological traits and eschew the concept of any kind of innate biological differences/proclivities or objective physical reality/standards.

Plato would say you can do whatever you want. This creates revolutionaries and social planners.

Aristotle would say you can do whatever you want, within the limits imposed upon you by physical reality.

>I think its purely society not caring if people are women anymore, and not caring if people are black, muslim, ect. We are just generally more accepting as a civilization,
I think it's not so much this happening, as it is an effort to act more like, even though it may sometimes be misguided and heavy-handed

*****We are just generally more accepting as a civilization, and this is reflected in the work we as a society produce***


>show the normies
Can't show anyone shit when they're the ones who own the media.

Daedra are overrated.

I am an individualist anarchist. I dont give a fuck if you're a dyke muslim tranny with a fake leg. The issue here is that these minority groups are being deliberately wielded as wedges in an effort to tear apart the traditional, family-oriented, private property based society in an effort to manifest egalitarian, totalitarian utopia. This has been true of every egalitarian movement throughout history. It sounds paranoid to the ignorant.

>no mgs
can't even btfo fpbp

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Fuck Plato
That shit was hard to clean up and smelled gross

Politics in games means the more women and minorities in them, the more politics it is.

This. They picked that fight and then pretended that they didn't know why people were mad.

White Genocide is also having less white men in games and white women not having sex with me.

>Imagine being so mentally fragile that the mere appearance of a gay character destroys your mental capacity this badly.
Seems that most people who played Overwatch are like that considering the amount of players who played 76 dropped by half when it was revealed he was gay.

whats this image supposed to imply?

if your an anarchist shouldnt you be kinda okay, and possibly even in favor of, tearing apart many of the doctrines of society?

and you think all of video games, movies, media in general really, is all in on this together? They all have a common goal, and wish for the same egalitarian movement and destruction of traditional family values? That seems unrealistic and paranoid

Normies aren't liberals, they're centrists

Ulfric is as much an Aldmeri agent as Lenin was an Imperial German agent.

Literally complaining about microagressions

it's over folks
it is over

This user. i hope we get more political (good way) games

fpbp, go get fucked by trannies OP

Honestly there's no excuse. The truth is you have a sub population of Yea Forumstards who are so autistically obsessed with their perspective of reality that anything that even slightly disagrees with them is viewed as a "slight" when no ill intent was even purposefully done. They probably cuss the wind out for blowing in a direction they view as wrong.

It makes the entire situation bad and the board becomes insufferable rather than simply absurd.

>are they all in it together
yes and no
99% of people dont know anything about anything. They're just running on NPC programming. Certain individuals do consciously do it, though. The 1960s saw a bunch of diehard commie ideologues infest all of our universities. Their worldview then filtered out into the general popupation. Now pretty much everyone is a commie conpared to 100 years ago. Even something like democracy or public education, mainstream nothingburgers, would have been very controversial a few generations ago. And that isn't necessarily progress at work. So no. It isn't a highly coordinated conspiracy. It's millions of independent actors operating with corrupt software.

no. I only want the state dismantled. Whatever institutions arise naturally and voluntarily are a-ok with me.

Mass Effect Andromeda, Dragon Age 3, Battlefield V, are all shitty games ruined by trannies though.

You know why manchildren keep losing?
Not because they are dumb - which they are.
Not because they are wrong about objectively measurable things - which they are.
Not because they are paranoid and neurotic and see any bantz as a prelude to white genocide - which they are.

It's because manchildren are hateful and can't compromise.
A nigger who allies with incels will get backstabbed as soon as he's no longer useful for memes.
A roastie who allies with social retards will be shat on as soon as she shows that she isn't a virgin.
A gay who allies with the virgins will quickly realize his very existence is considered wrongthink.

On the other side, there are the "evil SJWs" who, despite all the memetic attempts at painting them as hating white men, are far more accepting of white men than any angry incel is of anything but another angry incel.
Supporting incels is a social equivalent of suicide by walking into a ghetto while wearing expensive jewelry.

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Is this a copypasta.

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There's no room for compromises in this climate anymore. It's their way or the highway. Same with real politics. Tolerance isn't acceptable anymore.

see? this great debate? this is the stuff great games are made of!

i used to be imperial-siding but i dont remember why.. probably cause the imperials were fighting for continued unity. idk.

So much fucking this. It's all just incels who can't handle the fact that gaming isn't just about them anymore. Trans folk, POCs and cis women too can be gamers. But no, they just have to review bomb and boycott every game without a straight white male protagonist. They are so pathetic.

t. incel

f fucking pbp

This."SJWS" don't ask much of you stupid angry white men, all they want is you to recognize they are the intellectually and morally superior persons, and that you obey them as such. Obedience isn't that hard, you just have to made a few compromises to be fair to oppressed people. Btw, could you not stereotype ghettos in the future? It's really hurtful.

All trans people are gamers though. You ever noticed that? I think it's because they're all mentally difficient like most gamers are.

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this is why trans folk need to rise up, we game in a society where we'll be laughed at for wearing wigs and dilating during epic gamer moments

Politics in games it's okay. But don't expect people not complain when it's just "muh oppression olympics, whitey bad".

No, they were ruined by corporatism. The ME franchise is the perfect example of the paradoxical situation of Yea Forums pre-sjw and post-sjw.

Pre-sjw Yea Forums highlighted and critique the fact EA upon acquistion of Mass Effect wanted it to become more streamlined to third person shooter gameplay and less RPG oriented. Then in ME3 it was more about budget/ release than providing a product that satisfies it's audiences choices throughout the trilogy. Sacrificing precious dev time for multiplayer support. Pinpointing where the devs cut corners and posting the incomplete narrative threads that were absent in the final game.

Post-sjw Yea Forums lacks the ability of making a coherent argument outside saying that women and minorities made the franchise bad. It blames them for faults that were clearly caused by the publisher EA not them.

>equating pre-Civil Rights America to Nazis
>TNO and TOB didn't do that kind of shit

But it did. BJ gets pissed off at Hendrix for comparing the US to Nazis for its racism

People like to blame EA for everything but they forget the part where Bioware is just incompetent

EA didn't force trannies into both Dragon Age 3 and Mass Effect Andromeda where they don't even make sense. They also didn't force the limbless woman into Battlefield V.

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holy shit

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