Is your internet connection ready for google stadia?

Is your internet connection ready for google stadia?

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Got you're IP address. Your fucked kiddo

op about to get raped

i tested for that google stream test they held a while ago. I could just barely hit the minimum recs to use it and the game looked like pixelated ass most of the time

Who is your isp?

My ping to is ~25ms.
A single frame in 60fps gets 16ms.
25ms for transfer plus 16ms for the frame means a total of 41ms per frame, which is a cinematic framerate of 24fps + the input from the latency alone.
Now imagine someone with a ping of 50+.

No connection is. And unless you find a way to transfer data faster than the speed of light, it will never be.

Looks better than on consoles.


I just downloaded Sekiro from steam at 11.8 MB/s

Am I ready?


Literally an intended feature, why would you make it so that you have 100% control?

The trick here is that they'll still render the game in 60 fps, but it'll play like 24 fps (or lower), still adding the input latency.

Google STD is 5 years too early, 10 in the US
Modern infrastructure can't run that kind of bandwidth with acceptable input lag

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You're really confusing FPS and lag.
The game will still look like 60 FPS, just with your actions delayed.

>faster than the speed of light
Nothing in the universe can travel faster than the speed of light retard. Even the electron gun inside a crt doesn't fire electrons faster than that.

Here's a quick calculation btw. If the nearest google datacenter is 50 miles from your house, on a perfect fiber optic network, it would take 0.4ms for a packet to get there and back. That's much quicker than anything humans can perceive.

5-10 years into the future is not going to get any better.
We need a complete revolution of data transfer protocols and networks.
Guess what, adapting video games to it is easier than adpating The Internet to video games/

In EU there are colossal investments in the infrastructure, most countries are upgrading the lines with EU funds
My country went from 16% coverage of 100mb+ to 22% in just a year, and we started a couple of years ago.

Fuck your country yuropoor.

Flyover states aren't really representative of US internet access, and those places are so poor that google isn't going to bother trying to market game streaming services to them anyway. Internet access is great in major coastal cities and suburbs, and gigabit fiber is available to almost everybody for a reasonable price.


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It's not about the lines, it's about the network itself.
You don't have a line to google datacenter, there's about a dozen of nodes in between.
This is something that determines the internet itself and cannot be changed without inventing a new internet.