Are there any actual unironic Sony fans on this board? Not even memeing, I'm genuinely curious.
Are there any actual unironic Sony fans on this board? Not even memeing, I'm genuinely curious
Objective tier list of best sony gaming products:
1. Playstation 2
2. PSP
4. Playstation 4
5. Playstation 1
6. Playstation 3
I'm an idort but I unironically really like sony exclusives. If I could only have one console I'd get a ps4.
No not a single person likes the market leader and the most popular console right now
If there was Ape Escape 4, maybe
yes I like playstation, but I mainly play pc now a days
I'm just talking about Yea Forums specifically. And almost every Sony thread I see nowadays is made by shitposters trying to bait people into screaming at each other, so I was only wondering if anyone here actually likes the current output Sony has.
I'm a legit bona-fide Sony fan, but I'm not a Sony fanboy, so I'm not going to defend them for any amount of shitty practices they've been pushing as of late, like openly shaming my weebness. I still love my Vita and I will never forget those bastards for not keeping it alive.
I used to be a massive Sony fan during the PS1 and PS2 days. This gen they have disgusted me.
I loved Sony until my fucking Bravia TV died like a week after the warranty expired and the PS4. I hate all the cinematic games they make now, what an awful gen.
I like playstation but I don't really care about sony
Yes there are, but since this is a PCtendo board very few bother to participate in direct threads related to them since the result is always shit.
Just like when I see a MHW thread with an unironic shit OP and 400+ replies I don't even bother to step in, I know for sure it's full of haters and funposting.
I'm not a Sony fanboy as in I blindly worship them and hate Nintendo just for not being PlayStation, but I do really like PlayStation. I'm an idort though.
i've been on team sonytendo since the '90s if that counts.
Don't think there's such a thing as a sony fan. They're not brainwashed like Nintendo fans.
try going to the god of war thread and tell me its not the most civil thread in Yea Forums right now
No user everyone who defends Sony or likes Sony games is doing it ironically
I bought most of their consoles, but I wouldn't call myself a fan, they just happen to have most of the games I want, though not so much in the later years.
If anything I used to be a big SEGA fan back in the days, but eh, you grow up eventually.
I defend some of their games from people who blindly hate on them because I like the games themselves and I know a lot about their actual combat mechanics (which a lot of people here refuse to believe even exist). I don't give a shit about anything but the games themselves, everything else is an extraneous factor to me
I own a PS4 and enjoy playing games on it and have enjoyed all previous Sony products, but I'm not a "fan" of a corporation, that's just stupid.
Not really a fan but I like the playstation console series because they always have some neat little extras.
PS 1: you could change for some games the disk and swap it with a cd with your own music and play it ( Ridge Racer for example get's really good with Daitona music)
PS 2: the animated memory blocks where a cute idea that I always liked ( especially the one for DMC 3)
PS3: The sixaxis controller movement was a neat trick that made Warhawk flight controls a bit unique and yet still feel good.
PS 4 the ambi light is a nice touch for the atmosphere when your room is rather dark but the touchpad is rather under used and I would like to see if people could pull something off with that (unless I haven't played a game thatsed it properly).
Never tried one of the handheld ones though but I only hear positive things about them.
Imagine seething to the point you believe you're in the matrix. Sony is based and #redpilled.
>Vita even on the list.
nice bait m8