When/how exactly did Valve fall out of touch with gamers?

When/how exactly did Valve fall out of touch with gamers?

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when they outsourced quality control to the consumers

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hubris. also fucked over sony last gen and microsoft this one.


After that, pretty much everything added to Steam was shit that didn't matter for gaming, plus the sales started turning to garbage. Plus, they stopped putting out games at that point and were focused entirely on making cosmetics for the games they did have.

Not with the controller, that's like one of the last good things they did. Easily my favorite controller

TF2 free to play update.
That's two months after Portal 2 came out.

They didn't. They've still got the best digital storefront out there, have extremely good controller support and brought about Workshop for piss-easy modding. Plus there's Proton for the few people that use Linux out there

>He actually wants Valve to gatekeep what is and isn't successful
Greenlight was horrible, opening up Steam for everyone to sell (with a $100 initial payment to deter spamming the store) is fine. You don't actually see any of the trash that releases unless you actually tell Steam you're interested in those games so the algorithm shows you more of it

Yes, there were like 4-5 games that weren't on Steam that wanted to be and deserved to be before Greenlight, and all of them were making progress towards getting in already.

September 2010

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Thank god it's gone, a ton of flash game clones and Unity tutorial/sample games were getting in like cockroaches, Epic Store would rise sooner and gaining more reason with Steam turning into OUYA thanks to Greenlight.

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>when they outsourced quality control to the consumers
and for a good reason

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They're aloof and operate in their own little bubble world which doesn't gel with the incessant self-promotion and social media culture that people expect these days.

It’s still easily the most popular storefront on PC.

When did Epic follow Sony's lead and start paying people to post here concern trolling their competition?

Do you play it with your tongue? Is fucking horrible,this and the steam machine shilled by Yea Forums got btfo really hard after their release.

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when they stopped making them

spot on
gabe stepped back and robin "paid mods" walker took over

they are better than any other game producer and seller but that controller was the most bullisht thing I ever held

I like the steam platform more than any other. They're not out of touch to provide me the best place to have my rented licenses.

when they allowed the catalog to be flooded with endless amount of literal crapware
ruined it for me

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this desu
At what point did gamers feel the need to have companies coddle them? The only thing I use steam for is playing games, I don't even buy games on steam that often because their prices aren't the best anymore

Why do people hate the steam controller, I use it all the time.

>taken from reddit

Sometime after Dota 2 and Portal 2 I want to say
Just got to comfortable and realized they don't have to do shit

2013 seems about right

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when they let good devs go

trying to fiddle with trash to make some use of it doesn't make you any smarter

Cope brainlet.