Kino is back on the menu, lads.
Kino is back on the menu, lads
So how is Yea Forums going to turn this into TORtanic version #3,487?
SJW dogshit
Imagine getting preemptively triggered by a game a year before release
SJW garbage, don't care
You wouldn't post here if you didn't care but you are a seething /pol/ack and it shows.
>Cyberpunk and Bloodlines 2 are prolly releasing on the same year
It's nice to see that videogames aren't going away, lads
seething resetera tranny
The 2016 election was a mistake. Seriously. If you weren't here before 2010, kill yourself. If you came here during/after the 2016 election, kill yourself in the most painful way possible.
If only bannerlord would release as well.
>Trigger phrase response number #203
The NPC meme is not a meme after all
>anime avatar
Every time
This tranny is going to slit his wrists lol
Lurked from 07-08, started posting during the leadup to Mass Effect 2.
2016 was the closest to heyday Yea Forums the site had been in a long time. Resenting the memes, raids, shitposting, and real-world trolling it had is the #1 way to show you're either underageb& or a mad /leftypol//Gafugee loser.
The lulz from 2016 are probably the reason the site has gone into such a steep decline since due to all the people who decided to organize against /pol/ but were too stupid to realize /pol/ isn't the whole site.
So now the whole site is drowning in unfunny drumpfposting and quintuple layer false flags rather than the genuine memery of 2014-16 shitshows like Gamergate or Trump.
And before you go on ED to look up Chanology factoids, that shit was funny for a while too but was an actually good example of Yea Forums's own autism turning against itself and causing shit sites like Reddit to become appealing to the originalfag diaspora.
That's the game I'm going to upgrade my PC for.
Also I wonder what Clans will we get. The official site shows that there'll be only 6. So not even 7 basic Camarilla Clans like in the first game.
Delete this.
What avatar do you expect to have the opinion valid?
Can't you realize that it's a troll? He'll leave, don't reply you dumbo.
>politics in vidya is a new thing
Back when games like that were niche in a small industry of mostly disaffected 90s tech geeks, generic "muh Bush muh Republicans" jokes were commonplace.
The world has changed since then and you can't divorce something like this from the cultural context of literally, and I do mean literally, every aspect of popular culture becoming more and more overtly propagandistic to a chorus of cheers from the ever-shrinking proportion of the population not alienated by this practice.
*blocks your path*
>Papers, Please
>remember the developers literally made Remoaner Papers, Please and it was cringey dog shit
PP and Hotline Miami are both pixelshit trash I'll never understand anyone liking.
There's a difference though faggorera. These games didn't SHOVE the personal IRL politics of their creators in your face. They gave you choices to make your own story and choose sides/ideologies as well. And they didn't had diversity hires in their stuff ALSO because of politics.
Yeah, Anarchs are a bunch of lefties.
The maker of that edit probably thinks people dont want anything political in games in general.
Not an anime one lmao
rangeban americans from this site
>2000's politics != 2010 politics
Is that really fucking hard to understand, no one gave a shit if you made a joke about nukes.
unironically based and truthpilled
They had genderquer xyr's in fallout.
I first came here during the No Man’s Sky shitstorm, didn’t care about the election because I’m a dirty flip phone.
They gave you every reason not to side with LaCroix and even if you did you got screwed over. I'm not here to defend it, but the "choices" are by far the weakest part of Bloodlines.
Look at old/pre-EA Bioware in comparison to new Bioware for a good example.
The philosophy of the Closed Fist in Jade Empire or Shepard's Renegade ME1 actions are way more engaging than "lol the Qunari love sex change operations even though our whole worldview is based on accepting your lot in life and embracing what you are rather than what you think you should be"
Actually, the Qunari are a pretty fucking linear example of the degradation of political and philosophical discussion in vidya if you play all the Dragon Age games in order.
How fucking retarded are you.
Right vs left =/= identity politics and normalising mental illness.
Nobody liked Bush.
And it was just tongue in the cheek humor.
>won the election
>"nobody liked him"
based brainlet
This game is going to impossible to discuss, isn't it?
My dude what game can we discuss these days?
It's all so tiring
Bush has the record for the highest and lowest approval rating of any president. He was definitely not well liked at the end of his second term.
They barely showed anything.
/toreachads/ WW@?!
Culture is becoming impossible to discuss overall.
And the propagandists are keenly aware of the demoralizing impact they have by forcing their agenda through all resistance and obfuscating or deriding that resistance behind epithets and poorly-adapted meme culture ripoffs.
Itll be out in 2020, enough time to talk about it inbetween the few times someone tries shitposting.
Its over.
DUDE I frickin' love GAMING
Who cares?
Listen you faggots need some stoicism in your fucking lives because this shit is getting irritating.
Fucking Paradox man I swear....
I feel ZERO guilty for having pirated all their games.
>lol republicans are silly
>lol Bush = BAD
>lol communism might work for vampires
>careful with those pronouns, shitlord
>of course most vampires belong to and are avid supporters of the LGBTQ+ community
>There's no problem with being religious and being a vampire, except Christianity, fuck Christianity
>everyone who's political beliefs are right of Che Guevara is a literal Nazi who deserves to have his / her human rights revoked, this is a fact.
Take a wild guess which setting annoys people and which one doesn't
>greentexting on Twitter
Very cool
>emotional faggots
Ventrue chads are the best.
Just join the discord. People are cool.
Only interested in the artbook and the additional stories unless their just some short missions.Pirating every piece of DLC either way.
>communism might work for vampires
Damsel was not portrayed as an intelligent character, just a fiery passionate one. You could dismiss her and call her crazy.
Which discord?
Why is it always the "shoving personal politics in my face" meme?
Every single fucking settlement throughout Fallout 1-2 and New Vegas has clear politics that are pretty heavily pushed down your throat. And let's not even talk about the clear racial aspect that the Ghouls serves when it comes to the racial tension
>Papers, Please
The whole setting is clearly inspired by USSR, if you don't see this i'm just gonna assume you are American
Don't even like Skyrim, but goddam that game isn't even subtle with Nazi elves and the racist stigma around Khajiit's n Argonian's that is constantly getting shit on by Nords
Are we just pretending to be a low IQ faggot at this point?
Because every fucking campaign is essentially "WAR BAD"
>Mass Effect
This game could sustain Anita Sarkeesian YT career for 5 generations with the racial tension that exists and how Cerberus is clearly showing Human supremacist ideology
>Brian Mitsoda is lead writer alongside Avellone and Cara Ellison (who in particular wrote a chunk of the side quests)
>No quest markers, natural exploration just like the original
>Set in Seattle with seamless hub worlds
>Direct sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
>Takes place 15 years after Bloodlines
>Game starts off with a Mass Embrace where the player is among the new vampires born from the event, you're captured and brought to a court of prominent vampires like the first game to recount the events of the mass embrace before being sentenced to death, court is firebombed and you escape, thrust into Seattle to find out who's responsible
>Player is a thin-blood at first, choose a Clan later on
>If your humanity is low enough it will have implications with your dialogue choices
>First-person with contextual third-person actions
>Fan-favourite characters from Bloodlines returning
>You can use telekenesis, turn into mist to go through vents and glide
>You can scale buildings, there's an emphasis on verticality
>Level design is reminiscent of the original Deus Ex, you're offered many different pathways to approach a particular scenario
>Way more dialogue than Bloodlines
>Huge emphasis on character creation. You can choose your background, gender pronoun, employment history, body type and fashion
>Lots of secrets and hidden pathways to find
>Seattle as a hub world is described as "very active", crowds gather outside clubs and muggers prey on victims in side allies
>Deb of Night type feature will make an appearance as confirmed by Mitsoda
honestly brehs I'm happy as fuck, I thought this was going to be some shitty MMO but all of the news thus far has been amazing, it's really obvious how passionate the devs and Paradox are
my only concern is the story pack stuff and expansion, not sure if they're day 1 things though
She was just a caricature of the 'freshmen college student'. Pretty sure she was intended as a comic character.
Come into my parlor, said the SJW to the person who's just tired of this shit
>hand weapon is a normal weapon you get in game
>hello fellow gamers, do you remember this weapon? You can buy it now for 9.99!
>Main side-questline involves hunting down and finding all the other thin-blood created from the Mass Embrace, each will have their own story about entering into their new life
>Blood resonance from VtM 5th edition will appear in this game. Using your enhanced vampire senses, you can see when NPCs are experiencing an intense emotion like fear, desire, pain, joy and anger. Drinking a person with a strong resonance will give you an immediate bonus to things like melee power or seduction. If you drink a particular resonance constantly, you will acquire a taste for it and this will give you permanent buffs called "merits".
>If you continuously suck on people's blood in full view of the public, they'll be less wary of going to those areas and you'll see less citizens wandering the streets
>Game has modding support, available Day 1
>Emphasis on fluid combat, using vampiric speed to slide in and out of melee range and slash people and execute them with melee weapons. You can get special cinematic finishers in combat when you execute people a la Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Counters are in. Guns exist and are treated as temporary opportunities, you pick em up, use it, then discard it and move on.
>NPCs can react to you depending on what background you chose for your character in character creation, for example you can be a cop, a coroner, or a barista for a more neutral and blank slate background
>It’s still called the Masquerade, so if you eat someone in public or turn into a bat in front of a bar you’ll get in trouble not only with the police, but also some beefier supernatural watchdogs
>The humanity system returns, so killing innocents brings you closer to the inner beast
people who bought this one will buy it only for jeanette's outfit and damsel's beret
Suck a big dick you corporate faggot.
I've been here since 2006 and I think all discord trannies and unironic leftist parasites (Yea Forums) should be forcibly expelled from this website, all media industries and society.
>Game is meant to be SJW
>Includes Jeanette's outfit
I was afraid that it was going to be an MMO aas well, especially when that ARG was all about networking and shit. Thankfully we have kino.
>Getting scammed by a video game company like some gullible retard
I think it's just that republicans are bunch of thin skinned weenies nowadays
I'm probably gonna buy it, but not for anything in it, I hate the feeling of "Oh I don't get to HAVE any of this stuff." even if I never use it.
What do I do with this twitch drop I got from the stream, it's just sitting there.
>some people arent going to play this because muh sjw boogeyman
imagine dismissing a game that sounds this good because the character creator lets you pick pronouns or some shit
Oh boohoo faggot, just get on with your life.
is that what we're doing now? not buying games because a writer drinks something I dislike?
Do something about it instead of crying here.
>tfw gonna buy premium edition just to make Yea Forums seethe
>Bloodlines 2
Why not just make a new VTM game? Bloodlines doesnt need a sequel.
>Every single fucking settlement throughout Fallout 1-2 and New Vegas has clear politics that are pretty heavily pushed down your throat.
Shady Sands: "Hello, we're subsistence farmers"
Junktown: "Hello, we're a trading center with corruption issues"
Ghoul Town (forget the name): "Fuck off, asshole. Oh wait, you're not gonna kill us for having melted faces? Then make yourself useful"
Vault City: "Mmm yes we're so superior due to our Vault tech. Oh you're a tribal? Make yourself useful"
Goodsprings, Novac, Primm = Shady Sands with different industries
And then there's settlements run by the major political factions that make complete sense to actually be steeped in the guiding ideologies of their societies that are actually shown with depth and care rather than being blatant 2D propaganda for contemporary partisan issues.
It's like you fags literally cannot see anything but thinly-veiled allegorical dialectic because Marxism has mainlined into your brainstem.
>joke character literal che guevara reference and shit post level memeideology cringe fest writing in FUCKING VIDEO GAMES its equal to "deep politics"
If you unironically think like this pls kys
>let me remove anything of substance from all these settlements and post it as a huge fucking strawman
>-b-b-but my Marxist conspiracy theory
Take your meds schizo
Republicans were the SJWs of the 90s and early 2000s
Being overtly leftist was that era's version of being an edgy shitposter.
At some point during the Obama years this dynamic flipped and a new generation of delicate soibois became the brain of leftism while the neo-Republicans became edgemeisters and the people hounding their opposition for debates and challenging hegemonic power.
I have no idea why this happened since ten years prior the left/right debate was over boring shit like tax rates and how best to manage growing tech infrastructure.
Thanks bruh
He's right tho. If you disagree, go ahead, prove him wrong by posting your gay analysis.
>let me project all my bias onto every single detail I can glean from looking up Fallout 1 & 2 on Wikipedia
>and let me use a few meme lines from the more overtly comedic Fallout 2 to argue all vidya is inherently propaganda so it's acceptable for modern vidya to be overtly partisan and annoyingly trite
>b-but my Marxist cultural analysis and critical theorists
Sod off Gramsci, nobody likes you or Horkheimer's long march up my ass and around the corner.
>I have no idea why this happened
>ten years prior the left/right debate was over boring shit like tax rates and how best to manage growing tech infrastructure
That's because you weren't remotely paying attention. Not even a single bit.
He revealed himself as a total bitch several times in the past few years, a complete turn around from his tough guy egoist edgy philosophy. He said Caesar's Legion is bad because they're misogynists. He said that bitching about Obsidian was him 'combating evil wherever he finds it'. He is a fucking bitchass cuck.
Is this the politics thread?
>muh PTC
>muh Dixie Chicks
The moral panics and other bullshit of that era were nothing.
The only shit from that era that was comparable to today was the double whammy of OJ and Rodney King, but most people in the mainstream were in agreement that both of them were examples of horrendous injustice.
And if you take a step backwards and read this in a vacuum, it explains how it happened.
You weren't paying attention because taxes were boring as fuck, and they needed a way to spice it up. Boy fucking howdy aren't we spicy now
Reminder that they're doing the very people they're trying to represent a disservice lmao
>watching Chappelle's Netflix special
>he admits he doesn't even care if OJ killed anyone or not because "that man ran a thousand yards" either way
>realize that's the culture taking over
And that's how I became an internet nazi
Well I was hoping this thread wouldn't be a trainwreck but I guess that will teach me.
I might as well play the first one again, are there any recommended mods or patches for it or does it hold up well enough by itself?
>import so many Muslims they begin to undo your brainwashing because they still hate fags
Kek, I might even consider converting
I WAS paying attention because I was invested in the tax arguments and other stuff. I'm a very localist person when it comes to politics, so debates over welfare reform and infrastructure spending are what I'd actually like to be talking about rather than "muh racial inequality" when all the measures except the cherrypicked biased ones are pointing to race gaps closing if not reversing.
>Gay Muslim
I thought homosexuals were supposed to be killed, according to Islam.
thats what it says
Imagine unironically being a gamer goober
Chappelle is from the era of "angry young insensitive black man" as the peak of standup comedy.
He says stuff like that to be deliberately provocative. The problem isn't him making those jokes, the problem is the people in the audience who agree with his overtly absurd statements because they think Chappelle is the same kind of comedian as Stephen Colbert.
Well you weren't paying attention enough because every time you say "eh it's just those idiots at it again" they get a little stronger until suddenly you're the asshole. If you don't get how welfare might be tied to racial "inequality", you definitely aren't cut out for the kind of thinking required for good voters
How do we save Yea Forums bro? How do we kill all the /pol/ incelsects infesting this board?
You go back to resetera
It's very clearly not the same moralists today than back then, that's not what I was saying.
I was saying I don't understand why all of a sudden Clintonian welfare liberalism just fucking evaporated and things regressed to 60s-tier racial and political tensions under a more or less centrist Democrat politician who talked about "muh equality" while still doing the same shit as the previous six presidents.
>This starts playing
>t. ResetEra
Preordering it right away. Yea Forums can pretend it was always /pol/ all it wants but VTMB was always on Yea Forumss list of best games ever and nothing will ever change that.
Resistance is futile. It's only going to get better, don't you watch the news?
I find it very amusing that the commie's beret is in this.
Yeah, you're only reminding me that the average person doesn't deserve the right to vote. The Clintons were the ones who did this. Next you're gonna tell me you don't understand why LBJ told his hooker "that bastard will never make a fool of me again" right before JFK got schwacked
Jeez I'm glad I'm not you with that garbage ass taste
It's going to be fucking mass effect andromeda etc all over again.
I hope they get Rik to come back and do at least one track for the game.
>Direct sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
>Takes place 15 years after Bloodlines
I haven't been on /pol/ in over 5 years but this board is so infested with over opinionated 16 year olds that go through weak bait faster than I have ever seen on any other board. Yea Forums has had this problem since like 2011 but being one of the most popular boards never helps it when it comes to being fucking stupid.
anyone else think the music in the trailer sounded like Rik Schaffer?
if he's composing I'd shoot cum so hard it'd break through a wall
Hotline Miami has fucking amazing gameplay and a great atmosphere.
the original takes place in October 2004
>tfw 2 exists
The absolute state of average Yea Forums discussion in 20currentyear.
Every game is impossible to discuss
Remember how we laughed and laughed at tumblr for getting so triggered over lines of dialogue or creators of games and their various opinions? O how they got mad over a game daring to have a white male protagonist in THIS day and age? Like who cares about any of that? If the game itself is good it's good. That was the old line about it anyway
100% this, Yea Forums has just as much reason to be purged from Yea Forums as /pol/ does.
>I have no friends and family.
Good to know.
Yea Forums is far worse, more insidious and has enjoyed far longer time to poison Yea Forums than any other board
You don't belong here.
>Yea Forums is far worse, more insidious and has enjoyed far longer time to poison Yea Forums than any other board
No thats still /pol/
SEETHING Yea Forumsmblr tranny
SEETHING incel anime fan
Yea Forums is much older than /pol/
>The absolute state
You can ignore politics, but politics won't ignore you. It's sad, but the truth is that shit is going to get a whole lot more politicized in the future.
It's a shame because once in a blue moon the do have a good thread that isn't Adventure Time or any other tumblr tier trash.
not in particular, but i fucking hope he returns because the game wont be the same without him
Nobody cares about the creators, everyone on both sides makes fun of them. Its when the stuff is overtly in your face politically because allegories are below the devs understanding.
Having a white male protagonist is not the same as having to call another character with made up pronouns because you don't want to offend them while they talk about their struggles as a gay black muslim who fights for minority vampire rights.
>/pol/tards are raiding 4channel again
Based Rik.
>sequel to a beloved classic finally coming
>it is also triggering /pol/ posters
The gift that keeps giving.
Fuck off faggots
Go back to where you came from
there is a fucking God holy shit lads
>t’s not just politics where Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 takes a progressive approach. The character creator, which players get to use twice – once at the start to define your human aspects and then a second time later in the game to flesh out your vampire – goes way beyond basic male and female models. Body type, gender pronouns, employment history and fashion can all be toyed with for a very modular build.
> Body type, gender pronouns, employment history and fashion can all be toyed with
/pol/ absolutely BTFO
Didn’t play or care about the first game, but I look forward to shitting up these threads for the next few months because I hate leftism.
where the fuck is that happening? In this game? No one knows what's in the fucking game because it's not made yet, you have ZERO idea what you're going to get and are basing this horror story off the air you're breathing.
This is the exact same thing fucking tumblr said, "ugh, another white male murder simulator to spread toxic masculinity to the poor unwashed masses!" Every fucking time for every game. When I see that I have to play as a gay demigendered protoqueer transtrans and use my abundant social and detective skills to figure out each of my prospective contacts' preferred daily pronouns, I'll have an issue with it. But until then, I have none.
No playable Tzimisce no buy.
Yeah then Bloodlines 2 should be set in October '04 or November '04, right? How can it be a direct sequel if it is set 15 years later?
Does it start in '04 and then there's a time skip to 2019 or something?
>unironic conspiracytardism
You're why opposition to modern SJW bullshit is losing steam
>Political vidya is ba-
This man is a retarded.
Be wary.
Fuck yes. Now we need Anachronox 2 and a SiN Episodes: Emergence sequel.
Why are we excited for this? Are some Troika guys working on it?
So will you be able to play as a Malkavian?
I can't imagine a dev in 2019 changing all the game's dialogue for one of the clans but you never know.
Based and redpilled
Those wall segments look kind of flimsy.
I assume because they are currently under construction.
Do you have a picture of a completed section?
Newfag here, should I play Redemption before Bloodlines?
Should I play the tabletop game before either?
>not reading the thread
>The character creator, which players get to use twice – once at the start to define your human aspects and then a second time later in the game to flesh out your vampire – goes way beyond basic male and female models. Body type, gender pronouns, employment history and fashion can all be toyed with for a very modular build.
VtMB is literally the only product of this IP worth playing
>direct sequel
>has a 15 year gap
When /pol/ sends its people, they're not sending their best.
Got one that isn’t blurry as shit
Redemption and Bloodlines have nothing in common other than being set in the World of Darkness universe.
The website lists 5 clans, with another as "Bonus", making it 6. It doesn't outright say the Clan names, but each one shows a different picture. One's a classroom with a magic circle made of blood, another looks like a loft of a skyscraper, so the pics must correspond to each clan.
based retard
Redemption is cool but is for the fans of the tabletop game. Bloodlines is a good start.
I just want to rip and tear. Will they let me rip and tear? I want to be excited but all the cool kids on Yea Forums tell me it'll be shit.
honestly this
you /pol/ack fags are such drama whores when it comes to anything vaguely left.
>has a 15 year gap
>with an endgame event that had an immediate and dramatic impact on the world
The only way this is justified is if the world essentially Daybreakers.
It will, this very year, as every proud Turk knows.
The only reason you'd ever think so is when the politics of the game coincide with yours and the status quo. To someone who doesn't share your views, those game did "shove" politics down their throats
Nice explanation
Pick Gangrel.
This is almost too good. Can't. Fucking. Wait.
>By the same people who brought you SAW movie games
That's a pirate
Why did you post this? I now have to jerk off for hours on end till I can no longer produce cum because I no longer need it after this moment.
Well then I guess I just won't get it and I'll leave the thread and discussion to the people who still do. Peace nigga
what a day
>playing sekino: kino dies twice
>vtmb2 gets announced
>mom bought me potato chips
>turn into mist to go through vents and glide
Do I have to be naked or do my clothes also transform? I'm not familiar with the pen and paper thingie.
Now this I like.
Is Avellone based or cringe?
Reminder that this is the plot and not what lying /pol/ shits are saying.
Go back
Hahaha! Holy shit, that second guy though.
>I'm not homophobic, but it is my duty to forbid evil
>Explicitly states that homosexuality is evil
Oh no. That's double minus ungood my friend. Prepare to be shamed and browbeaten into oblivion by the enlightened mobs.
Just go anywhere else to discuss it and im sincerely giving you this advice. Only reason i still come to this shit hole is the souls threads and even they're getting harder to discuss.
>He doesn't just create a normal white male vampire
Nobody is forcing you to use the pronoun shit.
The only good Anarch is a dead Anarch.
Get it?
>I am gonna pirate it on release just to make this faggot seethe
>"fuck this SJW shit, keep politics out of games!"
>old game had tons of anti-right politics in it
>"t-these politics are fine, its the new ones that are bad"
just fucking admit you're upset that people don't share rightwing views with you
It's a real fucking curse, man. After a while you start seeing degeneracy everywhere and can't enjoy anything except wholesome stuff like, classical music, going to church and raising a family.
haha epic. Helicopter rides for Anarchs! haha I love it
>Cara Ellison (who in particular wrote a chunk of the side quests)
Prove me wrong? I doubt you ever played an VTMB game.
All sounds pretty stellar to be honest. I'm sure some will screech autisticly about things we don't know yet, but I like what I've heard so far. Particularly about the movement and verticality. It'll be nice to have an option for the Nosferatu that isn't sewers. Essentially I'm hoping it'll play something like Dishonored with most forms/bat swarms replacing blink. Let's see how it goes.
>mfw been shitposting in Bloodlines threads non-stop ever since the sequel was announced
WOD has always been sjw fuck off.
>Political satire back then compared to current DRUMPF TINY HANDS and the steven crowders we get in today climate
>Wanting better makes you a neocon
Can't wait for the Trump reference. Maybe even an achievement called "Fuck Whites and Fuck Trump!
>Anachronox 2
If only Hall didn't have a fucking stroke.
what a weird timeline
It's not the left or right, but the quality of the politics by itself.
We have HORRIBLE low tier disgusting idpol now, and getting this shit into a game only makes it just as horrid.
>literally hoping a game is bad so you can be mad about it for a day and move on like the goldfish you are
TORtanic changed this place
Based as fuck.
>"Fuck Whites and Fuck Trump!
Name one (1) game that has said this.
This sounds fucking great.
I can forgive paradox' jewish tricks if they deliver what was promised.
>A candidate not accused of being a murderous child pronographer
God I love this game
I didn't notice. But I assume it would have been mentioned on some of the coverage. Mostly due to the effect it would have on muh dick and thu dicks of other VtM fans.
>Kino is back on the menu, lads.
Nope, it's a SJW game.
At best, it'll be worth pirating.
But most likely, it'll be shit.
Does the game include all of that or is this just speculation?
No you drooling invalid. You don't beat conspiracy theorists like that.
You need to, as earnestly as possible, accuse them being blind to the truth, and then throw an even more absurd worldview back in their face.
Delete this right fucking now.Also god bless whoever made this pic.
Tranny game.
Wolfenstein 2.
Oh yes, its about the ""quality"" of the politics now, we wen't from "all politics are bad" to "only politics I like are good"
Fuck off, why don't you just admit you only want things to conform to your worldview
The difference is;
>Old political satire; taking the piss, not serious
>New political satire; made by left-learning people with a set agenda to push their view, not in a joking way
They do, it just happen to be personal politics you dont desagree with
Someone should create a /vg/ thread so we can escape the /pol/ retards
Will this be exclusive to Epic Games Store?
He's alive, isn't he?
There's nothing to even discuss you mouthbreather apart from devs selected infomation to hype the game up. I bet you're going to pre-purchase right?
No, it's already up for pre-order on GOG and Paradox has their own store.
I wonder if your choice of pronoun will effect your character's stats?
> He/Him [+2 strength, +1 constitution]
> She/Her [+2 charisma, +1 dexterity]
> Xe/Xer/Xym [-10 sanity]
Did they just copy and paste the face on the girl in the left
>ask if I should buy or pirate the first game
>"just pirate it user"
>noboby tells me where to get it pirated
>which patchs or mods should I install
>ask for guide, no responce
>google it
>download "the game" from one of the first results
>get malware already
T-thanks Yea Forums...
They are twins.
>Implying Yea Forums has sunk anything, ever.
Even ToR still has over a million players and expansions being launched twice a year.
Imagine being so bad at pirating
>noboby tells me where to get it pirated
Do you want us to wipe your ass too?
Why would you lie? People always post the picture of what patch to download, and if you can't find a copy of the game to torrent, then maybe pirating is not for you.
fuck off tranny
Yea Forums hates everything
You'd have a better chance arguing that strawman on reddit. Don't you want those sweet sweet upvotes?
its always anime avatars. These are the loudest minority fuckers on the internet besides actual tumblr sjw types. They American and brazilian spergs that complain about sjw shit constantly and even make youtube videos about it what no one gives a fuck but they want subscribers. If there two groups that need to die in a fire with no fucks given its them and and the loud minority sjw fags.
Are you for real? This is b8, right.. right?
I know, I'm talking about the art itself.
imagine being anything but a toreador. How sad.
You guys have no fucking hope, god damn
>its always anime avatars
I think you might be lost
I hope the game is "SJW". I hope you come across dykes of all colors of the rainbow, I hope there are unskippable missions involving saving muslims. I hope some of the main characters are post-op trannie vampires who bring it up nonstop in conversations.
I really, really hope its the most leftist piece of "progressive" media ever made, because the idea of you cry baby snowflakes being unable to enjoy a game makes my dick hard.
Do vampires have a reflection in the Bloodlines series?
>haha i don't care what happens to videogames as a medium aslong as some random anons on Yea Forums are pissed off
dumb weeb
This but unironically.
Are you fucking retarded?
The trailer music sounded generic Nike/Adidas commercial tier.
>All these resetera trannies in this thread
What went wrong?
Im not lying I have asked this on 3 different threads and I always get the same crap
>lol google it bro
Or just downright ignored
I guess Im done with this game without ever playing it, other fanbases don't do this shit
been watching anime more then most people on this website except im not a cancerous memester sperg kid that can't get over he learned about sjw politics in college
I just got the game from a thread yesterday learn to lurk newfag and fuck off
Yes very much what I said, you got it. The more video games are nasty, scary spooky browns and fags in them the more you sulky little crybabies stop playing them. Maybe one day you'll even leave the hobby all together, and we can have comfy VtM threads again.
The election unironiclaly, absolutely ruined whatever spec of good remained on Yea Forums.
I literally just googled "vtm bloodlines Yea Forums" and it was the first picture link
>no anime on my Yea Forums, reeeeeeeeeeeee
>it's the fanbase that i don't know how to pirate
He is.
you're not a woman. you will never be a cute girl. no one wants to have sex with you. you're a hideous unlovable abomination and no one will ever see you as a woman. you will end up killing yourself in a few short years due to your extreme mental illness.
>Games not out for an entire fucking year
Why'd they announce it now, why torture us? Cunts.
>Carl Ellison
>gender pronoun
Shame that they're pandering to mentally ill people, but if they deliver on all of the other things, it will be awesome. I just don't know how viable all of this is with people only behind Blacklight Retribution.
Not a tranny but remain absolutely furious, faggot.
agreed, the election brought in seething resetera trannies like yourself who are desperate to convert Yea Forums to your cult of mental illness. It won't ever work though, Trump's still in office and you've accomplished nothing but wasting your short life that will soon end.
i have to admit I'm gonna miss the original early 2000's setting. Early 00's still had that distinctive cringy/cool rave culture that the original game really nailed. I have a real nostalgia for that stuff now, especially with all these Supreme hypebeast hipster fags running around these days.
rope yourself, my dude
> I hope there are unskippable missions involving saving muslims.
Based vampires of peace
I struck a nerve. Gonna cry and overdose on meds, tranny freak?
Eat dog ass
Based and awake pilled
tell em malcolm
god that would be great
100% guaranteed that this titcow is actually a dude
You all sound very INTERESTED in this game
>only pedigree is bl:r
Ah, that's gonna be an oof
>We barely know about the game yet
You fuckers are as wishy washy as the god damn SJWs. Jesus Christ SJWs and /pol/ was the worst shit to happen to this board. If you're a politicfag on Yea Forums please do yourself a favor and neck yourself
If the game is shit then let the full release speak for itself
You sound very ISOLATED
I too compulsively purchase the things I see to get rid of the 'bad feelings'
I have been waiting for a sequel for 15 years.
Its just not Bloodlines without heavy BDSM overtones.
Original composer being back is pretty cool but are we going to ignore the fact that he basically just took Mezzanine/other MA songs and changed them slightly to avoid legal issues?
>made by sjws
>pre-release interviews point to it being sjw by toning down malks and making sure no one is offended
Why are people saying it's SJW in the first place? Nothing in the trailer seemed SJW.
Yes, I am. Or is this just another 'shill accusation'?
Has it really been 15 years? No wonder these threads are invested with /pol/ zoomers, no chance half of them were even fucking alive when Bloodlines came out.
cant wait for epic games to buy the devs out to only release it on the epic store
Feck off cunt, fishmalk IS an issue, but not because of your strawman.
Thanks user
But still no idea where to get the base game without malware so Im gonna pass
They are going to let you choose your pronouns in the character creator.
> he basically just took Mezzanine/other MA songs and changed them slightly to avoid legal issues?
They wanted to use Angel, but they couldn't, so he made a track very similar. The rest of the OST sounds nothing like Massive Attack or any other trip hop artists.
Three words:
Who's with me?
t. Didn't see the lead writer or read the interview
Because it will let you choose your gender, gods forbid a rpg have rpg elements.
Oh, all right then. It's kinda surprising Massive Attack didn't sue given how obvious the menu theme is.
I really doubt that it will leave up to the first one. Because I think the first one was a passion proyect that got lucky, and they don't have the dude that made the soundtrack of the first one. That said, I really wish they prove me wrong.
Jap devs have been doing it since the 80s/90s and getting away with it.
How can it be possible that people in Yea Forums are interested in the sequel of a game that they have been talking abou almost sinze the creation of the fucking board?
The have to be shills
why is fishmalk a fucking issue?
See what I mean? Every single fucking thread is filled with /pol/tards already trying to spell doom for it. SJWs just by existing made this board shit because it made people like you who shit up the board with your crazy retarded bullshit. I don't know if you guys ever actually went to resetera to see if it's as bad as the screenshots show it is but you guys are literally like the faggots in the resetera screenshots who kneejerk react like idiots.
because they said they were going to try to do politic stuff. They also said it was important to understand every side. Which is more than what is said than most devs.
Upvoted my fellow redditors I too browse the front page of the videogames subreddit
I sense that we may have very different conceptions of what is important in an RPG.
What's important for you in a rpg.
Honestly I like a lot of the stuff they've said about it, but I'm not going to be excited or angry until I see gameplay.
I NEED to know if they can recapture the sense of immersion and the tone that made the first Bloodlines so comfy.
>there's nothing wrong with sjws even though it was a proven fact they ruined gaming for almost an entire decade
>fishmalk IS an issue
Now I'm concerned, is everything okay with you user ?
I dont agree with them user, I'm just pointing out that the sperg is because the game would let you be a tranny. I don't really care, if the game delivers I'm going to buy it, pronuns or not.
>People are concerned about SJW writing
>When /ourguy/ is one of the writers
Now I've gone from unsure to cautiously optimistic.
How do you know what images are posted on reddit user?
>SJWs just by existing made this board shit because it made people like you who shit up the board with your crazy retarded bullshit
>Its the SJWboogiemen who are the problem
No faggot its the rent free /pol/ shits who jumped onto Yea Forums in 2016 and only know two things, how to shitpost (Because shitposting is Yea Forums culture, I saw it on knowyourmeme!) and cry about politics. This place was absolutely ruined by these faggy ass political types who are so autistic and retarded that they literally are incapable of turning it off, they are not normal, funcational people.
Yea Forums has always been filled with social rejects, but these new people have actively fucked the website beyond repair. God fucking damn do I miss comfy vtm threads.
Basé avellone keeping romance at bay.
Roleplay options for quests, stats and lore friendly abilities.
Any word on which engine they will use?
Hopefully Source 2 because of the unparalleled facial animations without needing mocap
>Lead writer is a MtF tranny
>Game is goin gto all be about modern identity politics and media companies like twitter, google, and facebook, all but confirmed in interview
>Gender queer pronouns
>Hurr it's not SJW it's based, you /poltards don't know what you're talking about
You will never be a biological woman, faggot.
And I hope Israel finally pays for its crimes but that isn’t going to happen either
Day 1 buy. Big Titty Goth Trap GF
>TFW we will never get another good VtM thread
Easy question: what kind of person would bother not using FAG as a nomen?
Choice A: fags
Choice B: people who come from liberal places where you can't use slurs
The sjw are the problem.
“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
So, there's another beloved part of the game being ripped out. Got to love politics forced upon a work of fiction that was already over the top. Bloodlines didn't sell all that well to begin with, was a cult classic for a reason, and now Stanley Gimble is running the show.
>MUH /pol/
Yeah we made Yea Forums better, at least it isn't solely a virtual basement for pedo weebs to share pictures of children to jerk off to anymore. And it'll be even better when we've purged your kind from the board altogether.
What is John Kramer going to do to those girls?
>more whining about muh bogeyman
It was the earliest known instant of what is now known as the Mercer Effect. Obnoxious players would play LOLSORANDOM Fishmalks and break the fourth wall a lot. No actual real mental illness stuff just wacky loony toons shit which doesn't fit VtM at all.
At least the game sounds good.
christ I miss triphop...
so it's confirmed the sidequests are going to be garbage. got you.
>Bad side quests
So who are those noname devs?
Anyone with an actual background in there?
Porn analogy
>cucks infest porn
>make everything interracial porn
>sane people complain there's that shit in porn
Yes, it's the complainers, not the cucks that are the problem.
>Who's with me?
You're thinking of Vampire the Requiem senpai. That's the one that's tranny friendly. Vampire the Masquerade takes place in the God-fearing 90s where the closest thing to a tranny anybody knew about was the weirdo in Silence of the Lambs.
Dude probably changed a lightbulb or two in the office and walked out. He barely does anything in games that heavily advertise him now.
>I hope there are unskippable missions involving saving muslims
i hope i can feed muslims to a cannibal vampire. and white liberals too.
Two who worked on Bloodlines 1 in pretty big roles I think, and Rik Schaffer has been confirmed for doing the music.
It feels really weird to call it Bloodlines 1, I just realized.
I was wondering where did you faggots come from, then I remember I was on /vee/
trannies are less than 1% of the population. you mentally ill freaks seem to forget this. adding pronoun faggotry shows the devs are SJWs.
fuck off resetera.
A onions but a okay one at that.
Yes, you stupid cunt, and if you'd been here for more than three moons, you would fucking know why
Because you faggots keep using the same retarded bait posts and don't even bother changing the filenames.
This is why I still come to Yea Forums, you just can't find autism this genuine anywhere else
I'm putting together a team
They have a background in gender studies and feminist dance theory.
>fuck off resetera.
: ^)
D-Damn, so cool...
I mean, he's not wrong.
I'd find it pretty hilarious if you could only feed on white people. Like if you try on someone with a darker skin tone your character thinks to themselves "No, they go through too much already." and then you lose humanity.
You can't even feed on rich black guys but you can feed on white homeless people and no one dares point out why that's fucked up.
The majority is also non white commoner plebs, doesn't mean I have to care about them.
I thought the sequel is set 15 years later? Would be cool if it still was taking place in the 90s tho.
>2016 election
>not the gamer gate issue and video game journalism from years prior
you sound like a huge faggot spewing that shit you know
It's actually an offshoot of what happened to hentai. At this point I can tell by the content of a sadpanda gallery and the comments who is a liberal voter and who is not. Hell, there's even the classic "turbo liberal disguised as a centrist".
The lead writer is the same guy from the first one
>Rik Schaffer
>It feels really weird to call it Bloodlines 1, I just realized.
It does. But it also feels fantastic. Never thought this would happen.
This is all in your head.
2016 election was the biggest influx of newfags, mostly from t_d.
If we ignore the title of this game, what is pointing towards it's being made by people doing it justice or seemingly going in the right direction?
>I thought the sequel is set 15 years later
I'm not sure how that would work out. Pretty sure the Vampire End Times happen a few years after the original game. So unless they're pulling an alternate timeline thing I don't know.
>God-fearing 90s
The 90's were literally edge:the decade
There are lots of games I don't enjoy for lots of reasons. Wishing for someone to not enjoy a game is a dumb wish, because they can always just find another game. Besides, juding from pure views alone, and the Activision pre-order fuckery, this game doesn't look like it's going to do well sale wise even if you ignore politics.
Yeah, it is. That's why I said it'd be hilarious.
Will I at least be able to kill the NPC's I dont like?
I actually just saw a comic here the other day about mooslems eventually taking the immigration officer's job in the UK before denying access to brits. That actually just happened the other day on the grounds that Christianity is a violent religion. There is no escape, even the music scene got hit with this stick
So? Tim Schafer is still around, except now he's the non plus ultra of fags. People change, usually for the worse if we look at major figures.
>Vampires are less than 4% of the population. you mentally ill freaks seem to forget this
Christian Reactionaries were the SJWs of the time. It was glorious.
I'm just glad there's full mod support. First thing I'll do is remove all the inevitable cringy tranny content, make the female characters sexier and add in stockings + heels for the female characters
Why do you leftypol subhumans want an anti white safespace?
5th edition says that everyone thought it was Ghenna because the Antideluvians came out and ate everyone but actually that wasn't really Ghenna at all and everything is fine. Ipads and shit for everyone.
>vampire are 4% of the population
>they control the population
>I'm just glad there's full mod support
What the fuck, source?
>DMC 5 is released
>rest of Halo announced for PC
>Bloodlines 2 announced
2019, what a time to be alive
You can see it literally right there, this idiot got a platform for wearing black and vaguely mentioning christians, that's how god fearing we still were back then
>SJW game
>sexy female characters
pick one shitlord
Ah, the Storm of Chaos maneuver. Well I guess that works.
>how will retards shitpost about nothing for months on end while everybody else enjoys the game
the same way they always do of course, retardation coupled with the need for online validation
So? So what?
Don't you fucking say it goyim
What's your point?
VTM one is more popular because it is a target rich environment for shitposters of all stripes.
>That moment on the stream where a remixed version of VTMB menu theme played for like 5 seconds
I was so hyped and then they never played it again, fucking hell
They still think Yea Forums elected trump. Since the liberal 2020 picks are horrific, they fear a 2nd term, so they've been psyopping the most dangerous boards of Yea Forums for months now, to spin the notion that Yea Forums isn't inherently anti-liberal and it's just one crazy fringe.
The discord tranny thing is not a meme.
You forgot
>BB having an epic games page for 15 minutes
I'm incredibly concerned by what I've seen so far. Trailer is some actiony bullshit that has NO gothic vibes whatsoever. Then there's the insistence that you'll start as a thinblood while also having OP powers that let you navigate the environment. And guns don't matter anymore. And you only get to join a clan later in the game... The fact that they hired Chris Avellone also just makes me wonder if they just see this game as a way to make quick bucks from the legacy of the original and other people.
Am I alone in thinking this just sounds super bad? I know CCP abandoned their project, but everything we saw from that game in terms of concept art and even the trailer was spot on.
Please make me feel better about this.
Maybe but likely all the best rewards and "good" ending will come form helping and siding with all the homo, tranny, and ethnic minority characters.
What if stockings + heels are already in the game? You know, like in Bloodlines 1.
So the original writer is still here, doesn't mean he's not a massive fag now. We don't have evidence either way, but the rest of the staff is worrisome.
It's both user. It's just politics in general. If we didn't have /pol/ you can bet SJWs would fucking try to screw the board up. The problem isn't SJWS and /pol/. It's politicfags in general. People who sperg with their infographics and meme pictures like these stupid faggots:
They are the product of a retaliation against forced politics in games but are just as retarded as the people they hate. Did you ever notice the response of Cyberpunk? It had both sides sperging on it. I remember reading the outrage from both sides that the game didn't spread the message they wanted.
People who care too much about politics are ruining this board and it just needs to be split off from Yea Forums into /vpol/ or fucking something.
But that anology is fucking stupid, "everything is interracial porn" the fuck? Why am I even replying to these fucking retards.
Apparently there is romance though.
>a remixed version of VTMB menu theme played on stream
Gib source
Eurogamer interview.
Bro, I would be so happy with a couple of jokes about Republicans that you have no fucking idea.
You and I both know it will be nowhere near balanced or subtle.
Short answer: fuck off
Long answer: if you didn't want reactionary politics in entertainment, you shouldn't have used entertainment as a propagandist totalitarian tool
>killing two dipshits and running down a nosferatu is actiony bullshit
Spoken like a true political retard. Go back to your board. Yes, I hate tranny politics but I also hate you retarded paranoid subhuman fatasses
>sexy female characters
Only one was shown and she's clearly a villain that voted for muh Drumpf and ruined "her turn".
>Why do you leftypol subhumans want an anti white safespace?
So the people who let politics live rent free in their head fuck off so we can go back to pre-election comfy.
you mean gay
He said make them hotter you illiterate retard.
>tfw I pirate 30 copies and give them to my friends for free, so no one has to pay for it
I sincerely, sincerely doubt it. Unfortunately female beauty is a big taboo in the current western vidya industry.
It is, liberal politics to a white straight man are tantamount to social economic cuckoldry. Embracing them and telling men who won't accept it to fuck off is practically admitting you're a masochist.
>you should have used
This implies I ever used it for that reason you fucking idiot
>sjws literally entirely ruin a game
>it's YOUR fault for complaining about them!
No, it was their fucking fault for sleeping around to get better reviews you ignorant cunt
>So the original writer is still here, doesn't mean he's not a massive fag now
I didn't say anything about what it meant
But I get what you're saying. I'm definitely more at ease knowing that Brian is back, so you're probably right that I'm putting some stock into him. Can only hope the rest of the team gives a fuck about Bloodlines, and that Brian hasn't lost his touch
The majority of the trailer is the character trying to be cool. And then there's the Kotaku article that describes the gameplay as very similar to Dishonored. That sounds good to you? FOR FUCKING BLOODLINES?
I was literally talking about comments like yours. I will now screencap both mine and your comment to have the perfect example of what we mean by discord tranny psyop. Thank you, I mean it.
Bloodborne? When did this happen? Never going to happen, Sony first party.
>so we can go back to pre-election comfy.
Never going to happen. Trump's election was literally Chanology 2.0. You better just get used to it.
>meanwhile on /gif/
Ahahahahahahjaa you goddamn retard
If it wasn't them it would be the exact type of people /pol/ is doing it just like they did in the past. It was the conservative fags who did this shit originally. You really think they're your friend now? Neither side is your friend you fucking naive idiot
I there is a BASED mod, a REDPILL mod that removes all the sjw shit!!!!!
i can see a crazy vampire thinking it's a chick, not the weirdest you'd have seen.
besides, if it's set 1 years after bloodlines it makes sense.
>using the name of a good IP makes the new IP automatically good
>that describes the gameplay as very similar to Dishonored
Why wouldn't it be? I don't understand why this seems like a problem to you. The structure of the gameplay lends itself well to the use of disciplines. Explain yourself.
Like 2 hours ago I shit you not, there's an archive of the page somewhere
>if we just completely ruin video games and scare away the core audience to appeal to newfags then video games will be saved
You're retarded
I hope this game has different outfits and equipment this time. Like suits, shoes, Kevlar vests, and shit.
>contextual third-person actions
God fucking damnit
What's TORtanic?
This, but without the irony.
na. v5 says he lives and a book came out saying otherwise.
>nd then there's the Kotaku article that describes the gameplay as very similar to Dishonored. That sounds good to you? FOR FUCKING BLOODLINES?
Well, yeah. Dishonored definitely has better gameplay than Bloodlines. The interesting part of Bloodlines' combat is the disciplines
The idea of secret vampire societies really belongs in the 00s and earlier. With an endless NSA surveillance state and fashion that doesn't lend itself to edgy bois at all vampires just feel lame.
But you can still side with the camarilla
>I shit you not
No, you shit me very much user.
Brian mitsoda and Rik Schaffer is working on it. Mite b cool.
>le we le /pol/ praise kek
You sure are a genius
Aight, I guess we're just gonna play a game as superhero vampires then. Got it.
>haven't been on gif for years
>read comment
>go check
Holy mother of christ.
I hope the make a MAGA mod
a polished turd is still a turd faggot
Are the older ones also SJW dogshit?
I was about to buy them, but I saw this and caught some cringe
All I care is if the MC is silent or not.
Please make him silent
I'm not entertaining your fantasy land bullshit, what happened is reality and they are the ones who fired the first shot. Things spiraled out of control directly because of their actions, no one else is to blame but them
>That sounds good to you? FOR FUCKING BLOODLINES?
Literally anything is better then what we got in the original.
A direct sequel doesn't mean it takes place shortly after an ending
Ironically that's the main "political theme" they're covering. It's what the all the "we're going to be political" interviews are in reference to.
No. Fully voiced and with backstory.
Go away, Todd.
>Guns exist and are treated as temporary opportunities, you pick em up, use it, then discard it and move on.
This is the only thing that sounded kinda worrying to me. I hope this is more just perception based on a heavily curated, action focused trailer, and that you still have opportunities to arm up.
how come leftists don't just become reasonable instead of doubling down on their "there are 100 genders religion is evil but islam is the way of the future whites are evil and must be genocided men are evil and must be culled anyone right of bernie sanders is hitler free speech must be stopped and anyone who goes against our agenda must face the underside of the government's boot (but its not fascism when we do it)"?
Then I'll pirate a copy. I'll pirate several copies.
>It's actually remixed
I don't understand your issue here. A discipline as simple as Celerity makes a vampire a "superhero" and the mitigating factors in that have always been the use of blood and the masquerade itself.
They said there is more dialogue, more choices and more character than Bloodlines, would be very surprising if on top of that they also voiced all those options.
Thinking silent protag is a given.
But user the vampires are the surveillance state
Yea, but video games never cover those issues in any way that is interesting or nuanced. It feels really fucking silly to imagine a vampire running around beating up those mean NSA agents.
I'm confused. I thought Obsidian were the cucks and Avellone was based for airing their dirty laundry. When did it flip flop?
he's a vampire
the character they're talking about is a Gangrel Mary Sue, iirc
How long until they announce that they are going to be epic store excluse?Why the fuck does steam not do anything
As a player you probably have to decide if you want to side with these big tech vampire companies or go against them.
Sounds like good politics for a video game.
>Literally anything is better
It's not like I heard that on this board a thousand times, and every single time you faggots have come to eat your words. I never said the original was amazing, what I am saying is that they went in the wrong fucking direction. WoD is primarily a game about talking to people.
It is one thing when an elder is doing it, and it's another when you, the thinblood protagonist, are suddenly going around being superman. It's just retarded. And the fact that guns are no longer strong is also retarded. Vampires in WoD have always been terrified of firearms. Now suddenly you'll be grabbing them from people's hands for a quick execution. What a joke. Not to mention that since they're going to make it all about the combat, the whole idea of humanity is going to be hilarious just like it is in the Witcher. Oh, yeah, I just slaughtered 10000 NPCs, but choosing to kill this one guy in this quest is gonna make me lose humanity. This is going to be so fucking bad as an RPG, mark my words.
>We might have added five tons more fuel to this forest fire but we're not to blame as we didn't start it
Sure thing you delusional idiot
If you hate yourself, love doing yourself harm, enjoy it and embrace causes that accelerate your demise, you can't possibly fathom people who don't embrace your same self-destructive views.
When assblasted obsidiots tried to tell people it did.
not him, but my worldview includes the banning of muslims for being responsible for 99% of terrorism, and 100% of female genital mutilation. too bad the left 100% falls in line with islam, and says it's the evil christians, who have literally 0 political sway, are the bad guys.
valve doesn't want to give up that 30% cut while they do nothing. but they're gonna have to to compete. They should also make some fucking games like a new half life or portal. After all, people installed steam in the first place to play valve exclusives.
Its on GOG and the Paradox store as well, its not going switch to epic only.
>Why doesn't steam not do anything
Because they don't give a shit, retard. Valve are not your friend, they are a company.
>Game goes on steam
>Valve get a bunch of prepurchase sales
>Epic pays them for timed exclusivity
>Epic then gets money, and Valve get more purchases down the line and get good PR
If you think Valve are not hand in hand with Epic in this, you're a fool.
>WoD is primarily a game about talking to people.
Bloodlines 2 already has more dialogue than the original. This was stated at the announcement.
this, the tabletop is already a total fucking waste of space safespace where you can't even use themes integral to the games setting without making sure everyone isn't going to get triggered by it, the game is just following suit
it'll be a perfectly mediocre shitty RPG with vampires in it, same shit different wrapping, only with a healthy dollop of get fucked wypipo its BAME time now
So is Tim Cain in anyway involved? He's one of the most underappreciated names in the business, Fallout, Arcanum and VTMB, all of them great. Avellone is a hack next to Cain and somehow he's super popular.
>It is one thing when an elder is doing it, and it's another when you, the thinblood protagonist
Yeah I'm really not sure where the hell they're going with that, or even the Mass Embrace event. I get the impression there's more to that than meets the eye, much like there was more to the protagonist of the original game. Remember that in the first game we were smashing the shit out of tzimisce elders a couple weeks out of the embrace which is fucking crazy, even for a vampire of low generation.
I remember bullets doing bashing damage unless it was really high caliber or a direct headshot. And vampires cut bashing damage in half, rounded down.
I mean, I don't really care about any of the thread or your other points, you do you, but you're pretty wrong about the guns thing from a lore point of view. If your argument is about muzzle flash that rotschrek or whatever it was, I guess that sort of works, but man it would be a picky-pedantic hill to die on and I'd have none of it at my table.
Video games are for homos, play tabletop like a real fag.
Wasn't Metro Exodus up for pre-order on Steam before the switch over to EGS?
It's literally the /pol/acks that came as election tourists that use shit like "normie" instead of normalfag.
You literally just have to look at the fucking timeline
I have such sights to show you
Maybe. We'll see.
>After all, people installed steam in the first place to play valve exclusives.
That may have been true a decade or so ago but now people just use it because it has the most games at the momebt, if epic or some other store started ofering up all AAA games people like buying they would jump at a moments notice
>I just slaughtered 10000 NPCs, but choosing to kill this one guy in this quest is gonna make me lose humanity.
That's pretty much how the first game worked.
So you admit they started the fire? That makes it their fault, you dumb fuck. We would not be having this discussion today if, also today, those same people were not still actively lighting fires at every opportunity. They should have been removed, and shunned, and told to fuck off to make their own bullshit, and now there are countless series dead at their feet
>people unironically think Yea Forums has an unified voice
What a bunch of newfag scum
>first game was bad so second game should be bad
>mod them out
PC stays winning, as usual
>0 replies from larping tranny interlopers
>I just go there for /gif/
Jesus christ, how horrifying.
Don't forget:
>hollow knight: silksong
>cyberpunk 2077
The first one wasn't anything special, this one won't be either. The only vampire game/series I'm interested in and the only one deserving of a sequel is Legacy of Kain. These WoD games are trash
Yes. Tencent is just using other platforms to boost up visibility on games before buying them out.
You were arguing that they went in the wrong direction, when all they've done is repeat what they did before. Nothing has changed, I don't understand why you're so upset.
>Vampires in WoD have always been terrified of firearms
It's open flame and sunlight they're afraid of. Getting shot with a Glock doesn't phase them. A flamethrower will make them shit their pelvis out and fly into a psychotic rage, sure, but conventional guns not so much. Hell, crossbows hurt them more.
pick brujah and rip and tear motherfuckers apart frozen in time
Anachronox 2 and Arx Fatalis 2 still missing
Upvoted! Let's keep r/The_Donald pure.
>greentexting on twitter
>anime avatar
And Bloodlines fans have been waiting for fifteen years. Get back in line
I love them so much.
>tfw I post on /pol/ all the time and busy myself discussing lore while all these other faggots argue about straw men
Talk about vampires you fucking niggers.
fucking dropped
>And the fact that guns are no longer strong is also retarded. Vampires in WoD have always been terrified of firearms
Literally the opposite.
Fucking Jack tells you right at the start of bloodline that guns are fucking peashooters unless you get hit point blanck by a shotgun.
And in the tabletop Guns do bashing while bladed weapons did lethal.