Thoughts on Pearl?
Thoughts on Pearl?
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A five-head built for bukakke.
I love her and Callie!
Best girl. I love her smugness.
She looks like she fucks octolings.
Why do people feel the need to bully her so much?
shitpost in squid idol form
wanna pin her down and cum on her fucked up ugly big forehead face
Because Squidlets never learn
i want my thoughts all over pearl
She's my favorite. I wanna snuggle with her and listen to her mumble profanity in her sleep
face made for gentle forehead kisses
body built for anal
I prefer Marina (though I wish she weren't black) but Pearl's cool too
I'd bully her.
made for fiveheadjobs while mar*na watches.
All the fucking squids look the same you dumb fuck pedo kike.
marina and pearl are barely half as good as a single squid sister
but isnt Pearl significantly smaller
She's a sweetheart
I want to bully Pearl until she curses me out
I thought Nintendo fans loved trash gremlins, not enough Fused Shadow on the head?
I didn't care for the art but that exchange got a laugh out of me.
she checks a lot of boxes for me
>short hair
>flat chest
>generally a gremlin
because bullying women make my pp hard
I love Pearl.
I love her and her wife Marina!
Yeah but they're more quirky, so people who need to feel unique tend to flock to them
I don't know why but that Pearl on the top panel made me kek
Off the Hook > Squid Cousins
Squid Sisters are the best
Cute but anyone that loves any of the idols more than their own woomy are beyond saving
Cute and funny
would marry
Does anybody know where I could find all the inkopolis news dialogues ? I've searched on the wikis but found nothing
Kinda ugly to be fair, marina a cute
I like her. If her and Marina switched personalities, she'd be truly perfect.
why do veemos have such big hips and butts
>"Special" woomy.png
Special squid sisters fan!
To lure in their prey
They have the same bodies as woomies, it's just they wear more slutty clothing
Can I get some Pearl reaction images, please?
Thank God this isn't canon
Who are also their mates
i prefer grown woman my sweet pedo fella
How can squids even compete?
Off the Hook are better than the Squid Sisters because Pearl and Marina have real personalities while Callie and Marie are just one personally of each other being the polar opposite.
Agent 8 from Splatoon 2's Octo Expansion DLC
She fucks Black guys.
shes cool
>Black women
Every inkling guy wants an octo gf
Sequel when? Obviously, not on Switch.
On Swiitch U in about 2 years
Hope so
>Octos like superweapons
>Totalitarian society
>They attack inklings with ovens and showers
I-It couldn't be, could it..
Salsa please.
Is this game skill based?
Do I need to buy a pro controller?
What's the deal with the voice chat?
Worst possible taste
yes absolutely no random
If you dislike joy-cons yes, though playing with separated joy-cons can be very good
Voice chat is done through many hoops so nobody uses it
They’re mad she’s married to Marina
actually I'm wrong, it's skill based but there is some random with the bullet spread of some weapons
I really want Pearl to win cause it would be a huge upset and it seemed like the devs wanted her to lose from the start. What are the chances Marina catches up? She's won the last few Splatfests.
Please keep posting Pearl. I love her so much and my folder for her must grow larger
If thread's still up tonight, I'll join
>tfw I was about to post that
oh shit! look at her go!
Pearl is 21 in canon. Shes a womanlet/squidlet
That's it, I'm editing this to be a giant joint instead of a cig.
Does Pearl or Callie have this face too?
these pics always fucking get me
oh yeah the classic shes 1000 years old
Bitch is ugly as fuck, I'd skip her shit all the time if I could, and fuck Marina too.
I want to impregnate Pearl so badly.
at least 21 but stunted growth/genetically short as fuck is more believable than "onii chan its okay to impregnate my 8 year old body im actually a bajillion year old dragon goddess"
If she didn't dress and act like a literal baby it wouldn't be as much of an issue.
uhh oh
Gotta get in line, buddy
this x2
these two cute
What is the birth and fertility rate of Woomys and Veemos?
Me on top
Thank fuck she's rich as hell.
>you will never wake up to see a cute octopus smiling at you
You know what I meant. Where's the non-cropped pic at?
>Callie and MArie would prefer to double team a single dick.
>Marina gives you words of encouragement to keep plowing her even if youre new and a virgin to sex and would gladly show you how to fuck
>Pearl would ride you and curse you out for being terrible at sex and a bottom whos twice her height because shed be in command the whole time.
Pearl can't have a baby
she already is one
Gremlin who lives in the shadow of the perfection that is Marina.
Ancient human seed is so strong you could probably cough in their general direction and they'd get pregnant with twins.
not this
>you will never be the little woomy
Thanks for reminding me asshole.
Given their similar intelligence and physical resemblance to humans, I'd say they are roughly similar to humans in that regard (perhaps a bit quicker, as Inklings seem to be self-sufficient at 12). It takes more time to raise intelligent, social offspring than instinctual loners.
Probably also live-birth, because it's safer for smaller numbers of more invested offspring.
__________I don't know.
Can someone explain the cigarette thing to me?
It took a second but on a certain 34 site that ends in heal you can find it with the Octolings and SFM tag. Only 1 page of the stuff.
What the fuck
Thanks, can you use motion aim while the joy cons are separated?
Yes and you only have to aim with the right one, left one is whatever
>I'm sorry Marina
>I was so hungry
It's funny
You are a God.
Sorry, I've been out of the loop for a while. Can you remind me what sounds octo boys make?
She's so small anal would break the old brat's body
tendies with Pearl!
Used to prefer Marina, but I think the DLC turned me around. She's a fucking shitgoblin who loves to yell FUCK and loves her BFF. Her backstory about her vulgar original metal band and their first single is fucking hilarious
Not a god. Just doing my dudty of giving fellow anons a good fap to what they want.
Weyyo... or Weygo or Eggo. I do love that theyre bad at inkling language in the amiibo dialogue too.
So Pearl tops in the relationship right?
There isn't nearly enough metal Pearl fanart
is there any at all?
yesh. but this is all I have right now
Best girl in a sea of best girls
>we could of had metal idols this game
At least can see octarians having punk rockers as their idols in their underground world.
>tiny and angry
>incredibly vulgar despite her appearance
>used to be a screamo vocalist
honestly how can you not love her?
Gives the best Anal pics of splatoon cast.
they're jealous
What's your favorite song from the games so far, user?
Well if you like those two, great for you! I love all of them, but I especially love Callie and pearl.
Sashimori's stuff sounds kinda rock/metalish. this is my shit
Oh, that's a neat touch! I didn't know about that.
(if you want to read them yourself)
It's impossible
>Marina got a new collar for her pet gremlin
She's so fucking sweet, bros
I don't believe you
Calamari Inkantation is still my favourite, even after IA3
>don't play Splatoon 2
>think Pearl is an ugly ass gremlin
>start playing Splatoon 2
>think Pearl is an ugly ass womanchild gremlin
>play Octo Expansion
>think Pearl is goddamn amazing and the best Splatoon idol to date
>ywn live the carefree life of a woomy only caring about your fashion sense and being with your tightly knit group of woomy and veemo friends
What's the point?
OctoEx definitely cemented Off the Hook as my favorite Splatoon idols. I never participated in any Splatfests in 1--to be fair--but SS never had as much development as Off the Hook ended up having.
Can I get a quick rundown on pearl saying fuck? Is it just because the cursing gremlin is funny or is there a story behind it?
I dont see much splatoon anal anyway but a lot I find is Pearl.
Artist is MisplacedLines
Pearl used to be foul-mouthed metal singer before she met Marina
Yeah, that is the actual name of the song
She canonically says it
I can't stand those horrendous eyebrows
what a pair of cuties
>"Puh...Pearl...this isn't weed..."
It fucking hurts user
>Used to hate pearl when she was first revealed
>Now I cant get enough of her
Poor li'l judd
love the fact that the bands are getting new official artworks
Reminder that this stunted, five-headed, little goblin is fucking chocto goddess Marina every. single. night. and you're not
I still have no idea if that octo in the back is supposed to be a boy or a girl
She wants that Choctopuss.
The official artwork is neat
pedo dev pedo game pedo thread
Pearl is cute
It sure is, love the artstyle
>I love the art style
>art style is low poly hipster trash that gets shat on all the time
it's ok when Nintendo does it
you have no idea what low poly means
I don’t care if other people shit on it, I like that art style, whether it’s by Nintendo or someone else
Simple =! Bad
Also it’s a nice aesthetic.
I like personally like Marina better, but Pearl seems cool too.
I like it, it's simple but without the crisp cut corners of vector art
Delicious Weyyo
I wanna hang out with Pearl outside the ride while everyone else goes on it, because she's too short to get in
Pearl is for Marina.
Japan doesn't know but they mostly lean toward him being a dude for some reason.
mad nintendies
tags: mating_press, nakadashi, cum_inflation, size difference
>tfw she asks you to go on the kiddie rides with her so she doesn't look like a dork all by herself
You're the one who came in here.
>the artstyle is shit!
>actually I like it
>lol umad
God I wish I was either of them. Seriously.
Me on the right
cursed image
I love Pearlie
my thoughts on pearl are that i want her to make fun of my height
No, this is.
Delet this picture
Hello fellow squids
I still have no idea how Nintendo got away with this
What happened to the rest of your body?
I wish humans were real
This has to stop
>implying humans would be a good thing
Dont you heard, they supposedly ate everything they had around?
you dont want to end up as supper do you?
What caused Nintendo to develop this magical set of cajones after tge Wii died
I mean i know the CD is just extra fluff but still
would fuck but it's console exclusive so I can't.
>he's still not an idort
I dont really remember anything about the sisters personality wise, Marina and pearl on the other hand and top tier with their banter
Callie is a bubbly retard and Marie is a cold hearted bitch
all you need to know is in this image
I wish squids were real.
Squids are real
Is it still alive after 2 years? Worth buying it today or are there only few vageyes nerds left?
two girls can't make babies
Shut up
Apparently they're supposed to be some kind of Japanese comedy duo trope. One character is constantly doing stupid shit and the other smacks them upside the head for it (figuratively, in this case). Doesn't really translate as well to a western audience.
Thats why you need to insert yourself papi
la abominación de calamar...
That Octoling's chest is TO BIG
That's jacked up. All the mutants deserve your platonic love
They're the funny guy and straight man type?
But they did
It's pretty active, there's still people playing splatoon 1.
But how did they make baby
squid is futa
Haven't played it in a bit, but I'm sure the game is thriving like crazy
Makes a great snowsquid sub for Marina to feed BBC to
crazy how nature do dat
Their smiles warm my heart
Too big is never an issue
Originally hated her design and was a Marinafag like everyone else. Then I realized she had the better personality, and saw the error of my ways.
new octoling hairstyles never ever
which one is the dad
I just bought Splatoon 2 a couple weeks ago and was surprised by how active it still is. Matchmaking takes almost no time and there are tons of people on still.
Didn't think this was an actual pairing.
Pearl really wants to fuck Marina but Marina is Leon Scott Kennedy levels of clueless
It’s canon
>Want to support Marina because I'm black.
>They make Pearl appeal to black culture.
This is truly the negro's dilemma.
Yes, that's the source engine's lighting effects.
That's why I like her more
ghetto squidlet or bust
Do you think Pearl would Listen to Death Grips?
Kinda, yeah. It seems really unfunny and stiff, though. I can only assume that's because of some kind of cultural barrier.
It's my fetish but I'm not that into it.
What do you think of the 'Fresh, not Fascist' movement as it continues to gain support in Inkopolis?
Thumbnail made it look like pears hair was bare breast
Inkopolis is rightful squid clay
Pearl is pear shaped.
She fills up Marina every night with her futa cock
Fuck off you LARPing faggot.
Carp? Shit?
Yeah Pears and Maina
Pearl and Marina's complete opposites
It’s a simple concept but it’s an acquired taste. The effectiveness is really dependent on the delivery of the straight man. If the delivery isn’t good than it’s just a joke followed by someone pointing out the joke.
>"Yo check out my fresh new set of wheels. Pretty fuckin rad, huh?" *ting ting*
What is woomy reading?
Don’t bully Pearl!
I’m 23 and I can’t ride a bike either!
pretty sure it’s my equilibrium
Carp is a type of fish. And not a good one.
So, a racial slur?
Yeah, sorry, I take back what I said earlier. I really don't know enough about it to be making judgement calls.
Damn, Pearl looks like that?
>Mating rituals of Homo-sapiens Vol. 1
Steamy yebby on weyyo fanfiction.
>And not a good one.
you take that back
Fifty shades of ink
I would absolutely take her on a date. Then she'd tell me she can't wait to see me again but would be busy for a month. Then tell me we're just friends.
These cephalopods are your friend, they fight for JUSTICE.
Nothing wrong with that. Like I said, it just kinda grows on you as you get used to it.
Yaoi doujins
>Live Action Role Play
>Video Game
>Live Action
I see the dum dums are posting again.
>that anatomy
They fight for Inkunism.
Stew cute but her forehead is too big and she’s less appealing than Marina by a large amount. I resent Nintendo for even paring them in the same kind of friendly rivualry as the Squid Sisters because most are Marina biased and Pearl feels fucked over by concept.
Though I do like her quite a bit and find it hilarious that this literal squiggette is years older than Marina.
Reminder that male cephalopod have a dick tentacle
Why is the blue woomy sad?
They need to find Molluschrist.
Nice chart for ants.
Seriously, though, if you have a bigger version, I'd love to read it.
>All the shit the internet adds fat too
absolutely fucking ruined
Plenty of Octos have converted to Inkristianity, but you'd still hate them anyway. You just want someone to hate.
She had a crush on another woomy and she said fuck her.
From each according to his freshness, to each according to his ink.
Pearl in a gator suit
too big for Yea Forums, here's it on twitter
The best and the cutest
Much a obliged, Woomy/Veemo/Nyes/Eggo.
>I'm gonna show my best friend Pearl to everybody in Inkopolis wearing a gator suit.
That's sad ;_;
>See these fingers, idiot? They're going in your ass.
Give me some Squid spin-offs please
Only a few splatfests left.
Pitch me your Shifty Station ideas Yea Forums.
>Only a few splatfests left
Is that a homonculus?
Splatoon 3 protaganist
dun worry user, she found someone else
A cute one
w-what? are they moving on to splatoon 3?
Swastika platforms with imagery of Hitler
Alas, it is the cycle of life.
Rejoice, for from the ink of this game, a new Splatoon will rise.
Don't think so yet, but they did say there was only going to be 2 years of splatfests right from the start
it would be this but then we got fly octo fly
Remember when everyone thought that agent 8/playable octolings were inkling/octoling hybrids.
What was the point of having the octolings naked in the character select again?
You don't wear clothes in liquid, user
>Remember when everyone thought that agent 8/playable octolings were inkling/octoling hybrids.
>What was the point of having the octolings naked in the character select again?
>rightful clay
Hey buddy, the ace combat thread is 2 pages down.
She’s 21
>Fresh, not Fascist
>When "fresh" is used as an excuse to isolate the undesirable elements of Inkling society and deny them access to goods and services
oh the ironing
>Agent 4
>down for whatever
Because they're literally freaks of nature. They're the result of scientific experimentation and copying Inkling anatomy, Octarians are the original form, Octolings are their attempt at trying to replicate the Inklings. Salmonids are after the same thing too
oh and she means whatever
Good. She deserves love just like the other Agents.
me on the left
You've got it the wrong way, octolings are the original form, and other octarians are made from octolings cutting off their tentacles
We MUST step in a purge these heretical creatures. We Inklings were made in our Creator's image, these abominations are an affront of Inkristianity and need to be destroyed. Otherwise Inkopolis will drown in a sea of filth.
What do you mean?
My head cannon is that Grizz employees a penal group to correct Golden Eggs.
>tfw your octo gf gets a haircut
So do they just kill them?
more pearl in peril
They eat them. Takoyaki for days.
More background li'l judd?
>You're gonna be wearing a gator suit?
Am I missing something if I don't play with gyro? I just can't.
actually canon
She’s based, why do people even like marina anyways
gyro is literally the only way to aim without aimbot
Untrue, motion controls are objectively better as long as you don’t have the physical ability of a rock
I think this Judd is broken
She's cute too
The games imply they're similar to Olimar in their size relation to us. Cute.
Where is this from? It's in some book but I never figured out which, is there a new artbook?
They're both great. Their dynamic is what I love about them
gyro is motion control though dumdum
>Cropping out the foot worship
Good for her.
Well, game won't be for me then. I have fun online, but if, as an analogy, playing with regular controls ends up being like I'm playing with a pad against PC+Mouse users, there's no point
True, they work better than the squid sisters did in terms of fleshed out personalities
Not as cute though
They're not that small
I feel your pain bro I don't know if it's this why for you but the gyro controls hurt my wrist for some reason
it just takes a little getting used to, but once you actually understand how it works you'll never look at console shooters the same way again
I reccomend you taking a little bit of time to get accustomed to it
I want to see this from the front
Why would Marina care about Pearl saying nigger? She's not one. She's not even human.
I love the dynamic this implies between Agent 8 and Marina. Marina takes up the role up big sister who will do anything to save her fellow free-willed octoling. And all little Agent 8 wants is to be like her big sis.
Am I the only one who thinks pearl was inspired by Yolandi Vi$$er?
This is from the alternate reality where Callie won the final splatfest and Octavio captured Marie to be a cold and cunning general for his army.
The games are really inconsistent, but looking at stages like lost outpost give the impression. The use of food and eating utensils used by humans give you a pretty accurate scale. Plus Octo expansions final boss
Splatoon 1.5 when?
Kingdom Squids: Chain of Woomies
I thought we had official heights for Marina and Pearl to go by
Metal Squid Solid IV: Blasters of the Salmanoids
Nah, I think those are just weird decorations. We know that the Salomids themselves use pots, pans, and spoons from humans--all of which could reasonably used by Inklings.
It's more reasonable that they happen across half a dozen large food-like than literal thousands of tiny kitchen tools.
"Winner of Splatfest is legally better" is something localizers made up. It's not anywhere in the original Japanese.
I know Pearl & Marina have official heights, the other characters don't, but you could probably figure out their heights by using Off The Hook as a reference
>Pearl = 4'9"
>Marina = 5'10"
I feel bad for all the manlets out there haha must suck to be one of them.
It's a joke.
fuck pearl
You only got a few images left there before we hit the limit user, better use them wisely
Anyone want to play salmon run?
Real men use the Hero Blaster
don’t mind if I do
>image bump limit
Awww and I was just about to post the really good pics. Oh well.
Not only best girl of the franchise but one of the better defined Nintendo characters. Her simple indifference to Marina's status as an Octoling in Octo expansion was beautiful.
Love will find a way.
>The final boss
I'm so happy they went with a statute over the original idea of a body horror human. Pearl destroying that would have been nightmare fuel.
i want to sandwich my dick between pearl and marina.
So like Kenny Blankenship and Vic Ramano from MXC
They actually just had a Jap splatfest on this.
pedo thread
I bet Pearl says the N word.
Retard poster.