All just like that, all hype is gone.
All just like that, all hype is gone
Fuck you and this political shitposting online war
You're just a bigoted alright Nazi scum
Vampires are giant fucking faggots, so it makes sense that it'd be a progressive game about a bunch of queers
>there is an entire site for leftie cucks
It's ok. Most normalfags are oblivious to it.
good. the more entertainment right-wingers can't enjoy, the better
I see everyone has forgotten the "how evil are you" "I voted republican one time" dialogue exchange in VtmB
Stay mad, cuckservatives.
they're going to be incredibly upset when they realise chris avellone and brian mitsoda are middle aged white men and write with middle aged white man sensibilities
Politics and fags ruin everything.
So wait a second, there's going to be a big RPG where I can massacre SJWs and the mentally ill? What was the problem again?
>this kills the faggot LARPer
great image
>where I can massacre SJWs and the mentally ill?
nope hell from they are saying you wont even be able hire whores feed off of anymore
At least they acknowledge that LGBT and mental illness go hand and hand.
Nice ant-sized fallacy
So they're slut shaming?
Wait for mods that will remove all this shit.
Waaaah waaah they're adding options I'm never going to use anyway and I'm maaaaaad!
read the pic
stop browsing Yea Forums and go back to your english class you esl motherfucker
>the only people who understand the transanity are blood sucking sex monsters
You know when you put it like that
This. Get fucked, Nazi shitheads. This guy and I are teaming up to make sure you STAY mad.
Good job retard
>there’s an entire site for right wing nazis
>those violent racist assholes, if only they had nothing to do all day life would get better
Funny how you can take one statement and get two messages out of it
they are removing shit and butchering malks
Vampires have always been symbolism for faggotry, although usually it's done to make fags look bad
But there isn't? You're here on a radical centrist site, show me the ban notification for saying "maybe not every faggot is a complete waste of space" and the two will be comparable
Weird pronouns will unironically be cool for tzimisce characters.
Thank god righty cucks won't get to play it, based
>radical centrist AKA fencesitters
How can you be a radical no opinion no backbone having fencesitter? Youre a scared cuck by defaut.
I thought they represented jews until Stoker took a shit on hundreds of years of tradition
Yeah but we're the only website on the planet where the entire political compass comes together to call them a bunch of faggots without getting b& so quit trying to fuck it up
Where is it? I want to go there
You don't have to be a fencesitter to be a centrist, you could just have extreme right views on some things and extreme left views on others
>you can choose your pronouns
>2019 still playing western games
OK how does this negatively affect anything?
from reading I can assume that there will no prostitutes
the malk route wont be much different from the other routes dialog wise
there will a whole bunch of ham handed political bullshit in the game
> picking pronoun and body separately
that's some dumb shit, no lie.
> Pick an option and then separately pick the word to refer to it, making the word mean nothing and making there be no word to describe each thing anymore
> " um yes, I'd like to give my character green eyes but have them called red eyes, and short hair but have it called long hair, this makes total sense and isn't confusing"
>complains about degeneracy
>jerks off to hentai
NZ shooter was an anarcho communist and called right wingers corporate bootlickers. Hilarious that you people didnt read his manifesto.
He's right, whites are a global minority and have a pretty serious problem.
>VtMB was political as fuck
>VtMB2 is going to be political as fuck
You people are retards
Why doesn't normal people hate literally everyone who is different than straight white men?
Just bat shit insane that people aren't retarded degenerates who gets only gets their politics from the /pol/ echochamber and are unable to think for themselves.
The first game literally had a businessman-eaque character that lived in a giant towering building. If it was released today, every one of fags who go full REEEEEE about it supposedly criticizing trump.
Fuck dumb labels, just form opinions.
The political spectrum and bases in the early-mid '00s aren't even REMOTELY comparable to mid-late '10s politics.
Yeah it's not the people actively trying to raid every creative project with gender faggotry and politics, it's actually this nazi strawman I just made up. When will you sheep wake up and cut off your penis?
He was an expressed eco fascist you dumb fuck. Next time actually read it before you claim others didn't. Only way forward is by getting retards like you to push too far so the war of defensive extermination can be justified, and you just don't know when to stop
>mental illness representation
this is going to bomb so hard. And I can already see the "articles" with titles like:
"How VtM Bloodlines 2 was too much for the average toxic gamer of today" or "this world was not ready for VtM Bloodlines2"
quote me on this.
>political as fuck.
Compared to today? Hardly.
>centrism is neutrality
when will this meme die
>Mental illness representation
Incels confirmed in the game then.
And yet you firmly plant your feet and make the divide bigger. Over a fucking videogame about vampires. Brainlet.
>VtMB was political as fuck
Nice deflection, retard!
Ok faggot. Tell me what fucking "stances and stands" did the last one take? Or any fucking game before the last couple of years. Listen to your fucking self. You are so fucking brainwashed you think things were always like this
Are you lambasting someone for not rolling over and blindly accepting all this garbage?
>no more nazis regarding a game about liberating america from nazis
>a term which was already said early on in the first game by the polish grandfather
Oh mein Gott Hans it is like dresden all over again!
>b-b-but t-t-those anti-facist meanies used that hashtag too
And what you little internet nigger? You fucking thinkskinned snowflakes cried like the bitchlets you are by the first game too.
Fuck off /pol/tards
You're not welcome here anymore
It's been a decade since I've played VTMB and as such I remember next to nothing but wasn't it more anarchy v authority than "traditional" politics?
>I excuse using modern society's knee-jerk politics to advertise a fucking video game
>not playing as a huge muscular tranny vampire with a nigger voice
Your loss.
>if you don't accept my changes YOU'RE THE ONE TEARING THE COUNTRY APART
You have a single mother don't you
Except I already pointed out how that was already perfectly sensible as a term little snowflake. Can't handle life outside your little containment hugbox, then maybe stay there.
That's some gay shit, but maybe it's somewhat fine, as in maybe we can start a purge on all the degenerates but somehow I doubt that after what happened with that one video of new rockstar game.
This combined with the gay black muslim fighting for minorities paints somewhat confusing image or what their vision for this game about blood thirsty godless abominations is.
Shits most likely fucked but I doubt that I even remember this game exist in a year when it comes out.
lefties always use "snowflake" like a nonsequitur
>in which the tranny reveals it has been an invasion all along
wew do you live in 2016?
>I excuse using modern society's knee-jerk politics to advertise a fucking video game
>he was an eco fascist!!!
Yet he praised China. Funny how that works.
Lefties are fucking braindead sheep as usual I see. Carry on.
>the war of defensive extermination
Against whom?
Nah you're a fragile and sensitive little snowflake because you internet niggers can't handle anything that doesn't conform 100% to your bullshit and when it doesn't "REEEEE I BET SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS DID THIS REEEE POLITICS AND FEMINISM REEEE"
Still can't prove me wrong bitchlet.
You're literally outright ignoring reality if you fail to see the context there. What, it doesn't matter now that it shows you to be a hypocritical asshole?
>I excuse using modern society's knee-jerk politics to advertise a fucking video game
they shut it down lmao
>standing for lgbt rights and mental illness representation
I thought they hate it when you tell them the truth?
Anyone who is okay with the homeland of European peoples being stolen from them, no matter what their justification is. You pushed society to this point, only you can decide to pull us back
there isnt
No, they wouldn't, because it's obvious from the writing and character that the writers were not trying to allude to anything IRL.
Nowadays, they're much more transparent. Don't believe me? Look at all these statements and shit they're already making, when a game is one year away from release.
You think any of the developers were talking about politics or pronouns a year before release?
You're fucking stupid if you think people are just being mad for the sake of being mad. I hope it's good too, but they're flashing a ton of red flags and pretending they're not doesn't make it so.
Enjoy Mass Effect Andromeda, vampire edition.
>You're literally outright ignoring reality if you fail to see the context there.
No I am not ignoring it just because I don't intend to jump through the mental hoops you want to arrive at the conclusion you desperately want to arrive to no matter the cost.
Not to mention, why are you such a crying bitch about there not being nazis in america, are you one perhaps?
Yup, time to just wait and laugh at the upcoming titanic 3.
>redditeratranny in charge of defining who's not welcome to the board, where everyone loathes him
>I excuse using modern society's knee-jerk politics to advertise a fucking video game
>that pic
except /pol/ users aren't interested in discussion, it's autistic screeching cranked up when something they disagree with exists near them
>I'm ignoring context because it hurts my argument
And thus the deconstructionist is laid bare for the pathetic sack of shit he really is
Has there ever been a situation where hype for a long-awaited game was killed off so immediately and efficiently?
The only other time I can think of was when Capcom announced Breath of Fire 6 and it turned out to be a mobile game.
>/pol/ users aren't interested in discussion
/pol/ is completely retarded and I still see them try genuine discussion more than this shit heap board.
the problem with /pol/shit (not /pol/ itself) is that it spilled all over the other boards and made discussing most things media related impossible. that's it. a lot of people out there don't give two fucks about politics and you must accept that.
And yet here you are, ban free. It doesn't go the other way, faggot, we're unironically the good guys
And yet they have way lower censorship than any leftist website.
>I-it's due to oppression!
>suicide rate are multiple times hire than suicide rates under oppressive regimes
Damn near every old game ever would be decried by conservatives as SJW shit if it was released today.
Imagine unironically defending right wing politics.
This is Yea Forums you invasive cuck.
It isn't being developed by Troika and is published by Paradox, why is there any hype?
>the problem with /pol/shit (not /pol/ itself) is that it spilled all over the other boards and made discussing most things media related impossible
Gee, it's almost as if it's because /pol/shit is being shoved into the media as much as possible. I can't even play an old-school CRPG without it tainting the writing.
Just another pimple on /pol/s ass, you don't get to differentiate the two while taking resetera as a singular entity
/pol/ shit spilled into other boards because politics spilled into everything. /pol/ is reactionary, not the catalyst.
>if you want representation go make your own games SJWs
they do it
>reeeeee why do they make games they want
>Yea Forums tryhards are going to seeth
can't wait to watch the fire works for this literally who game sequal
this, it's the other way around, but retards doesn't realise that. we have to fight against this type of shit or it'll all be gone in a few years
>"I don't want the game to focus on trannies and gays and real life agendas" is right wing
Oh boy, I can't wait for Dragon Age 4 where your companions have quests centered around homosexuality instead of a fantasy setting.
The problem with reddit newfags is that they think every board was apolitical and progressive before /pol/ and that any opinion they don't agree with and find problematic must come from a /pol/ crossposter.
Snowflake is supposed to refer to the desire to unique on the surface level. It's not supposed to refer to the "fragile and sensitive" nature of the person, only their desire to be exclusive.
>h-h-haha I won because I said so
Let see, no more nazis, a phrace used in the first game and about there being no more nazis in the US. Again why are you so desperate to ignore the phrase used iconicly in the first game is used again
>B-b-b-but this time it is a hashtag! QQ
Cry more thin skinned bitch.
a bunch of naive, blind retards believing that this time, this time it will turn out that a game will live up to the hype
never mind that it's just another case of some spastic sitting around and thinking 'hey, i should remake that old game a bunch of people like and make fat stacks'
>invade longstanding corporations by bullying them with legislation
But why do they hate us faggots, we never did anything wrong, we totally did all of this ourselves from the ground up
Lol look at this cuck and laugh!
Jap here. Why does the West love inserting identity politics into everything?
>I literally do not know how Twitter works and can't communicate with anyone under the age of 30
That's a huge yikes from me, m8. Keep pretending it's just a videogame quote when he was making a pointed commentary about 65% of the country not being "fine people"
We don't. The jews and their puppets do.
no identity of their own
what did you expect from a SJW company, you duffos? Jesus christ
Because McCarthy was right about every fucking thing and (((someone))) kept him from saving the planet before people started listening
It's due to the fact that they often get disowned/ostracized by their friends and family. That and everyone in public judges them and looks at them strangely.
I get what you're saying user but words have multiple meanings.
hey we weren't this way when we came here. sorry that everything we love is being taken over by people who know nothing about anything.
>I literally do not know how Twitter
This is a bad thing how? How about you fuck off back to twitter you stupid tranny faggot nigger.
A bloo bloo bloo. There's politics in my video games. Here's a hint, /pol/tards: there's politics in everything. Your core values are a political stance.
>Mass migrate to where they aren't welcome because their own board is a shithole of their own doing
>Contribute nothing of value
>Takes threads and space from native anons
>Refuses logic and reason
>Refuses to assimilate to the board culture
>Deman that everyone conform to their invasive culture and everything is 100% stormfaggotry all the time
Yep, /pol/ users are internet niggers, also possibly just like the jew they hate
>Hated on every board they've ever gone to
Right, what do you think they're going to do with their free time if they don't have things to distract them? Retard.
It's due to the fact that they have untreated mental illness
/pol/fags this is your mindset
I think it has to do with people bleeding their politics into media, which is exasperated by the fact that left is a bunch of insufferable, irrational fags who think anyone right of center is a nazi and attempt to deplatform them.
Can't people just enjoy playing video games without giving a flying fucking shit about politics or censorship?
>t. sensitive nazi wannabe
honestly wouldn't mind you people being publicly executed, at least I could discuss videogames in peace
I'd understand if it were at least being developed by a company that has put any any game, but it seems like it's being developed by a company that has no games under their belt. Avellone saying he worked on the game fills me with doubt too, because he's been cashing in on his fame and has been whoring his name for the last three years.
or you know, just pretend this "sequel" doesn't exist, which is pretty much the future of the game by looks of it lol
the devs did that themselves not pol's fault this time
>if you're not on one extreme you're a filthy centrist!!!
Unironically kill yourself.
We were supposed to know from the start that White Wolf is pozzed, that most franchise remakes are crap and that publishers like manufactured controversies. There was no reason to react to nuVTMB with anything more than careful curiosity.
sorry not when /pol/ is on Yea Forums it seems
the fucking devs themselves said the game was political
>Yea Forums is now full of Republicans
What happened?
>he doesn't use Twitter to follow artists
>mutilate yourself for a fetish
>people look at you funny
>kill yourself
>people blame the normal bystanders
Kys tonight tranny
reactionary politics
>same exact thread with the same exact posts from every western release
This civil war needs to hurry up.
Capcom also teased a Megaman game for it's 20th(?) anniversary only for the game to end up being an autorunner.
Hardsuit are basically leftovers from Zombie Studios who produced stacks of shovelware garbage
/pol/ won in 2016
If they’d stop shoving the politics in there, we could.
>everything is /pol/'s fault
Of course I don't, I'm not a tranny faggot like you.
>Can't devs just create video games without forcing politics or censorship?
>conjure delusion
>use 10 linebreaks to shit it out
compare their suicide rates in Russia vs. Canada
Nope you did it to yourself. You focused purely on the politics of a sequel to a game that already had politics. You didn't care about the lore or the gameplay, you're just a lonely worthless incel loser.
>gets proven completely wrong
>yeah well I still wish I could just kill you
Thing is I probably have more ammo on my person than you've ever owned, so by all means any time you want to start the party, just you try it