Look! Look! user finally woke up

Look! Look! user finally woke up

Attached: Devola and Popola.jpg (646x475, 39K)

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Why am I here in the future?

What are you two bots doing in my house.

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omg that is so freaking kawaii

>they see your dick

Imagine getting a double BJ from them

I only have one penis

well hello there ladies

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Well then imagine both trying to give you a BJ

how bout one blowjob and one rimjob

I'd that have one on my balls and the other on my dick

Imagine making them describe the taste with their superior machine taste buds

For me is Luna

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please just let me sleep

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But now you're in the future with a bunch of robots that will love you.

If a human swas frozen all that time and seurvived and woke up duting Automata, who would fuck him hardee, the love/forgiveness/validation starve redhead twins designated to care for humans or the machine-designed battle sexdroids of YoHRa?

>furious morning wood
>they're both companion models

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I'll never replay this game, thinking of all the fetching, backtracking and traversing.

>dev/popola fail through no real fault of their own (replicants gaining souls and sentience, therefore making it difficult to reunify, and gestalts going insane - something they can't exactly stop)

>other androids hate them so much for failing their primary objective that they program them to feel a constant sense of crushing guilt and continue to produce them for no real reason; just so they always have them there to suffer for their failure, even though later models were in no way involved or responsible for the initial failure

fuck man

how many threads you gonna make senpai?

Commander would keep him as her personal sex slave, of course. No one else would know of his existence.


It's a metaphor about the modern white male

>no porn of this

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>Commander holds you hostage
>you finally manage to escape somehow
>other androids start a commotion
>Commander finds out and steals you back
>now have no chance to escape again and become a living dildo

You forget the machines themselves who are by design obsessed with human culture after based Beepy told them how amazing humans are. Run by their loli AI.

Why is there no porn of this?

How would they find out?
There's no way you're getting off that space station

>implying there isn't an android that would escape with you and keep you to themselves

that would be very clunky and inefficient

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might be onto something

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How do we make it more efficient?

Get Devola drunk

Spinoff of the spinoff never ever
Shit sucks

there literally is porn of this

wasnt the red dress loli the alien AI?

That's a good idea

why is there so little porn for them?

Yep, the alien AI basically operating and commanding the machines.

>The androids have to defend the human from armies of machines trying to bring the human to the little girl
>The machines keep upgrading to try to find ways to appeal to the human in order to attempt to lure the human to them.

None of the twins did anything wrong.

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this STOPS now

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Can I play Drakengard 3 without having played the first 2?

He'd be secured somewhere safe, but every single android along the way (esorts inculded, in fact specially the escorts) would get at least a round with him.

I legit never understood why the original twins got blamed for any chance of saving humanity being wiped out when it was a replicant's fault and they were trying to stop him.

I'd settle for another pair of the twins popping up with Accord if we get to see wherever the Hell she's supposed to be on the other side of the world.

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God I wish that were me

Papa Nier is best Nier

I've been up since 7am, you weirdos

Can you? yes, will the game and lore make sense to you for doing so? no

Yeah, pretty much. There are a few vague references to Drakengard 1 amidst the different endings, but you don't really need any prior knowledge of the other games to understand Drakengard 3.

It's very much its own thing in terms of character and tone.

Yes, its a prequel to Drakengard 1, and D2 isn't canon

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god why can’t that be me


God bless exga

New Exga animation when?

machine thinking, if this unit was designed to protect humans and humans died, then obiously the designated machine failed and is thier fault.

I suppose because they physically failed to stop Replicant Nier in the end. So Devola and Popola ended up becoming the scapegoat for literally everything that was already going wrong with Project Gestalt because the other androids simply needed someone to blame.

Why tell everyone that they had been struggling for centuries for the sake of a plan that was already falling apart at the seams from the start, when you can just blame everything on a flawed handful of maintenance units?

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they seem nice but I still want 2B more

Their Nier (2010) incarnations were better.

Zero's Murderous Rampage happens a long time before Caim's Murderous Rampage and if you do play 1 first and then go into 3 expecting more of 1 you're going to find it unpleasant even outside of the unstable 14 FPS and endless corridors into being locked in a room with a bunch of enemies you have to kill before going down the next corridor. They're very different games most of the time.

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Drakengard 3's a prequel. The only really confusing thing there is without playing Drakengard 1 is what Ending B is supposed to mean and the potential significance of the final boss's Queen Beast styled appearance.

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Why do you talk like that

I just wish that there was a sidequest where we could get Devola 2.0 a lute.

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>You want me to STOP???

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D3 isnt worth playing dude. It really was lackluster

It's far from my favorite Taro game, but I wouldn't say that it had no good moments or no interesting ideas. Some of the DLC was actually really good.

It's just best to go in without any expectations. The gameplay's rough and if you're expecting a story like the first Drakengard or like Nier you're probably going to be disappointed.

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You're welcome!

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New family.

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It's not the same

>ctrl f "exga"
>2 results

You all should learn from these men.

It's better

They're so cute in Automata.

What should I read to understand the setting of automata and get all the little references
>inb4 play all the bullshit
I'm not going to buy old ass consoles for some shitty jap games

i want android gf

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How can these automatons replace my loved ones?

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You need to play Nier, retard. It's that simple

imagine having to deal with TWO pregnant women AT THE SAME TIME hahaha crazy isn't it

close eyes again and hope to wake up to the commander

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>he didn't understand the importance of the DoD3 reference in Automata

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Keep dreaming


I guess that's a good point. I'll try and make a new family.



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>buy old ass consoles
Just emulate them, retard.

Do you think we will get a DoD game instead of another Nier game once Taro is done dicking around with the FFXIV collab?

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but... but what if they put another sexy anime girl with a huge ass in it! surely it would sell, right?

>woke up in the worst timeline

Can my boy Caim finally return? I don't really care about some waifubait androids.

Bring me to the Commander or bring her to me. From my time period, she is what is called "best girl".

No desu

Fuck you. Imagine being the models responsible for humanity's extinction. They deserves far far worse.

I think we're more likely to get another Nier with Drakengard elements before we get another Drakengard.

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The only way I could see Caim returning is if we got a prequel to the first Nier and all the wacky theories about Caim making a Watcher contract to become Red Eye and seek vengeance on humanity for shooting down Angelus turns out to be true.

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You do know that wasn't them specifically but the ones from Nier.

Given how Automata attracted a bunch of thirsty fuckos who spent money solely for "HAHAHA I'M PLAYING THIS GAME AND THE CHARACTER HAS A HUGE ASS AIN'T I WEIRD XD" I doubt it. But I wish for it to be true. I fucking love the Taroverse and how all these different timelines are all fucked and interact with each other

Like I care. Ginger robo twins deserve to be destroyed.

>ywn be an operator and service the Commander

Kill me.

>Imagine being the models responsible for humanity's extinction.
Brainwashed replicant pls.
>ladies, take care of this shitty, hastily put together project that utilizes untested and highly experimental alien magic on a world wide scale (truth is we did test it a bit on some humans, most died but we got 1 ok results so we're good to go, right? :)
>if something happens, just deal with it, somehow, we're not going to give you enough power for that though
>bye, going to get my soul, I mean gestalt extracted, take care and don't mess up
They were literally scapegoats from the beginning.

user, that's not what operators do. Please stop this headcanon


tfw this happens to you but its with even more girls. i have alot of gfs haha

these were not good characters, they were annoying, and killing them both regardless of revealed story content was satisfying.

wow rude

Maybe we'll eventually figure out what is Accord up to.
>Given how Automata attracted a bunch of thirsty fuckos who spent money solely for "HAHAHA I'M PLAYING THIS GAME AND THE CHARACTER HAS A HUGE ASS AIN'T I WEIRD XD" I doubt it.
Don't be a negative fucker.


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You were trying to cross the border, right?

I've seen too many people who bought Automata solely for 2B for me to be positive.

How did 6O know what the commander's living quarters were like? I imagine the Commander sleeps on a pile of them.

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