Epic Games Store is making the industry better but “gamers don't see that”

>another episode of Yea Forums being wrong again

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Mmmmmm... m.imgur.com/Lnhr2p5

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Whoa now im really angry at epic. What can we do to bring it down bros?

>clearance level too high to use Tencent services
Feels bad

I see nothing wrong in this picture.
t. software developer

>breaking up monopoly is bad
what kind of smooth brained retard is against this ?


>Epic Games Store is making the industry better for jews, but actual humans are hurting as a result.
I don't think there exists a single game "journalism" website that actually represents any actual gamers.

I still don't see how they are trying to sell it as some sort of "morally curated" platform, as if that is a plus for me. Steam is just simply a place for content to exist, it is not a platform in the same way that a console is. I will not be downloading the Epic Game Store because I support the 1989 Tienanmen Square Protests.

>steam is a monopoly
>supporting the bugmen
what kind of smooth brained retard is this ?

There's no benefit to the consumer. Everything that's being done is for them and them alone and you've have to be a complete ass dribbler to think the Chinese will give a shit about consumers any time soon.

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>breaking up monopoly
>by doing monopoly anti-consumer move
Wew, this is your brain on EGS!

>muh china
the CEO owns 50+% of epic and is a yank
>muh forced exclusives
HL2, every EA game on origin, Thronebreaker on GoG
>muh features
you can play the game, back in my day that was the only feature you needed
>muh 3rd party keys

when will Yea Forums run out of excuses?

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>To block "shock controversy games" like Rape Day
Oh mean exactly like Steam?

Hey tripfaggot can you upload the image without having that gorillion amount of jpg artifacts?

Thanks to that asshole now GOG had to reduce their cut and, to stay green, ended the FPP program.

guys, what do you do when the world is filled with generally low effort posts like op's and also shitposts everywhere. do you turn it all off and wander into the forest for weeks on end or do you hide it and move on?

Still wainting for at least one argument why Epic store is better for the consumer then any other.

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Can we all agree that there's no problem with developers making their games exclusive to their store front/launcher

1989 tiannemen massacre

Now we're mixing chink shilling in with cancerous games journalism culture?

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>lets get rid of valve's monopoly
>with a monopoly of our own
you're a moron, my condolences

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Exactly what has Epic done to improve my experience as a consumer?


Metro, Outer Worlds and that X-COM clone were heading to Steam and GOG before Epic cockblocked them.
I don't think anyone minded about the Sony games nor the new Super Meat Boy.

>People's Republic of China is making everyone's lives better but "everyone else don't see that"

there's literaly none and they aren't even trying to hide it

How any does steam/valve fulfill again?

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Mate i wish i had the dedication to judt walk away.

I watch a youtube vid, smoke a fatty and i'm back here. I hate it.

Didn't Exodus sell like 2 and half times more on EGS than Last Light did on Steam? Time for you guys to realize that more "young" people have EGS because of Fortnite than have steam. Maybe if Valve still made games.

China has been the man behind the curtain for a long time. Some people are just too dumb to see it.

Fuck euro shill, it's literal spyware. Not to mention store exclusives are bad for everyone except the CEO's taking millions in bribes. You'd have to be a shill or actual retard to support Epic, regardless of how you feel about steam. Plus the fact that the Epic Store is a down grade to Steam it every single way, even when all the chink shit is ignored.

They took the few people away from making UT 4 just for the fun of it, so they could make more fortnite skins for you.

Jesus.This board is truly filled up with retards

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I just don't browse /v as much. It's shit now and the fact consolewar faggots are having a field day with these new pc stores aren't improving things.

>promises authoritarian censorship

>Didn't Exodus sell like 2 and half times more on EGS than Last Light did on Steam
>150k x 2.5
Wow, it surely brought in a lot of money. Meanwhile LL Redux sold 1.5 million on steam. I do have to wonder tough how much money Epic had to pay DeeĆ¼ Silver for that incredibly stupid move.

>muh china
the 'service' is confirmed to gather personal info on your computer
>muh forced exclusives
there is a difference between having making an exclusive game and paying publishers to break their agreements with other platforms at the last possible moment
>muh 3rd party keys
Steam still has Epic hopelessly beat in this regard
>when will Yea Forums run out of exclusives?
Steam provides a better service
Steam is a better program
Steam doesn't have shady business practices
There are already other stores that are existing alongside Steam without going out of their way to make things worse for consumers

those are all the reasons I need to never touch malware like the Epic client

Tiananmen Square massacre Winnie the Pooh

globalism is a bitch isnt it

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>lets you import friends from steam

Steam does not have a monopoly.

I have no idea what that is doing, what is that? Are those files appearing on the left what Epic scans and sends without your authorization?

>retards keep the defending the chinks after this

No one knows, all they've said is it sold 2.5 times more. Not if that's only Epic sales, Ubisoft's store or if it includes the sales already done on Steam. Its disinformation through omission at its finest.

Another reminder to boycott Epic and Unreal Engine

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>scanning your computer without your authorization
>not spyware

Lol fuck epic games

They weren't wrong
Roolfags are the worst

I thought /pol/ hated Gaben for pulling the rape game. Did the narrative flip again ?

>no benefit
>valve actually having to give a shit
>console ports
>way better exposure for indie devs
>$100.000.000 in grants for new ideas and innovation
yea sure, I guess there are no immediate benefits ... if we ignore them.

>valve is an angel, that has never done anything wrong

>get rid
I never said that. Going back to a DRM-less world is sadly impossible these days.

>Steam isn't a monopoly

>what do you mean i'm forced to use steam to play those games?
>oh, here comes our epic savior, im not forced to use steam anymore, SHIKASHI im forced to use their own store instead
brilliant mi hermano, epic solved all of our problems

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Epic is cancer, but I don't think you realize how many programs you have that do just that.

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>steam is a monopoly
>i dont like that
>lets make chinks a monopoly instead

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Sending your data to chinks is making the industry better. People are retard these day.

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Oh, are we already in the "consumers were wrong" phase of coping with failure?

reminder that video game bloggers aka "journalists" are subhumans and literal $hill whores on a payroll for the highest bidder. the bidder happens to be chinkoid insect hive Epic Games Tencent Tianmen times square bugmen

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They're not breaking up a monopoly. They're creating one. Retard.

I'll wait for you to tell me how Steam is a monopoly, I can't wait to hear the usual response.

Not all competition is actual competition, what you're thinking of is old school fight for the consumer dollar. What companies do since they lose in that war is choke out the other companies indirectly, either outregulate them, unspoken alliances and fixing, business astro turfing, aggressive contracts, buyouts, outsourcing, blacklisting etc. it's the beginning of a cold war that'll leave just Epic and Steam left aka less competition and stifle game design and publishing because exclusive buyouts will be the meta and anyone who isn't part of that market will be left in the dust. Business is very much a genie out of the bottle and when the genie comes out consumers don't win.

Jesus Christ, liberals are stupid dense motherfuckers.
Even the alt-right is closer to Marx's ideas than the American "left".

You failed to describe how Steam is a monopoly given the criteria. How many does Steam actually fulfill besides "no close alternative"?

>check those facts about China
>it's real
What a fucking joke. Those roaches deserved whatever the japs did to them

how many times are you retards going to respond to this?

We never left

he's not wrong, he is literally paying the developers so that the consumers don't have to so you are essentially free to pirate games guilt free which saves you money and means no DRM

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based. fuck commies.

>when you're still so asshurt about your CIA funded societal manipulation scheme got brought to light because user thought that ign might be disingenuous that you spend the next 5 years automatically obsessing over them and whipping yourself into a frothing lather

Did gabe piss in sweeney's cereal or something, this fucking guy just won't let up.


>muh rape day
How the fuck did some edgelord asset flip shovelware that like fifty teenagers would have played end up as the defining element of this controversy? Who the hell cares about this piddly crap?

>yea sure, I guess there are no immediate benefits
I'm glad we agree because what you posted is a single what-if and the rest is still developer focused.

Forced exclusivity by the Store is the only negative I see coming out of this, and I don't find it very likely (too hands on for Valve, too aggressive for newly established store like Epic).
The developers are somewhat hurting already, with both the bad splits and lack of exposure, so I'm happy to see some fresh blood.

He think's valve is the devil the limits everyone despite being the very thing he's accusing valve of doing.

>reddit filename

>valve is an angel, that has never done anything wrong
Yeah, Steam is a fucking compare to EGS

On one level, more competition is always good for the consumer. On another level, weā€™re talking about a botnet launcher supported by the Chinese government.

>le china meme

>with both the bad splits and lack of exposure
Hang on a second. So you're saying you think Valve should not only lower their revenue, but spend more on marketing for the developers while they're at it?

What monopoly? Seems to me like epic is trying to become one.

>it's a meme
>that sweeny addmited to exist
kek, you fucks never learn.


Ya steam's a monopoly. Oh wait.

>nexon launcher

stupid retard

video game "journalists" are literal subhuman trash scum of the earth parasite leeches who whore themselves out to turbocapitalist publishers for free plane flights to have the "privilege" to receive freebie $0.50 chinkoid produced canvas bags in return for a favourable preview/review, while screeching about the objectification of women's breasts and asses in video games and the alt-right white cis nazi males being responsible for everything wrong with the world while quoting Mao Ze Dong.
Imagine being a libshit leftypol social justice warrior feminist that advocates gay, trans and lebso rights while at the same time defending muslims and sharia law.
Imagine being so mentally fucked, you $hill and vehemently defend multi-billion dollar corporations and their anti-consumer practices, while at the same time identifying as a heartbleeding commie, reciting "Das Kapital" in your sleep.

Video game "journalists" are inherently fucked in the head and outright schizophrenic.

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what do you use to view this data

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All this shameless shilling is just making me dislike Epic more and more. I'm already past the point where I would not download their launcher even if Bloodborne was launched on it.

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lmao he's using reagans trickle down economics bullshit to justify the store

>you're on the wrong side of history

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>customers receive no benefits
>shoehorned into spyware launcher with no customer power like refunds and reviews
>why are they complaining!

I don't give a shit what Epic does, as long as it pressures Steam into being less shitty.

How much shit are you ready to swallow, how many fat cocks (no lube) are you going to take up your ass, how much anti-consumer and spying are you letting through? When do you snap?

This fucking thread again, and who are they gaslighting with that article? We are not mad because we can't but Rapelay in EGS.

I don't think paying devs to pull titles a few weeks prior to launch is going to make steam better.

Abloo bloo bloo it's not on muh Steam abloo bloo bloo

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Even worse, look at all the shit that Epic is promising to do. They are going to be the worse gatekeeping possible for what can and can't be sold and eventually companies will be so scared about what they can and can't put in their games to get a piece of the pie that they will sterilize their games where they can.

lmao "pressure"
all steam has to do is flex on the big names a bit and this poaching shit is over.

Nowhere recognizes Taiwan as a sovereign nation, user.

But I thought Epic was amazing? Did they lie to us?

What has epic store accomplish so far that's actually pressuring steam? Better deal for devs doesn't mean better deal for the actual consumer.

>only things developers care about
I am a COSTUMER, not a PRODUCER. I will only fight for consumer rights.

Get that trough your thicc skull

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>labor unions
>labor unions for game devs

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It's not a monopoly when you can buy games elsewhere than steam.

Holy shit I forgot that, play-asia made so much fucking money that week.

goddamn I hope they all get tortured to death in the most terrible ways imaginable
these people can't exist

>software developers and network admins are the same thing
Fuck off. I bet you think network+ is the same as A+, too

Loving all this steam seething as i play my glorious physical games on consoles

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>degenerate double gay furry
>thinking his opinion matters

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why do americans hate labor unions so much? is it the propaganda load they swallow from their corporate masters?

>gamers should be mad about the job conditions of game devs
Game devs should be concerned over their work conditions. Im not concerned over the work conditions of the indian kid who made my tshirt, why should i give a fuck about first worlder game dev?

Are you telling me that storefronts that only have publisher-specific games are in direct competition with a storefront that has literal millions of games of all kinds?

You can even buy Ubi games via Steam like Rainbow Six. How is that competition?

for once i side with the furfags.

>epic cucking valve by getting exclusives
>valve still too fucking lazy to do anything

>twitter screencap
>saved from facebook
>this shit too

Also blocking toxic gamer opinions on games so they can get the true opinions from braindead cuck journalists that can't finish game tutorials.

unions are just pretentious agencies.

>six games

Yeah you sure showed us tyrone.

>fucking steam bending the knee to outrage culture! Stop banning porn games!
>fucking epic listen to our outrage and stop exclusivity deals!

>steam was a monopoly
>when origin and uplay and blizzard maintain exclusive rights to their games and stores like GoG or humblebundle exist
This is your brain on being a disgusting Chink

but steam just did the same thing

the last major unions we had were filled with corrupt mafioso

further confirms that only faggot devs care about epic

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The only thing that will follow out of this is Vavle getting exclusives themselves. There is no reason for them to do anything else since Steam is leagues above the Epic Store in everything else. in the end it'll make things worse for the consumer, not something a cooperate shill cares about tough.

So much mental illness in one place

i too let pop culture from the 60's affect my thinking on labor unions

Have any of these faggot devs fought for my worker rights? No, and it would be retarded to assume they should. Christ I fucking hate these retards

Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989
Great Chinese Famine
Cultural Revolution
Winnie the Pooh

>actual humans are hurting as a result
So, if some game isn't coming to Steam, it hurts you?

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Boy you sure love sucking corporate dicks all day, don't you? Must go great with the boots you love to lick.

As long as the majority of consumers hate what epic is doing, Steam doesn't have to do a damn thing right now except address a few dev concerns here and there. Publishers are getting an earful over this

You make costumes? Can I see?

Brazilian here: Until some time ago, labor unions were obligatory in here. What they actually do, instead of fighting for your interests:

>demand forced breaks because of issues non related to your profession, mostly left leaning
>pick the money YOU ARE FORCED to contribute and shove half in their pockets, the other half they insert on political agenda - Once again, agenda that have NOTHING to do with your profession
>blacklist people from the industry if for some reason they take a dislike of you - Mostly from political reasons, but there are others too, like if you refuse to go along with their shitty breaks, and keep working

Labor unions are CANCER, they are literally mafia tier. Temer might be a crook, but his contribution in the interest of people by making Union contribution money no longer being obligatory was the best thing ever. Those fucking political Mafias dried out in months after we were no longer obliged to pay for their filth.

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Imagine working for the McDonald's of game developers and then getting mad at your working conditions rather than just going someplace else.

Also I've been in the work force long enough that I can make this assumption with certainty: those employees had PLENTY of time to meet their deadlines but fucked around and dragged their ass. It happens everywhere. A game developers team is no different

Yes, actually. A lot of corporations will make their employees sit through videos of how evil unions are just to try to brainwash people into never unionizing again.

Can't wait until epic announces epic exclusive cyberpunk 2077.

>Race to the bottom work ethic because you can't fire shit employees and good employees no longer have a motivation to excel
>Rights are stripped from the worker and given to the union instead
>Lack of right to work laws mean that any shop that turns union mandates every employee become unionized, whether they want to or not
>Having to pay dues on top of already outrageous tax rates
>Having to pay the union severance if you ever want to quit

Game devs specifically don't need unions because video games are superfluous luxury items. Plenty of other jobs are available in the same discipline but fucking retards feel entitled to a games job specifically because they liked Mary-oh as a kid. The moment any of these dumb communist fucks try and unionize is the moment AAA studios replace them en masse with more dumb eager chucklefuck college grads who remember Halo 3 fondly or something.

Collectivists belong on .

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>those yen signs
Hello fellow VNfag.

no you are right the teamsters were the good guys all along.

that doesn't explain why all the NEETs on here hate them

Thirld worlders tend to be naturally corrupt, we're talking about white people here lad

I mean we might as well not have a government and police force. We all know how corrupt they are.

>some guy made a shitty meme game
>Steam is literally being attacked for it
Why? Steam didn't make it and they refused to release it.

>"better" = more censorship and control over what games you see, and what games you are allowed to play.

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there you go again letting a pop culture depiction of teamsters cloud your judgment of unions try thinking for yourself for once

kys valvebrony

Imagine actually believing that workers had more rights before unions.

Or would you rather go back to days of company scrip, child labor, twelve hour a day seven day work weeks with no safety protections, and more?

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Ever heard of gog?

So is it confirmed that we can pirate the shit out of these games and devs still take money from the generous Epic? I heard it but some proof would be cool


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Unions don't work - and are only another form of control of a vulnerable population, under the guise of 'helping' them.

Either start your own business, or shut the fuck up lol.

Oh no, Jewish people getting married, oh no, oh no, my pea brain can't handle this!!!

>too lazy
>ignoring the anti review bomb system added in

>that schnoz
is this shopped?

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let's see if their opinion will change as epic gets more successful and makes their offer

>It's okay to get fucked by my union because at least I'm not getting fucked by my company

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>Either start your own business
small business tyrants are even worse than multinational corporations

>cyberpunk 2077
>a game made by the GOG company
>being exclusive to a competitor store
you are a retard just thinking about that

Unions are the only reason we don't have 12 hour workdays.

They have GoG. That's like Valve wanting to publish their games exclusively on Epic.

It sure would be something if Epic got CDPR to not sell their own game on their own platform.

>still no fucking TF3, HL3 and L4D3

>>a game made by the GOG company
huh, how? it is cd projekt

By all means, feel free to get paid in company money that you can only spend at your company store with prices they set, then go back to your company barracks, paid for with your salary in company money, then return to work the next day for another twelve hours without any safety oversight whatsoever.

Help yourself.

CDPR prefer GoG Exclusive more than Epic exclusive, for sure. But they are not that stupid, because they fail once with The Witcher.


ah, didn't know cd projekt is part with gog. sounds less likely now.

unless gog crashes off course, which is not that far from reality

>he doesn't know
Why willfully embarrass yourself on things you don't fully understand?

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Holy shit the replies to this post are turbo retarded. Why are Valvecucks so moronic?

You could ask that to any of the corporate cocksuckers here, too.

fucking libcucks, i love destroying my body and my life in service to my superiors and you're a soi beta sjw communist cuck if you dont agree

Reminder that the Phoenix Point game was going to come out on GOG before they took the exclusivity deal, not only on steam.

EGS isn't "helping the market", this is essentially a hostile take over.

>It's okay to get fucked by my union because at least I'm not getting fucked by my company
Keep wailing on that strawman, that'll learn 'em.

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>get's called out
>starts spewing pinko garbage

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>release a game on Steam, uPlay, Origin, GOG, Humble, Discord Store, Amaon Digital, Humble Store
>game available only on Epic plus higher prices for people outside the US and parts of Europe
>ah, what a wonderful free market

Why deleted? This is an actually useful copypaste. Is it possible to spam this in epic store somehow by the way?

>be a game dev company
>option one: a company takes 30% and offers nothing
>option two: another company that takes 12% and offers probably a shit ton of money for exclusivity.

gee, I wonder which company I would pick.

who are they quoting?

Do you know WHY you don't have to deal with any of that?

Apart from you being unemployable human garbage, pretend for a moment that you didn't let your parents down and did actually find stable employment, do you know WHY you have rights as a worker?

I'll wait.

>You could ask that to any of the corporate cocksuckers here, too
You mean the Epic shills? But talking to them is a waste of time, they are paid to not listen and shitposting against steam.

People are corrupt everywhere, they only need the oportunity. And labor unions give a lot of oportunity, you are literally paying for a bunch of motherfuckers to take coffees with bosses. This is a retarded format and only leads to mafias. If western video games are already shit now, imagine after you insert unions on it.

Actually, who fucking cares, unionize your industry. I want the japs to take the money the westerners will lose.

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Gookmoot and tranny jannies can't handle push back.

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Making more games won't bring entitled devs back

>and offers nothing