Jesus fuck. Why is this game so fucking hard?
Jesus fuck. Why is this game so fucking hard?
You really have to get the deflect timing down for normal attacks and thrusts, and try to punish certain unavoidables with an attack instead of dodging or jumping. It takes a fair amount of practice to not get hit.
play it like a shinoibi not a souls character
>everyone just talking about the difficulty
I'm gonna have to wait a few weeks before there's any decent opinions on this game, aren't I? I just want to know if the world is interesting and the level design is good. That's why I play From games, atmosphere and level design.
It's only hard because they took the ds2 approach by throwing hordes of enemies all at once
it's not
everything is too rhythmic
Imagine the Ninja Scroll anime rendered in a baby shit brown engine
If you want atmosphere and level design then forget about this game. The challenge is pretty good and very satisfying once you beat that boss that kicked your ass for 3 hours straight but outside of that it's a really meh game.
So do you actually have to time each deflection or can you just hold the block button and sekiro will deflect automatically?
The game seems easier than dark souls to me but i see everyone talking about how hard it is? Am I missing something?
If you just hold you'll get guardbroken
how far are you into the game Mr know it all?
>Ninja Scroll
You can take out most of enemies with stealth and picking them off one by one. People just haven’t grasped that yet
I don't think it's hard at all, I think it's just flat out boring. I just killed the fire bull and all I did was keep running with it slashing it then taking as many hits on it as possible. I did the exact same shit with the spear guy on the horse. I think the game is deeply flawed in many aspects and overall feels extremely cheap. Nioh was crap but this game makes it feel high budget.
They just took bloodborne, removed every one of its features and left you with the basic controls. It's just terrible.
Iv played for eight hours and gotten up to the castle and honestly, I dont like it. You have to cheese to beat the bosses and it just doesn't feel satisfying to do that. I haven't fought a single enemy which I thought was a cool fight, in fact now I think about it every single one has been a real pain in the ass and not enjoyable at all. Some of the bosses are absolutely broken and can be exploited easily, such as the horse rider who you can literally just mash parry and defeat that way, or the butterfly who you can defeat by dodging once, attacking dodging, ect and chain stunning her.
The most enjoyable thing has been fighting the humans and landing your attacks/parry/dodges correctly since you can actually tell what is coming and react in time.
The world isnt interesting. Its barebones, and it isn't a series so it doesn't have any lore building in it, honestly I have no fucking clue what is going on other than what you know from the trailer in you lose your master and have to find them and there is something about magic blood. The level design is better than souls, but its sort of ruined by the unsatisfying gameplay.
I killed the horse guy in the castle and got to the drunkard guy in the memory.
After successive attacks or just from a single attack?
You need to be based and redpilled to get good at it.
The level design is fucking cool imo
You can mash it and you will not get hit, you will take poise damage though and eventually get 'broken' which is a stagger, the enemy can hit you during that.
Some enemies attacks are so slow however even if they poise break you, you recover before you get hit again, so you are literally invincible by mashing parry. Minus the odd sweep attack which requires you to jump.
because the animations are trash and hard to adapt to their weird and unnatural delays
have to time each deflection for that perfect parry and counter attack
Because it's a new system which requires tight reaction timing to attacks you haven't seen before. Souls was able to this by giving people an all purpose iframe dodge role but Sekiro requires extreme precision depending on the attacm
after several attacks, keep an eye on your own posture bar at the bottom
Yes and that's boring, but if you aggro a miniboss he won't de-aggro so stealth isn't always an option
>clunky controls
>screen tearing
why did they abandon the Dark Souls 1 formula? Combat was pretty much perfect in it.
Am I the only fucking person who isn't finding it that hard? I'm not even trying to brag I just genuinely don't understand. The only bosses that have given me any trouble are the drunken guy who I just came back to later and the terror fuckers who I assume I'm not supposed to fight yet.
>The level design is better than souls
The thing is that the environments are a major fucking copypasta. I have yet to see any kind of meaningful variation whatsoever. Everything looks the exact same and I've lost count of how many of those branches you can hookshot to I have seen already. The game is just poor and cheap all around.
I didn’t say it’s very interesting. I’m not far yet, but the world design is not as tightly crafted as it has been in DS/BB. Nor can it be with such an expansive movement freedom compared to other titles. I don’t know, it’s not pulling me very much.
>Why is this game so fucking hard?
Because you're playing on sub 30fps which also fucks up your parrying timeframe.
I barely block I just dodge and attack as if i'm playing Dark Souls. So far it's gotten me through half of the game.
Mini-Bosses de-aggro if you ran away far enough like the Shinobi Hunter if you jump down the River and swim towards the the tree root that takes you to the estate
if you're a little babby who can't take them on all at once this game has a stealth mechanic so you can pick them off one by one
The level design is good but the world isn't interesting at all
The parry is a shitty tacked on system that was just poorly implemented. People saying you can't play it like dark souls are lying to themselves. You can perfectly just hold block, or better yet, spam it to try to farm parries and that's it.
>you can pick them off one by one
only if you kill one of them, alert everyone in the room because the level design is horse shit, then run away and wait for them to de-aggro.
I tried that and he recovered his HP
It's only when there's a miniboss as well, regular enemies are pretty tame. Stealth is eh, you can kill one enemy but after that everyone will aggro and to do stealth again you'd have to run away.
You know what blightown was missing? Guns. Let's give all the enemies guns.
Fucking monkey with guns triggered me. It was so hard to see which monkey was shooting me.
I think the problem is that Sekiro requires each enemy/boss to be killed by a hard counter which trivializes the fight and feels like you're cheesing it. Its not very fun.
>You can perfectly just hold block, or better yet, spam it to try to farm parries and that's it.
>use unblockable move
>take away 90% of your health bar
nothing personal kiddo
To me this is not hard. To me, hard is DMC5. I can go with this and learn it easy. I can't seem to get better at DMC5 no matter what I try and to think that there are people out there that consider much higher difficulties to be a cakewalk makes me feel horrible.
Has anyone discovered what the rot does other than lower the blessing chance? Are the NPCs gonna die? I thought you only got rot if you used resurrection so I stopped, but eventually got another anyway.
>mooks are practically harmless
>minibosses do 80-90% minimum with a single hit or grab
What did from software and hidetaki memeazaki mean by this?
It's the other way around. You get rot when you "hard die". As in revive back to a bonfire.
I let it go until I had like 3 of the cure items and didn't have anything bad happen.
>le just git gud XD
This meme has become so bad it trivializes all criticism. Fromdrones will defend this janky ass horribly animated terribly balanced piece of shit.
I honestly wouldn't be mad if the grabs didn't vacuum you and most of the attacks attacks didn't have weird hitboxes that clip you for 40% of your health.
>game doesnt detect my PS4 controller
Any piratechads have a workaround for this?
I thought it was any kind of death that progressed it, you just get the item when you hard die because it would be awkward getting it right after reviving in a fight.
Makes me realise how easy I had it in Nioh, just backwave and tempesting everything
ds4windows, I don't want to be that guy but "works on my machine"
>Any piratechads have a workaround for this?
Yeah, add the game on steam and configure it through big picture mode.
this game is basically a glorified Tenchu but every enemy is damage sponge that can one or two hit ko'd you :^)
my problem with the game is when they give you the moonrune to signal what type of move the enemy is going to do
Shit is annoying, I dont know moonrunes and they barely look different to me when they flash for 1 second
shit should of been given different colors
also sort of "works" but I can't disable the mouse movement on right stick. Makes the camera incredibly jittery, it's borderline unplayable.
Are the item you get from the NPC in a barrel in the optionnal world worth it?
Fucking soiboy cunt
well you already have different moonrune colors for different types of buffs and debuffs
Breath of Life: Light turns this game into a musou game.
>Yeah, add the game on steam and configure it through big picture mode.
I tried that but it's still not working. Maybe I'll give it a restart
Why can't Souls cucks adapt to anything besides roll and R1 spam?
An IGN journo said it was easier than a typical Souls game. Are you telling me you're worse at video games than a journo?
Personally I'm using a ps3 controller through scpServer and it works wonders
I thought it was the same symbol each time, you can read what their animation is after it and respond accordingly.
Fucking this, you still need to look at the enemy to know what attack its gonna be anyway so it's distracting as hell. It's even worse when you fight groups because you're gonna see and hear that shit constantly.
You stop bullying Soulsfags, they never played an actual challenging video game in their life.
>practically harmless
Only early on, later enemies survive longer since they block and counter really often and can hit like a truck too.
Basic enemies are trivial, but I feel like I'm missing something when it comes to bosses. They take SO many fucking hits and parries it's not funny, and are generally best fought almost without moving. Then you get shit like the flaming bull where you have to fucking sprint in circles behind it to whack its ass for a million fucking years because you can't parry it without gigantic chip damage, what the fuck?
The other thing is your health bar is minuscule but enemy damage is fucking enormous.
But Sekiro is R1 spam ...
>Yea Forums shitting on another good game
Lol do you guys ever get bored
I actually stopped playing once I beat the tutorial boss but the game told me I had to lose anyways.
I absolutely hate that shit and it tells me how shit the entire game will be
Wish I pirated it becaude Activision just stole my money.
>make a single mistake
>say bye to half+ your health bar
Another epic and well balanced game from Miyamoto
I’ve got the hatsune miku counter, or whatever and I’m against the Shinobi Hunter with the spear in Hirata. I swear I’ve deflected a few of his thrusting attacks but whatever the counter is supposed to do just doesn’t happen. Is the timing just tighter?
Because its more like Ninja Gaiden than Dark Souls.
the IGN journo probably only played through the tutorial and though 2 res were easier
Worst thing so far is reading thrust or slash patterns of unblockable attacks. Decesion window is too strict.
You should practice it on the undead guy, the timing is weird
parry them to build up their poise meter and bam take the rest of their health bar
Circle dodge towards him when he does a BIG RED SIGN ABOVE HEAD thrusting attack. It'll enter an animation where Mr Sekiro steps on the spear.
Sekiro is a decent game if you go into not expecting souls level of challenge.
Its not a souls game, I understand Miyazaki and From Software made it but its not the Bloodborne esque game you were looking for.
I was actually disappointed with this title and stopped playing for a few hours. I just came back and I'm taking it slow and prioritizing stealth. Just try to remind yourself its not souls and you might have fun. Idk
Stopped for today after getting raped by Genichiro for 2 hours straight. It was appalling. I was nearly in tears by the end of it.
>think you've beaten him
>this isn't even my final form
You could see the exact moment my heart broke.
git gud
hmm yes hmm I wonder if I mentioned that hmm yes
No really, parries only fill said bar by about one twentieth, and each normal hit (always unsafe) fills it by about one fiftieth on bosses. Basic enemies are generally meaningless, but bosses are inflated a hundred fucking times.
Its nothing like Ninja Gaiden.
Its more like Onimusha + Tenchu
Just practice user. No one is born a tryhard to begin with.
>He doesn't know about the other zones
>why can't I play like souls
but you can also parry in souls? except here you have to parry dozens of times and it gets boring quick
I find it hilarious that they made an entire game based on a single casualized version of Ninja Gaiden mechanic.
If the game didn't have so much copy pasted souls and the grappling hook wasn't brain dead i would like it a lot more.
Fighting the butterfly bitch and having her block 90% of my attacks feels very Ninja Gaiden at least.
This move is gonna get me killed so many times. Alright thanks
Well maybe you should git gud scrub? These games aren’t meant for you to beat in 2 hours. If you have the attention span of a goldfish you’re going to have a bad time. From games are difficult on purpose they want you to work for everything. Nothing’s handed to you for free kiddo. You gotta work your ass off for it.
Is it worth playing sekiro? Reading this thread it sounds like it's Bloodborne but dumbed down, doesn't have the lore of souls, and has samey environments unlike das2. I finished installing it overnight but not sure if I should refund now.
then parry him like 20 times?
yes, listen to the reliable people of Yea Forums. refund the game, it's shit
refund and pirate
>the absolute state of buyfags
>Reading this thread it sounds like it's Bloodborne but dumbed down
you're a retard and you can't read
>trusting Yea Forums for anything, especially game recomendations
Dishonorabru dispray
Its not a bad game
Its just nowhere near as good as bloodborne
>Is it worth playing sekiro? Reading this thread it sounds like it's Bloodborne but dumbed down
Where the fuck are you reading? Literally everyone has been saying it's bullshit hard dumbass
Why would you EVER listen to Yea Forums for a decent opinion? Most of these people don’t know what they’re on about. Just play it, go in expecting bad things, quit at the Shinobi Hunter and post about how bad it is like the rest of these chucklefucks
I was thinking earlier, in Bloodborne (and I guess Souls) and Nioh, I know WHY I failed when I fail. I know what I need to do and how to do it, and I do my best to achieve that and sometimes fuck it up because it's challenging but ultimately fair (well Nioh isn't always fair and the cursed chalice dungeons are never fair but anyway). In Sekiro I'm constantly wondering if I'm doing something wrong because I have NO IDEA why it's so hard. I don't know WHAT the game wants from me. I'm apparently doing the correct thing and I STILL feel like something's wrong. The disparity between level clearing and boss killing doesn't help either. I walk through stages without trying but I fuck up bosses somewhere in the six hours I have to spend fucking endlessly parrying their shit. I don't understand Sekiro and the worst part is I actually *DO* understand it.
Actually quite a few people are saying it's too easy,just tedious.
Can someone help me figure out how to tweak my stats and find new weapons? Starting to get pissed
first off never decide an opinion on this board and no it's not easy. It's pretty damn difficult
I have been stuck on Blazing Bull for 9 hours.
>I haven't played the game
Fuck off retard. All crowds are easily manageable. It is the (mini)bosses which are the hard part.
The game to me just feels like bloodborne but with ninja moves. This director has started beating the formula to death like assassins creed. I’m really hoping it gets better later on, but it won’t change the bullshit framerate and DaS2 hitboxes.
Can someone explain deflect to me? Because it seems like one thing that isn't working. I understand that it's super lenient, but even still, why would I risk myself for basically nothing? If it'll do significant damage to their stun gauge, sure. But I'm only in the Hirate estate and it already seems to not do shit even to regular enemies. It's faster to just dodge and slash them. Or against the drunk guy. If I deflect something he does, it barely does anything for the stun, it doesn't actually open him up, it might cause him to stop attacking? But then he might just do a different attack right after. Am I not getting something or what?
I already said it. I'm currently facing the murakumo fatso. I can kill a couple enemies around him but the others stick to his ass
>anyone who criticizes this game is a baddie!
Holy shit you guys are insufferable.
Its always "hurr durr git gud xD" any time someone says anything negative about From Software games.
Fuck off
This game isnt even difficult, easier than DeS
How will I fare with this game if I beat Dark souls 1-3 and BB without partying or blocking ?
You can deflect 360 degrees around you. Just like souls parry. Just press l1 and you will 180 and parry things behind you
>without partying
Not well. Sekiro is a game for getting crunk
I remember when i was a console shitter
Don't put spaces before question marks.
Also, very very poorly.
That doesn't address my issues
you're fucked then. Parries are crucial
Isnt that L1?
I agree. I got past the tutorial level and uninstalled. They should have given us a shield instead of a sword if the only way to do damage is through parry
The reason to deflect is two things:
1. the only meaningful thing you can do to bosses is fill their stun gauge.
2. many, many, many attacks in the game are so wide they're essentially undodgeable in any meaningful way.
can I play as a girl in this game?
No, that's for regular attacks, you can't parry MOONRUNES with L1
the game is just different to those when it comes to dodging.
There's no invencibility frames, you have to dodge the attack depending on how they work by jumping or side stepping depending on it
and you pretty much need to parry.
Nope, circle towards the stab. Only on red sign thrust attacks.
You get bored fast
How do a non nip understand the difference between a thrust kanji and a sweep kanji...
I read nip and I hadn't actually realised they're different... are they?
Thanks. Acticucks didn’t mentioned that in tutorials.
didn't mention*
You're welcome
People complaining about parrying not being worthwhile haven't fought Genichiro
jesus christ that fight is literally back to back parries for five minutes straight
Well, you have to buy the skill first
Because dark souls and bb were very easy games and now you're playing a game that's actually challenging
Does the Dragonrot actually kill anyone? My sculptor started coughing blood and i am scared lads
Its not that hard. You have been spoiled by Casul ass difficulty of almost the entire genre at the current moment in time. Assassins Creed, Witcher, take any modern action game with similar combat and you will see over the past 10 years or so the decline in difficulty is MASSIVE. Games USED to be hard. Go back and pick up some classic PS2 games, doesnt really matter which. You will discover very quickly that the current gen of gamers are a bunch of spoiled casuls without any skill. The old games were so much harder.
I killed Chained Ogre on my first try without ressurect. I could not BELIEVE the amount of threads complaining about him. I didnt even get hit by him. There are other parts of the game I have found challenging so far but...the game is not too hard. GET GUD. You all suck!
>Sekiro is a decent game if you go into not expecting souls level of challenge.
Pffffhahaha. All minibosses after the first two are easily on the level of optional/DLC bosses in Soulsborne.
There’s always the same kanji tho. 危
You have to read thrust/slash animation by first frames or guess
Someone please tell me how the fuck do i deal with the guys with spears in the ""dream world""" (the one where everything is on fire), 3/4 of their attacks is unparrayable and i do chip dmg to their posture because i have to constantly dodge their shit, there has to be a strategy to them
>kanji covers up enemy
>most attacks look dead similar in the first few frames
>dust everywhere covers up enemy
>about half a second to actually respond
The fix that finally worked for me was
>downloading ryochan7 DS4
>Exit steam/turn off controller configuration
>turn off nvidia in game overlay
>tick hide DS4 controller
>run kusoge
How the fuck do you get to the item inside the hut on the right? This is at the chained ogre stairs.
Why don't some enemies throw out attacks? I have to push them into a corner and mash attack just to break their poise because they won't do anything but guard.
This is legit the hardest game From made recently i haven't even fought a boss yet (only some mini-ones) and i am already getting my ass kicked
Mfw you can actually beat Urizen and trigger a special game ending. Some developers go the extra mile with details. With Sekiro, FROM couldn't even by assed to remove your prosthetic in the flashback levels.
They are a joke dude
Ikr. This is the only shit I keep dying from. I guess it’s safer to just run away or backdash from this crap until you see some pattern
>the Guardian Ape boss fight
Holy fuck I didn't think the enemies could become so unsettling, is the big twist "it was bugs all along"?
Is this bait?
Its not easy but it is dumbed down and boring. Most anons here can't tell the difference.
>skip the first Headless because holy fuck screw that guy
>run into another one like 3 hours later
Alright what is the strat against these fucks? Can;t dodge.
You loop back there later. Once you get past the Ogre and there is a Left/Right path. Left is Snek, Right leads that way and to a super annoying miniboss
Yeah, but it’s definitely good for leveling up your overal gaming skill
You get it when you die without a ressurection, or you just let yourself die instead of ressurecting.
It's kind of dumb tbqh you can just avoid it by playing like a total pussy and warping back to the bonfire after you first resurrection.
Ah, ok
What am I supposed to do with the fags with the wood shields? Am I just supposed to wait for them to charge?
Yeah it's dumb, and the game tries to fucking meme you into using sidestep to dodge the grab when the hitbox is so fucked, so you're better off just jumping back to avoid it.
explore more and read the tooltips
>The parry window is so big you can literally spam L1
I wish i was good enough to play such elite hardcore games
>huge blinking neon sign makes my eyes reflexively turn towards it
>get fucked by power attack
Enemy is using more ninja strategy than I am.
I have no fucking clue either user what the fuck are we supposed to do vs them? They always take me like an hour to kill because it's just me waiting for them to charge or running around them trying to get an opening.
Fuck off, fag. Games like DMC5 are capable of hitting 4K 60 FPS on console. From is just shit at optimizing and reuse to update their dinosaur engine
I fought my first boss and tbqh the boss was easier than the minibosses simply because she didn't have like 6 other dudes with her.
And what does that tell you about the Soulsborne bosses?
You're supposed to clear the area and get the axe, but you can't use it so you have to go back, equip the axe, then clear the area again to progress. The game design is a fucking joke
The fact is that the game is just poorly designed all around and you can tell it was rushed. They just took bloodborne, stripped 90% of its features, put you in the most generic setting ever in a copypasted world with no visually distinguishing qualities whatsoever and called it a day. This game was rushed as fuck and just screams low budget crap.
any tips for the bull?
how do i beat fat machete man
the drunk guy?
>clear the area again to progress
just run past them??? You don't have to kill everything you know, plus you unlock a shortcut right near the place where you get the axe so you won't have to fight anyone at all to get back there
Don't block, don't dodge. Just hold circle and run around him while hitting his ass.
What's the furthest anyone has gotten? I want to know if the levels become anything else but wooden japanese buildings.
the game feels so FUCKING good when you get a rhythm going
>5 points to get the health restore on deathblow skill
Do they honestly expect me to not die that much
you only lose current exp, when you have reached a level you don't lose it on death
There are also some trees
So basically the game is crap and you have to keep constantly making up bullshit excuses to rationalize its awfulness and convince yourself that it actually isn't terrible.
Good things just are, they don't need an excuse, no ifs, no buts, they simply exist and excel. When you find yourself damage controlling and doing mental loops it's when you should be honest with yourself and realize you're putting a lot of effort into trying to extract what simply isn't there.
The game is disappointing. It's a huge step down from all other modern FROM games and it feels cheap, unpolished, barebones and unfinished. See? Not that hard.
How the fuck do I beat general tenzen?
sekiro elevates souls combat to ridiculous levels. it's what ninja gaiden 2 is to ninja gaiden black. for better or worse.
wow now I feel like a shitter i had to stand still and just abuse parry to beat her
Because you have to find 4 minibosses to get that first "level". That "level" is the equivalent of like +8 VIT and END in DaS1, it's retarded. Kill the horseguy ASAP too, since boss memories boost your damage by maybe 10%?
Axe for most everything
Firecannon for straw dudes
Firecrackers for animals
Ah yes, we were truly Sekiro: Bloodborne all along
Oh that's good, I thought you could get way back down to 0 so I've been very, very careful
How the fuck is it dumbed down? There's far more going on that in Dark Sousl combat
Hit him until he dies.
just port back to the bonfire whenever you use a ressurect
is the boar a cheese fight?
>literally R1 and L1 spam
You're dumb
how do i kill the purple ninja dude where you get the prosthetic in the memory?
Pretty sure the difficulty aspect of FROM games actually started by just being a natural choice given the style of game they were trying to create. They didn't set out to create a 'hard' game. Sekiro just feels like they deliberately went out of their way to create something 'hard'.
You can almost see the it in the design choices of certain enemy / boss encounters. The Mounted Spearman boss was when I noticed this. He has a series of attacks that make logical sense and are based on him charging or doing sweeping attacks with his a player I sat there and thought "I can keep my distance and be safe" obviously the trade off is that I won't be doing damage, but I can give myself some breathing room if need be...then out of nowhere the boss starts launching his spear in 360 degree arcs, standing on his horse while harpooning me and has the horse start can almost hear the devs going "LOOK HOW HARD THIS IS!".
what do you mean find? you mean "not skip"?
you're such a faggot stop posting
Even firelurker shits on sekiro bosses.
If L1 wasnt so god damn lenient this game might have some difficulty
How do I hit him?
So there is the Red Gourd for burns, White gourd for spirit essence? and a purple gourd for terror. It seems unlike past games where you run out of burn/poison/shock/terror stuff you can buy expensive gourds that refill
Nice counter argument. Why don't you just go back to calling people Casuals or something else more your speed, kiddo.
Can someone help me out. I'm looking for information that merchant Anayama wants, where do I eavesdrop in which location?
I just want to not feel bad for dropping $60
>dodge enemy attack
>enemy briefly gets a green symbol over its head
what does that mean? can i do some turbo cutscene attack when that happens?
Tip for Butterfly: Attack walk forward one step attack
Ez Pz Lemon Sqwe Zee
Why didn't you pirate this garbage?
you make mistakes all the time, only when you make a big one do you get hit
git gud
Do you ever read what skills you buy, or do you just mash A
so like, 2 hours in
so Nioh?
Posted this in a couple other related threads this morning as someone who was cynical about from the trailers. Here's my take after a couple hours:
>movement and platforming elements are really solid and “off the rails” if that makes sense. Almost everything can be walked on, there’s a bit of depth to the climbing mechanics
>The grapple points are everywhere, and I realized the design was less “you can only grapple to the spot we want you to”, and more like “we WANT you to be able to grapple everywhere, but it works more smoothly if you have hard points to quickly grab, rather than having to manually aim in a fast-paced 3rd person game.”
>Seems to be a solid PC port. I maxed every setting and I’ve never dipped beneath 60fps at 1080p on a 1070
>first level after tutorial (Ashina Outskirts) is promisingly open-ended. I got Crysis vibes from how many angles I could approach an encounter from.
>combat has some nice depth so far. There’s a rock/paper/scissors system where some attacks have specific counters (jump over sweeps, parry thrusts, dodge grapples), and I like how vitality caps posture.
>English VA work is lousy compared to the god-tier stuff from Dark Souls/Bloodborne. Switched to Japanese and restarted 5 mins into the tutorial. Nip voicework is pretty good, at least.
>Textures are shockingly low-res and ugly close up. I got DaS2 flashbacks from how bad Wolf looked in one of the early cutscenes. Graphics in general are a weak point of Sekiro so far.
>Have to manually pick up money from things you kill by holding down the interact button. It has a massive AoE pull, but it’s a weird requirement when I see no reason you couldn’t just get money with your experience.
>Leveling tree looks very, very small. If what I’m seeing from the beginning is the full thing, there’s maybe a dozen skill upgrades to buy for Wolf in the whole game, and I’ve already got 2.
ive only ever bought one skill. i guess its that
The combat gets better when you unlock some skills? Fighting mobs is pretty boring and watching the kill every time is quite annoying.
Jesus fuck. Why are you so fucking bad?
Should have corrected that last negative point first; other anons have said the initial upgrade tree is not final; there's much more.
dont you remember the sniper forest in BB?
there were a few of them
You're supposed to run past everyone until you hit the boss.
if you get good at the game, you wont die as often
I only have a ps4
I wonder what giving the Sake to the Sculptor or Isshin does. So far its just extra dialog
What the fuck are you supposed to do to kill that headless guy? That Terror shit is like an even worse Cursed.
Ignore the people who say the world isn't interesting. It's much more engaging than its predecessors cuz it has an actual story. They clearly have something against the setting not being weird fiction enough for them.
>Leveling tree looks very, very small.
you will acquire a shitload of skills by exploring and some of them are stronger than anything in basic tree
>locked 60 fps
>antialiasing on/off
>no ultrawide support
>solid pc port
That's funny I got the opposite feeling. This is the first game I've played from them that feels AAA. Let me guess, ur playing on console?
I sort of disagree. The chained up ogre thing doesnt allow you to roll under its attacks much and has a huge hitbox and given how much healing you have in the game at that point it pretty much one shots you. I didnt find dark souls hard beyond the blaytant cheese that Ds2 was but this while fun isnt as good.
Git gud
What’re the best builds in this game? DTR? DEX?
3 skill trees, plus the whole prosthetic tree, plus all the passives, combat and ninjutsu arts you buy in shops. I wish we could bind 2 combat skills at once though.
PC. You're absolutely insane if you think this stripped down mess feels AAA. The game looks like fucking ass. The textures are terrible and there is a lot of copypasting going on.
Nigger, we were all complaining about DS3 being too easy because we'd all been playing the shit out of souls games for years on end.
This is literally the world we wanted.
Not a GOTY contender but still a fucking masterpiece from From
It's probably people trying to play it like it's a Souls game, or acclimating from a Souls game. That was my problem, it handles similarly enough that I keep wanting to poisetank it like a dipshit and forget I'm supposed to be a ninja in this game, not magnitude-11 Girthquake in heavy armor and dragon tooth club.
All of the horseman's dangerous attacks, including that one, can be stopped with your grappling hook. He's only a danger if you're getting knocked down by his normal attacks so you can't stop his big ones in time.
Is genchiro the most boring corpse run?
What the fuck
>With Sekiro, FROM couldn't even by assed to remove your prosthetic in the flashback levels.
If you didn't figure out you're not actually in the past from "But that's... three years ago... the Sculptor was right" and the level-design incorporating the prosthetic arm there's no saving you desu
It's literally lore juice
The only mini bosses I've skipped are the first headless, and this second one. Why the fuck are they so difficult?
Its like 10 seconds.
Is there more shit like this? Will give the game another try if there is
How do I beat this bastard? I'm running out of confetti.
>Game has a literal shit flinging monkey as a boss
I love it when developers acknowledge the fanbase
Forgot the pic
what's the deal with headless, I know I need the divine confetti to damage him but the terror thing is fucking insane
How do I get to that place down below past the shrine with the warning about the headless shit?
>Its like 10 seconds.
yeah but i gotta skip a cutscene everytime
thank you for an honest insight into the game for once in this thread
Play it like Tenchu isntead of like Souls.
I can’t beat the Samuari surrounded by all the dudes past the chained ogre or the spear guy at the Estate. Any tips for either? Seems like only two ways to progress right now
No summons to help the babies.
wtf is this fucking bull
i don't want to play this anymore
When you get back to the well where you started the game and find the bottomless pit you fight enemies that drop items that stop terror buildup.
Did you kill it, Yea Forums?
i am using a PS2 controller with X360CE
its not fare
>With Sekiro, FROM couldn't even by assed to remove your prosthetic in the flashback levels.
>he thinks it's actually a flashback
stealth to kill all the guards one by one. After that you can just charge attack, backstep, charge attack, backstep until he's dead.
Is it 30fps on ps4?
>oil and flamethrower literally dabs on every miniboss
anyone know where I can farm oil?
perfect example of a the average Yea Forums brainlet
Beat all soulsborne bosses without summons and still think Sekiro is hard as fuck, stop pushing this retarded agenda
Anybody else have the game crash on a ps4 slim? Only happened to me once and has been running well other than that
Just did the snake encounter. It was fucking awesome. Is there anything else down there aside from the seed? I don't wanna go back
>defeat spear guy by walking up to his back and stealth hitting him for 50% of his health
>defeat the secret ninja enemy guarding the raven subweapon by standing on the ledge right next to him, which is only a foot below him but all his attacks whiff so you can just spam slash
>defeat Shirahagi by just aggroing him next to the poison pit and letting it drain his health to 0% so you can just walk up and one shot him (and then repeat to finish him off)
>defeat butterfly by dodge into slash spamming and not even working with the parry or meter system at all + avoiding the ghost projectiles by just standing behind a pillar
And so on and so forth. I'm wondering if they knew about these tactics beforehand or just didn't even bother trying to think about how people would play the game.
not only hard it's also quiet annoying to play because of the aggro range of the enemies and how long it takes for them to reset. fighting a miniboss is annoying just because you have to deal with every single normal dude again
The terror buildup isn't a problem, its how fucking much damage he does plus a telegrab you can't avoid
if you stabbed its eye it doesn't come back, explore at your leisure
any tips for fighting the asahina spear fucker?
you are a brainlet that starts with the one that aggros everyone. you are supposed to pick them off in the correct order. first the ones where you can immediately hide again behind a wall/inside brush/off a ledge, THEN the one that's in plain sight.
Get your stealth hit from behind, make sure you have the thrust counter unlocked, and don't fuck up
>>defeat the secret ninja enemy guarding the raven subweapon by standing on the ledge right next to him, which is only a foot below him but all his attacks whiff so you can just spam slash
kek I just lured him down, deaggroed him then stealth killed him
>Sekiro threads are nothing but bitching about the game being mechanically different from Soulsborne.
It's Nioh all over again.
Cool. I loved Nioh. Can't wait to arrive home today.
Crashed on me once, the error report told me to update to day 1 patch. Hasn't crashed since
Bro we all know you haven’t even played it, but for some reason you are on this board spilling salt all over the place
He was kicking my ass hard then I started jumping like a retard and finished him with no damage taken. Just jump alot and especially jump and bounce off his head when he does he kanji attack thing
I accidentally clicked through the looting enemies tutorial and enemies now have glowing coins floating over their corpses, is there some way to loot them?
what the fuck is this fucking bullshit
jesus christ
Can you really get a stealth kill on him?
hold down the loot button and it drags all corpse drops to you
It took me 10 hours to get 7 treasure carp scales for the mask fragment. I hope finding the left side isn't harder. The dragon mask costs 5000
hold square
How the fuck do i defeat this fucker? Am i really supposed to be able to beat him? Also, where do i find the axe?
Its the tutorial area, recall how you got to Kuro and you will get the stealth hit
weakness fire
What the fuck is up with the enemy placement? Why is the mini-boss always surrounded by ten other enemies
How do I make the mikiri counter deal damage? I step on his spear but then he pushes me off
>plus a telegrab you can't avoid
nigger it teleports behind you
it doesn't, it just does big posture damage
parrying is easier in sekiro. you'll get the hang of it
I don't have any fire.
crouch far away from him but in his sight and he will go yellow and slowly walk towards you. Lure him out that way then backstab when he turns around to go back. The backstab will get him to half health then talk to the npc guy and 2vs1 him
the axe is like at the start of that area i don't know how people are missing it. It's in one of the houses/shrine things between the very first and second main gates
FUGGGG I finally did it. I killed the fucker!!
How do you sheathe your katana?
Wolf looks autistic as fuck running with it unsheathed.
Both the axe and the flamethrower are earlier in that level around the 2nd bonfire area (before the fog gate). His attacks are pretty easy to dodge and you can easily sneak in hits between his attacks.
You missed the axe AND the flamethrower when both are basically on your path to get to that dude are you fucking retarded
like dmc making dante an old man trying too hard to be "cool" and appeal to teenagers since he failed at life and never grew up of his antisocial emo phase?
So you basically have to cheese every boss and strong enemy in this game and abuse bad AI? Wow, great game design.
Enemy variety is complete shit and the areas are boring as fuck.
Another blunder.
LITERALLY bloodborne but in japan and without leveling to power through content
Unironically yes
So this is like DMC5 but the combat is complete ass?
I had to take weird routes and sprint past enemies because i was getting my ass beat.
So how many times have you guys started over? I'm on my 5th no death run.
You guys do want the best ending, right?
Then you clearly haven't played fromsoft games before.
Yes, there is only 1 attack button and you spam the same attack over and over again.
>Even firelurker shits on sekiro bosses.
(1) Firelurker cannot kill anyone who is not a retard more than once.
(2) Bosses? Kek. Nothing in Soulsborne merits a comparison to Sekiro's actual bosses, not talking about self-imposed challenge runs. I'm talking mini-bosses only.
dying doesn't cause dragonrot, it's reviving where you died that does
So, by the trophy list I'm mostly done with my first run of the game. Two bosses then back through for other endings. Obviously I don't hate it, but I have problems with it. I really feel like deflecting and getting death blows should be a reward for taking a risk, but your R1 attack always feels so underpowered in comparison that using it feels silly. Like you can use it and beat the whole game without deflecting I'm sure, but you're clearly making the game harder than it needs to be. The levels are functional but don't feel as well thought out as say Bloodborne and I'm sure a big part of that was me just being Spider-Man wherever possible which lead to me going down "side paths" that we're actually just very slightly different ways to go back where I was. I'm willing to admit that might be my own retardation though. Dragon Rot should've been different I think. Like you get one if and only if you die without any of your pink dragon power so it's a punishment for a fucked up gamble and less a badge that says "I'm still learning the game" and ultimately has no consequence for most of the game. I enjoyed it, but it's not any landmark on my gaming experience.
i've killed every mini boss so far with no cheese except for taking off one of shinobi hunters health bars with stealth but that really seems intended since he just wanders over to the invisibility bushes.
You can just stand completely still while fighting Drunken Sumo and easily parry his very telegraphed attacked, jump when he does his sweep and dodge to the side when he does the grab. Even if you fuck up the parry time you'll just block it anyway. you can also oil him up and burn him for some decent posture chunks
The only reason why this game is difficult isn't because it has "depth" it's because it turns every single major encounter into an extremely precise rhythm game.
Wrong. Completely wrong.
woah lady butterfly is har-
it's more like deus ex HR except you can only use melee and your health doesn't regen
Swing and a miss, nice try though laddy
That will speed it up I'm sure, but I've never revived ever and still have rot.
Fuck the giant snake cave. It's Trial and error bullshit and it keeps making me go through the same event over and over. The snake after spoiler pic part keeps killing me over and over.
i got the cutscene for my first dragonrot infliction after deliberately choosing not to revive so i don't know about that friendo
So that does also cause dragonrot.
thanks for playing and helping
How do I time the Circle party against those fucking spear priest?
I’ve only played the first hour but in terms of traversal and story telling this game is already shitting on all past soulsborne titles. Being able to jump at will, and being given a “grab ledge” button makes exploring areas way more interesting and adds a vertical element to souls that has never been there before. I’m only very early on, but Sekiro right off the bat feels like a genuine evolution to the game type rather than a retread of the same exact design principles of DeS. Level design also takes into account the new vertical toolset given to you, and the game’s level design utilizes vertical space a ton because of it. Also you can swim now.
Since when is "okami" wolf? I've thought it means something like Great God ever since Ókami came
Circle parry dumb autocorrect
Are you stabbing its eye when you get in that tent thing?
>get to drunkard shithead
>has like 6 minions around him
>hmmm maybe i will use the game's stealth mechanic to dispose of them beforehand
>they're placed in a way that's literally impossible to not alert the entire group so you have to abuse the retarded system and deaggro them only to do it again
great game miyazaki you fucking asshole
desu it has been like that in soulsborn. you can abuse AI in these games, well not except for not mini-bosses.
Soulsfags claim this plays better than DMC5 because they're completely delusional
- Kill everyone in the area before him. Even if you aggro him, he'll eventually deaggro.
- Backtab to take off his first lifebar.
- If you feel that the enemy who is two-shotting you and needs a lot of work to prepare for the final showdown is the bad place to learn deflection, bait attacks and punish with shurikens (so that he won't block them), and throwing ash can briefly leave him open, so you can safely land a hit or two. Don't bother with filling the posture bar if that doesn't work for you, just whittle down his health directly.
yep, and when you die afterwards you gotta redo the event everytime
Yeah, I've only played them all.
You're a delusional retard if you think this cheap looking crap has any semblance of a AAA project. The game is completely devoid of features, the textures are terrible and extremely low res, there is a metric fuckton of copypasting and everything looks the same, the enemy AI is dumb as all fuck, the enemy variation is piss poor, you only have one weapon with fuckall meaningful customization, there are no sets to equip, no online features of any kind, the combat is extremely shallow and repetitive, the setting is bland and generic, the game suffers from the same issues that the previous souls games do such as tracking spinning moves and whatnot.
This trash makes Nioh look high profile in comparison but I guess an easily impressionable retard such as yourself wouldn't know any better.
>Since when is "okami" wolf?
Since the beginning of japanese language.
You're supposed to talk to the samurai hiding in the water. It will make him attack the group and you can kill them from behind.
There's an npc in the pond that can help out. Pretty useless against fatty but useful as a distraction (just like 99% of soulsborne npc summons)
imagine being so bad at a game you're cheating infinite levels day 1
So Yea Forums is just reddit now right? All you fucking casuals make me sick. How could anyone have a hard time with this after playing any of the souls games? This time you just aren't supposed to dodge, parry instead.
Nearly 2 hours in and I'm considering refunding it.
Probably the least fun I've had playing a videogame in ages.
This. You either cheese the fuck out of the game or you get fucked with a rake.
the timing is massive, far bigger than a parry.
if you're standing in front of somoene using a thrust unblockable you can pretty much just mash dodge to do it.
love seeing all these DmCfags shitposting in full force
it's understandable since they waited a decade for dmcv only to get forgotten and destroyed by a superior game in less than a month
it doesn't even work form me after today windows update, it just keep freezing for 1 sec every 2 sec, help frens(i've already tried deleting system32)
if a professional gamer shits on this game what would you say then, you can't say le git guud anymore you'll have to have a better argument
"Kami" means paper and also "God".
"Ookami" is wolf.
>You either cheese the fuck out of the game or you get fucked with a rake
get good has never been more applicable
How many prosthetic tools there other than those that were shown on the trailers? I already found four so far, I’m afraid I will just get them all in the early game and exploration on the late game will be boring.
Stealth all the adds. Stealth him once. Watch out for his sweep.
It's a solid 8.5 out of 10.
The game has the same issues that every souls game has, teleporting grab enemy attacks, getting hit behind walls, and unfair retard tier design boss fights.
Basically, you just have to pick the boss bit by bit while being punished for every mistake by getting half of your health removed. And here it's 10x worse because you can't grind and buff your character in any way. And it makes senes in dark souls because you're suppose to be killing these omnipotent gods and it's suppose to feel unfair, but here it's where the design is more grounded it's just shows how stupid this design is.
It's not that hard, just nobody knows how to play it correctly.
I've been trying to kill the ape for 3 hours, only to realize that there are 2 areas I'm meant to do before this dumb fucking ape...
That was a pun. It's like okami is wolf and o kami is great god
He breaks the fight if you ask him to help you after you've cheesed out all the adds by aggroing them from range. The boss will constantly switch between you and him and won't be sure which one to attack
so yeah like 99% of soulsborne npc summons
Nah I think I'll play something actually enjoyable than metal gear weeb.
Fucking Kamiya does it again
I have 8 and I just finished Ashina castle.
Sekiro will be forgotten about in a few weeks, not even your Souls e-celeb fags wanna play it because no PvP.
Level design so far is fantastic and the grappling hook adds a vertical aspect to everything that is really interesting and fun. Running along roof tops to surprise an enemy or making leaps of faith to tree branches on cliff sides is really satisfying.
How do I get to that loot? It's in the flooded corridor in the well where you start the game.
The "die twice" gimmick is pretty dumb and useless when every special enemy has two life bars and bosses tend to have 2 life bars as well as extra forms just in case that wasn't enough. What is the point?
You can't fucking roll/dodge. Its a grab so you can't parry.
Look at all these assblasted redditors. I love when new souls games come out because it really weeds out the casuals.
>a bloo bloo you have to cheese it or it's haaaard!
I'm playing and browsing Yea Forums on my second screen, love soaking up ass toast from you underage lil bitches
Most of the bosses can be cheesed out in pathetic ways. I don't know what the fuck you're smoking thinking anyone ever implied this game has any depth whatsoever, because it sure as fuck doesn't. People are mostly annoyed at specific bullshit things. I'm annoyed at its barebones formula and how fucking boring it is. This game feels like a Demon's Souls predecessor if anything because its overly simplistic and feels fucking ancient.
why would DMC fans care about sekiro?
Where are you stuck user?
I got stuck with General Kawarada and there was a way up over the roofs so I could avoid the fight for later.
Just wait till you get to the Castle boss. Thats a fun fight.
Imagine Deus Ex Human Revolution but with swords and 10 TIMES THE SHITTY BOSS FIGHTS
So they could go overboard and make mini-bosses on the level of previous game's bosses.
Thanks for your complete shitter input, it really means a lot.
Means you can grapple hook them
>MGR gameplay with the trademark shitty dark souls camera
what the fuck were they thinking
>press invisibility crouch button
>run behind copypasted mook with a sword
>press my cutscene kill button
ahhh, only a casual could dislike this
heheh git gud uhhhhhh
I think we're finally realizing that all the GIT GUD memers were just casuals that summoned their way through these games. I'd love to see these zoomers try to play Ninja Gaiden Black on Master Ninja; their tears would fill several swimming pools.
same month release
both focus on combat but sekiro actually does it challenging
>what are skillpoints and skills
>what are prayer beads
>what is sugar
>what are attachments
Yea Forums's definition of "depth" apparently means "extra ways to destroy a braindead easy game".
The fact that you think this game is anywhere even close to hardcore tells me all I need to know about your complete lack of experience with gaming as a whole. It's not that it's hard, it's just poorly designed and one of the weakest action games that has come out in ages, but I guess that's enough for simple minded folks like you to enjoy.
All these people bitching about the difficulty, lol.
Here's some hot tips:
You can beat up monks for candies and get 13 vit by exploring the temple before castle boss.
Get the umberalla, its a 1 cost shield that can be held and has little if no posture damage also its unbreakable so you can tank all normal hits.
If an enemy is too hard, always go exploring, theres always at least two levels that are open to you.
When am I supossed to go to the estate? The difficulty skyrocketed. I just beat the ugly ogre that was chained at the stairs. Tried the estate next and it's just insane.
>looks at grappling hook symbol
>looks at enemy with grappling hook symbol
wait a minute................
>extremely precise
Is this a joke?
How is the performance on mid tier PCs?
I have locked 60 on max settings but its a 1080ti
>itt shitters who got filtered by based stairs ogre
You come back later with the grappling hook, and it leads to a whole new area
I'm in the water. The double jump isn't enough and I still have both arms so no spiderman shit yet.
Imagine dmc5 but you only have 1 attack button, 1 weapon, your only style actions are RG block that doesn't work against like 50% of the attacks and a trickster dodge without iframes
>English VA work is lousy
Since I don't know or care to learn moonspeak and always disable subtitles, it's not a big detractor for me. However, Wolf's VA does sound like he's one Linkin Park song away from ending it all.
>Have to manually pick up money from things you kill by holding down the interact button
Fucking this. With this mechanic, the fun comes screeching to a halt.
One of my complaints with this game is how long the animation for the axe prosthetic attack takes.
>"Hi, enemies, Wolf here. OK, I'm going to do this attack to break your posture. LOL, no, not you, shieldfags. I know you're more retarded than this animation. That's why you were placed in the special ed class of enemies next door to the archers. Anyway, non-shieldfags, it's going to take me several seconds to land this attack, but that gives any of you plenty of time to attack me from any angle. Also, if your attack interrupts me at any point, then my attack doesn't count, and I'll have wasted 3 spirit whatevers and have to attempt it again. Reminder, non-shieldfags, you can hit me at any time from any angle; my attack animation lasts a ridiculously long time so, LOL, try not to interrupt me *wink wink*. OK, here I go. Ready?"
I'm liking it so far, but I got the [/spoiler]CODEX[/spoiler] version. Sucks for the people that don't like it and can't get a refund.
Where the heck is the temple? I'm guessing you meant the the one on the mountain, been looking for it but I can't find it.
I'm on the Ape btw, completely missed the temple area.
ign lied and said it was easier than souls games uhh no its not, ive finished all souls games and blood borne and this shit is harder than that.
Has anyone been able to pirate the patch?
Probably because of requiring you to avoid damage using 3 different methods according to what the enemy did, rather than just dodge roll anything like in Souls. It's harder and more complex, but not exactly more fun. Let's see if that changes once I get "gud".
nobody is forcing you to stand in the exact same spot
fuck me, I'm retarded
Pretty crap considering the graphics, I get drops to 45ish FPS on an RX 580 at 2560x1080.
How do I cheese the horse rider with the spear if you're so great?
jump higher
>release him
>come back and stealth hit him
>come back and stealth it him
oMg ThAt Is So H4RdC03r tO d4 b0n3
i5 3350i, 970
Maxed out I'm usually above 51fps- Hit 60fps plenty of times, hover around 54-58. When things get hectic it can drop to mid 40s but that's just my CPU being shitty.
Am I supposed to beat Madame Butterfly as my first boss?
Accidentally ressurected.
Time to restart the game lol
what does the red flask thing do?
>no character customization
>no armor
>only one weapon
>prosthetic weapons are just for countering weaknesses
I'm not that big on the japanese setting but I'm kinda let down
>souls fags can't into bare bones action games
>Pretty useless against fatty
Wrong, he tanks him like a boss
>English VA work is lousy compared to the god-tier stuff from Dark Souls/Bloodborne
English VA is great, Emma's voice actor really doesn't fit her but apart from that one character I've found it to be excellent. I ended up switching to English after an hour, the Lord's voice sounded far too anime for me. I know Japanese isn't anime, but everything I watch that's Japanese is anime so I just made that connection and it bothered me. That one dude who always tells you to kill rats with the mask has excellent voice acting, probably the best in the game.
What a high quality post, user.
They posted a video of one of their staff beating Genichiro at the START. No prosthetics, fancy skills, upgrades or even sugar, just their sword and basic combos. Please don't tell me you're worse at games than IGN.
>>what are skillpoints and skills
none increase damage, they're purely contextual and I still haven't noticed one skill that makes an actual difference.
>>what are prayer beads
they are dropped by mini bosses that don't respawn, I don't get what you're aiming at pleb
>>what is sugar
could be useful, still doesn't change the core game design flaws
>>what are attachments
they're pretty helpful for some mini bosses, but they're the only new thing in the game.
I've just reached the castle where I assume I can take multiple paths and I'm so bored of this game right now
I think mostly I'm sick to death of ugly fucking Japanese houses and temples, the setting for this game is so repetitive so far, as I suspected it would be. I seriously hope it changes soon
I miss weapon variety and armour. I'm sick of the katana, and I'm sick of the drab looking outfit you have to wear the entire game
The best thing I can say about the combat is the posture system is really fun on normal enemies, but feels stupid on bosses; like I'm constantly chipping at an invisible shield that suddenly breaks and they die, they're less of a fight and more of an endurance test
Also where the fuck is the quick bar that was present by pressing select in bloodborne and DaS3, this game really fucking needs that. I keep getting bombarded by consumables with no quick slots to put them in, and pausing to use shit is gay
It's 2019 why the fuck doesn't this have windowed fullscreen?
Honestly I had the problem with level design two. It's like you'll get to a fork in the road and in your mind they're two paths each with their own challenges and rewards but they actually rejoin each other like 20 yards down the way.
i've been getting filtered by jizuo more than anything else right now and i've heard the boss later in the level is even worse
>>in fact now I think about it every single one has been a real pain in the ass and not enjoyable at all
Fucking this man. Like the game's alright I guess but at least the earlier bosses in Dark souls 2/3 were fun to fight. I'm also getting tired of the one weapon katana already the shinobi tools arent enough
>save the samurai NPC man in the drunkard fight
>he just dies for no reason immediately afterwards
But people love BB and it's got no fucking weapons and pointless outfits.
Kino boss fight
I'm playing on low settings in 600P with my RX560 and an I52200k. I'm getting 12-18fp. The hardest part isn't even the fps, it's the resolution is so low I cant tell what enemy times people are from a distance and parrying is hard to see.
The Samurai and Ninja period era was a hard time. As an American of partly Japanese descent I have to say I have never been as immersed into a game as I am now.
Git ___
if you you stealth he regains his HP retard
more like MGR really right down to the super simplistic stealth kills
What happens if you don't die to the guy that cuts off your arm?
It really does just have insane difficulty spikes, I feel like I'll spend an hour leaping around bamham assassinating enemies and then one shotting all these trash guys with a single parry but then some random shit like the fire bull comes out of nowhere to ruin my day.
do yourself a solid and use ctrl+s if you have 4chanx installed the next time you try using spoiler tags
Bloodborne had very repetitive environments, unfortunately
I've enjoyed every boss so far and they've all been pretty memorable for me. My favorite was double teaming Juzou, curb stomping the spear of the Shinobi Hunter, desimating the Ogre with fire, perfectly parrying the chain attack of the general then laying into him for the kill, and perfectly parrying the horse guy's wide sweeping attack.
Also I like pouncing on people in the air or jumping over their sword to kick them in the face then roll them to the ground with a sword in their neck.
>level design two
Fuck I'm bad at English, please forgive me. Or talk to me in Arabic
>muh souls
>muh bb
opinion discarded post hidden
Japanese developers are by law not allowed to make the dame system twice or they get executed.
Its gourd, like your healing one, but for burns. So you don't run out of anti-burn stuff
he cuts it off anyway
Am I suppose to do the snake shit first, because I'm getting fucking pounded by him.
I wish I could be as proud as you at being an ignorant scrub with an autopilot brain.
I always forget about this.
How do I kill that curse faggot in the bottomless hole area?
seriously lmao? i was worried i fucked up by letting him die in the fight itself
I didn't the horse path is fucking easy so far
im not, thats why they lied
It didn't. What it had was a consistent theme, which is only natural. Every place felt distinct. In sekiro everything just feels the fucking same because they are ACTUALLY copypasting environments throughout the game. Take that exact same fucking tree branch you can hookshot to for instance. There is probably a thousand of them in the game.
You're meant to do the abandoned dungeon and then senpou temple first.
I don't get the irrational hatred for this game on Yea Forums. It's easily the best Assassin's Creed.
The bull is easy, just run behind him and hit him as you go. The bull will fuck you up if he charges at you, and only has a left/right attack - no rear attack.
throughout DS1,DS3,DS2,Nioh and DeS I've never died to a boss as many times as this FUCKING BULL
Thank God japs aren't creativeless hacks. Don't worry you'll get to play the same game again with doom eternal
The bull was hard as fuck until I realised I could run with B. Then you just chase him and shank him in the dick when he goes for a turn.
>Assassin's Creed
FUCK that's what this game was reminding me of. I swear this just plays like a harder AC with worse checkpoints and less worthless missions.
Just ragequit the game after fighting shadow the edgehog in the tutorial well
This camera is insanely bad, how the fuck did they think it was a good idea
Oh I did that already. The last thing I did was get the Mortal Blade and as far as I can tell the only places I can go are Sunken Valley and some sort of well from the start of the game that I haven't found yet.
>waaaa stop ruining the illusion oh mah h4rdc04r gaym waaaaa
lmao, imagine being this bad at noticing the limitations of piss poor games. This shit is like being surprised at those off-looking bright walls in looney tunes cartoons that break/explode. It's obvious as fuck to anyone who has any modicrum of experience with video games and a normal functioning brain.
If that were the case then the entire Game Freak team would've been murdered after the second pokemon game
Literally Dark Souls 2-2.
game seems like a blunder* to be, it feels like a good 8/10 tenchu game but not souls quality at all. What i dislike the most is how generic it is, the jumping, stealth, hookshot etc etc is very uninspired game design even if it's done competently. I feel like I'm playing assassins creed or some garbage if it wasn't total shit.
Bloodborne all you do is shoot or R2 and it's always the same visceral attack. How is Sekiro "dumbed down"?
i just realized you're supposed to dodge into enemies whenever the red moonrunes come up and the game got 5 times easier
What does the "unseen aid" do?
Whenever it pops up I suicide out of pride because I assume it's something that makes the game easier.
You you deaggro him he recover a pin
You have not played the game
it feels like a generic action game. The way you jumps feels like fucking jack and daxter or god of war 3 or some shit. The ledge walking and peeking and crouching and batman arkham aslyum hookshotting and shit.
>Spear mini boss after the bridge
Any tips for the one armed guy in the crypt you rise out of at the start of the game?
It has that cheap AA feel that Nioh did when it first came out
You lose less xp and money when you die next time
So where is the flamethrower?
Yeah it plays nothing like ac
>It has that cheap AA feel that Nioh did when it first came out
i miss this feeling
i5 2200k? Hwat
You can easily stealth kill his first bar, then use thrust counter skill for the second
Yeah I beat him a while ago, it just feels like this game gets me into autopilot with all these trash enemies and then one of these mini-bosses shows up and I've just been mashing shit and doing "stealth" for the past half hour and it takes me a few deaths to stop being retarded. Its like I'm swapping between two entirely different games.
The parry symbol covering the fucking boss is getting really old
Seems like a dumb inclusion but I keep suiciding whenever it pops up.
>Blazing Bull
I get that there's no fucking stamina but holy shit son, calm the fuck down, what is this shit I beat the Orphan of Kos and the Nameless King I don't need this shit, I'm going home
You can drop on him for a free kill, then it's a trivial fight where you just dodge his kicks and stab him. If that's too hard for you just get the firecrackers and stunlock him.
Parrying literally destroys him.
>souls quality
Kill yourself. Also sekiro has way better gameplay than any souls game, sorry you can't summon your squad for every boss.
Their story line is paused until you cure them. That's it. They don't die.
Haven't read the thread, but guaranteed there's
>this game is easy
>lol you struggling with THAT?
>git gud nub
comments galore. You're not impressing OR convincing anybody retards.
What is a quality post? It's literally the truth.
have you fought the old lady yet?
Deflect his sword attacks
Stagger him during his drinking animation
Only attack I haven't figured out is the open palm smack. No matter when I dodge, it always seems to hit me. Do I need to run away?
Level design is good, but it isn't clearly the point of the game like in previous games. This game is about the stealth and especially the combat.
yes, there's fucked up demonic parasites and stuff
Nioh wasn't filled with game design tropes. It was a souls game with better combat and worse level design. Sekiro even has the fucking thing you throw to distract the guards, skill trees and everything else I mentioned. infact the way it use copies some dark souls controls/mechanics like r1 to attack and r3 to target is just copying a more modern game design trend souls established. It's exactly like the old "how game design trends ruin games" video superbunnyhop made a while back. The game is uninspired as hell.
low IQ shill
They removed RPG elements and gear upgrades.
So you dont get stronger the more you play you just get better at the game.
sorry it's an I5 2500k. mostly getting stable 18fps.
There is, but not galore.
lol souls fags are so fucking mad that the series is over, please fuck off. None of you like vidya, jap, or action games. You're just a bunch of cucks who jumped on the souls bandwagon and now never shut the fuck up about it. Unironically those local dweebs you hear sniveling about how dark souls is the greatest genre all the time
i feel like this shouldn't be rattling my autism this hard but the vignette that shows up whenever you're stealthing literally looks like some dumb gook scribbled on the edges of the screen with a black paint brush and applied gaussian blur in photoshop
>souls voicework
>sounds like they got random nobodies to mumble at the mic across the room
>took a million tries, but I finally beat old lady
jesus christ, half of the attempts were spent sying to sweep attacks that I ALWAYS forget to jump in time, the other half were spent dying in two hits due to dumb shit I did like keep jumping away instead of jump towards.
Souls and Bloodborne muscle memory is killing me. By the way, while the mobs are much easier to deal with due to stealth and parry, the mini-bosses(except the standard samurai) and bosses are brutal.
>he thinks those are bosses
haha, wait til you see the actual bosses, those were mini bosses
18fps is better than on my PS4pro.
>the game is about the stealth
is it though
maybe it changes later but so far after killing butterfly and horse rider man '''stealth''' is pretty much just instantly kill anyone that isn't in a group and if people are in a group then instantly kill one and then fight the rest (or kill one and then deaggro and pick them off if you're a little bitch)
Reminds me when I visited my little brother and saw him playing Bioshock Infinite on his crappy computer and it was a literal slideshow. Some gamers have it rough. How do you even cope?
stop shilling this genuinely mediocre game. sorry people are killing your juvenile hype.
>sprint behind him
>double attack
>double dodge
>double attack
how to beat the bull
You get stronger by beating bosses and minibosses as those give you shit to upgrade your health, posture and attack
horse guy is the first and only boss you've fought, the rest are mini bosses.
you actually get stronger, you upgrade attack power, vitality and parry bar.
low IQ shitposter who hasn't played it
There may be something wrong with your system m8. Rx560 + i5 2500k should be able to run this game better than that.
Ive never been stuck on any boss for 3 hours, how fucking bad are you
>literal video evidence
>b-b-but it's a lie!
Firecrackers stun all animals, including the bull, use it
Honestly souls games have been like AA except for BB which is the exceptional. Fromsoftware just came back to the old state when they had been making mediocre games like Armored cores.
The game is great and has awesome gameplay, most are saying the same. You're convincing nobody you faggot. Go play souls queer.
its not hard
just really stupid
we're back at moves tracking outrageously again
>go against an enemy
>he does an overhead swing
>dodge to the right
>literally pivots 90 degrees and connects the hit
I made a midrange PC for witcher 2 back in the day. I mainly buy new games on PS4 but this had no denuvo so I decided to pirate it as a sort of demo. I'm not very impressed desu (but still think the game is worth playing) and am willing to wait for a price drop. I'll probably pick up resident evil 2 remake on sale before I get this. I really should just spend 300$ on a decent graphics card and pirate more stuff but my CPU is shit and I don't want to spend the cash to upgrade that as well.
Get the Mikiri Counter useful for dealing with thrusting attacks
dodged too early mate, also
>dodging overhead swing instead of parrying
It's trendy to hate on souls. NPC platinum club member shit. People aren't unimpressed because the game isn't a souls game, they are unimpressed because it's filled with generic ubisoft tier gameplay tropes.
Well maybe you should've pressed red when simon says flashed red. Good videogame.
I know they're mini-bosses that's how far I've gotten
i miss one pearl to upgrade miniboses hard af
>sometimes moves track
>sometimes it doesn't
>if you jump behind the person, he does a 180 and still hits or sometimes he just does the animation without moving
I don't understand
I have 8gb ram, any suggestions to get it running better? The only other thing i'm running is ds4windows and steam big picture I believe. I'm on windows 7.
I'd love to get 30fps in 720P
The game is just pretty dull. Fighting a boss just becomes tedious when you need to kill his little gaggle of friends that respawn each time. I don't even see that as 'hard', it's just busywork. Each time I've killed a boss or mini-boss I'm getting zero levels of accomplishment out of it. It's just a slog of a game.
Anyone else feel like they have took the difficulty thing too far? I beat all the souls games and BB and this whole game feels like a souls or BB dlc in terms of difficulty. And yes I am a sword and board tank faggot in souls so I’m shit at parrying but fuck me this game is ridiculous. I’m at the gun fort and this centipede guy is a joke. I have never felt so mixed about a from software game in my life.
Everyone who has trouble with the ogre boss; Don't ever press step dodge because it doesn't work. Might as well unbind it so you don't accidentally press the button and die.
they lied dude its not easier than souls games.
This guy? EXTREME patience whittling down his health, and when he does his massive AOE send everything shitstorm get out of line of sight on that pillar and wait it out. Everything else is sprinting to avoid and getting what you can.
No it's trendy for lame asses such as yourself to dickride dark souls, nothing is allowed to be different. The only thing this game has in common with any ubisoft game is that you can assassinate, which is actually a good thing. Stealth options make the game better. You've got shit taste, dark souls has been all downhill since the first so quit putting it on a pedestal constantly. Sekiro gameplay is far better.
lone shadow swordsman is a fucking meme, the room is so fucking tiny
Great game.
It's really fucking hard to get used to the combat, it's nothing like souls and you can't just abuse iframes to win. The game gives you a ton of mobility but you'll get utterly rekt unless you learn to deflect or time your dodges perfectly, the enemies have delayed and tracking attacks that are specifically designed to punish dodge spam.
I can see people can't bitch about the game being easy or casualised so they just claim it's boring, but I already find it much much better than DS3, easily their best game since Bloodborne.
>nothing is allowed to be different
>sekiro is literally a generic stealth action game with button tutorials
you just have shit taste and are scared by people ruining your "hype" if you like a bad game it means you are stupid, so the game must be perfect.
How could anyone think Blazing Bull is a good bossfight
lmao soulfags have been dead set on shitposting sekiro since the day it got announced, honestly the worst fanbase in gaming and it isn't even close.
The crazy motherfuckers actually made a button on the controller a mimic! Fucking step dodge button man.
>This trash makes Nioh look high profile in comparison
Nioh was amazing. Is this supposed to be an insult or something?
They created the game that faggot elitists said they wanted. They went into this game clearly with the mentality of "Make this hard" rather than "Make this mechanically sound" or "Make this rewarding and fun". This is evident very early on with the Mounted Spear General. As a player you see him and can take a reasoned guess that his attacks will involve charges, sweeping motions and thrusts...then know how to plan your attack to be ready for this stuff. The fight eventually becomes an Anime meme fight with the guy multi-track drifting his horse, 360 degree boomeranging his spear and standing on his horse as he attempts to harpoon you.
You can actually see where the devs went "And now make this fight harder".