Post those opinions Yea Forums would crucify you for.
Post those opinions Yea Forums would crucify you for
Undertale is in the top 10 greatest games ever made.
gen 5 was the best Pokemon generation
I like videogames
I don't care about politics
1. Kojima is a fucking hack through and through. He hasn't made anything good in over a decade and his 3deep5u cinematic experiences are embarrassing, only shilled by his extremely rabid fanbase who would buy his canned farts if they could.
2. Pokémon peaked with B2W2.
3. Nier Automata is a mediocre game that no one would give two shits about if it wasn't for the ultimate fapbait 2B.
4. Witcher games are nowhere near as good as Yea Forums would have you believe. Above all the combat is fucking trash.
5. Persona is infinitely inferior to Shin Megami Tensei.
I liked the latest wolfenstein
WoW was never good.
>Thread about unpopular opinions
>Posts the most popular opinion possible
waifufagging is killing every hope that you can have a proper game related discussion on Yea Forums
fanservice censorship is irrelevant
user, read the op again
Yea Forums hates popular opinions
hitler was wrong
The wrong side won WW2.
I don't mind having non-whites in video games and I don't think they make a game bad.
people sperging out about /pol/ are actually a greater blight on Yea Forums than actual poltards
whining about /pol/ is so rampant and numerous it just shits up everything, if people would just stop getting triggered/baited by some /pol/ LARPer shitposting it would make the board a lot better
depends whether you blame the spark or the fuel
I love grindy singleplayer JRPGs and think turn based combat is comfy
90% of political shitposts that I usually see are whining about /pol/
if everyone just ignored the obvious bait we'd be left with a handful of stupid posts instead of entire threads filled with stupid political shitflinging
Yeah thats fair.
Nioh is bullshit, I don't want to spend 20 hours learning a combat system, this could be because I am too old for vidya though
Walking Sims are just fine, they're more or less western visual novels
I like Fallout 4 and think it's a good game with the GOTY edition just not the main story/quest
Armored Core 1 > Armored Core 2 and is the only good game in the series
Clash Royale has been my favorite game for 3 years.
I hate consoles and everybody who has born in 2000s.
Bisexuals are shit tier.
I enjoyed call of duty a lot. It might not be innovative or challenging but its very mechanically sound.
There is no reason to buy a nintendo console over a playstation.
Turn-based combat is the definitive RPG combat style and all franchises that once had it need to permanently return to it. Yes, Fallout too.
I like skyrim, and think it can be a stupid fun time
I enjoy Overwatch League and watch it regularly.
I will gladly pay money and put up with a game with horrible gameplay just for anime tiddies
Sonic Adventure 1 > Sonic Adventure 2
>mgs 4 is one of the worst triple a video games ever made
>from soft hasn't made a great game since dark souls 1 and demon's souls is still their best game
>saints row has always been shit. 3 and 4 are about as terrible as those mid-late 2000's "parody" movies in terms of comedic value
>silent hill 3 > 2
>EVERY game should be cel-shaded
>bioshock infinite is the worst in the series and only remains relevant because of elizabeth's knockers
>bioshock 2 is one of the best shooters of the previous gen
>battle royale games aren't bad
>condemned was a bit shit
and most controversially,
>as long as the game is cool, i do not care about the politics behind it or the people who made it
>bioshock infinite is the worst in the series and only remains relevant because of elizabeth's knockers
>bioshock 2 is one of the best shooters of the previous gen
I absolutely agree with these
The Souls series is of extremely low quality and everything it does is done better by countless other games, especially the combat. And yes, I'm referring to the trial and error combat, the exploration, the story, the graphics, the atmosphere, the music, the characters, the unfinished areas, the on-disc DLC, the rampant bugs, poor networking, denuvo in later installments. It is just underwhelming from start to finish.
Why did you list facts?
All of these opinions except Condemned being shit are wrong, and most of the games you thought were cel-shaded actually weren't.
vast majority of jrpgs are bad
JRPGs belong in the trash along with their fans.
NBA 2k19 is my goty
Valve was never good and was always a shit tier company. Half Life is a mediocre genre that got praise for innovation while many other games with the same features existed at the time. Valve is basically Apple of vidya. Take something, market the shit out of it and most of your userbase are faggots. Not to mention that the fat fuck popularized DLC and micro-transactions as a common thing nowadays, because of those stupid TF2 cosmetics.
The same company conspired with Todd "Prince of lies" Howard to make payed mods on Steam, picture related. They had such a bit backlash that they needed to give people the option to refund their games. A BASIC FUCKING FEATURE.
AND OF FUCKING COURSE, you can't say anything bad about this greedy fat fuck without his dick sucking brigade coming to the rescue, furthering the notion that gayben drones are cocksucking faggots.
>inb4 epic shill
Enjoy gayben's dick, maybe you'll get a good game in the next decade
Nobody actually defends Epic because Yea Forums popularized ironic shitposting to insane levels
Despite Hitman 2 being my last year's goty, Spiderman and Nugod of war were close seconds
This ranking is based on the fact I played only these 3 new games last year, I just emulate most of the time
my man. i forgot to mention the other thing that makes bioshock infinite relevant is brainlets thinking the story is deep because its "meta" which is a pet peeve of mine. meta =/= deep
i'm not saying i thought most games were cel shading i'm just saying it looks better and ages better than every other art style.
CS:GO has the best gunplay of all FPS games, rewarding considerate weapon handling instead of spoiling down to a "who starts shooting first" competition
big tiddy men > women
This. Walking sims are visual novels done right
>RNG sprays in your path
Nothing personal, kurwa
What I'm saying is that the artstyles that are presented as good examples of cel-shading are in fact not actually cel-shading and are made using different techniques entirely.
I like MLP and cute stuff in general.
I love cats.
I fucking love sword fighters in smash and the game is criminally lacking in them. With only about 7-9 pure ones and two of them being shitty uninteresting clones.
fuck steam, fuck epic, fuck intrusive DRM, ripoff DLCs and fuck microtransactions