>big boss barely speaks
>one boss battle
>no interesting villains
>barely any cutscenes
>no going nuclear
>forever unfinished
It still hurts lads
>big boss barely speaks
>one boss battle
>no interesting villains
>barely any cutscenes
>no going nuclear
>forever unfinished
It still hurts lads
it was Kojima's fault, not Komani
100%. The whole vemon snake twist is retarded and really messed up the story.
The ending to snake eater is the perfect way to show why Big boss became a villain
>no david hayter
But it still had fun gameplay and ideas and concepts that go beyond most video games. I will not be forgetting this game any time soon that is fir sure. A half finished kojima game was more enjoyable to me than 90% of vidya. Also Kaz "Mcdonalds" miller makes the best hamburgers.
I think that hurts more. The gameplay is the best out of all the MGS games.
>>big boss barely speaks
So the player can self-insert, tying into the entire "Big Boss is YOU" thing. It was done rather poorly though considering Boss was already an established character so his silence seems confusing.
>>one boss battle
Did people really ever like these, anyways?
>shoot rocket
>repeat 10 times
How engaging and strategic.
>>no interesting villains
Skull Face, the parasite unit, Huey and Big Boss.
>>barely any cutscenes
You're kidding? The game is still full of cutscenes compared to almost any other game. Why not watch a movie if you'd like to not actually play a game? PS3s are pretty cheap now.
>>no going nuclear
Just because you don't get to watch a little movie about Venom Snake writhing in mud and screaming at the sky doesn't mean you can't go nuclear-- there's Demon Snake and plenty of lethal options.
>>forever unfinished
By what metric? Kojima could have had 20 more years to develop the game and that Eli mission still would have been cut, the devs have said so themselves. It resembles Skull Face's mission far too much anyways.
TV shows that need a proper game
I can understand the motivation behind the Venom Snake twist, to explain why Big Boss doesn't die in the 1st Metal Gear, but still I think MGS5 is the worst or 2nd worst for unrelated reasons.
You are right, but I would say there are 3 bosses.
Quiet, Eliquid, Sally. The first two are just easily cheesable.
Big Boss was never intended to be a self-insert, look at MGS3. Also people LOVED the boss fights. The Boss, Liquid Snake, Liquid Ocelot, Metal Gear Rex VS Ray, Vamp and Psycho Mantis are some of the best bosses ever. Skull Face wasn't a bad villain, but I liked other villains like Liquid Snake better.
There's quite the leap from
>becoming disenfranchised and losing faith in your superiors
>crazed private military warlord threatening the entire planet with nuclear holocaust and perpetual self-serving conflict
so just a little elaboration in between was welcome.
Only half of it.
Kojima develops the game for too damn long
Konami for pulling the plug halfway through.
Halfway through MGSV I bought the HD collection and played MGS1-4, but not PO and PW since I have hundreds of hours in each on my PSP. I also had probably 40 hours in Ground Zeroes on the PC and to this day MGSV is hands down my favorite MGS and I don't give a shit what some faggots on Yea Forums think.
Its a damn good 9/10 game obviously
But you can tell the story feels unfinished.
Reminder Chapter 3 is never ever
embrace it
it'll never go away
A 2/3rds finished kojima game was still incredibly enjoyable for me and better than almost all other vidya that year.
The problem is that MGS V doesn't get Big Boss to that point either
Imagine it if Konami not being an ass an actually lets Kojima finished the game
Goddamn, we are so close for getting an actual 15/10 allgod tier video games.
good thing undertale released soon afterward and btfo’d this game
Comes to something when GZ can be considered the better game because you can see the original vision was still there at that point.
>it'll never go away
>Almost like a phantom pain
Holy shit. We've been had
I think that was the point. You would play the "phantom" essentially doing what you want and how you want it (you the player have control), without affecting the established character of BB who has a canon story to follow. It was a neat idea, but I think poorly implemented.
I bet Chapter 4 is even in Kojima plan if MGSV actually finished
the gameplay is rock solid. the amount of creativity in how many ways there are to solve any given problem is comparable to deus ex.
fuck storyfags, this is the best game in the series besides MGS3
Apparently it does, because it shows he became an asshole that let others clean up his mess and betrayed the trust they had in him. Or so I've heard from fans that dig everything they can to justify this retarded twist. Ultimetaly we followed a story that had almost to no bearing in the canon, with characters that weren't even mentioned once in later games (or prior) all for the sake of "you are a phantom" and subversion I guess.
Because the "theme" of the game was you can never be big boss no matter how hard you try.
It’s beem years and I can still feel the burn after beating it. 60 dollars down the drain
But we were him already in two previous games
Why Quiet betreyed XOF unit and skullface?
Technically the game cleared up why Big Boss was still alive in MG2. But yeah, having an entire game to explain that seemingy minor point in the grand scheme of things is stupid.
Well it certainly failed. Fuck it, I'm beginning to think BiBo was just some lucky bastard since everyone is above him, even some wannabe brainwashed medic.
Yeah but kojima wanted "deep themes" about the relationship between protagonist and the player AND the player character. It was poorly done but i will be damned if he did not try.
>play nonlethally
>disarm the world’s nukes
>do enough to win the Nobel peace prize 5 times over for your innovative non lethal techniques that saved thousands of lives
>still become a super villain in msg
It doesn’t make sense, who even plays lethally? 99% of the guns in this game are worthless and contribute towards making your character permanently bloody. It’s always better to steal guys, you just dismiss them if they suck anyway and you always have infinite Fulton’s. What does big boss ever do bad besides torture skull face? If you play this game optimally big boss (venom) is actually a really good guy. He was even tearing up over killing his own men, could have used that opportunity to turn him into a cold killer or something but no. Just that stupid blank expression while he goes on to be a perfect goodie-two-shoes
Because venom showed her that being a merc was ten times more fun then some xof grunt
Solid snake would have agreed with you, but bibo no longer cares. I think that is what kojima was up to. Not trying to say it was well done, but there were good ideas in this game that I still think about.
Kojima wanted you to have that choice while still having bibo be canon ending. That was the theme of the game.
This. Playing lethally is just wasting resources. Folton those muthafuckas
>retarded ai
>repetitive gameplay
>but it’s still addicting to play
Man...why? Is it because the gameplay is so smooth especially for a mgs game? It looks great on ultra/high settings, I really like the lighting at night. I wish the ai were “smarter”. Everyone just stands, walks around, hears a noise reports it, blah blah blah. Why weren’t towns full of npc’s, not necessarily enemies but villagers that you could interact with (e.g. sell weapons and items.). Liberate towns, villagers would idolize you, feel like an actual legend. I don’t know but it lacks many elements that would’ve made this game amazing. Fuck kojima, nigger should just be a b movie director
Fulton ruins the game. Not just because it makes it easy and streamlined the gameplay to being a giant scavenger hunt, but because it also eliminates the need for the whole “hiding bodies” technique. This game desperately needs a subsistence mode for the entire campaign so I can play the whole story with no motherbase support, just whatever I find. THAT would be a good game. Imagine finding a rocket launcher in free roam and thinking “oh shit I can use this on the next mission” or “oh shit I need to go find something before the next mission” like the feel mgs3 had. The forced motherbase integration means you never feel like a survivalist trying to tooth and claw through Afghanistan, that’s more fun. The two subsistence missions in the game are the best missions in the game. Sometimes I think that was the original plan but they scrapped it to pad out more repeat missions instead of having a “subsistence” and “extreme” setting for all the missions.
I was disappointed at the end I knew something was off but I thought I was still playing as the same Naked Snake from 3, it dulls the impact of moments with Paz and the Boss AI after finding out the truth.
It's to explain why Big Boss was alive in MG2. That said, I think it was executed very badly.
>4 years whining about the same shit and making threads daily about a has-been franchise with a terrible story
I deeply believe the MGS fanbase is, by far, the most autistic in Yea Forums
Mods should ban all MGS discussion, the threads are spam at this point.
I’ve never even played metal gear 1/2
I didn’t even know they existed until after I had played the whole rest of the series. I always thought mgs1 was the first mg game
You've never felt the loss of a game franchise that you love user. Everyday knowing it'll never be finished properly. I envy you
Big Boss (Venom) is the final boss of the first MG then in MG2 you fight Big Boss (Naked) and he goes into the coma until MGS4
I did, I liked MGS, I was dissapointed over MGSV, but I got over it, and due to the autistic fanbase and their incesant whining for 4 years i'm starting to hate it.
>Ocelot wasn't a gun twirling, trick shooting, SAA wielding, torture loving, manipulating, back stabbing asshole.
How did they get his character so wrong?
I get it, I still don't think he executed it well or was even necessary to have this game to explain it. All it did was create more plotholes, contradictions and conclusions that you yourself have to reach or interpret because the game doesn't provide enough.
Fuck, it truly is a phantom pain.
Fucking THIS!
Sometimes I think kojima did not want to make this game at all, started it, got into it, and then had it cancelled.
Sounds like you're not over it user
That's actually not like a phantom pain
I am, I accepted that MGSV is garbage, and now i'm starting to hate the fanbase for being autistic.
And i'm also starting to see flaws in the older games.
MGS wasn't that good and the fanbase was way too autistic.
He was torture loving and manipulative. He's the one who wants Quiet to live despite Kaz screeching and her being a major security threat
Well now I know why he likes bibo so much. He pretty much gave us an unfinished game with a weak story, and he still was given an award and was even painted as a victim because of the way Konami treated him.
I think Kojima just didn't get to make the game he wanted exactly. He had free reign on MGS4 and it feels alot different than 5. Konami made him make it multiplat and more like Peace Walker instead of the traditional main series.
>godtier gameplay and still 2015 goty
Luckily for me (not him but) I found splinter cell before I found metal gear solid, so I had already played a perfect stealth game in chaos theory before ever experiencing mgs. I played it and was fascinated with all the cool things you could do in metal gear that you couldn’t do in splinter cell: use a tranq gun, use CQC, hold up by pointing a gun at someone, camo options, a prone stance, food and survival/hunting, disguises,etc. however it also had all sorts of action movie shit that I didn’t really care for-boss fights, too many cutscenes and dialogue, trying too hard to be a movie, etc. I always thought of splinter cell as a true stealth game and mgs was more like a stealth-action game that had some stealth elements that I wish were in splinter cell. That being said splinter cell has always had a far superior multiplayer component and they can’t even be compared. For such an innovative single player experience it’s amazing to me that the multiplayer was soooooo damn generic. I’m sorry but spies vs mercs shits all over mgo deathmatch and chaos theory coop is the best coop campaign ever made.
So, I was never too connected to this series. It was that little brother of splinter cell that hadn’t gone through it’s “action/explosions” phase yet and was hampered by the immature action and story. Meanwhile I was totally immersed in Sam Fisher, felt like that guy had to save the world and get home before dinner to talk to his daughter about how school was that day.
Anyway I rambled but the point is, mgs was never close to my heart. When mgsv released I wasn’t surprised that it lacked focus and vision: the series never really had that to begin with it was always stupid as fuck. It can’t decide whether or not it’s an action game or whether or not the protagonist should be more like master chief. It was never the best at anything.
Were your expectations subverted?
fucking based