5 > SW 3 > 4 > 1 >>> reboot > 2
3 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 2 > reboot
3 > 1 > 4 = 2 = reboot
>Level design
1 > 3 > 4 > 5 > reboot = 2
5 > SW 3 > 4 > 1 >>> reboot > 2
3 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 2 > reboot
3 > 1 > 4 = 2 = reboot
>Level design
1 > 3 > 4 > 5 > reboot = 2
Other urls found in this thread:
didn't even look at it. opinion discarded.
Ignore anyone who doesn't list DMC1 as the best one in all categories
5 > The Rest
5 = 4 > 3 > 1 > reboot >2
3 > 5 > 1 = 4 > 2 >>>>>> reboot
3 = 1 > 5 > 4 > reboot > 2
>Level design
5 > 3 = 1 = 4 > reboot > 2
>Level Design
Where's the music ranking for DMC5? the full OST is out bro. I haven't finished listening to it all yet but I think the OST for 5 is right now definitely better than DmC and DMC4. Maybe even DMC1. I dunno it had some great tracks, but I feel like DMC4 has the weakest OST out of the OG games.
5 > 3 > 1 > Reboot > 4 > 2
3 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 2 > Reboot
1 > 2 > Reboot > 3 > 4 > 5
Level Design:
1 > 3 > Reboot > 5 > 4 > 2
Completely forgot about due to how unmemorable everything but devil trigger was.
4 at least has Dante's theme, Nero's theme and a lot of really nice ambient like fortuna castle and then it also has shall never surrender so 5 just loses this one.
3 > 1 > 4 = 2 > 5 > reboot
Replace this with "Combat".
Gameplay includes stuff like solving riddles, finding keys, hidden places and so on. And DMC 1 does that better than the others which are pretty much just combat.
Good taste
>2's OST that low/on par with the reboot
wtf are you guys smoking?
>Completely forgot about due to how unmemorable everything but devil trigger was.
Confirmed for being a shit-taste ADHD ridden normalfag
1 > 4 > 5 > 3 > 2
1 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 2
1 > 3 > 2 > 4 > 5
Level Design
1 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 2
DmC not listed because I never purchased this game because fuck NT.
Not him but all the gay not fun puzzles ruined 4 for me
This, there is more to these games than combat no matter what people say. Some people can just play bloody palace almost exclusively but if that's all DMC5 was most people would obviously be extremely dissapointed.
5 > 4 > 3 > 1 > DmC > 2
3 > 4 > 5 > 1 > 2 > DmC
3 > 4 > 1 > 5 > 2 > DmC
I despise whatever genre they used for 5 and I only like some 4 tracks. Charging for music was also total bullshit.
>Level design
1 > 3 > 5 > 4 > DmC > 2
3 > 5 > 1 > 2 > DmC
At least Argosax was decent. DmC can't even pull that. And I fucking hate 2.
>baby's first orchestrated tracks and zoomer tier battle themes
It can't hold a candle to older DMC games
I'd go with 3 by a little but 1 is a very close second.
There's nothing wrong with the story of 1, it just has bad VA
Fuck puzzles in DMC. They don't serve any purpose in an action game, anyone using that to put 1 over any superior light to any DMC game, even 2, is retarded.. At best, keys could be included since they do offer a sense of progression like 1 and 3 had.
3 also had better sense of progression than 1. But that's just me.
Based and good tasted
>baby's first orchestrated tracks and zoomer tier battle themes
motherfucker i'm a (training) classical musician and I still thing shit was bomb
I know, user. It's still pretty basic and the execution had the jank of early Capcom.
>Having trouble with puzzles in a fucking dmc game
Imagine being this much of a brainlet
DMC1 and 3
>Enemies are tightly designed foes each with their own unique mechanics.
>Enemies are literally just walking sandbags for you to style on. They're all functionally identical apart from hitbox size. No unique mechanics and they barely attack you
Based and redpilled.
>i'm a (training) classical musician
okay beethoven, I know you feel really special about starting your ""training"" last week but that doesn't magically give you good taste in music.
I honestly can't see how someone can prefer DMC1 over 5.
Blame the faggots who couldn't git gud and started complaining about "gimmicky enemies" that weren't sandbags.
>good taste in music
I said nothing to the effect, just that babbys first is inaccurate.
>ranking 3 over 4 in gameplay
You nostalgiafags make me fucking sick.
>it's inconceivable that one would give overall gameplay 1 to DMC and combat 1 to DMC 3 or some other game
Is being a moron your job? You're good at it. I'm sure you're in for a pay rise soon.
Literally no one who started playing DMC before 5 gave 2 shit about the music outside of devil trigger.
It's the weakest part of the game alongside the boring level design.
5 > 1 > 3 > 4 > DmC > 2
3 > 1 > 4 > 5 > DmC > 2
1 > 2 > 3 > DmC > 5 > 4
>Level design
1 > 3 > DmC > 5 > 4 > 2
t. nerocuck
5 > 3 > 4 > 1 > 2
3 > 5 > 1 = 4 > 2 >>>>>>>>>>> DmC
3 > 5 > 1 = 4 = 2 >>>>>>>>>>> DmC
>Level design
5 > 3 > 4 > 1 > 2
DMC5 has the best OST in the series.
>long boring hallways with zero visual theme variation
>best in the series
It has good menu music. Most battle themes are trash. There's a few standouts like Cavaliere Angelo, Urizen 3, and Nero and V's general themes, but for the most part they're pretty bleh. Nico's theme is the best track in the game.
Yikes, even 4 had a way better divinity statue theme
i liked them man
DmC actually had a pretty decent OST, all things considered.
>Most battle themes are trash
Nope, almost all of them are great and fit the tone of the fight perfectly. With the exception of the Cerberus theme maybe.
It's a mixed bag. A lot of it is really cringy and lame, but there's definitely a few bangers in there too. Honestly, 1, 2, and 3 are the only DMC games with consistently good soundtracks, and unfortunately 3 has a bad main battle theme for two-thirds of the game.
>Nidhogg's theme
My nigga
They are really really weak compared to the other DMC games.
>this is considered good
I guess I'm just getting old.
Dante plays better in 4 because you can switch styles with the D-pad, but DMC3 overall has better gameplay because the Devil Arms are better in it (Lucifer is one of the best DAs in the whole series but I didn't love Gilgamesh, and 3 has a higher number of DAs and all of them are some of the best in the series) and the bosses are better. Not that I didn't like DMC4's bosses, like Berial, Credo or The Savior, but I think 3 had some of the best bosses in any video game.
I've been playing DMC since the very beginning. DMC5 has the strongest OST in the series hands down.
I'm still mad they didn't bring Angi and Rudra back.
Instead we got 3 rebellion skins and dumb ez modo phantom summon swords.
Balrog > Gilgamesh > beowulf >= ifrit
Gilg had amazing moveset with charges
Post your original PS2 copy of DMC1 or 3 with a timestamp.
Lucia will use them in DLC.
>4 ost beneath DmC
I don't think Gilgamesh was BAD, don't get me wrong, just that it wasn't one of my favorites. Beowulf or is my favorite Devil Arm in the series, unless you count Yamato in the Special Edition.
>Get to a Divinity Statue in 5
>Here comes that sweet heavenly choir music
>mfw its not there
Guess I only have Artemis's theme to fill that female choir void.
Honestly I think a lot of the reason people shit on 4's soundtrack is because of that Lock & Load remix. It's one of the worst tracks in the franchise and you have to hear it all the time. I will never forgive them for fucking up Lock & Load like that.
Beowulf or Agni and Rudra*
Fun fact: Yamato is not actually a Devil Arm.
still better than subhuman any day
You know what I meant though.
I unironically agree. Overall 5 has more good tracks than the other DMCs.
I don't know. They're both garbage, but at least Subhuman is unique garbage and not a bastardization of a wonderful classic.
shoo shoo zoomer
Not the Michael Barr version. Getting an S rank and having the chorus play gets me hard everytime.
Here you go faggot.
Because it's the weakest one. Shall Never Surrender is a bad song.
Yeah. I know it's pedantic, but you're gonna get corrected every time by someone.
Then what is it?
That's why I included "unless you count" because of that technicality.
How can you have such an awful taste after being exposed to so much good shit?
Serious question.
get that price sticker off that dmc3se copy, my dude
There are people who thought that DmC has bad gameplay
You fucking morons.
It's literally just a magic hell sword. There's no devil named Yamato.
The only people that think DmC's gameplay is BAD never played it, but it certainly doesn't stack up to any of the others (2 excluded.) Plus, there's too many long, boring platforming segments.
Maybe he's not a nostalgia-goggle wearing cuck like you?
t. faggot who only played the enhanced edition
DmC vanilla was horrendous.
It created a lot of stuff. Sure 5 is cool and new but 1 is better in almost every aspect once you can compare them objectively. The only thing 5 does so much better is having long as fuck combos and movement, but once you get to play bloody palace and do as many combos as you like, then you may get bore of it (like almost everyone did on 4)
I find ShootieHG to be an incredibly overrated composer, the music in DMC3 and 4 were well received because nu-metal was very popular back around DMC3 and 4's release.
The best tracks in DMC3 and 4 are all the instrumental ones, such as Vergil Battle Theme 2.
To be fair, you've got me there. I did only play the re-release.
Or maybe you're just a terminal tasteless faggot
whats even the point of your last 2 posts other than screaming like a retard about some anons opinion, kill thyself
>the music in DMC3 and 4 were well received because nu-metal was very popular back around DMC3 and 4's release.
But you're wrong, the best tracks are not even nu-metal
What's even the point of your posts other than throwing a tantrum over people trying to correct your shitty contrarianism? kys
2's OST is really underrated
Why are those so yellow?
>Enemies are literally just walking sandbags for you to style on
That describes 4 but definitely not 5
EU covers.
The battle themes are kind of monotonous, but the background themes are quite good.
WHAT IF the next DMC game saw the return of puzzles and exploration but on subsequent playthroughs you could toggle an 'Action Mode' option which eliminated all of them and made it more linear and streamlined
Your memory of 4 is hazy. Most enemies in the game are annoying slippery cunts.
Can't disagree more regarding this battle theme, it's my favorite in the series.
If I don't want puzzles or platforming of any variation I just play Blood Palace, there's no need to gimp the single player experience to pander combo autism larpers.
If it was an unlock after beating the game, that would be fine. Like a speedrun mode. I actually wish 5 had something like that to chop off all the cutscene loading times.
Those are all fine, I just think DMC1, 2 and 5 all have stronger soundtracks.
Don't crap yourself crew-cut. Puzzles and other gimmicks are only fun for the first playthrough and don't belong in a true Character Action game.
1 maybe but 5 is the weakest in the series
5 > 3 > 4 > 1 > reboot > 2
3 > 5 > 4 > 1 > reboot > 2
5 > 3 > reboot > 4 > 1
Level design
1 > 3 > 4 > reboot > 5 > 2
puzzles and platforming make the game more interesting than just "run down this hallway to the next circular area while you listen to some character monologue"
I can replay 1 and 3 any day of the week because they actually try go give you something different every room, but 5 is just boring to replay. I'm here just waiting for bloody palace.
Wings of the Guardian is better. Makes a great battle theme for V in DMC5.
5 > 4 > 3 > 1 >>> reboot > 2
(mostly due to 3 having some really shit enemies and bosses)
3 > 5 > 4 > 1 > 2 > reboot
(1 bare has a fucking story)
3 > 5 > 1 > 4 = 2 = reboot
(I honestly find 5's music overall more memorable than 4 and I only played 1 once, and don't remember much of its music at all.
>Level design
1 > 3 > 5 > 4 > reboot = 2
(4 has some really shitty stretches of level design)
>5 > 3 > reboot > 4 > 1
Big Yikes
Sorry, I disagree. DMC5 has the best OST in the franchise, this is coming from somebody who dislikes Devil Trigger.
Naah it's just tedious BS with unnecessary backtracking.
>worst music
>2 music not even ranked
>Level Design
> 4 > 5
And the anime?
>literally no one
You're literally wrong. Consider all the people that were waiting for the soundtrack for things like the new Subhuman and Voltaic Black Knight. Also, the shop theme is fucking great.
You should replay 1 on Hard
C'mon man, 5 dropped the ball real hard with the zoomer music.
By that logic, anything that's not Bloody Palace is terrible for DMC.
You see, games are supposed to be a bit more than circular arenas, but if you truly believe that puzzles or platforming or different enviorements don't have a place in DMC then I don't see why anything that's not BP has any place in 5.
Bloody Palace doesn't have cutscenes or a mission based structure.
>You should replay 1 on Hard
I don't know, I just don't particularly enjoy its gameplay. Not saying it's bad (aside from a few actually bad parts like underwater shit) but it's not really my type.
What is the best individual song from a DMC game? My vote is Ultra Violet or the Vergil 3 theme.
I'm not sure how I feel about dynamic music for the main battle theme in 5, feels like the fights are over to quick for you to appreciate it. Granted I'm only on SoS, so maybe it works better on DMD
They tease you at the start of the fight with a few of the wub wub sounds from the old Cerberus theme, that's just cruel
5 >3 > 4 > DmC DE> 1 >>> DmC >>> 2
3 > 5 > 1 > 4 > DmC Mexican mod > 2
5 > 3 > 1 > 4 = 2 = DmC
>Level design
1 > 3 = 5 >>> DmC > 4 > 2
>Cutscene direction
3 >>>(dabs) >>>>> 4 > 5 > 1 > DmC > 2
Overall experience
5 >3 >>> 1 > DmC DE > 4 >>> DmC >>> 2
Flock Off or Super Ultra Violet.
I'll go with either Devils Never Cry or Pull My Devil Trigger.
The full version of Divine Hate.
It's so fucking good.
Nothing even comes close to Devils Never Cry, it's like it belongs in a different series where the devs had actual musical talent and good taste.
>5 > 3
stopped reading
No. The gameplay in dmc is just combat, the puzzles and platforming were always a detriment. I just replayed 4 last weekend. Holy fuck the Gyros were such a terrible idea. So was grim grip.
5 had a coherent through line for every environment, almost every one was unique for each level and they served the primary purpose of getting you from one fight to the next without a bunch of annoying platforming and other fluff in between.
For a game that actually recognizes that its strongest feature is its gameplay, it shows incredible restraint by the devs that the levels are straightforward and primarily serve that purpose. It's one of the best things about the game.
Devils never cry is literally the only good song in 3. It being the best song in the series doesn't excuse the rest of the shitty soundtrack, get some taste and a haircut you tasteless metalhead.
>If I can't meme about it in a webm its not level design
That's like saying a giant library isn't architecture just because its a big square room.
Come on. I agree 3's soundtrack is overrated in general, but it's not the only good song.
>wub wub shit eater trying to tell anyone about taste
LMAO get your sorry zoomer ass out of here kiddo.
Is there an efficient way to dodge this all the time? I can dodge it like 70% of the times, but the fight is too long and I usually end up making a mistake and die.
it's DMD
Back + Style with RG
Don't reply to shitposters
>almost every one was unique for each level
that's just a float out lie
>I don't like the opinion therefore they are shitposters.
I like your new approach, Barry. It's very subtle but I can tell it's still your because of the kindergartner thought process.
Go back to your discord you mentally ill tranny faggot
You're exaggerating 5 blandness.
Most levels are packed with secret areas, side challenges and easter eggs. There's also platforming sections, traps, hard to reach places and other shit. Fuck in Mission 11 there's even a hidden weapon.
People that have been saying the game is the most linear of the series are clearly just skipping all these stuff.
Besides I never got the "same environments" argument. This game is literally the most varied and diverse when it comes to locations. You have train station, plazas, church, library, sewers, sunken city parts, floating city parts, hotel, backstreets and alleys, cemetery, catacombs, Dante's Mansion, and even the Demon Tree is usually varied in it's environments (some parts resemble hellscapes, others huge caverns, there's the fleshy nest like locations and even the top of the tree).
This, it's why 4 is no fun to play. Not a single enemy in the game is enjoyable to fight. The Scarecrows are far too slow and easy and every other enemy in the game has some tedious way of dealing with it properly.
DMC5 did it right by having almost every enemy susceptible to the same stuff but attack and defend in unique ways. The only ones I don't like are the dual axe fuckers and Furies.
Not him but does ice age work? I used that to cheese mission 12 pretty hard. Fuck those tentacles.
>People that have been saying the game is the most linear of the series are clearly just skipping all these stuff.
Good level design is fluid and unfrustrating. Its a shame because by its very nature, brainlets won't acknowledge its existence.
>but I didn't even notice it!
That's the fucking point.
My only issues with 4 are even shittier puzzles than usual e.g. the gyros and really shitty bosses on the whole with garbage like the window fight.
>Devils never cry is literally the only good song in 3.
What about the Vergil 3 theme? I forget its name but I thought it was really good.
Fucking this. DMC5 has the best level design because it never gets in the way.
Are fucking braindead?
5 enemy design is the best in the series. It's 3 design on steroids.
Like in 3 the enemy rooster is diverse, every enemy is distinct from one another and every enemy has a different strategy to be defeated. Unlike 3 there are more unique types of enemies that the series still hadn't played with (the green empusas are a good example of this among others). There's more enemies on screen and of different types. Enemies have even more ways to punish the player (the Empusa Queen will become stronger the more damage she does to the player). And the enemy placement complements their weakness. Even looking at the few enemies from the other games they brought back (like the scissors, riots, hells) are much better designed and all possess new tricks up their sleeves.
Also enemies and bosses have different attacks on the higher difficulties (and are more aggressive). In the other games they only had larger health pools and damage output, plus Devil Trigger.
>Back + Style with RG
do you mean I can just RG that shit? I'll try that, thanks
Couldn't have said it better myself. All the brainlets not ranking 5 as having the best level design are absolute mouth-breathers.
As far as I know, none of the Vergil themes are named.
Blitz, Faust/Mephisto, Frost, Gladius, Chimera are all fucking shitty to fight. Frost is the least awful among those but the ice shield they do is an annoying slog in the middle of a fight. All of the bosses but Credo are awful.
The game saps the fun out of what should be great mechanics.
Reposting in a non dead thread.
>two characters
>both characters take up distinct halves of the game so you don't have to keep remembering how to play them every level
>know when you need to start saving orbs for the next character's upgrades
>3 characters
>randomly jump from character to character so you never get comfortable with one
I really hope the next game just lets you pick your dude at the start and you play them for the whole game, with maybe one or two unique character levels. It would make the coop more ubiquitous as a bonus. Also LAUNCH THE GAME WITH TURBO YOU FUCKS.
Actually, DMC1 enemies did have different attacks on higher difficulties. I'm glad they brought that back.
Here's a free truth bomb.
Nobody cares about turbo except for like 0.1% percent of the playerbase
Vergil 2 and Vergil 3 are also pretty good songs
I will agree a character select would have been preferable. Other than one or two Nero levels, the game seems ready for it. I feel like it's something that should have been unlocked after your first playthrough.
I only really had trouble with V since his levels are so sparse and really sprinkled in by comparison.
Best song in the game right here.
It's a little shit because of its obnoxious movement, but generally speaking people that hate this enemy are casuals that just don't know what to do.
Mephisto is a little too weak and is basically just a punching bag, but Fausts are fucking awesome. Among my favorite enemies in the franchise.
You're talking shit. One of the best enemies in the series.
These are fine. Kind of cool even when you're playing as Nero.
Yeah, these are garbo.
Not sure why you didn't mention Cutlasses, Basilisks, and Faults. They're actually the worst enemies in 4. Basilisks are tolerable as Nero, but absolute ass with everyone else. Cutlasses are shit no matter what, and Faults are conceptually the worst thing in the franchise.
In-game version is better than the OST one. Well, i'm also biased because i'm like Michael Barr and Volumes.
It's literally changing a few variables though. It's not like the game's logic is framerate based and they need to recode everything like they're making another SF2ST.
If I were you then I would jump cancel + Aerial Rave. Gain height to evade his attack while keeping my own attacks going.
And now you've really crossed the line.
Every single one of those enemies has a "hahaha you can't hit me" phase. gay bullshit. Im not saying you can't skillfully play against these foes, I just think its boring gay nonsense. I like 5 and 3's enemies better.
Name a single thing in the 3-4-5 what you can't RG.
i'll say its the best to cuz it also lets you skip all the bullshit.
>mission 8 lets you skip the balance fight if you reach the higher platform first
>mission 2 lets you skip the butcher knife guys if you manage to reach the end of the street without falling
>mission 12 lets you skip most of the blood pool shit if you are clever with cavalier
i feel like a smart little boy when i did 12 with cavalier
10. Don't Stand in My Way (Vergil Battle)
16. The Path to Power (Vergil Battle 2)
27. Rites of Passage (Vergil Battle 3)
from Devil May Cry Sound Box 2
05. The Encounter (Vergil Battle 1)
11. One More Game (Vergil Battle 2)
17. Blood on Blood (Vergil Battle 3)
from Devil May Cry 3 Sound DVD Book - Raising The Devil
What's that "Divergent" mode that got leaked through datamines? Supposedly you get it for beating Bloody Palace. Would it allow us to play as any character in any mission?
> and 3's enemies
Granted, but they die fast.
>Name a single thing in the 3-4-5 what you can't RG.
Is it possible to RG the spiders' web attack in 3? I'm not sure about that one.
The hardest moment in DMD playthrough for me was the mission 5 and the room with this shitters. I almost was at the point when i was about to use holy water.
>mission 12 lets you skip most of the blood pool shit if you are clever with cavalier
How does this work?
Is there anything DMC that comes close to the absolute music kino of Devil Never cry and the themes that share it's leitmotif?
Explain how the fuck DMC1 has a better story than 5.
>Trish is essentially a non-character and exists to be a plot macguffin to hamfist a theme into the game (same with Trish and Lady in DMC5, but if they were absent you nostalgia shitters would bitch even more because muh fanservice); V at least has a personality and a motive, as well as a mechanical reason to be there since he's playable
>Mundus is written as a buffoonish saturday morning villain and sends bosses at him one at a time, making him look really incompetent and non-threatening
>The cutscene direction, sound mixing, performances, and direction are all garbage. Yes, this shit counts as story. How a story is told is as important as what is being told. writing 101.
>Sparda is thematically supposed to be Dante's strongest tool yet it's less useful than Alastor and Ifrit as it lacks DT. Also, Dante entering the mansion with his dad's sword and then immediately shoving it up his ass so he can play with this new sword he just found lying around feels really poorly thought out
>The Vergil/Nelo Angelo 'plot' feels slapped on, like Nelo was originally just a warrior and someone thought "oh what if Dante has a brother. dude wouldn't that be so dramatic?"
>Overall the dialogue and localization is really weak; "Fill your dark soul with light" even without the voice crack is an elementary school tier line. "The sky is fair" is pure what the fuck.
DMC1 has shit plot. I might even rank it below DmC despite how unsubtle the game is and how rushed the Vergin fight is at least it takes the time to build characters up and has what resembles character development.
Subhuman 2.0 is fine and it's use in the dynamic music system is much better than Devil Trigger and to a lesser extent Crimson Cloud
>Dude DMC3 has the best ost in the series
>only 4 good songs
yeah, no.
Which 4? I'm curious.
Why did Eva tell Dante to run alone? Imagine if he didn't ditch Vergil then.
Puzzles can go fuck themselves. Exploration and progression would be pretty welcomed.
Except level design, 1 and 3 are better in that regard.
More concerning is why did Eva shut Dante in a closet while the house was on fire?
I can already name 5 without falling back to devil never cry and the other thenes that shares it's melody.
>Divine Hate
>Devils Never Cry
>Vergil 2
If you wanna be a super stickler about it then it's 5, since the intro to Cerberus is a different song on the OST. I played the game recently and those are the only songs I remember outside of being incredibly disappointed when I heard Lady's boss theme for the first time
The mission 18 remixes are such bangers. I smiled from ear to ear when Silent Siren played and then when it goes off it's just 10/10 boss music.
I hope in Bloody Palace Shadow is turned into a common enemy and we get to hear the song more than once.
>everyone likes Cerberus
I'm not saying it's worse than the garbo DMC5 King Cerb shit, but it's not one of the stronger tracks in 3 either.
5 > 3 > 4 > 1 > reboot > 2
5 = 3 > 1 > reboot > 4 > 2
The story in 4 didn't really do it for me, I guess I was hoping for Dante to be more of an Uncle and for Trish's espionage to actually mean something to the story. Also I didn't really like the angelic power ranger enemies.
5 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 4 > reboot
Not a big fan of the wub wub in DmC
>Level design
3 > 1 > 5 > 4 > reboot > 2
I don't like them. The beginnings where they're just aping the original tracks are fine, but when they spread off into doing their own thing, they're just like dumb rave tracks.
Seems most people whining about DMC5's ost don't have anything to say other than "I don't like the genreeee" aka "It's not familiar enough". Dunno what to say other than listen to more music outside of game osts & expand your taste
(yes guys yeees, 4 is not an actually good DMC game only the gameplay is great the rest suuuucks yeah did you play it back then? cant you remember the game suuuucked? ,booooring)
1 only has level design, it's pretty decent otherwise, DmC is much better gameplay wise
I would say the same to you because 5's soundtrack is largely shit. The best tracks are in the menus. I could listen to the menu themes all day, but once you get into the gameplay the music gets really spotty.
>You have train station, plazas, church, library, sewers, sunken city parts, floating city parts, hotel, backstreets and alleys
You've literally described a fucking city. The most flat out boring fucking environments imaginable for a DMC.
There is clear variety in DMC5. The problem is that it's the most bland fucking variety imaginable. The sewers were bad enough but when the game took me to a fucking subway, I couldn't help but think they tried to ape DmC's levels in the worst way possible.
If they were at least cool city levels like the second one, I wouldn't mind. It's fucking boring all the way through. At least Qliphot has some interesting imagery even if it becomes samey throughout the end.
>I would say the same to you
That I have a narrow view and only like a couple genres when I stated the opposite? I don't think you thought that through.
>Music 2 = reboot
>implying DmCuck has a single memorable track.
meanwhile DMC2 has the best Divinity Statue and Staff roll theme
An improved Blitz
An improved Sanctus
An improved Savior...kinda. It's still all smoke and mirrors with no substance but it doesn't interrupt you or force you to walk around like an idiot.
These stood out to me as Itsuno trying to improve the the design of the most shittier enemies of 4.
>Love Rebellions 90s edgy skull design
>Became a shitty Monster Hunter sword
Why, Dante.
yeah that was retarded
divergence mod is usually access to a sort of debug mode in order to capture footage / take stills / etc. usually not for public consumption