>I only pirate games because of how evil and anti consumer Denuvo is...it totalyl fucks up your hard drive among many others things. allow me to link this russian blog post from 2014 to explain
Also Pirates:
>Based Codex! Thanks for cracking this game without Denuvo! Can't wait to pirate this bad boy!
i pirate games cus its free miss me with that doing it for some gay cause shit
Christian Johnson
Yea Forums is not one person Also I pirate both denuvo and epic store games, thinking of pirating the new hitman because of that online bullshit as well.
Ryder Lee
Majority of anti denuvo preachers are NEETs without expendable revenue who look for excuses to justify their actions.
Blake Moore
i don't get why pirates use justifications to pirate
just say i pirate cause its easy and free, stop deluding yourself
I pirate because most games turn out to be shit and the complete opposite of what was presented during marketing.
Demos used to counter this shit but are not a widespread thing anymore so fuck it. If i end up liking it i always then buy the game
Lincoln Ortiz
Don' worry, Stadia will end piracy :)
Hunter Hall
how can I get into cracking? my feet are nicely wet in java and I have done some android development too. they are small projects but aren't hello world tier, but all my experience is in java and android. is knowledge of c absolute must if one want to get into cracking and stuff?
I pirate because I want to play the game for free. Doesn't matter if it has denuvo or not, doesn't matter if it's a AAA game or an indie title made by a single person.
Adrian Peterson
Cracking/Hacking is more based on "poke around stuff, identify were you get fucked, try to circumvent it". There is real methodology, you just need to find/code some tools, find documentation on every possible security system so you know how they work, then you apply hours and hours of autism making the two kisses until it work. Unironically this
>I only pirate games because of how evil and anti consumer Denuvo is...it totalyl fucks up your hard drive among many others things. allow me to link this russian blog post from 2014 to explain
none of us think like this, we think "i can play this for free" and then we pirate it
Easton Hughes
Where do you grab an uncracked version of a game?
Colton Watson
is CRACKED the Yea Forums equivalent of BLACKED?
Aaron Reed
not that guy but cs.rin.ru way back when I used to go there, there was a forum specifically for sharing those raw steam files of games and also the update files of steam games were in some cef or something like that format. usually those uncracked releases are called steamrips
David Murphy
then how come all the posts say otherwise
Ian Murphy
I'm one of those NEETs. But the denuvoless version of DMC5 runs so much better and the loadings are much shorter. So Denuvo is a disgrace for everyone.
Sebastian Moore
>Pirated Metro Exodus because I couldn't buy it for cheaper off of GMG and I don't want to support Epic's exclusivity bullshit >Bought Sekiro because I could buy it for cheaper off of GMG and it doesn't support bad actors in the industry
So fuck off OP
James Ward
>implying I need to justify pirating Free shit is free shit, if I like the game I'll consider buying it but if I don't then it's no big deal. Besides, Sekiro is mediocre at best and definitely not worth $60
My attitude towards piracy is to go for a 30 minute run to see if it works on my computer and if I'll enjoy it. Sometimes it takes 30 minutes just to get past a series of slow-running cutscenes and too many loading screens. Sometimes it turns out I love the game so much I actually pay full price for it which is rare for me. Usually I wait for either free giveaways, $1 or $5 or $10 or $15 bundles (which typically range from 4 to 12 games per bundle and of varying base price per title), or for it to go on sale at about 75% off or better.
William Cooper
I buy games because im autistic and have to see it in my steam library. If i wasnt then i would pirate all the time.
Andrew Young
It is a moral duty to pirate games with no demo.
Brayden Foster
This music is really great. Does anyone know the source?
Knowledge of C and other languages would be advantageous, I doubt most popular games rely on Java at all, be it the actual game itself or protection against unauthorized access.
Brandon Wilson
There are two kinds of pirates.
1: Pirates who never would have bought the game anyway. Since games are not physical, nothing is lost; the supposed lost revenue is revenue the developer/publisher would not have gotten anyway.
2: Pirates who pirate as demo/test drive. These represent POTENTIAL revenue that IS lost if the piracy is stopped, as assuming the game is non-shit enough for them to like it, they may buy it.
TL;DR, anti-piracy fags are too stupid to realize it actually benefits the industry.
Lincoln Peterson
Why would you pay for something if you can get it for free?
Java knowledge is 100% useless for cracking. You need a strong understanding of software encryption methods, x86_64 assembly, memory management and disassembly tools to do anything.
Grayson Watson
I can respect that
At least you're honest unlike the pirateniggers trying to get some sort of moral high ground
Mason Jackson
I don't even play the games I just store them all away and collect them
I'm waiting for more reviews on Youtube and watching gameplay impressions from less retarded "influencers" and "letsplayers"
I definitely will buy the game sooner or later. Looks good and reminds me of Tenchu.
Logan Bailey
They do have a moral high ground, though. Especially when denuvo is concerned.
Adam Moore
Wait, Sekiro doesn't have Denuvo? Damn, I might have to buy it then. I had to force myself to buy DMCV but I'd usually rather miss out than install that shit in my computer.
Matthew Mitchell
Niggers: Gibs me dat
Also niggers: Gibs me dat
Henry Hernandez
International mega corporations are cancer of mankind. Men that do anything against them are saints and are doing Gods work.
Anthony Scott
As someone who preordered DMCV I couldn't blame anyone for pirating it instead. They accidentally released a Denuvo-free executable for the game and there's noticeably better loading times and some framerate improvements.
So as usual, I paid for the SHIT VERSION. And I only did so because it's DMC.
Jaxon Diaz
This. Ain't give a fuck if people calls me a piece of shit as long as I get free games. Deal with it you faggots.
Easton Young
this, "moral" pirates are faggots with excuses
Carter Roberts
Nothing moral about not wanting to pay to install malware on your computer.
Brayden Ward
Ignore all fags who try and morally justify pirating.
We pirate cause we don't want to spend the money. Pretty cut and clear.
Some of us have actual jobs, but pirate for other reasons.
Noah Watson
yes it is, it's me
Adam Johnson
Pirates are fatsos old farts who can’t use bins Try to keep up gramps
Elijah Foster
I'll usually pirate games i've already purchased so i don't have to deal with drm, and older games no one cares about.
If it's a new game it's usually a genre i don't really care about or ill try the game before purchasing it.
Jeremiah Ramirez
I'm a buyfag and Denuvo is fucking garbage
Michael Butler
you first
Michael Cook
Imagine being so cuck that you waster your hard working hours cash in videogames
Jordan Sullivan
Nice thread OP. You sound mad
Matthew White
>pirate something that you already bought Kek it’s like paying your wife to have sex with you fucking beta cuck
Benjamin White
I can't respect this. Change it from
"Because it's free"
"Because I can't afford it".
I am honestly ok with third worlders or NEETs with no money pirating games, but only if they admit they just can't afford it.
Joshua Powell
My job's easy and I don't have other hobbies.
Nathaniel Robinson
I make 300k a year and still pirate, what are you gonna do about it faggot?
Jason Murphy
What does having a job have anything to do with not wanting to spend the money when it's easily free? It's a victimless crime with no immediate repercussion and 0 chance of being caught. It's financially stupid to not pirate and put that saved $60 towards something more important to further your life
Jack Richardson
This is ancap levels of wishful thinking, if piracy wasn't generally repressed and everyone started doing it then the industry would tank.
Jaxon Clark
Piracy isn't remotely repressed though. It's so easy to pirate people who don't are either too stupid to or simply willing to support the things they like.
Luis Brown
I know nothing about Sekiro other than it's a fromsoft game.
Does it have online features like DS and BB? If so, it doesn't seem like the type of game you should pirate.
It is just that "pirate evil epic games" is an other normalfags meme after the "fortnite is for kids" It take mainstream fags a lot of braincells to figure out the most obvious things and they keep parroting it everywhere few thousand times like npc thinking that they are changing the world or something. I still remember when everyone finally realized that call of duty was a low effort cashgrab after like fucking 14 or 15 games in the series .
>Online features >Interrupt your game to get your hand held by people who already beat it >Get your game interrupted so some fuck with overpowered equipment who aleady beat it can shit on you Offline Dark Souls was the best way to play.
Ayden Garcia
Of course it's not repressed, that's because you'd have to sanction the entire population since everyone pirates shit to some degree. I torrent movies and shows all the time and don't give it a second thought
David Young
I disagree. I played offline when I was a noob to avoid getting invaded, yet I only beat O&S when I summoned. Of course now years later I don't need that, but back in the day as a newcomer being able to summon friends was great and gave me comfort and a sense of not being alone.
Josiah Russell
That's a free 60$ food retard.
Christopher Thompson
Exactly, and videogames continue to sell and make absolute assloads of money.
All piracy does is make shit games lose money and good games make more.
>yet I only beat O&S when I summoned. PATHETIC.
Daniel Gray
You say that like there is nearly as much excitement/talk about Sekiro being cracked. Of course it fucking got cracked, and of course people are pirating it, but it's not nearly as big of a deal as say, RE2 or Metro getting cracked.
Also anyone who unironically celebrates a non-denuvo (or some other form of anti-tamper) crack is retarded, there is almost no effort needed.
Never pirated a game, but have done tons of music/movies/anime. Is the process the same, or do I have to take extra steps to not get b8?
Jaxson Evans
same someday I'm going to be the fag who has all the good games on physical collection when the government shuts down the internet to protect the poor helpless corporations it's already happening, friends come to me for their GBA/SNES roms since I have the entire library stored away and nintendo bookburned all the rom sites I'm at about 8TB and counting of pirated media including movies, anime, music, and games
we are chroniclers of the art, ours is a selfless job I still play the steam version of all the games I actually play
Daniel Campbell
It only actually makes a shit game lose money and a good game get marginally more revenue. Piratefags who would actually pay money for a game they've already completed is about as rare as a piratefag in comparison to someone who pays in the first place.
Connor Jenkins
Would making the games free and letting people pay as they feel the game is worth be ideal?
dude, single player and non dlc-heavy games have almost become extinct because of piracy. the damage you fail to see has long been done and it definitely was piracy and nothing else.
its a blight on people who want enjyoable single player games with good story.
And some people do have that moral side and only pirate certain games. Guess what ? everybody isn't the same.
Cameron Jenkins
No they didn't. That's just what they claimed.
Connor Lopez
>dude, single player and non dlc-heavy games have almost become extinct because of piracy. Not at all, it's just that big companies shoehorn online in everything because it makes monetization easier.
Alexander Sullivan
i realized that from the very start, but the multiplayer was so good, i kept buying the cods anyway. the cod series then failed because after 3000 hours played people finally had enough not because they suddenly had an epiphany of the game not being good.
Dominic Thompson
Search for "codex installer music".
Kayden Hall
Im pirating it because fuck $60 single player games
Kayden Allen
Jaxon Ramirez
Retards and normalfags have the idea that piracy is somewhat complicated but if they didn't had that idea, a lot bigger number of people would pirate and while it would be better to shit on some companies it may be something bad for some others.
Owen Barnes
>because it makes monetization easier. exactly, piracy makes monetizing single player games that are complete at release impossible, thus the modern emphasis on dlcs, online and multiplayer.
Julian Sanders
Thomas Morris
Deal with it.
Grayson Cox
>he only makes $300k annual wow don't ever @ me again, poorfag scum
Caleb Rogers
>Retards and normalfags have the idea that piracy is somewhat complicated It is, to retards and normalfags. Most of them prefer to pay than bother with the inconvenience of pirating. Ultimately, GabeN was right.
Ayden Smith
I work, have dispoable income and I still pirate. Problem? I'd rather be a nigger and spend 100 on nike jordans than buy a game for 60 dollars kek
Hudson Long
More like paying a whore but raping her anyway.
Josiah Scott
: something also : some contradiction
Doesn't it get boring to speak in this meme lingo all the time? Why not write complete sentences?
Alexander Bailey
Jaxon Peterson
>exactly, piracy makes monetizing single player games that are complete at release impossible That's because people will shit down you for adding lootboxes to single player games, not because people pirate it.
Cameron Parker
its because everyone here who pirates is
Brody Morales
>CASH GRAB WITH A TRILLION MICROTRANSACTIONS??? Because those are designed to make shitfucks of money in a way single player games will never be able to.
Wyatt Morales
>download utorrent >find a good torrent for game >wait for it to download >make sure no viruses >install >play game
>go to www.amazon.com >click add to cart >receive it in mail on release day >play game
>Most of them prefer to pay than bother with the inconvenience of pirating. Anybody and their mothers were pirating tv shit and movies before netflix, here. Now there's still a lot of people who does but a huge number are paying netflix because they have the idea that it's easier.
Thomas Hughes
>because they have the idea that it's easier. Because it is easier.
Aiden Russell
What's your point, filth? Shouldn't you be busy making a vest out of a potato bag so that your poorfag brood doesn't freeze to death at night?
yeah that is why cod trailers kept being disliked to hell on youtube and the games trash talked everywhere. If you didn't realize by the first black ops that they stopped trying and they are going in some lazy direction, you are a fool. It is ok to accept the game as it is and enjoy it thou.
Angel Bailey
Can someone spoonfeed me a torrent/download, or at least just tell me where I can find this?
William Gomez
pirates are unironically based, they allow gamers to wade through the absolute garbage heap that is AAA games, for free, and maybe find one or two per year worth buying.
Hudson Thompson
Lol >download deluge >google torrent >download >don't have to check for virus if you know what you're downloading >install >play You may even play it before release like for Sekiro.
>install steam >search steam for >pay game >download and install game (actually two things) >play You're full of shit. Depend on your country. Lol no.
Colton Reyes
>People bashing Activision becase of it's shitty games. >Sekiro: top selling game on Steam. >People think that Activsion delivers good games.
the people who click "dislike" on cod trailers weren't ever going to play them in the first place.
Andrew Walker
>>download and install game (actually two things) It's one click. You also skipped the "crack" part of the pirating side.
>Open netflix >Find thing >Watch thing
It's easier.
Jackson Cook
Eh, I'll buy a video game because that's a purchase I don't make as often, but I watch too many god damn movies and overpriced toku +/m/ shit to be bothered to pay for all that, so they get the yo yo treatment.
Gabriel James
plot wist: pirates created the garbage heap that is AAA games.
Aiden Brooks
>You also skipped the "crack" part of the pirating side. Moving a folder into another ? Even then groups like CODEX makes it automatic or if you download repacks it is often too. >open netflix >find thing >watch thing Do you know that it's as fucking easy as that to pirate a movie/series ? Only if you're looking for some old untranslated honk kong exploitation film or some rare stuff like that it's hard. But then it's even harder to get it legally.
Nicholas Russell
>Depend on your country. I'm a fucking Leaf so I assume it's better to have. Any recommendations on VPNs?
Adam Hughes
because i have a job and bills to pay, eat shit
Jonathan Foster
>Moving a folder into another ? Even then groups like CODEX makes it automatic or if you download repacks it is often too. It's still an extra step, and a step most normies have no fucking idea how to do.
>Do you know that it's as fucking easy as that to pirate a movie/series ? It's not. it's almost as easy, but it's still a couple of extra steps that make it simply slightly harder enough that people just prefer to use netflix.
Aaron Ward
I pirate games because I can. There is no other reason, so don't put words into my mouth, faggot
David Ortiz
No idea for you but here in France you really don't need it. >It's still an extra step, and a step most normies have no fucking idea how to do. That's why I said it's harder in their mind. It's not harder in reality. For movies it really is a easy. You have plenty of streaming websites. If you want to download there's plenty too. The only moment where there's an extra step is if you need to get subs from another website because the movie never was translated in your language. But then again it wouldn't be translated either if you bought it legally.
Blake Murphy
Don't mess with the best or you end up like the rest. We Anonymous pirates are the Chads of the digital world.
Cool, then I won't buy it and the whales will keep From afloat for the next game they make.
Austin Mitchell
I'm not going to do the search for you. There's plenty of video on youtube and other places with the different music CODEX used.
Hunter James
That is exactly my point. Most of people are braindead fags who keep parroting what is trendy and this place is no exception. If tommrow facebook ,reddit and some normies fags started calling from software games clones with lazy combat. Suddenly everyone including people here will parrot that, dislike the next trailers , shittalk the next soul games and keep parroting the meme opinion everytime a discussion is brought about from software. If you ask half of player around the world : why fortnite is for kids? why cod is bad? why ubisoft games are bad? Only very few will be able to answer with valid arguments.
Denuvo or not, Epic exclusive or not, I pirate games because I like free things and don't give a shit about code monkeys. Game devs only exist for my entertainment and they aren't in anyway entitled to my money.
Leo Reed
Feels good to belong to a superior predator race which doesn't give a fuck about weaklings. Developers and weak and we should take everything from them always always always. Besides most of their games are shit, that's why I pirate their shitty games.
Yeah, but he can afford the internet to download it and the PC to play it on...
Jeremiah Young
Fromshit isn't even worth pirating.
Brody Wilson
Goosebumps by Castro
Aaron Murphy
I don't need to justify nothing. If I see a wallet on the ground somebody dropped Im takin it. Morals are for the weak and social boundaries are to be broken, only the strongest and most selfish survive in this dog-eat-dog world.
If I see money or a game Im taking it. Fuck anybody who says otherwise, it's my life not yours. If taking something from you improves my situation then it's worth doing
>trying to steal in a store that has cameras covering every possible angle Niggers just really are that dumb, huh
Isaiah Wilson
Money can't solve all your pro-
Levi Gray
Sometimes we get caught. It happens. But overall the life of an antisocial individual is worth it. We get so much more free shit versus the repercussions that come from it.
I would definitely recommend everybody to rob developers blind 24/7. Fuck em.
>I would definitely recommend everybody to rob developers blind 24/7. Fuck em. You're a fucking nigger, but even a nigger can be right once in a while. Any dev that agrees to sign with epic deserves to be stolen from. In fact, I'd say it's your moral duty as a consumer to steal from them. Fuck those greedy kike faggots.
Landon Long
I pirate because piracy is just sharing so I can do it with a clean conscience and I don't care about the law.
the industry has already dealt with you. they now mostly serve you stuff that cant be pirated.
Justin Adams
>even a nigger can be right once in a while. Based. They are all scum. We not only should take 100% of their games every time but also probably doxx them so they stop making shitty games.
After we no longer get games then we can complain about how much the industry sucks.
>I can't respect this. Change it from >"Because it's free" >to >"Because I can't afford it".
youre right user i only pirate because i cant afford it i dont want to spend $60 on something i can get for free I dont like spending money so i save where i can you got me
>"Day 1 pirate" >"lol I just pirated it. Fuck off buyfags" >"Only cucks actually pay for games" >"GODDAMNIT WHY DO GAME DEVELOPERS PRIORITIZE CONSOLES OVER PC"
I pirate because I can There is the occasion where I kind of want to buy a game but am unsure and will use pirating as a form of demo though since practically nobody does real demos anymore
Connor Bell
Not very effective, are they? Considering I pirated DMCV and Sekiro.
Then why are you complaining about people calling you on it ? I'm also a pirate but I don't throw a fit when somebody tell me it's bad.
Connor Jackson
>>"GODDAMNIT WHY DO GAME DEVELOPERS PRIORITIZE CONSOLES OVER PC" the $60 dollars in my bank account that i saved is really nice =]
Matthew Lopez
Is there anything more pathetic than living by the rules and being orderly? Japan has to be the most cucked nation on earth, every one of them stands in line like a faggot when they could be like a pirate and break rules.
>that camera footage doesnt identify her Ignoring that her face was plainly visible, stores like that have at least one guy watching the camrea feeds. She got caught.
Open exe in assembler, find relevant JMP change it to JNE, craked ze game
Jayden Taylor
>The original isn't missing There is no physical tangible product though. It's all code and if you're buying in store, a disc
Charles Moore
It's more like BLEACHED because DRM is slavery.
Justin Moore
those 2 are console ports, they were only produced because you cant pirate them on consoles.as for pc, just look at most played on steam stats, its an endless list of multiplayer multiplayer multiplayer.
I never complained about it. I just said we are the coolest people on the Internet. Nobody messes with us or they'll face our wrath. Everybody is our bitch and we are the kings of the Internet.
we all know it's illegal, that doesn't mean I'm not going to pirate games, fag
Adam Jackson
He’s talking about the shift to even singleplayer games being developed as always-online services, you stupid weeb. Piratefags only target games that don’t need to phone home to some kind of server, but most of them break down and buy whatever always-online multiplayer trash FOTM that excites them because they know they can’t get around that. Good singleplayer game’s suffering while the latest Battle Royale trash thrives specifically because of dumb shits like you.
John Powell
DRM is just a state of mind. t. Pirate DRM free game too
Brody Sanders
No moral faggotry in this post! Any pirate in this thread trying to justify this shit needs to read this post and then kill themselves.
Parker Cruz
This, it's retarded to be proud of it. It's also retarded to be ashamed though.
Alexander Jenkins
>Thinking a wagie is intensely watching every camera ready to pounce instead of just staring at his phone until he gets a call Cameras are meant for idiots like you
Brody Clark
>single player and non dlc-heavy games have almost become extinct because of piracy >because of piracy
And what does that have to do with me? They are dealing with me by making games I wouldn't play in the first place? Oh no, how will I ever survive playing games that I didn't intend to play, while I still pirate the games that I want to play?
Luis Hughes
>t. Edgy Selfish faggot I bet you're a scrawny twig of a person too.
Isaac Garcia
>stores like that have at least one guy watching the camera feeds. in burgerland maybe, in europe noone watches the cam feed, it has to be deleted after 3 days and the judge will not count it as evidence.
Wyatt Bailey
I'm actively doing my part in destroying all fucking single player games.
If they aren't always online like Diablo 3 then it's shit. But always online in Diablo 3 was shit also so whateva. Life is complicated.
Also, they need to put microtransactions in them because that's the way of the industry.
Did I mention how much hte industry sucks? I can never get it through my head why that is?
Gabriel Wright
>That thick white ass What games can I play to attract girls like that?
pirates wont buy the game if they cant pirate it if the game's good its literally free advertisement because pirate will talk about it pirates always wins baby!
Your image is forgetting a lot of things. You can buy a game and regret it. You can also pirate a game that you wouldn't have bought anyway. And you can pirate a game and then pay for it.
Leo Richardson
Yeah well drop the now reddit-tier pictures and stop showing a bad image of us.
Parker Morales
If everyone starts taking things for free things stop being made.
Colton Bennett
Even a scrawny person can steal games, so fuck off bitch. You are automatically less cool than me since I'm a pirate.
Benjamin James
>Pirate the game because it's free and easy >If I end up not liking the game I delete it >If I end up liking it enough for at least a replay or can see myself sinking more time into it I buy a legitimate copy Only fools buy blind.
William Morgan
there arent many games left that you want to play since you pirate them. imagine there being no consoles but only pc. then games like sekiro and dmc wouldnt even exist anymore. absolutely noone would develop them and you had zero games to play.
Blake Phillips
but people dont do it because they're dumb, so what's the problem
Jayden Russell
Imagine unironically posting this.
Lucas Nguyen
Eat shit !!! Do you believe I'm rich or what? I'm going to keep pirating games all I want because is free and just to trigger any copyright-faggot like you, go eat corporate dicks
Julian Gutierrez
The industry is fine. Video game is all about community. If you can't enjoy it with your friends, then it is shit. Multiplayer also greatly increase game time. Micro-transanction also give better way for player to vote with their wallets.
Xavier Wright
>You can buy a game and regret it. Good thing game stores allow you to refund. Besides for as long as you've had gameplay footage to watch you never had an excuse.
Eli Gutierrez
is that the hacker known as Yea Forums?
Owen Anderson
why won't it be counted as evidence? holy shit, what kind of retardness is this?
Jonathan Rogers
I only pirated one game and it's a masterpiece and I feel bad about not officially supporting it. I used to have an illegal copy of CoH but I was totally justified in not paying for it given my PC didn't work well back then.
Michael Gray
Almost every good game still has a good single player mode
Evan Evans
Based games as a service. Or was it service as a game? Anyway, single player games suck. Immersion was never wanted in games anyway.
When proper VR is implemented in the future we sure as hell ain't playing it for any stupid immershun shit but so that we can pay for based microtransactions like the industry (which is fine like you said, bro) tells us.
Zachary Rodriguez
everyone rook same and possibility of manipulation. could have been an act for all we know.
Austin Gutierrez
Not to be edgy, but honestly dude trying to be moral in today's world is inherently hypocritical. I say fuck it, as long as you're not actively hurting anyone do whatchu want to do
Xavier Turner
i only pirate it beacuse it's on steam and not on based epic store
Aiden Murphy
I'm just a pirate. Aren't you a pirate? We are not entitled, just cool people not giving a fuck lol
Jaxon Flores
Case in point: Fortnite *dabs*
Ayden King
Why? So you can feel superior to them? Why the fuck should they have to prove anything to you. Faggot
Thomas Perry
Do you know that 60$ are like 5-9h of work depending in wich country do you live?
Xavier Sanders
>Solution does not imply there is a way around things needing to be paid for See, I never even said I support piracy and you just admitted it's wrong. Because unless something's still morally acceptable if EVERYONE can do it, it's not be justifiable.
Adrian Gomez
bg2 was the greatest game of all times and it will never be repeated because of pirates. pirates absolutely destroyed single player games. thats why you dont get good single player games anymore.
Brandon Robinson
Can afford a £50 game but would rather keep the £50. Get over it
Cooper Wilson
>tfw i have the game installed but idk how dameon tools work
Fuck off. It's not our fault devs are Jewish pieces of shit who won't make games for us. Imagine me saving a lot of welfare benefits money for an expensive computer then be denied of games - not fair.
I'm starting a campaign tomorrow in which we start harassing developers for being Jews.
William Long
Buyfags will get the rope soon.
Connor Myers
why do sony posters are always black?
Camden Young
You forgot:
>Still uncracked >"I didnt want to play that game anyway!"
Andrew Wood
>wtf is bg2 >*google it* >tfw baldur gates 2 More like boomer gates amerite LMAO?
Dylan Russell
once playstation and xbox switch to all digital and do that streaming shit is the day i jump ship to pc and pirate everything
Ian Smith
Plenty of Somalis in Sweden commit crimes and the system says it's fine, so why the fuck shouldn't we be allowed to have some fun?
Not everyone has to be made out of the same mold. We the pirates are an privileged upper class.
Blake Peterson
Is this game even worth pirating?
Josiah Evans
This is actually based!
Brody Fisher
Who's the dealer that sells you the shit you're smoking? Every good game has a good single mode that you can pirate and whe you pirate you get all dlc's an special content so it's better than buying the game monetary issues aside
>t. zoomer who has never seen a single good game in his life and thinks fortnite is the best there is
unlike you i have experienced the golden age of gaming, so i understand how shitty and shallow modern gaming is.
Asher Green
Lol shut up buycuck, go buy games so I don't have to.
Charles Collins
you disgust me
Oliver Ross
If I liked the game and want to see more by the dev I buy after I torrent. I don't really make a point of tormenting but if it has antipiracy in my 60$ version that makes it run worse than what I can get for free or wants me to make an account/give out an email/install extrashit to run what I bought even if I wanted to give the devs money I will not. Looking at you, Exodus.
Liam Baker
We are not a modern fascist state, a little but meaningfull diference
Evan Morales
You usually can, i don't see why not.
Michael Rivera
Tell me about a single companie that go broke because piracy
Leo Mitchell
Fuck game devs Fuck videogames Fuck the industry nuke them all
Cameron Carter
>Change it from "Because it's free" to"Because I can't afford it". lol no >I can't respect this. who the fuck has ever cared about your respect lmao
Carson Cox
No they don't you retarded nigger. Maybe walmart, but let you refund a half eaten banana. Once you open the wrapping, you can't refund it, dumbass.
Adrian Davis
in europe its law dude. they are legally required to offer refunds.
Colton Wilson
If you don't open it.
Jaxson Evans
Daniel Price
I pirate because that means
Lincoln Wilson
>Posts photo of Americans >only shows niggers aaaaaaahahahahahaha
Owen Sullivan
don't forget to purchase the DLC goy
Xavier Ward
no, that would be useless. activation of the product is allowed. they will give you mean looks in the store but ultimately there is nothing they can do about it. ive returned new pcs because i didnt liked the noise they were making. simple as that.
Cameron Rogers
>I'm one of those NEETs. But the denuvoless version of DMC5 runs so much better and the loadings are much shorter. So Denuvo is a disgrace for everyone.
Maybe on shit PCs, why not just go play on consoles, poorfag?
Evan Morales
[Links one that was actually the fault of hats/suits that play numbers the games make but not the games that make the numbers deciding they know what executive decisions would better the game's numbers in ur path] THQ repeatedly was sabotaged in this manner seemingly deliberately but likelycoincidentally. The same people responsible for that are still forcing design changes and shoehorning shit in for profit, but THQ isn't making games anymore and are the failures.
Dylan Collins
Fuck off retard.
Robert Foster
I was using them as an example before refreshing but see? Like clockwork.
Lucas Phillips
It's extremly cool I get free stuff and can call people who buy it goys/buyfags/retards the list goes on.
>thq No, they invested a lot of money in udraw and games that didn't sold well because consumers preferences, not because piracy that's also imposible to proof
Nathan Martin
I use it as a try before you buy, my toaster can't run anything anyway, so I buy on ps4 if I like it. I have limited disposable income though and my spouse is a fucking retard goy that buys games blindly, spends 5 hours in a 70 buck game and then drops it. I have to be picky.
Justin Myers
fuck yeah imo
Lucas Rogers
clean your fucking nails
Camden Allen
>not because piracy that's also imposible to proof
This kinda stuff bums me out. Working as a Dev is a pretty tough job. Unlike creating something like a book, a game is something that takes dozens of peopls thousands of hours to create. They can only spend that time if they're working on it full time, and they can only do that if they're making money off it. Pirates literally prevent us from making better games, and it's a drag.
Oliver Davis
when I try to download it a blank window just opens up I'm scared
Nicholas Hernandez
Get a real job.
Gavin Reed
I pirate rarely. I usually wait for when the game is less than 20 bucks. What's the rush?
Noah Clark
>It's not our fault But it is, that's the whole point
Juan James
I specifically pirate games made by sjw devs even if I don't want to play it, I help seed.
>imagine being a consolenog who think is morally wrong to pirate
Cameron Clark
I just don't like feeling like I don't own the game, I want achievements and to show off what I'm playing to my friends I don't care if others pirate tbhfam
Benjamin Miller
Elijah Miller
Look I pirate everything on PC. Denuvo or no Denuvo.
Carter Gray
If you were ethical about your work and not a raging hypocrite you'd have a trial ready for everyone and not try to sucker people in with a bloated marketing budget. And no, let's plays aren't good enough to make an informed decision.
David Rogers
Hahahahahaha, prove it. (you)r claims aren't even present in most articles about thq bankrupcy
Landon Walker
Why can't all pirates just be honest about it like this lad? He isn't trying to hide behind some trumped-up moral superiority or outrage at a practice; he just doesn't want to pay for the games.
Angel Bailey
Because you're projecting your goddamn slimeiness on everyone else as usual. I want cheevos and it to be in my library but I'm not paying full price blindly for something I turn out to hate and drop in 5 hours. It's called being prudent you dumb fucking redditor
Kevin Parker
I just found out that Talos Principle VR hasn't been cracked. It has some custom DRM. Why is the scene so bad at this nowadays?
Kevin Rogers
Dang sweetie, did that post trigger you?
Nathaniel Richardson
>pirates don't like Denuvo >pirates happy when Denuvo gets removed I know, it makes no fucking sense!
>sweetie I'm not that user but fuck talk like a man
Parker Bennett
yeah manly words and manly men around these parts aloud!
Dang sweetie you are SOFT!
Adam Wright
>>******679 Not even worth a (you)
Christopher White
I can understand pirating AAA, but why do people pirate idies? Someone poured 1000s of hours of hard work and money into it only for people to steal it because "lol it's free"
Ryan Gomez
You answered yourself in that post
Jaxon Murphy
>corporate asskissers shitting on Yea Forums because their favorite greedy soulless demonic corporation sold 3m in a week of their current cashgrab >smart people realize they do not need to support the corporations because there is millions of mongs who will do it in their place >HOW DARE YOU NOT POUR MONEY IN THIS ENDLESS PIT OF GREED
Denuvo only exists because of Piratefags in the first place. If piracy was not such a huge issue in the gaming industry, denuvo would be out of business
Caleb Martin
>laments about greed of others >is greedy as fuck to the point where he thinks stealing is okay
Aaron Cruz
fuck off. i pirate games because i'd rather save $$$ and there's no risk in doing it. now go be a good little paypig and buy the game.
Every time someone on Yea Forums claims to pirate everything because of DRM, and I suggest using a DRM-free site like GOG, they basically reply with "lol but it's so easy to pirate those games, why would I buy them?"
Should have added MP if they wanted me to give them $60.
Luis Nguyen
I pirate because nobody releases a fucking demo.
Ryan Bailey
thats not the point though. pirating isnt just bad because of moral reasons, its detrimental to the product and the service.
youre harming yourself by pirating.
Jackson Hill
Jacob Ortiz
we live in a world where copyright is a thing, its part of codified law. its not "whatever you say"
Brayden Jackson
Gavin Lee
I pirate if it has denuvo, epic, or if the game is abandonware the devs threw out for a quick buck and never finished. I also pirate games I'm not interested in which seem popular for some reason I don't get, to try them out. If I like them, I buy them. Sekiro is part of those. I never finish a game before I buy it nowadays, but I did when I was poor because I had no choice. I bought all those games I enjoyed back then once I had the money.
Kill yourself and bring your strawmen to the grave with you.
Carson Campbell
If the law said that the sky were green, water were dry as a bone, and fire was lukewarm so it was okay to stick your hand in it that wouldn't make it true. This issue is no different, codified law != truth.
>Unspecific theorical consecuences that are just result of videogames becoming one of the most profitable business VS Saving thousands of $ Selfhurting as fuck
Samuel Lewis
>store owner opens store to offer you products. >customers dont pay, steal everything >store moves away or changes its service or offers different products than before
i hope you can understand it now.
Bentley Gutierrez
Crackwatch is pure cancer. It's just a bunch of pajeet memers who think they're entitled to free games because they spent all their rupees to buy a prebuilt PC and now they have nothing left for games.
I pirate because it's literally easier to do so than buy games. When it's so easy to pirate a game it seems retarded to me to jump through hoops to buy it. Also, I'm not the type that goes to Crackwatch everyday to post outdated 2005 Yea Forums tier memes while feverishly waiting for latest aaa shit to get cracked. If I want to play a game that badly, I just buy it because I'm not even poor. If by the time I want to play it, it's cracked, I will pirate it.
Christopher Richardson
I pirated games when I was in school and I didn't have the dosh for them but now that I have money and less free time I buy games but I'm more choosy about what I actually buy being on one side and vehemently opposed to the other is pretty fucking stupid, people are going to do what they're going to do regardless of your shitty opinion of them also this thread is barely video games
Ryder Richardson
>Unironically siding with the business and the state Lmao
Jeremiah Ross
Daniel Peterson
BASED Just don't go buy it for multiplayer meme.
Ayden Carter
ithe law is not a matter of what you consider truth but what the lawgiver has agreed on. if the law says the sky is green and noone shall say otherwise then the sky may be not green but its still illegal to say otherwise.
Logan Diaz
>store moves away or changes its service or offers different products than before Good. I absolute fucking H A T E the direction the industry is going so why in the goddamn fuck should I support it?
Gavin Mitchell
>youre harming yourself by pirating. No. I save several hundred dollars a year through pirating.
yeah if you like multiplayer treadmills with lots of dlcs, then i guess youre not really hurting yourself.
Carter Mitchell
>If everyone starts taking things for free things stop being made. NO SHIT BRO LOLLL :D
John Parker
This 100%
Samuel White
Is that Bill Murray on the right?
Evan Reed
>we are chroniclers of the art, ours is a selfless job You see, your doing has a meaning, crying about pirating on the other hand, ugh
Jack Williams
If a law is unjust or untruthful then it is to be abolished, if those in power won't do so then they are to be overthrown.
Hunter Thompson
you save nothing if the products you pirate are no longer produced because you pirated them. remember that pc single player games are hardly produced anymore exactly because of that reason.
there is no point in making another bg2 or half life since it will just get pirated and all the devs efforts will be for naught. thus a pirate who liked those games but has pirated them hurt himself.
I pirate the DLCs too and gaes that relay on multiplayer are shit usually. Even if what you said without proving it was true I keep winning you can either be a corporate shill or raise the black flag and start living the dream youtu.be/yRh-dzrI4Z4
Nolan Young
its called democracy and constitutional state, the opposite would be despotism.
Hudson Watson
>pc single player games are hardly produced anymore exactly because of that reason. Wrong, they are hardly produced because it is very hard to create a steady stream of microtransactions that players will pay for. Keep pretending to think businesses care about you and that their decisions are made without the sole purpose of maximizing profit.
Kayden Jackson
>raise the black flag and start living the dream there is nothing to pirate anymore since the pirates have scared away all the good ships that would be worth pirating. games now suck.
Dylan Garcia
Luis Ortiz
Leo Hill
they wouldnt need a steady stream of microtransactions if it werent for pirates.
we are living in a feedback loop dude and youre not getting it.
Michael Ward
Unjust and untruthful laws put into motion by bought courts is not democracy, it's tyranny by the wealthy. Moreover, it's the moral duty of every human to judge everything they see, and rebel against all evil, legally instituted or not.
Elijah Cox
That's not happening or will happen ever the psone was a success and was pirated by everyone and games were bought and produced in very big amounts
Hudson Foster
No, they need a steady stream of microtransactions because investors truly believe infinite growth is a sustainable model. Keep bootlicking and accepting at face value what corporations tell you, anyone who actually has a function brain will laugh at you.
Jonathan Williams
>remember that pc single player games are hardly produced anymore exactly because of that reason. Either post proof of this or fuck off. they simply want to chase the easy money in microtransactions.
William Walker
piratefags did enough damage already, I fucking hate them with a passion.
Jace Kelly
what's with all those "i'm a pirate guise! rly!" false flags? is it ps4 fags trying to make pc fags believe this shit, then accuse them of it out of their extreme jealous butt blast due to most ps4 'exclusives' coming to pc?
Evan Davis
based and cringepilled
Lucas Wilson
>Not because of oligopolies that can do whatever they want without repercusions? >Do you really think that piracy did something? How much companies pay for post? This stinks like the 50 cent party
Ryder Ramirez
go to venezuela if you like communism so much.
Matthew Moore
i'm a pirate and i never said that ever, nor i know anyone that pirates who said that. i pirate because i'm dirt poor, that's it. stop your inane strawmanning.
look, im a third worlder and even I buy my games, i cant understand a first worlder doing it, like fuck get a job even I can afford vidya.
Cameron Long
Game piracy is legal in most European countries
Christian King
Yeah this guy gets it. God damn these kids are some rote fucks
Brody Foster
almost every*
Zachary Hill
Matthew Rivera
>Low IQ and poverty correlation I see
Levi Cruz
Kevin Turner
calling anons stupid for buying games is exactly why everbody hates you fucks.
Brody Fisher
what app is?
Adrian Barnes
>they wouldnt need a steady stream of microtransactions if it werent for pirates. Cringe
Most of the people who pirate wouldn't even bought the game any way its not lost revenue People do to how easy it is and the lack of funds. And do user having a good pc doesn't mean shit cos pc are not just for games... Also micro transactions are a maximization thing and not do to piracy.... The always online shit it tough
Michael Sullivan
Asher Bennett
Jayden Reed
There's no unified source as laws are different depending on the country but I can summarize it like you can donwload but not upload or share links
He's not stupid for buying games, he's stupid for "not seeing why a first worlder would do it"
Hudson Mitchell
Some normalfag meme
Jeremiah Bennett
Watsthe ins's tall size?
Jacob Johnson
o vey
Jace Peterson
This bleed the jew till it leaves.
Grayson Flores
14 GB
Daniel Thomas
u mad?
Juan Russell
Lol no they don't. Nigger logic
Tyler Wilson
I agree but denuvo besides clearly being a bad product and a waste of the Dev's money or time, uses alot of unnecessary CPU resources and thus means its harder for potato systems to run