What went wrong?
What went wrong?
>weeb games
You slipped up and became a weeb.
you are seething
>no weapons
>no armor
>no classes
>no stats
>no exploration
>no multiplayer
It never stood a chance
It's not muh rose tinted Tenchu I blindingly assumed it would be!
Puts westaboo boomers and tryhard PvP soulsfags on suicide watch.
It’s over Sekibros
>game is already underselling Dark Souls and Bloodborne by hundreds of thousands
It’s already flopping and the Metacritic scores are tanking.
>thought this was actually something I was supposed to figure out and follow instructions
>turns out you just follow the main path and you get there eventually
Made the only way to break an enemy's posture is to counter/deflect a specific attack, which they never fucking use.
Meanwhile the cunts spams normal attacks that break your own posture in a matter of seconds if you as much as think of deflecting them.
Everyone in this thread is delusional, like damn
Also its 2 hours long. Has 2 bosses and the whole game is just one QTE.
Fun thing is, i found this secret way by blind playing before this cutscene.
So, i was stucked at 3 mini bosses at same time.
>92 - Xbox
>91 - PC
>89 - PS4
Yeah, really tanking. You're a butthurt idiot.
*teleports behing you*
Heh, nothing personal, kid.
Don’t forget zero replayability.
Nothing. It's amazing. And the least pretentious of all of FromSoft's games and, coincidentally, their best.
Photoshop-kun, make Sekiro edit for this.
Oh look, the d*scord trannies are "raiding" again.
I’m so glad I pirated this piece of shit.
Every enemy is a fucking dude in samurai armor. Every miniboss is surrounded by a gaggle of idiots that you have to dispatch first because this fighting system is even worse than regular souls at dealing with groups of enemies. I'm four hours in and they've already reused the same miniboss twice (the "fat samurai general" enemy, which wasn't even original to begin with). Prosthetics never do anything useful except on the one thing you are supposed to use them.
What a giant piece of shit.
Every encounter is the same. Parry, parry, and parry. It's boring
>Every enemy is a fucking dude
Now i know you haven't played the game
how do I beat the horse fucker? Half of his attacks seem to ignore blocking
It’s literally the GOTY you cuck shill
>swaps hotkeys for the sole reason to fuck with your muscle memory from previous titles
its garbage
I'll give you the real answer
>Loads of active abilities to make the combat varied and fun
>They arbitrarily decided to limit you to only being able to equip 1 at a time.
Legit what the fuck
It’s soulless
Because its action mechanics slapped onto a dark souls framework
Its sluggish and the combat is almost ENTIRELY focused around parries.
The fact that's not even a working fucking port. I start up the game and only get a black screen, attempt every fix that people say work and none of it works for me. I was excited for this game but I'm about to refund it because it's not even fucking playable.
>tfw be discord tranny
>like this game a lot
what did user mean by this
except they aren't?
So it’s a simon says QTE game?
Stay classy Yea Forums
Posture is not that good. Some bosses don't even revolve around them. This becomes an issue since you only use one main weapon which deal chip damage if you don't use weapon buffs.
>original game that tries something different
>people will say RE2 remake is GOTY
If I buy this game will v finally accept me and respond to my threads?
Seething. It will sell well and people are really enjoying it so pretty much not went wrong.
>tries something different
Literally a worse nioh
Fuck off. Stop sounding like a persecuted brat. This is still not original. It's just From repackaging souls. Some bosses in Sekiro even have the boss set of old Souls bosses.
Why are you so butthurt over a game ? Lol
Been playing for an hour and not enjoying it.
Wondering if I should keep going but I don't want to go over the 2 hour window and not be able to refund it if it doesn't get better
Honestly it feels a bit like ninja gaiden or any other action game at first so you feel like doing sick combos and crazy shit but when you try to attack you suddenly realise its literally fucking Souls with a different coat of paint and its still sluggish and basic as fuck but with no variation to make it enjoyable.
>defends sekioh while crying like a bitch
>somebody (not even me) gives counter arguments and points to the games legitimate shortcomings
>"why are you so butthurt over a game? lol"
did I fall for bait?
>original game that tries something different
What exactly is original about this game?
combat feels like world of warcraft
it's not fun
>bright orange outfit
Hmmm, where have I seen this before?
Is this real or just souls burnout
This thread is just discord trannies raiding. Ignore it
I don't see the issue
Its real. Its an action game for people who have never played real action games before.
Cry harder. You can try to refute some of the criticisms rather than simply say they're lies.
>Its an action game for people who have never played real action games before.
Why are you so mad? Do you have a personal stake in the game or something? It's shit senpai. Get over it.
I played Nioh and never finished it, I feel like it'd be the same with this too.
Don't know, never played the game and I don't plan to
>reeeeeeeé every FR0M gaem has to be liek Dark Souls
>FROM must make Souls games until the end of times reeeee
This but unironically
It has no major failures or anything but the game is not pulling me in. I regret preordering tbqhfamlamsaddam
This but metaphorically
I liked Nioh, unlike this you had a ton of options in pretty much any situation
Sekiro actually feels like dark souls with side stepping. It's just way faster so enemies are way faster and you're way faster. Jumping sweeps and deflecting thrusts are way easy compared to sidestepping grabs in this game. Most of them vacuum you in position even if they clip you.
Roll, Roll, Roll, Roll, Roll in, Hit, Hit, Repeat.
You're welcome.
sadly this is why people are shitting on Sekiro
What a fucking pointless post
It's time to ban all Sekiro threads. This has gone on long enough.
Can't wait for a new Armoured Core game and people going "WOOW this is NOTHING like Dark Souls!"
Its over Soulsbros....
this is true.
fighting more than one enemy is not possible with this combat system. this isn't saying it's too hard, you literally cannot deflect 2 enemy's attacks if they do one after the other. you must draw them out 1 by 1, and that gets boring really quickly.
Really? That's fucking stupid
Unironically this, what the fuck were they thinking?
git gud
Then dont block nigga, parry
It's over Frombros... We lost
but it IS dark souls.
I actually thought they would try something different. they sort of tried then pussied out and just made it a different flavor of dark souls, just without the things that made dark souls good. that is why it's trash.
It wasn't marketed to include these things. Take your Souls goggles off already, the game is good and I pity your autism.
yes, slow stealth combat, I feel the adrenaline pumping..
It's Sekirodrones who lost.
Zoomers are so hellbent on finally having THEIR From series they can say they were with from the beginning that they're clinging to a burning ship.
no i said, git gud
>>original game that tries something different
Hahahahahahaha okay fag, it's just another Dark Souls reskin with some plot throw in it plus the worst attempt of stealth ever.
Nothing? It's great, you babies pretend like every game is the blunder of the century. Fuck off
t. haven't read the thread
People are shitting on it BECAUSE its dark souls you fucking idiots. Its literally dark souls with a few action elements slapped on. Its ass compared to pretty much any other action game.
git gud = go hide somewhere for one minute until everybody deaggros
>tfw I pirated it and am not inflicted with buyer’s remorse
It's a Tenchu game that retards on Yea Forumseddit expect to be dark souls.
mad cuz bad
FROM trying to make Batman Arkham Souls.
it's fantastic. ng+ changes the whole world.
fuck off back to Rebbit with you Tortanic shitter.
>It's a Tenchu game
I wish. Tenchu is actually good. This is just Dark Souls without all the things that made Dark Souls good.
Does the Dragonrot actually kill anyone? My sculptor started coughing blood and i am scared lads
>Saying Dark Souls is good in the presence of Sekirocucks
Oh no no no
>original game that tries something different
Literally nothing in this game is original, it's all pulled straight from some other game.
Why does nobody in the game actually look asian except the little girl
does the Dragonrot only spread when you die twice before hitting a checkpoint or when you die and revive?
Literally no argument aside from name calling. Its a terrible, piss poor, shallow action game
Because Japs secretly want to be white.
Streamlined Soulsborne w/ grapple hook is about as conceptually-original as RE2make merging its own series' best aspects together, or DMC5 introducing the robo-fists and an action-summoner.
Fucking Baba Is You is more "original" of a concept so far.
So what you're saying is.
The game focuses on skill?
why the fuck does the dodge button also toggle items
this is driving me nuts with the loud ass sound that it makes
>its a tenchu game
You never fucking played Tenchu then you fucking zoomer faggot.
I'm glad they didn't decide to call it Tenchu because it would have been fucking insulting. Its literally dark souls but more action oriented with nothing that made souls enjoyable. It plays NOTHING like Tenchu ever did.
Yea Forums
Yea Forums went wrong
never listen to Yea Forums and its autistic shitposting
>wolf always uncrouches after using tether
I really do not enjoy this game.
Literally get better holy shit
Group combat is a breeze if you use the right combat arts/don't take more than a few seconds to down a regular enemy
Or maybe the game could just be better.
Who doesn't? White people are based
I too am worried, how do I get rid of this shit
press crouch right before you land, it is annoying though
I didn't thought this would ended up being a problem, but it did. Yea Forums was right this time.
>original game does something different
>its literally just dark souls without replayability, terrible parry spam combat, and worse in every way
i swear i have never used R1 in my entire life as much as in this game
i think i won't finish it if it continues to be this boring
>focus on fast paced battles
>focus on overpowered abilities
>focus on using stealth to begin encounters
Based faster Skyrim
Maybe you could be better though
This The stealth is a fucking joke; also the marks are bugged i got yellow marks of enemies on the other side of the world.
Must not have played Bloodborne
But Bloodborne isn't nearly as boring as Sekiro, and BB was never even good in the first place
The map is shit
I can't break the fucking habit of playing it like a Souls game. I always snap back into it.
bloodborne has strong attack at least
It's Demons Souls 6. Miyazaki made the same fucking game AGAIN, except with way more half-assed mechanics than BB cludged in to make it stand apart from what it's cloned from. Fromsoft needs to drop the whole genre and try something else, because they're spinning their wheels hard now. The AC crew is gone now, so they can try an entirely new mech franchise. Maybe a gritty platformer franchise? Anything but a melee combat action game again.
I really dont like this game. I'm not just saying this to be an edgy v contrarian...I dont even come here that often. I have no desire to continue playing this game or learn about its world or get better at it etc.
i'm 7 hrs in but he's kinda right so far pretty much every enemy is just a samurai dude or a big fat guy. there's a couple wolves or chickens or w/e but they die in one shot anyway.
maybe there's more later but yeah enemy variety is kind of shit and the minibosses are also pretty shit. the shinobi grandma boss was cool though.
Remember when people complained about enemy variety in Nioh?
It’s Dark Souls except they stripped it of everything that made it remotely enjoyable.
>You can try to refute some of the criticisms rather than simply say they're lies
but they are literally lies, which isnt worth refuting
It's kind of amazing how lazily done the whole game is.
They tried something different and fell flat. Ever heard the adage "stick to what you're good at?" For From that's Souls games. Even DS2 is better than Sekiro.
Pointless enough to the point where you felt the need to respond to it in an obvious bait thread. Lmao
Don't you dare mention DS2 on Yea Forums, they'll shitpost you to death. But yes, I agree with you.
Nice to have a game with good steam backgrounds for once
Whoa whoa whoa.
DS2 Scholar is better. The actual base Dark Souls 2 we got on release is still by far the worst From Soulsborniro game
Same, I had no hype or expectations for it either. I bought it to try it out, and felt so unengaged and uninterested after an hour and 50 minutes that i decided to call it quits and refund it. Had no urge to keep going whatsoever.