Breath of nothing to do

Positive things first
1.Really Beautiful and diverse world,snowy Mountains, Woods,a desert and even a jungle.
2.Exploring was really fun for the first 2 hours

Negative Things
1.There all the same enemies and nothing really unique to all These different places in the game.
2.Boring fucking shrines,who are not fun,they feel like a fucking chore
5.after a while this game is nothing but a glorified sight seeing simulator

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After reading all of Yea Forumss post, I am destine to make ADHD simulator


system seller

Welcome to every modern open world game ever. Enjoy your big empty nothing.

this is similar to how i felt too, it sucks because it started out well and the game felt like it had a lot of potential.

now im just bored with my current playthrough and have little desire to finish it. i just really want to replay ocarina of time now lol

I used to live and work in various national parks, and all Breath of the Wild made me want to do was go back so I could have real adventures, go on actual hikes through the wilderness, see incredible sights from dizzying heights, and encounter real creatures that could choose to 1-shot me on any given day.
Anyone who's hiked deep into the woods, or up a mountain, or across the vast plains, understands that it's empty and lonely. BotW captures that in a far more convincing way than other open world games, and the resultant nostalgia makes me wonder why I ever returned to the stupid "real world..."

But anyway, all criticisms of the game are valid, some people will just "get" what the game was going for better than others I suppose.

it sure is ugly and foggy for a sight seeing sim

>nothing to do
This, after about 500 hours I dropped the game because I already ran out of shit to do, it just gets boring at that point.

yeah collecting 9000 shit seeds,or photographing every enemie and animal in the game,is truly exciting and funn,definetly not boring at all

it's not boring if your life is even more boring than chasing korok seeds

>5.after a while this game is nothing but a glorified sight seeing simulator
Maybe thats all I fucking want. If I wanted challenge I'd play more Hollow Knight or Rain World.
Sometimes its enjoyable to listen to the music and hunt down that rare bird for a photo.

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shoo ''researcher''

okey if thats what you are looking for then i guess breath of the wild is good,im just saying that it sucks as a zelda game

The cooking mechanic is fun to mess with, but functionally useless once you get the different armor sets, and find the generous supply of Hearty Durians near Faron Tower.

please enlighten me then?whats so awsome about botw?For me ist easily the worst zelda game ever

>worst zelda game ever

But it's the best open world game ever!

muh freedom!

A return to form after people were disappointed that the dungeons were Zelda 1's actual content.

I didn't like this
then again I didn't like skyrim either

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samefaggot cuck

It's the first game I've ever played that really nails the joy of being outside and fucking around in the wilderness and I love it for that.

I don't get the point of this image

There's alot to do, but there's just no challenge to it. I just did a 3 heart run of the game, and I STILL didn't feel like I was being pushed in hard enough. The more abilities I unlocked, the more I had to avoid using because they kept making the game trivial. Just a few examples of what I ran into.

>had to stop myself from using hearty durians or they would just give me 20+ hearts when cooked
>couldn't use the master sword since I lacked the hearts, but they pretty much roflstomped ganon and the blights anyway, so it was no loss
>had to avoid ancient guardian weaponry since they too were OP against ganon
>had to avoid using timestop since it worked on every enemy in the game even when it shouldn't (Taluses and lynels come to mind)
>infinite bombs meant I could just spam them and never worry about running out
>champion abilities were OP and trivialized the game in too many ways (Urbosa's fury made fighting groups too easy, Daruk's Protection made it so I wouldn't be punished for failing a block, Revali's gale basically trivialized exploration, and Mipha's grace was a one-up that I didn't need ontop of an already easy game)
>flurry rushes were so obnoxious because I literally couldn't avoid using them. They basically rewarded me for doing nothing, and I could spam enemies to death just because I dodged one of their slow attacks. AND WHY THE HELL DO THEY WORK ON GANON? Why is the final boss QTE fodder?
>ganon's final form. yuck

This isn't even getting into how you get OP weaponry dumped on you, like ancient arrows, bomb arrows, armors that give you too much defense and too many OP abilities, and my favorite: the food. Whose bright idea was it to let you be able to hold 3 pages worth of food, while making it so you had no cooldown between eating meals? Ontop of that, there was no limit to where you could eat food. If I'm on a cliffside, I can shove stamina food in my face. If I'm in the air, shove some food in my face. Just wasn't nice.

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It's the only good 3d Zelda since OoT you retarded faggot

Nice try user

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Why would it need to be Ikaruga levels of hard? The game is for kids

>Whose bright idea was it to let you be able to hold 3 pages worth of food, while making it so you had no cooldown between eating meals?
Probably the same guy who let you carry up to 7 full heals in much easier games.

he's literally right

sure he is

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Nice selfie, brainlet

If those little underage ankle biters can't handle some challenge, then they're welcome to go back to Fortnite.

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Yeah, the game stops bothering to challenge you at a certain point. Reminds me how you become so ridiculously overpowered in Morrowind, nothing can possibly harm you, in contrast to the start of the game.

Too many "safety" mechanics.

You're welcome to go back to r-e-d-d-i-t, kiddo.

>Exploring was really fun for the first 60 hours
Fixed. As a game it was far too shallow.

>Koroks were mostly boring
>No Dungeons
>limited enemies
>limited tools
It was a good game, but too shallow to be even the greatest Zelda.

>game is fun for 60 hours which is double the amount of length of the average zelda game
Retarded faggot

Too bad BotW is a fucking ugly “open air” world that’s hardly ever much to look at

OoT and MM are like 20 hours long. If this game managed to get you 60 hours of fun then it already succeeded.

why don't you people just buy a camera and go hiking?

Too bad you're still COPING.

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>Wanting challenge in your game is r*ddit

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if this game is so bad why do you guys have to hate on it so hard

couldn't you just let it be bad and not get your jimmies so rustled

You automatically lose any argument if you start using those pics.

It's not bad, it's just overrated. The same people who hail it as the greatest game ever will simultaneously call games like Dwarf Fortress "toxic masculinity shit" because it's too hard and doesn't hold your hand enough. So I'm not inclined to agree with that mindset.

I've never seen this happen.

happened right here in a manner of speaking.

>b-but the game can't be too hard, think of the children!

Literally soccer mom posting.

Okay, I've seen it once. You're acting like it's rampant though.

>get what it's going for
No fuck off, don't let them off the hook for putting out such an empty boring game, having wonderful exploration is cheapened by the utter lack of content

I invite you to look into the archive and tell me how many times you see posts like this and tell me that it isn't rampant.

bullshit,these Retards Claim that botw is the only good zelda game after ocarina of time,i respond to shit with other shit

>ignoring all the legitimate criticisms
kys zoomer

I invite you to stop coping


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>wojak poster

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If you're actually buttblasted by those literal non-posts, I can't help you.

what the fuck are you even talking about you retarded nigger? use your meme arrows properly and start making sense. autistic faggot

I'm not buttblasted. I just see them as people who can't handle some challenge in their games, and so they insult anyone who wants a little more out of their game.

Said the autistic yikes poster.


Nobody is even implying that you retarded faggot.

Yeah, but I played OoT, TP and WW multiple times over.

>Nobody is even implying that
>literally got called a r*dditor for wanting some extra challenge

Or did those posts magically stop existing?

Seek help, autismo.

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You need to stop being so emotionally invested in this subject. You're waging war with idle mudslinging.

>TP and WW multiple times over.

So? I mean I played BOTW twice already and never bothered playing TP and SS more than once.


All this, because I just said that BOTW could use a little extra challenge. I did my best to not attack anyone, I didn't say Zelda was shit. I just gave my genuine viewpoint. To be attacked in such a vitriolic way from all sides, it just sours my experience.

Nice falseflag, nigger.

botw is literally the hardest 3d zelda ever made. at least i saw the game over screen more than once

I didn't once attack you. I've been telling you to calm down but my words fall on deaf ears obviously.

doesnt Change the fact that its still boring


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I've been calm user. Why am I not allowed to relay my criticisms towards BOTW? why do you give a free pass to the shitposters calling me a faggot and a nigger? I swear, every zelda thread is like this, and it doesn't get any less frustrating.

>acting like a victim on a Lebanese vidya message board
Fuck off

Back to resetera, faggot.

it's implying Yea Forums has cried "non-stop" about this game since its release. Which yeah, we have daily threads.

Let it be known that I tried to have some sensible discussion, but it fell on deaf ears.

Because if I had the power to crackdown on the degenerates just slinging insults at you, I'd be at it for the rest of my life 24/7. For every one person willing to actually talk, there will always be ten who will just call you a faggot to make you squirm.


>makes a bait thread
>proceeds to act like a victim
Typical faggot behavior.

It's not bad, nor terrible. But it has a lot of room for improvement.
>A slightly smaller world with more established structures/towns/etc.
>Item repair if you have a favorite weapon at the cost of rupees and materials, giving you an incentive to gather them up
>More enemy variety
>An underground complex that can serve as an alternative way to explore and reach new places
>Some dungeons akin to the older games
>A time system like Majora, but instead of a time limit, time can tie into events and such
BotW set the groundwork for a lot of potential follow-ups.

Attached: 1548292169420.webm (1280x720, 2.67M)

I am trying to be sensible at least. I don't return their insults or personally attack them. I'm just trying to stick to the discussion about the game. I don't know what more I can do.

yo tranny, listen up. Maybe people don,t care what retards like you think?

>A time system like Majora, but instead of a time limit, time can tie into events and such
Please no

and yet you are here

To call you a faggot. Faggot.

My one suggestion to you is to flee this website. There's nothing of value for you here. If intelligence was water, this site is a desert. A sea of sand and dehydrated lizards calling each other faggot.


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i think what the game needed the most is indeed more enemy variety and real dungeons,the world is so big they could have easily put around 12 element themed dungeons with unique bosses,also the shrines should have not have been in the game in the first place.i know im repeating myself they just should have placed heart Containers and Stamina Containers all around this gigantic world

i will never recover,and now open boob and vagene plz

Read that line again.

I was being respectfull, you doN,t like being called a faggot apparently.

let's be real trannies and faggot are about the same level of genetic tarre

it's actually even more than daily, there's generally at least 3 threads every 24 hours. It's fucking insane, I've never seen anything like it before on Yea Forums

yeah but so?

You're throwing out names because I said Zelda wasn't a flawless masterpiece. Think about that for a second.

so, as the image says, people can't stop crying about it

yeah but what's the point, why's it matter?

Didn't read any of that. Your opinions are all shit and you're stupid.

Can you pinpoint where I'm crying about it hereI'm trying to have some sensible, legitimate discussion, but everyone replied to me by calling me a faggot, a nigger, a tranny, a retard, and etc. Why can't you guys have some sensible discussion?

Dungeons have never been fun in any game ever.

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Just calling you a faggot because it's obvious you are a prime example of the category. Meanwhile, you will keep being a seething faggot about BotW. When this thread die in a hour or so will you do another ? I believe so, because autism is another mental illness that seems tailored for you

>I'm trying to have some sensible, legitimate discussion
if that's the case why did you ignore the two posts replying seriously and instead focus on the one nigger reply?
Also, I wasn't saying that people critical about the game are the ones crying about it, or even that those "against" the game are the only ones crying about it, since it goes both ways.

a very contradicting statement

why are you humoring the mentally ill, user?

it's blatantly obvious faggot OP got some outstanding mental defects.

Okay, sure. If you want to keep throwing around obnoxious names, be my guest.

>When this thread die in a hour or so will you do another ?
1. I didn't make this thread.

2. I plan on playing another game after this thread dies. A far better game than Zelda imo.

>if that's the case why did you ignore the two posts replying seriously and instead focus on the one nigger reply?
>posts ever replying seriously when they can just spam and call me names instead

No one's life is that boring r-right

Sucking cock is not a zelda game. it's not even a game, just a degenerate pastime.

>>posts ever replying seriously when they can just spam and call me names instead
there were 2 perfectly sensible replies to you earlier that you completely ignored. Since this is how you choose to respond, I guess this means this user was right

That maybe, just maybe you should move on?

it doesn't really matter since this is Yea Forums and Yea Forums is for shitposting anyway. None of this really matters

>there were 2 perfectly sensible replies
The only sensible one was the guy who I didn't really have much to say to. We were on the same page. Then you had this guy>omg earlier games were easy so Zelda should NEVER be hard

Pardon me for thinking a series should improve over time. I'm getting sick of obnoxious fanboys who can't take even one bit of criticism. Look how quick you are to write me off as mentally ill because I have a low tolerance for shitposters.

What a faggoty post. I feel sad for your continued existence.


>>calls others faggots while defending pic related


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Is Ganondorf ever going to come back in a main line Zelda game? Not Ganon, but the sneaky Gerudo thief/wizard?

Despite the fact he has only been in 3 games, while Pig Ganon has been in 11, he is by far the more well known and liked incarnation of the villain.

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>>omg earlier games were easy so Zelda should NEVER be hard
See, here you're blatantly making up a strawman to fit your narrative when that user didn't say nor even imply this. You're being intentionally confrontational about this like a colossal fag.

>calling someone a nigger and a faggot = fine
>saying that zelda should have some upward difficulty = you're being confrontational and rude

I didn't call you either of those things, but two wrongs don't make a right. This "discussion" you're having with that other user is little more than a shitflinging contest.

As expected, the faggot keeps faggot pictures saved. What's weird is that the faggot subhuman still doesn't realise how much of a retarded faggot he is.

I think it'd be better if it went from quest to quest fairly linearly but kept the quests really open ended so that you can choose how to complete quests but you'd have to complete them fairly in order