Here is your VtM Bloodlines 2 dev team Yea Forums

Here is your VtM Bloodlines 2 dev team Yea Forums.

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Other urls found in this thread: &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=de

how tall is that dude on the right?

Blonde guy unironically looks like he scores a bunch of pussy on the daily.

Exactly my thoughts, would hang with and be the wingman.

He doesn’t look like he likes pussy.

That picture could be so much worse, I'm okay with it.
One basedboy and its from a girl.
Several of them seem like just normal dudes.
I think we'll be okay.


Thats alright, ill take it

They all have facial hair. That’s textbook soi.

>That picture could be so much worse, I'm okay with it.
>One basedboy and its from a girl.
>Several of them seem like just normal dudes.
>I think we'll be okay.

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Why does Yea Forums have an irrational hatred of women and glasses?

Dude on the right legit looks like a dracula

Me,blurred in the back. I do all the real work btw. Those other goons just drink Söy Latte every day while tweeting at Trump. Never saw them actual use a real keyboard.

Poor Mitsoda, he's the only adult there.

Involuntary celibacy.

Where are the niggers?

There's nothing wrong with the photo.

White haired dude on the right looks like someone who actually thinks they are a vampire and goes to goth clubs.

Looks pretty normal desu.


THey'll shove their political beliefs down your throat faster than your black boyfriend can shove his cock down yours.
And it's pretty damn quick

They look based as fuck

How would you know that you faggot.

Hillary lost.

Facial hair growth is linked to testosterone.
So "textbook soi" is more likely to be a hairless beta male like you.

>unironically using know it all
how about mocking spongebob or u mad bro while you're at it

>implying I'm an amerrifat or care about mutt politics

Lel you retards are nothing but amusement on the other side of the atlantic.

Proper, masculine men shave was my point.

Not with today's fashion.

What did you say about facial hair you little faggot?

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There's literally no reason not to shave unless you have shitty facial features to hide or your job doesn't allow you to shave.

Noone is doing the ghost blowjob face. Full hair. No beards
They ok my on my book.

Oh, he's just a bitch who can't grow a beard like a real man.

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It actually isn't though.
>You might think men who can grow a beard have a higher testosterone level, but in reality, most men have about the same level of testosterone. And that's where genetics come in: How one's body responds to testosterone results in how one's facial hair grows. Being highly sensitive to testosterone means more facial hair. On the down side, it attributes to baldness. So for those who have boy face, don't fret! You're safe from baldness later in life! For the time being, a glue-on beard might just do the trick.

Enjoy your bowling ball head.

Basic hygiene has nothing to do with whether you can grow a beard or not, faggot.

Beards look manly and cool, fuck off.

Beards suit some guys though.

have sex

not with that fedora tier black shirt / white tie combination

You know what else is manly and cool? Proper facial features you don't have to hide with a beard like the ugly fuck you are.

Is it 5th ed?
Will we get the cannon Nazi Brujah?
Assamite feeding camps disguised as gay death camps?

Keep telling yourself that beardlette

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This game is going to be awful and you know it.

I think I'm done with games lads. I'm literally just emulating PS2 games and the last 2 modern games I played were ports and remakes, RE2 and Onimusha.

The last modern game I liked was Mankind Divided and even that had issues, plus it apparently didn't make money so the series is cancelled. I don't like BR and free to play games. The last news I was excited about was a fucking Demons Souls remaster. How did it get so bad?

Maybe you would like AC7

Cope harder beardlet.

Where did you get the part about assamite gay death camps?

Unironically, has "diversity" ever made ANYTHING better?

A diverse stock portfolio

Most of them look like vampires anyway.

They can look however the fuck they want as long as they don't dye their hair with unnatural colors and have the necessary credentials.

Here's your Senior writer responsible for all the sidequests, bro!

Attached: Cara_Ellison.jpg (2798x2563, 2.24M)

Brian looking pretty fresh there

>older employees look alright
>newer younger ones are söy incarnate
This says a lot about our society

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>People saying they look normal

The person on the left appears to be either a lesbian or a tranny.

Not diversity, ((("diversity")))

god help us

That's Brian Mitsoda for fuck's sake. He's not blonde, he's almost 50 years old.

Diversity? They're all white and dressed in black. Except the real attention whore holding the camera.

This thread is proof that politic fags will get upset about anything.

What kind of people did you expect. It’s vampires. The lore of Buffy and Twilight

Have sex

Only the bottom right guy looks like a total bitch. Right guy is Dracula, while dude in the back has a strong jaw and full hair. The top left man seems kind off iffy, but also like he could be way better looking with a trip to the barber.


I don't care about the politics. What I'm worried about is that they don't fuck up the game by taking out the rpg mechanics. Like in the first game where if you did a build wrong it became extremely difficult if not impossible to continue going forward in the story. Or having to actually figure out how to do the quest by reading the journal. I'm hoping they don't Bethesda the shit out of it by putting quest markers everywhere or make quests impossible to fail.

What's with the SJWs in this thread? OP just posted a picture of the dev team.

Its going to be based on the latest version of the pnp rpg.

Give DMC5 a shot.

Everybody knows what kind of jewish tricks you /pol/acks try to pull.

Dude on the far right looks like the kind of person I want making a vampire game, the rest I don't know about.

They look fairly normal by video game dev standards

Someone's jelly here? Can't grow a proper beard with your puberty blockers?

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>your physical apearance is a good indicator of how good of a game dev you are

>plus it apparently didn't make money so the series is cancelled
its coming back next year retard, they were giving tomb raider the spotlight. you really fucking think that in the time when Deux Ex memes are literally every youtube profile pic that they WOULDNT relelase a Deus Ex game?

They wont even have to advertise.

At least the guys are smiling like normal people

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>all white people
HUGE yikes!

>muh pol

You're firstly delusional for even thinking that. You're secondly delusional for having a problem with pol if all they supposedly do is post a picture of a game dev team.

>fat SJW monstrosities
>only one guy looks normal

>sad boys complain about how boogeymen ruined their favorite franchise thread n.10421

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Cut two up front out and this looks fine

>grown man dressing like a literal 13 year old in 2004

woman on the left reminds me of pearl from MST3k, and that comforts me.

The left woman (gender unconfirmed) doesn't look normal.

yeah, who better to make a goofy game about vampires? Your dumb ass?

generally yes

how often do you see guys that look like the DOOM dev team?

You know you can wash and groom beard

>goofy game

So it's goofy now, is it?


Fuck off /pol/shit nobody cares about your real life problems.

And I just advised him to have sex. What is the problem?

Wew lad it so weird that there are no chads working for a videogame studio.
Amirite fellow /pol/acks XD

He can't have sex, so it's triggering to him.

>Dev of VtmB shouldn't be creating the sequel


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it was always fucking goofy holy shit. That's the appeal. I don't want 'muh realistic vampoores' shit. give me giant werewolves, gehenna fuckin everything up, goofy looking afro merchants selling uzis out of a uhaul by the dozen, bombastic corporate mega-evils twirling their moustaches, hyperbolic clans clinging to a single ideal and espousing it to the bleeding point.

>all white

>tumblr hates white people
>/pol/ hates white people
I have never seen a race hate itself from both sides of the political and social spectrum.

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Why do SJW fatties all look like this bitch lmao

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the fat ugly feminist is the only thing bad about this image

Damn, that hair with 50?

Hey fuck off louise was a based negro.

That Tremere dude on the right will save the game

>louise (????)
I ain't talking shit, my dude. Fat Larry might've been the best part of the game.

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only after he refills his date rape drug prescription

How about you quit assuming genders, you stupid shits?

>vampire fiction isn't the height of 13 year old's fantasy

retard alert

He's a real life vampire. Vampires don't go bald

He's married.

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True gamers

Wew for some reason I though his name was louise.

>two black shirts
yes, this is the kind of person I want making my game about vampires

Damn, he's a big guy.

>They all have facial hair. That’s textbook soi.
t. low test fuccboi
Dont you have some stockings and skirts to buy?


Go out and have a fucking social life, geez, what a fucking boomer

why does the dude on the left look like Ken Levine

>Oh, you need me to write more quests?
>You know they will be gender inclusive, right?

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>everything that doesn't fit my agenda is pol

No, you fuck off SJW.

What a canned response.

>Don't call me a slut! Stop sexuality shaming!
>Lol incel

Canned like your chances of finally becoming a man by being able to grow a beard?

They look like nice people.

Wtf only one of them look like a vampire

He was on the original team as a lead writer and actually voiced the news reader and some of the npcs in bloodlines 1.

fucking hell, isn't Cara Ellison supposed to be young?
she looks older than fourty

back right and left are cuties

>that 14 year old that thinks he is manly because of some brown bullshit on his lip

Don't be so tense. Relax, man.

All the men in grayscale can grow fullbeards, but choose not to. Women can see this. Statistically, women prefer men with mad beard genetics who shave. You'll never be this kind of man. I'm sorry.

that's Mitsoda, he's got voice like a eunuch

I just hate problematic glasses and hipster glasses. Mostly because of the kind of person that wears those bit also because they are fucking ugly, which is why I hate having to buy new ones as they fill the market

>this is how facial hairlets cope

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i had a beard at 16 years old i just like to have stubble like this

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Let me guess. You're just salty because your facial hair looks like this..?
No worries guys. It may still grow nicely one day.

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Genes that let you grow not shit beards are also tied to having a good jawline, i doubt you have either going for you.

they need to brush their teeth more

>i just like to have stubble like this
now post a pic of yourself to see if it suits you and dont look like a wifebeater

Tell me about brian, why does he wear the gloves?

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>I can tell the quality of a game by looking at what the devs look like
When will this incel cuck meme die?

as a top percentile beardfag, i'd rather have a sharper jawline than a good beard, and my beard is top notch without much effort

There's something really wrong with that waist

What's wrong with any of that?


>tfw I get mistaken for b4nny, ever, even once.

Did you actually post a picture of yourself?! HAHAHAHA, you fucking TOOL!

b4nny is fat and has acne

Here. I just removed 95% of potential problems the game could have.

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Well i mean if i look like that i would have no problem posting my face user, pretty sure you are upset that you will never be confident enough to do the same.
Not him btw.

people who like vampires are always degenerate weirdos

>in 2004
But it's 2019?

>Not him btw.

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t. can’t grow a beard

>the ebil vampire is drump

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Eunuchs have much higher voices than normal, Mitsoda sounds like Adam Jensen deepthroated a cigar

What's wrong?
Does the fact that there are 2 women there offend you in some way?
None of the men are doing the wide open mouth smile, so you can't complain about that either.

This. I'm glad I didn't mouthbreathe when I was young so I have a healthy jaw.
t. jawlets

The zoomers that compose the majority of the board don't know that.

>samefagging to cope with defective genes

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>There are people who think this will hold a candle in any way to VtM


Shut the fuck up you dumb discord tranny bitch. You know exactly what the problem is, faggot. These soi commies are infiltrating everything that we love, I refuse to support even my favorite game of all time if these libcucks have their filthy fucking soi numale hands all over it. Stop playing coy. The world learned of our anger last week. I don’t think they should push us any further.

fucking relax, shit

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>The world learned of our anger last week. I don’t think they should push us any further.
>our anger
You wish, fatass.


No. I won’t relax while the things I love are being corrupted. YOU are what’s wrong with Yea Forums. YOU need to leave or YOU will see the consequences in real life soon enough.

Uhm, sweetie, its Xir/Zer/Xurlum.

>guy on the top right
he looks suspiciously like the one archer voice actor/guy from good eats

nu-based progresivepilled

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BASED British lion dabbing on amerifats.

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no time stamp

>discord tranny bitch
LOL I could fucking tear you apart, little gamer boy.

>change happens and I can't adapt or cope so here i am shitting all over myself for everyone to see
you're a silly bitch. make your own damn vampire game with all this energy you're demonstrating.

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I see 2 women which I'll assume are both incompetent and useless.

Be the change you impotent faggot.

this is you

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meh at least their is one normal looking guy

>YOU will see the consequences in real life soon enough.
Good luck, I'm behind seven proxies.

Him, but not me.

>Only 2 look like /tg/
Fuck this life.

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Bitches love gothic shit. It's impossible to have a group of goths without at least one girl.

Here's the OG team

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You think having groupies and having female developers are the same thing?

game developers are pretty onions why is this a shock to anyone? they always have been

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It's a game about homoerotic vampires, this is a pretty normie looking group considering the subject matter. EVERY male in the first game was vaguely gay but nobody ever critiques that. And that includes Jack.

Since you posted this here you probably want 1991 looking metalheads or goths making it. You're no better, you just like a different form of limp wrist open mouth smiling.

It's scary how you can tell neckbeards from ***lents even though both are the same on the surface.

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I will just remember the times where you could have a vampire thread without all this /pol/ shitposting

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>cretin shills cretin ideology
>guy shrugs nonsense off in both answers
Your point being?

>hurr durr "but it was relevant to her character, not like V:B2"

LOL dude, he is wearing this leather fingerless gloves during a PR event ... no, just no. Women are cringing by the thousands.

I would rather talk with and spend time with the woman in this picture than either women in the OP. Legitimately looks like someone with a better personality.

Are you kidding? Women are pretty much the innovators of the goth aesthetic.

I want /tg/ looking dudes, not some normiefag who has a family dinner with his wife's family on weekend, but a fat fuck LARPING Warhammer with his friends on weekend.

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Is there any actual source that this is a character design in the game?

Looks like people who actually play videogames

You can tell by her frumpy look that this woman is an actual nerd and not some sjw queer

This but unironically

"Don't judge a book by it's cover" is about how sometimes appearances can be decieving, it doesn't literally mean "you should never judge something based on how it looks", because 99% of the time you'll be correct

>all those beards
>that gay long hair
>that dumb fat bitch
Even the past could not escape from soi. What happened to real nerds making games?

Sheesh, this is the writing in the game? Sounds like something a dork would say.

People crying about beards being "soi" is the most pathetic projection of insecurities I've ever seen.

Being fat isn't healthy.

>Luck: 1

All you need is the fact they let a woman with a septum piercing, gaudy lipstick and problem glasses in their team to raise the biggest red flag imaginable.

I want the right guy to be the evil ventrue somewhere in the game.

No, if anything this post is projection and ignorance. They all have the beard in common because they're so weak and emasculated the beard is probably the last remnant of masculinity they can muster, so they keep it as a remnant of their heterosexual days.

Face it faggot. Dudes with beards and long hair are table top rpg'ers and the only people that knows how to build an actual RPG and not a shitty action game where they throw som dialogue options in and call it a "roleplaying game"

so? I don't buy a game because the developer is /fit/.

What do you think a real nerd looks like?

>tfw you didn't even like bloodlines

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How the fuck do you go on living after something like that as the parents.

Normalfags don't like video games.

But apparently you do buy games because the developer isn't fit.

>Only 2 people with actual experience with RPGs, a nobody and basically slaves whose only skills comes from maintenance on games the actual devs moved on from

Well whoever the new Wesp will be probably wont waste time opening a patreon

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Men without onion mouths?? so psyched now that Ive seen this pic!

Are you telling me if you look at this thing you wouldn't automatically assume what part of the political spectrum they belong? In some places, it's more evident than the others.

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Why are you so obsessed?

think you can say that's the horseshoe theory of beards, the overmasculine boomers always have beard and the basedbois always have beards...maybe beards are like coloured hair in women

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his fatness is an indicator of his devotion to stupid shit. Like a fat chef, having spent a lifetime of passion eating and studying food, ruining his body along the way so that I can pay money for a tiny sliver of that rich flavor he spent his life to acquire.

I have something to say to you about it, that it concerns men with those mouths and vidya, but I'm afraid to hurt your feelings.

If all you see is politics everywhere then you're a sheep

>2 sois
>1 butch
>1 ambigious feminist
>1 normie
>1 tall vampire stuck in the 80s
I'm ok with this.

VTM is always about the macabre so their leftist propaganda will fit in

No, it's like figuring out well passing trannies at first glance, it's an art.

You are insane

is he a vampire as well?

Negative. Manly men wear a short beard like Snake, Geralt, or Dante

Says the malkavian tranny.

Honestly, this doesn't even surprise me that much. If people like that would be anywhere it'd be vampirefag weirdotown. I just hope they don't ruin malkavians by being too sensitive to insane paranoid schizophrenics. It's funny as fuck.
I also hope the combat is less jank as fuck.

Why all millennials look like fucking clowns?
How did an entire generation end up being autistic?

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Where is troika team? They have taste in s

>dat classic tim

And? That doesn't mean they're good game developers, you autist.


>five regular smiles
>one basedlord smile
yeah, I'm fine with this.

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>retards literally judge whether a game will be good or not based on if the devs mouths are open in a picture

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Firat generation to grow up in front of screens. It wasn't even all of us. Wait till the next gen, it'll be great

>onions turns to based
Yeah, this site has gone to shit back to cripple Yea Forums.

They were scattered to the wind.

>Hurr, I can tell they're bad developers, because they're women.

I think you're creating a false dichotomy so you have something to complain about.

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Let me explain why that happened:
Apparently, a mod from /g/ was posting some gay ass keyboards. They started calling him out as one of these things and in a fit of rage he went and had the word banned, because in his mind being a pencil neck fag makes you based.

I'd fuck Nina, if you know what I mean.

>already locked content behind further DLC

fuck right off

Its not hatred, its just the awareness that women ruin everything they touch.

I don't get it.

Brian is on the right. He wrote dialogues for VTMB and voiced Romero

I would put my penis inside her vagina, if you catch my drift.

>misses the joke entirely
I wouldn't expect any less from the super autist trannies that post here, to take every single post literally.

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Or they just like how it looks

In english doc.

>Like a fat chef, having spent a lifetime of passion eating and studying food, ruining his body along the way so that I can pay money for a tiny sliver of that rich flavor he spent his life to acquire.

God that reminds me of why I love eating human flesh so much.

where is all the diversity?

No. It's totally not a coincidence that with the decline of masculinity we saw an increase in beards.

Attached: MW-misc-Development_Team.jpg (700x525, 73K)


When a man and a woman love each other very much, they engage in the beautiful act of consensual sexual intercourse for the purposes of reproduction, or "make love". This bonds them together, impregnantes her and allows them to start a family.

This is not what I want to do. I want to wreck her pussy.

>the developers don't look the part
Reminder that this guy worked tirelessly to make Cuphead happen.

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>poor eyesight

You know its true you faggot, normalfags don't play video games.

Game devs should look like this, and focus their entire lives on games.

He looks like a reverend.

Post his brother.

I swear to god I can't tell which one is the man or if they're both futches.

Got stats to back that up?

>expresses disdain for unqualified dipshits holding on to positions they're shit at performing due to their connections
>rates dick pics based on artistic merit

Sounds like a solid choice desu

>you really fucking think that in the time when Deux Ex memes are literally every youtube profile pic that they WOULDNT relelase a Deus Ex game?
you don't seriously think that those zoomers even know what deus ex is, do you?

>that demon in the middle of those good people

If only they knew.

Are you Chinese?

me in the back

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I ended up growing a beard simply because I stopped caring, got no doubt it's the same for others.

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Who's laughin now?

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Why does that girl on the right have 5o'clock shadow?

>every girl I see probably has a penis
Yea Forums ruined you, m8

First thing I thought. No soi-faces.

I don't shave unless I go out with friends or some other place I might meet a cute girl desu.

It really does look like a man, tho.

Yes. They call me the butcher, I run a shop in sheng zheng.

Distinct lack of diversity in their team. White as snow. Sorry I think I'll be skipping this one.

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This. I can't be doing with shaving every day.


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>the Chad Chad
>the virgin Jared

Diversity needs to be in the game, not the team, because if the game turn out to be trash nobody will buy it.

Though truthfully, Jared's beard actually looks alright. Not quite soi

Haha look at that beard. You could probably take him.

Who are you quoting?

Do you dual wield cleavers and use a mask made of the faces of your victims?

Eh, this is partially true.
when I was about 21, I started working at this store. Typical retail gig. The kids would come in, and disrespect the shit out of me. This one time I confronted some high school kids for loitering, and one of them actually threatened to see me in school. Like, he thought I was still in high school.

Then I started to care less about shaving. I let more than a bit of stubble come in, and suddenly the kids started averting their gaze, and acting funny. When I had a good amount of coverage going, I was getting "sirs." And the kids stopped testing me. That's when I realized the beard was more than just a look, it was like a symbol of maturity.

damn, comic book guy from the simpsons worked on that game? who knew?

Yes, my cleavers are also attached to chains, and I have a long mustache I like to stroke a lot while laughing.

>it was like a symbol of maturity.
Nah, it's just a shortcut to looking older. It's useful if you have a babyface or if you're a manlet.

I care at least as much about who made my game as I do about what the result was. I am willing to buy an inferior game if my money is going to a team who is demonstrating that minorities can make just as good of games as white male incels.

It's from Vampire 5th edition the book, on which this game is in the same setting.

Is it onions if a woman does it?

Is that Dax Shephard?

>Brian Mitsoda
>I highly doubt he is still he man he was 15 years ago. The interview with the composer of the soundtrack says everything you need to know.
>>Q: If you could... Would you make new music to Vampire: the Masquerade Bloodlines? Like adding new musical scores to diverse [sic] the current amazing music already in the game? / Did you use any music samples when making the soundtrack?
>>Rik Schaffer: I couldn't. That music wasn't even a game score. It was an album. I'm not that guy, or in that place anymore. I was broke, living on a couch, out of rehab and jail and living in Hollywood. Basically a character of the game.
> &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=de

It's not a shortcut. It's nature. It's unnatural to shave your beard. Shaving is a shortcut to a youthful look.

dude on the right writes the story from experience

It's gotta be something that essentially does the opposite.
Something that makes them testosterone-trannys
I believe I read that pomegranates raise testosterone in males AND females

>I'm jealous of the under-qualified super-networked white dudes who have jobs that I could do way better :)
Admit it, we've all felt this way minus the white dudes part. Too bad she's focusing on the race/gender and not on the actual system of cronyism that deeply infests so many industries and workplaces. My job for example has like 3 female "secretaries" who don't know what an .xslx file is, and only work there because their husbands also work at the company.

What's your point

Where do you think you are?

He was but he cleaned himself up a bit

she and the person in the tweet are not qualified to do anything besides be a grown child

Attached: id software.jpg (284x178, 9K)

This but 100% unironically

Are any of them blonde? One guy has white hair. I don't see any blondes

In nature, it would get torn off when a wolf grabbed hold of it.

>a bunch of pussy
How much is that?

They don't have that chronic depression look required to make this kind of game.

Now these people do.

Be honest, did you actually play and finish VtM:B?

How does the lady on the left know EXACTLY what men want?

Yes, but only as a malk.

We all did, but I don't like how publicly talking shit about "white dudes" is something acceptable.

Of course. Tried all clans, finished with most. Played all faction routes/endings. Fapped to Jeanette and VV. Good game.

>all those whities

Attached: 1546143975019.jpg (527x540, 56K)

>"I'm jealous of the under-qualified super-networked white dudes who have jobs that I could do way better :)"
>Get hired as a game writer

>"I'm jealous of the under-qualified super-networked jewish dudes who have jobs that I could do way better :)"
>Never work again

Oh great it's being made by a literal stage magician. Have bad experiences with those.

Attached: Randy+with+card.jpg (400x400, 20K)

Yeah, just last year. I finished it once with tremere and got so hooked that I immediately did 2 subsequent playthroughs trying out new things. It's one of those refreshing games that really can reignite one's passion for the hobby.

Why has Yea Forums become so shit? Why are so many /pol/ incels shitting up this board?

Man, she most have been a hottie if she got raped so much.

Attached: 1519023835549.png (225x225, 40K)

>Every political discussion must revolve around nazis and sjws
Please go outside

Ham-fisted gender politics have no place in video games
It's a very valid discussion and a very valid complaint.

they have a vampire
what can possibly go wrong

We still have an option of not buying her game though.

It reeks soi

You start doing porn.

>all whites

based. only whites know how to mess with vampire culture

so how long until the studio shuts down now?

if the thread is about it sure
just stay away from everything else

in this case it was raw shitposting from the start so guess it also applies

What is it with progressives having yellow teeth

Umm wow can you delete this? Like you're being super islamophobic right now

Good news then

Attached: D2RpjtYU8AEF32S.jpg (1200x361, 40K)

I see plenty of writers that wear gloves like that since their hands are fucked.

>roam the city ingame
>you encounter what looks like a nosferatu out in the open
>masquerade broken
>yfw it's actually just an NPC that just so happens to be based on actual real life lefties

Attached: nosferatu breaking the masquerade.webm (640x640, 2.05M)


>people who make computer games look like dweebs

imagine my shock


She's cute and looks scared.

Best kind of girl.

literally what is wrong with this

I can already see those two sjw "women" wanting to eradicate all white males in the game.

Also this picture looks like it's sponsored by Onions.

>I can already see those two sjw "women" wanting to eradicate all white males in the game.

Attached: honk.png (750x896, 484K)

I'm not sure what this has to do with Brian. His Dead State was all right, barring technical issues.

One bunch of pussy is minimum 8 pussies.

>Douchebag with a moustache
>Nerdy qt3.14
>A literal Chad
>A boomer
>Nosering feminazi

not that bad tbqh lads

>“She also said that they’re trying to broaden Bloodlines 2 from the more masculine power fantasy of the original, so that it appeals to way more people this time.”

He means that Rik is a very different person now so the music won't be the same.
I don't see this as a problem because even while his new music almost certainly won't be the same his talent shouldn't have just evaporated because he got his life back on track. Truly creative people (as opposed to swarms of modern day hipsters, Internet activists and poseurs) have imagination and are able to immerse themselves in source material. We'll just have to wait and see.


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>from the more masculine power fantasy of the original
Lol. So that's why female characters had more options and were generally more enjoyable to play as, gotcha.

>Ageing douchebag with a moustache
>Ageing nerdy qt3.14
>Ageing literal Chad
>Ageing boomer
>Ageing onionsboy
>Ageing nosering feminazi

>women could seduce, trick, outsmart, persuade, or beat up their foes
>masculine power fantasy
I'm starting to think that anything involving conflict counts as masculinity.

Do you really think that Brian(or any of the other writers) could make a Bloodlines today that was as dark and edgy as it was 15 years ago? Hookers, junkies, blood dolls, strippers - in every single hub? Extremely flirtatious characters all over? Quests that give you the option to solve them with sex? All in all, a world that couldn't be seedier if it was 70s/80s NYC or LA?

> women could seduce
This is an integral part of masculine power fantasy

Only if the guy is fully in control. Fujiko Mine is the ultimate cuckold temptress fantasy. She's the proto twitchthot.
Another one is Ada Wong

why is everyone so afraid of a bean?

Not when she doesn't put out. When she seduces you, uses you for her own purposes and then leaves you blueballed that's really not fun.

Nah, powerful women used their sex appeal as a means to an end or even outright as a weapon since time immemorial. It's just the weaker ones were mere whores while the stronger ones were leaders (matriarchy used to be a thing once).

>None of the man are making soi-faces
>Proper smiles
>Fat dude on the front seems to be a nerd and possibly understands why the originals were great
The team could be so so much worse. Be glad about what you have

are you from resetera or just dumb?

>>implying my beard wouldnt tear up a wolf's mouth like fucking steel ribbons

>Blonde guy unironically looks like he scores a bunch of pussy on the daily.

With his toupee?

>facial hair

the hairier you are the more high test you are.

>Nerdy dudes who code all day aren't at the high point of looks

These threads are retarded. Let the game speak for itself you /pol/retards

>he can't grow a beard

Attached: Engineer laugh.gif (480x270, 1.48M)

>stubble like this

that's a beard not stubble

I mean that is exactly what most of the people who play the tabletop look like so I don't really see an issue

>These soi commies are infiltrating everything that we love, I refuse to support even my favorite game of all time if these libcucks have their filthy fucking soi numale hands all over it. Stop playing coy. The world learned of our anger last week.

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>Jeans with no belt.
>refusing to accept balding by not cutting hair.
>That untailored frumpy shirt

Christ I fucking hate other nerds. You can be a nerd and still take care of yourself.

angry white suburbans don't have shit to do so we are getting these threads forever

He looks like Person from person of interest.

So did they purchase the rights from Troika or what?

and you're going to post in them forever lmao stupid subhuman

Guys you're seriously in denial. Seductive women come in lots of forms, ranging from damsels in distress, to amazons, to femmes fatales, and this all counts as male fantasy for the libshits, because it emphasizes that men and women actually want and need each other.

They acquired White Wolf a few years ago, also probably bought the rights to the "Bloodlines" title from whoever owned it.

I feel like pointing this out. Americans are uniquely deformed. Must be all the heavy metals from those nuclear tests.

Attached: 2px26b59pelz.jpg (818x503, 32K)

she was triggered because a game implied rape, ignored the hypocrisy of being fine with murder, and namedropped fucking Anita as an inspiration. she's clearly:
>really fucking dumb
>really full of herself and her opinions
>an enemy of artistic expression
and now she's working on a game with a horror theme and she will do her best to appeal to other morons like herself instead of anyone actually looking forward to it.

haven't played V5, what's it like?

They look like they are capable of creating a really good game, I hope you know there were women with liberal views working on the first game too. It's okay to have political choice in a roleplaying game.


You, faggot.

That's why I hate the term "male power fantasy" so much. It has no real meaning. It's just another "toxic masculinity".
It's simply another way of saying "white man bad".

Dude, the temptress only works if at the end she ends in the mating press with your self-insert. Otherwise, it's nothing but feminist fodder.

Surprised none of the "men" have their mouths agape.

He looks like a power tripping date rapist

when the game comes out and the writing is dogshit people will be saying "what happened" as if they don't know

You realize by doing this you're much worse than what you're trying to mock.

This last part you can just imagine in your head.

ah yes making shitty Yea Forums posts is much worse than advocating for kids to be learning from books like this (literally happening in england)

Attached: princess-boy-2[1].jpg (1341x643, 116K)

All of that looks fine to me, she sounds like a female who isn't an NPC. A girl that gets aroused by an erect dick instead of offended is the sort of female writer I want working on this game.

They look like a bunch of completely ordinary people. Anybody who gets triggered by this image is probably an autist.

Attached: bs.png (195x193, 36K)

>practically getting wet over the idea of taking jobs from men
yeah she sounds like a great person

this can't be real

>you're seriously in denial
Says the brown knight on his high agenda horse. Shoo, shoo, chosen storm-man.


>insulin rush
am i losing my fucking mind, this is the second time this week ive seen someone use insulin in what is almost definitely supposed to be "adrenaline"

>only in your head

This. There's a reason why chads keep their beard in check with style instead of just letting it grow like shit


>t. Brian

This but unironically.

Hey leftists, if you are going to falseflag atleast bring up jews

>Facial hair growth is linked to testosterone.

Onions has a lot of protein which would increase your levels of testosterone.

Based and Sex pilled.

allow me to congratulate you on this fine bait, you cought many angry you's

Mechanically it lays way more focus on regular feeding and how being hungry is very dangerous.
Also revamped a lot of other mechanics which i personally like because no one can tell you with a straight face that the old botch system wasn't retarded.
Also Loresheets are a great system with obviously varying quality from Rudi to pic related

Attached: file.png (629x825, 263K)

It makes more sense when you realize both liberals and conservatives have blood sucking leeches as part of their core leadership positions.

Attached: 1411085419025.jpg (1784x896, 218K)

blacks were doing that hundreds of years ago.

If anyone brings up Jews they aren't false flagging.

how does botching work in v5? also does the mood of the vessel effect your character, i've heard that it does? i've only played first edition VTM

3 bugmen, 2 wine aunts and one relative normal

Do you motherfuckers understand now? DO YOU? Let me spell it out one more time for the densest among you. This. Is. Not. Just. About. Video games. These people want to destroy those of you who speak out and control the rest. You've seen them talk on twitter and tumblr, they will happily put you to death if they could and drink your tears while doing so. Video games is one front of a much larger war. It does not begin or end with video games and if you don't fight you are going to lose so much more than just a hobby. This is the end of the war, they have been winning it for years. Gamergate was a surprise resistance that popped up after our "forces" had been routed and slaughtered on the altar of social justice for decades. If you want to live in a world where some histrionic pampered brat and her sniveling cohorts can cry harassment and shut down entire websites then yeah sure do nothing just protect the vidya I guess. If that idea disgusts you then it is time to stand up if you haven't already and fight them on every level. Remember Shirtgate? Remember how they made a motherfucking scientist cry on what should have been the best day of his life? Over a shirt? It's not just about video games these people are monsters in human skin. Fight them!

>how does botching work in v5?
Now you replace your hunger level with different coloured "hunger dice".
If you roll a 1 on a hunger die and completly fail the check you get a bestial failure which nets you a compulsion.
If you roll a 1 and succeed nothing happens
If you crit with one or more of the 10s being a hunger die you have messy crit meaning you succeed but in a way the beast would.
So for example instead of knocking out the guard that just noticed you, you ripped out his throat.

>also does the mood of the vessel effect your character, i've heard that it does?
Only at "higher levels" of the mood. On the regular it's just a particular "taste"

That's a MtF tranny user...

Attached: 1553033885456.jpg (768x768, 66K)

Where women and problem glasses go, bad shit often follows. That simple.

>They're all white and dressed in black. Except the real attention whore holding the camera.
Those are the only people who ever demand more diversity, more than even non-white people.

Here's your dev team

Attached: image.jpg (2048x1536, 1.72M)

>progressives tell everyone everything is innately political
>progressives get bootyblasted when every entertainment industry becomes a political battleground

Attached: 9845734952.jpg (479x395, 31K)

Calm your autism incel.

is the second one from the left a female? or is it 100% dudes

>which this game is in the same setting

No evidence it's using 5th edition

I think people are upset about neocons/gators making it as dumb as possible.

If you see a guy with matted hair and dirty clothes you know he's a slob or homeless. If you see a man with expensive clothes and a clean shave you can accurately guess he's loaded. If you see someone with tacky hair dye, random piercings, boring glasses, and a stupid grin, it's pretty easy to tell they're a left wing person clinging to the approved avenues of gesticulating uniqueness.

this cara ellison seems like she'll be a great writer not a horrible sheltered cunt at all

Attached: hqdefault[1].jpg (480x360, 12K)

That's the one far left in the OPs pic.

Attached: 1553033956846.png (442x416, 163K)

why would you want to spend time with some ugly fat chick lmao

Nu-males and tumblrinas

Attached: 1552418301814.gif (413x243, 51K)

>Be Yea Forums mod
>ban anything marginally related to "gamergate"
>game awards shows say that gamers are the ones who killed the people in New Zealand

Attached: 1587967654678.jpg (550x293, 140K)

If you want the /pol/ out of the Yea Forums gotta take the SJWs out of the industry. The former is a response to the latter.

>If you want the /pol/ out of the Yea Forums
Get the fucking SJW's out of the mod and jannie positions. Fucking faggots

This game is absolutely fucked.

Attached: 1538103981600.png (400x400, 175K)

Attached: I'm literally shaking.jpg (898x1097, 85K)

No they dont you faggot

Why are you acting like the stereotypes people are having fun with just sprang out of nowhere and haven't been proven correct time and time again?

>horseshoe theory
Based retarded centrist

Attached: 15897654356785.jpg (625x628, 58K)

>I need my outrage!
>Time to fabricate it if there isn't some handpicked shit from twitter I can rage about!!
>Damn democrats!111 Damn socialism and SJQWW!111
You are literally the same.

>Everything going on is just outrage culture
Go ahead, post another meme showing how intelligent you are.

Neocons haven't been relevant to gaming since the mid '00s when the industry as a whole punted those clueless fucks away. Which is why so many people fucking hate progressives, because they managed to infiltrate and subvert the industry into fighting itself instead of brisking off clueless faggots.

GamerGate was run by Neocons.

You act like a faggot now.

I'm not going to attack your stupid picture, I'm just going to point out that nobody but people you label /pol/ and such are actively pushing back against these people. It's very obvious why the sentiment in this thread is spreading as far and wide as it is, and you know it's a response to an industry that's politicizing in the opposite direction. And deep down you know no one in the center or center-left or whatever is going to do anything to stop it. If they did or were going to, the opinions in this thread wouldn't exist to the level they do.

>You act like a faggot now.
Okay, now tell me how you really feel.

What leftwing shit pipe did you slurp that retarded take out of?


Attached: 2016-02-19_00012.jpg (1920x1080, 547K)


They look just like me! /pol/tards can go and stay go, this is our industry now!

Attached: 5167851858912.png (632x756, 26K)

You might want to get tested for AIDS.

Attached: 1516392976138.png (951x451, 133K)

You lot will grow out of this phase. I did.

>women anywhere in the studio
Yuck. Hopefully they are just secretaries or HR that they forced to be in a picture so they didn't look sexist. But this is very disturbing. Women are worthless in any creative endeavor.

this is the single worst piece of fiction i have ever read in my life. why are liberals obsessed with pretending islam is anything other than an ancient patriarchy that mutilates women?

I hope you don't think anyone who posts on Yea Forums or /pol/ is close to being attractive

Faggots use the same language as /pol/, raging the same way, against the same inane drivel on multiple threads, about multiple games, manufacture shit to rage against, constant spam in threads about games they won't either buy nor have played previous games. Yeah, they are totally not /pol/turds. Sure buddy. All individual thinkers who fight against the greater good right? Has your free speech been suppressed today? Jesus, it's war on the internet!
;^) the picture hits 100%. that's why everyone here reacts salty.

Because about 20 years ago the Jews stopped being the underdogs and so the left started rooting for islam and Iran.

they are so fucking delusional

>I did
If you're still here, you did not.

you know what else? anytime a liberal goes to a muslim shithole to champion their amazing culture, only to be raped and killed, i chuckle. every single time i have a laugh knowing that the only time in their lives they're held accountable for their own retardation, is right at the end of it. natural selection is the best gift nature can provide. you know, besides oxygen, water, and food.

Yea Forums is more than just /pol/ you moron.

good post

Shakil doesn't sounds like a very asiatic name

big oof

I don't really care how annoying they are, because I understand why they're there. You might as well start bitching about terrorists in the middle east blowing shit up when they get invaded. You don't have to agree with them to understand why they exist.

The video game industry is full on propaganda mode right now, which causes a backlash that anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together could see coming miles out. Whining about it is tantamount to neocon bitches asking themselves why insurgents aren't happy to see occupational forces in their homelands because they've bought into centrist faggotry so hard they can no longer understand how conflicts naturally occur.

Burger education strikes again.
On Which continent is Pakistan located?

And yet people like you do nothing but bitch about it while you're here.

And yet somebody thought it'd be a good idea to let them into first world countries

You are gay?

i know! i (((wonder who would do such a thing to white countries)))?

The people trekking off to the sandbox to get themselves killed via pathological naivete are the ones that did that too.

I bet it was those fucking russians!

I never complain about it, because it's not a problem on the boards I browse.

I was being facetious, friend.

We both know that ''asiatic'' means paki and other 3rd world islamic barbarians. Police, gov et al obfuscating that is the point i was lampooning.

DA JOOS, the scapegoat for all your problems
dumb /pol/dittor

You're browsing this board and complaining about the very problem here and now that you are simultaneously saying you don't complain about.

Yeah you tell him, it was the russians!

confirmed for not knowing what a guy that gets pussy looks like. This gentleman clearly is a faggot

Shut the FUCK up, rock.

Being fed up with a situation is not a justification for buying into an ideology neither for the terrorist nor the mental millennial raging about some game where they put a political message they don't like. And especially for video games, you can definitely see why they put their supposed propaganda into them if you have two brain cells left in your head.
Now, most of the brainlets are already jumping to the conclusion, it's because they want to brainwash the masses!! But that's fucking idiotic. That would be too obvious given that it's in plain sight and retardedly packaged. They put shit like this into your games because suits did market research and saw that it is hip and trendy to be political and boast about good and inclusive things, like let everyone be equal and so on, among teenies.
Now you have two groups who will be affected, one which doesn't even notice it while playing, nor will they care, and then the vocal fraction which rages. It's the braindead SJW/pol/ idiots who will rail against that more than actual politics which will affect them. Pathetic beyond belief.

>/pol/ is just as bad as SJWs
man where have I heard that one before?

that guy in the middle is kind of cute. with the glasses.

Here is a prime example how his /pol/ ideology is going into the coping mechanism to not face the reflection in the mirror.

God damn Lincoln was a hell of a man. I bet he would have bitch slapped half the confederate army if he wasn't the president.

Anyone who gets reactionaries butthurt is ok in my book.

jesus christ i can just smell your /pol/ wizard powers from here

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