Just finished DMC1 and had a blast. Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't play this. Dark Souls 2 got a ton of bitching when it came out but that was still a perfectly fine game. I'm not falling for this meme again so give me some LEGITIMATE reasons why this game is bad.
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Whilst i do think it's not a great game, but nowhere near as bad as people think, why not find out on your own? If you just do what Yea Forums tells you to do, you're going to have a constant niggling of "what if?" in the back of your mind.
Dark Souls 2 is horrible and you should feel bad for enjoying it. DMC 2 is considered bad because it's easy. It's still DMC, so go ahead and play it.
you can just sit there and spam the guns on everything and they die. there is no weapon variety, all weapons are the same and are more or less skins of each other. and your movesets themselves are very limited compared to the first game. it's also a very empty game. it feels super barren. dante is super serious in this game for some reason and the dialogue in general is very awkward sounding. and i mean really awkward. DMC1's dialogue wasn't the best but 2 is on a whole new level of wonk.
OP, it would make my day for you to complete this game and feel an overwhelming sense of dread afterwords.
If you liked DS2, go ahead.
I don't give a fuck if you play a shitty game or not, lower your sense of self-importance and play whatever you want, idiot
It's a completely standard action game for the era. Yes, it doesn't match DMC1, but DMC1 stumbled upon a new genre.
The DMC2 team, which wasn't the same team as DMC1, tried to do a hack and slash game like any other, and that's exactly what it is.
It's literally a rushed and incomplete game.
Dark Souls 2 is the best in the series fuck off
I played through 1 and currently doing 2 but the game is so damn easy compared to the first game, you rarely ever get hit at all during combat with large groups of enemies. Idk Im tempted to just jump to 3 but now I feel obligated to finish this first.
it's actually not that bad people on here shit on it because they can't think for themselves
Play it, use Stinger. You'll see why people call it the Pussy Thrust instead of Stinger in DMC2.
And that's basically indicative of the entire game.
It's bad. There being said it takes like 4 hours to beat so you might as well just plow through it.
Play it and find out yourself if it's good or not
It's too easy. You can beat any boss including the final boss by just mashing the square button. Some bosses you can stand still and not get hit. Dante's characterization is awful compared to 1, 3, 4 and 5. There is little to no weapon variety. People hate Dark Souls 2 for not being as good as 1 and 3, but DMC2 isn't "good but not as good," it's outright shitty.
This so much
Just try it if you so despairingly want to. Nobody cares if you're dissapointed.
>DaS2 fag
Imagine being such a contrarian
I never played DMC 2, but i heard that you unlock Trish in that game and that she plays better than both Dante and Lucia.
So if thats true just download the save game and play through with Trish.
Bad comparison OP. Dark Souls 2 was a fine game mechanically and had a lot of redeeming qualities. It just failed in areas its predecessor shined like level design, music and atmosphere. DMC2 is a bad game. It had troubled development (look it up if you want). Capcom itself acknowledges this and tries to forget about it. Play it and see for yourself.
Way ahead of you faggot. I just beat the squid lady and so far it's worse than the first game but it's not offensively bad like I'd been lead to believe.