So... this is the power of GAMERS

So... this is the power of GAMERS

Attached: 1553254888550.jpg (1920x2136, 1.53M)

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Really makes you think...

Attached: 1553257078670.jpg (898x850, 124K)

Hammer is so fucked up.
I love to hate it, it's been ages since release and it just works, barely.

map's bugged, killing civilians makes you lose

You're not supposed to kill whites.

I've seen people fall for this image. Fucking funny though.

It's real

Attached: tour.webm (1280x702, 2.99M)

You're retarded.

lmao, you fell for it too you fucking retard.
You're fucking retarded if you think the shooting drove up the cost of the gun on the market.

He thought you were referring to the map, not the gun, because apparently he doesn't understand how replying works on 4chins

What a time to be alive, boys.

It's the power of subhuman waste

You think muslims made this map? I doubt it.

its real

Attached: woah.png (927x352, 61K)

You mean superhuman baste?

You're actually fucking retarded if you think the shooting did this. Go back to /pol/.

comfy looking map

>no counter argument
>durr you’re a dummy if you think this

>don't offer a single alternative explanation
>repeat denial ad infinitum
why do you even bother posting you mad faggot?

fucking retard

the weapon couldn't possibly have been buffed on that date.
No, a more plausible explansation is that the shooter caused it
My fucking sides.

Why do you think they buffed it, brainlets?

>finally offer something instead of self fellatio and tantrum denials
>make smug assumptions and pretend you had done it from the beginning
Thanks for the laugh at least. I never claimed the shooter made it popular in the first place, it's too bad you newfag can't read the ip counter. Good entertainment.

For game balance? They didn't buff that skin, retard. They buffed the weapon.

So, do the terrorists spawn inside or outside?

Attached: thinking-face.png (256x256, 59K)

Yes, I too have just gone to /pol/ for half a minute.

What a fag.
I was browsing /pol/ as usual when I saw that thread and came to Yea Forums to see if it was crossposted yet or I have to do it.

seething tranny

imagine still believing Trump is on your side lmao

This reminds me of fy_jokelaschool

laughed way harder than i should have

Attached: 1506196999237.jpg (591x576, 39K) lawn is bigger than this.
why are tiny ass maps so popular lately

it's a pure spawnkill shitshow