Man 2chan Yea Forums and this place has so much in common

Man 2chan Yea Forums and this place has so much in common

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Other urls found in this thread:

You mean this place and 2channel, the Japanese reddit

yeah, pretty much


If there is hope it lies in the Norf.

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based Japs

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from their Yea Forums board about Dark Souls;

Junior high school student Osugi problem thread
・ I'm looking forward to Armored Core that I have never done
・ We do not do Gundam products made of Fromm or Ganota ww or stupid
・ We do not admit anything other than Daxo 2 that we have never done from feces
・ Kingsfield? what is that


>site has stuff in common with site it was inspired from
really gets the old noggin joggin

How do i read in kanji? I wannna know what 2ch shitpost about

will norf save gaming?

what does 2ch have in common with Yea Forums?


all pedantic gaming circles think the same

memorize, memorize, memorize.

Shitposting and user culture

The real red bull is that written jp and spoken jp are like two different languages. If you know one, it doesn't really tell you shit about the other. The preferred way of learning is spoken first, then written. You can do it the other way around too but get ready for some real mindfuck hours with all the alternate kanji readings and homophones.

Also hating women, minorities and gays

Yea Forums is a gay board

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Traps are not gay!

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We import a lot of memes from there. Like the """"""""""this one"""""""""".

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Yes they are faggot

But do they have mass shooter too?

im not gay, so that assertion fails

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We don't have mass shooters. That's 2x4chan

Nah men. I'm straight and I'm attracted to them so it can't be gay

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We both hate the chinks

Not NZ, but i thought the one that shoots some school is from r9k. The one that became "some of you guys are alright" meme.

Last time I went to 2chan I found a Brexit thread that derailed into people posting pictures of Theresa May as a girl and saying how kawaii she was.


>Aggressive Lad wants to battle!
Is this how the new Pokemon Trainer battles going to go down?

>You can do it the other way around too but get ready for some real mindfuck hours with all the alternate kanji readings and homophones.
Hey that's literally my experience. It wasn't fun.

>""""""""""this one"""""""""".
How long have they been using that? I saw it start out on /int/ with just one added quotation mark ""like"" this until it reached it's absurdist conclusion. Seems weird to claim it originated off site when it's more likely it spread organically.

it's not some new phenomenon. Just an example off the top of my head is this decade-old homestar cartoon

Fucking disgusting

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Memes are cool. Imagine people in the future independently discovering shitposting trends only to later find out they've already lived and died a long time ago.

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weak bait

Someone ask the japs are traps gay?