What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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game is too hard and frustrating
why would I waste my time on a frustrating game when I can play something fun instead


That and the lack of an online component makes the game feel pointless.

>$90AUD on Steam

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Combat is fast and visceral. Zoomer soulsbabbies can't keep up.

>everything needs tacked-on multiplayer

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challenging yourself IS fun.


Remember when Shitposters though the game was going to be casualized trash


>playing only single player

Who are you doing that for? Who are you trying to impress?

Aside from janky hitboxes on bigger enemies and their grab attacks literally nothing.

here's your (You)
i didn't know games like f:nv and god of war are pointless because they lack an online element.

play animal crossing or something brother, you miss the point of combat games

No one, that's the deal lol

>too hard and frustrating
Kek at the bait

The fact that it's not Bloodborne 2.

why try to impress anyone?

why does an rpg need multiplayer?

Because it’s more fun and cooler to coordinate with friends for action games.

can be fun
but not in this game
>lose shit when you die
>have to spend minutes going back to where you died

They are pointless to me.

I bought god of war and barely touched it because I don’t see the point of playing.

>do anything for anyone other than yourself

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>I play multiplayer to try to impress people

Absolutely pathetic.

>if the game doesn't allow me to show my epeen to other players, it sucks!

maybe get a different hobby
plenty of team sports you could be playing

Shut the fuck up you retarded zoomer.

Stealth is half-assed.
Too many mini-bosses have random enemies thrown in just to add a layer of tedium.
Losing half your money/EXP on death, or getting a 30% chance not to, is arbitrary. Should have kept corpse running or done something more interesting.
Way too much tracking on enemy attacks.
Fromsoft somehow still can't fix grab attacks yet they keep putting them in.
Some attacks are well-telegraphed and others are damn near instant.

Only played the game for six hours, it feels like it's simultaneously From's most and least polished post-DeS game.

Why would you want bloodborne 2? It will be another dark souls 2 or 3.it will be uninspiring and unoriginal and will never be able to capture what made bloodborne so great.

who are YOU trying to impress by playing multiplayer? How insecure are you that you play vidya because you want to "impress" people you fag lmao

Small dicked retard.

$69 bucks at jb HiFi my dude.

funny because every souls thread is
>git gud xd

Much ow

Such edge

don't die (get gud)

literal 14 year olds have invaded the board

12 hours long when other souls game are 30 minimum

>you can die 3 times without consequence
>this shitter STILL complains because he sucks so much ass that he spends more time in loading screens than actual gameplay

>lose shit when you die
>have to spend minutes going back to where you died
is this the first video game you've ever played?
its not a ground breaking concept making its first appearance

Show me your 12 hour playfile at the final boss user.

I'll get it the summer sale
The frame pacing put me off buying day one more than the frame rate
Why is there no locked 30 option?

2 at best, 1 most of the time
and every boss one or 2shots you

>Who are you trying to impress?

That's the point.

>2 at best, 1 most of the time
>and every boss one or 2shots you
wrong and also, you have a block button?

I know, but its a concept that adds nothing but frustration
You could die a try again, but no you have to spend 10 boring minutes going back to where you died because "haha le difficulty"

yeah a block button that staggers me after blocking 2 hits, pretty good

What’s the point of finishing the game if you only get the bad ending?

>Some attacks are well-telegraphed and others are damn near instant.
This is such a huge deal for me, at least with the unblockables you get a warning but sometimes there's a super quick "fuck off" attack with no windup that you're expected to react to within 2ms
Also the bull can fuck off, I have no idea how I'm ever going to beat it
Game is fun otherwise

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I would call b8 but we do live in an age where people play games just to be "in" and find the concept of inherent fun an alien emotion, so who the fuck even knows.

>The frame pacing put me off buying day one more than the frame rate
Fucking this. I've tried turning all settings to low and off, 720p, even locked at 30fps, and the game still has very noticeable stuttering.
It was painful switching from DMC5 to this, literally speaking. I'm having a headache trying to adjust the settings for the best performance, but the game runs like absolute dogshit no matter what. Same deal with the console versions, apparently. I've heard it's terrible even on the XB1X. Fuck FromSoft and their shitty optimization.

how is it wrong? You have 2 revive charge, and to get the second you have to grind trash mobs, so you'll have 1 charge most of the time
they do, grab attacks are -90% hp, swords attacks are 50%

I can't find PC at JB.

I think some devs just think it's "fair" for an enemy to have a near-instant attack as long as it doesn't do much damage.

To me any source of poorly telegraphed damage is bad game design, it could do 1 HP or be an OHKO, does not matter.

maybe if you are your shit wrecked practising your parry timing on some mooks would do you some good

It's pretty gimmicky. Some fights you're expecting to fight head on with posture. Some you just keep dealing chip damage every opening. Some fight you have to look for a weakness. Very balanced game that can get a bit tedious.

Just sprint around the bull, it can't track you.

The One X offers ever so slightly smoother frame pacing in 120hz display

I'm praying Nioh 1 comes to Xbox soon

torrenting atm

It depends on the type of game really. But in this type of game where your HP recovery is so limited and posture is a factor I have to agree it's pretty much unacceptable
I noticed that, I've been sprinting around it the whole time but Wolf's turn rate is making it really hard to hit the bull and I end up getting bonked the wonky hitboxes since the fight takes so fucking long

Runs fine on my machine. Locked 60fps in 1440p, max settings.

Me lad!

>its gonna be easier than dark souls FROM IS FINISHED
>wtf its too hard im gonna go pway weague of wegends

>Play ds
>Have fun all the way through.
>Play ds 2
>Kind of fun, but got pretty repetitive around 2/3 in and dropped it.
>Pirated 3 and dropped it after an hour.

Not like 2 and 3 were particularly bad games, it's just that while playing them i felt like i have already completed the very same game. I think i won't even bother with this one.

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why are you standing there like a dead dog holding block? If you get hit by more than 2 attacks in a row its your fault

I never said any of that
dark souls have the same amount of bullshit, except you can grind to make the fights easier
on sekiro you cant and have to suffer through everything the game throws at you, can't bruteforce anything

They must have optimized it specifically to a similar configuration as yours, because there's no way in hell the problem is on my end. I meet the recommended specs for the game, plus RE2 and DMC5 run well enough that I never thought to complain.
There's no excuse when all settings are on low, the game even drops to sub 50fps at certain points.

my mother gave birth to me

This game is nothing like DaS

I'm of a similar mind, and it doesn't help that the japanese aesthetics is rather off putting to me. Had it been a medieval castle á la Gormenghast again I'd have pre ordered no questions asked, but this just feels bloated.

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It's Bloodborne with Jumping.
DS3 was Bloodborne with Rolling.

go play a fighting game then. if you're new to them go play SFV, then branch out.

singleplayer games are enjoyable due for a multitude of reasons. for example, sekiro is enjoyable because overcoming challenges is something that a lot of people find appealing. it helps that the game also oozes atmosphere and has great direction.

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Its bloodborne with jumping and mikiri and infinite stamina and an entirely different health system.

its nothing like bloodborne, they have nothing in common
play it before shitposting retard

It feels like Miyazaki played MGR revengeance and wanted to remake the game himself. It doesn't work, at all, it just feels like ds3 with a grappling hook and more bullshit mobs of enemies like in ds2

it's boring

Turns out people didn't want Meme Souls: Japonic boogaloo edition, either that or they had their need filled by Nioh

Can you beat ashina in tutorial?

>Play DaS1
>Have fun until O&S, then it becomes shit until Artorias, then shit again
>Play DaS2
>It's shit all the way through aside from fighting Alonne
>Play DaS3
>God tier boss fights, but lacks replayability since it's more linear than any other Soul game.

>attack counters require you not not be touching the stick or you'll leap 30 feet away/dodge instead of do the thrust counter

>Keeps crashing on my PC
I hope they release new Nvidia drivers soon.

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Except its much better than nioh.

>DS2 shit
>DS3 god tier


If it's anything below about 12 frames 1/5 of a second then that is actually unreactable. Fighting game players know that and 12 frames is the margin for a "reactable" move.
It seems many of the bosses in Sekiro can throw out random attacks that fall below 12 frames of input. You can only predict that they CAN use the attack only when they parry your blows, but it still becomes a crapshoot where you have to guess what comes next.
Lady butterfly sort of exemplifies this. She can either throw out a kick or a shruiken attack after she parries you, but neither is really traditionally reactable.
Oh, and I beat her without too much trouble. But the game is just an awful crapshoot. It's almost objectively poorly made in several areas.

you have terrible taste if you think this game is better than nioh. It's even easier, but somehow leaves an emptier feeling

Yeah, but you still lose your arm, just a different cutscene
DaS2 is shit and DaS3 easily has the best bosses in the series

Shit the fuck up, your taste is unequivocally trash

If you don't touch the stick you just dash forward into the attack.

As far as the gameplay is concerned so far it doesn't hold a candle to Nioh. But I'll wait and see how the gameplay changes as I unlock all the skills and such.

You're sorta right but what I find fascinating is how the bosses felt varied. Some play like a parry/deflect simulator while others play like bosses from dark souls where you have to constantly use your mobility but you have a great amount of mobility in this game so some attacks have insane tracking that they expect you to block.

i can smell the virginity

DS2 is the best game in the series.
DS3 is the worst, and the bosses are trash

Soulsfags are SEETHING today

Absolutely nothing. This game is going to keep casuals assblasted for weeks. It's awesome.

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I pirated it
It's... alright, I guess. I expected much more, to be honest
Frame pacing makes it look wonky as fuck and the enemy design could be better, considering most enemies gave attacks that come up out of nowhere with no tells in a game focused on parrying. The AI is also super weird, sometimes it just stands there or runs into the opposite direction and into a wall
It's ok, but I'll stick to DMC5 for now, I still have to S-rank DMD and there's Bloody Palace coming for free soon

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