standing for LGBT rights & mental illness representation
>It’s not just politics where Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 takes a progressive approach. The character creator goes way beyond basic male and female models. Body type, gender pronouns, employment history and fashion can all be toyed with for a very modular build.
“We’re interested in providing a very robust roleplaying experience for the player with something were they can really identify with their character by fine tuning and providing lots of options for them to do that,” says Rachel Leiker, UX/UI designer at Hardsuit Labs.
>In the first game you start out by picking the clan. With Bloodlines 2 because you’re starting as a ‘thin blood’ we give you some backgrounds to what your human self was before being embraced. They don’t so much have a direct influence on gameplay, there are a few minor influences like dialogue options, but we were really interested in following the progression and having the roleplay experience for the player to get a handle on that side of the game before they get a handle on the political clan-oriented side of it.
Bloodlines 2 taking a firm political & progressive stance
Vampires are giant fucking faggots, so it makes sense that it'd be a progressive game about a bunch of queers
I hope you have no choice but to join the Anarchs and if you refuse to do what they tell you the game infects your computer with a virus and alerts Antifa of your location.
Can't wait for the same shit being posted for months now, thanks OP
It's a year until release barring any delays. We're going to get anons constantly triggered for over a year and I shall laugh at then every day
>LGBT rights & mental illness
Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
Go die in a fire /pol/
>ruining other people's fun is fun
You retards are the cancer who turned this board into the shitheap it is. Fuck this shit I'm going to reddit atleast they talk about videogames.
>>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
Today, I will remind them
You ain't wrong
samefag "upvoting" his own shitpost
I already knew it was gonna be shit.
Can you join vampire hunters this time or not?
If no, the game dead for me already.
based as always
>Gets banned for spamming this shit and then immediately does it again
Wouldn't surprise me if you're the faggot behind the endless Epic Game Store threads.
>character creator goes way beyond basic male and female models. body type, gender pronouns, employment history
does this mean you'll be able to play as a shemale vampire that was an ex prostitute murdered by a vampire after he found out about her dick
Yeah this. It makes sense since Vampires are always huge bisexual predators in books, movies and games.
>Politics. Just what I wanted in my favorite RPG series
How to be sjw scum
>be sjw retard
>create your own group
>no one joins
>instead of realizing that you are a retard, you instead join groups who don't share your ideas
>now you try to change those groups you don't belong to tbw and try to force your politics onto them
>after they try to throw you out, you call them racists and any other bullshit the fake new is using all day
>thanks to you the group disbands
SJW not even once. I'm still sad that I won't be going home because of those sjw scum
D-D-DROPPED, won't even pirate
Just don't make a faggot character then. It's like you people never played Pen&paper and never met the "special snowflake" kids... oh wait, you're probably too young to have played tabletop RPGs
Oh so its impossible to discuss these games now
Man fuck you children
>being able to able to identify as your own made up gender like na attack helicopter
I don't see the problem with this? If anything it lets me RP as my Malk a lot more
>roleplaying game gives you more options
What's the problem here, exactly?
>He finally put Apex Legends on the pasta
Took ya long enough, ya ding-dong diddly simp
So all they're really doing is adding more shit for people who like to roleplay, why is that a bad thing again?
>more choice in an RPG is bad
Also can't wait until it's impossible to talk about the game because people will just keep bringing this up as an excuse to shitpost
>game will be full of race baiting
oh no no no no how can /pol/tardetties possibly cope with this?
i'd tell you to kys but you were probably already planning on it
Um guys... i'm thinking we're not the audience for this gaem...
That might not actually be possible since they said they didn't like the humorous nature of Malks in the original game.
not OP but everyone i know that plays tabletop RPGs that's young is either an incel gamer geek, gay or transgender and a metalhead
hence anyone who likes the original game for it's tabletop roots is probably a faggot anyway to some degree
so you're saying being gay is a choice
nazi vampires. neat
i really, really want to but i literally can't. it's like trying to make myself believe in god, i know i would be happier if i lied to myself but i just can't
>Brian Mitsoda is lead writer alongside Avellone and Cara Ellison (who in particular wrote a chunk of the side quests)
>Set in Seattle
>Seamless hub worlds
>Direct sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
>Takes place 15 years after Bloodlines
>Game starts off with a Mass Embrace where the player is among the new vampires born from the event, you're captured and brought to a court of prominent vampires like the first game to recount the events of the mass embrace before being sentenced to death, court is firebombed and you escape, thrust into Seattle to find out who's responsible
>Player is a thin-blood at first, choose a Clan later on
>No quest markers
>First-person with contextual third-person actions
>Fan-favourite characters from Bloodlines returning
>You can use telekenesis, turn into mist to go through vents and glide
>You can scale buildings, there's an emphasis on verticality
>Level design is reminiscent of the original Deus Ex, you're offered many different pathways to approach a particular scenario
>Way more dialogue than Bloodlines
>Huge emphasis on character creation. You can choose your background, gender pronoun, employment history, body type and fashion
>Lots of secrets and hidden pathways to find
>Seattle as a hub world is described as "very active", crowds gather outside clubs and muggers prey on victims in side allies
>Deb of Night type feature will make an appearance as confirmed by Mitsoda
it's happening bros
I hope you realize the joke in that picture and aren't posting it like it's evidence lol
But the fucking garbage "loot pack" or whatever it is has a literal stop sign in it - the thing you argued with as a Malk.
I wonder if we can use dominate to make others thing we're the opposite sex, that would be a funny thing.
>discord tranies aren't rea-
To be honest the body type thing sounds awesome. I want to be a fat as fuck vampire, it'll be hilarious.
Well of course, normies never had time to play tabletop, they were busy drinking their parents' money away and getting into traffic accidents and teenage pregnancy stuff.
I'm just saying, if people think VtM was ever straight edge then they've got shit for brains
Google those names, lad.
>Main side-questline involves hunting down and finding all the other thin-blood created from the Mass Embrace, each will have their own story about entering into their new life
>Blood resonance from VtM 5th edition will appear in this game. Using your enhanced vampire senses, you can see when NPCs are experiencing an intense emotion like fear, desire, pain, joy and anger. Drinking a person with a strong resonance will give you an immediate bonus to things like melee power or seduction. If you drink a particular resonance constantly, you will acquire a taste for it and this will give you permanent buffs called "merits".
>If you continuously suck on people's blood in full view of the public, they'll be less wary of going to those areas and you'll see less citizens wandering the streets
>Game has modding support, available Day 1
>Emphasis on fluid combat, using vampiric speed to slide in and out of melee range and slash people and execute them with melee weapons. You can get special cinematic finishers in combat when you execute people a la Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Counters are in. Guns exist and are treated as temporary opportunities, you pick em up, use it, then discard it and move on.
>NPCs can react to you depending on what background you chose for your character in character creation, you can be a cop, a coroner, or a barista for a more neutral and blank slate background
if you don't pick a Nosferatu cop you ain't shit
>all side quests will be hunting down white people
Jesus, they really are like a cult.
big fucking yikes
VTM has always been very progressive and liberal, it's about fucking vampires. Oh wait, you've never played the pen and paper rpg.. RIGHT. You're complaining about newcomers, when YOU'RE the newcomer
>no mention of RPG elements like stats
>choose your pronoun instead
>going to be missing half the abilities of the predecessor
why is anyone hyped for this?
imagine actually writing all of this with straight face
>Fan-favourite characters from Bloodlines returning
I dunno man, hope they won't be hamfisted cameos like LOL REMEMBER JEANETTE? HERE SHE IS FOR NO REASON
Everything else sounds pretty hype man, especially >Deb
it has all of the same stats as the PnP, I can find the source of that if you give me some time and really care enough
As long as Turks not lost their mind, Bannerlord will not be released. It is the only thing that hold CIA from inciting civil war in country.
>discord full of shitposters
So, like /pol/? Same shit, different toilet.
>Guns exist and are treated as temporary opportunities, you pick em up, use it, then discard it and move on.
throwing tabletop out of the window then, paradox sure are faithless and money hungry on this one.
>Make a discord screenshot parody
>Retards actually start posting and replying it like it's real
You faggots are so god damn stupid
Glad this game is staying true to it's roots putting big fucking titties right in the trailer
Let's hope the whole lgbt thing is just as optional as everything else.
apparently Rodriguez is in, one of the people that played the demo seemed to spot him
if they confirm that Rik Schaffer is composing for this I'm sold
Damage control
Rangeban for these discord faggots when?
Nosferatu barista reporting in
Fact: You will never see a pastebin with the extensive chatlogs of that discord because I literally just wrote those 4 lines as a joke. Dumbass.
Based discord exposer
watch there be a breast reduction before release
What's this discord called? Why does this exist?
politics are literally a core part of rpgs, you're always interacting with people and factions that involve power struggles. guess its only bad if its politics you dont agree with :^)
See, I want to be excited for this but every time I try it's instantly deflated by the utterly ridiculous notion that the game lets you select your pronouns. That makes me think the entire team is fucking idiots with completely backwards priorities and all the content in the game will probably be obnoxious as all hell. We'll probably get a feminist Jeannette with a side-shave and problem glasses.
I want to be a cute brujah bum/neet punk boy
>replying it like it's real
Dumb frogposter, /pol/ always blindly believe anything in jpg/png formats.
>voiced by Christina Hendricks
one can dream, right?
Obsidiots need to be cleansed
I literally just googled the names of the guys from the stable, grabbed their faces from google images and made a fake discord conversation that is obviously fake. If this is all it takes to make evidence to you idiots, then no wonder you're convinced there really are discord invaders. How net-illiterate can you possibly be?
nice manjaw
not a huge deal, they said it was mostly for immersion reasons and ensuring that people can play exactly how they want
doubt it will effect much, and Cara already said there'll be a ton of 'sexy' characters
Personally i only care if they do something asinine as make my character auto respond to a special snowflake characters rambling about gender as that's beautiful even if i am roleplayng a jerk.
Nothing worse than your Blank slate RPG character being forced in to a personalty.
>vampire Christina Hendricks
You care way too much about shit that doesn't matter.
I've never understood this. From a game perspective, picking a pronoun is trivial. It takes basically no effort to implement. It's a variable that determines which dialogue is shown. What does it matter?
>VTM has always been very progressive and liberal, it's about fucking vampires
I don't remember any politics being inserted in VTM.
Umm sweetie this is 2019, that's a strong empowered woman jaw.
What are you trying to say, dumb friend? Those are just names and avatars.
i mean you're acting like this isn't a thing that has happened for literally decades on the internet, people raid other places, and there are definitely trannies here (you)
that is fictional politics not heavy handed IRL politics
>is that chainmail? Or are you wearing a dress?
Because it didn't have any focus on politics
found pedo
Why not? The only problem is that no straight male player would actually do anything to damage her.
We apparently have very different definitions of heavy-handed.
it's a bit concerning that this is a priority of the developers
>Genocide and kingdom making is not politics
>options for playing a trans character is too much politics
Meanwhile Ubisoft is making a fool of all of us for saying that the Division 2 is not "political" and makes no "political statement"
Videogames were a mistake.
this game is about the politics of commerce vs art and technology vs tradition (and obviously vampire politics), Mitsoda said
the original was about the politics of The Camarilla and The Anarchs
neither of them were heavily referencing real-world politics, besides a few Republican jokes in the original (the game was set in California, anyway)
Thanks for warning me Yea Forums. Good to know what games to avoid, i would buy it out of nostalgia for original game i would hate myself for it.
gonna make a cute trap vampire
Then why are you talking about progressiveness n shieet (if you're that other user)
Google those names and avatars, retard. What a coincidence that it happens to be the exact 4 guys from Undisputed Era, the stable the ResetEra Bay Bay shitposter uses to shitpost.
Fuck, I didn't even bother altering the timelines I Inspect-Elemented, they're supposedly replying to themselves in 10 and 20 minutes intervals.
>It happens, so this fake evidence made as a joke is real
Nice circular reasoning
You'd think they realize the only people replying to their baits are underage tards. I don't know why they're so enthusiastic over arguing with kids. To each his own, I guess.
Maybe it'll be fun, but I SURE won't give money to them.
You're a retard. Read: and and and
>thinking mentally ill people don't deserve happiness
No wonder you're on Yea Forums
Sounds great if they keep it at that.
Gonna fuck those capitalists up.
>It's a variable that determines which dialogue is shown.
You need to voice act both lines. It's double the voice budget for shit that has no reason to be there in the first place since the people who expect shit like that are literally 0.0000001% of the population.
How, though? Talking about priorities means effort being pulled away from something towards something less important...but this doesn't reflect that. We might see that in the future, but we haven't yet, so this outrage just seems stupid.
no wonder you're suicidal
>yfw you realized we're NOT the audience for this sequel and they're catering to the masses, the Faggot masses
Are you idiots trolling or are you just this dumb? VTM:B was literally about the war between the four factions that wanted control of LA. How is that not "politics" but having the options to play a chick with a dick is?
Those tits are for creating blood bonds if you know what I mean
Catering to the masses who wont play the game
>doing damage control this hard
Gamers are dead. Deal with it nerd.
>People actually think is a real discor.
Holy motherfucking worked.
Why did you do that? This is retarded
>I-it's fake guys
Why do you go out of your way to point it out if that's the case? Seems fishy to me.
Normally I'd drop something like this but I'm okay with this for the same reasons I'm okay with it being in Cyberpunk, VtM has always portrayed a very downtrodden and degenerate world and these types of people worth gay fucking pronouns and shit would very well exist, these factions would exist and it makes it more cathartic to you as a player when you take them out. I don't think these types of politics should be shoved in the face of the player but in a game like this they shouldn't be cut entirely when personal politics dictate the views and motivation for each faction, that's the secret sauce that made the first Bloodlines and even New Vegas so great. But I'm still cautious, I'm interested but if I find out they make some factions objectively better morally and more fleshed out than others in favor of the developer's personal politics, that's when I'm dropping it.
Look at it this way guys, would you rather have the degenerate transgender clan removed from the game or the ability to learn about how fucking awful it is and actually being able to wipe it off the face of the earth?
Anyone got any recommended mods for the original bloodlines? Got the gog release
>standing for LGBT rights & mental illness representation
Why are you repeating yourself?
>not wanting to dominate dominant women
Speak for yourself, user.
Everyone knows a game doesn't contain politics unless it mentions gays or blacks.
>I don't remember any politics being inserted in VTM.
The whole premise of Vampire: The Masquerade has always been about the power struggle between The Camarilla, The Sabbat the Independent Clans and the Anarchs to some extent.
The whole game was always inherently political. But only those who've read the actual rulebook would know.
You have the lines anyways. Because you could play a female character.
Well, I meant it as a joke but it turns out that it's evidence that /pol/ immigrants will believe anything, even the most obvious of fakes. As if you needed more evidence of that.
By the way, if someone inevitably starts pretending they were the ones that took the screenshot and that the discord is real, ask them for a pastebin of the chatlogs because they won't have it.
And it's precisely because of all of this Leftist overreaching that Trump is going to win in 2020 and Trannies on Era will all commit suicide and rid this world of their degeneracy.
but Yea Forumstards will still buy it
I've accepted that I'm dead a long time ago. It's why I picked up a neat secondary hobby: opiates.
Those resetera folks ITT right now sure are something special
That's hot, not damaging.
>he thinks the SJW devs are going to make the tranny clan horrible
They are going to be the good ending choice and you fucking know it.
Why the fuck are you quoting me, my post doesn't have anything to do with your retarded conversation
>or the ability to learn about how fucking awful it is and actually being able to wipe it off the face of the earth?
see you think that they will let you do this
Will all the different pronouns be voiced?
The unofficial patch is more than essential. If it's the first playthrough go for the lite version (which simply does not add the restored cut content).
The clan quest mod is the other big one, which adds a new quest per clan, a couple of quest chains for everyone and integrates both the UP and some goodies from the camarilla edition mod, which at this point is fairly dead.
Holy Motherfucking Basedrola.
>this game is about the politics of commerce vs art and technology vs tradition (and obviously vampire politics), Mitsoda said
Yes, but neither the Anarchs or Camarilla portray any sort of conservative or liberal values. The Anarchs seem very degenerate faggots, but it's not like they preach about strong women, equal races and all that dumb shit. They just seem like retarded hippies (well, the hippies were liberal), but I hope you get my point.
My point is that the game itself didn't take any sides. It didn't go out its way to portray liberal values in a positive light or conservative values in a negative light. You were free to decide yourself who made the best arguments. Only the Sabbat really where portrayed as the "bad guys", but there philosophy isn't really explained in the game besides that they're fucking insane (which is probably because you're playing as a Camarilla lackey).
It's not like the writer went out to tell you to be a progressive fucktard and respect gays, niggers and stronk women like how it is with almost every new game.
Is there even a battle to be won here with you idiots?
>Claiming the high ground when you just took a parody discord image as evidence for an actual invasion
Wrong. The Anarchs have a Che Guevara LARPER who is pro-commie, the leader of the Anarchs is a Hispanic who lived through the Great Depression and talks about the importance of equality.
Again, if this happens I'm dropping it, but if every clan has it's pros and cons like in the previous one and NV, I'll be fine.
actually i'm wrong mr house is literally the only sensible solution and anyone who thinks otherwise is a big retardo
Vampires in WoD don't sexually identify cause they don't have sex.
>mfw they ruined Malkavians
If I do a cursory google search, just how wrong are you going to be?
This shit is so perverted
Can't wait to see people finally shut the fuck up about it all
>I didn't actually pay attention to the game or anything in it.
There condensed your post for you, you're welcome.
Well, I don't want to 'believe anything.' Instead of asking everybody who posts that image for chatlogs, why don't I just ask you for proof that you made it? Maybe you could upload the .psd to Dropbox or something.
>not based Caesar
Found the filthy profligate
Nah finished it two times already some time ago. Is the one with added content unofficial patch plus?
The game regularly mocked Republicans tho. There were 3 radio ads that made fun of Republicans and 0 that made fun of Democrats, there was a line that compared the Bush Administration to the Camarilla, there was a line that considered voting Republican the worst sin, and there was a line that called the President of the United States (Bush) the head vampire
When I was playing pen& paper rpgs, trans people didn't exist yet
It's going to be so fucking shit
You're talking like you're from the future who already knows the whole story of the game. Can I borrow your time machine and go back 5 years to fuck that hot chick at University?
Vampires are raging degenerates
News at 11
Is Brian Mitsoda autistic? Legit question. I watched the recent interviews and the way he talks is very choppy and he makes odd facial expressions.
>vampires are rapacious by nature
That was on the loading screen of bloodlines. I thought the mentally ill crowd hated rape themes.
>By the way, if someone outs me as a larper in the near future, they're wrong!
>I-I'm not damage controlling, I swear
Could you be any more obvious friendo
>A number of blood points equal to (8 - the vampire's Humanity rating) can be spent to give the vampire the "blush of life", causing their body to function as if it were alive. Those on a Path of Enlightenment cannot use blood points this way. In Dark Ages: Vampire, those on the Road of Humanity need only spend a number of blood points equal to 6 - their Self-Control rating to achieve the blush of life, while followers of all other Roads must spend 8 - their Self-Control rating. A character without Self-Control have to spend 8 blood points.
Dear diary, today I learned that user is still a faggot.
>The Anarchs have a Che Guevara LARPER who is pro-commie,
>the leader of the Anarchs is a Hispanic who lived through the Great Depression and talks about the importance of equality.
I don't remember Rodriguez talking about equality, he just hates being ruled by the Camarilla and wants to be free to do what he wants (hence the name of the group he is part of). But anarchism isn't really left-wing or right-wing.
I don't really remember any of that, but yup - that sounds bad. But honestly I do not know anyone who likes that kike Bush, especially on the right-wing. I've seen more lefties like him now that Drumpf is president than the other way around.
>Can I borrow your time machine and go back 5 years to fuck that hot chick at University?
You've never had a chance, incel.
Oh man it might lead to some funny hijinks if some SJWs make the mental connection between vampires feeding and physical assault
>Chromatic abberation
I didn't know rape was a gender.
t. guy with atypical autism who does the same shit and can't keep eye contact
Yes, but IIRC it should not be a separate download, just an option during installation.
Also I do reccomend the clan quest mod. It's surprisingly enjoyable.
Expansion where we play werewolves WHEN?!
>You've never had a chance, incel.
With your time machine I could become a billionaire and sluts would be all over me
Going to do a first playthrough of VtM. Whats a good build for an easy run? Stealth, melee, or guns
>turn it off in the settings or mod it out
picked up
the whole point of world of darkness is that all supernatural beings don't give 2 shits about human politics and crap outside of controlling them for their own benefit because they pretty much live in their own world, and you're bringing human politics into this?
bloodlines 1 does it perfectly because there's no IRL bullshit, its just vampire feuds
How the fuck do you not know? Did you even play the game?
Cool, ill check it out. Thanks user
You assumed wrong, cis SCUM
have sex
>If someone outs me as a larper
How would they do that if they didn't have the discord chatlogs?
Melee with a little persuasion (Toreador recommended), also get the fix patch or the game will crash during the last chapter
Pick Toreador.
Focus on social skills early on and combat later on.
Its Paradox. Within 3 years there will be $200 worth of dlcs that let you play as whatever the fuck you want
Finally an official stance on all these vampire games centred around male pregnancy that every DM was running
I'm sad I didn't die before this game was announced.
I'm hoping the Season of the Wolf is them testing out the mechanics and models for it. I fucking need a Werewolf the Forsaken game.
Get woke go broke.
I can't believe these fucks think that injecting all this SJW garbage into an incredibly niche game will work. Most of their fanbase wont put up with this agenda nonsense. I do t want my games to tell me how to think and neither do their fans
This game is going to be a massive flop
Look at those FAGGOTS, look at them and laugh!
Never. It's a vampire game. Play a Gangrel or play some other game.
>Angels have no gender identity or sexual orientation
Why is this bad? I feel like this is how they've always been portayed; as androgynous, semi-omnipotent beings
>being able to pick a pronoun = you'll be fighting neo-Nazis and killing Drumpf
Gee, user, it's taking you a lot longer to reply to than it did for you to reply to or even .
Could it be that you don't have any proof?
Man, I wish I could play as a based werewolf slaughtering vampire faggots and ghoul trannies.
politics and identity politics are not the same thing.. One is natural conflict. The other is faggotry from whinny little bitches who pretend to be victims.
I did that except with Gangrel
This but unironically.
The vampire loving community has always been LGBT LARPing fags. If Yea Forums gets triggered by this, then they are pretending to be part of that community.
hasn’t Wod always played with the politics of the time?
The fuck is a .psd? I inspect-elemented actual Discord.
It depends on what you mean by "definition"
I’ll remember this post when this actually happens in the game.
Anything that isn't Malkavian or Nosferatu is fine for a first time playthrough.
Oh, okay. Do you have chatlogs from the portion you edited?
So what do these guys do exactly, the only game they ever really developed was Blacklight but they have their fingerprints in all sorts of other games. What is it that they do exactly?
>The vampire loving community
Wtf does that even mean?
why the fuck would vampires that are alive for more than 100 years give 2 shits about your pronouns? in fact most vampires would probly call you a giant pussy if you ever bring up new age bullshit
Yes they admit it themselfs
>he thinks this is a fucking courtroom
Nobody gives a shit about the chatlogs pumpkin
That's how the incel maga chud people operate, they retro actively try to make stuff like this as if it always represented them because they are incapable of making anything good or new.
on that whole "thin blood" note, do thin bloods even have powers? I was under the impression that they were just albinos with an iron deficiency.
medicore garbage
Yes unless you specifically design for a historic or alt setting but shut up shut up shut up get done go broke Ree Ree ree
Oh... Yes, actually. Hold on a second.
I don't care if someone wants to be a faggot, but these special snowflake gender pronouns are absolutely retarded and anyone using them should be purged from the face of the planet
>Starting as a thin blood
So they're going to pull that shit out of their asses about Thin Bloods having any type of special bloodline powers. Bloodlines 2 is going to let any player access any type of vampire disclines, even though one of the best things about Bloodlines was picking a clan specifically for their strengths and weaknesses.
Starting as a thin blood is awful for a bloodlines game. No vampire wants to associate with a thin blood, so the game is going to feel lore-unfriendly constantly. Focusing on your background is just telling and showing. A better game would just let the PC join one of the various paths to enlightenment instead, and focus on how they' re going to survive as the lowest of the low in the world of darkness.
>Ellen Page wears a shirt by Topman and T-shirt by Alternative Apparel. Hair by Peter Butler using Oribe. Styling by Samantha Millen at Wall Group. Makeup by Frankie Boyd at Streeters using Chanel Les Beiges
Why do women's retarded magazines always list the brands people are wearing?
In the first game the good guys were literally communists from California. Also it was full of gays.
>This is a grown up, sophisticated game.
Y i k e s
The guy in back gets me every time
In V5 thin bloods are apparently super special and powerful
This game is political, but I've never seen anyone on Yea Forums complain about it.
Perhaps it's a balance thing or a style choice.
so all these concerned posters realize this will be an rpg correct? Im sure you wont be railroaded into PC liberal choices without an option to either object or to do something else entirely.
>A better game would just let the PC join one of the various paths to enlightenment instead, and focus on how they' re going to survive as the lowest of the low in the world of darkness.
This. These paradox niggers should pick cues from Planescape Torment.
Brainlet who didn't understand the anarchs and din't understand the plot
While you're at it, be sure to link the server in question and include a screenshot with your post. Have to be certain that there's no more fakery going around. You understand.
>how is ingame politics not the same as real life politics you fucking neo nazi trumptard scum
Discord changes the dates after a certain period of time. It no longer says the hour of the posts, only the day they were posted in. Any way to change this?
Honestly, I don't see how this is a bad thing. Yeah, give people options. Give the left the option to censor their games, to make their characters xir or xer or whatever the fuck they want. As long as it's not forced and you can pick a normal guy, I'm fine. Options is always a good thing, as long as it's forced. Wouldn't be surprised if there was a tranny in the game though, but I can kinda of see it fitting the game.
>Im sure you wont be railroaded into PC liberal choices without an option to either object or to do something else entirely.
You know it will be exactly like that
>Im sure you wont be railroaded into PC liberal choices without an option to either object or to do something else entirely.
How utterly naive. Do you really think you'll have any say whether you respect trannies, gays and other undesirables? I can absolute bet a thousand dollars you won't.
Because it's a genuinely good game, it comes from a time when the society wasn't polarized to shit and the politics aren't pushed into your fucking face. Most of millennials don't even get the political aspects of the game.
>My post
My dude, I just inspect-elemented text that was already there into something else. I literally had to post nothing myself.
Cyberpunk 2077 will be political too, but Yea Forums can't seem to differentiate fictional politics and real-world politics
the only games these bugmen would enjoy are Bing Bing Wahoos
It's pretty explicitly laid out that vampires were doing just fine before the Camarilla, they do fine in places without the Camarilla, and the Camarilla are faggots and already tried pulling their shit before.
>Blizzard BTFO after hiring diversity instead of skill
>EA's stock value is deep in the shit after "muh strong womyn in ww2" fiasco
>Bethesda sowing what they deserves after focusing too much in propaganda and too less in games
>Ubisoft forced heterosexual DLC showed how small is the number of faggots who played what was praised as one of the most inclusive games (Steam rate absolutely unaffected)
>Telltales Games LITERALLY died after bankrupt caused by forcing incompetent niggers and women in the staff
>Riot Games gave special benefits to the all female team to protect their narrative
>The only way a new franchise can be woke and succesful is by giving it for free
>RDR2 (Toxic masculinity and animal abuse) sells 17 million copies from based white males
>Even in games that try to push a female protagonists, these are played by a minority
>Dead or Alive 6 joined the #MeToo movement of woke and broke videogames
>Companies cant go PC without unsleashing a huge backlash
>All Netflix series forcing minorities are bound to fail
>This post has been mass reported by a bunch of assmad trannies
>Bloodlines 2 will milk money out of degenerates after calling them mentally ill while keeping tit monsters
>Noone will stop me from saying FUCK NIGGERS
Can I propose a toast for us /pol/boys?
Don't mind them, they're just mentally broken from being ostracised and persecuted so often by their so-called progressive peers.
They see everything as a personal attack now.
What's the reception to this? Did he get flamed?
>game based on tabletop rpg has extensive character customisation
>It’s definitely taking political stances on what we think are right and wrong
>The developer is taking a refreshing approach of weaving politics into the game, both in terms of narrative and gameplay.
>Clooney says it’s central to Bloodlines 2 that the writers are actively taking a political stance in this sequel
>gender pronouns
>senior writer Cara Ellison
>Ellison [...] worked as a narrative consultant on 2016’s Dishonored 2.
>“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
>“It [VTMB] was a product of its time,” Ellison said of the first game. “It approached certain topics differently. How we look at stuff has matured since then.”
>but Yea Forums can't seem to differentiate fictional politics and real-world politics
People just don't want lefty agenda hamfisted into your game, you still can have fantasy pollitics in the game, witcher 2 did it brilliantly for example.
>This killed the tranny raiders
Because most of them are only concerned with looks and superficial things. Not to mention is not good advertising considering she looks like a worn out hag.
>>Ubisoft forced heterosexual DLC
of course they are - i'd be surprised if they didn't
I swear if they allow fat vampires. For fuck's sake.
That's not what he meant. Why are you playing dumb, user?
like everything paradox does, it's a DLC/let the modders do it choice.
it's lazy as fuck from a development point of view to only implement guns partially, especially when melee combat is the specialty of only a few of the clans
I was going to post some cute images of young Ellen but scrolling through I realized she's always been a fivehead gremlin.
Politics are fine but why does it have to contain biased personal opinions about real world politics?
>the section on Chechnya will be removed
Lmao, get fucked westcucks
What was Chechnya? Was there a storyline about removing kebab?
In a game about never being human again, and where Vampires have a massive superiority complex over Kine, I expect background to be a small quiz taken at the start of the game, or a list with a couple of perks, not something the game keeps dragging itself down with. Being a gay or tranny vampire shouldn't even matter when the things you're feeding on matter as much as a cow to you or me.
Based. Fuck leftards and niggers
It was about saving gays
except when in the original the parallel was subtle and never was the main focus of the story, in this one it will be hammered in hard so that even the most thick-headed skulls can get the message (and they're the most important audience because they're both gullible and majority)
>guns are temporary
And so was my interest in this game
this is a monkey pawn wish ffs
>with straight face
No straight would write anything like this.
If the game is good I won't even care, you could even have fun with it.
>make large muscular male character
>use ridiculous xe / zir pronouns
>be hair trigger aggressive and get into fights at the drop of a hat
To the guy saying it’s fake, sap yourself replying to the post so you can at least confirm (you) posted it.
protecting gays from east europeans
>All trannies are menrally ill
Based devs
I want to play as Tzimisce.
Immediately lost interest. Video games don't need a "political approach". They're fucking video games.
but will be bloodlines 2 be on epic store?
Fat vampires are cool
They portrayed the real world imprisonment of homosexuals in Chechnya as an in-game plot by vampires (even naming the Chechen leader as a vampire).
Basically making a fantasy adventure out of a reaal world controversy. It offended homosexuals and it offended the chechen government
>one of the best things about tabletop roleplaying is you can play someone completely different to yourself
>but make sure you follow these rules and don't do anything that doesn't meet our morals, alright?
Someone tell /tg/, I want to see them shit
fucking indie trash shitting up my Yea Forums thread.
At most I could see modern 4kanker complaining about the "noble savage" narrative about tribals? I can't see people unironically getting mad at it for making fun of Scientology though.
>the only reason anyone knows you're name is because of some bar skank with her tits hanging out being plastered all over the internet
Yeah this will turn out real well. Good job.
there was a fatty in the original tho
Rapacious doesn't necessarily mean rape.
Tzimisces will never be playable because viccisitude is very hard to implement as a game mechanic
>homosexuals finally depicted by video game developers as sociopaths and sexual predators who prey upon those who don't know
paradox is fucking based
I hope this whole "mass embrace" shenanigans actually alludes to a Sabbat attack on the city and you'll have the opportunity to develop Vicissitude or Obtenebration and not just pussy Camarilla disciplines, shit would be rad af
Thin bloods can develop any discipline after feeding on certain individuals whose vitae reflect it. I'm guessing a large part of this game is the Thinbloods eating each other to boost themselves during a Camarilla blood hunt.
love how you cut all of the context surrounding these quotations, you fucking rat
These are serbians, that's literally on the opposite side of turkey and bulgaria.
So they pussied out on shit-talking Chechen authorities and Russian government? Fucking pussies, typical american sjw bitches with no backbone. All talk no bite, fuck them.
she's ugly and fat
Why does this cut out 90% of what was actually said? You did this in the other thread as well
>Bethesda sowing what they deserves
you mean reap you dumb nigger? you have to sow a field to reap product
I rather kill myself than becoming one of those political activist subhumans.
Besides, being a political autist is a millennial thing, and I don't want anything to do with a generation of unhealthy manchildren.
The only thing regarding politics I see is those videos of the police beating the shit out of protestors and retards in political rallies, those are fun.
from their discord
>shams jorjani
I think it was written by Swedes, but sure.
>Deb of Night type feature will make an appearance as confirmed by Mitsoda
Now known as Dab of Night.
You really expected anything else, this is Sweden we are talking about
>body type, gender pronouns
so like every other character creator????
Well when anons call litterally everything lefty propaganda even irredemable black villians then most people will start thinking Yea Forums is just being hypocritical
I wish I could feel something other than disappointment. No anger, no disgust, no humour. It's just sheer disappointment.
You'd think that discord trannies would rather be Baali shoving maggots into other people's penises by regurgitating the hivemind insects inside of you into other people's bodies.
Is this kind of behaviour actually autism?
so will I be able to make a lesbo vampire that feeds of prostitutes and max out persuasion/seduction?
your freedom ends where someone else's begins, having fags in skirts kissing on the streets in front of my kids is crossing over my freedom and theirs, so mentally ill people like this should be locked away or put down,
>People just don't want lefty agenda hamfisted into your game
Then why does Yea Forums love MGS?
Nah, it's just as long as you bash the fash.
la creatura
Didn't Yea Forums call RDR2 leftist because of the blacks and natives being in the games and the fact you can kill some KKK members as well?
Juxtaposing vtmb 1 and 2 will be more jarring than comparing deus ex with eidos ex
>15 years after bloodlines
so is this actually Vampire: The Requiem or not? Because Vampire: The Masquerade had Gehenna in 2004, and Bloodlines is set in the 90s or so, depending on if the world of darkness has technological development at a more stifled pace.
>starting and a thin blood
Wait is it possible to become more than a thin blood?
The entire franchise was made popular by teenage girls. It existed long before the 1st PC game. The 1st game not having gays and chicks-with-dicks was a fluke, really
i'm tired of this meme
Good point
Fun and everything but isn't the US going to be non-white in a decade or two?
Only movie-"game" loving autismos like Metal Reddit Solid.
MGS is a cancerous franchise that has done nothing but convince talentless hacks that plot has a place in videogames.
MGS is a dumbass franchise where literally not knowing how DNA works is the motivation of one of the villains.
MGS is the franchise that has spawned the most autistic fanbase ever in Yea Forums, even more than Sonic.
MGS is the embodiment of everything wrong with videogames, and it deserves it's utter destruction.
Diaberalizing. Doing on an Elder works best but maybe if you do it to a shit tonne of other thinbloods you'll start to develop further.
absolutely pathetic backpedalling.
Why does this always cut out server names? how do you guys keep getting these screenshots but refuse to actually show where they're from for proof?
I will gladly be a SJW if it is necessary to marry damsel
you wish sweetie, now bake our faggot cake
>can't use guns as actual equip \able weapons
it's neither
Well done for misinterpreting the boss's will the same way the primary antagonists of the series did.
Absolutely based.
Using real life politics isn't fun or creative though. You're essentially just preaching what the MSM tells you to think. Which I guess in this case is going to be some big shoehorned ORANGE MAN BAD TRANNY MAN GOOD and never go beyond that.
Mass embrace? Camarilla would react by killing all the caitiffs they spawned.
Literally who?
You really think people would just lie on the internet like that?
have fun
Is V5, they have retconned Gehenna, now it's not some end of the world thing but some cyclical event that happens every few centuries
Also Antediluvians are not vampiric gods anymore, it turns out it was just propaganda and lies spread by the elders
You will be able to play as a shemale vampire. But some backround choices like prostitution or 'legs behind your head with your butthole exposed' webcam whoring is too triggering and will only promote stereotypes. So shemale characters will have a few custom select choices like rocket engineer, university professor, brain surgeon, and so on.
And the trannies are still bitching about male masculinity and the nigger lynching groups
They brought back the original world of darkness a while ago and gehenna isn't canon any more.
Is it 5th ed?
Will we get the cannon Nazi Brujah?
Assamite feeding camps disguised as gay death camps?
>Yea Forums is one person
I thought that only worked if you fed off someone higher up the hierarchy than you? as in feeding off fellow thinbloods didn't do shit
I cant really blame them, it was that or they get called fascistic even more than they already are and the series gets banned.
Yay, day 1 dlc and modern day identity politics. At least I know a year ahead of time to avoid anything related to this game like the plague.
Enjoy your circlejerk skw’s
I can see why none of my friends play anything that came after V2. FUCKING WHITE WOLF
through the power of friendship you'll overcome your thin blood status as you realize it's simply an oppressive socionorm pushed by the evil old vampires and not actually a real thing.
you're just as strong as any other generation of vampire, only if you believe in yourself.
tfw you'll never be a medieval knight who was embraced against his will and thrown centuries into the future after a failed attempt to save your sweetheart.
Well said.
>What is a consensus
Yea Forums has repeatedly voted the first three MGS games as some of the best games of all time, despite being left wing propaganda.
as someone with NO political views whatsoever who just wants to discuss video games, i agree
remove the people who hold political views i don't like and ONLY people with those views
everybody else is fine though
>some cyclical event that happens every few centuries
Uh, what does Gehenna entail then?
It's only new to Western culture, off the top of my head parts of Native American culture recognized a third gender. Greek mythology also has Caenis, who was turned from a woman into a man. There is also Tiresias who goes from man to woman and back to man.
this to be quite honest
I can't see how a brand new thin blood could ever over power or out think a none thin blood unless they were brand new themselves so I guess you'd have to spend the first part of the game killing other thin bloods then.
Why reply to obvious bait that doesn't even have a source?
>"There's actually a lot of history there," Martin Ka'ai Cluney, creative director at Hardsuit told me. "Seattle historically is a very pioneer, progressive, traditional town and over the last few years, Microsoft, Amazon, the whole tech thing is affecting Seattle. There's definitely a constant push and pull between progress and tradition. it reflected larger themes that are going on throughout the country and throughout the world ... That constant tension, where there's really no give, was a really good bed for the story."
>“It is a political game but I think it’s one of those few opportunities that gives us the chance to let people make their own political statement in a way that’s not cheap. I don’t believe you can look at both sides of a political argument without understanding both sides. It’s easy to say this is good and this is bad. But it’s definitely taking some political stances on what we think are right and wrong. In terms of the main conflict what is interesting is it’s one of those truly balanced issues.”
>“We’re interested in providing a very robust roleplaying experience for the player with something were they can really identify with their character by fine tuning and providing lots of options for them to do that,”
>“In the first game you start out by picking the clan. With Bloodlines 2 because you’re starting as a ‘thin blood’ we give you some backgrounds to what your human self was before being embraced. They don’t so much have a direct influence on gameplay, there are a few minor influences like dialogue options, but we were really interested in following the progression and having the roleplay experience for the player to get a handle on that side of the game before they get a handle on the political clan-oriented side of it. The gamplay becomes very different later in the game [because you’ve chosen a clan]. You grow into it and consciously choose your clan after you’ve explored them. So it’s an informed decision.”
You faggots can't read.
>chromatic abberation in 2019
>setting is not available
Fuck you, FEAR2
Good, that will ensure this literally-who franchise remains dead.
>muh cult classics
Fuck off, the first one flopped for a reason.
So then that means it's CENTRIST
How embarrassing
It really wouldn't, though. That rabid crowd does not have the power or influence to really get it banned. As long as the regular fans like it, it will keep going.
It's when you stab your fans in the back out of fear of the rabid crowd that your material dies.
For the record, I knew it was a joke and I appreciated it
Just need to catch one napping.
Vampires are erotic beings that sexually assault people constantly. That's the horror of vampirism. Being a vampire is supposed to be gruesome and unpleasant, which is why it's so hard to maintain your humanity. Why would you storytell a game or play in a game where you don't want the players actually acting like vampires, and feeding on kine?
And that alt-right shit makes no sense. Unless you're a faggot playing as an anarch, vampire society is rigid, hierarchical, and each clan thinks they're the best.
Maybe, you know, they were just good games? There is plenty of games with left wing ideas, it's just that those games has also some other redeeming qualities. It's not JUST straight up propaganda with shit gameplay made to satisfy lefty journalists.
The first one flopped because it released the same day as HL2.
Originally it was the end of the world and the vampire race, every vampire was either trying to stop it, deny it as superstition or just try to hide.
Now it's supposed to be a cyclical event when every few centuries vampire society turns upside down and changes dramatically, the Gehenna event of 2004 still happened but it caused a Masquerade breach and the rise of the Second Inquisition
Really makes you wonder about all those other discords they talk about. For all I know, those ones were jokes too or people fabricating evidence
Are there ever any chat logs for ANY of these discords? I don't mean just the obvious NXT trolling one.
Why do all millennials speak like 5 year olds?
Do we really need to draft these manchildren so they become adults?
They are in their 30s and they are still fighting console wars.
>it’s one of those few opportunities that gives us the chance to let people make their own political statement in a way that’s not cheap
>But it’s definitely taking some political stances on what we think are right and wrong.
>It's only new to Western culture
let's hope you're just pretending to be retarded. only a small minority of vampires even give a fuck about sex, and they can't even have sex beyond blood bonding.
it's mind boggling to have every vampire suddenly have preferred pronouns and sexual identities, when reproduction isn't even an essential function of vampires because they aren't fucking alive.
>Yea Forums in charge of reading and not just spazzing out because they saw the word politics
VtM was always LGBT friendly you dunce. Before the video games came out, even.
Classic zoomer OP thinking he's a gaming connoisseur without knowing shit about the games he posts about.
rpg in 2019. dont even bother
Imagine revolving your whole life about being queer. This is like the next vegan where you have to tell everyone about your fascinating lifestyle.
Thank you
what? i'm starting as a thin blood?
shiiiiiiiiiiettttt. so how am i going to be choosing a clan later? diablerie? btw is this game based on the old world of darkness?
The liberal of the 90's is the nazi conservative of 2019.
the word these fags are looking for is agenda
theres a difference between a agenda being pushed by devs and politics being part of the plot, in this case a fucking retarded agenda
now if you end up being right, and the camarilla for example end up being some kind of right-wing conservative group you can join to advance their politics, while anarchs are left-wing and best case scenario we get some of the cults like followers of set and the sabbath with a set of more unique world views then sure it might turn out to be a well-written plot and another good RPG, but if you've watched any of the recent whitewolf Q&As it's a fucking tumblr-tier SJW fuckfest so I'm not holding out for that since authoritarian leftists are for diversity in anything but thought
Imagine being worse than a glorified tech demo.
Can't blame them, only scum deals with politics.
All activists need a bullet in the head.
meant for
they don't see it as backstabbing because they actually believe the shit they write, and anyone who doesn't is a bigot who shouldn't play their game.
Why should a vampire care about politics, when ventrue already control everything. Or the techno union. Or the wyrm.
>Why should a vampire care about politics
They don't, but they care about vampire politics.
>t. loomer who discovered WoD 2 years ago thanks to chechnya
Don't you fucks have school or something to keep you occupied?
This is gay man's politics, over minorities vs global minorities and shieet
So if there's any 500 year old native vampires or 3000 greek vampires in the game they can start policing pronouns.
What the fuck is wrong with this board
You used to welcome /pol/ with open arms. This is fucking sickening. Get the fuck off of this site you traitors.
>Seattle historically is a very pioneer, progressive, traditional town
>progressive, traditional town
is he just using buzzwords? like what the fuck is he trying to say here
that's like saying oh yeha he's a really nice white black dude
Hence being a thin blood. So your PC can eat, shit, and enjoy all the benefits of being a vampire, while being an oppressed minority that the mean 'ole Camarilla wants to stamp out because they can't follow the Masquerade. BUT NOW IT'S TIME TO SHOW THOSE OLD MEN THAT TIMES ARE CHANGING.
Seethe more
Exactly what makes videogame writers think they are good enough to have themes in their games about politics, when all videogame writers are not here by choice, but because they failed to make it in industries where there's a standard for storytelling?
MGS is praised and all it says is "war is bad", for fucks sake.
Videogame writers should get some self awareness and accept that they are at the level of MLP fanfiction writers because chewing more than they can swallow.
>VtM was always LGBT friendly you dunce.
Not in the way you understand it today, the whole point of Vampires is that they were monsters, their humanity wiped out and having to deal with inhuman passions and needs.
Vampires adopted subversive ideologies not because a sense of justice but because they left their humanity behind even if some of them still remembered what it was to be human
You don't know fuck all about vampires. Sure, sex ain't great for them, but for the majority of those that are player relevant, Humanity is a big fucking deal. Sex is one of the ways many try to reach for that, even if it is a disappointment and hollow effort. And identity matters a lot to them, for the same reasons, and for many getting all into human politics can be a way to pretend to themselves they really still are human.
Fuck out of here with your "facts" and "reason" if you don't understand the universe.
>that gives us the chance to let people make their own political statement in a way that’s not cheap.
>But it’s definitely taking some political stances on what we think are right and wrong.
this is contradictory
this actually placates my fears quite a bit. reminds me a bit of how arcanum knocked the theme of progress and tradition out of the park. i'm a little more excited, but i'm still wary. i'm sure brian and chris can pull this off, the other people are giving me flashbacks of how awful games like T:ToN and BG:SoD managed to fuck up so hard.
Weird. Vampires live for a long time. They would REMEMBER these cycles. Pretty stupid.
Why do they think making a political statement has any value?
Words do nothing.
Actions do.
Statements are 100% pointless.
>huh, I guess this game is gonna be shit then
Great, I can't wait to see this thread every god damn day until the game comes out
So it's just regular people vs big companies and greedy capitalists?
Why is /pol/ overreacting?
I dunno, everyone in the trailer was white.
Yeah, that's what so many are doing now. Then no-one plays their game. The bigots don't play it and the people they pander to don't play it.
I hate video games
discord furfags/trannies and resetera raided us for a while, problem is that it seems like they've never left
Yeah you'll get to diblerise someone at some point to get your clan
And it's based on a new edition of the old world of darkness (i think new world of darkness got renamed as chronicles of darkness or something)
He's not wrong here. A lot of modern vampire lore seems highly homo-erotic.
I blame Anne Rice and her bitchboy Lestat.
like i never would even come close to knowing that this image, that i've seen like a hundred times in the last 10 years, would be the perfect discription of this website
Welcome to the world of social media, where people think screaming at the top of their voices makes a difference.
This game is coming out 10 years too late.
I have zero interest anymore.
They don't understand what the politics in the game is about.
Yay for Malkavian doctor possibilities
Read the article you posted tranny. It just supports what the other user said.
Wasn't really interested in it, but now I'll just avoid it.
So Capcom letting you buy weapons and guns with real money for DMC5 is ok but this isn't
>dehumanizing and and demonizing right wing conservatists and traditional libertarians is good
>dehumanizing and demonizing lefty faggots is wrong
I would rather bing bing wahoo for the rest of my life then play this garbage.
I actually played the PNP back in the 90''s, because unlike you, I'm not some 21-yo faggot who thinks he's "in the know" because he played Bloodlines once. The RPG had all kinds, because it's a fuvking RPG. There were Gaya, lezzies, trannies, sexual and asexual, Goths punks, clowns, hippies, scholars, attack helicopters, otherkin, everything. And most importantly, NOONE CARED AND SPERGED OUT ABOUT IT.
Fuck out of this thread you retard, you clearly have 0 idea what you are talking about.
Because what if you want to play as a big companyist or a greedy capitalist. You're not allowed to because if you wanted to then you're literally the devil and literally worse than hitler.
>diblerise someone
well that's going to make the MC popular, its not like that's frowned upon or anything.
For real though, gas malks. Biggest faggot clan for zero-effort roleplayers that think holding up a spork and pretending you're a fish is how mental illness actually works.
"why did you only post the relevant quotations!?! REE"
/pol/ became infected with a skin disease thats why. they constantly flip flop on what they want and what they believe in just to dab on them liberals, they used to hate loli and shota calling it degenerate and for pedos but now that sjws hate it /pol/ loves it and doesn't want it to go. They used to hate lazy people completely because they were an embarrassment to their race and family now it's filled with neets who hate "wagecucks" yet still try to get pissy at a gib me that black. They used to actually believe in the 1st amendment now it's just "it's only ok when I do it" think. Those are some reasons.
Carmilla is a straight up story about lesbians and Dracula even has some homosexual subtext with Harker.
Vampire fiction has been gay since the beginning.
Mentally ill people deserve being treated, first and foremost.
If they refuse treatment and pretend they are sane, then they deserve neither treatment, nor happiness, because that is the path they chose.
Who says you can't? I bet tremere have their hand in all that shit anyway.
Here's your Senior writer developing all the sidequests, bro!
Faggots still hanging around acting like they are the core of Yea Forums. It's actually their "mission" to maintain this image of faggotry for Yea Forums, responding to eachother with "Bassed" and "This" posts.
Being a thinblood means nobody likes you, you have nothing to lose. The bigger question is how the hell the PC would know how to increase their generation, since thin bloods don't have a sire to teach them about vampirism.
>You used to welcome /pol/ with open arms.
ishiggidiggy fucking doo
get fucked nagger
dont you have some blood and cock to suck, you degenerate vampire filth
You litterally cut out the parts about their political stance and what politics are in the game you nigger
Targets of a blood hunt are fair game, apparently.
At least according to what i read in this game's promotional material.
>What the fuck is wrong with this board, you dont agree with my lowtier bait boohoo
We used to think the /Pol/schtick was fun, but we've seen the same threads and posts 673938363638835 times now for years. Now we just wanna go back to discussing Vidya without some retard going "SJW AMIRITE?" for some quick >(You)'s in his echo chamber.
nigger is that Jeanette with small tits
who made this abomination, I'm going to dickslap that faggot
>gets called out
>doubles down and proof the point
>really has no fucking idea what this is all about
Back to school little one, you're in desperate need of it.
I wonder if it'll be polished enough, not like the 2004 game was untill fan patches.
>pick a faction
>enemy factions call you a piece of shit
wow wtf...
go eat my cats kittylitter you literal sub-undead furry lmao
Finally they're catering to White Wolf's real fans.
Do you mean that Malkavian Nazi doctor who studies thinbloods?
Oh no, a role playing game where you can create any kind of character you want, oh no, the horror!
Fucking off yourself, MAGAchud.
fuck, dropped.
>Guns exist and are treated as temporary opportunities, you pick em up, use it, then discard it and move on.
Il thinking of something like sleeping dogs? Its bad cause i have an entire skill for guns and explosives but whatever, not a bad\good point for me.
Also source on this?
Obviously, but that distinction is not relevant to what we are discussing here.
Oh no, they're not going to include a rape scene fakeout for shock value
The game is ruined!
it depends on what you mean by "it depends on what you mean by definition"
>supporting trump
you're out of the loop, I see
>Fuck out of this thread you retard, you clearly have 0 idea what you are talking about.
>There were Gaya, lezzies, trannies, sexual and asexual, Goths punks, clowns, hippies, scholars, attack helicopters, otherkin, everything. And most importantly, NOONE CARED AND SPERGED OUT ABOUT IT.
Follow your own advice retard and fuck off if you really have no clue why people hate this shit now. Fucking hell, you underaged retards are them ain reason why everything is going to shit since all you can do it to slurp it up like there's no tomorrow, making up some bullshit "how it always was like that" when you fucktards have no bloody idea what you're even on about.
Who is talking about DMC5 here you fucking brainlet.
I doubt they'll let me get that extensive, but it does fit. Malkavians have the most doctors per clan of any other, because they're the most likely to come in contact with the ones who can't handle the network
Hillary lost. I hope you haven't forgotten.
>The bigger question is how the hell the PC would know how to increase their generation, since thin bloods don't have a sire to teach them about vampirism.
They'll go with something stupid like
>I played a tabletop game like this!
as long as i have the option to kill those liberal faggots i am fine with that
>Bloodlines 2 in 2020
>Original writer and Chris behind it
>Everything looks great so far
>Its also triggering the /pol/ snowflakes
There is nothing I don't like about this, though it does mean comfy VtM threads are a thing of the past I guess.
Hello, resetera.
You have to go back.
You faggots complaining have been posers the whole time, VtM has always been a very left wing property and most of us people who actually enjoy vidya just ignored it and played it for what it was. Anyone who's dropping the game because of this have probably never even played the first one and only liked it because it's "Yea Forumscore"
I mean they are hedonistic abominations so I don't see any problem here. Just like when people complain that cyberpunk has degeneracy in it,
is this confirmed? that you'll diablerize someone at some point i mean
>tfw can't wait
stay seething, /pol/ babbies
From this I gathered she likes dicks.
Playing as a gay person is a choice.
omg user shut up
you don't know what your talking about
so it was true then, no one on Yea Forums has actually played these games.
>Everything looks great so far
You mean the design art that's of Bloodlines 1 locations?
Should have come out 10 years ago.
I lost all interest now.
If it's good I may pirate it, but a sequel taking 15 years to come out is not something I will support.
So remind me what they are doing this for, if Muslims are just incredibly pissed about it? Seriously, these are Reddit fucking "moderate Muslims".
>30 year s ago liberalism is comparable to the mental illness it is today
>subtle writing is comparable to getting it hamfisted down your throat of today
Sure thing zoomer, better stop projecting your own insecurities onto others when you have no fucking idea what you're even talking about.
>Now we just wanna go back to discussing Vidya without some retard going "SJW AMIRITE?" for some quick >(You)'s in his echo chamber.
Gotta love the weposters. You're so fucking transparent it hurts.
Chans are the opposite of echo chambers, you retarded dipshit, but I guess you wouldn't know, since all you know is your twitter bubble and resetera.
>Chris Avellone
It all sounds good, so absolutely perfect. Everything I wanted.
>when the golem turns against it's master
It was only a matter of time.
Sawyer was always better.
>game that had depraved perverts and fucking malkavian clan
>wHat nOt mY BLoOdlineS iTs SJW nOW
White people think it's interesting to clown out minorities
>Yet another great RPG for me that /pol/tardetties will be unable to enjoy
He knows whats going on.
hilarious how the developer virtue signal and try to pander to everyone at the same time even though there believes are as different as it gets
Honestly, sometimes i can't wait for hardcore islamists to take over the west. At least they hang all the leftsts.
Thats probably the faggiest insult in existence
Go away sperg
Calm down friend, I think you've overdosed on /pol/. There isn't actually a vast conspiracy to invade your Korean Calligraphy Tapestry, and you're not actually an online activist in a fight for your culture. Sleep on it, you'll feel better in the morning.
>With Bloodlines 2 because you’re starting as a ‘thin blood’
I want to be a pure-blood like in the first game damn it. I understand why they did this, but most of us don't give a crap about Thinbloods and their fates.
You were a motherfucking 8th Gen vamp made by the embrace in the 20th century in VTMB lobbied by Caine. And now you are just a weak mutt of a vampire?
You're pretty good!
>having asexual vampires that are above normal human needs
>is the same as lbtwqias+ vampires of today
Don't know why people are so obsessed with this guy. His writing is nothing remarkable and was pretty bad in fact in NV.
What's up with millennials thinking that typing shit wrong or in weird ways is an argument?
You are in your 30s, behave like adults for once.
>Set in Seattle
That actually explains a lot
Is it the law to drink these things on the west coast of the US?
Brujah or gangrel punk?
The trailer is decent despite showing no gameplay, but the information about how the writing may look like is not so hot. Unless the game allows me to play as extremely based and bloodpilled kindred.
>Go against mudslimes, fags and minorities
>Game deems it as bad ending
Can't wait.
Surprisingly Division 2 not that political, the bad guys are such characteristics that I can't draw a line between them any political group.
gotta make it as ambiguous as possible so you can be as queer as you like
Why are anarchs still around. You'd think since they're anarchs, the sabbat, werewolves, mages, baali infiltrators, hunters, and the Camarilla have wiped out these ANTIFA activists.
>moderate Muslims
No such thing.
Which is why they're going to win.
Not him but you're disingenuous, smug and annoying.
He got you on the
posting 100%
>no one buys faggot game for faggots
>boo hoo, why no inclusivity in games?
/pol/ always wins in the end
That guys shit eating grin, lol.
>id give her a bunch of pearl necklaces allright
>With Bloodlines 2 because you’re starting as a ‘thin blood’
How do you stop being a thin blood? Do you go Sabbat and start diablerizing higher ranking vampires?
Nigger why would I care what he drinks, how is that at all relvant to his writing.