What happened to gaming news?

what happened to gaming news?

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I refuse to believe this real

Pozzed to hell with leftist retardation

>this steak looks so tasty I might not even eat it

Internet was a mistake

>playing good games like a scrub instead of worshipping them

they went full retard

This is the very definition of cuckoldry

he gets paid for this?

What happened to all journalism? Most of it is sensationalist clickbait. You can probably blame the internet/24 hour new cycle. They all compete by making retarded titles to all their articles.

>Dave Th**r
He's Forbe's resident shitposter. Why would you ever give his articles a view over Erik's?

A thread was murdered for this.

>food analogy

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Your paycheck relies on a number of clicks you get.

humanity was a mistake, it's nothing but trash

>Comparing two things that you consume is a bad thing

hope you starve then.
Journalism is literally unnecessary in the 21st century.
We have an IV drip with a HAPPENING bag attached nowadays, it's called the internet.
The press is biased, and they are the enemy of the people.

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No, it's betacuckery and still being in love with a woman that has friendzoned you.

It died with magazines. gaming news was better when you got it in well written monthly chunks rather than a constant stream of crap hastily thrown together for the most clicks

>food analogy
Disgusting fatass

>Journalism is literally unnecessary in the 21st century.
Not him, but journalism is always necessary, what we have today is not journalism.

no it isn't.
I don't need propaganda and opinion pieces telling me what to think.
I saw the aussie shooter live, meanwhile the news showed me a bunch of crying muslims

Who's t-God?

What did he mean by that?

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>gaming news was better when you got it in well written monthly chunks

Amazing. Imagine being nostalgic for something you've never experienced in the first place.

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>I saw the aussie shooter live, meanwhile the news showed me a bunch of crying muslims
What did he mean by this?

Not really. Journalism back then used to be extracting information from places that had literally no outreach. Currently even starving monkeys can set up a livestream or tweet photos and videos so people can actually see the nitty gritty without moralfaggotry getting in the way. Current journalism is literally all about supressing this, it's sickening. It's the antithesis of journalism itself and it needs to fucking die.

When you your so fat you eat games

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Not even worth an article it's just a blog about FromSoft games being too hard and him not having the will to go through it again

>Currently even starving monkeys can set up a livestream or tweet photos and videos so people can actually see the nitty gritty without moralfaggotry getting in the way
But can't you see that by doing this you are only getting a tiny slice of the picture? It works both ways.

Journalism is necessary, in the sense that we need people doing investigative stuff.
People like Nellie Bly or Gary Webb, those were actual great journalists, who lost their lives because of the news they reported.
"Gaming" journalism would only make sense if it wasn't constantly trying to suck off publishers and written by numales.

>food analogy

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It's even worse, it's just an article sucking off Froms Enemy design and how he fears if he starts playing it he won't stop because he just knows the gaming is amazing.
Reads like a mixture of shilling, fanboyism and being retarded

You underestimate the amount of information that gets put out there these days. You can even find unaltered testimonies of the people there online if you search well enough, which is what journalists traditionally were good for. Ideally journalism would be about joining these tidbits into a cohesive narrative that tries it's best to fit reality but outside of independent journalists or very small news outlets you're better off trying to formulate a preliminary narrative yourself, even if it seems simplistic, that way you can slowly contrast it with others and eventually strengthen your knowledge on what's going on.

with a hairline like that, I am surprised he even leaves the house.

>i don't want to like it
When did Yea Forums write articles?

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Short for tyrannosaurus god.

>that deal is so good i wont buy it
>that girl is so hot i wont bang her
>that movie is so good i wont watch it
Oh wow 3 off the top of my head that are better than food
Fuck it just go with the amerifat one

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/pol/ and /news/ are unironically the best places to get up to speed on the planet.
No journo can hold a handle to autism.

>that country is so good I won't immigrate there

>sub 60 IQ

Capitalism and the internet happened.

This is so retarded. It's like somebody masturbating over his worship of a game.

>above 30 BMI

Not everyone has money
Not everyone is a dude
Not everyone watches kino
But eating is relatable everyone who has been living for a few weeks.
It's a necessary evil.

>Journalism in 1996: Investigate the ties of the CIA to colombian drug cartels and their secret operations to get rich of smuggling illegal drugs into north american cities founded by taxpayers money. End up getting shot in the back of the head twice and your death ruled a suicide
>Journalism in 2019: Praise a company in a three block essay for a game you haven't even played, get a big paycheck and stop working at noon to go out to eat

You do know africa is a place right....

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fuck off edmund

Those are imaginary numbers created by the jew

more like what happened to Yea Forums.
this is like a glorified blog post. the real questions is why we have a thread about it.

complete retard.

>he relies, TRUSTS the low IQ imbeciles on this site for information
now this is just pathetic

Sounds like fat person talk to me, porkie

>>Not everyone is a dude
>on 4channel

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>"""""journalist""""" makes shitty clickbait/outrageous headline
>people get furious because of it
>among these people is OP, so outraged that he screencaps the headline and makes a thread on Yea Forumseddit
>thread gets attention, a fraction of the people browsing WILL go and read the article
>the """""hournalist"""" has gained some clicks/views

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>trusting a dumb journalist

great difference

>loves Bloodborne so much he never played the DLC
>compare From Software game to alcohol addiction
>afraid he'll dive too deep in the game to care about anything else

Imagine if a programmer avoids developing a program because he's too afraid he'll be "addicted" to it.
Sounds like a bunch of excuse to not play the game desu. Probably a shitter who'll just watch other streamer and copy paste some opinion from internet.

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He is one of the muslim who lived. He saw it in person.

We had endless LOLtaku threads since 2010.
This is not a new phenomenon.

>you got through a whole Captcha just to post this

>Not everyone has money
neetbux and parent's money still count as money

>She takes off her panties
“Well, loike what ya see gavna?”
“Crikey! Yer bag looks so smashin Im like mostdef not going to plough it dear!”

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To be fair, i've done it before
When I first got Persona 3 I ignored it for two months because I knew as soon as I started playing I wouldn't stop. I ended up finishing it in a week and a half, playing it for 12 hours straight each day.
The difference is, it isn't my job to play video games, like it is this fuckhead's

>I like bloodborne so much I never played the DLC
I call bullshit on that

>unironically defending food analogies

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>I don't need propaganda and opinion pieces telling me what to think
>This is my opinion that I came up with myself!
>I'm not a victim of the exact thing that I'm acting like journalism is at fault for, h-honest!

What are you babbling about, retard?
That wasn't his point, and he has no obligation to censor his opinion, whereas journalists, aside from editorials, are supposed to just report the facts. Which they often don't do, and constantly censor and shape opinion.

But his actual point was that he can see events happen in real-time for himself with streaming, and he doesn't need the manipulative third party playing gatekeeper.

Journalists are behind the curve in just about every facet they delve into.

These dumb fucking zoomers have never experienced true journalism so how can you expect them to understand why it's necessary?

tfw leftists use the metascore to hide the fact that they don't even play the game

Only the braindead who can't articulate their opinion result to food analogies

The game looks so good that his toaster can't handle it probably.

>I write about games
Sounds about right


Did anyone read the article or is everyone just reacting to a clickbait title?

>giving them clicks
Also see this

That screencap basically says he likes a game so much he is afraid he will be come obsessed with it.

So he is Yea Forums and that is why you all are so mad?

>ADHD zoomers see a headline
>that's all they need to make an outrage bubble
>article is actually about how great it looks, that he ends up taking in the scenery all the time instead of rushing forward to "play" the game
You underage tourists needs to be gassed.

Steaks go bad though

This has been the case for a long while
Where the hell have you been OP?

That's IQ, fag. BMI is not arbitrary.

>My wife looks so good I might not even bang it

They just don't play games. For them, games are a tool.

Thanks for summarizing user. I wasn’t going to give that bad clickbait title a view, but I knew the fucking faggots in here didn’t read it and was just jacking off over a clickbait title.

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The reality is that you keep posting screenshots of regarded things, which incentives this behavior. Journalists earn money by clicks, not by quality.

If the article's headline is retarded then the author deserves a ticket on the short train.

>play game
>gets his ass handed
>come up with asinine excuse for not playing it

Journalists and """"indie"""" devs are the cancer killing videogames

a simple function of your height and weight is literally the least arbitrary thing you can have

What is worse the journo posting a clickbait title to get view as that is his job or overweight NEETs screancapping the title and posting it on Yea Forums to jack off each other over it.

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this happens to me too
sometimes a game is so good that I feel sad after finishing it, so I just keep delaying the end


the journo desu

What the fuck, this resonates so much with me and Dragon's Dogma that I'm starting to cringe towards myself.

What the fuck is it, I enjoy rerolling the main content that I never start Dark Arisen. Am I the only one?

I 100% disagree.

it's just clickbait dude.

The journo is the tard who screencaps his own title then posts it here. It's quadrupally pathetic.

No it's another article from another faggot who gets paid to play games crying about how hard and "emotionally exhausting" From games are. They're not happy about a bar for entry existing for their fallback career since real journalism was also too hard.

The latter can't exist without the former, so the former is worse.

The NZ happening was on Yea Forums hours before /news/ got it, they have to wait for a "reliable" source to have an article to post.

>this much denial that he is on a board full of colossal faggots who only want to shit on anything and everything instead of taking about games.

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So whats the point? Are we pushing artificial difficulty on analogies now?
If it conveys the point, then whatever man

Okay zoomer lol kill yourself kiddo

BMI is kind of arbitrary.
It is a simple ratio of height to weight, with no accounting for how much of that weight is muscle, fat, excess water, et cetera.
A skinnyfat loser has a "healthy" BMI while a well muscled athlete is obese.

Bodyfat percentage is a much more informative number.

Who the fuck hired this hack? This shit wouldn’t fly past high school.

It was never good after the 90's
>t. Monster sipping boomer

Yes, he gets paid to do exactly what we do.
I am just jelly.

At least you have you (you)s and your based and redpills, that’s better than money right?

Only the intelligent, who know you have to speak to the lowest common denominator for everyone to understand, speak in food analogies.


>That cat looks so cute, I might not even fuck it
Ha ha....

>what happened to gaming news?
What happened to real vidya threads asshole?

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shit bait

Steak is disgusting

>this country is so evil and acist but i still want to live here, even illegally

>friendzoned you.

This is why we need to ban every single ESL faggot. These subhuman beasts don't understand English for the life of them, yet think they're worthy of holding an opinion.

>Trump is an evil nazi
>let's give him all of our guns

>I bet the incell /pol/acks did this
Hmm is there a little bit of irony here

Sekiro lives in his head, rent free

>please please please give me clicks I need my clicks please
Stop giving these retards attention.

Online journalism is a competition to write the most retarded headlines to get the most clicks

>wahhh women owe me sex because im too nice to them
nahh your just a boring loser that jacks of to anime lmao

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>What happened to all journalism?
Are you assuming journalism was good to begin with? There may have been a few honest ones, but journalism as a whole has always been corrupt and incompetent.
Have you never heard to beware those who buy ink by the barrel?

>>Journalism in 1996: Investigate the ties of the CIA to colombian drug cartels and their secret operations to get rich of smuggling illegal drugs into north american cities founded by taxpayers money. End up getting shot in the back of the head twice and your death ruled a suicide
I distinctly remember reading about how every mainstream news outlet dog piled him for that and destroyed his career.
Very thought provoking.

lol journalism used to be about reporters risking life and limb to bring back a story that wouldn't have been known otherwise. Now 99% of journalism is regurgitating a press release and injecting personal opinion.

It's like looking at beautiful girl and not feeling lust.

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go back to rebbit

Typically expressing xenophobic passive aggressive-ness against foreign culture when you face the foreign thing that people praise so you have nothing but appreciate it as well. I remember this guy said the same passive aggressive opinion as to Monster hunter world. By the way he likes Destiny.

He's LITERALLY cucking himself.

He knows he'll enjoy the game if he played it but wants to pass it off to a hypothetical version of himself so he can continue to deprive himself of it and enjoy the "anticipation".

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based food analogy