How's everyone enjoying GOTY?

How's everyone enjoying GOTY?

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It's unironically too hard

Help me bros, I'm a brainlet. How do I continue after this?

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Install Steam and buy it.

I already have Steam and I'll buy it once it's cheaper, not going to pay 60 bucks.

Fucking hate the shinobi hunter. I dont want to play this game anymore.

you hand over your shekels to steam

Extract them all at once.

>giving your money to Activision

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Is that safe?

It's literally the only way to get the game. Extracting them separately won't do anything.

Just beat him. 10% parrying, 90% hit n run. And using the axe which has built-in poise to power through and damage his posture.

So far game is extremely unfun. Input lag fucks with everything from parrying to reacting to an unblockable. The reward for successful parrying is so skewed towards the opponent its almost never worth to go for it, even more so with fuckers like Shinobo Hunter who have unblockables all day.

Kenshi is pretty good! Loving it.

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Start extracting the 1st part with 7zip, it will read from the other parts and extract the whole thing.


I wish from software would make a proper tutorial for once. Also the game is really fun once all the arrow and shield guys are dead

If VTMB2 came out this year it wouldn't stand a chance.

Which one is it?


If you play hit n run im not suprised you think the game is unfun. It sounds to me more like you didnt understand the games combat yet

>I wish from software would make a proper tutorial for once.
All the Souls games have had proper tutorials.

I love it. Practicing with Nero for DMD mode.

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it's cool and wholesome, i feel bad pirating it, i think i'll stop playing and buy it later on. menus/engine/basic controls are totally soulslike, feels different but familiar. game is hard to look at for me for some reason, i think i'm spoiled by 90+fps, hopefully someone figures a way to unlock the framerate

fun? From has slowly lost the concept of what fun is with each game they've done since Demon's Souls.

Did you ever consider gitting gud?

If anything Sekiro has too many tutorials, it flat-out tells you things that Soulsborne would expect you to figure out yourself.

I extracted the first part, what now?

Oh I understand it perfectly. You have no idea how many times I've tried "proper" combat with bosses so far. It never works out, an untimed parry of a mistaken unblockable counter will happen due to input lag and will kill 1 hit, 2 if you have full life.

Even when I parried Juzou or the Ogre and even when I parried Hunter's spear thrusts with the enhanced counter, all of them took an amount of posture damage that isn't even worth it for the danger of me getting OHKO'd.

The ugliest part is in order to get to them 1 on 1 I had to repeatedly insta-kill 1 of their surrounding mobs, run the hell away and repeat until boss was alone. Anytime I tried quick kills on the surrounding mobs I'd get OHKO'd from out of camera attacks. So yeah, hit n run it is. Until I can at least take 3-4 hits, not worth it till then.

So can I stealth the game or is it a parry and jump fest?

Where's the fire spray tool? Is it after the fatso boss in the memory? Cause I can't beat him

way before him

If the total extracted files amount to 14GB you're good to start the installation. If not, you did it wrong. Get 7zip and do it again.

What the hell I've combed this shit

did you get the axe prostetic?

Are there any really out of the way "how the fuck was I supposed to know that" secret areas in the early game? For the record I just beat the horse rider guy and have yet to beat grandma butterfly.

Not to be an asshole, just my opinion. People have already told me to fuck myself, I mean nothing by it. I'm on my fucking knees here holy shit... However, the game is nothing special, I feel it's okay and that is it

near the beginning, before the axe tool. First statue, go down the corridor with the archers, reach the locked door(unless you unlocked it) then make a right. It's in that area
there's some huts with a few shitters sitting around a fire place, the tool is the fire place


It's before that. This user is right:

I can't extract the rar, what do I do?

>input lag
Something wrong with your computer/screen?

Do you have different combos for sword or it's still mostly R1 mashing?

>comp is more than enough to run the game on max
>but every once in a while the game shits itself and drops to 20 fps for a few seconds, probably when loading things
what do?

Nope. I play FGs on my rig and have never even once felt input lag of any sort.

The game runs smooth 60fps as well with no hitches, freezes or frame-skipping, I checked with various tools to see if there was any of that already. Its the game.

I'll try disabling vsync from nvidia panel later on but it almost always brings screen tearing with it because no free-sync on my monitor.


I had the same problem with DMC 5. Probably not so simple (and you might not be as retarded as me) but I moved that shit to an SSD and it no longer happened.

Haven't had any problems like that, are you sure you're not confusing stagger/animations for input lag?

Got it. Completely missed it somehow. Thanks.

No. Just comb through the game. Grandma is in the memory and is easily findable if you went to the right place and talked to the right person.

BB lost to Witcher 3 in all its Bamham combat, downgrade and illusion of choice glory

NO way western xenophobia will allow Sekiro to win

Fuck Juzuo with his one hit bullshit.

This game brings artificial difficulty to a whole new level.


BB didn't lost because of raycism but because it's a turd compared to the witcher 3.

Again, I play FGs, been playing them for almost 12 years now. And I've already played most Souls games + most similar action titles of the past 20 years. I'd know if I was mistaking stagger or animation recovery.

No, I'm talking about input lag at the moment of a parry, when I'm focused on an enemy and he comes swinging at me while I'm doing nothing and am anticipating the strike. Not in any sort of animation like attacking or using tools with long animations like the axe, not in any sort of stagger or other animation like taking damage stagger or doing an evade, just standing still and waiting for it.

That's where I notice the lag.

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Witcher was a 4 out of 10 at best son. It was the Fornite of """RPGs""""

Attached: What nu v considers to be the best RPG in decades.webm (320x200, 2.64M)

you're a fucking retard shitposter

sounds like a problem with your PC

Clunky: The game

Anyone reached endgame yet? How many areas are there? I'm worried by how small the warp menu is, does it scroll?

It’s downloading now. I can’t.


kino is back on the menu

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the combat really was terrible at times. this webm perfectly captures why. a lot of enemies have extremely simple and exploitable animations/moves.

What do I do now?

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>there's nothing wrong with me
>It's everyone else that's wrong

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Yet another user who can't handle a UI with more than 3 buttons.

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I'll give it a shot

This thread has persuaded me to buy DMCV instead, but I haven't play any of the other Devil May Cry games. Should I go through the original series first?


The combat really shines on the 3rd boss. You actually have to be able to perfect parry reliably in order to stand a chance. He took me a while to beat but the sense of accomplishment was well worth it.

I did write about thoroughly testing everything except turning off vsync which I will try later. And I did write about how even if it works from nvidia panel it'll probably bring screen tearing since I don't have free sync. Enlighten me on what else needs testing or fixing.
>you need fixing haha
This type of reply gets no (You), sorry.

Nah, the main menu features a little recap movie you can watch and DMC3 is the only other title really worth playing

Dmc drone litrallly in tears, LMAO.

1 3 and 4, dont play 2 or dontes game

Play 1, 3 and 4 first, then play 5.

>pleb filter even before the game starts
like pottery

Is that the fight against the nigga that took your arm?

It's in one of the bonfires way before the drunkard, the information broker tells you about it too

Why though? Sekiro might still have bullshit moves like tracking and snapping grabs but it's way more challenging than DMC5. "Styling" on that game is easier than it should be. It's not really stylish when you smash common enemies face in with barely any skill while they can't do anything to you.

>guis how do I winrar? Wtf?
Some things never change

There's more to vidya than challenge. You also haven't played DMC5 on DMD.

Now show a bb webm that shows the hitboxes and camera

How well optimized is this game? Is it much more demanding than DS3?
Wondering how it will run on my toaster.

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Not that user but this game is easier for me than any other soulslike or action game I've played. It's just terrible anyways. Whatever challenge there is is from clunky stealth, and the combat itself is terrible. It's literally so based around memorization and nothing else that the entire game feels like a parody. The only enemy that I can't kill are the headless, and I'm guessing you can beat them later on with some sort of item or upgrade.

>Well optimized game

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Yeah. The guy at the end of Ashina Castle.

>some people saying soulsbabies are in a twist because its too hard
>some, even journalists saying its easier

What gives?

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Post toaster.

So we kill Owl in the end, is that it?

>Fags saying it's 2hard
>Already dicked on 2 minibosses and haven't died once.

niggers don't know how to parry or something? this is much more fun than rolling out of everything.

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Yea Forums is full of casual shitters who abused the RPG aspect of the Souls games to progress.

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1440p locked 60s 1070ti + i7 9700k.
i get around 45-50 in 4k.

Just fix it bro XD

I've been on Juzou for 2 hours now, it's not fun anymore
Don't know if I'm missing something but parry doesnt work because he hit 4 times in a row and I can't parry the 4rd hit because I'm staggered

I was thinking the same until I walked in on the fucking spear nigger and lady butterfly

Don't parry him. Dodge to the left and get 2-3 hits in. Rinse and repeat.

That doesn't account for nany saying its easier. Anyway, what system does it use?

Just fuck off and learn on your own, you're shitting up the board.

people unironically downloading malware in current year.

>dodge to the left
>his spear tracks you and hits you anyway

>Trying to multi-parry those giant hits
just walk away dummy, and get the guy to help you
but man, if you thought Juuzou was hard you better be fucking ready for what's next

>not good at the game yet
>you resurrected too much so now everyone is contacting Super AIDS
>this makes the game harder somehow but we're not going to tell you how
>also we're taking half your money Dragon Quest style
>that'll teach you to be bad

Why do they do it? Still better than DS2

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Skill trees.

dmc 5? pretty good

Do we know how the Dragonrot triggers?
Emma says that it takes effect when your blood stagnates enough the resurrection power is forced to draw from other people. Does this mean you stack it by dying with "final death" after expending all revival charges?
It's certainly not triggered by a simple revival.

Adversity breeds strength

>kill each mob 1 at a time and run till juzou is alone
>let him follow you and run to hide
>he turns around to go back into position
>sneak behind and backstab
>rest of the fight, hit once then run/evade when he does anything and go back for 2-3 hits, use axe or fire tool to build up posture
>once hes staggered, critical and done

Not fun but that's how I did it. Try something along these lines.

Having a blast trying to beat all the difficulty modes waiting for bloody palace to come out.

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Are you talking about Gyoubu? He was piss-easy. Just parry a couple hits then toss fireworks at his horse.

>and get the guy to help you
Where is he? Someone was talking about this in the other thread but I don't see anyone near the boss zone
Also how do I get more ressurect charges? I always get only one charge but sometimes I have 2 I don't know why

Journos aren't playing a pirated jank version

My PC can't run it so I'm not enjoying it.

You mean REmake 2

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>kill ogre boss with 10 hp left
>die to chicken going back to bonfire
This game is evil, I love it

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Not if you dodge wide at last minute. Once the adds are gone he's a piece of piss. Just make sure you don't get trapped by the environment.

Mount the ISO, install, extract the crack to the install folder

Why do you post offtopic garbage in a thread about the GOTY?


Look at that animal, FUCKING MAJESTIC.

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it's only triggered by final death.

You have an infinite homeward bone nigga, use it.

oh. Something up with the pirate version? Like anti tamper shit?

I can't even play it with a 7700.
It's at fucking 7 fps.

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does it spread only when resurrecting mid fight or if you die in general?

970 + 3570k, constant 60.

Just get it on PS4 then

Has anyone encountered this thing yet?

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How big is the download?
My preorder got postponed by a week because of incompetent supplier.

I enjoy getting my balls crushed by a video game. So fun.

Disable gsync, dumbass.


I refuse. The only thing about this game I think I can criticize so far is it's too easy to just nope the fuck out of any situation and restart, and with the dragonrot mechanic being in effect, it's almost always better to back off.

Sure when the PS4 is hackable on the latest firmware

who knows, but I wouldn't put it behind them to release a broken version just to patch it Day1 to fuck with Piratefags

Thanks user, that's quite small. Looks like I'll be playing today afterall.

Imagine being too dumb to even fucking pirate a game
How do you breathe LMAO

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>raped by the rooster
How? all you have to do is jump and buttonmash them.

if you die in general

I'm not enjoying it. FROM just can't design combat with multiple enemies, its slightly better than in souls but its also every single fucking encounter. I was hoping the game would be more like Tenchu but instead its just action souls with shitty binary stealth. The parry/poise system is fucking terrible too, its absolutely not worth doing to anything but single trash mobs, with any miniboss a mistimed block will take off 90% of your health so its preferable to just be a fucking coward.


3 Hours in, got to the Ogre and cleared Hirata up to the shield guys (have the axe, just havent gone past them). 3rd death on the ogre triggered Dragon Rot on the sculptor and the maiden.

This game is fuckjng amazing so far, the level design feels great, and the combat is a lot of fun. I enjoy taking it half an encounter with stealth before finishing off the mooks. Cant wait to get back at it later today.

Is it confirmed the dragonrot will eventually kill NPCs?

I had 10 hp and missed my first attack then panicked

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The snake is literally ancient wyvern 2.0 fuck my life

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What exactly does the bell demon do? Description hints at a champion's covenant style hard mode

People say dark souls was designed for 1v1 combat but jesus christ even 1v2 in sekiro is a fucking death sentence. Not fun when you have to stealth around

that's why you learn to time the blocks instead of bitching on Yea Forums about the difficulty, all minibosses are easy as fuck to parry too, you can still just do normal blocking and your posture will decrease instead of your health. dodging is inferior as fuck in this game

>Literally ripped the posture meter straight out of Nioh 2

Not often you see a clone game do better than what its based off of like that

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Why is Emma so cute, Yea Forumsros?

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Yes. It's actually a pain in the ass in how relentless it can be in chasing me.

Seriously low IQ. Even worse than niggers

you already own DMCV you retarded shitposter

Nice cock

The stealth isnt really binary, it's like Metal gear, guards have 3 states: white, which us their neutral patrol, yellow which is alert, the will move to where they saw you last, or heard noises, and red which is aggro'd.

No way it's FROMs engine not a single Dark Souls was possible to get higher framerate without braking physics, it's sad because the game runs fucking great even on my toaster

I wanna make her happy.

Parry slightly earlier then. Jesus Christ you pathetic pussy get over it.

This dude was a fucking pain in the hardest diff, he could oneshot you and regen with the same fucking ability

Use the fucking combat arts and prosthetic extension attacks, you can take on entire hordes later on and win without getting a sweat.

Please don't post my wife thanks

Anyone know if you can permanently kill it or is it a permanent world hazard?

That Seven Spear Samurai general is a bitch even with 1 health bar.

Can enemies damage each other on accident when they attack? From is retarded as fuck if they didn’t implement that

>Pirates GOTY, trying to anyway
No one will ever love you

She's a filthy half blood

Firecraker prostetic wrecks nearly all bosses. You do know how to get it, right user?

Simple on paper isn't it? Not as simple as you make it out to be. If that's your best suggestion, I'll take hit n run all day instead of trying to find an arbitrary timing.

>Can enemies damage each other on accident when they attack?

>all these reused minibosses
My only disappointment so far. So fucking lazy seeing that drunkard fight again in the village, just renamed

Can you change clothing in this game? Wearing that same orange suit will get boring after a while.

I'm assuming you fight it later but I've tried killing it but I don't seem to deal any damage nor does it have a healthbar. It just wiggles it body for a bit and then returns to it's natural position.

I bought this on the PS4. I like it well enough, but I keep wishing for Tenchu back. Goddamn you soulsborne reddit faggots. You already have 5 games just like this. Let From make something else.

Is there a cheese strategy that wrecks every enemy in the game yet? It's a From game after all and they always have horrid combat balance

Great until you have an enemy that just smashes your guard in one hit.
I more meant that the way 'alerts' seem to work is either no one sees you, or everyone knows where you are. There's so much shit set up so you HAVE to get seen by one motherfucker.
Not as far as I could tell, this pisses me off too. Even the Ogre doesn't attack the people that fucking chained it, just you. Out of all the things I'm not enjoying with this game, this is the one that makes me feel like just uninstalling it and going back to playing shinobido on pcsx2 like i was while waiting for this. (in which, by the way, 'neutral' enemies like bears attack both you and enemies)

What nerfs would you propose to fix mess?

>remove adds on minibosses
>reduce enemy damage by half across the board
>start you off with 5 gourd uses rather than 1
>resurrection brings you back with full health, restores half gourd uses
>increase effectiveness of shinobi tools, right now all they do is trivialize enemies weak to it while being useless against everything else

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From is a one trick pony and that trick is VERY limited too. A good trick, sure, but it's only one and eventually gets stale.

I doubt they're capable of making anything else.

this game is nothing like soulsborne

>right now all they do is trivialize enemies weak to it while being useless against everything else

where is the axe tool?

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Imagine being this much of a casual faggot

You forgot

>enemies don’t do damage to me
>I do damage to them
>challenges ala Fortnite
>cosmetic rewards
>diaper deliveries

No idea what to do on that purple dude in the estate
>Some attacks are unblockable, so you have to either deflect or dodge
>The attacks that do this are 3 types: thrusts, slash, and grab
>Mfw this purple dude is doing some fucking kick and I have no idea which one of the three methods I should use

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in a shrine in hirata estate

>I more meant that the way 'alerts' seem to work is either no one sees you, or everyone knows where you are.

That's because guards yell, and other guards hear the yelling. If you are spotted by one guy and kill him fast you dont aggro other guards.

It's not arbitrary, it's an adjustment so it actually works.
That's even if you have that problem and your not just a shit cunt in denial.
Because that's how every post comes across.

where can i get more snap seeds

How did this game get a 90 for a score?

It's a fung ame and all, but it's kind of jank. The jump is really jank and jump stealth kills arbitrarily don't work sometimes. The stealth is terrible as well, 20 year old games have better stealth than this game. You get seen by guys 200 meters away facing to the side from behind a tree. Yet, at the same time, you have such godly mobility with the grapple that getting spotted it never a threat because nothing can stop you from running away.

The combat seems fun when you fight enemies that aren't bitches, I'm willing to give it more of a chance and see how the game is when I've unlocked all the skills and such. I'm just finding it hard to see how this game has scored higher than games like Remake 2 and DMC5 when it doesn't seem to have the polish or depth of either of them.

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>remove adds on bosses
Thats the only good thing you posted.

You're an idiot. FROM made a great Tenchu game (Z, fuck you acquirefags, its the best) along with the entire armored core and kings field series, neither of which are anything like their current crop of 'lol lets make dying integral to the game but also punish you for dying' shit, which at least wasn't so egregious when you could recover your souls.

It will, and it will even kill 'important' NPCs like the Sculptor, who's the only source for arm-upgrades. Another reason why you can't use the death-mechanic as a crutch.

I'm not cause it hasn't come out yet

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It's significantly harder than Soulsborne. I feel like a fucking shitter.

Kicks are thrusts

People can probably figure out a cheese strat but I haven't found all of them. I can bait the Drunkurd out of his adds and stealth him easily. I'm pretty sure it wasn't intended.

Did they remove the loot autism? If so this might actually be great

Jesus christ I'm fucking terrible at it

I'm at the first flashback, just opened the first shortcut

jesus christ

any tips bros

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Yeah and how long ago was this? How many Souls games did they release since then?

How many of the original team are left, at least on the programming side?

>useless against everything else

Do you have ANY idea how effective the Axe is as a heavy weapon against mobs and bosses?

>seven something spear general
>purple naruto guy
my hands fucking hurt it's too much bros

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Nah. Some of those will make the game too easy and boring.

I want to see a video of the ign guy playing because all the souls games are easy but this shit is just ridiculously hard. The guy must be playing flawlessly because the game is faster and you get punished harder than souls games on new game+.

Can Emma die from Dragonrot?

>I'm just finding it hard to see how this game has scored higher than games like Remake 2 and DMC5 when it doesn't seem to have the polish or depth of either of them.
Fromshit is in a weird realm between normie and hardcore. So it gets undue praise from normies who have a spiritual experience thinking they're real gamers while they play.

My questions is, hownlkmited is the cure? The drops can be found, or bought with scales right? So, if I cure the sculptor, but keep dying, can he get sick again? If I run out of scales or droplets is the death of everyone due to my shit skills inevitable?

You need the divine confetti since Headless is apparition type

Don't know, we haven't even seen gameplay yet.
They have said there's character customization now, and you can transform into yokai.

>How did this game get a 90 for a score?
From bonus.

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Soulsborne doesn't have a mechanic that allows an instant OHKO regardless of remaining health, so it balances out. Seriously, there're already plenty of videos showing you how to kill the OPENING BOSS when he's got two lives, is intended to kill you, and you don't have jack but your sword and the most basic-bitch techniques. One of them is from IGN of all places, so if those fuckers can crack the code so can you.

Doing it later means one has to see them, get used to the animations and only after that, figure out the earlier timing. What you're implying would be all nice and easy weren't it for the fact you get snapped like a branch when you're blocking stuff out either by continuous attacks or unblockables.

And then you lose everything, repeat this process and, sure, anyone can learn the timing after awhile. Not fond of losing every progress I made with no way to recover it every time though so, since the game wants to punish me for trying to learn and provides hit n run at the same time, I'll use hit n run.

And your posts come off as extremely ignorant for even implying that what you're suggesting is ez pz. Or wait, I guess it is if you're fine with always losing your progress and getting stuck for hours.

oh right you just wanted to pirate anyway.

You're punished if you die TWICE, the second time being fatal, or don't use the respawn mechanic, like the title states. Use your extra life well, and everything will be fine.

It feels like I fundamentally miss something important about mechanics.
I've heard so much abut it being easier than soulsborne, but it doesnt feels easier on bosses - attacks are very fast and you are supposed not only to use parry as your main defense, but also figure out by yourself whish of these could be parried and which are not.

Nah, you get punished for dying once if you choose not to revive.

Again, red attacks are clearly classified with their proper response; thrusts can be deflected, sweeps require jumps, and grabs should be dodged. Apart from those, all other attacks can be dealt with by dodging or parrying.

Explore everywhere, a lot of good shit is hidden

Kill as many enemies in each area in stealth as possible. Fighting 8 dudes is much harder than fighting 3 or 4.

Running away is your friend. This is a stealth game with VERY limited resources, you start with 1 heal, and one tiny Heal over Time that uses an item. Fighting 3 people at once is stupid. Kill 1, and run, and restealth. Healing is a precious resource, dont put yourself in too much danger.

Use your items. Ceramic tiles are basically rocks, they can draw out enemies. Ash is a cheap stun that can let you escape, the sugars really help keep you alive.

There is a real pause button in this game, so it is actually better to heal from the menu. Keep your pellets and gourd off your hot bar, pause and heal. Keep useful items on your hotbar, ceramics, ash, etc.

No fucking wonder you're doing so poorly if your reading comprehension's on a kindergarten level.

is there a ng+?

If Yea Forums shits on it at first, it's probably really good. Gonna buy later

Until I start seeing webms of you guys wrecking bosses you're all full of shit calling this game easy.

Yea confirmed months ago mate.

Not him but differentiating a sweep from a thrust is hard, I can't make that reaction. At least not yet. Grabs are generally easy to see and react to though.

It's a shame because jumping over sweeps and punishing them with the enemy step is cool but I just can't practically react to it being a sweep.

thx man

I don't think I can bring myself to abuse the pause button. Healing from the menu ruins a lot of games once I got used to Soulsborne style. Dragon's Dogma, for example, would be much better served not letting you heal from the menu.

I would love a mode without a trick-arm, so you'd only rely on sword and unarmed techniques. Mobility would be limited, but combat would still be doable, though much trickier against certain enemy types.

aight but why the fuck doesnt shuriken work on him when he jumps? thats fucking retarded

>There is a real pause button in this game, so it is actually better to heal from the menu. Keep your pellets and gourd off your hot bar
Wait WTF that's a thing?

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>pic unrelated

You can beat most of the bosses with circle strafe, dodge spam, and blocking like Dark Souls. If you're playing as intended it's a lot more difficult(and fun).

spend an hour getting my shit pushed in by the drunk fuck, but i beat butterfly first try. did i finally get good?

whats up with the surgeon in the dungeon?


lol wait until you meet the spear guy, his sweep can hit you anywhere even when you jump


Attached: Sekiro - Samurai General.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

The main thing is, you dont really want to heal midnight, that is likely to get you hit again, as the animation still happens. You want to run to safety (a tree or roof) pause and heal, then go back in.

How so? If you see them telegraphing a swing by moving their weapon to the side, you jump and bop them on the head. If you see them drawing back for a thrust, get ready to parry it. If you're having trouble with these moves, just keep beating up the zombie-bro near the Sculptor until you've got offence and defence down pat. He's there for a reason.


Retarded: The post

Yes, you got good. She's easily much harder because she spams ranged attacks and jumps all over the place, including on your head.

>Twice my healthbar
>Using specials
Ok, now I don't feel so bad for dying like a massive bitch at the start.

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Which one?

You're not responding to me, you absolute moron. You get punished for dying, regardless of anything. If you die once and choose to die rather than respawn, you have the same chance of causing dragonrot as you do if you respawned and died again.
The game's entire premise is a lie, if this was a western game you'd be tearing it to shreds. This is exactly the same as anthem's meaningless loot.

The grab looks obviously different and is easy to react to, because they basically put their weapon away and lunge at you.

The thrust is fast, it's easy to parry if it is a thrust but the sweep is a bit slower. It's hard to identify it as a sweep because of how fast the thrust is and they're both sword moves.

go and see

>Completely missed the optional area
>Two guards were talking about TIS WEAK TO FIRE but I don’t have anything fire related so probably missed something
>Also mentioned how they would probably get hurt if the ogre gets out of control
>Fuck it let’s do it
>Ogre completely ignored the teo shitters and has dumb as fuck grabs that leaves you with a silver of health
Is this the power of From? And yeah? I did beat him. Just finished the buffalo fight. Will probably come back for the arms I missed tomorrow.

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Look around YouTube, and you'll find videos teaching you how to beat Genichiro early at the very beginning, even before you get your arm and your skill-tree. This game may be hard, but it's not unfair.

Now that the game is out, how deep is the actual customization of prosthetics?
is it nioh-style where you can possibly unlock all of them in a single playthrough without farming or is it RPG style where you have to choose which one to get and you can't possibly get them all without farming/cheating/NG++ runs?
game-is-3-hours oh nonono shitposters need not apply

>Practicing with Nero for DMD mode
no amount of fuckery will prepare for DMD, the new attacks are neat as fuck but the damage and health values are just straight up too skewed against you

use DX11 instead of 12

I had the exact same though about the ogre
Have you noticed the fire nearby? I managed to pull the ogre through it.
Guess what happened? nothing
was pretty disappointed

How do you not get that I wasn't disagreeing with you at first? If you don't choose to use the respawn mechanic, you just die and get sent back to your last checkpoint, with all the setbacks that incurs. Of course, you're always going to want to respawn, which means the mechanic works by giving you a second chance to cheat a loss. How many more chances do you want?

Some animations are purposely deceptive the first time. Sometimes it looks like a thrust, but he spins into a sweep. Sometime it looks like a thrust of his sword, but he reaches for a grab. Sometimes a sweep isn't just a sweep, he sweeps and then does an aerial sweep

>FROM made a great Tenchu game
From didn't make Tenchu Z, only published it. I agree about the rest though, old From games were great. Shame most of neo Yea Forums have never played them.

Anyone know when to heal the dragonrot at the temple before anyone dies? Right now the girl seems normal but not-Andre is coughing. I’ve been saving up the heal because the girl dialogue made it seem like you’re supposed to have Dragonrot for a while so she can research stuff

>completely ignored

He can still do damage to them. The trick is to put the mooks between you and the big oaf, so he wipes them out with a nice big slam.

King's Field reboot when?

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>No borderless fullscreen
What the fuck.

Tried to make him drop kick off the cliff for some easy victory but nope. I fell off the cliff, teleport right back next to him and a fucking wwe grab

is there a way to tell which dangerous attack is coming beyond just looking at the animations? because jesus christ the animations are not good enough to tell what is coming

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i'm poor as fuck, recently lost a job so I'll need to pirate it. please no bully


It’s kino, absolutely based from software back at it again.

I'm not.

It's not even the difficulty. I have died quite a bit but overall I'm not finding it too hard. I'm just not finding it fun. It's tedious.

Not really, apart from the low likelihood an enemy will try the same move twice. Practice makes perfect.


no reason to buy a game i end up disliking anyway

How are anons like this even allowed to use a computer?

I would assume the moon rune changes based on what attack?
They all look the same to me so idk

>trial and error
this is the worst game mechanic in the game by far

Nope. I agree the animations and tells aren't good enough (or too fast) to distinguish which attack is coming. Honestly when I picked the right option and dodged/blocked something succesfully I feel like it's luck more than actual pattern recognition.

Anyone? I don’t want based sculptor to die

>owning windows 10
oof yikes snap

>have phobia for serpents
>dude let's put in a segment where you sneak around a giant snake

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he wont die

Sculptor straight up tells you the Dragonrot can't kill him.

This, DMD is just flat-out tedious when even the basic bitch Empusas take a solid few minutes to beat down with all your upgrades. And V is nigh-impossible to play when his minions get creamed in a couple of hits, forcing you to spend half the battle hobbling around until they wake up again.

You have to uninstall your firewall and antivirus software first.

So I should just save up the heal for now?

Refer to

Run the installer. When it's installed drag the crack into the game folder.

How's enemy variety? Do you fight the same one-shottable zipperhead fishermen wearing diapers the whole time?

I'm really hoping it's one of their next projects. I get hard just thinking about that experiencing glorious atmosphere with current gen visuals and tech.

This, it takes like 10 seconds to alt tab. Can't even set it in launch options. Shit is annoying.

Can Emma die?

Well, there is a practice dummy to make things easier. And it's not like Soulsborne games were much more forgiving about trial-and-error either.

*experiencing that

I did just fine until the part where you have to hide in the little tent. Didn’t expect that you will be completely invulnerable in it and can pull an eye stab.
You can also run ignore him and run straight to the part where you need to stick to the cliff.

I want an actual reason to not respawn, and a better game in general.
Respawning hardly even gives you a 'second chance' anyway, since enemies just tend to hang around your corpse until it fades out and you can't respawn anymore.

doubt it
I've died a million times and none of the three npcs at the temple are dead

When are you supposed to go to the Hirata estate?

practice dummy wont be much help when (im assuming) every enemy with super attacks have slightly different animations
if i notice later on the animations are identical across all enemies maybe i can live with it

It's surprisingly varied. Senpou Temple is when it starts to get fucking weird with bare-handed monks and giant bugs.

What the fuck holy shit

>And it's not like Soulsborne games were much more forgiving about trial-and-error either.
The difference is you need a whole new trial-and-error for the special attacks on top of regular combat. It's bullshit.

>practice dummy
>when every mob, mini-boss and boss all have different animations to learn
>soulsborne were easier
>now you lose all money + exp with a chance of not losing them randomly activating instead of 1 chance at recovering them
good post

What the fuck is with the enemies in this game sometimes?

The weird-ass troll under the bridge at the start, sure. The dogs, sure. But then you have random dog-sized roosters trying to kill your ass with no explanation? What the fuck is their deal?

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My only complaint so far is the giant snake encounter, Is it supposed to be teaching something or is it a set piece?

So far for me it’s
>Samurai with shit katana
>Samurai with okay katana
>Samurai with a gun
>Mini boss samurai with a dai katana
>Giant guy with a big log
>Small, mutilated guy with dagger and poison potion

>Beat Shinobi Hunter first try in literally less than 20 seconds
How fucking bad do you have to be to lose against this guy? One healthbar gone from a sneak attack and the other one from spamming r1 with the occassional l1 counter for 10 seconds until I could do one of these takedown attacks again

The fun thing about these games is that there is just an endless stream of absolutely bizarre shit but you just go along with it because it's Miyazaki.

So you hate it because you can't make good use of it. Dude, just fucking run if you're not in a boss battle and lick your wounds. I personally like this system a whole lot more than the dropped-XP cancer of Souls, because you can just flat-out avoid losses altogether.

>its too fast
>its too hard
>i spentn4 hours on a single boss

ive never seen Yea Forums so blown the fuck out before. Sekiro might be the casual filter of souls games

We can only hope.

Attached: Kings Field 2.webm (942x720, 2.77M)

wtf man

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It filtered all of Yea Forums

>have huge phobia of reptiles ever since I saw that anaconda movie when I was a kid
>mfw this snake section

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How many areas are there? warp screen looks small, only room for 6 or 7

Is this the gameplay related thread? great
what's the deal with Giant-centiped giraffe?
>close arena so can't space out his attacks
>hyperarmor so can't cancel him
>he spams and doesn't let any windows
>take too much of your stamina when you block
>too much range, can't dodge/jump
how did you pass?

also animals dont even count, they dont do shit and die in 1-2 hits

Did the geckos get to you? They're creepy little buggers.

>Before release
>Yea Forums complaining it's casualized
>After release
>Yea Forums getting irrevocably BTFO

I hate to say that if he’s giving you problems you’re probably not going to like the game
Way too many dark souls faggots here that have never played a fighting game in their life complaining about a fuckin 60 frame telegraphed low that you parry for half the enemy’s guard gauge
I wanted to believe you guys were actually good at games, but so many of you really were just the ‘stay back and spam roll before getting a hit in and running away again’ type
That’s not skill lmao

also forgot
>can't use gourds because he spams in a close arena

it filters everyone but the people who are exceptional at pattern recognition

If we're talking about the red sign attacks that is objectively true. Or rather it's a combination of too fast and bad animation

>everyone who refuse to learn every single patterns from every boss to beat them is a casual
ok then im a casual, have fun playing your autistic die and retry video game

For some reason I just assumed they were the ones making them after they got the rights. Still, i want another ninja game about proper ninja shit, not rescuing a girly shota from zombie ghosts or whatever the fuck this plot even is.

>tfw in monk temple near the dark cave and dont know where to progress

Personally, the Senpou temple got to me the most. Body infestation and giant bugs are the worst possible combination in the universe, especially when it's goddamn centipedes.

They surprised me but that was it.

He attacks in a rhythm. It's not too hard to deflect every hit until he does the unparryable swipe

zooooooooooooomer HAHAHA

>Damn the game seems hard
>Why does shit have those unblockable attacks that don't come any slower than usual ones but hit for more than half your hp
>Look at Yea Forums
>Everyone is an even worse shitter

yeah nevermind I did one try and went here to complain but I just beat him
firecracker + spam r1 and l1

just got to the snake, the fucker scared me

I have never Yea Forums this BTFO'd in a very long time. It's fucking golden.

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These threads are fucking proof that at least half of this board were summon fags for all the other souls games. You faggots should be ashamed.

enemies beforehand teach you that attack spam is not an option so you try to fight him like in chinese animes and get your ass handed

The irony is that the red danger sign obscures the animation your opponent is doing. It's annoying as fuck.

Remember you wrote that the next time you fire up Soulsborne for the umpteenth time, or shill for the next Nioh, which is Jap Soulsborne.

I knew it was gonna happen.
Everyone was going "haha it's just parry and bamham shit it's so ez" and now seeing them all go like is fucking delicious.

Why does this game look like ass in gameplay videos? Literally worse than Dark Souls 2.

The whole system is just demoralizing, in souls you feel motivated to get your shit back, in this its just like, meh, might as well not even respawn since that big fucker's just going to step on me and i'll have half health so literally anything can 1shot me.
Then everyone that's on your side dies because you died too much. Great. Next game, please.

those games are easy

But user ive killes every single mini boss so far first try except drunkard? You dont need to die and retry to learn patterns you just need to


I don't like any of these games though, they're the same die and retry garbo

g-go on...

You can heal them with the Dragon Blood droplet, and you would've been complaining anyway if death didn't have a consequence.
Play the fucking game.

I'm loving every minute of this game. It would've been 10/10 if it weren't generic Feudal Nippon #127229010, it's just too fun.

How the fuck do you defeat the bad ass rider boss?
He just constantly rides in and out of combat and demolishes my shit.
Also anyone beat the purple one armed samurai dude in the Hirata estates?
Tried to take him on but you can't parry his kicks and he fucks you up in two hits.

>my favorite games are boring and everyone has realized that, i'm so happy they'll never make another one due to public disinterest and backlash
lol :)

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>Lady Butterfly
>Try doing some weird dodges to attack vitality
>Get my ass handed
>Just smash attack and look out for counter at 2nd or 3rd hit
>Deflect dance lock her into the most predictable pattern for 2 hp bars
She didn't even have the chance to use illusions. They should fix her AI.

I wish i was good enough to enjoy it. I'm still getting rekt by the normal enemies which are supposedly the equivalent of hollows.

This so fucking much

Especially when the game's difficulty drastically changes according to the order of a route that you go to choose. You cannot virtually beat Ashina samurai boss who transforms when you choose it without filling up available other routes.

epic meme, upvoted
yeah you dont need to learn the patterns, you can parry everything perfectly, you know exactly how many attacks a move will do because you're just too good

The worse alternative is being so passive you let enemies regen all their posture and inevitably beat you in a battle of attrition; you have to be aggresive if you want to win quickly. The best defence in this game is a good offence.

>no corpse ragdoll

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this game is nothing like souls

>Play the fucking game.
No, i have better games to play.

Yeah it was great but i didn't like the "press x to awesome" kind of conclusion


>defeat horse fag second try
what a kino boss

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Cool, then get off this fucking thread since none of this mattered to you anyway.

How do I make the Sakura droplet active? It claims to increase my resurrection stack to 2 but does not

Okay guys, i want your opinions on the hitboxes, what do you think of them?
Personally grabs still seem to catch you even if you dodged

It's too hard. Wouldn't be a problem if enemies didn't give 30 gold with a gold mibu on top of the fact your gold HALVES on death. I didn't need the shadow kunai I guess

I pirated all the souls games so its always been singleplayer for me, this game just isn't very fun and doesn't motivate me to get better at it, unlike souls. Doesn't help that there's one set playstyle.

should enemies just be parried until they stagger? i dont fucking get it you cant effectively dodge/block the red weeb attacks because you cant tell what attack is coming.

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Some grabs are absolutely retarded and track you almost 180°. The chained ogre comes to mind.

Should I drop DMC 5 for this?

Holy shit the salt

If you encouter a new enemy and dont play passively for your first fight against them to learn all of the different moves they have and instead run straight into fhe figjt swinging your sword like a faggot you might have autism and getting good isnt even an option.

>they're the same die and retry garbo
Oh, no. How dare videogames not be an instant gratification simulator where bosses are a fucking joke?

Yeah, I'm thinking Sony's movies might suit you better.

Demon's Souls and especially Dark Souls have my favorite tutorial areas. That's one of the disappointing aspects of this game, the tutorial area is relatively devoid of content and just boring apart from the kino boss fight at the end.

That's because you used the wrong dodge.

>I'll never be able to enjoy these games because I'm a complete shitter

What did Mizayakuck mean by this?

How do I beat the bull?

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It's phenomenal. I'm in love with the combat system.

Exactly, which is why so many people are whining that their cheap tactics aren't working anymore or that they have to actually upgrade their brains. As a matter of fact, I'd argue the typical Souls player is in a worse position than an absolute novice because of all the bad habits they need to unlearn on top of mastering a new game.

Was this fight certified kino, Yea Forums?

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read the other part of the item

lets see some proof of your skill

Is it true dying impacts endings?

How the *fuck* do I progress past the Main Hall in the Senpou Temple.
It's just a circle cave to the left and immortal centipede monks inside.

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Their posture bar is tied to their health. You will find it really hard (if not impossible) to break posture if they're at full hp, while if they're at half health it becomes feasible.

So in general the strategy is to dodge and chip away at their health until you can actually inflict meaningful posture damage, then parry until they break.

Not really. It's a pretty good game but DMC5 is better. If you have to pick one DMC5 is the better choice.

I can't believe Yea Forums is against this game because they are being casual filtered
Holy shit I love you from

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you let the bull ride your mother

I mostly play multiplayer pvp games who require actual skill and arent based on memory autism

im stuck here too help bros

the ogre is piss easy if you off-lock and just dodge behind him and spam R1

Get them both, user.
Who's stopping you from enjoying two great action titles?

Here's a tip for you:

Firecracker arm that you buys from the guy after you beat horse guy.
Spam it and be aggressive. He doesn’t hit that hard but you need to keep the burn bar in check.
And dodge by sprinting instead.

You can go back to the optional area right?

Or set your sword on fire. Eat a red candy too to really make the lanky shit suffer.

>multiplayer PvP
So, Overwatch? Because I take it you'd also be the kind of guy that whines that Quake veterans smear his ass on the floor.

I figured the same. Big enemies are always easier to defeat without lock-on in From games and you are never ever told that not using lock-on is an option, not even in this game where it explains literally everything else

>spent morning at work
>get home to play some sekiro
>my fucking gamepad breaks

Input lag has an issue with the souls franchise since Demon's. ignore the "git gud" faggots since it's always about proving how good they are rather than having a genuine conversation.

I tried to play witcher 4 last week, started off neat nice graphics and shit then the moment I got to battle some little demon nerds I instantly turned that shit off and uninstalled hands down the fucking worse combat I've experienced next to shitty bethesda games.

In DS PvP parries need to be started a few frames *before* the enemy attack. You need to read the enemy, no just react faster than it.
Parries used to be overpowered in DS PvE because you could do react-parries, which trivialized any parryable attack for anyone with a reaction time better than a dead sloth.

Guess they decided to make PvE use anticipation-parries too, this time.

>centipede monks

They're incredibly easy to backstab because they remain completely stationary like turrets.

>The chained ogre comes to mind.
yeah i was thinking about him, you can clearly see your character dodge, but then he gets magically pulled back into the ogre's arms

>Headless in the valley with the big snek
>General Aisha at the very top of the castle
>Schichimen Warrior in the abandoned dungeon
>Snake-Eyes bitch in the Sunken Valley with tons of snipers everywhere
I guess I need to start wrapping up loose ends because every other path is down another fucking area

Okay but do they ever actually stay dead?

>vee a week from release

>vee now

The salt is delicious:)

How in the fuck do you beat that optional strong-as-fuck ninja guarding the prosthetic? I don't have to fight him but I have a feeling he's going to be a recurring enemy later.

Best to (double) backstep those grabattack-heavy enemies. Made the ogre trivial really.

should i get physical copy or just buy the game from steam?

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Anyone else bought the game only for lore and exploration?

Here's a better question; why the FUCK would you want to stay around to find the answer? Again, if you feel overly threatened, book it. The game encourages you to do this.

>tfw you can enemy step on the ogre boss

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Where do you find this guy?

No you are a bigger brainlet then he is

Its not a souls game why would I do that

Why is it so pretty vros

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you mean the purple nigger in starting area tomb? i had best results when thrust dodging into him, that shit hits him hard. still haven't beat him tho


>he thinks skill isn't largely based on memorisation

Do you know how much flow-charting and repetitive practice fighting-game pros do to compete? Or do you think everyone wings it and hopes for the best?


Attached: Sekiro - Stealth takedown.webm (900x506, 2.92M)

>tfw you enemy step and he does his overhead ground pound

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Ok retard


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Fuck those "rats" outside of the castle. You can't even see their movement and they have infinite posture.

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>Yea Forums a week from release
>casualized game
>Yea Forums after release
>the game is too hard
Here i fixed your post. You wrote like a faggot.

Actually kill yourself
What the fuck even is Yea Forums anymore

Touched a nerve, eh? Felt too much like a transcript for you?

Map got larger for me once I reached the shrine on Mt. Kongou. Looks like some misty valley or maybe a swamp coming up.

>that moment when you can start doing grappling hook combos
Have we reached peak kino?

Memorisation and muscle memory aren't the same thing

Based From keep making absolute kino.

Not your tech support, mongol.

Shinobi hunter is really tough

In terms of executing action games, the west can never compete with Japan

It is rooted in a long tradition they have since the era of beat'em up and fighting games in 90s, just like FPS is a genre that the west is good at.

Shota when?

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Apparently you need the axe arm that you need to get from the optional area. I just backstabbed the guy hiding and one of the two guys picking shit up, let the last one kill me, res and backstab him too. Also get some good xp

The physical copy has a paper disc so you may as well buy it digital

>those feathered fuckers just endlessly spamming shurikens at you on the rooftops
>rooms full of samurais
And I thought the butterfly boss was hard.

They aren't, but you're a goddamn fool if you're saying memorisation isn't integral to getting good at a game; the two go hand-in-hand. How else are you going to react appropriately if you don't even know what the enemy's going to do in a given situation?

it's GOTD btw.

So should I actually get this or is all the criticism real?

It was anoying to read. You can't just add exclamation points like that please increase your posting quality. And all of you other fags in this thread too, post better.

Where is the optional area? The place of headless monsters?

>Not gonna spend a few hours of my wadge for something I want

What item should i get from the guy in the barrel? the one that exchange you items for fish scales

The "criticism" comes from assmad Nincels who didn't even play the game

Get the bell from the weeping lady just after the first Samurai General boss dude and go back to the Sculptor.

Even IGN has gotten good at this game. Are you really going to listen to all the whiners here who can barely hack Souls?


as someone who has played since yesterday, most of the criticism in here is valid. you should torrent it first

Where do you find this purple ninja on the Hirata Estate, I’m on Lady butterfly but guess I missed him

It's okay

stick a gun up your ass and pull the trigger till it goes click.

My only complaint is that the first boss you face relies on his stupid grab attacks too much and guess what, the hitbox is shit just like DS2. There’s also a Shinobi Art system where you can put a custom skill to use, similar to say DDDA. But they could’ve allowed for more than 1 slot. And the environment is not very diverse which explains why the game is like ~15GB only

the only critisim is that casual brainlets on Yea Forums are seething.

Stuck at the part in the memory with the huge drunk guy. And also in real time against the chained up guy who does not like fire. Games hard as hell.

There is no point in unlocking combos when r1 spamming works every time

>Castle Tower Lookout
>Castle Tower Kuro's room
Literally two bonfires with nothing between them about 4 seconds apart


>the hitbox is shit just like DS1.

Attached: Iron Golem Hitboxes.webm (1280x720, 2M)

mee vittuun

i have been having my fun but im still on the fence, it has some problems for sure

it's 25gb


Play Dark Souls level 1, it is the only way to prove you are not a casual.

Go in the water and up the river, there is ground to jump on with bamboo everywhere. There is a small wall of bamboo you have to slice, then wall jump up

Has to be a naked run.

Watch out he is a bastard to kill since he is quick as shit and you cannot parry hit kicks and they guard break you.
Also he two shots you all the time.

not really

who the fuck thought this was a good idea

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no it isnt

Get the fire prosthetic tool in the memory and go back to the real world. The giant is very easy to sneak behind and get a free critical to start the fight. Then you just have to dodge the grabs and permastun him with fire.
I don't think the memory is meant to be completed yet. Go back to the memory after you have killed the first real world boss, at which point you have +hp and more attack power.

Is that in the area where you find the Owl or the one before shinobi Hunter?

It's a 12.5gig download.

Does it really matter when the unblockables are unbelievably fast either way?

And a 25 gig install, newfriend

you cant always tell which attack is coming so you cant reliably avoid damage, never mind counter them

What's the issue with it exactly?

I bet you're cherrypicking now, because so far the idols are spaced out reasonably well. It's not DaS3 tier.

This thread in particular is full of children, game has issues but it's good.
I personally have no more interest in From's PvP so I don't miss that part either

No, it's 15.

The entire mechanic of special attacks is poorly executed.

yes it is, fag

Attached: Capture+_2019-03-22-11-13-51.png (1440x2712, 470K)

As someone who was cynical about it from the trailers, I’ve been overall pleasantly surprised so far after 2 hours of play. For anyone interested who had similar concerns.
>movement and platforming elements are really solid and “off the rails” if that makes sense. Almost everything can be walked on, there’s a bit of depth to the climbing mechanics
>The grapple points are everywhere, and I realized the design was less “you can only grapple to the spot we want you to”, and more like “we WANT you to be able to grapple everywhere, but it works more smoothly if you have hard points to quickly grab, rather than having to manually aim in a fast-paced 3rd person game.”
>Seems to be a solid PC port. I maxed every setting and I’ve never dipped beneath 60fps at 1080p on a 1070
>first level after tutorial (Ashina Outskirts) is promisingly open-ended. I got Crysis vibes from how many angles I could approach an encounter from.
>combat has some nice depth so far. There’s a rock/paper/scissors system where some attacks have specific counters (jump over sweeps, parry thrusts, dodge grapples), and I like how vitality caps posture.
>English VA work is lousy compared to the god-tier stuff from Dark Souls/Bloodborne. Switched to Japanese and restarted 5 mins into the tutorial. Nip voicework is pretty good, at least.
>Textures are shockingly low-res and ugly close up. I got DaS2 flashbacks from how bad Wolf looked in one of the early cutscenes. Graphics in general are a weak point of Sekiro so far.
>Have to manually pick up money from things you kill by holding down the interact button. It has a massive AoE pull, but it’s a weird requirement when I see no reason you couldn’t just get money with your experience.
>Leveling tree looks very, very small. If what I’m seeing from the beginning is the full thing, there’s maybe a dozen skill upgrades to buy for Wolf in the whole game, and I’ve already got 2.

Attached: bonedad.jpg (400x400, 51K)

You can. All sweeping attacks have the enemy start with the weapon pointed sideways. All thrust attacks have the animation start with the weapon centered pointed towards you.

The game defaults in Japanese voices.

I prefer games based on reflexes than games based on memorisation
I'm good at shooters and rhythm games, and there are very little memorisation in these, its all muscle memory that comes naturally as you play the game
Sekiro is mostly memorisation, you're forced to memorise every single pattern of a boss in order to defeat him, being good at defeating one of the boss doesnt mean you'll be good on other bosses, you'll have to memorise all the patterns for that specific boss all over again

Big if true


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ok lol

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Is there ANY way to stab someone when you're directly above them? This is some basic shit, don't tell me you gotta unlock the ability to do a stab from above or something.

Go look at the folder in your steam directory you dumb fuck.


I love a good challenge, but why the fuck are souls games so fucking boring. Give me more than 4 moves for once.

You unlock new skill trees as you progress. It's not huge but it's bigger than what you see at the start

the camera during the horse nigger made me rage like a fucking maniac

Can someone help me out. I'm looking for information that merchant Anayama wants, where do I eavesdrop in which location?

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Jump on them first you fucking retard.

you have to jump on an unaware enemy
yes its retarded, it doesnt work if the enemy has spotted you and if you dont actually jump yourself

Oh nice. Does the sneak attack get rid of a bar? I was able to get a bar myself so that should help a ton. Thanks.

>thinking the required storage space is the actual size of the game

The game needs some space to unpack the files to temporarily before installation is complete. This isn't the final size of the game on your drive, it's just the total space required for the installation to be successful.

>Leveling tree looks very, very small. If what I’m seeing from the beginning is the full thing, there’s maybe a dozen skill upgrades to buy for Wolf in the whole game, and I’ve already got 2.
You can unlock other skill trees. Not sure how many are there though. The 2nd one allows for a big overhead heavy attack.

Thanks bro

where did you buy it from? Is there any way to buy it without denuvo and to give from a bigger cut?

Attached: Vagabond_Sumi_p093.png (1203x1600, 332K)

It says 7 PB

I'm what ways, friend?

it doesnt have denuvo

give this retard more YOUs

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Yes it does get rid of a bar. Protip: use the stealth consumable item to sneak on him. But be sure to kill the guy that's patrolling on the side or you'll be fighting a 2v1.

When the enemy is doing s thrust attack they will shine a bright flash

Unfortunately I used my last stealth consumable on those fucking spear monks in the memory. Last fight I actually perfectly partied the other guy but then I just got thrown off the cliff, immediately rage quit at that point.

So I need to go and talk to Kuro? He didn't say anything about it when I rescued him

You can't reliably tell which attack is coming. This is because of combination of quick timing, unclear animations and the warning sign sometimes obscuring the enemy.

All I can say is that it must be inconsistent because I wasn't getting a prompt the first two times I tried that.

maybe the enemy had spotted you

so is the monk after the horse guy? Or have I missed him?

>there was NEVER a time in my life when I didn't even know how to use a computer yet

I just had it happen to me. jumping on those guys at the castle and dying, suddenly next two tries I get no prompt.

Yeah, but I switched to English first. Past From games had solid VA stuff.
That is very good to know. Is it simply when you complete one tree, or is it locked behind a point in the story? I guess the latter is more probable, lest I theoretically grind up my way to the end in Ashina Outskirts.
Sure senpai. Just the stuff I would have wanted to know myself.

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how do you find out what the ashina samurai want for le happy merchant?

How the fuck do you make this jump? Does it have something to do with the kite?

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Just beat the butterfly bitch first try, had way more trouble with the spear guy and the gun bitch

Get in here.