Just lower the cut from 30% to something more competitive and put an end to the horror.
Why can't they just lower the cut?
Other urls found in this thread:
they can probably wait out Epic Tengames
you don't expect the 88/12 split to last forever, do you
1. 30% is the standard everywhere, not just Steam. 2. Steam provides more than just servers and a payment platform (and still those two things are pretty expensive to maintain)
3. They can lower the cut to 0% and still that wouldn't stop Epic because they want to get rid to Steam.
The 30% cut is just a convenient excuse for greedy developers to get consumers behind them.
Valve drones say it's the features - like the recent online stuff
To those steam drones: How does that help single player only games you retards?
But roblox takes over 70% and you no one gives a shit
Why, giving more money to the publisher won't help devs
>you don't expect the 88/12 split to last forever, do you
There is literally no reason why it can't last forever. Neither Epic nor Steam actually DOES anything, they're just middlemen. I bet their businesses would still be profitable with a 2% cut.
>1. 30% is the standard everywhere
>emoving FPP is not a decision we make lightly, but by making this change, we will be able to offer better conditions to game creators, which — in turn — will allow us to offer you more curated classic games and new releases. All DRM-free.
Discord, Epic and GoG offer better than 30%, it's no longer the standard, Valve drone
>Give soulless corporation choice between more or less money
They will always pick more you dumbass, they don't give a shit about consumers or devs
Because they can't afford to, because running a platform with tens of millions of concurrent users costs a fuckton of money. They provide developers with FAR more systems than Epic do, from APIs to even basic things like user forums. None of that stuff runs on magic pixie dust. Call me when Epic offer anything more than a basic storefront and can still operate on a 12% cut. That'll literally never happen of course.
The only people who get fucked over are end users, who get an inferior platform in exchange for publishers getting more money. I'm not surprised to see ResetEra corporate shill trannies OR Yea Forums contrarians defending this.
>30% is the standard everywhere, not just Steam
This fucking retarded argument again.
Do you know why 30% is "standard"?
It's because it's what Steam decided to take back 15 years ago and everyone else, instead of trying to compete with them, just copied them. The 30% is completely arbitrary. They don't HAVE to charge that much for the service they provide, they have just been able to charge that much because nobody ever tried to actually fight them over it.
What the fuck is roblox? Some sort of game engine?
>be Valve
>listen to cocksuckers like OP/Tencent Game Store
>lower cut to 8% (what Epic actually suggested previously)
>go bankrupt
>get bought out by Chink Game Store
>actual people lose
>cocksucker OP/Chink cocksuckers win
TL;DR, you don't know their business model, you don't know their overhead or costs, so just shut the fuck up, stupid fag.
And before you pull that cock out of your mouth to reply with some dated chink meme, just know that if your retarded suggestion in ANY WAY benefited actual people (gamers), then I'd probably give some thought to your suggestion. Instead your argument amounts to:
>come on guise, give a higher cut to company B, lowering company A's cut!! While this may negatively impact company A and cause company A to cease to exist, I prefer company B!
I don't give 2 shits about company B/developers/publishers, Company A/Valve could take 99% cut and leave a 1% cut to these other fags, still would be 100.00% fine by me, I don't give a fuck at all.
Also this. Screencap this. Within 5-10 years or less, Epic is going to raise their cut back to the STANDARD 30/70 cut (Like Apple Store, Itunes, Google Play, Xbox, PSN, etc, etc.), the "muh free games" will also end, just like Origin discontinued their "on the house" program.
No dogshit game company is your friend. Steam is less of an enemy than everyone else. Steam is probably just trying to fuck you 80%, other companies are out to fuck you 100%.
>you don't expect the 88/12 split to last forever, do you
Even if they raised it to 85/15, it'd still easily beat the shit out of Steam.
Most singleplayer games use integrated steam features (trading cards, cloud saving, achievments). It's not just for online play, but you know that, and are just here to shitpost.
They could, but Epic would just keep doing stuff like throwing so much money at studios that they can't refuse. What Epic is trying to do is build an audience before spending so much it catches up to them. They have their fingers in all kinds of pies. Free games every two weeks, lower revenue cuts, paying developers for exclusives... I wonder how long they can keep it up before investors start demanding results?
Those companies can afford such a small cut because their library is small. The day their service grows and they have to store more than 30 games, their cut will be unsustainable.
>But Epic
The Epic Store is supported by Fortnite; it isn't self-reliant and that's why it's doing this.
There is absolutely no fucking way running some forums and trading card bullshit and other irrelevant shit costs 18% of all PC game sales. Not even one hundredth of that. The fucking idea that they somehow need that much money to operate is LAUGHABLE.
You like paying extra for Apple right? Because you get products that only Apple can make? So stfu.
How does buying exclusivity promote competitive pricing of single player games, retard? The consumer is not the one benefiting from Epic's practices.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend, faggot. Go back to playing artifact (more like shartifact amirite??) And fuck off valveshilling.
Release a good half life 3 and I'll care.
>Consoles copied Steam cut before Steam existed
Yeah, sure.
You don't think developers are going to epic for the 12%, do you?
>Epic Store / Tencent supporters are bitter Half-Life fans who would happily ruin PC gaming if it means that they get their revenge against Valve
I knew it.
>Valve needs it to be at 30% to stay alive
Negro-san, what?
You have to make a successful business if you want to tell others how to run theirs
>30%, it's no longer the standard
fuck off chink, 30% is the standard for EVERY major platform, even movies/tv shows like netflix
Why? Who gives a fuck?
>Most singleplayer games use integrated steam features (trading cards, cloud saving, achievments). It's not just for online play, but you know that, and are just here to shitpost.
OH look, this game only has a single player tag, retard - and there are plenty of games like this. What is Steam doing for them? Fucking nothing.
Because that's a good cut. I'm not going to bother looking for it but Sweeney already admitted 12% ain't enough and that's why they charge you extra if you want to use certain payment methods.
>Your counter example are things that aren't video games
lol fucking Steam drone
>I'm not going to bother looking for it
Because you're lying and full of shit.
Hosting a forum where people can troubleshoot their shit-ass old game.
Steam is older than Xbox live store you retard. The Live store launched in 2005, Steam launched in 2003.
Yeah, I don't think anyone really thinks that. Bringing up the revenue share seems to be deflection because fr
It's still being sold on the store. The devs could have integrated those features but they didn't. The store provides the resources to include the extra features, and if they go unused they remain in the store. I don't see why you are so upset about the revenue cut, nobody is forced to exclusively sell on Steam. They can generate their own keys and make a 100% revenue cut.
You're an Epic shill, we get it.
Look it up, faggot. I'm not going to waste my time because rational people can look it up and contrarians like you will keep "pretending" to be retarded no matter what.
Servers aren't free
They havee employees, servers, and alot of other things to pay for
Except providing the servers where the game is stored, the teleco platform that allows you to download said game anytime you want from anywhere you are and the payment platform that allows the developer to get paid for the game.
The payment platform alone is pretty expensive and requires a lot of money, resources and manpower. Source: I work on a bank's IT department.
Yes. I'm so fucking stoked that Epic is stealing customers. Fuck Gabon. Fuck steam.
>Standard standard standard it's the standard
That is not an argument you fucking retard. There is literally no reason for any of those stores to charge that much.
Cause its not about cut. Discord takes 10%, Humble takes 10%, GOG takes 12%, yet you dont see devs jumping into exclusive deals to them
>Except providing the servers where the game is stored
"The rent owner, you know, he does so much by owning the land..."
Steam has to maintain more servers and features than Epic
and here we see a literal underage mongoloid making an awful post on the internet
Why are pro epic-store people so hostile and agressive?
I mean, fuck. calm down.
>and here we see
Your post added a lot to the thread
You just proved why a lower cut benefits only the publisher while customers are expected to foot the bill for things like regional pricing or payment processing fees.
Why do you fags suddenly defend publishers after decades of getting shat on by them?
dailiy reminder that being a drone of ANYTHING is the most worthless and useless shit any human could ever do, neither steam or epic gives a rats ass about you, all they care about is money and YOU as a consumer should use w/e the fuck works best for you, the only inconvinience this makes is having all that bloatware on your pc when you used to have just one piece of shit launcher with your games.
Servers aren't a piece of land that it's just there.
Servers are expensive machines (way more expensive than your gaming PC) that companies have to buy by the dozen, even with technology like Virtual Machines allowing you to have multiple servers on the same hardware.
Servers require monitoring, patching, hardware replacement, a datacenter build under certain characteristics. Networking infrastructure following certain standards. Engineers to provide preventive and reactive maintenance.
Said expensive servers have to be replaced every five years due to use (they're active 7x24x365), depreciation and becoming too slow for a growing business.
How in the hell can you compare servers to a piece of land?
we used to have pc fags vs console fags, now pc fags will fight console fags and THEMSELVES segregating into steam fags and epic fags, why are pc players so fucking hostile man.
Consolefags have put up with competition for years. Competition tha caused hatred between fans, and required you to buy $300 machines to play exclusives and worse.
They hapily play games and still get excited about the hobby.
PCfags have nothing on this scale. They now have more than one option to buy digital games from, and all they have to do is have miltiple free launchers.
They act like it's the literal end times.
So, you PCtards ever considder group therapy?
>Console creators don’t get a cut of physical releases
>tencent chinks can't speak or read english articles
Why would I give a fuck?
This is entirely about publishers, I don't benefit from lower cuts in videogames.
Whenever a change happens that doesn't benefit me, even if it doesn't bring me negatives, I will completely oppose it.
>Call me when Epic offer anything more than a basic storefront and can still operate on a 12% cut. That'll literally never happen of course.
>The only people who get fucked over are end users, who get an inferior platform in exchange for publishers getting more money.
I don't use or care about any of those "features", and I don't really care about the people who do. Who am I supposed to have more sympathy for - developers who make games I care enough to play or complete strangers I never interact with who happen to like Steam?
Because the shilling isn't working and they are getting more desperate, while their reputation gets worse and worse.
It can't last forever because Epic can't keep plowing through money to bribe developers upfront for exclusivity. If their tactics don't build up a user base or generate returns quick enough, they won't be able to stay profitable.
They make royalties off every UE4 game sold - and Japan has just adopted the engine with Bandai/Namco and Tekken 7 for example
Epic can't run out of money.
>Epic shills always conveniently ignore the point that lowering their cut does nothing if Epic will keep pushing these 1 year exclusive deals
Every time without fail
I was going to say this. I want nothing to do with epic trash but that’s one hell of a wait for anyone thinking they’ll just run out anytime soon.
Their goal is clearly just to fuck with Steam
And even fucking Nintendo uses UE4
The only company looking to lose is Valve
We really need if not unique IDs, then at a minimum regional flags on Yea Forums to see which (chink) country is shilling epic game store/tencent.
Because they know the chinks are out to scam everyone as usual and it's only a matter of time before all the shit they're hiding bubbles up to the surface.
I'm pretty sure that if the cut could be lowered to 12% or less, no one would need to use Steam, Epic or any other store in the first place because it would mean that the costs of running a store and servers are too small to justify using a middleman.
>Their goal is clearly just to fuck with Steam
And it's working. I've never seen Valve drones THIS fucking pissed before in my life. Nothing Origin, uPlay, GoG, etc ever did pissed them off like Epic has been doing, and that's how I know they're winning
the only people looking to lose are consumers, neither companies will bankriupt you retarded shill, if you were a rational person you would point out both positives and the negatives
youre acting as if even if valve made the split better and improved, epic wouldnt continue to buy exclusives, and fuck with customers
they already admitted that "devs are going to decide which platform is better"
if youre not an epic employee, youre fucking yourself over
And at the end we as consumers are the ones who will lose.
Once Steam is no more and Epic is the only store in town, nothing will stop them from making games more expensive and raising the cut, all while requiring you to install chinese spyware.
Gaben needs more sustenance
How can you people be this clueless and this arrogant at the same time? Tim Sweeney actually confirmed that the margins they practice currently are unsustainable in the long run.
It's called a loss leader pricing strategy. They do it to undercut Steam and steal away publishers/devs from Steam. It's not even about forcing people on their store (since many exclusives seem to also go on the publisher's own stores too and now the Humble Store will also have the Epic exclusives). It about boxing Steam out. The rest is disingenuous PR doublespeak. They're betting their massive fortnite income will be enough to bankroll this strategy until they get enough traction on the Game Store for it to sustain itself without the zoomer fornite bucks (which will inevitably dial down once the BR fad gets replaced with something else).
>muh cuts
why should I, the consumer, care about this? I prefer using Steam because all of my shit is there already, I don't want to manage multiple vidya libraries
>youre acting as if even if valve made the split better and improved, epic wouldnt continue to buy exclusives, and fuck with customers
Nice, proving his point.
>comparing land of all things to a fucking server.
Please explain.
Never. Valve deserves every bit of the money they make.
literal steamdrone
if personal convenience is more important to you than fostering market competition that's justifiable but don't pretend your brainlet ass has any moral high ground
autistic internet legos
good post fag
>People still believe that the price cut is the reason anyobody moved over to the storefront that paying customers largely don't use
It's the guaranteed sales minimums (aka a fat sack of cash) you moron. Changing the revenue split doesn't suddenly change Epic being able to throw money around
You can't possibly be that much of a low iq dumb nigger can you?
lmao, seething chink marketeer got banned.
Based jannies.
>I don't understand the costs of continually supporting a updating a massive digital distribution network that grows bigger every fucking day
Only a massive dumbfuck would think of lowering the payment cut without thinking of issues that could arise.
i wonder why you didnt respond to my comment lol
why do you think epic would stop buying exclusives even if valve fixes their cut?
epic doesnt pay you, so why are you defending their shady tactics?
>it's all about me! if anything violates my convenience, they're fucking evil!
Because Steam provides the best service for its users and has the largest userbase, so they can charge 30%.
Show me a platform better than steam and I'll upload a picture of my dick.
>UE4 royalties exceeding the bribe costs
That's doubtful.
The latest game Epic paid a bribe for was Phoenix Point. That game raised $766k and had sold $1.2 million in preorders as of august last year. All in all the game had earned around 2.5mil before the deal.
The community manager let it slip last week that even if they refunded ALL the preorders, they would still be in the black with the money from Epic. Epic paid Snapshot Games at least $2 million for a one-year exclusivity. If they are doing this for every shitty little game they acquire, and price goes up accordingly for higher profile games, they can't maintain it.
>Why are pro epic-store people so hostile and agressive?
That's what the marketing guys told them to do.
If it's all about the 'fair' cut then why didn't developers come to the Discord store, since they have 10% cut?
Sony and the likes has 30% since forever too, somehow nobody's complaining about that.
>sHaDy TaCtIcS
low iq
>market competition
get back to me when there ever is any. We've had non-competing monopolies since Origin launched.
>want EA games?
use Origin
>want Wow?
use battle.net
>want old obscure games?
usually use GOG if not also ported to steam
>want any ubisoft game after 2014?
use uplay
>want metro exodus/division 2/etc.?
use epic game store
The closest thing we have to competition is GOG vs Steam, since you can buy the game games, but DRM or DRM free. The games themselves are the same, but if you use steam, you're gonna have steam achievements/trading cards/profile badges/etc., and if you use GOG, you're gonna have no DRM and as of a year ago, a thrown together basic profile/achievements for select games.
in 1 year, when the Current timed exclusives end, then we'll have closer to real competition, since people will be able to choose between steam vs epic. Of course, that will also be after the games had been on epic for a year.
So closer test of real competition will be Vampire Bloodlines, which is releasing on steam and epic at the same time. Anyone with an iq higher than a walnut will be able to guess which one is gonna win that fight.
>didnt even respond to my point
>straight to ad hom
you should probably leave this thread and try to think of better arguments my dude
>2 million
Try at least 5 million. Epic most likely paid those guys at least twice as much as they made from the Kickstarter to make julian gallop say that.
>origin discontinued "on the house" program
kek. I got mass effect 1 and 2 for free and then they just removed it from my library.
>We've had non-competing monopolies since Origin launched.
you're economically illiterate and have an incredibly strange understanding of what "competition" means
it's not a fcking popularity contest
that was probably result of ending origin access sub, you'll auto lose every game the second you unsub. I still have the on the house games/dlc giveaways, friends too.
This, but unironically. If you use inconvenient shit just to protect these poor little multi-billionaire corporations by giving them your twenty bucks every now and then, you obviously have brain damage.
>absolute complete brainlet (likely chinese who can't speak english)
Non-Competing Monopolies are like your traditional cable companies (which you wouldn't understand, since you're not from the United States), where you have Cox Communications covering 1 area, Roadrunner covering another area, Comcast covering another area, and NONE of them ever encroaching on each other's territory. As a result, all of them can charge $100/mo for 10mbps because there's literally NO competition/alternative.
To put it in more basic terms for your chink mind, if you want to play metro exodus on the PC legally, there are no alternatives. You can only play it on epic game store. If it was on origin or uplay too, but just not steam, that would be competition. Only 1 store is not competition, now please fuck off and go learn how to read english.
Agreed. This shit is annoying as fuck.
Steam blows, yes. But seriously, fuck this unironic Epic spam.
mr ching must be glad this is not reddit and there is no post history
Actually destroyed
Steam has been stale for a long time now. They have lost many AAA devs. Their sales are uninteresting. Nothing to buy. They dont make games anymore. They have no engine to compete with. They are just a boring storefront now. If they wont do anything they will fade away...
(Gaben please wake up.)
>just turn your brain off and hope people forget the point they were asking you to argue
Thanks now I know what to repeat every time the cut is mentioned
Steam retards are so mad over Based epic giving back to the developers.
>wannabe indie dev pretending their shitty unity game will be popular enough that 30% will actually matter
Either shills or have room temperature IQ. We're talking about video games here, comfort is the only thing there is to talk about. It's a leisure activity to do for fun in your spare time. Therefore, it's entirely justified to want your games a certain way, in this case, a platform of your choosing. So many greedy fucking cockroaches trying to use ridicule to impose these bullshit responsibilities on consumers like we're supposed to look out for billion dollar corporations whims or to prioritize devs that lately seem more interested in making games simply as platforms for political activism. As a consumer you should put your needs first. The fact that the consumer's self-interest is called "entitlement" shows the shameless entitlement of publishers and devs who see consumers as idiots who exhale money and at every chance they get, berate them when they're stepping out of line for the heinous infraction of looking after their own interests and expecting to be treated with respect. The contempt some of the key people in this industry have towards consumers and gamer culture in general is beyond obvious at this point.
steam has been shit for a long time. either AAA console ports of pixel garbage is always at the top seller and its because steam is top heavy with mediocrity and bottom heavy with bullshit. industry-wide problem. really its just a human problem i guess. cant civilization just collapse already?
>muh 30%
Keep banging that drum, Epic Failure. Maybe it'll save you from going bankrupt.
>Shill posts deleted.
Based mods.
based and nanking pilled
>USE E-PING ("ping" = chinese for Disease) STORE! BUY NOW!
t. Sweeney The Pooh, President of China
>Their sales are uninteresting.
And Tim Sweeney has said he doesn't beleive in doing sales on even current Steam's level
why are gamers this easy to manipulate
Come back when you stop using google and windows 10, idiot.
They're already bankrupting themselves with an unsustainable business model and taking a cut so small that even tim sweeney said they have to upcharge outside the u.s. to afford it.
He's not making a good case for 12% being the new standard.
EGS doesn't have 12% cut. It's a horrible lie controlled by countless NDAs.
Oh, now you don't even have any arguments, just le funny wojaks. Pathetic shill, kill yourself.
Literally every retailer and reseller takes a 25%-40% cut. Not just ones that specialize in digital goods.
It's not an industry standard, it's a worldwide standard.
>chinks undercutting industry standards yet again
So sick of this shit
>It's not an industry standard, it's a worldwide standard
s-stop spreading lies, s-s-steam drone!...
Eat shit fag. You know nothing of what I use/like. Fuck you and every braindead drones making straw-man out of legitimate complaints.
They killed flash sales, they can burn in hell
> bankrupting themselves
They have infinite chinese money. The chinaman is the greatest menace of our time even bigger than islam and jews.
>Literally every retailer and reseller takes a 25%-40% cut. Not just ones that specialize in digital goods.
Of fucking course PHYSICAL retailers take that cut. Physical retailers have ridiculously higher expenses. For them it's justified, for them it's literally the lowest they can operate on and stay in the black. I guaran-fucking-tee that Steam, or ANY digital storefront, does not have anywhere near the same kind of expenses as a PHYSICAL fucking store selling and stocking and transporting PHYSICAL fucking goods. Avoiding those expenses is literally the whole point of digital sales.
I am 100% sure you use Windows 10 to play your games, and google because that's all an idiot like yourself is capable of. You can cry that I don't know, but deep down you know damn well that I'm right, and it irritates you.
Why should I waste time arguing with an idiot like yourself who's ranting about billion dollar corporations, all while being fiercely loyal to one particular billion dollar corporation
>Of fucking course
>I am 100% sure you use Windows 10 to play your games
What do you think they pay in server maintenance alone, I wonder
Because no one works there anymore. It’s entirely controlled by AI now. Office has been empty for years.
Another LE EPIC CRYING WOJAK I see, ha-ha. Upvoted!
>Why should I waste time
Yeah-yeah, don't give me that bullshit, faggot, you're in this thread for a reason.
>who's ranting about billion dollar corporations, all while being fiercely loyal to one particular billion dollar corporation
The point of my post was about using things that are convenient for you, and not for some dumb reasons like hurr durr support the dev/store with your five bucks. I said literally nothing about Steam or Epic, and you are one fucking obsessed retard.
The whole point, which your retarded ass doesn't get, is that for Steam, and for ANY digital store, that 30% cut is utterly unjustified. It's completely arbitrary. Calling it a "standard" is not an argument. They could take 3% instead and still make massive profit because they don't have to pay the enormous fees of manufacturing, transporting, stocking and selling physical items in physical stores across the country. All they have to pay is server fees and the wages of the staff updating the service, which is a teeny-tiny fraction of that. Physical retailers actually have to take about 30% because they DO have to pay all of that extra shit.
Have you never wondered how Valve can afford to start and abandon so many useless pet projects? It's because they take that same 30% cut as the physical retailers while having maybe one 50th of their expenses. So they can afford to just burn money on bullshit and fuck around all day. They can hire very expensive professionals and then not have them actually do anything. That's not "standard", that's just a scam everyone's allowed them to get away with.
What does Epic have exactly? Fortnite? In 3 years who do you think is going to be into fortnite except for a small margin of people who will want it to be "competitive"? Valve have Dota 2 and CS which will absolutely continue to crush the esports markets for the near and distant future.
This argument is retarded. Steam can practice a 30% cut if they want. It's their company. Epic can do 12%, that also fine. Devs can choose to go with Epic that is fine. It is not fine for one store to strong arm consumers by bribing the publishers and devs with enough money so they don't have worry about sales (and as a result, stop caring about consumers, who in the case of Phoenix Point gave the devs a interest free loan pretty much so they can get bough by EPIC once they've milked the consumers for start-up money.
It's the equivalent of Starbucks opening five stores around a competing chain. Keepng all 5 empty even just so that maybe one day they can force that competing store out of the market.
That does not mean Steam is blameless and perfect. It has it's fucking problems. They're greedy too. But they also show more care for consumers that any other platform (maybe GOG does it a bit better).
And Steam had a monopoly based on the fact that they were the first major digital distribution gaming platform. They've never used their market position to box anyone out, undermine any competing stores or forced themselves in your shit because they can and have the money.
The insect behavior in this thread smells of dog burning dogmeat and pollution. Mr Ching Chong and the rest of the hive can fuck right off, you mindless wretches.
A microscopic fraction of what running Walmart costs. Files are absurdly cheaper to transfer than DVD cases.
Why do you as a consumer care what steam make off of the game sale? Unless you were corporate for a competitor company who would care about this?
How can you be this much of a shit eater. I don't have steam installed you dog meat eating fuck
The absolute state of Yea Forums.
hi test
>Another LE EPIC CRYING WOJAK I see, ha-ha. Upvoted!
It just happens to accurately depict exactly the kind of brand-loyal retard you are. Not my fault you fit Valve fanboy Wojak to perfection.
>Yeah-yeah, don't give me that bullshit, faggot, you're in this thread for a reason.
Yes, to laugh at idiots like yourself, who are literally crying over nothing.
>The point of my post was about using things that are convenient for you
"Waaaah! Why can't everything be on one free to download digital platform?!! It's so fucking inconvenient for me! This is much worse than having to invest $400 in a console to play games locked behind them"
See? You're literally this dumb.
They have unreal engine you fucking retard, Tim is literally the new Gaben.
>wojacks posters not only refuse to understand server upkeep costs, they also strawman, make arguments nobody mentioned and deflect when called out for their dumbassery
Fucking amazing.
>no argument
No problem, braindead valve loyalist.
Valve has Steam, the difference is their games are their own revenue and have better longevity as titles.
you are not wrong but that would only work for the biggest names out there, lowkeys need exposure and impulse buys
>posting the wrong image to accompany faux rant
wanna try that again, panda express?
>server upkeep costs
You don't need a 30% cut for this, moron.
You know why anyone with functioning brain cells can see that EPIC is anti-consume chinknese spyware ? because none of the arguments brought against it are ever addressed.
>You're not pro EPIC you must be a STEAM fanatic
Its the same idiotic rhetoric that applied to modern political discussion. It implies that there's no way people can have their own opinions, they're surely biased by their irrational attachment to this company/brand/political party/ideology etc. This way you don't have to have an argument you can just reduce the discussion to a bunch of idiotic sports fans insulting each other.
This steamdrone bullshit is so transparent I don;t know why you chinks even bother.
It's not the wrong image at all. That's exactly what braindead Valve loyalists like yourself look like.
Do you need to see the Steam logo to get the point through that tiny brain of yours?
no one uses the term "loyalist" outside of your communist party issued scripts your dog eating fuck
are you actually this retarded or just pretending to be? PC Gamer and literally EVERY other game "journalist" site fucking Hates steam, because they won't auto-ban every alt right group/player. PC Gamer has arguably been a bigger shill for Epic Game Store than even Kotaku, and that's saying a lot. PC Gamer has even recently started disabling comment sections on articles related to Epic Game Store.
Do your research next time, you fucking mong.
>You know why anyone with functioning brain cells can see that EPIC is anti-consume chinknese spyware
Hey idiot, newsflash: all closed source software run by billion dollar corporations are spyware.
Do you feel more comfortable letting Google and Microsoft sell your information because they're american and not chinese? Even though they literally sell your info to the chinese?
See, you'll keep denying it, but the reality is you're loyal to Valve, and that's precisely why you're stupid.
Are you fucking stupid their only money source is the fucking market and scaming the remaining playerbase of Dota. All their new projects are flops (rest in piss artishart)
You do if you have to account for other shit such as keys from third-party site valve makes NO MONEY of off and the amount of crap that get uploaded per day that doesn't get the front page of the storefront. That's not even mentioning the bandwidth and server hardware costs which is a separate issue.
You missed the point of my post even after it was spoonfed to you for a second time, I think you might actually be fucking braindead.
Do PC games no longer get physical releases?
they already do for games who sell enough
I'm pretty sure who ever made that Wojak used that logo in the context that the Wojak games on PC. By all means though, keep sperging out like the deranged retard you are.
Why don't you also ask all the other platforms that take 30%?
Do you think it's just Steam?
Apple takes like 35% on the App store, fuck off
You know it's funny you point this out.
Valve has more money than god at this point and wouldn't even notice a drop in their cut, and the smaller cut the epic store takes is the ONLY advantage to putting games on the epic store and steam lowering their cut to match it would instantly destroy the epic store.
Of course they don't even have to do this.
They can take 30% and get away with it cause anyone with half a brain knows not putting their stuff on steam is business suicide on the pc market.
looks like China needs its own dose of feminism
>y-you're missing the point! y-you're braindead!
Yep, sure sure, keep crying braindead valve loyalist.
It's basically second life for children so they wont realize how much they are being exploited.
All they see is "I can't get free money??? sweet"
They already lowered it. It goes down based on the number of copies you sell.
>You do if you have to account for other shit such as keys from third-party site valve makes NO MONEY of off and the amount of crap that get uploaded per day that doesn't get the front page of the storefront
You are so stupid it's funny.
>valve are pro-consumer! they actually care about me!
As barebones as Epic is, they STILL can't run on a 12% cut. They've publicly confirmed they're losing money and 12% is only an introductory rate until they can get their foot in the door.
>They can take 30% and get away with it cause anyone with half a brain knows not putting their stuff on steam is business suicide on the pc market.
Valve cannot live without the 30% cut, I don't fucking care if they make billions of dollars a year. They deserve every bit of money they get!
>I trust the government of china, that canes you to death if you chew some bubblegum!!
take your sushi and fuck off back to hong kong, dummy
That's actually impressive, I'm glad Epic is willing to take such a risk like that just to challenge Steam's monopoly.
Doesn't matter how much you'll save on digital delivery if you don't sell any copies.
There's a reason Microsoft is moving Halo to Steam. Quantum Break sold like 5 copies on the Microsoft store.
Give it some time and all you fags will like Epic, just like you hated steam in 00's.
Yes. You are missing the point and you are, in fact, braindead. "Valve loyalists" are living in your head rent free, and it's quite roomy.
Anybody who doesn't realize the the pro-Epic shilling and crying over valve is just funposting for (You)s is new as fuck and has never seen Yea Forums do this before.
Who are you quoting, idiot?
Did it ever occur to your tiny brain that google sells your data to chinese companies? Won't stop you from using it though.
But they are. Steam is pro-consumer in its approach, while the Epic Game Storeis pro-publisher in its approach
>deflection again
Pretty pathetic and embarrassing. You should just admit you're loyal to Valve and move on with your miserable life. Idiots like yourself never know when to stop though.
I say wait it out and watch Epic implode on itself. They can't hold out what they're doing forever.
>I'm so stupid I don't know how expensive it is to try keeping a massive digital distribution center up without losing money or shitting itself over anything
Anyone remember when left 4 dead 2 was free during a Christmas sale? Yeah
I'm not even shilling for Epic, I couldn't care less about this cringe war of yours. I just find it hilarious how you swear loyalty to one billion dollar corporation, then try shitting on another, claiming they steal your data, all the while using google and windows 10.
You are beyond retarded, my friend.
everyone notice how posts like this get no response
if you're lurking just leave, this thread is shill vs shill only
>Steam is pro-consumer
you really think this is about the cut and not just having "guaranteed revenue" to the tune of millions of dollars?
>Neither Epic nor Steam actually DOES anything
Yeah they just magically teleport games to your PC. Retard.
It's not deflection if the only one who keeps bringing up Valve here is you. Again, rent free.
Do you know how much money Valve makes every year from the Steam platform? And you're still braindead stupid enough to believe the 30% cut is "necessary" to keep them from losing money? Jesus christ, you Steam fanboys are so stupid it hurts.
>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No community forums
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
>No wishlist
>No game tags
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
>No h-games
>No music category
>No software category
>No video category
>No linux support
>No mac support
>No regional pricing
>No payment option variety
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No controller support
>No family sharing
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
>No backup feature
>No adding third party games to your list
>No third party key registration
>No reason to use Epic Store
>But they are. Steam is pro-consumer
I bet you're dumb enough to believe you own the games you buy on Steam.
>No Metro Exodus
I guess the rumors about mods being pro v*lvedrones were true, considering every post arguing and exposing steam is getting deleted in this thread
Excuse me sir, you do realize that we here at Yea Forums collectively believe Steam is our one and only digital platform for computer games?
I'm assuming you know how much valve has to pay out each month to keep running their steam network? Have proof of it?
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.
I'm already wise to the shitposting, user. You're not baiting a (You) out of me
I've noticed that too. The anti-Steam train has very suspiciously picked up speed when they've shown to not come down hard and swift enough on gamergater type attitudes and when they've upheld freedom of speech by continuing to allow games with sexual content catering to heterosexuals (that's toxic, but games for fags are progressive and necessary).
It's the subliminal message in many articles and op-eds withing the "gaming journalism" sphere. Steam is bad, so bad, so unfair...but it's totally because of their cuts and they lack of curation in their approval of games added to the platform - because it makes good games not get the exposure they deserve (pure narcissism, steam is a platform for sales, they have no obligation to market one game over others).
Steam has a stank now because they're big and they're not overtly down with the "everything needs to be political and free speech needs to be suspended based my subjective definition of hate-speech.
Even the champion gaming consumer advocate Jim Sterling has almost instantly hung up his pro consumer fedora on the Steam vs Epic issue because Steam allowed games that entertain fantasies where women are not faultless goddesses who can do no wrong.
Does anyone else find these people's moral standards sinister. They're willing to not only excuse, but offer fan-service to a company where 2 out of the 5 people on the board of directors are communist appointed Tencent execs, a company that seems to think gamers are idiots to be herded like cattle and should jump at the whims of publishers.
Mainstream gaming journalists are either such cucks that they would rather support a communist Chinese takeover of gaming than risk being considered a misogynist
Mainstream gaming journalists are actual marxists/communist masquerading as progressives (considering the historical account, most communist movements have used this tactic to get in the good graces of the people)
I use dogpile, not google, you queer
V*lvedrones are hypocrites and low IQ corporate cocksuckers, don't waste your time talking with them
Gabe the Crypto-Jew would never allow that.
I'll ask you one more time, see if third time's a charm to get that microbrain of yours working:
Do you know how much money Valve makes every year from Steam?
Been saying this for a while, wouldn't need any work on the moderation's side of things and would improve board quality drastically. Remember to use 4channel.org
I'm doing my part.
Nigger I use a laptop without a hard drive most of the time, using a non-SystemD Linux distribution bootable from a DVD. Eat a dick you know nothing.
hello newfag, all of your shitty feedback gets dumped into the trash can
use /qa/
>Walmart doesn't do anything. Why the fuck can't they just sell at cost?
This is what you're arguing for
the epic chinaman is afraid
You keep talking about valve making money off steam but nothing about how much they spend for keep it online and working. So either give me proof or stop projecting your retarded ass onto me.
This all sounds risky and dangerous and takes a lot of planning and tactics. I thought CEOs didn't do anything?
itch.io lets me set their percentage to 0%
dont ask me how it works, it just does.
>not understanding anything about net income
You're a sad man, you know?
Lowering the cut won't stop the epic bribery
Also they kind of did, after you sell certain tiers of copies the cut on the rest of the sales gets lowered.
Being a CEO is a stressful job, don't let people tell you otherwise.
Meanwhile you're literally pic related. Yikes.
>Not a single piece of proof to anything you said
I hope you posting all your drawings of yourself is worth it, see ya
Because I don't want to pay an exorbitant price, they take 30% because because they handle the currency exchange, I don't want to pay 5% more just because I don't live in US.
>"Look comrade supervisor Ching Chang I posted it again, just like the script says. Can I get my dogmeat jerky ration today?"
>The only people who get fucked over are end users, who get an inferior platform
People don't seem to mind seeing as the division 2 players use steams the division 1 forum to discuss the game lel
Wojakposting is a mental disease.
Mfw I have both epic and steam installed and just enjoy games on either one.
They don't need to, that's standard and completely fair. It is the cost of doing business and retail charges the same sort of fees and taxes to stock products. Steam has no need to ever respond to the pathetic, desperate actions of Epic since their store is already a complete and utter failure. None of their exclusives have sold at all and no one is using it. They will be dead by some time next year. Fortnite is already on its deathbed.
>Not a single piece of proof to anything you said
I just said you don't understand anything about net income though. Evidently I'm correct.
Keep fiercely defending Valve like the moron you are.
Nobody on Epic's side is seething. Valvecucks are seething hard, and their hypocrisy is being exposed.
>tell you where to actually go to leave feedback
>"U are chinaman xDD"
blow your brains out v@lvedrone
show proof valve need 30% to keep their shitty servers up and your argument is just, if you can't then you better shut the fuck up and embrace capitalism
that's a long list of autistic rants
a lot of people have been criticial of steam since it was first launched, you fucking retard, the reason why you are even able to read their ToS, refund games, export your data and delete your account is because of Europeans being skeptical and critical of Valve and Valve's subhuman tendencies, unlike you American cocksuckers who suck on tiny fat corporate cocks every day
it fucking amazes me how you v@lvedrones and epic faggots argues with each other, you're like those kikes and muzzies arguing about some fucking land in Palestine
do Americans argue over mcdonalds and hurger king in the same manner too?
The problem with your flimsy, spineless position is that Epic does not want you to do that. They know you have Steam, and in fact everything else about you, because their client is spyware. And they want you to only use theirs so they can continue spying on you. By supporting them in any measure, YOU are giving them license to fuck everyone over including yourself. Idiot. Absolute brainlet.
As a consumer why do you care about the percentage Valve takes as a service/distribution fee? It's not like the cost of a game for the end user is going to go down with it. Also, most of Steam's customers don't buy games at full price anyway; they wait for sales.
Could you be a Chinese shill?
>All they have to pay is server fees and the wages of the staff updating the service
Sorry user I didn't know you has inside information into Steam's finances
This right here.
>knowing what country you're posting from/unique ids to stop samefagging = censorship
>you American cocksuckers
epic chinaman confirmed
Real talk, how much does Tencent pay you for this? Can I get in on this too?
>No controller support
>No cloud saves
The only two things I care about honestly. And they are huge
You don't know what this means, idiot.
Oh no, epic is gathering random information I really couldn't care about from my pc. Information that's also already out there because social media, search engines and even some popular online games also want to gain info on you. I use google chrome, play league of legends and have a social media account. I don't give a fuck nigger.
Fun fact. Transportation costs are calculated in before markup is applied.
he's right you know. It's what you've been doing all throughout this thread, samefaggot.
fuck off idiot, you can't prove I did anything!! Just like you can't prove valve deserves 30%!
>5-10 years
Epic's store will be gone by mid next year. Feel free to screencap this post. Fortnite won't even make it through this summer. They have already failed. Tencent will have datamined and bitcoin mined as many machines as they can by then and then abandon Epic like the empty, worthless husk they are. They have already sunk hundreds of millions into these exclusives and not gotten a single cent back on it because no one is buying or using it. Why do you think they have ramped up this constant fucking spam? They are completely desperate, their plan has backfired entirely and they are hemorrhaging money.
Better hope your boss doesn't see your poor performance Xing, you might end up deep-fried in sewage grease next door at Xio Quan's Dogmeat Diner :^)
We do nigger. Just because you're an imbecile doesn't make our effort towards not being imbeciles useless.
Look at all those deleted posts. Damn.
Your effort consist of angrily typing at eachother in all caps you autist.
The march through the institutions was a great success. Gaming is just the next victim in this culture war. I still find it hilarious that Gamers were the first niche-culture that actually fought back against these Marxist infiltrators. Every other group bends over to please them.
Cuz capitalism. That’s the reason why any business can’t do a lot of things.
Holy shit you're so wrong it hurts, zoomers are retarded
They get plastic cases with a piece of paper with a download code written on it
>Epic can't keep plowing through money to bribe developers upfront for exclusivity.
Epic can't.
Tencent can.
Tencent can literally foot the bill for the exclusivity right of every single fucking game to ever be released until the end of time and it wouldn't make a dent in their budget.
It's not Epic vs Steam. It's China vs unprotected baizuo market.
Epic will win easily, not matter how bad they are.
why the fuck do you care? they could take 50% and i would still not give a single fuck. only chink shills and indie garbage devs care about the cut
So once businesses get successful they should immediately stop being so successful? That's some straight up zoomer commie nonsense
>If they are doing this for every shitty little game they acquire
well they have to
if they pay for even one of them, the rest will be "hey wait a second, I want to be paid too, otherwise sayonara"
Why exactly does that mean they should no longer try to maintain their profits? They've made enough already they should stop trying to be profitable now?
I don't know, user, I have no experience with Steam, but I can tell you my experience while working with intermediaries in the hospitality industry.
All intermediaries ask you for ~15% of every sale they do in their web. At minimum. That's the least I've seen I've seen some places ask for.
I've seen specialised webs asking for up to a 20% just for being included.
Now, here's the thing, the smaller and never you are, the less power of negotiation you have. I assume is the same for Steam. If you are an indie developer, you can't really argue with Steam. If you don't like the terms, leave. For big companies, the whole ''30%'' I'm sure is false. They can negotiate better deals.
On top of that, you have to add the extra services. That is, promotion of the product, putting it over others when someone looks for X (And yes, that's something they do. When you ask for X, they don't show you what YOU want, they show you what THEY want to sell you. Many searchers have been taken to court for it and declared guilty.). If you want that, that's another % more.
That's why Epic is offering a 12% right now. I mean, how can they justify charging more? Are they going to make you pay 5% to appear over other 4 games?
why does this matter to consumers?
Fuck off instigator nobody is interested in your honeypot.
why doesn't epic pass the cut on to the customer?
because your half a fag thats why.
you are a moron and should cease to communicate with others
>before steam
>standard cut is 70%
>games cost $60
>after steam
>cut is 30%
>games cost $60
>after epic
>cut is 12
yeah, i just realized, while writing my post, how fucking jew the devs are. not gonna buy a single game from now on. no matter if its steam, epic origin or fucking whatever. only pirating now
Fiduciary duty is a bitch user. The most terrifying mistress of all, unless you're actually a soulless corrupt cunt and are just out to swindle people.
>only chink shills and indie garbage devs care about the cut
nice try, IDSA
I've just about had it up to here with these motherfucking slant eye chinks taking our goddamn jobs, breathing all our air and shitting on the white man and everything he cherishes. Are you listening to me, Cheng? Because i'm talking to you. I'm sick and tired of your ching chong nip wong bullshit and I'm gonna take it back, I'm gonna vindicate the working class, I'm gonna vindicate the white man. This is the time for me to kill and the time for me to die, my genocide crusade beings now. MAY DER FÜHRER ANOINT MY STEEL!
>I thought CEOs didn't do anything?
Did you unironically actually believe that? I eagerly await epics plan blowing up in Sweeny's face.
pirating is safer than buying from epic store. this is a CONFIRMED FACT. go be a chink nigger somewhere else
Flags only get used to shitpost instead of replying to what the poster said. I agree about ids though.
Tencent aren't the owners, what the fuck? Remember to never believe everything wikipedia says.
Just like steam was supported by dota in the beginning
you have to become a politician before getting the right to vote
Nobody relevant says they never do anything, just that they don't do three to four orders of magnitude more than any of their workers.
and epic store doesn't have to pay for servers?
>They have no engine to compete with
Literally everything you posted is Valve's own fault. Their company structure is bizarre and nothing gets done. This point in particular, Gabe actually announced Source 2 years ago and even explained how it would work. It was going to be free and the only mandatory requirement is that you'd have to release your game on Steam. Fast forward to today and there's still nothing. Their only games running on Source 2 are Dota 2 and Artifact. CSGO could do with a new engine specifically for the new Hammer tool but we'll sooner get Bloodborne on PC than CSGO getting ported to Source 2.
fortnite has surpassed dota by far
Whatever Xi
> With that in mind, we’ve created new revenue share tiers for games that hit certain revenue levels. Starting from October 1, 2018 (i.e. revenues prior to that date are not included), when a game makes over $10 million on Steam, the revenue share for that application will adjust to 75%/25% on earnings beyond $10M. At $50 million, the revenue share will adjust to 80%/20% on earnings beyond $50M. Revenue includes game packages, DLC, in-game sales, and Community Marketplace game fees. Our hope is this change will reward the positive network effects generated by developers of big games, further aligning their interests with Steam and the community.
It is. I just wonder why they are unwilling to make money?
Stop listening to people you meet when it comes to economics, stop it. Everyone you know knows nothing but pretends they're super geniuses
If the Chinese government is supporting them, they can.
They will once Epic games start to take more and more of their users away
>implying its the 30% that drives devs away
You are aware that Epic ONLY demands devs to pull their games off of STeam and not other platforms like the Windows store right?
And you do know that the Windows store also takes 30% right?
Meaning that you should be able to piece together that devs don't "leave" Steam because of the cut, but simply because they're paid to do so. After all, releasing the game on multiple fronts would increase the coverage anyway.
Steam promotions generate a fuckton of revenue. BoI has sold sixty times as much as they did on launch day during a sale.
I mean, come on OP... At least think shit through.
Steam drones are true cancer. Hope this thing blows over quickly and steam dies, along with all its zombie crowd that crawled out of dark places recently.
Again, you don't know what samefagging means, idiot. Newfag morons like yourself always mess up like this.
why the fuck is there so much Epic Store astroturfing here Yea Forums? there cannot be this many rabid, infatuated Fortnite players who come here
this. I'm sick of it
Idiots like yourself are the ones bitching about Epic threatening Valve's monopoly. Bit ironic and stupid of you to label me a commie.
Imagine having a jew cock so deep in your ass
lol this
stay strong pcbros
Because it causes butthurt. And anything that makes people mad is going to be spammed to dead on Yea Forums.
^samefag newfag fag
>that's a long list of autistic rants
>a lot of people have been criticial of steam since it was first launched, you fucking retard, the reason why you are even able to read their ToS, refund games, export your data and delete your account is because of Europeans being skeptical and critical of Valve and Valve's subhuman tendencies, unlike you American cocksuckers who suck on tiny fat corporate cocks every day
>it fucking amazes me how you v@lvedrones and epic faggots argues with each other, you're like those kikes and muzzies arguing about some fucking land in Palestine
>do Americans argue over mcdonalds and hurger king in the same manner too?
yeah let's conveniently forget what Tencent and Epic Store has done. Which is exactly what you're criticizing Steam for-- only several orders of magnitude worse. You're a fucking shill
How can valve be a monopoly if they don't exclusively control the PC gaming market?
refunds killed flash sales brainlet, they don't want to loose money on payment processing
chinese shills, russian chan shills, epic shills, anti-steam shills jumping the gun, shitposters, autism incarnates, shills working for competing storefronts and companies, shills who shill for their tranny journalist clique circle friends and agenda , shills who think they are indie-devs and their imaginary games will get more money with a different price cut, etc. and so on and so forth
>can’t afford to
>can’t afford to
lol this astroturfing retard is getting all his images from know your meme
>steam drone discovers Steam drones are actual retarded entitled minority of PC gamers looked down upon by everyone else
That's what I thought. You don't actually have any argument. You're just shitposting.
im sure it has been said aplenty itt - they offer a better product, a bigger target audience.
besides, aint like tensent will keep their prices forever.
just fucking wait it out, pirate tensent exclusives or just forget about em like i did with satisfactory. this shit wont last forever, tensent doesnt fucking have rotschild jewgold to keep making these deals at a loss ad perpetuum.
They are literally copying and pasting from a script
You don't know what a monopoly is, idiot.
Consoles have a monopoly on digital game stores for each console. You cannot put a game on XBox without Microsoft's store, so they can charge you anything they want, and your only choices are pay them or not sell your game on XBox. Steam doesn't have that kind of power.
>the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service
>exclusive possession or control
Tell me again how steam falls under that definition when I can buy the same games available on steam from other online stores.
Now this is EPIC
Really nigger? Are we going to pretend it's 2006 and people are just parroting whatever shitpost gets people "butthurt" and we're doing it "for the lulz" ?
It has been proved already countless times that paid shills are swarming this site (among other sites, Reddit is especially astroturfed since it was bought by old money Conde Nast)
There were fucking screenshots of job listings posted as some point for that described shilling down to a tee. It even described bonuses based on debating skill and the ability to not seem like a paid marketer.
The chink money is here, EA is here, Activision is here, Pol is flooded with JIDF and Shareblue.
Anyone downplaying a site that was recently cleaned up to be more marketer friendly as being the same obscure shitposting "yemeni sewing forum" is either an imbecile or one of the shills trying to convince people that Yea Forums is too insignificant and irrelevant to have people paid to post here.
You can see here that digital retailer offsets the 25% of costs that the publisher would have to fork out on if it wasn't a digital distribution
They already did lower it to 20-25% if you sell a certain amount of copies but 12% is not sustainable. Epic is bankrolling on the billions Fortnite has made and hoping to establish themselves while they have that to rely on. The 12% cut will not last as the profit margins are already razor thin. Once Fortnite dies down in popularity they will not be able to keep it that low and it will fall out of popularity. Fortnite is popular with normalfags and children two groups who have extremely short attention spans and quickly move onto whatever the next big fad is.
he's lying
he has an agenda
nobody shitposts and argues for 15 hours a day for a month for "lulz"
What cut is Epic paying you to make these posts?
Jesus whip out the tinfoil hat much. We're not that important. I believe they'd shill on reddit but not here considering how low our visitor count is.
its the same replies and same shitposts with the same spelling mistakes and same retarded contrived logic and insults
if they arent getting paid theyre retarded
I keep questioning how pathetic ones life can be if all they do is live on a chinese computer farm to post stupid shilling on Yea Forums about how great Epic Store is, it's worse than farming for WoW and PoE
My fucking face when I made this thread a few hours ago during morning coffee for the lulz and all you Yea Forumsidiots have been arguing for over 300 posts.
Well knowing how autistic the sites users actually are, chances are they are just retarded basement dwellers who spend their life posting the same shit everyday. The same people who post console war shit most likely.
The cut isn't why publishers choose Tencent launcher, but the fat fucking stack of money for timed exclusivity. Unless Steam is willing to pay for exclusivity too, lowering the cut won't do anything.
At best they're part of the mentally ill resetera crowd that are shilling for Epic because they hate Steam for being sexist and not doing enough to stop toxic masculinity etc.
But the consistency, the forced "I'm one of you fellas" vernacular that always has one or two words that not even 3rd world shitters use betrayers the fucking scripts they follow. Since most of the vocabulary probably comes off analytics (scanning thousands of posts) they have to fill in the blanks to form coherent sentences and thats where the "how do you fellow kids" bullshit becomes obvious.
In this thread's case. The insectoid chinks posting use memes from Know Your Meme and whenever something does not fit the script they just post a wojak like the mindless drones they are.
The fat cash stack AND the minimum sales guarantee, where is the game doesnb't meet a certain sales expectation, Epic will pay them the difference. Keep in mind they literally threw millions at that shitty Phoenix Point game, imagine how much cash they're tossing at bigger titles. This is in no way a sustainable business method, and smells like Tim's banking on Steam crashing and going bankrupt within 2-3 years.
It also gets rid of any moral argument against piracy because Epic's basically paying for your pirated copy.
Read what you just posted and say it out-loud and if you don't die of a stroke, kill yourself.
This, they're basically coddling devs and publishers just to make themselves look good.
If you are not old enough to remember this, it's not my fault.
nigger are you for fucking real or just a shill? i refuse believing Anyone can be that retarded.
Aaah the digital game store wars, now those were some dark times
Epic's plan summarize for brianlets :
1) Offer an extremely generous cut to the developers so more and more start putting their games on the Epic Game Store
2) Get more and more customers to start adopting the EGS
3) Slowly lower the developer's cuts
4) Get money
It's seriously not difficult to understand.
There are royalties from physical copies as well.
Why would they?
The swarm of fanboys will remove the threat.
Physical retailers take a higher cut. Aroung 50 to 80%.
but gaben will starve
I wish i could afford yachts depending on how stressful my job is.
I will eat McDonalds for the rest of my life and keep buying steam games if it means this hardworking White American man can continue to have a steak every night.
Enjoy your onions, ladies!
>Who cares if some company is datamining my PC including browser log ins, passwords, cookies, etc.
Why not fuck off back to leddit?
Thank you for listing all those imaginary bogeymen living in your head rent free, you actual schizophrenic fuck.
>wait for dust to settle
>release new engine
>state anyone who makes game with new engine can't put it on other stores
Good luck trying to compete against unreal engine
Can you acknowledge that taking smaller cuts may result in more companies putting their games on your store, therefore making you MorE MOneY retard
>immediately backfires as Epic says you can't put UE4 and UE3 games on Steam anymore
>Steam dies overnight
Can you elaborate on these steps a bit further? I'm not following.
Name ONE (1) game that utilizes the Unreal Engine.
The engine was modified for that game. It doesn't count in this case. Nice try.
did the modification create an entirely new engine ?
Ace Combat 7
Not yet, nothing has happened yet. Epics store has had zero impact on steam and as of now, they have actually made more damage to themselves.
Also modified the engine. Doesn't count either.
I'm not a millionaire and i can eat steak for dinner every night if i want. I'm just too lazy to cook it.
>"dude like no games even use the unreal engine
>ok here are some games that use the unreal engine
fullstack programmers do more mentally challenging work than any CEO's worst nightmare. but hey, telling people what to do is muuuch more stressful than creating and planning a feasible product
I mean you can scream "l-lol modified!" like the retard you are it's still the same engine and Epic is taking a cut from all the sales.
Bet 90% of fags who defend and shill Epic are Canadians.
So the only legitimate use of the Unreal engine is to use it as-is? That almost never happens retard, most games that don't have their own engine and use a 3rd party one will require some customization. Engines like the unreal engine are built to fit as many development needs as possible, it serves as a base for a game's functionality (mostly the physics part)
Brainlets. If you modify a bike and slap an engine on it then it is no longer considered a bike. It is called either a moped or a motorcycle.
steam could offer 2 platforms. the budget platform has all the features removed.
Steam is fucking over. Gabe is too "greedy long" to think about his customers (the devs, and the people who buy the games)
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Steam Queens are so histrionic and insane I think they would be mad if Steam took less of a cut
What horror? A bunch of devs and publishers showing they don't give a fuck about the consumer, that's a nice lesson learned for us. Meanwhile, Steam remains the default, and once the Fortnite fad passes, Epic dies.
didn't they already change it so that if your game made a certain amount of money, the cut would be lower?
Not for a company with big stockholders, they're taking losses to make market gains and footholds. As the war heats up they'll need to maintain the momentum to appease their holders, while also making sure numbers look good on paper. The cut will inch up in 2% increments as their "need to sustain the infrastructure and support goes up" till we're back at 30%, which is cheap by commission middle men standards outside of the game industry actually. Especially considering Steam has unbiased storefronts and marketing.
The cut isn't what is drawing developers to them. If it was they'd just multi platform like they've always done, it's the upfront lump sum contracts or "guaranteed revenue" ones which is new to the industry. Epic goes to you and says I'll pay you say, 2 million dollarydoos which is about what your total sales profit was of your previous game is to put your game only up on my store and we'll give you a less competitive store front and front page marketing. The developer thinks, well I don't have to care about marketing, supporting the game long term, brand power, dealing with customers or any aspect since I've made my money. The other deal they do is similar where it's a smaller up front and they'll make up any difference if you your sales don't add up to a number. It's a brute force contract that's deadly for the market and will make gaming like Hollywood even more than people thought it'd be. Not to mention theoretical censorship aspects and control, "I won't sign this contract if Royale Mining Sim 2 my biggest competitor is also on your store, or I won't sign unless anime tits are barred from your platform because of my opinion."
>>Yeah take that Epic, I'll take your engine, modify it so I don't have to pay for anything lol because I've modified it and now it's an entirely different thing.
Does you screen get foggy from the mouth-breeding?
Are you stupid?
Protip your answer doesn't matter.
They pay him better than Valve pays you no doubt.
>Epic doesn't have a 30% cut
>doesn't have regional pricing
>GOG lowers their 30% cut
>ends regional pricing
gee I wonder what would happen to Steam if they lowered their cut
It isn't really about the cut, or at least not just about it. The core of the problem is Epic up-front paying for exclusivity, not the better cut. That shit is absolute cancer and I most certainly hope Valve (and other companies) don't follow Epic's example.
look at this dude
I can't really imagine anyone being pro-epic store unironically, there's literally nothing for the consumer in it.
Desperation? Fucking everyone hates them and every time Tim Swiney opens his mouth it's like he intentionally digs the hole deeper.
The difference is physical stores have to pay for million dollar stores, rent on the land, employees to man the store, and the biggest is the logistics of getting the goods to the store
Cutting 30% from Gaben's steak?? Who the fuck do you think you are?
publishers don't own stores though. why are you even talking about that shit?
How about free games? You don't see Steam doing that every 2 weeks.
Yea it's just fast and easy money. no need to sweat if your game is gonna sell well enough since you already got paid.
And you'll get that few percentage back anyway with those fucking steam cards and other shit that people buy and sell. Yes yes valve takes cut from that too but it's literally free extra money.
This fucking shit is even more stupid than "console wars". That's an accomplishment I guess.
the drug dealers on my street give out free drugs when you move in. does that make them good guys?
The lower cut isn't making any game development leave because the audience Steam has negates the higher cut.
What is making them leave is 100% the moneyhatting which will eventually end.
Notice all these exclusivity deals are one year only. Epic can't even afford total exclusivity for games besides their own because Steam's audience is just that fucking big (plus bigger risk of consumer backlash).
Also, notice that the free games are only guaranteed for a year. Steam knows that Epic is taking a big hit doing this and they just need to wait them out. It sucks because Steam could use some legitimate competition (and motivation) but Epic is too much of a fuck up to properly compete.
Because we're on Yea Forums, you paranoid fucks.
It depends if dev/publisher wants to give their game for free. Usually happens once or twice a month on steam.
Been slower lately. Plus I guess non steam stores give out free steam keys all the time. Not that I care just wanted to point that out. It's usually either shit or developers trying to promote their new game by giving out the old one for free.
didnt the EA store do that?
>I'm just too lazy to cook it.
quoted for truth