>new trailers
>new announcements
>new gameplay footage

What are you hoping to see bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Bro pass the homework quick

Wut?Why this instead of E3?

Hope we get an update on PSN name changes, they said early 2019 so it shouldn't be long now

That's it, Nintendo are finished

>Sony now copying Nintendo Directs
What the fuck haven't they copied?

oh no no no sony copied nintendo AGAIN?
can't make this shit up

And it's gonna be about PlayStation Now

tlou 2 trailer 6, samurai batman trailer 4, death stranding trailer 11, nioh 2 trailer, that zombie biker game trailer 5.

>Days Gone
>Ghost of Tsushima
>Whatever Atlus is announcing on Saturday

>tendies are already afraid of the possibility of Sony getting even more games

ironic considering just yesterday Nintendo unveiled their cardboard Dreams ripoff

It says PS4 and PSVR games. Nothing about Now

Hope it isn't as shit as Inside Xbox.


Oh god this.

I only ever watch that in the hopes that some good games will make it to back compatibility but they always let me down.

>that zombie biker game trailer 5
For how many years was that shown at E3?

I'm just hoping for some news on the Medievil remakes.

no one fucking cares anymore. it will be additional AIDSfaggot cancer as usual from Commiefornianeo$ony
After the PS4 I'm fucking done with that company.

Attached: 4theAIDSfaggots.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

>Didn't have enough games to do PS Event in December or E3
>But has enough to do this

on the contrary, I'm desperate for ps4 to get a game that isn't bloodborne

You don't own a PS4, otherwise you'd realise it has all the games you need

Finally, we get new FF7re trailer


Yeah right.

I highly doubt they will show it on that of all places. It’s just a mini showcase. Don’t get your hopes up.

It's probably just gonna be more movies.

Unless they have anything that rivals Jak, Crash, Ape Escape, Sly Cooper, or Ratchet and Clank I don't care.

I forgot about those remakes. Medievil was always the weakest link of the PS1 Western first party games, not too optimistic about yet another PS1 remake after the disappointing Crash remake and the half-baked Spyro remake.


It's fucking nothing. Move along, everyone.

the only games it has that I care for are multiplats, and bloodborne. the rest is junk. even ps2 remakes are worse than their originals

I can't wait to see them announce a bunch of games that I can also get on PC instead.

It's our time... finally...

Attached: dreams waifu puppet.webm (1280x720, 1.42M)

>God of War
>Last of Us
Maybe if you're some retarded weeb. You have all that and constant new multiplats.

Why are Nintendo fans so bitter against Sony? It's really sad. You know this is just games for fun, right? Especially since Sony is the one who is delivering the majority of best games to every system, so just stop already.

E3 is crap and no one takes it seriously.

playstation 5?
Maybe so e games I hope

Pc fans are against Sony too for whatever reason.

It's a way for them to cope with their lack of games

Ps5 reveal

>god of soi: the movie
>capeshit movie
>zombie movie
Looks like the snoystation4 is still a bloodborne machine!

>Gays Done
>that’s all
All that content

Everyone is against snoyggers, they're the worst fanbase after all


Not liking popular things doesn't make you interesting, user.

>state of play
What a shitty name

But those DO count, only as movies ;^)

Sucking a company's dick won't make you an interesting person either

It's because of the absolute state of snoy

Something that makes me want to turn on my PS4 again now i've finished DMC5 and RE2. Give me a fucking Medievil release date.

Nintendo did not invent livestreams.
Blizzard and Bethesda have livestreams to announce news for their games, are they """"copying"""" Nintendo too?

So they're doing a Nintendo Direct sort of thing?
Pity they still wont be at E3 that's fucking stupid regardless.

More like the actual state of no games

They will obviously have their own PS5 announcement event instead of E3. It's coming.

I mean, even Microsoft does it too with his "Xbox Inside". It was about time Sony started doing it too.

>What are you hoping to see bros?
Some concrete information on when I might get to play some of their games

Where the fuck is medievil? Fuck all this AAA movie shit, give me a fuckin videogame

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Wtf does that guy know

>sony direct opens up with reggie

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>thier games
The best reason to own a ps4 is not because of sonys games, but because of everyone elses. Atleast before the censorship spree started.

So we're going to start having Playstation direct "leakers" too? Great

yeah but's okay to believe sony direct leaks
believing nintendo direct leaks is for manchildren though

Do these State of Play things usually have announcements at all?
Also, hoping for some fucking Death Stranding gameplay that isn’t from cinematic shots from afar. Ghost of Tsushima too I guess

he an insider and tecmo shill
plus he's the admin of that shithole, so of course he'd knows sony shit

They had this 1 Direct per year thing for 4 years already and all of them were shit.

This is the first one.


>E3 2015 - TLG, Dreams, U4, Horizon
>E3 2016 - GoW, Days Gone, TLG, Horizon, Detroit, Death Stranding, Spider-Man
>E3 2017 - Uncharted (expansion), Horizon (expansion), Days Gone, SotC, GoW, Detroit, Spider-Man
>E3 2018 - TLOU2, Tsushima, Death Stranding, Spider-Man
Sony can't even fill one event a year without endlessly repeating themselves. They just don't have enough games to do regular presentations, this will be absolutely nothing.

>The absolute state of playstation
I'm not really hoping for much other than a Nioh 2 gameplay trailer, if that ain't there then this discount direct is fucking worthless to me

>Why are Nintendo fans so bitter against Sony?

They are not, it's just the logical conclusion of the dynamics of the board, hell the only reason you can still even talk about playstation at all around here is the massive influx of people the site has gotten in the last years.

The PS4 is the spiritual successor to the xbox360, it has the same business model and makes money the same way and trying to talk about the 360 at all automatically turned you into laughing stock back then

Why E3 instead of this?

Because it's what they have been doing for years.

Also it doesn't really make sense to say you are not going to E3 because you have nothing to show, then to have a presentation to show things.

Because E3 has playable demos.

Actually, the stream will be in japanese too, so maybe we are lucky and there is something related to that.

Nintendo did it back in 2012

Having games.

more japanese games

You're goddamn right

Attached: cloud-1.png (640x360, 300K)

inb4 it's more like inside xbox than directs and is 90% fucking nothing.

New Japan Studio games hopefully
Also some info on ps5

>another TLOU 2 trailer
>Days Gone gameplay
>another Death Stranding trailer
See you next year

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Project Siren works on something, seeing that would be nice. I expect top aesthetics.
A Jak and Daxter reboot would be nice or a new Sly Racoon title.
>Never ever
A Jade Cocoon remake or Dark Cloud 3, Legend of Dragoon. Something new from the Freedom Wars and Soul Sacrifice developers. Ape Escape. Legacy of Kain.
>Might actually happen
Demon Souls Remake, Nier Remake, Drakengard Collection, Final Fantasy XIII collection

>What will actually happen
The same thing as at E3, just shorter and without the flute.

you mean episode Ardyn which comes out on march 26th

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my hopes:
>Babylon's Fall
>Demon's Souls port

what we'll actually get:
>the same cinematic shit for the 50th time (TLOU2, Ghost, Death Stranding)

yeah, all those games are junk. You don't seriously enjoy those games do you?

liking popular things doesn't make your opinions correct

>modern commiefornia sony
>more japanese games
You're gonna eat your Spiderman and TLOU and you're gonna like it.

Some fucking video games

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It's over
Sony won


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>God of War
Both being the worst in the series for the exact same reasons
>>Last of Us
The reason why games are being dumbed down on PlayStation.

seething nintendy

>and trying to talk about the 360 at all automatically turned you into laughing stock back then
Imagine trying to revise history like this. Aside from the RRoD you could talk about and platform freely here.

>Nintendo invented livestreams
Can Nintendies can anu dumber?


Post PST and EST like normal human beings holy shit

>when you have to lower your standards because the quality of the product your favorite company makes drops

hope you're looking forward to even less games

>normal human beings

Attached: mestizaje.jpg (526x1024, 126K)

who are you quoting?

Sucking Nintendo's dick doesn't make you an interesting person

I have a ps4.
Sony themselves barely make games for it let alone good ones.

Just convert. You should know what your timezone is in relation to GMT

>Also it doesn't really make sense to say you are not going to E3 because you have nothing to show, then to have a presentation to show things.
You are BEYOND retarded. Dropping out of E3 = BIGGER announcements to make. Anyone with a brain would've known that. Even with E3 Sony announced the PS4 outside of it. Same will happen with PS5 this year.

It's just that there's no reason to participate in E3 anymore when you are so big that you can make your own events and get all the news of the week for yourself. Also E3 brings certain expectations, this "State of Play" is surely a Nintendo direct ripoff, where they can announce whatever they want without matching a live orchestra and 3 big new generational-defining games like one would expect out of an E3 presentation. Pretty sure these broadcasts will happen more than once per year. alongside other dedicated events (one of them will be PS5's announcement + feattures + release games, another one will be the hardware reveal itself and more details like release date, etc)

Cheaper marketing.

>it doesn't matter anymore

of course it doesn't sweaty

More like State of Decay.

>Dropping out of E3 = BIGGER announcements to make
That doesn't even make a lick of sense.



Given how the game flopped I doubt there's going to be a new one any time soon.

>if you're not sucking snoy's dick, you're sucking nintendooooooo's!
seething snoygger

Since you seem so devoted to it you get an new Agent Clank game. Hope that's what you want.

The shitty reboot was wildly successful though. Great reviews and the highest selling ratchet game yet

Sony's bootyblasted from Xbox having a massively better conference last year and also having a better stable of exclusive studios now.

It's also a AAA game with a higher production value and a moderate marketing campaign.
It barely broke even.

Prove it, Xsoy.

What the fuck is going on in this thread? This level of shitposting shouldn't be possible.

Sony threads always get shitposted to death. It's nothing new

confirmed for braindead, literally the fastest selling ratchet game ever, the movie was trash but the game was a huge success for insomniac, it was also likely a huge reason is sony giving them the go ahead and FUCK TON of money for spidey.

Can you people really not make a post without shoving in boogeymen everywhere?
In any case AAA games nowadays usually need anything between 2 and 3m to break even. R&C is slap bang in the middle of that.

There are less than a handful of relevant publishers presenting in E3 now, and only one platform holder.
Activision was always a parasite, sliding into either MS's or Sony's stage
EA was already out of E3 for a while, their presentation happens outside the venue (completely unrelated to it IIRC) and before the event.
Same for Nintendo, which timing-wise does release the Direct during E3 but doesn't have stage appearances since the late Wii era (or early WiiU?). Directs, no matter WHEN they are released, are NOT part of E3. All they have is the livestream demos.

The only ones with a stage are Ubishit, MicroMultiplat, B̶ethȩ̶͘sd̸͘a̡͘̕, and a couple of japanese publishing houses which sometimes participate and sometimes don't.

Don't see why not, the biggest stuff happens outside E3. All platform holders blew their biggest load announcing this gen in 2012/13 (and again in 2016 for Nintendo) well outside of E3 and then used E3 for further details. I don't see how avoiding that specific stage would change things for the worse. Now Sony is on the new list of companies that can chose a "dead news" period to announce stuff, and be flexible with it instead of feeling obligated to do so at a specific day.

So does every thread, snowflake


What the fuck? This isn't even the actual event though. It's the announcement.

ratchet 2016 was trash, the series is dead




He thinks you're cute

Oh user...

what am I supposed to see here aside from the objective truth?

He's flirting with you.

>source: my asshole

Nintendies are retarded. News at 11

>No PS All-Stars 2
>ALMOST all the games you need
There I fixed it for you

>literally sold more than deadlocked

Attached: shills.jpg (1002x714, 121K)

literally sold 30% less than the game it's remaking

>it's what they have been doing for years
This is a garbage argument.

Why does toby type like a faggot?

Nintendo didn't invent livestreaming lmao retard

>sold 30 percent less than one of the defining games of an entire generation that created a new mascot for the biggest console ever
oh no, insomniac is finished!!

Nobody claimed this though?

I want a release date for Gbost of Tsushima and Death Stranding. I don't give a shit about Days Gone though

So how are they copying Nintendo?

It almost certainly cost a lot more to make and was sold at a lower price. Also, the movie bombed.

>It almost certainly cost a lot more to make

By making livestreams where they present info on multiple games along with new announcements about their console?

Apple didn't invent smartphones or PDAs but it's quite obvious that every phone maker copied them after the iPhone was a success. Now take out sony's cock from your orifices and see the truth.

>PlayStation Direct
When will Sony stop making shit soulless copies of everything Nintendo does?

Bethesda had a livestream to announce Fallout 4, were they copying Nintendo too?

Take Nintendo's cock from your orifices faggot

> present info on multiple games along with new announcements about their console
can you read?
seems like you can't

>By making livestreams where they present info on multiple games along with new announcements about their console?
I can't believe Nintendo copied E3.

can't stop copying others? sounds like a sony fan.
quite poetic

Stay mad.

Attached: Screenshot_20190322-092301.png (1080x1016, 583K)

Yes? Video game budgets have skyrocketed over the last 15 years or so. Those shiny pixels don't come cheap. Why do you think they're so desperate to seek new audiences?
If you think a AA PS4 game would cost the same to make as a AA PS2 game, you're deluded.

>also having a better stable of exclusive studios now.
lol state od decay, sea of thieves, crackdown, ryse all flopped

>completely dodges the question

What the fuck is wrong with Nintendo fans?
Who holds a faceless company to such a pedestal that they think they made gaming related livestreams?
Go fuck yourself faggot.

>90M people didn't buy Spiderman
pretty shitty to be honest. they were too busy playing FIFA I guess

>Sony """"""games""""""

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-22 at 10.27.48 AM.png (1410x1066, 632K)

Why are Nintendo fangays always so bitter about Spider-Man?


Oh, my bad. The answer is no. As I pointed out, what Nintendo did is different from what Bethesda and other game studios do.

user, he's saying the formatting is extremely like a Nintendo direct in the same way PS all stars was meant to be a smash clone.
Not that Nintendo created streaming as a whole.

This shouldn't be a hard concept for you to understand.

I don't know why everyone gets so mad at Sony copying Nintendo. All 3 console companies take influence from each other when one of them does something successful. Did the PSX copy the SNES by having buttons?

>what Nintendo did is different from what Bethesda and other game studios do.
No it isn't.

>Did the PSX copy the SNES by having buttons?
user, don't you know how the ps1 came to be?

Every gaming related livestream is extremely similar to a Nintendo direct.

>he's saying the formatting is extremely like a Nintendo direct
You haven't even seen the video yet, how can you possibly know what the "formatting" is like? Fuck off retard.

The irony isn't lost on me. But I was just trying to make the point that people will call anything copying, even having buttons.


threads all over the page, memes, "hes in lol" "i like her big tits"
this was supposed to be OUR THING!!!


Attached: Labo-Wojak.jpg (1200x1099, 115K)

Not really especially since they usually treat it more like some kind of get together or interview.

>he's saying the formatting is extremely like a Nintendo direct
You do know that Nintendo directs are just gaming livestreams right?

So you've never watched a direct.

Why did nintendo copy e3

user, directs are pre recorded.

Neat. Directs are always a fun time wether or not the games I want get shown so having Sony joining could mean they’re usual presentations aren’t complete and utter tedium.

Though I do wonder why such an early calling. You’d think they’d drop the heads up on Monday. Not just let us forget about it over the weekend and wait for Tuesday.

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It's because basedny fags have been non stop shutting on nintendo for any reason. Heck last e3 we had a thread of basedny babies insulting nintendo for having a Nintendo direct instead of a "proper" e3 conference. Now look at the same fags protecting this.

Sony dont care about your 3rd world time zones

Demon's Souls remake incoming

it was okay when nintendo did it.

Attached: taso.png (590x451, 162K)

Ratchet and Clank has never been AAA.

Oh please they've been shitting on each other since the 90's. Don't pretend it's one sided. Also >last e3
Pretty sure it's been several years since they had an actual conference there.

meanwhile, the switch is just a souped-up modernized psp.

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marvel vs capcom 4 and street fighter 6

Hard to copy when there is none.

>links some resetera retard as if it were a viable source

spotted the newfag. sony was hated just as much last generation too, complete with the exact same buzzwords ("no games," "movie games") and the exact same predictions that sony would be done making consoles soon. once you realize that these people have been spamming the exact same tired material every day since 2006, it really starts to sink in how pathetic they are.

Sounds like a move of desperation really, to try and win back a bit of the mindshare that they've been losing over the past 6 months or so...

looking forward to exciting new censorship announcements

>enter a sony thread
>b-b-but nintendoooooooo
every time

He's an insider with a very good track record

Sony did stop making consoles, they just made a bluray disc player

Bloodbourn Kart

>no ape escape 4

Probably going to just be a PS5 announcement along with announcing GoT and TLOU2 are launch titles

well you would say that, wouldn't you

This. Same with nintendo threads. The rare xbox thread, they talk about...

this please

>PS5 announcement
>in a small livestream

it's gonna be more info on games we already know about and MAYBE release dates for medievil/dreams/ghost of sushi
don't expect any major announcements

major gaming news sites like gamespot and gamespy were doing live webcasts on upcoming games before you were even born, zoomer. nintendo didn't invent shit.

Sony always wins, they dropped David Cage and got a whole bunch of better exclusives

oh shit, I just got that "State of Play" is mixed up PLAY STATion.

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Ready for WiLD to resurface?

Didn't they do the same with the PS4?
It's not like the announcement won't advertise itself immediately after

So, this is where they will announce the acquisition of Take Two

Are you talking about this controller?

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Who cares about playstation anymore? All the hype is around PC, Nintendo and to a lesser extent xbox. I would rather buy one of those 3 platforms.


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>hype around PC and xbox


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Why should I take you seriously?


>hype around xbox
What the fuck am I reading?

You must be seriously detached from reality or very selective of the reality you choose to see if you haven't seen the 100s of threads about Halo: MCC on PC in the last week. Go on retardera and see all the hype around xbox and xcloud and those people are uber normies. If they're hyped then you can guarantee other casuals are hyped for this shit too. You barely see anyone talking about tlou2 or that Japanese ghosts game anywhere.

Calling it now, it'll be smaller announcements, some being third party, and small updates on big games like Tsushima and Last of Us, maybe.

Yea Forums will be disappointed that there was "nothing notable".

>"30 minutes of Please, Please, PLEASE buy Days Gone"
More like Sales Gone.

Attached: Smug Mythra 2.jpg (689x720, 82K)

>resetera is switching to xbox
and this is a bad thing for sony why? now they can stop censoring their games since the audience they're trying to appease wants a no-games streaming box from microsoft instead.

Yeah user, I'm really hyped about playing games I played years ago's like you're from the future or something...

>You barely see anyone talking about tlou2 or that Japanese ghosts game anywhere.
Your post made some sense until you got to the end. TLoU2 and Tsushima are both talked about plenty when new information is given, both here and there.

Not saying you're wrong about Halo MCC, you're 100% right. Just saying the last bit is wrong.

Xbox has hype outside Yea Forums.

I'm genuinely curious if you genuinely believe in these weird extreme absolutes or not.

The guy says Resetera has Xbox threads, and you then take that next logical stop of "that therefore means Sony will stop censoring their games". Sorry, what? One forum having some threads for a competitor means that?

Resetera posters are more representative of the market than anyone posting here for sure. If those casuals start hyping things then you can almost be certain that product will do well.

Not that it's a good thing but it is what it is.

this. remember all these posts predicting that it won't have any niche games when the same people are shitting on it later for showing too many niche games.

>Xbox has hype

its going to sold more than Xenoblade Cringenicles at least

It's all I care about. I don't give a shit about anything else.

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>not posting the one with all poses when she sits down

moar censorship

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E3 is a glorified stream that just costs companies several millions of $

why do that when you can just edit a video, upload it youtube/twitch and get the same results?

2 times

>Eric hitting new levels of COPE
That noose will be swinging after the absolute STATE of Playstation next week

Attached: Myrtha 1.jpg (1200x675, 143K)

apparently, Sony has a big second party game announcement left

also apparently From is working on another "very From-like project"

there is a good chance that it's going to be a new From title

I don't have that one. Post it

>PYF When

Attached: Bloodborne Epic.jpg (1920x1080, 217K)


Not even close to being true.
Better be fucking Sly 5 or Ape Escape 4 or I'm not really you CIA goatfuckers going to firebomb Sony HQ

How long has Blizzcon been doing it, zoomer?
Fuck outta here

>no GR3
i sleep

they will probably give some attention to the new Granblue Fantasy games (at leat I hope so)

also, hopefuly show something new about Project Awakening. Maybe even Babylon's Fall

also new From game is in the works, has every chace of being here

Changing names is retarded

What movie games could they possibly announce?

Persona 5 R teaser + Persona 3+4 remastered for the PS quadruple.
Screencap this.

Who's Eric?

Snoy copies Nintendo once again, snoyponies declare victory then get butthurt when they get called out. Quintessential videogame experience of this decade

No it isn't. E3 is more about fan interaction than anything else. Its the biggest event where fans and journos can go to Xbox, Nintendo and Sony booths (and more) to experience new games and see exclusive demos. The conference is only one part of the event. It's the biggest place where these big companies can take each other head on. Sony pulling out of it is a pussy move because we know they're most likely going to be back for E3 2020. Imagine Sony didn't have an E3 conference after Microsoft at E3 2013. We wouldn't have the crazy memories of what happened if they didn't show up. It wouldn't have been as catastrophic for Microsoft if Sony decided to do their own conference 6 months later. Everyone was eager to see these companies go head to head on the same stage and it delivered.

And the PSP is a souped-up GBA if you want to play that game.

PSN Name Change
Ghost Of Tsushima


Attached: jakdaxtertrilogy_hero.jpg (816x356, 118K)

judgment, granblue fantasy relink, granblue fantasy versus, project awakening and the new EDF games are all upcoming jap exclusives
also new catherine and persona5 definitive versions
also nioh2 and babylon's fall are upcoming ps4-pc titles

>m-muh NINENDO!
rent free

Jak and Daxter is a top 3 game series of all time in my opinion, but it's good to know when to end something on a high note and not milk it.

We still have gamescom

I mean it's cool to see other companies copying the direct idea but I feel like Sony doesn't release enough games to justify regular directs.

>come to this thread
>people bitching about Sony for no reason and crying because they "copied" Nintendo
What is it about Sony that makes people so angry?

Microsoft fucks over a lot of their developers and has started giving exclusive games to other platforms. Xbox will probably die out next generation.

Yeah, doesn't make a great deal of sense.

Fair enough, however I do believe that the trilogy should receive the same treatment as Crash/ Spyro with a modern remake.

Gamescom isn't anywhere near as influential as E3. E3 is the biggest gaming conference in the world, bigger than GDC, Gamescom etc. Whatever happens at E3 makes global headline gaming news. No one here can deny that they're excited for what news and games will come out of E3 every year.

>but I feel like Sony doesn't release enough games to justify regular directs.
Who says this is going to be a regular thing?

Yes it is.

You don't fucking get it, Sony isn't censoring to appease anybody, they are censoring because the people in charge now are themselves sjws. This isn't about the money, it's purely ideological.

Yeah, but if everyone leaves e3 we still have gamescom for the i teraction aspect, you know
And wasnt e3 non public until a few years ago anyway?

I didn't know gaming news site had their own games and consoles.

I meant this.

Attached: 2019-03-22-12-09-33--1759578227.jpg (241x209, 5K)

>What are you hoping to see bros?
Announcement of bankruptcy.

Attached: 1548040542831.jpg (225x225, 8K)

No it really isnt, either tell us what's different or shut up


I do think Sony fanboys who bash Nintendo are annoying. It goes both ways though. I like both PlayStation and Nintendo.

I quite literally just did in the post you quoted previously.
>>present info on multiple games along with new announcements about their console
a console maker showing multiple games from multiple devs coming to their console != a single developer showing videos about their games
I don't know how to make this clearer.

>Now look at the same fags protecting this.
ESL scum

>a console maker showing multiple games from multiple devs coming to their console != a single developer showing videos about their games
They are both annoucement livestreams though, its just that one has more power than others

Based Sony smother all Stadia hype

Attached: 1553147997723.jpg (1024x1024, 161K)

>I didn't know gaming news site had their own games and consoles.
>no its not the same because nintendo did different
well sony may do it different so its not copying directs at all glad we came to an agreement

Sly Cooper HD Tetrology please

Yeah but nothing compares to E3 and this constant damage control for Sony basically being fucking Pussies needs to stop. This can ONLY make sense if Sony caught wind of a MS/Nintendo collaboration where they might feel it will be bad press for them to show up in light of that. They already have bad press from much lesser things like Microsoft and Nintendo allowing fortnite cross-play but Sony didn't allow it. That one tweet of the guy who complained about it got over 1m retweets so it was a huge deal for them and gave them a lot of bad press in general.

>Post yfw PS All-Stars 2 gets revealed and it's another "Everyone is Here" but with a roster which is 2 times bigger

what difference does it make if the company does it themselves instead of having the media shill it for them? either way, it's still a glorified infomercial. face it, there's nothing original about nintendo directs. in fact, microsoft was already making "inside xbox" videos years before nintendo directs were a thing.

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>They already have bad press from much lesser things like Microsoft and Nintendo allowing fortnite cross-play
that's been quietly removed, by the way, and microsoft and epic are getting a free pass just because they're not sony. now the switch only has crossplay with smartphones.

To be honest I don't even know that many memorable playstation characters that would suit that other than PS1/2 mascots

Sony is so far ahead they can afford skipping an E3 and like other anons said they have multiple big events throughout the year they can participate in

>Donte gets swapped for Nero
I'd be in orbit.

Bro, with the Standia coming out does anyone even fucking care anymore?

Nintendo never skipped e3 tho

They actually did, instead of a direct or conference they just had a 3 day long Treehouse

You know the counter.

Xenoblade 2 isn't even a top 10 selling game on Switch.
The squid game sold over 4x as much.

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showing a direct is not the same as an actual press conference and you know it. there's nothing special about a direct when they do them year-round.


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Seems someone here needs a help
>New Kratos, has a different moveset and Atreus tags along with him kinda like Ice Climbers in Smash
>Hunter from Bloodborne
>Making Kessler his own character (effectively making Cole the Link of PSASBR)
>Adding in the 6 cut DLC characters (Abe from Oddworld, Dart Feld from Legend of Dragoon, Chun-Li, Sub-Zero, Tomba and Ryu Hayabusa)
>Raven from Gravity Rush
>Chris Redfield
>Rayman (Rabbids are having crossovers with Mario, not him)
>Joel & Ellie

this, even Days Gone isnt the multibillion seller game Sony is aiming for, at least its going to sell more than XB2

Except every new generation is a clean slate for both the companies and the consumers. Companies like Microsoft are slowly gaining mindshare just because they're communicating more. There's a lot of uncertainty about the future of playstation going into next gen and their plans whereas the long term plans for Nintendo and Microsoft are already out there.

Consumers don't like uncertainty. Hell Sony shares dropped yesterday because of Scadia because a small fraction of the shareholders probably sold off what they own due to the uncertainty of Sony being able to compete.

>Days Gone April
>September Ghost of Tsushima?
>October/November TLOU2
This seems like it would be possible, with Death Stranding Feb-March 2020

bloodborne hunter
demon souls slayer
helghast dude
infamous dude
dragons's crown char
nioh dude
journey dude

I don't care about all the cinematic crap. Give me Dreams VR or give me death

Switch is the system for lolichads
mommycucks fuck off

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He meant newcomers
Also Joker is already in Smash, doesn't count.

Sony doesn't give a shit about Xbox since they're destroying then this generation. Not only that but, they already have their proven to be good already first party developers.

4pe Esc4pe

>>September Ghost of Tsushima?
>Against AC
>>October/November TLOU2
>Against a fucking core pokemon game plus Awakening

What could possible be wrong??

>I want a release date for Ghost of Tsushima
This. All this secrecy is actually making me angry. Why are they keeping us in the dark? It's maddening.

>Companies like Microsoft are slowly gaining mindshare just because they're communicating more.
user Xbone is still in the eternal 3rd place and soon its lifetime sales are going to get passed by the Switch, not to mention their exclusives are painfully mediocre

>Hell Sony shares dropped yesterday because of Scadia because a small fraction of the shareholders probably sold off what they own due to the uncertainty of Sony being able to compete.
Are you going to post proof or..?

Proportionate to the hype, its not even worth it.

Dunno too much about XBC2, only heard about it after it was released, but Days Gone has been batted around for about 3 years now and I just can't bring myself to care about it, it just looks bland and derivative

Why do Sony games take so long to make? I don't want a running dripfeed on every new IP's development for 3 years up to release

So you accept it?

>Proportionate to the hype, its not even worth it.
I thought this place said that game had no hype

Sounds like the yearly cod or asscred is more your speed

Copying Nintendo again? But I think it's a good thing. Sony has been way too quiet lately

No fuck you, MGS1 or MGS3 remake by Bluepoint incoming.

>Except every new generation is a clean slate for both the companies and the consumers.
no it isn't. sega never recovered from the sega cd-32x-saturn debacle, even despite the fact that the dreamcast was pretty good. nintendo still hasn't snapped out of the also-ran, "secondary console" role that sony demoted them to in the '90s, even with the wii's success. some trends do stick and a new geeration isn't enough to change them.
>Companies like Microsoft are slowly gaining mindshare just because they're communicating more.
first of all, the idea of microsoft as some small company that needs to "gain mindshare" is ridiculous. microsoft has had mindshare on lock since the '90s.
also, all the communication from microsoft these days is negative for the xbox. they have a massive flop of a console right now. instead of telling the consumer how exactly they're going to do better next time, they're giving the few games that the xbone had to competing platforms and making it look like they're going third-party like sega did. if you think the future is uncertain for playstation, i can't imagine how you'd think it's brighter for xbox.
>Hell Sony shares dropped yesterday because of Scadia
yeah, and nintendo's shares dropped when smash came out. it's called "buy the rumors, sell the news."

>AC coming in September
>Against a fucking core pokemon game
TLOU and Pokemon fanbases are two different groups of people


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AC is October traditionally, as in the last 4 years of games. Also no AC this year.
>against things not on their console
TLOU2 isn't a new IP by a small indie studio, there isn't anything to compete in October against TLOU2 for what the mass people who buy those games wants.

Its been shown off at plenty of conferences, problem is its felt like white noise for years. Sometimes its as though some exclusives' reason for being is to fill time at expos rather than actually get released. Unlike Death Stranding, Days Gone doesn't have anything that grabs attention

>playstation direct
ya'll wanna be nintendo SOOOO BAD

Based retard.

>Why do Sony games take so long to make?
because that's how long it takes if you want to deliver a polished product. rushing through an annual release cycle to cater to no-attention-span zoomers is how you get shovelware like asscreed and nu-pokemon.

>user Xbone is still in the eternal 3rd place and soon its lifetime sales are going to get passed by the Switch, not to mention their exclusives are painfully mediocre

Imagine being this detached from reality. Xbox doesn't need to sell this gen for them to gain mindshare. Everything they're doing is in preparation for next gen and they've publicly admitted that. They've announced 2 new consoles, a new streaming service, plans for an affordable subscription service etc, bought up several new studios and have commissioned several new games etc. This builds consumer and shareholder confidence because of what I mentioned before about every generation being a clean slate. Wii did amazingly well but the Wii U flopped. The 360 did amazingly well but the xbox one flopped in comparison. The ps2 did amazingly well but the ps3 flopped in comparison. Consumers don't hold brand loyalty like people on this echochamber. All of what is being done now is putting Microsoft in a better position going into next gen than Sony right now and pulling out of E3 doesn't help them at all.

>Google's entrance into the gaming sector has raised questions about the future of companies such as Sony and Nintendo, which have long dominated the space along withMicrosoft.

Imagine being this deluded. Don't @ me again unless you're going to put your fanboyism and delusions behind you.

>the absolute state of PlayStation

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Assassin's Creed used to be really good though, like 2, Brotherhood or 4.


MediEvil release date. Don't really care much for whatever else they're working on.

>inb4 Halloween 2019

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I specifically remember Sony trying to rip off Directs before and they dropped it after two AWFUL attempts.

>All those zoomer tendies that dont know Nintendo copied Sony

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State of Play? More like "State of Decay"!

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Discord tranny.

Tendies can't fucking meme

No AssCreed this year besides AC3 Remastered next week.

>They've announced 2 new consoles
They havent, just rumors floating on the internet
>a new streaming service
Which if Stadia is anything to go by, streaming games is a plan to fail
>bought up several new studios and have commissioned several new games etc
Where are they?
>All of what is being done now is putting Microsoft in a better position going into next gen than Sony right now
If that were true they would show that improvement through sales and game quality

>PULSE - 2012
>DIRECT - 2011
when snoy are destroying themselves, you know shits bad

Except those rumors have been confirmed time and time again.

Your opinion on streaming doesn't matter. It's another service customers can engage in and one more reason for someone to invest in their ecosystem.

Iirc they have 3 games coming this year being ori, fable reboot and gears 5 with perfect dark reboot and they battle toads game rumoured to come as well.

And they have shown improvement.

You can leave your bubble of delusion now.

>Imagine being this deluded. Don't @ me again unless you're going to put your fanboyism and delusions behind you.
says the guy pretending that microsoft has announced two consoles (they haven't), several new games (nowhere to be found), and has "gained mindshare" (they're microsoft, the already have all the mindshare they need, people just don't like their product).
my post has actual facts that you have no arguments for.

nintendo wants to be microsoft SOOOO BAD

Attached: insidexbox.jpg (470x264, 23K)

hopefully we get some confirmation that ff7r still exists
happy that sony is using the nintendo direct style for this, hopefully they continue to do this because it'd be great if more companies did it this way

Cause it's a PS5 launch title, same as Death Stranding

Facts right? Prove that they didn't buy new studios and didn't commission new games. I'll wait.
Yikes tendies seething 24/7

>so(n)y calling ANYONE tranny
refer to webm

>Some blog is the same as doing online presentations with new announcements


Not him, but do you think MS will keep those games Xbox or PC exclusive? They've been talking about "playing everywhere" for a while now.

it aint about who did it first its about who did it right
and microsoft STILL isnt doing it right

hence why nintendo directs and other news gets stickied

>Except those rumors have been confirmed time and time again.
You said they announced them yet there's no official announcement from Microsoft, so until they do they are just rumors
>Your opinion on streaming doesn't matter.
Good thing its not only my opinion, but a general agreement that game streaming is a poor concept
>Iirc they have 3 games coming this year being ori, fable reboot and gears 5 with perfect dark reboot and they battle toads game rumoured to come as well.
I know Ori and Gears were announced but those come from Microsoft studios and none of them came from the studios they bouht, Battletoads exist but as a teaser with no gameplay or anything shown, PD and Fable Reboots are a fanfic of yours
>major console growth
Yet they are still on last place each month

Will this get a sticky or will the piece of shit nintendofan tranny janitors show their bias again?

The absolute state of play

man how come snoys become such easy pushovers? This is no fun winning everytime

>Published 2012

You can stop now. You're embarrassing yourself.

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>xbox has highest growth highest growth
>one x performing phenomenally
>Still get outsold every month
Xcuck cope.

where are the games? promises of future games mean nothing from microsoft after they cancelled scalebound, fable legends, the phantom dust remake, project knoxville, and the unnamed black tusk ip. i need to see actual games that i can play.

Being angry at Sony for censorship is just too easy. Were are the loli cunnies on Xbox or Steam? Why is Reddit banning anime?

The problem is America. And until America stops their moral panic the censorship stays.

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The answer is just to nuke america.

>it aint about who did it first
then why are nintendo fans seething about sony "copying nintendo," then? it isn't about who did it first, right?
>hence why nintendo directs and other news gets stickied
nintendo directs get stickied because it's a nintendo-biased board. and even then, it's not like stickying a thread accomplishes anything since people still spam 90% of the catalog anyway.

What I want to see: Dreams release date. TLOU2 release date and trailer. Death Stranding release date and trailer. Ghost of Tsushima release date and trailer.

What I expect to see: Days Gone trailer. Talk about 100 million PS4s sold and other sales statistics. Ghost of Tsushima release date and trailer. Remakes/multiplats/crap no one cares about. Probably end the show with TLOU2 or DS teaser an no info.

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uuh Nintendo also holds gay parades so in fact both of you are trannies

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>Nintendo biased board

Imagine actually being this much of a conspiracy theory fucking fanboy faggot. Absolutely fucking pathetic.

Well the switch is iconic so I'm happy to see it being the best seller every month. NPD doesn't release exact numbers all the time so we don't know which positions xbox and ps4 come in, just they they're behind the switch.

As far as we know from that same guy the x1x is outselling the pro in the us but we didn't get given numbers and it was very vague. I wouldn't be surprised though. The demand for a powerful console is great especially with the insane sales of 4k TV in the last year.

Whenever anyone mentions fable legends you just know they're an idiot. You must really love always-online moba's right?

Ubisoft literally has 4 studios across the world doing nothing but make AssCreed. We are talking thousands of people.

So how do Sonyfags cope after they're done playing Bloodborne?


Sony is fucking dead.

Seething tranny.

they had videos back then with info on new games. face it, nintendo copied microsoft.

What is your shameful PSN name?

By playing other games, shame the other systems cant share the same fate

Neither Sony or Nintendo have a lack of games.

Man its really pathetically sad how S(n)oy just lost against Tendie manchildren in this board
how the giant has fallen

I mean Vita outsold the WiiU which had tons of hype not only from Nintendofags, not to mention its still getting some games while even Nintendo decided to bury it asap

Probably by playing HZD, God of War, or Spider-Man.

Nice quads xXxDarthMaul4895785756xXx

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Which one? The movie about the robots in niggertown or the movie about Kratos being a stay at home dad?

Dreams early access is coming soon, strong possibility that we'll get a release date monday

>its really pathetically sad
The only pathetic person here is you phoneposter, must suck having sony living in your head rent free

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oh fug
so mad xD

at least it was a game. right now, the only games xbox has are dust collector and paperweight simulator.

>no argument only memes
It's ok junior, you did your best


why try starting shit with me when you have your own battle with the manchildren to worry about

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>you have your own battle with the manchildren to worry about
But I thought i was already engaged with you

Horizon 4 is the best racer I've ever played. If there's any competition to it it's underground 2 but this game is so much more fun. Underground 2 has the nostalgia effect though. Either way it's one game I can only play on my xbox not my ps4.

They try this one time and was fucking awful

oh fug
so mad xD


t. Xxfagg07Li(k3r_4206969xX

>I mean Vita outsold the WiiU
Vita DID in fact outsell the Wii U, that is correct. But if we compare it to something within the same market place, 3DS beat it to a pulp, and both handhelds started out terribly.
>its still getting some games while even Nintendo decided to bury it asap
this can't be farther from the truth
Sony abandoned the Vita way before Nintendo jumped shipped. They stopped mentioning it in almost all E3's and events, while nintendo stuck with the Wii U until the release of the Switch (Breath of the Wild).
In terms of Third party games, both are still getting it

oh fug
so mad xD

Sure. Or people in America rise up.


But they won't, all people will do is cry on Yea Forums.

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oh fug
so mad xD


I am playing 999 currently.

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>didnt use a period this time
what a fucking idiot

Screencap this tomorrow the switch is getting persona 5 R

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Nintendo also did it first. Sony again copying because they can't do shit for themselves except put a shitty light bar on their controller so literal retards know which one is theirs.


Missed your period, phoneposter.

The time has come for a new Ratchet and Clank game.

now you're reaching

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That's how it always is with Sony this gen, they show the same 3 or 4 big titles for several showings in a row while slowly swapping in new ones when they eventually come out, and then have to somehow pad out the rest of their show with boring shit. I am guessing they 're going the Nintendo direct route because they can then do the same song and dance without booking 2 hours of stage time.
That said this better be a really good fucking Sony direct, I barely even play my ps4 any more and haven't subbed to ps+ in three years.

Sony always has livestream events. Why are you guys saying they're NOW copying Nintendo directs? Also what's wrong with livestreams showcasts? Can Nintendo only do it now?

It's gonna be hysterical when all they do is talk about Days Gone, Kojima's movie and The Lesbian of Us 2.


All those questions have a simple answer: its not ok when sony does it

>Why do you hate me father, would it be better if i had joycons

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Nah the only reason fake Nintendo leakers caught on as big as it has is because of brand name recognition in Nintendo making it easy to generate cliclbait since even if you know what they'll announce you don't know when they'll do it.
Sony and PlayStation carry expectations though, you can't just pull shit out of your ass and have a hundred dozen people fall for it. Plus news on "potentially confirmed rumor leaks from anonymous sources" isn't something PlayStation fans look forward to, it wouldn't give sites much revenue.

>Horizon 4 is the best racer I've ever played.
yeah, and the definitive version of it is on pc.

Also because Nintendofags are easy to fool, I mean they circlejerked over the Grinch leak for months until they got told hard

>Nah the only reason fake Nintendo leakers caught on as big as it has because of nintendo fans' desperation and gullibility.

>here isn't anything to compete in October against TLOU2
COD say hi

So is every multiplat ever made or games like Nioh and SFV. No one takes issue with anyone playing Nioh or SFV on ps4 so why are you taking issue with someone playing a console exclusive game on the console its console exclusive to?

Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft are all talentless, copying faggots. They copied the Atari 2600 because it has a button on its controller. The DualShock 4, Joy Cons and Xbox One controller have buttons. In Atari games you play as a character and you can do things. On PS4, Switch and Xbox One you also play as a character who does things. Coincidence? I think not.


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Nope, if you are with friends you still get crossplay. Kys mongoloid

I like that dudes beard, on his way to gandalf status.

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>Sony caters to fags
>Nintendo caters to dykes
The console wars make so much sense now.

>copies both Nintendo Direct and Inside Xbox
Somehow I know this will be 10 times worse.

>get your "eric" boogeyman shitposts deleted on /vp/
>no choice but to crawl back here
End yourself.

Attached: poppi threads.png (845x265, 26K)


the difference is
the nintendo parade is full of just normal looking people who happen to like the same sex
save for the 2 furfags in that photo

sony's parade is a motley crew of drags, trannies and other obscenities

the difference is that other platforms have exclusives to supplement the multiplats. the xbone only has halo 5, and it's shit. and with the way things are going, that will be ported to pc too.

>implying Sony didn't have their own "Direct" years before Nintendo

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>the nintendo parade is full of normal people as long as you ignore the ones who aren't!
solid argument.

You forgot about these guys
>Ari & Stan
>Max & Monica
>Jaster Rogue
>Jeanne D'arc

Exclusives don't sell consoles. If you think they do then you're severely detached from reality. Go and look at the top 10 best selling games announced just a week ago for February and you'll see on ps4 and xbox one the top 5 are all multiplat like anthem which is best played on PC. If people really cared about exclusives games like bloodborne wouldn't sell worse than fucking anthem on the same platform even though anthem got a lot of hate in the press as well. Exclusives are borderline irrelevant.

What game would you like them to announce?

i can't believe sony was already ripping off nintendo directs in 1998!

Attached: sonyjampack.jpg (1500x1307, 473K)

E3 costs money

I'm actually happy they'll start doing this, I don't care if it's "copying Nintendo" (it's not because Nintendo didn't invent news streams).

there's a ATR for that on the 26th so i doubt it

and yet the system without any exclusives is in a distant third place. if exclusives didn't matter, nintendo wouldn't be what it is today.
keep coping with the fact that you paid $500 for a system with literally only one game that can't be played elsewhere (for now), though.

Metal gear solid 6
Phantasy star
Final fantasy 16
Silent hills
Dino crisis
Ape escape

>literally called "the absolute STATE of play"
you can't be real right now

>Furfag in fur costume head and paws
>Normal looking

its possible to ignore 2 people
it isnt possible to ignore a couple hundred drags and trannies
and i didnt say normal people either

>what is reading comprehension

You think it's in 3rd place because of exclusives? Holy shit you people can't even keep the narrative straight. Everyone knows the xbox one flopped because it was more expensive for worse hardware and there were concerns over the camera and being always online. If exclusives are the be and all end all of consoles then why did the xbox one sell 3 times as much as the Wii U which is like 99% exclusive games? Even if every single xbox game was exclusive it would still sell badly because game performance and resolution is sub par going by modern standards. Most games can't even achieve 1080p and we know through actual surveys that the number 1 factor for buying a ps4 back in 2015 was because of "higher resolution".

Bloodborne is supposed to be the best game on the ps4 according to a mass of vocal critics and fans yet it has barely broken 3 million sales in 4 years. Meanwhile GTA 5 for ps4 came out in the same year and has sold over 50 million units. The FACTS show exclusives don't sell consoles or else exclusives would he the best selling games on the platform.

Sony copies Nintendo yet again. What is this like the 10,000 time?

>ignore the weirdos cause nintendo
>don't ignore the cause sony
Seems a bit hypocritical.

Nioh 2 footage plus beta schedule announcement
screenshot this post


my point is, ignore the 2 furfags theres still a parade

ignore all the drags and trannies, theres no longer a parade

but lets say you dont ignore the 2 furfags in the nintendo parade
what now?

btw, I never said to ignore the 2 furfags, all i said was that everyone appears normal except for them

Why can't you just ignore everyone on both parades? You know, considering a gay parade would still be a gay parade without the video game names.

>its possible to ignore 2 people
but it's not possible to ignore 5 people on a float when it's sony?

>State Of Play is happening in march
>Smash Ultimate was revealed in march

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there are zero IP's Sony owns that I am interested in. Why should I watch this shit

Please no

>ignore the 2 furfags
>I never said to ignore the 2 furfags

good thing nobody's forcing you to watch it, then.

Then don't watch it? I'm sure Yea Forums will have multiple threads about it regardless what you do.


desu I was hoping someone would bluepill me on the idea of this stream, but I suppose I play some other shit instead.

Nintendo kiddies aren't welcome here.

ignore was the wrong word, i mean what i said in my original post

Again, not remotely competition. CoD will outsell everything this year, but its not going to kill a TLOU2 release. CoD and RDR2 both existed in the same month, a week apart, and both titles sold a ridiculous amount

same fag

Attached: Holy+bowsers+backround+is+peach+_c73d3e6a498b8c857edfcddfdb422276.jpg (800x800, 137K)

>Everyone knows the xbox one flopped because it was more expensive for worse hardware and there were concerns over the camera and being always online.
and yet backpedaling from all that 1984 shit didn't save the brand. the xbone x didn't save the brand.
the real reason why the xbone is still failing is pretty simple. microsoft never gave anyone a compelling reason to choose an xbox over other platforms to play multiplats on. if you care about performance, you'll play every multiplat on pc anyway. if you care about having exclusives to go with those multiplats, the xbone doesn't have any. the xbone has no selling point of its own.

>All these seething falseflagging Xcucks

LOL if this is better than your average Inside Cuckbox episode, the tears will be delicious

Again with the delusion. It's like I'm talking to a 13 year old.

The console market doesn't overlap with the PC market. If someone wants a powerful console they buy an xbox one x. They don't even think about PC. It has several selling points of it's own from being the most powerful console which actually boosted sales upon release (see the other thread) to controller preference to subscription services like gamepass for those who just want games but don't know which ones to play (like Netflix) and it saves spending $60 on a game to end up regretting it.

Don't reply again if you're going to keep showing off that you literally have no friends or any social life, because if you did you'd know console gamers never, ever consider PC. Those xbox games are exclusive to them if you want to twist is like that. Not that exclusives make a difference.

Xboners aren't the ones getting hyped for censored games.


Why does Sony censor games people actually want to play but doesn't sensor games like TLOU with Jewish dyke kissing all over the place?

>the xbone has no selling point of its own.
Sports games for hyper-normalfags and black people.


Because it isn't anime and from Japan and the current Sony hates anime and games from Japan..

Is this gonna be on Twitch? If so how hard would it be to rig up a bunch of bots that would spam “STOP CENSORSHIP” in the chat?

You can play sports games on pretty much any platform.

Surprised it took this long for Sony to copy the "direct" format.

xbox does literally the same shit and nobody batted an eye about "copying"

now that PS does it its suddenly a bad thing

seething nintendies

Attached: ps.png (633x874, 56K)

>Dreams paid beta launches April
>Yakuza 3+4+5 PS4 get a physical release in May/June, while Digital is seperate and released right after direct

Those are the 2 things we have heard will be shown so far, and have been confirmed to us.

Other shit, like a new Ninja Turtle game, Persona 5 S, and Disgaea 2 remake have been rumoured, but not confirmed.

Don't you know things are only bad if Sony does it?

Sony has been doing this type of format even before Nintendo and xbox but of course zoomers wouldn't remember playstation underground.

What's your source on Dreams for april?

god i fucking hate that chinafucker

I'm kinda interested in Ghost of Tsushima, but the game looked a little TOO good in it's presentation. I expect a downgrade.

they are gonna have more of these just like nintendo and xbox

its coming on some of these streams. it makes sense

Current Sony hates both gaming and their fans by the looks of it
>pulls out of psx
>gives a big middle finger to fans and pulls out of e3
>tells fans they don't really want back compat and "who would play this"
>charges for background downloads
>bans fans from playing with friends on other platforms in a game they don't even own
>CEO says he wants less games
>charges $100 for a Chinese knockoff tier emu-box running an open source emulator
>memories of $599

>State of Play


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>Again with the delusion. It's like I'm talking to a 13 year old.
it's not "delusion," it's reality. the xbone is a flop, it's completely irrelevant, and that's a fact.
>The console market doesn't overlap with the PC market.
i disagree, and i'd say the port-begging and the amount of effort that has gone into emulation on pc speak for themselves there.
>If someone wants a powerful console they buy an xbox one x.
and yet the xbone x flopped. turns out that's a pretty small market. the type of people obsessed with having the most powerful hardware are going to have a pc anyway, and nobody else is going to buy a no-games machine no matter how powerful it is.
>Don't reply again if you're going to keep showing off that you literally have no friends or any social life, because if you did you'd know console gamers never, ever consider PC.
you're out of touch. this isn't the '90s anymore. pc gaming is normalfag central now. there's a reason why reddit is full of unironic pc mustards.

>pulls out of e3
To be honest that's the best thing in the sea of shitty things they've done, everyone should just pull out of that cesspool and do their own events instead.

What's with the console war shitposting ITT? It's even worse than usual

Death Stranding isn't going to be there.

Isn't E3 just a big event for corporate and journalists to wank eachother's dicks? that could go away and benefit everyone.

E3 2013 is what made Sony famous and now they're not even bothering to show up. If they at least said they had plans for a similar scale event of their own it would probably be less of a problem for some people but they literally pulled out and said nothing about it except citing a lack of games. They truly are detached from their fanbase.


try 06

Show me evidence it flopped when all evidence we have about sales suggest its performing well especially compared to the ps4 pro.

most of the major sports games are multiplat.

can't censor games when you don't have any to begin with.

But the people who started mentioning nintendo are nintendofags

even after all the hype about the xbone x and its "power," microsoft is in a distant third place behind the ps4 and even the fucking switch. that's the proof. the brand has tanked so much that microsoft is too ashamed to even release sales numbers anymore.

try 1995.
e3 peaked right then and there and it was never that good again.

So you have no proof the xbox one x is selling bad? Ok. At least you admit you were speaking out of your ass.

And Microsoft doesn't release hardware sales for any of their divisions even surface which is insanely successful. Educate yourself again before replying.

not even close, 90% of the hilariousandoriginal memes people regurgitate about sony all came from 06.

>State of Play
Was thinking up a cooler name too hard?

Attached: 1465855609171.png (1060x1080, 897K)

>And Microsoft doesn't release hardware sales for any of their divisions even surface which is insanely successful.
they used to. then the xbone flopped so hard that they were too embarrassed to release sales numbers anymore.

How much has Microsoft been paying you this whole time?

they've been using it for years on email newsletters as a weekly recap

im excited

Their decision to not release any hardware figures was a business wide decision, brainlet. They only release revenue figures for all their hardware they sell even the successful ones like surface and I explained it you before. It has nothing to do with xbox at all this decision was taken by the company as a whole. Cope harder with your fanfic that xbox was as relevant as it was.

I can't wait to see what epic first party games games will be announced for a 2023 release

>Their decision to not release any hardware figures
...would not have been made if the xbone didn't flop HARD.
microsoft proved it years later when they finally made the lame excuse that they had moved on to "other key metrics of success" instead of sales.

>stops releasing figures company wide
>its because of xbox!!

Nice fanfic.