Vlambeer co-founder says "sucks to be you" and "you got out businessed" to Valve over EGS exclusives


>Nuclear Throne developer Rami Ismail says that Valve was simply “out-businessed” over Metro Exodus’ move from Steam to the Epic Games store. In an interview with PCGamesN at Yorkshire Games Festival (which we’ll be publishing in full later today), the Vlambeer co-founder made fun of Valve’s statement, which said that the game’s move was “unfair” to consumers.
>Ismail says that “the only thing I will argue in Valve’s favour is that it was a game that was up from pre-order that was pulled, and I think being transparent about that messaging is important. But Valve arguing anything being unfair, with the position they’re in, they just got out-businessed. I’m sorry, it sucks to be you.”

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>Vlambeer co-founder


You just posted this thread a hour ago

do they want people to hate them?

Some indie hack who made a moderately successful game (Nuclear Throne) half a decade ago and now thinks he's God's gift to the industry.

roll dubs and ill killl myself

>Vlambeer co-founder
I have no fucking idea what that is but he sounds like a nu-male hipster frappuccino craft beer sipping manbun subhuman. I can already see how that failed aboriton looks right before my eyes

Are we just gonna get spammed by the same Epic threads over and over again for months?

You forget this is the same "gamers are dead" crowd. They hate video games and their audiences.


It really does come across from these articles that they think the only people they have to talk to on the planet are Valve

How professional of him. Guess I'll only be pirating games he makes form now on then.

New to Yea Forums, kid?

Maybe the next game will be at 60 fps on PC with the help of the chinese

>entitled developers

Yes. And all it takes is one guy with proxies.

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Doesn't epic realise all this shilling and animosity on consumers isn't going to be conducive to healthy competition? Its like they've already thrown the facade away and shown their true intentions and tactics upfront.

It's like he's trying to be the Wendys twitter account IRL.

you spend here too much time

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reminder the 30 year old boomer shit was created by a single autist spamming his forced meme for months until newfags picked it up

Lmao fuckin owned steam. But hes unironically right

>Rami Ismail is a fucking idiot
Stop the presses
Guy can't even figure out how to make a game widescreen and thinks putting screenshake on everything makes it better

>Metro Exodus 60 fps settings

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>pirates game
>"You got out businessed. Sucks to be you."

It was unfair for the consumers, though. If Valve truly got outdone by EGS, the latter wouldn't need to be anti-consumer and lock games to their platform.

I guess hard work and autism pays off in the end

Rerolling for you

>Rami Ismail
that guy is a flaming faggot

this dude is actually one of the cooler indie dudes. but steam fanbois can't see past gaben's nutsack draped over their eyeballs to recognize the truth in any negative comment lobbed at their bear dom faggot lover

i dont want you to kys

Would devs rather get 88% of $0.00 or 70% of $60? Because I will never buy any games on any other launcher. It's not loyalty to Valve, I don't give a shit about Valve. I'm just LAZY. L A Z Y.

”out got out businessed there bud”
Said literally who Developer to a multi billion dollar company

Maybe Valve could make games and treat their customer base better instead of shitty updates and pushing gambling on children.

Soon theyre going to be calling Epic games the industries bad boy.

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Based and slothpilled

Epic is paying for a minimum amount of sales. If they don't get that many Epic makes up the difference. The consumer literally does not matter they are just buying out developers.

Don't do it user you have so much to live for.
Thin of all the videogames and epic wojak and pepe edits you'll miss out on!

Why has nobody pointed out how he looks like a Chernobyl survivor.

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This competition is somewhat a good thing, cause valve will have to get up off their asses and start making real shit again.

>rami ismail
>cool indie
Damn, epic shill really is low.

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It just gives people a reason to pirate shit. It easier to pirate something then download another piece of Spyware.

Imagine if Valve responded to this by throwing all of his games off Steam.
Do you think he could survive off GoG and Epic alone?

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Rami is a highly unlikable fuck. He kept selling broken games on Steam for years because he wasn't willing to open game maker and change a few settings. Fuckers don't even know how to change their games to 60fps because they don't know where that toggle is either.

They probably could honestly since they already made the money they will off steam. Plus it would just make steam look bad.

Fucking evil corporations, they should get paid less and use Lord Gaben's DRM client because that's what the mindless sheeple want!

This isn't news, indiecucks are at the forefront of epic shilling, because they have the most to gain from bigger cut, and exclusivity lumpsum cash deals. Not to mention the exposure of being TAKEN OFF STEAM PAY ATTENTION MY INDIE GAME I TOOK IT OFF STEAM! Which is infinitely more exposure than being buried in the thousands of games released daily on Steam. A lot of soiboi faggot indies salty over missing the indue gold rush blame Steam for their failure, when most of them are too busy telling their potential customers not to buy their games on twitter to virtue signal to other SanFran/Silicon Valley SJW cucks.

Begun, the platform wars has

>since they already made the money they will off steam
They're still an indie dev though.

So? They were a successful indie dev and sold a bunch on steam. They've made their money and any sales they're getting now is just gravy.

remove kebab

It's true though. Valve takes like 30% of game revenue and only reduces it for AAA developers when in reality it should be the other way around. Most indie devs are fuckasses, it's true, but they usually fail anyway. The good ones, which would usually be successful, are the ones that get fucked by Valve the hardest. So I for one welcome the Epic Store, because Valve will actually have to compete with them eventually to keep their top spot. Hopefully this means they'll actually try and be more reasonable.

Also at the end of the day, Steam is bloatware DRM just like any other platform. It takes like what? A few megabytes on your game harddrive to install a new one? We're already way past the point of fighting against DRM.

Honestly, if I were a DRM developer, I'd try making a transparent one that works under the hood and out of the way of players. I don't know why anyone hasn't thought of this yet. E.G. a stealth mode to Steam where it just launches the game and then automatically shuts off when you close the game. All of this "friends list" and "community" shit really isn't necessary.

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