Other urls found in this thread:
dont tell me you were actually looking forward to this shit
RPGs like it don't grow on trees the last one was new vegas
Why were Obsidrones so quick to turn on their dick gargling target as soon as the Epic exclusivity was announced? Bunch of turncoats on top of having shit taste if I'm to be honest
Spoony was always right about everything.
They didint betray shit
Steam is and was always terrible, other things was just worse.
>Not just grabbing it with a five finger discount and then getting the Steam version a year later if you liked it
The game isn't even out yet for fucks sake. How can you say "RPGs like this don't grow on trees" without even playing it? Just pirate it like any other sensible person.
muh steam
not anymore
Ever since EGS came to be I've been encountering even more reasons to stop playing videogames than usual.
For the last time, I don't want to play fucking Fortnite!
I pirate most games anywhere, but this outrage over Epic is ridiculous. Why does everyone like getting fucked by Steam so much?
>muh Chink boogeyman
>muh data stealing
Both of these "arguments" are blown way out of proportion. Sweeney owns more than 50% of the company so for every shitty thing they do, blame him, not the chinks. The data collection image that's being spammed here has been debunked, the only thing the Epic store accesses is one Steam file with your friends list. Not saying that's okay either, but the entire campaign against Epic is based on almost complete bullshit. The only actually valid argument against Epic is their push for "exclusivity" and almost nobody actually discusses that because every thread is drowned by "MUH CHINKS STEALING DATA". As if your data isn't being collected by every single site/app/service you use.
Whether you are aiming for clicks or yous breathless outrage will get you more than well reasoned opinions.
Fuck off chang
There it is, like pottery
Is the Windows Store just so egregious that no one ever brings it up in these discussions?
Whatever this game was too full of red flags to be excited for it anyway. I have other stuff I'm looking forward to currently.
Why is everyone posting this guy?
Whose us?
Do you folks really believe steam isn't stealing your data as much as Epic store is?
Obsidiots get what they deserve
Is what egregious?
I've seen people unironically argue that it's okay as long as Americans are doing it. People don't even understand the point of companies collecting their data. They think someone is personally digging through their files to find dirt on them or whatever
Are they selling it? What indication of this do you have?
What happened now
Someone spoonfeed me
What indication do you have that Epic are collecting and selling your data?
Outer Worlds confirmed Epic store exclusive.
I don't? I mean they're chinese. But anyway I just thought you knew something, my bad.
>Obsidian without Avellone
It was shit from the start
I wasn't that guy, I'm just amused by the fact that people are shitposting about Epic and defending Steam while Steam had been doing the exact same thing for 15 years
But what have they been doing? Do you have proof or something that shows it?
Is that it?
That's like crying you'll have to walk to another game store because your favourite one doesn't have it stocked.
No, like I said I didn't even make the claim that Steam steals or sells your data. They definitely collect it though, literally every online service collects your data in some way.
Same reason nobody talks about mobile gaming.
I love how the argument now is "whatever, I wasn't even excited for this!". Whad sad coping. Give it a pirate guys, nobody will judge you.
It's also coming to the windows store.
>unironically wanting to buy a game that references to a character from rick and morty
What? Sauce?
especially not taking his meds
>Buying Obshitian games
All my data is already on steam, why would they steal it?
I was asking for a source on the reference to Rick and Morty
whats bad about this pic??
It's easy to explain. Just look at Epic's current actions and imagine that except with more market share.
Imagine a store where devs are allowed to disable reviews. Where epic signs exclusivity deals for all of the major AAA devs to force you to their store. Which scans your PC in places where it has no business being (I believe in their EULA they say they have the right to even "exploit" your data).
This is why Epic has to be stopped while they can be stopped.
The writing.
It's in the trailer, the scientist looks like Rick.
Obsidian is full of SJW's and leftists, they were never your friend.
>stolen/russian steam keys
>actual legit copies of the game
Oh. That's it? He just happens to look kinda like him? I guess this only bothers autistic people.
His name is also Kir which is Rick backwards almost
>user reviews
Steam itself is proof that these are literally never helpful, and are just a tool for angry, spoiled children. There's has never been a place where user reviews weren't shit.
What do you mean? How did they betray us? All I remember is them delaying the game a year, that’s all!
You mean the one liner?
>what's your source?
>dude, trust me
I agree. Their business practices are pretty terrible and I'm in no way supporting Epic. I'm just annoyed with this sensationalist approach to the topic where lies and misrepresentations are used to spread a false image of the situation. It just serves to discredit the anti-Epic movement. I wish more people would be like you, user. I really do.
>you mean
He told you what he means. The writing.
I wont use Epic Gay Store simply because I hate the company but you faggots really need to reevaluate your autistic brand loyalty to Valve.
Brand loyalty in general is completely retarded. Consumerism is a fucking brain disease.
I bet she won't look like this in the final game. The whole trailer was probably a lie.
If anything, he reminds me more of Doc Brown, you're just a retarded zoomer.
Apparently the choice was made by the publisher and the developers weren't even directly informed. So much for Epic giving good deals to "developers".
No shit retarded sherlock, I'm just curious because I don't see anything wrong with the silly one liner.
I like rick and morty but I just don't want them to be in this game
>Imagine a store where devs are allowed to disable reviews.
No dev is removing legitimate reviews, but you're not talking about legitimate reviews, you're talking about screaming autists and chinks spamming shitposts because the developer did something they didnt like.
Guess what fuckwit? Steam is automatically hiding review bombs, they're also adding a button to call Valve for help in the case of review bombs.
Combat looked pretty mediocre or at least bland but I was hoping at least the RPG aspects would live up to the Obsidian name.
Probably means Obisidian knows the game is dogshit. That's why they sold it to Epic so they could at least bring in a small profit.
They aren't
They put Rick in the trailer
They put Doc Brown in the trailer
>mad scientist archetype
The archetype has been around for centuries now, faggot. Just because both characters are examples of mad scientists doesn't mean they have anything to do with each other. It just shows your only touch with this extremely prevalent type of character seems to be fucking Rick
Doc Brown has brown hair
That guy doesn't look like Rick. You thinking he does doesn't matter.
Take Two put the game on EGS, not Obsidian. The game is on the Windows Store too.
>What indication of this do you have?
Besides the fact that 90% of the web services you visit do this, and 99% of "free" services make money that way, if you go on the steam webpages (forums or webstore) you'll notice that they're running a google analytics script. That alone should tell you your info is being collected (by google in this case). I don't have proof that steam itself is selling your info, but it's more likely than not.
Are you fucking retarded?
I could understand people being upset with the Metro guys because it was listed to be on steam and gave out preorders on steam only to be moved to an epic exclusive. But the Outer Worlds did no such thing.
>Doc Brown has brown hair
obsidian are assholes
>Take Two
WTF? They were the publisher? God damn no wonder. Makes absolute sense now.
Wouldn't be surprised if there's locked content behind a paywall either.
I just don't want Rick to be put in this game I don't understand why this is a controversial opinion just don't put him in the game I am tired of this
Fuck off, retard
It's not rick
>Take Two
They aren't the publisher though. They have nothing to do with this game as far as I can tell.
If it's not rick then why does he look like rick and his name is almost rick?
GoG, Origin and Humble Store are stolen keys now? Don't get me wrong, key resellers are pretty cancer. But please don't go on about how store choice is bad and we should all just be locked down to a single store with no options.
Obsidian made the smart play here. The Metro guys did the switch over way too close to the release of the game so people were upset over it. By the time Outer Worlds is out the masses will have already forgotten whatever they’re upset about.
But they don't hand out your info to people, they just let them use the parameters of the info for ads and misc purpose like research, at least allegedly
>Sweeney owns more than 50% of the company so for every shitty thing they do, blame him, not the chinks.
You fucking retard. Any party that have a control of over 10% of a company share have a significant input on the company's decision and action. Guess what Tencent share is.
>his name is almost rick
As far as I know he doesn't have a name yet, the fuck are you talking about?
You fucking retard. Any party that has control of over 50% of a company share is called a majority shareholder has the most significant input on the company's decision and action. Guess that Sweeney's share is.
Private Division is a part of Take Two, user.
But Rick isn't even an original design, he's a parody of Doc Brown
Itt amerisharts defend walmart tier companies
user, you just described data selling in corporate lingo in the second part of your sentence
If you're less anti China than me even in regards to something as childish as video game drama you deserve to be euthanized
Hell I'd betray Steam for a million bucks plus the opportunity to make even more extra money from having to pay a smaller cut to the platform where I'm selling my shit.
Steam won't die because too many people love their gorillion features and their porn games, but it has become clear the Epic is going to be a hell of a lot more than nuisance to Steam
I'd bet money that the team didn't have any real say in it.
it's on Microsoft store
Based Feargus won, Avelloneniggers are seething.
Who? Are you just desperate for (You)s? Well here you go, don't spend it all in one place.
Avellone has always categorically been a soiboi.
But he's based regardless
>stolen keys
those are all authorized, green man gaming for instance partnered with bandai namco multiple times
they're even listed in sekiro's main website
They're a subsidiary of TakeTwo. It all makes sense now. Wonder why Obsidian didn't see this coming.
This is fucked up for Steam because like Metro Exodus they advertised their game on the biggest digital storefront for free. Fuck em, hope Steam makes it so that anyone trying to advertise their game over there has to actually release their game on Steam as well.
Epic doesn't have unlimited money to continually buy exclusives. Hope it was worth it for the devs to burn bridges.
Great job on making yourself look even more retarded than you already are by not making any effort in refuting my point at all. Just because Sweeney Todd owns the majority shareholder doesn't mean that Tencent input is null you batshit retard. Fact is you've never been to any board meeting in your entire life if you think that's the case.
>People blaming Obsidian for something clearly decided by the publisher (Private Division, a subsidiary of 2K)
They were adding in Steam achievements to the SteamDB literally days before the exclusivity announcement, and the contracts for those things take months to solidify. Have people lost their capacity for critical thought?
When was Outer Worlds advertised on Steam?
>White onions are all happy
>Brown onions are depressed and jealous of white onions
what did air balloon mean by this?
Private Division is a subsidiary of Take-Two. 2K is as well.
>a subsidiary of 2K
Fuck I mean Take-Two, 2K is a subsidiary of Take-Two as well
I know, but they don't sell your actual info, which is what people accuse them of doing. Maybe you should word it better too instead of just saying "Selling your info" if you only mean what they are actually, allegedly, doing.
This is why we don't deserve good games.
Because people would rather complain about stores, politics and opinions then buy and play what's good.
Take Two being Jews.
Chris Avellone (who most likely has a lot of personal baggage regarding this, mind) thinks it was Obsidian's upper management, who might as well be a soulless publisher to the actual developers in the trenches. He's saying it off of nothing other than personal experience, though
Yea Forums has very little knowledge on how the world works, this place is filled to the brim with manchildren who play video games, after all
epic is 50+% owned by the CEO who's american
>Great job on making yourself look even more retarded
How ironic, because that's exactly what you did. I didn't read the rest of your comment though.
Transracial chinese spy, most likely
idiot obsidian could have said no
this is harming their brand image, not take two's
Somehow those near decade old words are relevant once more with that X-COM successor on board with ESL.
avellone has a really low opinion of obsidian's management, apparently
>principles are hard and too abstract a concept for me
You're the gullible fuck every politician and corporate huncho loves.
He never said Tencent had no input though. Nice strawman.
Sweeney personally owns more than 50% meaning he's the main shot caller, moron. So how come none of you ultra faggots are calling him out instead of "muh chinks"? Sweeney has your best interests at heart but it's those fucking chinks ruining his wonderful business, is that it? Fucking delusional.
>When was Outer Worlds advertised on Steam?
On Steam, where else?
At the end of the trailer it says PS4, Xbox One, Steam. Not PC, Steam.
>I didn't read
I know..
Glad I bought fallout 76 instead of trusting these literal faggots!
Epic games was barely a thing when they announced it
I don't read the comments of retards who have literally nothing to say. You got BTFO and all you can do is cry like a little bitch. Stay mad.
>He never said Tencent had no input though.
And I never did claim that Sweeney isn't the majority shareholder and that he have no input so nice job on being even more retarded than that fella.
>Sweeney personally owns more than 50%
>meaning he's the main shot caller
And you think that an entity that owns 40% of the share suddenly have no input at all just because 1 guy owns the majority shareholder? You suddenly think that 1 guy wouldn't sell your soul to the Chinese based on the retarded decision that he's done so far for himself and his chink overlord? God you people really are underage, retarded and have no idea how board meeting works.
>And you think that an entity that owns 40% of the share suddenly have no input
Jesus Christ, you're quite literally retarded. This isn't even a joke anymore, you are unironically mentally challenged.
Still not an excuse to bait and switch like Metro Exodus. Well at least they're not allowing purchase on Steam this time for Outer Worlds.
Good luck to them.
they have it on based microsoft store too
this game looked like trash and i wasn't planning to play it but this is just the icing on the cake
>game isn't even out yet and Obsidiot shills are already worshiping it
You fuckers are absolute cancer.
See also: Uplay, Origin.
>on based microsoft store
No thanks. I'd rather buy a PS4 at that point
>They don't sell your info, they just let people use it for ads and research in exchange for money
>bitches about wording
Oh, are we splitting hairs now?
>1st party store that is built into your OS
>No thanks, if I can't use my favorite 3rd party DRM, I don't want it!
What? They don't sell the info itself, they don't sell chat logs, names, IPs. That's all I mean.
I mean I wasn't terribly hyped about this game, now I just won't give it a chance. And I don't need to, they already got paid after all. Consumers/players are not the target audience for this game.
Yeah. Halo MCC is also coming out on WS but nobody gives a shit due to the Steam logo in the trailer.
How will Epic starve Valve fanboys next year when all of this year's games start releasing?
With more PS4 exclusives
>Doc Brown has brown hair
Meh. Stick it to epic and pirate it.
If the majority of gamers don't buy from epic, their strategy won't last for long even with their Tencent bank accounts.