Seriously, what the absolute FUCK happened? Why is the game in the worst shape of it's life...

Seriously, what the absolute FUCK happened? Why is the game in the worst shape of it's life? Why aren't the developers/game team doing anything about it?

What the fuck has happened to WoW?

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i dont know probably all the people who made the game you used to love are long gone. pretty much like every other game

who cares, we get Classic in 4 months

and it will be dead in 1

why what did blizz do this time?

Nothing happened, its still good.

It's what they haven't done. The game is boring as fuck right now, with fuck-all new features and what things that ARE new behind reputation-grinds

Nothing. And that's the issue. The game has a serious problem with lack of content.

0.5 shekels have been added to your Blizzard account

Instead of trying to make classes fun and interesting, they apparently decided to fire their class design team

Not true and you know it. Love it or hate it, it'll surely be around for a good while. I for one am hyped to relive the good times and i know it won't last, just gotta enjoy it while you can.

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Just farm Azerith, you lazy piss of shit!

Classes are boring as shit. There are zero new skills so what you see at level 110 when you enter BFA is exactly the same you're going to get at 120 and throughout your leveling. In fact you're going to feel your character get WEAKER.

Some classes got utterly destroyed. For example for Shadow Priest they managed to make the big point of the class (voidform) useless, then they ocerbuffed it and now the class is both broken and boring to play. The best part is that the class was brilliant in Legion.

I also tried WW monk, it was decent but got old quickly. Pirate Rogue was LITERALLY four buttons in repeat as nauseam, MM Hunter was two. It's like every class is so dumbed down there is just zero depth to playing it

Oh and it's not that you don't get skills now that I remember, you actually LOSE skills since you lose your artifact stuff. So overall from 110->120 you just feel your character get weaker and be able to do less stuff, which is just brilliant design.

Because they're trying to compete with mobile games, user.

Imagine this: you have the internet on your mobile. WoW and other PC MMOs are not on mobile. So they need to stay relevant.
Why bother having 30+ skills, where you might only use 6 regularly in a raid and 5-6 irregularly and the rest are just fun or utility when you can compete with mobile games and have 4 skills at most in a raid?

It's dying because they're trying to turn it into something it's not

everything is fine
stop whining and buy my fucking pig

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MoP was the last time they gave a single fuck about WoW. BfA just was just the straw that broke the drone's back.

Simply not possible. Private servers have been played for years. Classic will last years.

top grossing =/= good quality

My question is "why?". The end-state of things during Legion has fantastic. Had a lot of class uniqueness. raids were fun, mechanics were neat, I really liked Artifacts, Legendaries were cool, and Class Halls were very nice.

They went from THAT... to the garbage that we have now in BFA. Why? Why'd they do that?

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>Why aren't the developers/game team doing anything about it?

>this dude thinks that activision stockholders will greenlight more funding to "fix the game" when paypiggies will forever be subscribed to it and shell out dosh for cash shop items
It's like you don't know how businesses work. Considering the low cost of development they had for BfA in comparison to other expacs, they probably made a huge profit with it.

WoWcucks can improve the game by actually unsubbing enmasse.
They will never do that. muh mounts, mogs, CHEEVOS xD and all

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grandpa is old, grandpa is tired

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sounds like what actually happened was an audience change from actual MMO players to collectathoners
also explains why they're whipping out classic

>It's like you don't know how businesses work
Is fun if you think about it.
>most people buy the new expansion and quit after a month or two (that's money)
>these people buy tokens and sell them to avoid farm, since they have jobs and better things to do (more money)
>same people might re-sub near the end of the expansion to "see the content" thanks to the guaranteed catch-up mechanics and tourist mode (more money in the form of subs and maybe tokens)
>drones, who play the whole expansion, don't really bring money, since they just buy the tokes with game gold
That's why Blizz doens't gibe a shit. And these retards will buy the next expansion anyways.

>the worst shape of its life
They're still on WoD?

At least WoD had the garrisons
In BfA we have a shitty ship with a table on it. Fuck even the table missions are way less interesting than WoD's

they gave us so many cool things in legion and in bfa they removed it all and gave nothing in return

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De-escalation was one of my biggest worries for BfA. Going from the final battle with the fucking Legion and meeting the Titans of myth back to horde-alliance squabbies, going from the head of your entire class and then back to the warchief/king's bitch, putting away our fabled weapons of legend and returning to disposable blues and purples, walking away from our atmospheric-as-fuck class halls to start using a shitty boat with a table and saying goodbye to our bands of class-specific heroes to instead get a much smaller mob of the same generic assholes.

I really feels to me like the situation of an epic series finishing with a great finale but making so much money that the studio demands another film be made, no matter how it'll undo the sense of resolution.

noone knows
Ion knows best


Pandaren are the best race.
Meditate on this.

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>what things that ARE new behind reputation-grinds
I wouldn't even mind this if reputation grinding was actually a thing in the game anymore, but no, they had to make it so you can only get rep from world quests that you only have a limited amount of every day. Timegating rep grinds is the cancer, not the grind in itself.

I agree with you but what made this whole shitfest even worse was the fact that not only did the conflict de-escalate, your class also did.

From level 110 to 120 you just feel weaker and weaker and weaker. You go from big guy decked out to losing skills, losing your artifact tree (when some artifact skills made the whole spec, like SP), deal way less damage in general. Plus the fact that there is really nothing to look forward to. I have no idea why Blizzard refuses so vehemently to simply add new fucking skills in the game.

>The best part is that the class was brilliant in Legion.
For the first raid tier, sure. Everyone cried their hearts out about shadowpriests for the rest of legion though.

I really don't know what they were thinking beyond motivating people to keep their playtime up to make their analytics look better. The new races are the only really new thing for this expansion and they decided to dangle it on a string instead of just letting us have it off the bat like all the other races and classes they've added over the years.

Imagine every current patch invalidating content

That's bfa and modern wow for you

When I saw some abilities were being taken away just to be put behind war mode, I fumed. What a shitty way to get people interested in your new 'feature'.

But shadowpriests were only truly OP for that first raid. The rest of the time they were outperformed by Affli locks which were easier, dealt more damage and had more utility. SPs were a bit more common in cutting edge progression because Shadow Mend though.

Worst thing is that the new races aren't even unique in animations and skeleton, they are just reskinned old races. At least that's how it was before the kul'tirans and zandalari, I unsubbed before those came out.

They are doing stuff, we just won't see it till 8.2. Removal of azrite gear, Nazjatar zone, OLD GODS RISE, all that jazz.

This expac was never meant to be just the war, bit they did shoot themselves big time in the foot by front loading it so much with shit we don't care about.

At least Battle for Dazar'Alor is a fun as fuck raid. But I bet most of the complaining Yea Forumsirgins only do LFR, so they probably think it's shit.

One of the biggest complaints was that they were pretty much banned from m+ because no one wanted to invite a class that had crappy AoE.

I suspect they don't want to work on WoW any more and are sandbagging. The question becomes how shitty do they have to make this game before people stop playing it? The modern WoW player's tolerance for pain has to be through the roof at this point.

pandaria was the best expansion and pandaren models are a bit dated now but look alright
good animations, cool race, cool lore, cool expansion
trapped in a shit game

Ah, that was somewhat true. They were decent with the correct setup (legendary dot ring) and in very high M+ with reinforced affix. But I never pushed past +21 or so, and always in guild parties, so I can't really tell.

The most fun I ever had in WoW, even as a Wrathbabby, was playing a Mistweaver Monk in Legion, 7.3.5. It was the first time playing any healer class. I had a blast. So much so that I put my "main" (a mage) away. It was simple, the spells were indescribably cool, the "rotation" was neat. Fuck man.

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My guild that I've been with since Cataclysm mysteriously failed to come back for DA after splitting for a break from Uldir
It'll be sad if I have to come to terms with it being undone just by dint of an expansion being so dull and uninspired.

>DFO is number 1
How? I thought that game was dying

Happens when you hire based on diversity instead of dweller neets. They dont know what gamers find enterteining so they keep pushing their "War story" and island expeditions as real content instead of new dungeons or raids.

Dude. The game is fucking 15 years old.

That's why it's fucking garbage

you are what killed wow and I hope you die

>Why aren't the developers/game team doing anything about it
because they know there's more addicts than people with brains left

>log in for free weekend
Yay i finally unlocked lightforged draeni

>1.12 version of Alterac Valley.
enjoy it shill, not even for free i will

>playing the diversity card

I dislike Blizzard and nu-WoW too, but stop saying that everything sucks for that reason.

WoW and Blizzard are shit

it was only fun in pvp to me, before they removed mistwalk just because it was so funny playing DH MW 2s and watch mobilitylets rage.

I always preferred WSG anyway, sitting at a choke afking in AV isn't that interesting regardless of patch.

>I always preferred WSG anyway,
i did too
till they limited the number of players because they can't even copy shit from others mmorpgs right
>sitting at a choke afking in av
oh you are one of those leechers. keep on botting

I can deal with the honorbound shit since at least you have a whole continent to work with, but having one zone's worth of quests and world quests being the only way to get rep is garbage.
It isn't even like grinding anymore, it's like just counting how many world quests are left until exalted.

Yeah. I wasn't too into Uodir either. Imo, DA is the first piece of cool content. Even M+ running feels boring this expac, though I can't really put my finger on why.

mechanics are so dated no matter the content they pull out the dated mechanics will always drag the whole experience down
We need WoW with graphics and gameplay like Star Citizen. If Blizzard werent idiots they would start an early access nextGen WoW and milk idiots of their money same way Chris Roberts does

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nah because Blizzard would actually have to pull the game off. CR is just gonna exit scam in about two or three years

What's even worse is having to play a character you don't want to play for weeks before you can actually unluck the race and make the fucker you actually want to play.

Why should he? People ARE PAYING for literal jpgs right now and he gets away with it while introducing new content once in a few years while fucking up every deadline.


Graphics like CG movies
but only only capitals and one area right now folks stay tuned

You know a lot of the changes I can understand, even some shit I don't like. But the concept of Azerite Armor as a replacement for like five different cooler things and simultaneously the GCD changes which no one and I mean not a single person said was a good idea, even that dick sucker Talesin asked what Blizz was thinking on that one. My character always feels like he is walking through molasses and hitting shit at an extremely slow speed. Why does Blizzard have like five year long open betas on games if they don't take anyone feedback seriously, no one like Azerite armor in beta and no one liked the shitty GCD changes. Almost feels like they want the game to die, because I can't imagine anyone finding this fun. Maybe they're negging Asmon towards a suicide.

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GCD makes balancing content easier, only reason it exists is so they can be lazier with dungeon design.

>no one and I mean not a single person said was a good idea
i-I did!

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