12 hours left until Fanfest, boyos. What are your hopes? Fears?
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers
Other urls found in this thread:
they fix shit jobs, new jobs are fun
they fuck more jobs, new jobs are trash
Should I resub?
If I do what job should I do besides WHM
What is the best land and hand class to level for isgaridan recovery.
Just hours away!
12 hours?, the fuck I tought it was today
>What is the best land and hand class to level for isgaridan recovery.
if you're going to level one then level all o them
you're cucking yourself out of vital cross class skills else
Hrothgar was a red herring.
There are no male viera, but there will be a second clan of females.
Dancer will not make it, but there will be another healing job that has been highly requested by players.
The benchmark and character creator will be available in two weeks.
Screencap this post if you dare.
>The benchmark and character creator will be available in two weeks.
benchmarks always come out in late april you retard
LARP should be bannable
Literally just a Miquote with fur on its skin
>but there will be another healing job that has been highly requested by players
being what exactly? Time Mage?
>tfw new player
>still slogging through 2.0 - 2.5 patches
I fucking tell you that 90% of new players drop this shit before they even get to the new content
Its a wonder that this game is still alive despite of this
Haven't played in a long time. Supposedly theres a server merge of some kind soon? Does that mean I can jump ship and get on a better server for free? Current one is filled with incredibly vocal trannies and gays who really don't know when to shut the fuck up.
I'm EU if its relevant.
Gentlemen. How do we save FATEs?
more like SPLIT
Make them relevant for endgame. Somehow. I don't know how.
Cant you skip this with a potion?
Honestly, I would love more of those open FATE battles like Odin and Behemoth, but I doubt we will ever get more of these after most couldn't enjoy them due to giant zerg rushes of the two leading to the bosses not even loading up. And in Odin's case, often leading to entire map's worth of players getting nuked the moment their big 1% attack begins to charge up because not one can actually lock on to them due to being unable to get them to load..
Can I server swap for free though? One of the things that made me quit last time was every single FC being le wacky tranny town
>pay to skip gameplay
Remove them like they removed battle levequests for 60-70 in Stormblood.
>Imagine actually like you can't skip the 2.0 to 2.5 BS
Increase tomes up. Combine fates with hunts.
Honestly best way is to make eureka but able to level. People won't like it, but people would play it.
No more crafted accessories as BiS for tanks, new tank is fun and they somehow make DRK fun to play. In-game dps meter (even if is only letter rank thing, instead of numbers).
More of the same, WAR continues to be the blue DPS, meta comp is the same for every savage fight, no more deep dungeons, more eureka content, DRK continues to be shit a pain to play, new jobs are awful.
If you aren’t enjoying it then why do it?
More FATE series like Highbridge.
Possibly bring over aspects from hunts and Eureka, and have specific requirements for spawning certain FATEs, and those FATEs would have a huge exp bonus and rare drops.
For standard FATEs, give people a stacking exp buff for every successful (Silver or Gold) completed FATE. Each stack gives 5% extra exp per mob and 10% exp to the completion exp, up to a max of five stacks. Completing a FATE at five stacks increases that FATE's completion exp by 200%.
I guess thats true. They should go the WoW route where you get a max level boost for free with the expansion.
2.0 to 2.5 does go pretty fast though, if I remember correctly, but its a lot of filler.
Who would win in a cage fight 50,000 rabbits or 5 lions?
im being put on crystal,what is the best way to annoy erp/rp faggots
You wanna get banned?
>cross class skills from leveling other jobs
sure now tell me the good stuff
>Want to play Gunbreaker because I'm a massive gunbladefag
>Never tanked in my life
I-it can't be that hard, right? You just hold aggro and wait for the boss to die, right? Is there like, a babby's first tank guide with accepted etiquette or something? I want to gitgud with another tank class first
Just do it. As long as you genuinely want to improve and not mindlessly press buttons, stuff will click and you'll be able to piece together the basics of tanking just fine.
>use aggro generating skills
>pop defensive cool downs
Only thing you need is to read the skill descriptions and to have a small bit of common sense
level your crafters
>Make them relevant for endgame
So force people to camp for fates like they used to for anima/Hildibrand/crystal tower?
As someone who actually does battle levequests, I was disappointed that they got rid of those.
Party finder:
Looking for a FC with no gays or transsexuals. Want no drama, serious inquiries only
sounds good
Tell me when your going to do it so I can screen cap and post it for the epic lols
There will be no outrage over female only Viera once Yoshi-P explains the budget limitations, please support their small indie company by purchasing the new emotes off Mogstation.
Aight fampai, here's what you do: There's tons of guides on the existing tanking classes and, because this game is about as mechnically diverse as a brick, once you learn the basics of one, you've learned them all.
Pick up PLD, it's the most cookie-cutter of the tanks, easiest to learn and nearly everything you learn from playing PLD is beneficial for WAR and DRK, and therefore presumably also for GNB.
Here's the gameplay:
>Aggro rotation (if necessary)
>DPS rotation
>interweave defensive CDs as much as possible. Learn when bosses do what attacks so you can manage your CDs properly.
>Stay out of tank stance as much as possible. Unless you're dying. Then git gud (at the fight or in general) before dropping tank stance.
i need help. i am one of those dragon races, and i hate it now. i want to change my character. also i am a level 56 dragoon and i am bored. i'm finding blue mage fun, should i change my class to blue mage?
Okay, cool. I want to play DRK since I always hear how good their job quests are, but I'll start off with PLD for a while until I figure it out and make the switch. Thanks.
More like world quests really
Better than bullshit we have now
a little old but still relevant
Bunnyfags are the most obnoxious faggots in these threads
The amount of times tanks do mosh pit in duty finder is fucking frustrating.
>those muscles
Oh my...
Balmung is a closed server, meaning even with the realm jumps, other severs cannot visit Balmung unless explicitly invited. So no, you won't get to annoy erpfags. But they will get to visit you.
Less than 12 hours until Jester healer announcement
Here's an updated version I sent to a friend
Call everyone he instead of she
Pick the worst female Miqo'te voice and invade people's public RP sessions by spamming /laugh and /surprised
When someone is teleporting open up the trade window with them to cancel their teleport
Join gay FCs/linkshells and start some drama by spreading rumors or talking about controversial topics
that third one is actually bannable. if you play it right though, the other 3 are fine as long as you don't hyuck about it in game to /fc or something
What time is it starting?
There is no other highly requested job that is healer, so i'm gonna 1) not screencap 2) call this BS
>budget limitations
I'll buy any fucking excuse except this absolute horseshit. I'll believe a rampage of 100 monkeys shit all over their desks before I believe that.
Appreciated. Cheers user.
>levequests were fun and all they needed to do to make them good was lower the exp you get from them to like, a quarter of a normal quest and put in a challenge log for them
>instead they just fucking removed them
>FATES are going to follow soon
>lower exp you get from leves even more
u wot
FATEs will be getting popular again, as they'll be nerfing exp gained in dungeons to battle against people botting dungeons with Trusts
>instead they just fucking removed them
Are you talking about them only adding Crafting and Gathering leves for SB? Or did I miss something about leves getting deleted from the game?
Jester is just a dancer that tells jokes.
Leves didn't even give a quarter of the exp you got from normal quests. I should of said "rise"
Who gives a shit about crafting/gathering leves. I want my battle leves. Leves were a core and intrigal part of the base game, they were featured in one of the main CGI trailers. And now they're not even mentioned. They better of removed them from stormblood so they could re-release them in the new expansion.
Finally a class for someone nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor like myself.
>should of
>better of
Leave user alone! English isn't his first language.
This is gonna be you this evening
9:30PM EST / 7:30PM PDT
Tanking fundamentals are easy. Putting up with people expecting you to have photographic memory of the game's many dungeons is not.
>land and hand
>Putting up with people expecting you to have photographic memory of the game's many dungeons is not.
They're fucking straight lines.
>Leves were a core and intrigal part of the base game, they were featured in one of the main CGI trailers.
And then everyone but crafters, gatherers and Anima farmers hated them. They do look pretty though and I'd love to have a real set of them.
Weekly endgame currency that can only be gotten from them, much like Eureka.
In fact, you could legit turn the overworld into eureka, complete with level down and it'd be a net gain.
I liked them. They were just pointless to do after 1.0 shit the bed. A relic of the past forgotten by the wayside.
So what if we combined Diadem 1.0 and Eureka Pyros/Hydatos in order to create the ultimate cross world NM hunting zone except without releveling and you can swap jobs freely without penalty.
What would be your dreamed new features
For me it would be limiting teleporting and putting a real time travel system.
>trying to herd up mass packs in front of you
>that one giant faggot mob that ALWAYS moves behind you no matter where you stand
I would kindly request a male viera to breed me.
You wish.
Getting actual content.
Them trying out something new that doesn't suck. A promise that they'll never do staggered content again.
>content I don't like isn't content
>simon says for the 99th time in a row
>not artificial content
Imagine wanting to take stuff away as a feature
Give me an example of any new content we've gotten during the past 6 months
That would not work for a game like FFXIV
Can you imagine newbies waiting for a ship to go to the waking sands?
6:30PM PDT (which is 9:30PM EST)
According to the Dev blog.
Fuck off Ion
why doesn't this game have a resolution scale slider yet like WoW or FF15?
If the new healer isn't Dancer, what do you wish it would be?
Ah yes another faggot who wants to pick up a tank just to stand in town wearing their gear and absolutely ruin my queues and dungeon runs
I want them to make it require more exp to level, and make mobs in the overworld stronger but give no extra exp
>For me it would be limiting teleporting and putting a real time travel system.
Fucking why
I'm pretty sure Yoshi said at one point that they want to keep healers and tanks in parity. So if they add a 2nd healer, they'd probably add a second tank, and we all know that's not happening.
>don’t implement a good thing because spouts get mad
This is why the game is shit.
I like that idea, a non dangous overworld is the worse
Because it adds Immersion and is comfy.
Developers have to look out for normies and new players, their biggest demographic.
I've asked for it multiple times. Devs are faggots.
I mean, if I recall correctly you have to go a thousand times to the waking sands, which already is a time hogger, something sprouts and ADD hits hate. If the game was an actual open world (read: not gated areas) then it would probably be fine, but still, newbies/ADD kids would be mad and quit because "that's so grandpa-y"
>ADD hits
How the fuck did I mess that up
Oh god yes I'm so immersed riding my gigantic Behemoth through these empty zones I've been through hundreds of times already with nothing in them. God I fucking hate boomers.
Just go play P.Server XI or Classic WoW, you'll have your immersion.
no, mobs are stronger but they don't hit any harder. they just have more hp, run faster and dismount you
I would fucking drop my money and multibox the fuck out of it
I'd enjoy seeing a FFXI style open world if there wasn't too many fetch quests that involve you going around the world. Hell it'd make the FC airship/submarine a cool thing because it'd allow for another mode of transport.
The should just update the graphics in FFXI and rerelease it
Yes a more open world would be better.
Fuck off Zoomer don’t you have a shooter to play?
I'd play the shit out of that.
>The should just update the graphics in FFXI and rerelease it
Stop playing with they monkey paw.
more like they have to rebuild FFXI from top to bottom. playonline is garbage and tightly integrated into it, the game engine for FFXI is so trash that you need to mod it to run above 30FPS or play in borderless window mode.
>being able to open up multiple menus at once without being told the game is busy
>being able to talk to people while mounted
>being able to sell multiples at once on the marketboard (like 6 stacks of 25)
>SSS being as originally stated and having to dodge basic shit so you can see what your rotation/dps is like then and practice it
>a way to set up auto sort to your preference
Chaos or Light, Yea Forums?
Looks fucking great. Part of the reason I never got into XI was its ridiculous UI designed by aliens. I'm sure there's a catch tho.
Implying that vaporware actually exisits.
just go play black desert
DoH/DoL didn't lose them you fucking retard
>I'm sure there's a catch tho
No shit.
They will be removed you fucking retard. 60-70 already shows they aren't going to do that shit again.
Im just getting going in Eureka Anemos and this place confuses the fuck out of me any any "guide" i read seems to contradict the next
What is the best way to lvl up here? Is level 11 too low to join the train?
Never too late to join the train, you an join it at level 1. It's just safer to be a higher level so only half/25% of the zone wants to kill you instead of everything. Your best bet is to do your challenge log when you can and reap those rewards every week.
Just join the train. Do the weekly challenge log. That's it.
FF14 used to have real-time travel. You used to have to stay on the (explorable) ship from Limsa to Vesper Bay in real time.
They removed it because it was FUCKING SHIT and a waste of players' time. Only autistic retards consider being forced to do literally nothing at all in a game for extended periods of time to be a good thing.
Do you have to be in a part my to join the train?
The best option is to leave Eureka and never come back unless you already beat all the good content in the game including Ultimate.
>do nothing
What is crafting and fishing and communicating?
A complete waste of time for NEETs with no life.
Things you can do already without needing to wait on a fucking boat.
Me: Nice day were having here
Me Alright then, keep your secrets
perfect for me then
Yeah, to get the full participation credit.
>bringing up trannies with no provocation.
Rent free.
You think I'm memeing but shit this happens in every FC I join. Or they just whine about how much their life sucks waaawaaa
Yeah, but most parties just look for bodies because even lowbies doing tiny dick damage is still more participation than doing it alone.
Can I play a Nu-mou or a Moogle yet?
No, and you never will
You are memeing
If anything you could join the Yea Forums FC
why do you retards get so butt blasted about ERPers? why care about some horny gamers that wanna mash their pixel genitalia together
Nu-mou are a beast race tribe, and we're stuck with 14's ugly ass moogles.
Your turn.
Beast tribe
we're not mad, we're laughing at you.
We have those too.
They get real fuckin' annoying when they try to drag it into these threads.
I'm only mad when I find the faggots in my house, which thankfully doesn't happen often
wow you got me user
nice roleplay accent
>game download is 73GB
fuck that shit, FFXIV is only 35GB
Never will buy the game then, I guess.
They did not confirm that yet. Only that changes will be coming.
meanwhile in reality everyone is laughing at your greylet parse.
perfection race
You don't believe me? It's all in the numbers.
Potatoes need to go into the oven.
>perfection race
pic related
Alright Yea Forums, I'm going to hit you with some IRREFUTABLE FACTS:
1. Hrothgar are NOT happening
2. Male Viera ARE going to be announced tonight
3. G'raha is not coming back
4. Matoya is not possessing Y'shtola's body
5. Elezen are the master race
6. Sadu is best girl
Because they dont keep it behind closed doors and flood it into PF
Stop using Tactics hair.
She looks like she fucks dragons
i just hit 70 and havent read a single quest
this is you game like a champ
can confirm, my dad works at square enix
The meta part is big, every job can clear content but I'm tired of Ninja being hailed as this amazing job because of trick attack.
1. wrong
2. wrong
3. correct
4. correct
5. absolutely wrong
6. there is not much competition
>Still mad.
It's so close user, just accept the truth.
i'm on your side bro my dad works at square enix
Still better. Miqote are sticks and barely Midlander height.
Plot theories for Shadowbringers?
We won sun and moon, we won smash, we'll win here.
See you in a couple of hours.
Potatoes are the cause of all woes in the world and you must Embrace the darkness to kill them all.
>Basic Bimbo Bunnies
>Ugly Autistic Degenerate Bara Furry Faggot Lion Men race releases
>Squeenix too lazy to add gender counter parts, less work
>Still claim that there's 2 new races in the next xpac to build hype from retards
You all just keep on falling for it, over and over and over......
rabbits, no contest
Just imagine Kingdom Hearts but with more darkness.
What kind of weapons and armor does each side have? I think 5 lions with maces and basic metal armor can easily take 50000 rabbits, but if the Rabbits had more than just iron dirks then the lions would be in trouble.
>ffxiv threads have devolved into smash leakposting, saltmining, ohnono and btfoposting
>it's all a smashfag's fault
and you guys just keep playing into it every time
I could get behind it if it has as many awkward and dumb lines like the first 2 games.
Time fuckery/dimension hopping
Aether's community is pure shit right now. When the server split happens will the do-gooders and whiners kindly leave party finder?
What a worthless game.
Smashfags are worse than fucking /vg/.
We're probably not setting a single step into Garlemald and will be caught up in something else entirely
this but unironically
yeah the moon
>9 more hours
Clocks ticking down boys
Will they be updating the graphics for FF14?
I would play it if it didn't look like a PS3 game.
The pain will be over soon
It's that time of the week again to do your fashion report, user!
>tfw my gf now has to work tonight so I can keep track of the event.
Anywhere good to watch it if you don’t understand moonrunes?
A rewrite/redesign of the main quest up through Stormblood to remove the pointless fetch quests and cutscenes about nothing. You could cut the length to a third of what it is now and lose absolutely nothing of value, and the game is impossible to recommend to friends because you have so much filler to grind through. They can start by ctrl+F-ing and deleting every instance of "report to Minfilia in the Waking Sands", removing every "we need to do six to eight pointless quests in this place before they 'trust' us enough to let us help them" arc (change them into sidequests so you can still get the worldbuilding), and changing the cutscene engine to be capable of more than stiff emotes and mouthed dialogue while everyone stands perfectly still otherwise. You could probably cut a full five hours just from removing *nods head*, *pounds fist* and *clenches fist* from the game altogether because everything stops while the game plays those out. Honestly, it's embarassing that the 'story focused' MMO has worse realtime cutscenes than the PS1 era of the series.
Get used to it. The industry discovered you can only go as far as horns, ears, or unusual skin before the playable races become detrimental to a video game's success.
they've been consistently upgrading the graphics with each expansion. the only thing that hasn't changed is the textures.
Why remove the cat?
There's going to be an English commentary stream on the SE Twitch channel
He does it because it pisses off the white knights every time.
The hardest part is dealing with retarded DPSs
Dont pull aggros off retarded DPS let them know to fuck off if they pull before you
The pain is only beginning.
Dalmasca is technically in Garlemald.
More darkness you say?
Should I DA Quietus? I mean yeah, higher potency, but compared to say, using that MP for more Abyssal Drain, is it worth it? Does DA increase the MP gain?
>they get billy zane to voice elidibus now
>please explain?!
No but blood weapon does. TBN on cooldown blood weapon quietus when put of mana. Otherwise spam abyssal drain. Or just play warrior and do more damage with less work
kill yourself casual faggot
>remove positionals
for every class except monk.
I wish I could be there when the shitstorm happens, but it's the middle of the night for me.
I'll probably wake up to the crying and moaning of male bunnyfags and geomancerfags.
What's up with the recent fashion reports getting easier and more affordable to do?
Which one of you requested dragonsong on r/a/dio
unlikely, guys been blacklisted.
>remove positionals
Remove yourself
Do you expect the game go on sale? Does it usually during fanfest? I'm looking to get into it
As a BRD I would highly prefer not feeling handicapped if a group I end up in happens to lack a DRG.
remove ''''''''expert'''''''' dungeons
Makes it more accessible to newer players
I'd do it if it didn't depend on buying or farming gear.
I would dearly love that.
Twitch and other places online are giving away ARR for free. You can pick up both Stormblood & Heavensward in a bundle for $10 at GameStop (physical copy only).
>people don't expect male viera when male miqo'te are the most popular male race
>forgetting Yoshi-P doesn't like male Viera, and likes manly men
>thinking they'll do what's popular instead of what Yoshi-P wants to do
big mistake
You gotta get back to the past and undo the evil that is Hydaelyn.
Tell me promises or things yoshi has said that turned out wrong, things that come to mine are add ons or "new housing area will be cheaper"
Why would he be wrong now?
what graphics update was on stormblood? it still has that lifeless lighting to it
you think if Male bunnies existed they'd be hung ?
Just asking for a friend haha.
transparent lighting to water, improvements to gpose camera effects, maximum character/object limit on screen has been increased. they even updated the system requirements to reflect that.
Not him but SB's updates were more under the hood. Mainly now there are more character and objects visible on screen at a time, mostly needed for Eureka where you can have 100+ people on a single NM, and 56 people in one dungeon with multiple adds and a large boss present.
Don't let me down Namae. I want to wake up to short Viera in the morning.
>FC housing and personal housing would be separate
10+ inchest
fuck off vinny
What is Blue Mage?
You might not like it, but it IS a completely new learning and leveling system, the first job that is freeform enough to actually have class builds, and the first job to have a completely different stat application with armor mattering more than weapons. Masked Carnival may be an escalation type puzzle battle, but we didn't have one before.
Now it may not be _lasting_ new content, especially with everyone bullshitting the leveling with the red mage glitch but it does meet your original goal posts which you will most certainly move now
>FC housing and personal housing will be cheaper
>Egi glamour will be it's own separate system and have much much more variety.
>BLU is a solo focused DPS job not suited for party play.
Thanks user
That didn’t answer my question.
>Jester healer
Probably the best possible dancer concept.
getting vored by crystal soon
Because he doesn't have a good track record throughout the years as being correct or doing what he said he'd do in interviews/live letters.
Blue Mage, outside of the Masked Carnival doesn't provide anything new besides being prohibited from playing the game. Spell collecting is a hunting log with RNG, and leveling is differently purely because it is by design locked out of DF.
Male Viera in lore and concept art are pretty fucking manly.
Buncha rambo motherfuckers who fucked the garleans in the ass and then decided to join them willingly so they could kill more.
Spell collecting is LITERALLY just your hunting log you nigger.
Carnival is the only new content that could have just been added to the golden saucer.
>jester healer
>not wanting a psychiatrist healer to trigger the entire playerbase
but they have bunny ears so that automatically makes them gay.
end of rine
This is honestly the most likeable mon of gen 7. Only real competition is Tsareena cause of step on me memes
>Barafags get absolutely shiton for the past couple of threads so this is their last defense
Remember to say 'bunny cunny' when the fanfest begins for cute and funny announcements.
>he doesn't know.
The game is not even out, yet its already 50% off for ps4 at Amazon. Shillbringers already flopped before it even released
A make them more interesting, stormblood was actually pretty good in this regard
B make them reward more xp than the rng dungeon bullshit
C make an npc that rewards you for doing them under certain conditions for lots of tomes
dumb frogposter.
Based retard poster
For Male Viera to make sense, their ears should be different to emphasize the sexual dimorphism of their species. Make them small and tilted back or something.
That's 5 dollars more than I paid to fuck your mom.
You aksed for new content that was added in the past 6 months, and you got it. We're done here.
and I don't even like Blue Mage
He absolutely does, just because he went back on things before doesn’t mean he does that every time. You’re not getting male Viera. Accept it. It’s fucking sad at this point. Everything points to their exclusion of being playable. It’ll make the disappointment easier come tonight. If you still believe it then I can’t help you, the truth is going to hit you like a fucking brick.
I don't want male Viera though.
>you are not getting male viera based on discord """"leaks"""" and flavour text that got removed
Fyrce is that you? Also
>Le and La
Just stop dude.
Literally 0 proof. Also they wouldn't translate it as Beau they would translate it as the female pronoun since there's no reason to set it up that way.
Screenshotted ;)
Viera will be genderlocked while Hrothgar will be unisex. That's pretty much what they do anyways
and that's a good thing!
This is how you successfully bait. Like, it actually has layers. It works on several levels and so casts a wide net. I like you, user.
The flavour text proves we're getting two genders though, le and la as well as beau being used shows they weren't just haphazardly translating it.
Just stop discord tranny, it's enough.
I can't wait for tonight
change the hud colors
based and barapilled
>people this retarded thinking that we'll get male Viera
You have been shat on for being retarded for months. Just go and kill yourselves you gay ass niggers.
Here's your male hrothgar bro.
Oh man, this fanfest is probably going to be the biggest shitshow out of all we've had so far, including HW's and SB's
I've just unsubbed due to being unable to complete The Will of the Moon MSQ.. I always die in the meteor phase before my target is down to 30%. Tried it at least 10 times, and I'm completely done with the game. Guess I won't be playing Shadowbringers.
Because they just copypasted the other races' dialogue, there was no extra translation, how many times does this need to be made clear?
You're going to die from disappointment in a few hours.
Keep that screenshot close, I know I’m right. The only people posting male Viera being in are falseflaggers fueling their own shitposting for later, I’m convinced of it.
Honest question, why do so many people give that much of a shit about races when they're just reskinned humans?
I can understand for the customization-suckers but for real at most what you're getting is animal ears, I just don't get it
7 hours.
They could have avoided this if they showed off everything new at NA, show off skills at EU, then show off the areas and stuff at JP along with the benchmark.
>Those Viera
I wish we had a bimbo race.
how do you fail a solo trial? the only liability is (You).
>implying YoshiPoo wasn't doing this on purpose
I don't really care. Its just fun to shit on the fags that want bara cats and male buns.
SB's last fanfest was a shitshow too.
>Two DPS jobs.
Taro seems to have influenced him.
Imagine being so retarded you actually think they'd add another bara race when you can factually prove that no one plays them
Yeah, but in the end people just moved on pretty quickly.
This shit will stink all the way to 6.0
Finally got to level cap in Eureka and want to try and do BA but do I really to join the discoed to have a chance at clearing?
Tribalism and shitposting cause we're bored waiting for fanfest (there's nothing to do in-game either)
a lot of it has to do with body proportion and face. Many would play Elezens if they looked better.
>Copy pasted the other races dialogue
>"What majestic manes"
>"You look very handsome"
That's not copy pasted, they translated it directly from the japanese source, if it was genderlocked they would have used "belle" which means it wasn't gender specific in the source text. Also au ra wasn't copy and pasted.
I get you're upset your leaks were debunked but this is just sad.
Ask your NN for acrafted weapon
They won't be bara, but they'll be buffer highlanders with lion characteristics.
I don't give a shit about the races, I just want combat info.
Nobody plays female roegadyn and yet they keep forcing them into quests and storylines.
>That hank hill ass
Just go in as a solo healer and just heal yourself
>Being a faggot
Kill yourself any time tranny.
based and frenchpilled
Belle/beau is the same as other races. The mane part is no different from male and female.
Learn French.
removed all common sense garbage nonsense
Left will be the elitist server who suck shit at the game middle will be the actual good players and right will be tranny containment.
Based schizo poster
>No physical release if shadowbringers for PC
If elezen were basically anime elves that were just as short as miqo'te with fat ears, the elezen community would have been just as cancerous as cats and au ra.
>le muscle mommy XD
>muh snu-snu
pathetic incel virgins
Never understood it either but fags are fucking cancer and I want to see them fucking seethe like with Gunbreaker when there autistic sexual fantasy's are btfo.
>Has exact same thing as other races
>Somehow this means it's GENDERLOCKED
Based retard.
if it was genderlocked they would have specified belle the same way they specified au ra's text.
Imagine pretending to work for cygames only to be fail miserably.
>no target ring
>no enmity window
>but yes to aggro management
No need to check the rest to make sure you forgot the average player (specially first time player of MMO) doesn't know what positionals are, let alone aggro windows. Ergo. This image would cause more harm than help on a new player.
I don't care, I'm just enjoying shitposting since there's nothing else to talk about atm
what kind of retard doesn't understand positionals the moment they first read them and then instantly figures out that the circle represents the sides?
Not him but frenchfag here, I can help but I need to see the entire sentence, "belle" or "beau" can be used for both male and female depending if you're describing particular features or even generally depending on the context.
I'll repeat the explaantion from every thread again for your tiny brain: Au Ra dialogue is specific because of a grammar exception. Hrothgar and Viera have no such exception, so they can just use the existing code without modifications, the if/else boolean takes care of the rest.
EU SE Store already has it 60% off since a few days ago. Would be surprised if NA doesn't get a sale as well
Reward a lot more GC Seals than it currently does, comparable to doing a 50+ dungeon solo and turning them in.
Give more XP than it currently does but not as much as PotD/HoH or Dungeon runs
Give Poetics per FATE clear if you are 50+
None of the ingame tanking tutorials tell you about positionals. Unless you've played a class that has positionals beforehand, you might not even know that they're a game mechanic.
Go back to the OF fyrce.
Are you from Germany
Except that's wrong you nigger, the localization team wouldn't even bother translating it if it was something not meant to be seen.
Do you think they just toss the code into google translate and call it a day?
Nobody uses it as proof for genderlock retard. The poiint is that it's not proof for both genders playable either.
The proof for genderlock is Yoshida's words and common sense.
Aymeric no!
looks like they're getting desperate.
You’re blatantly ignoring all explanations. I don’t know if you’re a retard or a complete fucking loser who needs to be as contrarian as possible.
How many times? Nothing was translated, it's all copy paste with one single exception: the majestic mane line, which has no gender markers.
Shit is not done.
there's a physical release for shadowbringers on PC.
Gotta get those wowfugees up to speed.
>interview from 5 years ago
>pasted on lore bit that just points out where male viera live
but i guess them adding au ra playable and having no npcs outside of yugiri show up during arr explains why the npcs only appear in the azim steppe and underwater in the ruby sea
but of course the mysterious datamined race that never got mentioned ever by the story surely will magically appear into the game and swarm every major city in a not lore-breaking way
>WoW has an upcoming free campaign
>ShB is already half off
>Mogstation sales
Yeah, they know this fanfest will make people rage
>in french
>not translated.
Okay lad. Having fun being able to say retard without getting banned?
Except I'm not, all of his statements are assumptions that can be easily debunked. He's essentially saying "This isn't this because I think it's not" when there is literally text there for both genders.
I'm not going to dignify a guess based on something someone who has lied multiple times has said in the past.
Especially when he mentions shit like lore which we have mooncats to point as evidence of just not mattering at all.
user tutorials have to be aimed at the most retarded player you could possibly think of to achieve maximum effect.
it's common sense TO YOU.
By itself the lore means nothing. No male Viera shown at EU fanfest, Yoshida being evasive and pointing at the lore make genderlock pretty fucking obvious.
Not to mention the very basic commons ense that Hrothgar would absolutely not exist except as a male coutnerpart to genderlocked Viera.
No there isn’t.
The first thing he literally did was add male miqo's and shit when he took over XIV. That already has more clout than this one thing he mused in the past.
Isn't it already gender marked with la? Been years since french class. It's feminine, anyway, because it's majesteuse not majesteux. larousse.fr
criniere is feminine. Unless it's meant to be "a [une] criniere majesteuse". Same way aux beaux muscles saillants is a+les (Aux).
The difference is that Yoshi didn’t have some autistic aversion to male Miqo’te meanwhile he’s said he considered male rabbits to be “weird” and has explicitly said in the event Viera are added to the game he would make a male only race to compensate. And EVERYTHING is pointing to that bring true yet you continue to hold out this false fucking hope.
Back when he offered the idea of genderlocked Viera maleqote and femroes were already confirmed.
"They'll never do genderlock again because 2.0" is an idiotic idea.
>Jew potatoe
>cute cat girl with buldge
And Yea Forums picks the potatoe...
I can't wait for faggots to get btfo tonight, it's gonna be great
Everyone telling you to generate aggro is a dumbass. The way to tank in this game is to do more DPS. All of the other jobs have ways to make their aggro disappear, so you don't have to worry about aggro management. If they don't use those tools and pull aggro, they are shitters that are ragging down the party and deserve to die.
female highlanders are also here.
Mane is always feminine, it doesn't make a difference if it's on a male or female thing. That's how gendered words work in French.
"We are announcing, for the first time since 1.0, genderlocked races.
Yes, that's right, male viera and female hrothgar ONLY - we just couldn't get the female viera looking good, so we've scrapped them."
I can see them saying they're still working on the Male Viera and we recieve them as a mid-expansion update please buy more fantasia gaijin.
It fits with their 'do slightly less content with each patch cycle' MO.
because hrotgar are the viera "sub race" where the males have fluffy necks
they are going for midlander/highlander route
Except the lore directly states that male viera do exist and could have possibly left the wood or would leave the wood if it was in danger. Either way they literally draw a comparison with mooncat males, who are playable.
You're literally saying because he said he found it weird that we wouldn't get Male viera vs him literally saying he dislikes genderlocks and immediately release male miqo's.
that may be true user but most tanks would like to just do the dungeon quickly and efficiently rather than let dps die to make a point, which means generating aggro.
Also what your saying only applies to endgame when everyone is roughly using the same gear, that sounds like an amazing way to cause wipes in leveling dungeons.
>le lionmane rabbit meme
God I'll be glad to be rid of all you delusional faggots in a few hours.
Of course you'll be back this time tomorrow pretending you believed in genderlock all along.
Should I buy the skip if I'm playing in a x2 EXP server?
Fyce you literally shill for BLU just kys at this point my dude.
I just bought 10 million gil, AMA.
This is more likely than Hrothgar existing
I’m also saying he said he’d make a male only race to counterpart Viera which you explicitly fucking ignored because you’re an obtuse nigger.
No, never buy skips, people dread seeing someone wearing skip gear in dungeons because it is a grade A indication that they don't know what the fuck they're doing.
check your local retailer for preorders.
You forgot the NPC that said that some Viera joined the empire after slaughtering them, implying they were male.
this is grinch leaks levels of coping
Stop pulling shit out of your ass.
Watch out fyce if you talk like that you'll get a no no from mommy.
He's also said housing would be separate from FC housing and look where that got us. Yoshida's also said shit about jobs that never turned out true at all. He says wildly incorrect shit all the fucking time to tease faggots like you.
Just stop man, we get you and your friends are trying to brigade your shitty leaks being true but they're just not.
Go back to OF Fyce.
this fanfest will decide whether the leaks are true or not. this is a big deal.
leaks ruined the fun of pre fanfest speculation
DA on dark passenger is +140 potency to all targets.
So this is the highest priority.
If you have the MP to spare for more DA, then DA on Quietus is only ok if there are 3+ targets, for a maximum of 50 potency x3 (150)
obviously more targets, the more effective the Dark Arts is.
But you're not comparing DA to Abyssal drain, you're comparing Abyssal drain to Quietus.
Since they both cost a GCD.
(plus u might lose a delirium as well.)
But then again Quietus helps u abyssal drain more.
Too lazy to do the math, but id imagine its semi equal in the end, as long as there's enough targets.
Just make sure u prioritize DA+DP, and ur good.
DA+AD is pretty much a waste in MP, since it heals for so little.
Only if you're struggling to stay alive would i even bother.
Dude, it’s ingame tho
Why only 10 million
Who in the fuck is Fyce? What are you talking about?
Post it then fag.
it was cheap
I can’t find it listed anywhere stop memeing
Make them part of a long string that can end with new FATEs dropping good gear in a story relevant fight or have chained losses remove things in the zone like teleports or merchants.
Still waiting for an actual war map where failures actually punish the players/server.
>Company Tragedian: “You spoke with a Viera, you say? How exotic! I recall reading that following the Empire’s occupation of Dalmasca, several imperial army units were sent into the jungles to round up the hares and bring them to Rabanastre. As you might imagine, only a few of the soldiers returned… and the few Viera with them appeared to have followed on their own volition.”
>positionals on tanks
this is honestly a good alternative to a "DPS stance".
Just simply require all attacks from flank/behind to do more dps, with less threat on them or something.
could be the start of a new way to do what WAR does with no GCD stance dancing.
>Hitting an enemy from the front is the requirement to proc your oGCD tank stance, if in combat. otherwise, able to be activated out of combat any time.
team hydaelyn or team zodiark?
>Company Tragedian: “You spoke with a Viera, you say? How exotic! I recall reading that following the Empire’s occupation of Dalmasca, several imperial army units were sent into the jungles to round up the hares and bring them to Rabanastre. As you might imagine, only a few of the soldiers returned… and the few Viera with them appeared to have followed on their own volition.”
Because every single Gil selling website jacked up their prices after Stormblood launched because "boo hoo, our bots are getting banned, please buy our quadrupled in price Gil to compensate our losses" and they never brought them back down again. Used to be able to buy 100m for $80-90, but now 100m is $255. Fucking disgusting. Hope they rot.
>nothing giving away their gender
seething bunnyfags
Valor system from XI where the whole server paid a price for losing certain fights. Having an actual war to fight instead of a few tiny fights in the story is bullshit.
the differences are subtle, just as new mechanics in the next raid tier/24man arent considered drastic changes to the game, but for what they are, subtle differences.
just renaming hunting logs, RNG drops, and gimped rotations, doesnt mean its unique and new.
its just a subtle change to already established ideas.
(all the more reason it shouldn't have been limited.)
One more god rejected.
It’s not a confirmation but I don’t see why the Viera that followed couldn’t have included both males and females.
don't speak bad about the 4channel advertisers.
Monthly subscription price drop to $10, heralding the death of WoW.
Stop fucking memeing
based on tropes, Hydaelyn is evil
>EXP Bug found in WoW
>Ban people for a day to a month
>EXP bug found in FFXIV
>We see the bug, we aren't gonna ban you for using it, just don't use it please
PS4 digital only sadly. i want the disc lol.
but told my PS4 friends.
>Same posts from yesterday.
I can do it too.
Zodiark since Hydaelyn is a lying cunt.
Turning the Nadaam fight into a War FATE would be amazing
Because in FFXIV leveling is easy they only still have the system because they need a way to force you play the story.
IIRC Exp bug in XIV is rather meaningless for classes that are not BLU
Then the Dramaturge would not have talked about never hearing about anyone seeing a male viera especially since the group he mentioned were brought to rabanaster. I'm sure 'hares' was just unintentionally derogatory thing he said
she looks like she fucks au ra
Whichever one promises to kill all potatoes.
im not the best person to answer, but for me, I like the body poportions of midlanders/miqote, but like the animations of highlanders.
I like the height of Au'Ra, and some of the hair colors not offered by other races.
in short, I want a perfect combination of traits i like, and no race offers it.
The "closest" is miqote, but those faces are really bad, along with tails clipping...
I main a highlander, and have miqote alt.
cant really stand the rest enough to play them more.
He literally compares them to mooncat males which we already know are playable you dumb nigger.
The only reason they didn't ban players is because the EXP bug existed since ARR and they were aware of it but never fixed it. They banned people for using Ungarmax though because they were unaware of it until JP players were using it a lot.
I won't deny that the NA and JP disconnect is a real issue. but the XIV devs are a lot more chill than the WoW ones
what does the bunny say in the image, user?
Evening of the Final Day
- 6 hours remaining -
Bunny trannies literally gonna commit suicide in 6 hours.
>Maybe I'll make a Zandalari
>It's gated over a month's worth of world quests.
>Maybe I'll do the new questlines
>Gated behind rep, it also lorerapes the horde even more.
>Maybe I'll do the new warfront
>It's not on, and it's a literal faceroll
>Maybe I'll do the new raid
>LFR is faceroll, and normal and heroic pugs ask for retarded itemlevels for bosses as complex and FFXIV dungeon bosses.
>Shadow priest is still a broken spec.
Where and how much?
Why would trannies want male bunnies I never understood this argument
Wait so the live stream will take place when it's past midnight for us Bongs? Good thing it's the weekend.
So do you guys think these c@fags are gonna go silent forever or do you think they'll bitch and moan about how Yoshi is a hack when they inevitably get cucked beyond measure tonight?
Male viera is not happening user. Yoshida literally said Female viera would be genderlocked.
what are you going on about, true cats don't care because they are cats and have no intention of changing.
I've not been in this general for a few weeks now. Just passing by for the FanFest. What's the status on the "leaks"?
Anyone denying Hrothgar at this point is delusional. The only thing in question is what they look like beyond having manes.
Yeah, it's at 1:30 bongs.
Why couldn't we get dog or insect girls instead
Viera are so fucking lazy and everyone who wants them doesn't even actually want viera, they want tera elin
find out in 6 hours
As good as confirmed after the community stream revealed a G'raha Tia minion and the Hydatos glamour items were called coorectly, but male vierafags and female blessfag are hanging on until the very end.
It'll be glorious tonight.
Don't fucking group me in with pedos you faggot frogposter, I want tall Viera
I don't care about dog girls but I'd be on insect girls like flies on shit
>What's the status on the "leaks"?
Grinch levels of shitposting.
depends on how much you buy and your server
your viera better be brown
>tfw I already got what I wanted and I'm just grabbing popcorn to see either side get BTFO
That ain't even in question desu senpai
>male only bara furry race
I don't know if this is better or worse than male viera.
You didn't even play Final Fantasy nor the Tactics titles, someone that calls the lanky and obscure physique of a Viera lazy is nothing but a pleb.
Damn, two half-animal races and one of them is a cat race even though we already have one. This is kinda disappointing.
>Male bunny suit exists
That's already gayer/more degenerate than male viera could ever be, and if yoshi had that put in, he'd be just fine with male viera
>predictable ff11 gear from the ff11 content
>shown live on stream by mistake
>larping as a japanese worker and using the word "bara" to describe brawny cats
when will leakfags ever learn
I mean the shuisui set exists.
I am so tired of the furry community.
I did though
>lanky and obscure physique of a Viera
you mean the one they don't have in xiv?
their arms are too short
>starting gear is just fran
So Dancer is a DPS?
Don't worry user, you can make them L O N G.
beastmen are actually people. its the evil lalafells that coined that term
Male Roes aren't too bad usually. Its always the retards that play femroes that are the issues.
Prepare lots of reaction pics lads, we're gonna have a good laugh soon.
I kinda hope that they're melee support dps. So far we only have NIN
I'd say you should make a trip or a disposable discord so that we can have you on hand when you're inevitably wrong but we both know you'd be too much of a pussy to actually do that and you'll just disappear without a trace once they're announced
I'm so fucking ready dude, you have no idea.
The male members of the dev team were so uncomfortably making it they handed it off to the women. Do you honestly believe they'll give us male viera?
we don't even know if dancer is real
>you mean the one they don't have in xiv?
FFXIV Viera are not real Viera, they are Feol Viera.
You play as abomination race in new expansion.
> Kaiyoko having white knights
Don’t they know it’s a tranny?
everyone seething about male viera being playable.
Trannies hate them because they will be more popular because they are male and cute which they never have been.
Homophobes hate them because they aren't female only and a male bunny is "gay"
Barafags hate them as they won't be muscle dudes.
I should buy some boosts then, you know, for FC members maybe, i dont think i would boost anything, maybe Warrior or Monk, but even then, eh
or maybe I just don't want another shitter race like catboy
You realize how much fantasias they'd sell if they made a race that looks like astolfo?
>"plays SAM"
I get the joke but it's so dead and frankly i can DPS circles around a NIN + his trick attack, any decent SAM can, so it's just boorish to see at this point
they sell enough fanta to cats to fund games
Consider that Yoshi being evasive is a reason in itself to suspecr he wants them hush until the reveal, especially since this will be the first time they are physically seen in a final fantasy game
>Dead joke
>People still use it
SAM is bad and you should feel bad 5K parser.
BluFever was confirmed legit half an year ago user.
you mean playing a female race and pretending it's a trap?
because that is already a thing
>he thinks yoshida would miss an opportunity to use the phrase "WORLD DEBUT OF MALE VIERA"
Nigga come on, both you and I know he's a literal jew.
Then demand your money back for false advertisement. The starter editions are never named after the expansions.
lol metacuck
Everyone seems to forget we aren't meant to know about Hrothgar AT ALL. He's evasive because they're meant to be a surprise.
Yeah, so imagine if they had an ACTUAL trap race? people would swarm it.
Post your logs.
There is no reason to show them along with the females if a second race of also males and females was ready to be shown at JP fanfest.
what are the chances yoko taro will show up on stage?
>Starter Edition
>Shadow Bringers
Took this screen shot, but wondering how much trouble its going to be, if they give me starter edition codes instead of shadowbringers.
It's just a pre-order user. You have until late June to cancel.
Also this. The entire page is full of Shadowbringers info.
Kill both and achieve mortal equilibrium
Surprise isn't the right word. More like they waited for JP fanfest because there they won't get boo'd or "is this an early April Fool's joke?" antics.
They're fully expecting the backlash.
Yeah I'd be wary if I were you. Remember when someone asked Yoshi if we would ever go to Ala Mhigo before SB came out and he replied something like "we're making something that takes advantage of the MMO aspect of the game" and then it turned out they just made it a dungeon.
post ultimate clear
You're retarded, he would just say Viera are genderlocked, Right there and then like he did with BLU. There's no reason not to say that and be so evasive about male viera, he's baiting speculation.
Zodiark if it means I can put an end to Minfillia once and for all.
>barafags and shotafags are about to be unequivocally BTFO in a few hours
But he didnt? They didn't actually tell us BLU was limited until long after it was announced.
This is why he was evasive at EU fanfest
>he's baiting speculation
...To then reveal we're getting a new race entirely. Which is unexpected. Stop being stupid.
time remaining?
I won't get home until halfway through the presentation, don't blow the place up on me
Nigga are you retarded? they revealed BLU as the "first limited job" in the NEXT slide.
6:30pm PST
5 hours and 40 minutes
don't worry the mods will delete all the ffxiv threads tonight
likelihood of a half-hour delay due to technology issues?
>implying the jp community won't explode after they outright destroy their hopes
reminder jps have barely any idea about the leaks
it will be complete chaos in the official forum
Yeah on the forums and on pixiv. Not at the fanfest itself.
>implying jp care about anything but their catsluts and pedofells
This is how I know you're from the OF, only retards think the japanese are these nice and dainty people that don't make a fuss about shit.
based bugbro
>he thinks we're getting X race!
they'll make a fuss on forums, in public? fuck no.
Of course they will, they just won't boo and shout at the reveal itself.
Man oh man, jps may be polite in the real world but they are fucking savages on the internet, this will be a sight to remember.
I've lived in Japan. They will spew vitriol online that makes /pol/ look like a SJW hugbox. In public? Hell no.
Again with the Fyce. If this is some /vg/ drama go back there and stay there.
No one knows who the fuck this guy is talking about.
Blufever MIGHT have mistaken the new job for Dancer.
We know Dancer is the last job in development, Blufever didn't talk about it until six months after he leaked BLU and GNB, and had less info on it.
what the fuck is it with americans and typing gaia tier garbage in alliance chat