Let's have a JRPG thread!
What are you currently playing?
What are you looking forward to?
Favorite JRPG?
Post screenshots and lewds
Let's have a JRPG thread!
What are you currently playing?
What are you looking forward to?
Favorite JRPG?
Post screenshots and lewds
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DQ11 was great
>Post screenshots and lewds
I bought it on Steam, and I've been enjoying it so far (minus the terrible music and English VA). I had to turn down all music and removed voice acting, but I heard the new version for Switch will have Japanese VA and now I'm tempted to just drop it on PC and buy it on Switch instead... it's kind of annoying.
get the .nsp once it's out
What's that? I'm a retard.
game images for use on switch
Yeah I'm not gonna hack/mod my switch, I'm gonna skip on that.
Playing Shining Force 3 again. Been meaning to do a run through of all 3 games ever since the translation patch came out a few years ago.
>What are you currently playing?
No JRPGs recently. Too busy with other games.
>What are you looking forward to?
Ys IX and... that's about it, really? I can't even think of any cool JRPG announcements that have come out recently.
>Favorite JRPG?
Toss-up between Mother 3, FF6, and Chrono Trigger.
>Post screenshots and lewds
playing .hack//G.U. Last Recode. I'm on vol 2
Not looking forward to Granblue and SMT V?
Played this last month, loved it until the post game grind
Nope. I'm not a huge MegaTen fan and I'm not supporting a gacha IP.
There's nothing wrong with gacha games
>I'm not a huge MegaTen fan
Fair enough
>and I'm not supporting a gacha IP.
Why does it matter to you how a company gets money if they use it to make a good game?
Except, you know, the shitty F2P business model. The dull, cyclical gameplay. The boring character progression and crafting systems. The copious number of irrelevant playable party members. Gacha games suck, dude. Don't even give me that.
>Why does it matter to you how a company gets money if they use it to make a good game?
Cause gacha games suck and I'm not putting more cash into Cygames' coffers? They have plenty of other retards to do that for them.
I'm trying Dark Law, not digging it. I can't get into this thing so far.
I need to ask something, is Terranigma considered a JRPG?
You do know they are making an actual console game, right?
Yes, and I don't care cause I don't want to support Cygames as a company. What's so hard to understand about that?
Is there any of those cool images with lists of recommended games, for unpopular JRPGs? Fan translated or simply more overlooked stuff? I mean shit, everyone knows final fantasy, DQ, SMT or the mother series.
>What are you currently playing?
Almost at the end of Final Fantasy VI.
>the shitty F2P business model.
Which only affects you if you're retarded enough to spend money, or play specific predatory games with low rates. Most gacha games are totally fine playable without spending a single dime on it, and the majority of the player base actually does so.
>The dull, cyclical gameplay.
Depends on the game, don't play bad gacha games. Just like for every other genre.
>The boring character progression and crafting systems.
Same as above.
>The copious number of irrelevant playable party members.
Imagine you're playing a strategy game and complain about the copious number of 'irrelevant' types of units, where the whole point is to mix-and-match those units in the first place to make them relevant. That's how dumb you sound.
I used to think the same way as you did about Gacha, but then I realized I had just never played a gacha game before and I was just criticizing the bad ones over hearsay from other retards.
Repeat with me: there are good gacha games.
>What's so hard to understand about that?
The fact that you wouldn't play a game or give money to a company just because it was funded by gacha. There are worse ways for games to be funded, and JRPGs are already struggling with making money these days.
>complain about gacha game
>refuse to buy non-gacha games
>non-gacha games become less profitable
>company goes back to making more gacha games
Flawless plan, my dude.
CyGames stopped giving a fuck about Dragalia Lost because they said Nintendo wouldn't let them jew hard enough. That says all you need to know about CyGames.
just started glory of heracles 5 after finishing the first 4 (except snap story) in order
at least it pretends to be complicated, which is a breath of fresh air after 4 was one of those offensively easy JRPGs common to its era where it takes 0 effort to break the game over your knee and make even the final boss a joke
the body system was fun though, and the loli mummygirl was best girl by absolute miles
i miss her already
Did you bother getting all the Espers and Gogo and Umaro? I wouldn't blame you if you skipped the former. The auction house sucks.
>Most gacha games are totally fine playable without spending a single dime on it, and the majority of the player base actually does so.
I'm not talking about player behavior here.
>Depends on the game, don't play bad gacha games. Just like for every other genre.
Name me one gacha game that doesn't have any of the following:
>a material used for crafting and skill progression
>a material used for rolling characters and/or unlocking other content
>a crafting system which lets you sacrifice items and/or characters you roll to improve others
>daily events that facilitate grinding the aforementioned materials and upgrading your party
>special events every one in a while that contain unique characters, cosmetics, and/or equipment
>Imagine you're playing a strategy game and complain about the copious number of 'irrelevant' types of units, where the whole point is to mix-and-match those units in the first place to make them relevant.
In good strategy games, units are generally expandable mooks that you can send to their deaths cause it's the unit TYPE that counts, not each individual unit. This game forces you to custom tailor every unit individual, and let's be honest here. You're not gonna do that. You're gonna use the auto-equip feature, maybe change one or two items depending on the event/level, and move on with your day cause actually taking your time to meticulously micromanage every party member is tedious as fuck.
Now that Capcom went back to being good they should really try to resurrect Breath of Fire. 6 was essentially "let's find a shitty RPG and put a popular title on it".
>completely proving the point that he has no idea how gacha games work
Wew lads, we got him
What are some good jpgs to play on my phone?
Get yourself the Android Steam Link app and stream your Steam catalog directly to your phone. Works like a charm if you don't live in a 3rd world country with shitty data-capped internet.
I just finished Earthbound for the first time and really liked it. Is Mother 3 any better?
Try harder.
Depends on whether you liked the parodist nature of EB or wanted a more earnest attempt at storytelling.
Recommend me some good jrpgs.
What do you like? What have you already played?
The webm and I'm going to start a playthrough of rogue galaxy when i get home.
Recently just got back into playing jrpgs games again.
I guess I like waifus and action combat? persona 5 reawakened my love for jrpgs but it was more due to the passable story and great soundtrack, now I'm just trying to see what I missed.
Played the latest dragon quest but i don't know i just didn't click with it like persona not sure why. it's a very well polished game, looks nice probably has the better the story, has a talent tree allowing you greater development of your party I really don't know why I didn't like it more than p5 because for all categories except maybe art direction and music, it's on par or better than p5.
Then I might recommend Tales of Vesperia, it's a really good Tales of JRPG, I'm enjoying it a lot.
Radiant Historia and the first five Trails games.
Still plugging away at Xenoblade Chronicles X. Just hit lv60 and not sure what to do since I can't unlock lv5 data probes yet. My lv50 skell still dies frequently to anything above about lv60, too.
Playing the GBA version of FFIV right now.
Goddamn what a masterpiece. I get the issue with the party members coming and going without notice but outside of that it's pretty perfect. Everything is simple but has meaning and there's thought behind every choice. I want to go back: the game.
There is an orchestra patch for PC version.
The music still suck, though. Except for the ''ocean'' theme, and that one that plays in royal library.
>What are you currently playing
I have plenty that I need to finish but I'm going to focus on DQ11 for now.
>What are you looking forward to?
Not much, aside from SMTV
>Favorite JRPG
Chrono Trigger.
I'm gonna try and max out Zidane's Thievery and Quina's Frog Drop in Final Fantasy IX. Is it worth it?
Probably not.
>I'm trying Dark Law, not digging it
Where are you at?
Dark Law starts a bit slow and the dungeon crawling alternated to town quest might be a bit jarring for most people.
It begins to open up at around your fourth quest or so, when your character classes develop a bit and you can see the mechanical effects of branching, I personally really liked the classes and gameplay model, but it's a bit too dry for most people to enjoy, and the dungeon crawling in the cave can be tedious for most given how it's all setpieces and it's mandatory to unlock quests, given how they're locked behind your character levels.
I only have enough money for one game, should I get Persona 5 or Xenoblade 2?
Both interest me.
They are both excellent games. Persona 5 is more universally acclaimed and seems to be appealing to a broader type of audience. Xenoblade 2 has been a bit more controversial, and it takes way longer to actually get into the game (especially the battle gameplay). Up to chapter 3 the battles are very bland since it takes time to unlock all the features and party composition, but the endgame is really enjoyable gameplay-wise. Persona 5 is all around a great game from beginning to end (minus a few parts of some palaces/dungeons which can be very repetitive/frustrating).
Shadow Hearts: Covenant
It's not the first game in the series, but it's the best point of entry.
Been playing through the fire emblem series recently for the first time. Really liking Path of Radiance after Sacred Stones was just a less interesting rehash of the previous game.
Probably going to move to SMT after this. P3 and P5 are masterpieces and P4 is still good, but I've never played any mainline SMT. Would Nocturne be a good starting point?
Fav JRPG would probably be Persona 3
Love FFIV, was actually the first JRPG I truly put time into a few years ago
>GBA version
Uh-oh. I hope you're using the EU version, at least. The Japanese and US versions are both buggy as hell.
FF4 is kind of in a weird spot for me. I don't much like the story - especially all the bullshit death survivals - but there's something to be said about the pacing and balancing of the game. Well, until all the ports fucked it up by using the later FFs' ATB mechanics instead of the originals (FF4 DS notwithstanding).
Persona 5 is decent. Xenoblade 2 is one of the worst games ever made.
brainlet alert
What's the webm?
It's blue reflection. It's a really bland, boring, shitty game. Don't bother with it, trust me.
Please for the love of god stop using this fucking watch mojo thumbnail for the OP.
Playing Devil Summoner: Raidou vs. the Soulless Army
I’m looking forward to P5R news soon
Favorite JRPG is P5
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
No lewds
What are some best blade combos to do break - topple - launch - smash with?
Blue reflection and basically what said, it's only worth playing if you REALLY and i mean REALLY like magical girls, plot plays out like anime about magical girls, so (friendship) comes up a lot. it's got a combat system that's not shallow, more like you can see the deep end but the game never lets you near it.
It's not yuri bait despite what memers will tell you, and it's soundtrack is probably the best part of it.
Both are some of the best JRPGs of this generation; the former's good all around while the latter's a slow burn that gradually keeps on getting better like a snowball effect.
Buy whatever you think looks cool and you won't be disappointed.
Try the other Persona games and some SMT games
I am playing Radiant historia, in past thread one user said its good for new jrpg players, I am actually enjoying it and am currently on sand fortress, my fav jrpg is probably sumnon night swordcraft story or ff5.
Persona 5 by far
I find it kind of funny with Chie there and no Shulk.
How is it? I remember loving //IMOQ but //GU was full of edgelord assholes. (Yes I'm still bitter that the games that got the remaster weren't the ones that needed it more.)
Are you trying the DS version or the 3DS version?
Fair warning with the 3DS version there's a few extra quests behind an additional paywall.
P5 for the much better consistency, XBC2 for the much better payoff
Been playing Dark Cloud 2, it's such a good game. After I finish this I'll probably look into finally getting DQXI
I could only try DQXI for like 10 minutes, am I wrong in my assessment that the combat looks a bit weird? Almost like FFXII? Like I'm not used to walk around.
Persona 4 or Xenoblade 1
You don’t have to walk around, I rarely did it. And like most JRPGs it starts off with very few moves but it grows to a lot of abilities and stuff that you can customize and stuff. The story and characters get a lot more interesting about 5-6 hours in once you get to a place called Gallopolis
Persona 4
You can change the combat camera to classic mode.
>The Japanese and US versions are both buggy as hell.
How? I haven't noticed anything. I'm playing the GBA version because the SNES original FFII is gutted.
Play Persona 4
>How? I haven't noticed anything.
The JP and US versions of FF4 Advance had a turn-doubling bug, bugged accuracy for back row weapons, and a bunch of other stuff. Some of those got fixed in the EU release and further bug fixes were made in the PSP version, which uses the same mechanics. That being said, the balancing of the game kind of got screwed by the later versions using the FF5-FF7 iteration of ATB, which made "windups" to battle actions a lot shorter and made your party get a lot more turns in battle.
I didn't hear about a chart like that - silly idea, but you can start with the ones marked RPG on this pic. If you're in luck they'll be in English.
You could browse through doujingravity's RPG section.
Finished Labyrinth of Refrain today. The characters and story were really good, but the battle system and resource management could be so much better. Normal mobs were also way too easy, even on nightmare, while bosses killed a couple of your guys on the first turn. Especially the final boss.
Also holy shit when I accidentally came across this dude.
persona 5 was the goty of 2017. xenoblade is shovelware that you spend more time cringing at than playing. the choice is clear.
I've been playing tits SC, mostly. I'm also a few hours into dq11 and just started Ys 8, but I don't know if I'm really feeling them. Now I'm getting a hankering for Final Faggotry, I need to replay 8 and 9 and play 10 and 12.
I’m really close to finishing Mother 3, and after that I’m gonna start up FF6 or Chrono Trigger. I’m just trying to play old classics I have never played.
I’m also playing the Torna DLC for Xenoblade 2, and it’s pretty good.
>old classics never played
>Chrono Trigger
Ever play Live A Live then?