I can't be the only one who is hyped as fuck for this?
Finally there is a fun game to look forward to again.
I can't be the only one who is hyped as fuck for this?
what game?
Pronouns: The Gender Politics Bloodlines 2 Electric Boogaloo
never get excited for video games user
I assume one of the pronouns is male and being a character creator you can make your chad vampire
Once in a lifetime Yea Forums get's a sequel to the game that they've been praising 24/7 and suddenly everyone hates it and hopes that it will fail..
Yea Forums.. Yea Forums never changes.
I'm not hyped personally, but it would be nice to see a new game in WoD universe for sure. Hope they'll deliver at least 8/10.
They are shoehorning in SJW bullshit. It deserves to fail
>I can't be the only one who is hyped as fuck for this?
I hope you are. Literally nothing of the game has been shown, not a single screenshot and you're already hyped?
Like what?
Dude, the game have't even been released yet.
I will personally judge if there is SJW shit in it or not, when I'll see it.
And after all it's a role-playing game. If someone wan't to roleplay as a faggot - be my guest. It was always a game with character creator and some versatility (unlike Witcher with established MC for example).
I don't think that they'll remove roleplaying options for the rest of population and I'm sure that it will still be an 99% SJW free experience if you want it to be.
>Once in a lifetime Yea Forums get's a sequel to the game that they've been praising 24/7 and suddenly everyone hates it and hopes that it will fail..
>Yea Forums.. Yea Forums never changes.
I'm gonna play it no matter how it turns out. I love the first game and I'm too curious not to. It's like if Bethesda suddenly decided to make a new isometric Fallout. I would have to try it.
What if it's an epic store exclusive?
>Writers say they'll deal with contemporary politics the same was the original did back in 2004
>/pol/tards begin to seethe uncontrollably
How based can these devs be?
But bannerlord will release in 2020 as well.
The devs announced it will have a lot of SJW shit(like choosing your character's gender pronouns) and that they'll tone down the themes of the original game since they were so problematic.
Also, one of their lead writers is the bitch that got triggered over hotline miami 2
>more roleplay options
First stage : denial
Then why don't you just choose to have a male character? I mean, I'd understand if they added a whole lot of shit but removed "white" and "male" from being chosen, but unless that actually happens I don't see the big deal.
>It’s definitely taking political stances on what we think are right and wrong
>The developer is taking a refreshing approach of weaving politics into the game, both in terms of narrative and gameplay.
>Clooney says it’s central to Bloodlines 2 that the writers are actively taking a political stance in this sequel
>gender pronouns
>senior writer Cara Ellison
>Ellison [...] worked as a narrative consultant on 2016’s Dishonored 2.
>“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
>“It [VTMB] was a product of its time,” Ellison said of the first game. “It approached certain topics differently. How we look at stuff has matured since then.”
But user you don't get it its a jewish op to brainwash good straight white people into becoming degenerates.
Oh yeah, I forgot that there's a bar maid with huge tits in the original game who says she'll fuck you indefinitely if you kill the bar owner.
Stuff like that won't fly in 2020
As if their virtue signaling will stop there.
So are we to expect Dishonored 2-tier writing?
duuuuuuuuuuude im so hyped the game looks so sick. cant wait to see vampire tities again haha
>The devs announced it will have a lot of SJW shit(like choosing your character's gender pronouns)
Choose male. Or even don't choose a shit. It will be male by default most likely anyway. Here you go! SJW free! Thank me later.
>they'll tone down the themes of the original game since they
Nothing concrete, so at this point it's just a speculations. Developers talk lots of shit, but at the end no matter how lefty they are, they're still afraid to alienate their main playerbase, so all of the tough talk just ends with a few more RP options. And if you ask me, I got nothing against it.
>they're still afraid to alienate their main playerbase
Oh you sweet, sweet summer child.
I'm not worried that I won't be able to play a male, stop being disingenuous. That wasn't the issue.
>but at the end no matter how lefty they are, they're still afraid to alienate their main playerbase
The past couple of years have proven how wrong this is.
You can't argue it won't be hilarious, like heads in pool of radiance
Day 1 DLC so I’m not touching it with a ten foot pole on that reason alone
>SJW shitposting is already here
Classy. Every game is TORtanic in nu-Yea Forums
15 years is too long between. I don't expect anything but disappointment.
What do you mean? Uuuh, Sekiro just came out if you haven’t noticed. Or you’re playing western games only?
Played Andromeda recently. Yeah.. that famous SJW game!
Imagine my shock when I realized that it's possible to play through the whole game with a straight white dude that acts tough, smashes pussy and shoots locals.
I had a smile at "krogan womyn leader" moment, but aside from that I haven't got any problem with the game. There were a few mentions of gay people I guess, but that's about it.
There's no point of of not playing a game that my be really good just because there might be some minor SJW shit in it.
>we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
welp this game is dead
it's dead jim
Just like Thi4f or Baldurs Gate Siege of Dragonspears, right? What masterpieces we got!
Planescape was written by SJW
> it's possible to play through the whole game with a straight white dude that acts tough,
You really can't, though. I mean white and straight, yes. But not tough.
Pretty much all of the evil or hard choices you had in ME1 were gone and you're basically forced to play a sassy good guy effeminate.
Guys what the fuck do I do with this
No user didnt you hear? /pol/ says you have to hate it because gays
First Masquerade was full of SJW and pol agendas too. Somehow no one cares. I suppose /pol/ never played original.
>we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down
Why doi they have to "punch" at all?
Why not just make a good story and not pander to ideologies?
Loons have hijacked the industry
I hate it because of this
You are a fucking idiot, the original was the same.
Also from the website
>But can your allies answer why you were made, who’s pulling the strings, and who your real enemies are? Or will you be more concerned with what you can do to get ahead among the vampire elite? The choice is yours.
So you will be able to just be a "nazi" is you want
Sounds like a bunch of easy pandering to me.
They have to say that, doesnt mean anything.
why are you tripfagging
>says VTMB was a "product of it's time" like it's a bad thing
>thinks it needed to "mature"
How the fuck is anyone outside of resetera defending this shit?
They basically admit they want to remove what made VTMB the game it was because IT'S CURRENT YEAR.
they are toning down malks because they think they are insulting to real people with mental issues
>You really can't, though. I mean white and straight, yes. But not tough.
I would argue here. It's definitely not ME Renegade level and there was a few cheesy baked it moment, but screaming Liam at the end of his loyalty mission, because he acted like an irresponsible idiot, was priceless.
Few other moments are usually about shooting people and having a bar fight. It's not a Shepard, but not a 100% whiny bitch either.
Imagine roleplaying a tzimisce or egocentric tremere that uses royal "we" and insists everyone calls him "they".
>Once in a lifetime
you're two nu-Dude Sex, three nu-Tomb Raider, a Th4f, a Torment, and a hundred Kikestarter disappointments late for this
not that you'd know filthy redditor
>I can't be the only one who is hyped as fuck for this?
It's SJW shit with tranny pronouns. So yes, you are.
Deus Ex is probably the only game that receives as much praise as VtMB.
But hey.. HR definitely wasn't a disappointment for most of non autistic people. Even MD was a pure gameplay fun.
>The devs announced it will have a lot of SJW shit(like choosing your character's gender pronouns)
fine whatever, who cares, if you have a problem with that you got problems in general.
> and that they'll tone down the themes of the original game since they were so problematic.
not fine, not adressing "problematic" themes, or in this case, hush them up like they simply dont exist, is ignorance, and ignorance leads to fascism.
"world of darkness" is not pertaining to the lighting conditions.
It's a faggier version of sassy Hawke. If you like it then it's fine, but it isn't what I'd call a "tough" character.
>not fine, not adressing "problematic" themes, or in this case, hush them up like they simply dont exist, is ignorance, and ignorance leads to fascism.
This is probably the most retarded take on it.
The issue isn't that no taking these themes on doesn't somehow stave of fascism, you dipshit. These themes being explored is entirely what the setting is about, you have no vtm without psychopathic monsters dehumanizing their prey and being generally degenerate freaks.
I don't play shitty weebgames user.