Demon's Souls

Is this the worst mechanic ever implemented in a game?

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>tfw playing through Demon's Souls without an internet connection
>google what World Tendency is at a friends house

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It's good.
Just cryptic.

Its a good idea with poor implementation.

no its unironically one of the greatest

I think tying it to the online average was a mistake but overall I really liked it

>just fucked once all the worlds are black
What were they thinking?

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yes, it encouraged never using human form and needing to follow a fucking guide since everything is easily missable

Yes. Any mechanic that make a game more dynamic and random is good. It's almost nice that you don't know about it, because that makes it more puzzling and interesting.

I'm talking more about situations like this

You are fucking retarded, never become a game designer, not that you would ever be able to.

Yes, I get it: you like pop-up tutorials on everything and "press X to awesome."
Nobody on Yea Forums will ever design a game of note.

Ok, question for you all: should a wiki be required to fully experience a game?

I know some on Yea Forums lament the death of "secrets" and other shit in games, but nowadays with the level of datamining and other shit it seems like people don't really care for secrets much anymore. It might just be better to lay everything out in a manual so you don't have to look shit up when you get frustrated with something like World Tendency.

>Any mechanic that make a game more dynamic and random is good.

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No I don't, but if you think randomness and unexplained lack of feedback is always good in video games, you don't know shit

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hahahahahha yes, yes they have

You can beat the game without any knowledge of the things mentioned.
If you wan't to see everything, that's a different thing, just look up online.

You don't need pop-up tutorials. Games like Fire Emblem PoR had all the tutorials in a separate menu so you could go watch them if you wanted but otherwise you weren't bothered by them. A majority of people playing a popular game would look up the convoluted mechanics on some third-party site rather than spend hours of testing on their own.

You don't know shit. I like things like rare spawn or conditional mechanics. It wasn't even "random", it was just cryptic, but it was dynamic. Having a BP NPC start spawning was genuinely a great mechanic, especially since if you didn't understand why.
I get it, you need pop-up tutorials and NPCs to carve out every single thing in painstaking detail other than figuring out why yourself.

>Any mechanic that make a game more dynamic and random is good.

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t. got his ass handed by BP Satsuki

Dangertime was hilarious. I wish it occurred on every clash.

I guarantee you more than 90% of people found out how it works from someone else online rather than "figuring it out" themselves. Is it really so important to not have text accessible in your game when players are going to read it somewhere anyway?

>learns about DS mechanic in Sekiro thread
>immediately makes a new thread to talk down about something he doesn't understand
user, you ok?

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WT/CT isn't the sort of mechanic relevant to completing the game. It's like saying you need mechanics for some random conditional spawn.
Now if you needed to know it to progress, I would agree it's shit.

Well, they should read the fucking instruction manual because it's in there.

The Sekiro thread actually just reminded me of what a dumb mechanic it is and I wanted to talk about Demon's Souls instead because I've actually played that game

beat boss, suicide self in nexus so i dont fuck up and ruin chance to achieve perfect white tendency. It was a bad system.

whatever you gotta tell yourself senpai

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why do faggots still pretend world tendency is some kind of indecipherable mechanic

dying in body form or killing NPCs pushes it towards black
killing bosses or black phantom NPCs pushes it towards white

there's literally messages in the Nexus explaining this

It was to incentivize you to co-op.

You want me to go dig out my copy of Demons Souls or something? I'm this dude I was playing Demons Souls back in 2009

Why you trying so hard? You ain't gunna convince me, and "cred" doesn't matter here anyway.

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How can you possibly beat the game without dying if death is a core mechanic?

>implying my post was about DS or world tendency
>Implying that "Any mechanic that make a game more dynamic and random is good" wasn't one of the dumbest comments ever written in the history mankind.

I suppose I'm too autistic to be satisfied by simply reaching the end credits. I want to see the whole game.

I'm torn on this issue myself, because I do enjoy a sense of discovery and mastery, but at the same time in the game that I'd like to eventually develop, it seems pointless if it just pressures people to look stuff up. Maybe there's a balance of "unknown" and "frustrating" that I'd have to find. Probably why focus groups & testers are important.

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I guess you're right, I shouldn't really be replying to someone that has never played a videogame before anyway.

If you need clarification, just ask next time instead of making a passive-aggressive bitchpost

>no u
smooth move smooth-brain

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I just gave you clarification.

Why are you trying so hard dude? Just admit you've never played a videogame in your life, its Yea Forums lmao you don't have to impress us

> пyк


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Low IQ thread

But why are you still a bitch?