We're finally going home, bros
We're finally going home, bros
I thought the site has updated.
You got my hopes up for nothing.
Hopefully we see a good roster.
Hoping for Ukanlos, Zinogre, Narga/Barioth, Tigrex at the very least. Brachy and Agnaktor would be good too.
enjoy killing 5 monsters and then waiting for rehashed ones with different colours
god this fucking game is shit
You're getting Giadrome, Bulldrome, Cephadrome, Khezu, Plesioth, Yian Garuga and the Fatalis trio. Please enjoy.
T-Thanks Capcom...
>New weapons
>New monsters
>New areas
Get wrecked, Switch Bitch
Not him but I PLATINUMED the game and promptly stopped playing right after the first Kulve Taroth raid ended. Why should I go back when I bought ALL of the DLC up to that point and still I can't get everything because fuck you goy, should have been playing 24/7 365 days a year! Fuck this shitty piece of shit game 615 hours just to be spit on.
>615 hours just to be spit on.
You act like that's a bad thing, you clearly enjoyed the game enough to platinum it i did too and you'll still be buying Iceborne.
Narga/Tigrex are all but confirmed. Barioth is a possibility. Ukanlos/Akantor are just big Tigrexes.
Zinogre/Brachy are flagships, and I'm hoping that the anniversary art featuring HD renders of all Flagships (+Fatalis) means they're all in.
No fucl you bitch, don't you dare twitst my words. Answer the fucking question. Why should I go back knowing I can NEVER get those sets I missed? I did everything right and STILL got fucked over all because I like to be in the mood to play. Why do timed shitty events exist? It ruined everything. It's like coming home to a robbery.
Barioth uses the exact same skeleton as Narga, if Narga is in then he is too.
He's not talking about Generations games though.
You know the events constantly rotate? Unique ones usually return for special events too. The weapons and armors are usually shit anyway.
I hate this meme.
we are back home since world released retard
Heres hoping for Tigrex, Rajang and five different plesioths
>he doesn't fashion souls
I did tempered Elders using pre-order armor and a bone gunlance with randos constantly, most fun I've EVER had in MH. This is the only time in my entire life that I wish I could just buy them instead of being forced to play when I don't want to. It makes me sick to my stomach. They already got my money, why do they have to tame this from me? I don't like completing games online. I like to go online sometimes, but I got those trophies offline. I don't want to be told when to fucking play. I HATE MMOs
Rajang/Blangonga are a possibility, since Behemoth is actually kinda similar to them.
I'd like another siege fight, I find them super comfy especially Kulve/Zorah. Lao was always my biggest WTF moment when I first played MH1 online for the first time.
uhhh which sets have you missed user? you know those at elders and other quests come back every festival right?
I don't mind more giant monster fights. As long as they don't use the KT siege mechanics, and are just normal 4-player quests.
I missed every single event since KT raid 1. I even missed the Anniversary set. I'm don't want to wait another year. What if they change it next time? I'm just depressed when I think about it.
Ancient Leshen, especially after the last area nerf, is a super fun 4-players hunt.
>still no trailer
everyone is here
Ha ha no son, they will never even put in 1/116th the effort that Sakurai alone does.
I don't mean EVERY monster, just the flagships. I'd be happy without the fucking -dromes and such.
>he unironically likes smashit
I'm so sorry.
That was a render for the anniversary, they already said it doesn't confirm anything about Iceborne.
But those are 99% how Tigrex and Narga will look
That's the point, those are HD-renders of old monsters, which very well might be the ones used in Iceborne.
>MH threads are now territory of braindead wojakposters
Are you kidding me?
this meme only works with WoW, retard
They better use the Leshen skeleton for some new monster in Iceborne.
I didn't even buy it nigger, I can complement a man who works so goddamn hard that it affects his personal health though. Why don't they put in every monster though? Because they are greedy and lazy. Where in the fuck is Nibelsnarf?
fuck off newfag
I'm hoping for a 4U size roster.
I'll even that 2 Khazus to make it happen
Humanoid biped monster? Gajalaka King?
Wojackposters are still miles better than Snoy vs Nintendo 400 replies threads about "BING BING WAHOO" vs "MHGU WAS TRUE MH"
But I miss the old times
Isn't the Leshen skeleton just the normal human skeleton?
No way. 4U had 75, we'll probably have something more similar to 3U, with 55-60 monsters total
>MH threads are now territory of braindead
Always been, always will be
That or some kind of new Yeti like creature.
Give me Leviathans! BRING BACK LAGI!
>we'll gonna get Khezu over Gigginox again
Leviathans only really work underwater (duh, it's in their name). Lagi in Gen is just crocodile khezu. Well, Agnaktor kinda works on land, because that's how he was designed in the first place.
You dumb fucking bigger, they have a feat every season that unlocks ALL event quests.
Gigginox will never be in a MH game ever again
>fake, easier rank instead of G-Rank and 5 new monsters in one map
Yeah, fuck off shill.
W-when's the next one? Why would they have the anniversary set more than every year? I might actually go back soon if you aren't bluffing user.
I want an arctic lagi in the game
I'm fine with water combat coming back. I'm one of the few that actually didn't mind it.
It really should be coming back. They didnt do it great the first time, But thats no reason to throw the concept away
No word on the next seasonal event right now. Unless they announce a Easter/spring event or a summer one, we got nothing right now.
We'll probably get the same spring festival we had shortly after launch. I wouldn't see why they'd give us something entirely new when they should be working on Iceborne at this point.
>not going to fix trip threshold
>not going to fix absurd armor skill scaling. we're already hunting high rank monsters in g rank gear. we will just hunt g rank monsters in gear equivalent to a tier even higher than g rank
>5 new monsters. 5 recolors.
>pcfags and nintendofags ruining threads until pc version releases
>that one retarded faggot always asking if he should be shelling with GL
>load times will never get fixed
What's wrong with load times?
How would Worldbabs react to the likes of Brachydios, Glavenus, and Valstrax?
Does that mean they won't have all of the events in the next festival?
Shut up you shill, that will be nothing like MHFU
The festivals normally include the full updated event list. Assuming PC finally caught up to console for events, then I don't see a reason they wouldn't have all events. Outside of an event ending the week before the festival starts.
Right back at you fucking shill, where the fuck were you last year when I went online in MHFU and announced it in /mhg/? You left me hanging...
>majority of people who "beat" the game didnt play anything post-content
>they believe they have the right to give their opinion regarding Monster Hunter games
have fun waiting until Autumn, with your no endgame MHW
2 years later and they're still producing salt.
I'd prefer endgame over a game that never ends. Seriously though, fuck timed events.
i haven't played in ages, what was the witcher shit they added?
There is post content in MH?
I beat everything up to KT then dropped it. Fuck you rng event niggers.
as if worldbabs have anything else to talk about in their easy mode game
The salt is strong on this one.
I played until Behemoth and dropped this bitch
>my game isn't dead
>meanwhile your general keeps falling to page 8
Oh God oh god oh god, please PLEASE let Valstrax come to world
Yes but have you considered
Khezu vs. Gigginox Turf War
Glavenous is fucking based
Because world chads moved to discord where thry actually discuss the game. Have you seen the general? It's the same 4 pedophiles circle jerking over GU cartoon girls. Whose game is dead again? Lamoa
>using Discord
Well someone has to fuck those trannies, no?
Might actually buy MHW for PC if Iceborne's roster ends up looking good. I played it a bit on a friends ps4 and it was pretty cool. How quickly can I catch up?
>Have you seen the general?
I have, and I think you'd better go back there
Don't pressure yourself unnecessarily.
Anyone can catch up eventually.
It's not like Warframe where everything is blocked by timers and a gazillion copypaste missions.
Just enjoy the game alone, with friends or random groups.
Thanks. I think I'll wait on more news before buying though. GU is doing fine for my mh itch right now.